
--- Day changed Sun Dec 20 2009
kanzureget back to work :p00:01
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kanzurehow is it that bre has this never-ending supply of people to do his bidding?08:15
kanzure(in particular i'm looking at the laser scanner group)08:15
kanzure.NET, srsly bre?08:15
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kanzuredoes anyone have some pcb files?17:28
kanzuregerber is it?17:30
fenngerber is not very editable17:31
fennusually the file name ends with .brd but that doesn't mean any particular format17:32
fenngerber = .grb17:32
fennor was it .gbr17:32
kanzurehello fenn17:34
kanzureyou shouldn't have said anything, because now i'm going to force you to tell more stories17:34
--- Log closed Sun Dec 20 17:42:18 2009
--- Log opened Sun Dec 20 17:48:45 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:48
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kanzureyummy: http://www.sunburst-design.com/papers/17:51
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:09
kanzurehello Martyn 18:17
kanzureare you also available on tuesday?18:18
genehacker2ask the reprap people18:19
genehacker2I'm sure they have some files18:19
kanzurereprap people have terrible files18:19
genehacker2*pcb files18:20
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/skdb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/18:20
Martynkanzure : Sort of .. I work pretty hard from 10a to 7pm18:32
Martynkanzure : The last time I tried to make a "lunch" meeting for hackspace, I got back to work at 2pm, and lost a lot of time18:33
MartynHmm?  what files?18:33
Martynkanzure : What time Tues?18:33
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kanzureMartyn: 11:30 at freebirds on south lamar and ben white18:55
kanzureybit, fenn: http://groups.google.com/group/gnusha but let's use openmanufacturing for now18:55
kanzurethere's also http://twitter.com/gnusha18:59
Martynkanzure : Yeek, that's all the way crosstown for me ( I work up near MoPac and Braker )19:02
kanzureout in the booonies huh19:03
MartynWell, it's where the tech companies are..19:04
kanzuretech? us south austin people just use sticks and stones19:04
Martynand more importantly, that thing that keeps me employed and paying all the mortgages19:04
-!- branstrom_ [n=branstro@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit ["Leaving..."]19:08
genehacker2don't you have an wifi airship?19:10
-!- branstrom [n=branstro@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap19:13
Martyngenehacker2 : That is supposed to help me get to a meeting, how?19:17
MartynIt's not like it would even fit in a door :)19:17
Martyn(even if I had it here in Austin)19:17
kanzurerussell232: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing if you wouldn't mind cross-posting the laserscanner stuff :)19:24
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ybitgnusha heckert?19:34
ybithows about just gnusha19:34
ybitheckert is the last name for the guy who created the gnu mascot19:34
kanzurei thought it was the name of the mascot too?19:43
kanzure"The logo for GNU is a gnu head. The well-known drawing was originally done by Etienne Suvasa. It appears in GNU software and in printed and electronic documentation for the GNU project, and is also used in Free Software Foundation materials.[16]"19:44
kanzurehuh. well nevermind19:44
kanzurefenn: etienne is in sf btw19:45
kanzurethe diybio email asking someone /else/ to update the wiki is either funny or sad19:57
Martyndiybio - SF?19:59
kanzureMartyn: SF is san francisco, where fenn is hanging out20:07
kanzurediybio is http://diybio.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio20:07
MartynOh, I /know/ the DIYBIO crowd :)20:41
MartynI was wondering if they had counterparts here in Austin20:42
MartynThey caused quite a stir by bringing a fridge to Noisebridge20:42
kanzurewe're their austin counterparts20:42
MartynWhat, you do biohacking as well?20:43
* kanzure nods20:43
kanzurehell yes :)20:43
kanzurea little of everything20:43
kanzurewe also have someone who wants to set up a chem lab at les' place20:43
Martyn*little shrug*20:43
