
--- Day changed Sat Dec 19 2009
kanzureshe doesn't have a sequencer, no00:02
kanzurealso, my head hurts00:02
* kanzure tries to go back to sleep00:02
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genehacker2perhaps you should you get a new head00:18
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katsmeow-afki long ago redefined "go to bed" as lay down and think of all the things you could be doing if you weren't in bed"00:22
genehacker2I became immune to sleep last week00:31
katsmeow-afkmust be nice00:31
katsmeow-afki just cannot sleep when i want, like praps an idle time at nite, or an hr here or there00:32
ybittrazodone helps00:41
* katsmeow-afk whips out googls00:43
katsmeow-afkin case i am depressed or anxious about sleeping?00:43
KrisCskill use  + sleep = learning01:21
fennwhy are you sampling where people click?01:22
fennoh too late01:23
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving..."]01:24
* fenn wonders when the spam stuff will get so boring he won't bother posting his progress01:34
fennhm kjmagnetics sent me a business card instead of a fridge magnet, odd01:42
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jasonwohlfahrtwhat what, who's out on the roadmap tonight?02:12
genehacker2just the usual02:23
genehacker2sleep immunity as in I can't sleep now02:24
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KrisCi'm beginning to believe there waa aomething missing from that video03:09
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fennhow is it both konsole and gnome-terminal get transparency totally wrong03:50
fennwell at least someone out there had the same idea as me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLz3IscAT3804:02
fennanother one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIT4MhZZCMs04:09
Utopiahnice, no IR or other marker? guess it requires more CPU then04:13
Utopiahhmmm is it using the GPU instead?04:14
Utopiah(huhu, would be nice to have OpenCV recognize patterns when you are tired and startup the coffee machine instantly ;)04:15
* fenn mumbles something about facehugger robots injecting caffeine directly into the brainstem04:19
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:40
JayDuggerWhat URL leads to the DIY laser cutter shown in the 2nd video of the SKDB presentation?07:40
JayDuggerGack. The whole presentation from hplus2009 needs a link dump.07:46
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kanzureJayDugger: pester fenn for the linkdump08:52
fennJayDugger: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb_presentation09:01
fennor just google for 'imajilon laser'09:02
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/cl-mill/ '09:04
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/cl-mill/ '09:04
kanzureCL-MILL is a CNC milling application generating G-Code, built in Common Lisp. I use this for all my CNC work, hope you find it useful or so.09:04
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/nycrled "This is a public NYCResistor group focused on LED projects." hahah09:04
JayDuggerDuh, "check google." I consider my wrist slapped.09:12
JayDuggerThank you.09:12
kanzureJayDugger: no there's actually a lot of links on the skdb_presentation page09:12
JayDuggerGack! Attention depletion warning. :)09:13
JayDuggerI've only so much time before my girlfriend awakes and my time no longer belongs to me.09:14
kanzuresounds like a bad relationship09:17
JayDuggerHeh. I exaggerate, at least a little.09:17
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jasonwohlfahrtWhat's up, dudes?09:28
jasonwohlfahrtYou there, bryan?09:29
jasonwohlfahrtim gonna talk to my father today to find out what day we can drive down and check out his machine shop09:32
jasonwohlfahrtI'll have to check, but maybe we can bring along a few other people09:33
kanzurethere's not many others09:33
kanzureright now i am very anti-people, and i think i was sick last night09:33
jasonwohlfahrtI see09:33
kanzurewoke up at midnight with this really intense pain in my head09:33
jasonwohlfahrtYeah, people can suck09:34
kanzuretime for some breakfast09:34
jasonwohlfahrtme too09:34
jasonwohlfahrtbe back in a bit09:34
Martynkanzure : Is that two scanners turned into a plotter?09:39
MartynOH!  Laser cutter .. neat09:40
kanzureheh eric hunting just watched the youtube videos :)09:42
kanzureguess he really is slow09:42
kanzurewho is our usability expert? what should gnusha.com have instead09:43
jasonwohlfahrtmade any progress on the cherrypy file, kanzure?09:43
kanzureno i've been sleeping since we last spoke09:44
jasonwohlfahrtcool, sleep is good :)09:44
kanzureuser authentication is working, but there's no registration09:44
MartynI'm playing with a 2 axis gantry this morning .. basically an old Flashcut CNC rig without the head.   EMC2 on linux is quite impressive09:46
kanzureis flashcut a brand?09:46
kanzuredave rauchwerk in our neck of the woods wants to go dumpster diving and auctiondiving for old cnc machines,09:47
MartynIt's also software and a control box / mill09:47
kanzuregut out their controllers, and replace it with emc2 compatible ware09:47
MartynMore power to him :)09:47
MartynI'm having all kinds of issues just getting this one to work.09:48
kanzureanything in particular?09:49
Martyn(I believe one of the control boards has fried)09:49
jasonwohlfahrthey kanzure, I might have an older tv for you soon, if you're interested09:49
kanzurewe have at least one emc developer in here09:49
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: dunno. let me think :)09:49
MartynOh, it's not software .. this is a hardware issue for sure09:49
jasonwohlfahrtit would be free, of course. but ill let you think on that09:49
Martynheh, someone here at the Riata complex was -throwing away- a 32" LCD screen09:49
MartynYeah, I asked what was wrong, and they said the backlight quit .. after which I pointed out it could be /fixed/09:50
