
--- Day changed Mon Dec 21 2009
kanzuref0r? who says f0r.00:09
ybitwho types in 1337 speak?00:09
ybitand i hackers would use otr or something like that if they had something secretive to share00:12
kanzurei never heard it as l33700:19
ybiti have never seen 1337 until now00:20
ybit"Leet, also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t."00:20
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kanzureit's never just l337, it's either l33t or 133700:23
kanzuregod i suck00:24
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bkerokanzure: Last years?  Yea, I have an ISO01:51
-!- mindspillage is now known as mind|wandering02:31
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fennwho is etienne?08:15
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:32
kanzurefenn: guy who drew the gnu for GNU08:40
fenni met peter eckersley from the EFF08:42
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Martynmorning kanzure, fenn08:51
MartynYou're up early fenn08:51
kanzuregrr netsplits08:51
kanzureloooks like we missed the deadline for the paper. was silly to think i could write my first paper in less than a week anyway..08:54
Martyn*raises eyebrow*09:03
MartynWhat conference?09:04
Martyn(and yeah, giving yourself one week for a paper is a bit .. tight)09:04
kanzurethe prof told me about it two wednesdays ago09:07
kanzuregot me a week extension on the deadline from the conference organizers09:07
kanzurebut even that wasn't enough09:07
kanzurehttp://designconference.org/ my bad09:08
kanzure"design2010" was the name on the wiki for the paper.. heh09:08
MartynOH!  I have a friend in SF that's going to that09:09
MartynIt's amazing how a place that was war torn just a few years ago, is now sufficiently recovered to host conferences09:09
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-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]09:26
-!- mind|wandering [n=kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]10:16
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:01
kanzurehey jay11:04
JayDuggerGood morning, Bryan.11:05
JayDuggerHave you had a chance to review any of the technical writing style guides I s ent?11:05
kanzureno, in fact i forgot about them11:05
JayDuggerNo worries.11:05
kanzurei have a few moments now however so i'll go do that11:06
JayDuggerI've a few minutes before bed, so if you've questions, please ask.11:06
kanzureflightsafety.com ?11:06
JayDuggerMy employer.11:06
kanzurethanks for the links. downloading the pdfs..11:07
JayDuggerNothing proprietary exists in the documents.11:07
JayDuggerGood technical documentation is an advantage, but not a competitive one.11:07
JayDuggerBy the time a customer has the manual, they've already bought the product or service. 11:08
kanzuredoes anyone in here have a preferred documentation markup method? restructuredtext never worked for me, and doxygen isn't quite right for my needs11:09
kanzurepreferably i need a nice, simple way to generate documentation and tutorials for python code11:09
kanzure(mostly the final look and feel)11:09
JayDuggerPast my experience. I worked mostly with Twiki mark-up and MS Word.11:10
kanzurecss for python.. not quite the functionality i had in mind: http://cthedot.de/cssutils/11:11
kanzureJayDugger: what do you do at flightsafety?11:16
JayDuggerI now work as a technician on flight simulators. I formerly worked for the manufacturing division, where I installed, set-up, and "certified" similar machines.11:17
JayDuggerThis involved some project management work, and some technical writing.11:18
kanzuremaybe i'll use http://sphinx.pocoo.org/11:18
JayDugger"Certified" means shepherding the machines through the regulatory authority's review, be that FAA, JAA, DOD, etc.11:19
kanzureheh i'm trying to imagine how much crap you have to go through re: installing them. proprietary interfaces everywhere?11:20
kanzurepoor documentation? etc.11:20
JayDuggerOh, wow...11:20
JayDuggerwhere to start with all the horror stories?11:20
JayDuggerIn aerospace, many formats and interfaces are well-established and well-documented, if proprietary.11:21
JayDuggerThe cost of substantial hardware, such as a multi-million dollar simulator, means paying off and then depreciating big capital assets can take many years.11:22
JayDuggerSo part obsolescence can cause real problems.11:22