kanzurebut yeah, i'm the annoying diybio guy: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/about (see "all time top posters" :/)20:44
MartynI think Tito holds that title20:45
kanzuretito just charges outrageous prices for pieces of plastic20:45
kanzurehave you met him in person? i have no idea who this guy is20:45
MartynI have. His relative lack of knowledge of biochemistry / molecular bio was ... underwhelming20:46
MartynI believe that biohacking is a wonderful thing, that needs to be treated with as much, if not more, respect than working with weaponry20:46
kanzureyou mean firearms?20:46
MartynI mean bombs20:46
MartynAnd no, I don't mean simple DNA extraction, or PCR replication experiments...20:47
kanzurethere's a lot of confusion about this20:47
MartynThose are fun educatinal tools..20:47
Martyneducational tools rather20:47
kanzureright, because some people say "hey look i'm doing bird watching, oh no i'm a diybio terrorist!"20:47
MartynOTOH, people who are busy actually performing recombinant splicing need to be more than just careful.20:48
kanzureis recombinant genetic engineering all that you are worried about?20:48
kanzureor is that just the upper limits of what you know ? 20:48
kanzureimagine i said that in a more friendly way20:48
Martynkanzure : My degree and program of study was in biochemistry and molecular bio20:48
kanzureah cool :)20:48
kanzurei'm surprised that people aren't worried about what's already out there20:49
kanzurei mean, this is why we have sick days, why we have hospitals and biology labs researching this shit20:49
MartynYep, my dad is the Chair of biochem at UC Santa Cruz .. so part of my responsibility growing up was partially helping him with his lab, being a TA, and playing with the tools.20:50
kanzurenepotism at its finest. i wish i had a biochem dad :)20:50
kanzurebut yeah,20:50
kanzurewhy are you worried about recombinant experiments?20:50
kanzurenature performs billions of those experiments each day- i.e. see agrobacterium and forms of cancer across the species20:51
kanzurewell, most cancers are mutations20:51
kanzurebut my point is that recombination is somewhat like a mutation or gene transfer 20:51
MartynI kind of got a huge respect for just how badly things can go wrong.   UCSC had an accidental release of the 'no-frost' bacteria for strawberries back in 1994 .. they found some of that strain's plasmids on strawberries as far away as Monterrey one year later.  Thank goodness that strain wasn't something harmful to the environment.20:52
Martyn(They were fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for the accidental release)20:52
kanzurewhat was the "accidental release" in particular20:52
kanzuresounds like they were doing an open field study?20:53
MartynThey were supposed to spray a crop growing inside a tent .. by a phenomenal screw-up, they sprayed a crop growing in a UC Agricultural field.20:53
kanzureyes humans can be quite stupid20:53
MartynYep, in this case .. it was tons of little things that all went wrong.20:53
MartynPoint is though, natural mutation is generally muted by disfunction.20:54
Martynrecombinant techniques end up having relatively high yields of viable organisms with gene sequences spliced in .. they work.  However, since they are engineered, there is ultimately someone who is responsible for having created and engineered the organism.20:55
MartynAka, when something goes wrong.20:55
MartynThese days, we're even starting to see custom sequences.20:55
kanzurei've done some custom synthesis20:56
kanzureer, custom sequences, i didn't do the synthesis itself20:56
MartynSo, I believe in -strong- controls on these kinds of experiments.   Unlike some fields of human endeavor ... organisms that are engineered replicate themselves quite well.20:56
kanzureyep always good to have a control group20:57
kanzurei kid, i kid20:57
Martynkanzure : Wait, you've worked for one of the very few companies in the world producing custom genetic sequences to develop specific protiens?20:57
kanzurei was working in a molecular biology lab on transcriptional logic20:57
kanzurewe weren't doing proteins20:57
MartynI'm familiar.20:58
kanzurebut yeah, definitely not a company20:58