jasonwohlfahrtand nice to meet you, martyn. don't believe we've met on here before09:50
MartynI hate people who would rather throw away something than try to get it repaired09:50
jasonwohlfahrtme too09:50
jasonwohlfahrtdumpster diving is where it's at09:50
MartynHey :)  Nice to 'meet' you as well.   I'm sure we'll meet soon enough in person09:51
Martyn(If you're in the Austin area)09:51
jasonwohlfahrti am. you can furnish an entire house out of dumpsters. met a guy once who did09:51
MartynWell, I don't dumpster dive anymore (used to back in the Silicon Valley, near the factories .. got a lot of Seagate hardware that way)09:51
MartynIn any case .. yeah, I fixed the TV and brought it back to my office to use as a monitor for presentations09:52
Martyn1920x1080p .. I mean .. sheesh!09:52
MartynGave him $40 for it, and I think it's the best $40 + $35 (for a new cold cathode tube) that I ever spent09:53
jasonwohlfahrtthat's awesome!09:53
Martynalthough installing the new backlight tube was, to be sure, not simple.  Those things are long, and very delicate09:53
jasonwohlfahrthmmm, still that's a mad bargain09:53
MartynYeah, these TV's are $400-500 new .. sometimes more than $800!09:54
jasonwohlfahrtwhen I live with my parents, my dad would go through my trash to make sure I didn't throw away anything that could still be used09:54
jasonwohlfahrtI used to be wasteful like that09:54
jasonwohlfahrthey bryan, do you archive all of the chat transcripts09:57
jasonwohlfahrtthere's been a few times where I wanted to save what had transpired, but forgot to09:57
jasonwohlfahrtvery cool, thanks09:58
kanzurejust for fun, a list of all links that we have sent back and forth: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplusroadmap-urls.txt09:58
MartynOh gods...09:58
MartynI'm sure there are LOLcats in there09:58
kanzureMartyn: i checked, and there's only lolcode.com09:59
kanzureand only four icanhascheezburger.com links09:59
jasonwohlfahrthaha, you just reminded me of my xmas gift for my mother09:59
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kanzurei'm getting HTTP 422 back from a server i'm playing with, "unprocessable entity"12:00
kanzurebut i'm not sending anything interesting to them12:00
kanzurestandard asci..12:00
kanzure11:46 < hlfshell> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/fubarlabs-live-stream we're participating in the synchronous hackathon and streaming live12:02
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-243-225.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]12:04
kanzureaubrey de grey emailed me :(12:07
kanzure"Hi Bryan,12:07
kanzureI've just been alerted to your transcript of my talk at the Irvine meeting:12:07
kanzureIt's... not very good. Not least, and this is how I was alerted to it, it contains a gross mis-representation of my view of the Methuselah Foundation. I'm sure you didn't intend anything, but this is not at all helpful."12:07
kanzure"I'm grateful for your efforts in getting such transcripts up, because I've done such things before and I know how much work it is, but it's really imperative that you run the draft by the speaker before putting it online."12:07
kanzure"If you direct me to the audio from which you did it, I will do some corrections at once, but in the meantime please take the current version down without delay, and le me know when you've done so."12:07
kanzurebut.. there was no audio12:08
genehacker2are you sure that's even aubrey?12:10
kanzureyeah we've emailed back and forth a few times12:10
kanzureaubrey@sens.org, adg2424, etc.12:10
kanzurehm there seems to be a direct proportion between the number of times i say 'bloody' in an email and how british the _receiver_ of my message is12:11
genehacker2you told him already?12:12
jasonwohlfahrtyum yum, just ate a frozen dinner that actually tasted good. I guess i'd rather not taste good when I'm frozen, lest some futuristic cannibals try to feast on my body12:26
kanzureQuantumG: do you have sutton on your shelf?12:28
genehacker2oh lol that orbo company is having an online demonstration today12:28
genehacker2it looks like they were able to get funding from stupid investors because they seem to have a pretty fancy website12:29
genehacker2stream offline12:31
genehacker2guess something went wrong...12:32
Utopiah(unrelated) any visualization of Google Books?12:36
Utopiahmore like a visual network explorer, maybe with position based on number of citations and color based on year12:39
Utopiah(eventually above the cover the most frequently used expressions)12:40
kanzureUtopiah: if you want to play with data, check out http://trendingtopics.org/12:40
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kanzurepeople to talk to: http://www.gnu.org/thankgnus/2009supporters.html13:11
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genehacker2hmmm... apparently a UT prof one a most cited award for some viral nano assembly stuff14:09
genehacker2fenn check this out:14:37
genehacker2this would make a perfect delivery UAV:http://www.anigrand.com/AA2037_XV-2.htm14:38
-!- mind|distracted is now known as mindspillage14:42
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ybityum, sushi16:04
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genehacker2eating raw fish ybit?16:36
ybitraw veggies16:44
ybitneeding some soy sauce16:44
QuantumGkanzure: sutton is in the mail, delivery next year probably17:28
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@ool-ad03fe34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:33
genehacker2who or what is this sutton you speak of?18:23
kanzurerocketry book19:36
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ybitkanzure: combining the localization thingy with internet 0 would make me happy23:20

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