JayDuggerI work mainly on the visual systems of the simulators, and these have finally gone over to COTS hardware.11:22
JayDuggerCommericial Off The Shelf, or NVidia graphics cards instead of custom electronics.11:23
JayDuggerSo that's mostly not a problem on newer machinery. Even the machine vision systems they use for auto-maintenance will soon go over to high-end digital cameras.11:24
JayDuggerCanon G10s and G11's cost much less and work better than the odd cameras we formerly used.11:24
kanzurewhat are they looking at with the auto maintenance vision systems?11:26
JayDuggerA typical high-end flight simulator uses multiple video projectors to shine onto a single screen with a toroidal surface section.11:27
JayDuggerUntil very recently, these projectors used red, green, and blue CRTs.11:27
JayDuggerIf each CRT didn't shine at the same  brightness for the same ordered video level, the overall color of the image would change across the image.11:28
JayDuggerMaintaining color matching was one job of the machine vision system.11:29
JayDuggerConvergence, or making certain that each projected image had the same size and shape as the others, also relied on a machine vision system.11:30
JayDuggerIn that case, a test pattern was ordered and its location measured by the machine vision system. Any error between the ordered and measured position was used to make corrections to the video signal.11:31
JayDuggerNothing that couldn't be done by human, but much faster, more accurate, and more consistent when done by machien.11:31
JayDuggermachine, even.11:32
JayDugger"Yes, I can dig a hole, but I'd rather use a shovel," if you like.11:32
kanzureCIA-52: ping?11:36
JayDuggerGood night, all.11:41
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xp_prgkanzure I have connected an arduino to a tmobile g1, it handles all the wifi etc...13:11
xp_prgit is going to be far cheaper than the zigbee garbage your trying to do13:11
kanzurenah it's not me who's using zigbee13:11
kanzurea friend of a friend.. i told them arduino too :)13:12
xp_prgkanzure I can't figure out what plant cell is best to use for my bioprinting13:15
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genehacker2a arduino connected to a tmobile?15:45
genehacker2can you get it to send data over the phone networks, say pictures and stuff?15:46
kanzureanyone know about purchasing plastic injection machines? tim schmidt needs some help15:53
kanzureor plastic extrusions15:54
genehacker2try #reprap16:21
genehacker2one guy there knows16:21
genehacker2is tim going to injection mold some reprap parts?16:25
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xp_prggenehacker2 yes17:11
xp_prgkanzure there is a vacuum plastic former at the Tech Shop I have access to17:12
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:15
-!- rmond [n=strages@c-76-29-243-225.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:44
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-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:08
-!- CubeSpawn [n=cubespaw@cpe-72-181-11-254.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:45
CubeSpawnany live lifeforms present? or just empty shells?18:46
genehacker2I guess I'm a lifeform18:47
genehacker2not sure about you though18:47
CubeSpawnor a cleverly written script...18:47
genehacker2also remember kanzure's a human18:47
CubeSpawnme, I'm a mutated game AI18:47
genehacker2though several people have thought he was a robot18:48
CubeSpawnwell crush the squishy protien things...18:48
CubeSpawnjust found an expieremental (sp) investment group18:49
genehacker2for your cube thing?18:50
CubeSpawnand since the hot topic in the open hardware today was sale-able products18:50
CubeSpawnactually wierder than that - they want to fund several projects with overlapping objectives18:51
CubeSpawnso if skdb could be applied to cubespawn to build a pick and place system someone else wants it'd qualify as a candidate for thier program18:52
genehacker2I have stl's for a pick and place toolhead for reprap darwing18:52
genehacker2I should probably post em on thingiverse...18:52
CubeSpawnkewl! does it work?18:53
genehacker2I don't know18:53
genehacker2I don't have a darwin18:53
genehacker2only parts for one18:53
CubeSpawnah, that18:53
genehacker2only works for SMD18:53