MartynMy father works on something similar .. but his interest in cyanobacteria has waned and moved towards the archaebactera.20:59
MartynHe studies Rhodopsins, and other proton pumps and phototropic mechanisms21:00
kanzurerhodopsins are cool :)21:00
kanzurei guess you're familiar with all of the optogenetics literature then21:00
MartynI think his current field of study is almost exclusively the function of phototropin.  They have isolated it's structure .. pretty exciting stuff.21:00
MartynALL?  Hell no man .. I'm only human.21:01
genehacker2wait a minute so you're telling me there's some free no freeze plasmid out in the wild?21:01
Martyngenehacker2 : Correct.21:01
kanzureMartyn: http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/ get reading, human!21:01
Martynalthough it's believed to have been fully contained21:01
Martynkanzure : Naa . that's my father's bailywick21:01
MartynI keep up so that I can talk sensibly with him.21:01
Martyn(genius that I know him to be :)  He keeps me on my toes)21:02
kanzureed boyden's work with monkeys and laser-activated ion channels in the brain is pretty awesome21:02
genehacker2so that means the company that made it would have had an incentive not to release it if there weren't gene patents21:02
genehacker2he's doing primates now21:02
* kanzure nods 21:02
Martyngenehacker2 : !company .. it was post graduate work of someone at UCSC21:02
Martyn(in combination with another group at UC Davis)21:03
kanzurepost-graduate =~ phd?21:03
kanzurehey can you get us a reference to a paper on this?21:03
genehacker2so that's why they got sued?21:03
MartynNobody got sued.. they had to pay a fine to the NSF21:03
genehacker2sounds interesting to say the least21:03
Martyn a /massive/ fine21:03
MartynEnough that it closed two labs at UC Santa Cruz21:04
Martynkanzure : If I really put my mind to it, probably.   I don't exactly feel like trawling the UC archives.  You may be able to glean something from Google.21:04
kanzureyeah i just need a name21:05
kanzurei can fetch papers21:05
kanzurei don't like basing things off of heresy :)21:05
MartynAnd I really don't remember the name of the scientist offhand21:05
MartynIt's just one of those sad things that happens from time to time.21:05
MartynI know the actual bacteria -did- become a product21:05
MartynAFIK, even the orignal research predates my time in college .. 1988?21:07
genehacker2well if it involved NSF then there's probably records of the incident21:07
genehacker2unrelated but interesting21:08
MartynDelaying the onset of strawberry powdery mildew in fruit production fields planted with inoculum-free transplants.21:08
MartynPrincipal Investigators: D. Gubler, Plant Pathology, Davis; M. Nelson, Plant Pathology, Davis; N. C. Welch, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties; R. P. Buchner, UC Cooperative Extension, Shasta-Trinity Counties21:08
genehacker2getting warm21:09
kanzurethanks Martyn 21:09
MartynYou're welcome21:09
genehacker2oh there we go21:09
kanzurehuh, not on google scholar?21:10
Martyngenehacker2 : And that's back in 198721:10
genehacker2I look at everything21:10
Martyngenehacker2 : They finally did the experiment in 1994/199521:11
MartynNow, perhaps someone had an agenda .. and the tin-foil-hat people could make a case that the accidental release wasn't so accidental21:11
kanzureoh, no i was hoping for a paper about the "incident"21:11
Martynkanzure : I'll ask my father next time I talk to him.  He knew the student.21:11
kanzureokay cool21:11
MartynMeanwhile, I'm going to continue trying to figure out when my PCB's are going to make it here from China21:12
MartynI just got shipping notification from Shenzen21:12
kanzureif i told you i was building a pcb shop running off of an open source SMT machine, would you order from it?21:13
kanzureright here in the US of A21:13
MartynOnly if you could do 6 layer and more21:16
kanzurewhat exactly are you doing? :)21:17
Martynyeah, my little experimental boards have gotten pretty .. um .. upscale :)21:17
Martynhave you seen my last board for defcon?  (It was only 2 layers .. hee )21:17
kanzurebkero: still have your defcon dump?21:17
kanzuredrvolts hah21:17