CubeSpawnI built a mcwire, but after about 80% I quit and started cubespawn18:54
genehacker2argh, that's what everyone does making mcwires18:54
CubeSpawnit turns out to have substantial flaws18:54
CubeSpawnits a nice idea, but not so much... (usefulness, I mean)18:55
genehacker2what substantial flaws?18:55
genehacker2if so write em up so people can know not to build mcwire's18:55
CubeSpawnflimsy, too light, poorly balanced, inaccurate, unreliable...18:56
genehacker2so you hope to solve those problems with cubespawn?18:56
CubeSpawnI used to run a 8000lb mill, so I'm a little biased18:57
CubeSpawnsome of them18:57
CubeSpawnit'll still be too weak in gen one, but thats a cost tradeoff18:57
CubeSpawnthe one meter cube will be a true light milling machine18:58
CubeSpawnadequate for any aluminum part you'd care to name18:58
CubeSpawnbut for a medium duty mill - it'll require parts made on a surface grinder - and then it'll take a while to get to even low end accuracy when compared to commercial versions19:00
CubeSpawntoo many non-trivial problems to solve to get there all at once19:00
CubeSpawnbut the light mill? that one we can do!!19:01
QuantumGhey cubespawn19:02
CubeSpawnwhats up QuantumG?19:04
QuantumGsaw your concept a few weeks ago.. we talked about it here briefly..19:05
CubeSpawnright! whats on your mind?19:05
QuantumGnothing :)  just thought I'd say hi19:05
CubeSpawnoh, kewl!19:05
CubeSpawnhow are your 16 kids? and the goldfish?19:06
QuantumGheh, no kids.. goldfish are good.19:06
CubeSpawnoh, that wasn't you... (heh)19:06
CubeSpawnso mr Kanzure isn't about, he just botted up the room, minimized the window and is coding like a mad man... or something19:09
QuantumGI'm watching "This Week In Space" again in an attempt to find anything I can like19:09
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:14
Martynhey all19:15
kanzureCubeSpawn: http://designfiles.org/packages/19:22
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kanzureCubeSpawn: heekscad19:31
MartynDan Heeks!19:32
MartynHe rocks :)19:32
MartynI ressurected some open source code off of Sourceforge for him a while back.  The adaptive clearing algorithms19:32
ybiter, where's a simple place for people to browse for bio and chem supplies? supposedly you are supposed to purchase stuff for other people during the holidays, so i need a place for people to shop for me...19:42
ybitmicroscopes, hot plates, flasks, etc..19:42
QuantumGexpect to get a Mr Toys My First Microscope19:42
ybityeah, preferably some place that has gift certificates19:43
ybitharborfreight.com has been suggested to me by some friend...19:45
Martynyou want scientific equipment?  labx.com19:47
Martynedmund scientific19:47
xp_prgcan github host private source code projects?19:48
kanzurexp_prg: if you pay19:49
kanzureCubeSpawn: http://heybryan.org:8081/19:49
QuantumGsurely pushing to your own private web server is a better option19:49
ybitthanks Martyn, i forgot about 'ol labx19:54
CubeSpawnok, I now begin to play with heekscad </social mode=off>20:01
kanzurefyi my site is going down for a few minutes20:03
CubeSpawnsee you all later, have a good one!!20:06
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ybitanyone read 'the evolution and development of the universe'? it loks decent20:18
kanzuredoesn't john smart run evodevouniverse.com?20:21
ybitdunno, you linked to it the other day20:22
ybitthat's me attempting to download all the images which make up the metabolic pathways image20:22
ybit$2 for 1000 captchas, not a bad deal20:23
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ybitwhere is the source for booleano?20:42
ybitkanzure ^ i suppose this is specific to you20:42
ybitaha https://launchpad.net/booleano20:43
kanzurecubespawn was claiming he could do skp->iges but he was wrong21:08
MartynHow can you possibly do that conversion?21:09
MartynYou can -import- iges to sketchup, certainly21:10
Martynbut.. um.. export?21:10
MartynBetter question .. why would you want to use the old 80 column iges format?21:11
kanzureheh :)21:17
kanzurei think he misread anyway21:17
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kanzurehello fenn22:14
fenni'm asleep22:14
kanzureare you really22:16
kanzureoh shit22:18
kanzurekim peek died22:18
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow22:23

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