MartynYep, that's my nickname21:18
kanzurewhy cc in particular? not that it's a terrible choice or anything21:18
kanzurecreative commons21:18
MartynDr. Tzapp is my partner-in-crime ..21:18
MartynCC because ardiuno/freeduino require it21:18
MartynI just made a mega3250 based version of this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lex53AY7Fmo&feature=player_embedded21:22
MartynThe original inspired me to make a cheaper copy .. adding a high resolution clock chip to it to make it accurate21:23
MartynPaul Pound's original one is .. frankly, a work of art21:25
kanzurepiece of art or work of art?21:26
Martynand he made it from an heirloom, it's a one-off21:28
MartynI made a schematic and board, and then Dr. Tzapp doing his usual amazing job of routing, made one that is meant to just be a naked PCB .. almost the same number of surface mount LED's too21:29
Martynbut it took 4 layers to make it all very neat and tidy.21:29
Martynwhen the PCB's arrive, they will be assembled over at Virtex .. off of Braker21:29
Martynthe final design is very different than what Paul made .. but he definitely inspired it :)   I'm working on an arduino library for the 'clockduino' and hopefully people will find fun things to do with it -other- than just have it be a watch21:30
Martynone person who works in the same building I'm in, has expressed an interest in turning one into a GPS locator.21:31
kanzurei have someone who would fall in love with you if you throw on some more fine-grained localization method21:33
kanzurelike wifi or bluetooth or such21:33
Martyn"throwing in" that kind of thing is expensive21:33
* kanzure nods21:33
kanzuremaybe non-surface-mount21:34
kanzuredo those exist? i haven't even checked21:34
kanzuremaybe something less extreme than a wifi usb dongle21:34
MartynDo you know how much it cost just to get 100 of these PCB's made?  (5x10 layup, routed w/ custom solder mask?)21:34
kanzurehonestly no, i've never ordered :(21:34
MartynOnce you factor in the cost of the components21:35
MartynThe microcontroller /alone/ is $4 each21:37
MartynA bluetooth chip that has the signal package is also pretty big.   So is a wifi one, and they use a LOT of power21:38
MartynOTOH, I left plenty of GPIO pins, the SPI, and i2c bus free and pads to solder to21:38
Martynso in theory you could buy something from digikey and attach it21:38
katsmeow-afkkanzure, if you can do 2 -4 layer, tpfq spacing, solder mask, and 4 day delivery?21:40
MartynThe hack the badge boards had a Bill of Materials (BOM) of about $24, were 4-up panelized, and the PCB's cost $52/panel ($13 each)21:41
Martynassembly added another $8 to each board.21:41
Martyn$45 each board, and there were four LEDs I had to turn around on each board21:42
Martyn(they were assembled incorrectly)21:42
MartynWell, I got the tracking information I need from DHL21:46
Martyn"estimated arrival date -- 1/4/2010"21:46
kanzuremy birthday21:46
kanzurei turn, "old"21:46
MartynSometimes it gets here faster, but the xmas holiday is going to put a crimp on international shipments21:47
kanzurefenn: your zeitgeistmovement has been sending lots of viewers to our presentation video21:53
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]21:55
genehacker2really you're getting zeitgeisters?21:55
genehacker2would you like me to wrangle some more?21:55
genehacker2the zeitgeist movement stuff is currently doing a burn through the internet21:56
kanzureheh just saw an ad for an automated pasta making machine. too bad i don't eat pasta..22:01
kanzureweird form factors22:01
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: would that make you say yes?22:04
katsmeow-afkused pasta machines? no, the specs and delivery of pcb, prolly would22:05
kanzureno not the pasta :)22:05
kanzurealthough.. free pasta on the side? dunno what people go for22:05
kanzuresounds like a market waiting to happen22:06
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, i don't believe the  zeitgeisters will change anything, and i can say that seeing as how this is my 16th xmas alone in a cold space i cannot heat22:08
genehacker2can't heat?22:09
genehacker2totally automatic pasta machine?22:10
katsmeow-afkdon't tellme that is too complicated to understand22:10
genehacker2does it turn co2, water, trace minerals, and energy into pasta?22:11
genehacker2do you have a computer and electricity?22:11
katsmeow-afkyeas, i have a computer and electricity22:12
genehacker2then you have a heater22:16
genehacker2run something computationally intensive22:17
* katsmeow-afk points to the 12 computers in this room that are plugged in,a nd the resulting $165 power bill if they are plugged in22:17
katsmeow-afkturned on22:17
kanzureif they are plugged in for how long?22:18
katsmeow-afklong enough to keep warm by?22:19
katsmeow-afki can make a bloody heater, i canot pay for using it22:19
katsmeow-afki bought 12 acres when it was cheap to have wood for free to keep warm, i lost that wood to neighbor's dogs, if you remember that fisaco22:19
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katsmeow-afki had started a cocentrating solar plant too, but that was shut down by threats of violence by epple tho thought it was a theat to society and stealing fromthe powerco22:21
katsmeow-afkso again, i am sittin gint he cold while they are partying merrily22:21
genehacker2did you just say started a concentrating solar plant and got shut down?22:26
katsmeow-afki did , large paraboic, steam piston engine, driving a generator , that sorta thing,, back property line is 1200ft, i had the room to do it22:27
genehacker2and you got shut down?22:28
genehacker2do you have the paperwork that shut you down?22:28
genehacker2if so then ask some environmentalist website with anti-corporate undertones for help22:28
katsmeow-afkno, it was verbal threats22:28
genehacker2oh well that works too22:28
genehacker2make a video and post it on youtube22:29
katsmeow-afkand i had hired a earthmover sorta of company to move a rock, and they tore up the pin i had set in concrete for the collector to pivot around,, and i gave up eventually22:29
genehacker2it worked against this one coal company whose employees harassed some protestors22:29
katsmeow-afkthe engine and the generator have since rusted up22:29
genehacker2that's messed up22:29
genehacker2what sort of threats?22:30
genehacker2how the heck is making your own power stealing from the powerco?22:31
katsmeow-afkthe beating of my ass, the incresed turning loose of rottwilers on me22:31
katsmeow-afkhell if i know22:31
genehacker2small town?22:31
katsmeow-afkyep, alafuckingbama small , and in the county22:32
genehacker2you could say some stuff about energy independence and not using middle eastern oil...22:35
katsmeow-afkand then they say i am against the war and anti-american22:35
katsmeow-afkwell, IE7 showed the page correctly, IE8 doesn't, FF still does22:36
genehacker2for some reason FF never shows thingiverse correctly for me22:36
kanzureshow screenshots22:37
kanzurei want to see what it is "displaying incorrectly"22:38
kanzure(why are you using thingiverse anyway?)22:39
* katsmeow-afk pokes genehacker nervously22:39
genehacker2why kanzure?22:42
genehacker2because skdb doesn't have the capabilities of thingiverse yet22:42
genehacker2and it's what the reprap people use22:43
kanzureactually skdb does have the capabilities of thingiverse22:43
genehacker2I wasn't aware of that22:44
genehacker2how do I upload files22:44
genehacker2this is what I see 22:49
kanzurehuh i just found myself in a google search result over here: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/histo322:51
kanzuregenehacker2: did you let the images load?22:51
genehacker2but they don't load22:52
kanzurewhat version of firefox?22:54
genehacker2the newest22:57
kanzureworks in 3.5.523:04
ybitgenehacker2: you must have some add-on preventing the images from loading23:11
randallagordonCline's reply on the DIYbio list... Top notch.23:13
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:18
kanzurejonathan sometimes shows up in here from time to time23:20
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ybitgo to http://irssi.org23:51
kanzureybit: why should i?23:51
ybiti found the 'How IRC should look" amusing23:51
kanzurewish it would load23:52

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