
--- Day changed Mon Jan 04 2010
fennnow if only i could stack up screen .. screens00:00
genehackerfenn why not wear shutter glasses so you could stack more00:01
genehackerIE by displaying them in 3d00:01
genehackerwait a second are you using internet on an airplane fenn?00:02
fenni'd rather not wear shutter glasses00:03
fenni do want to do a 3d effect by headtracking with the webcam00:03
fennwould need an ir led though because it's too slow00:03
genehackershutter glasses + head tracking + hand tracker= incredibly awesome 00:04
genehackerI once paid a visit to the 3d visualization lab in the aerospace building and they have a setup as described above00:05
genehackerit's amazing00:05
genehackerare you flying within the US?00:07
genehackerto a location in the US?00:07
fenni'm going from DC to SF00:08
genehackerhave fun during the last hour of the flight00:09
fennin utah, arrive at midnight PST (2am texas time)00:09
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Aliksbooted for a minute00:11
fenngenehacker: i saw avatar 3d with cross polarized projectors and there was zero crosstalk even with the disposable glasses they hand out00:32
fennshutter glasses always seem to break somehow00:33
fenni'd think a slight modification at the factory could make a workable cross polarized LCD screen00:34
fennbasically add another layer of liquid crystal00:35
fennit wouldnt even need any pixels00:35
fennactually you could do it as an aftermarket add-on00:37
fennof course this does the job for 0.0001% the cost: http://individual.utoronto.ca/iizuka/research/cellophane.htm00:42
fennif you dont mind losing half the srreen00:43
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QuantumGabout about t=15m there's a demo01:24
QuantumGerr, at about01:24
QuantumG105ft balloon drop01:24
MrClifI saw a 3D LCD display at frys last year.01:36
QuantumGsome cool robots01:52
bkerofenn: They're using a circular polarizer, not linear02:04
ybitkanzure: congrats on making it to 2002:05
ybitfenn: can i has room?02:05
bkerokanzure: gg02:05
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UtopiahAliks: since you seemed interested in computational chemistry you might be interested in Voronoi diagrams and http://www.ebookshare.net/professional-and-technical/Hierarchical-Voronoi-Graphs-Jan-2010-eBook-ELOHiM-8052.html )06:06
kristianpaulUtopiah: thanks, i remenber get that video, i could not saw it continuis due my poor concection07:00
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genehackerwell this feels weird10:32
genehackerI just my wisdom teeth removed10:32
genehackeranyone know how I can cryopreserve my wisdom teeth using only supplies bought at a supermarket10:34
Trooemwell, it's a teeth so... i guess you can be a little more rough with it10:40
kanzurecrap i'm so behind on email10:40
Trooemi would... put the teeth around a gelatin substance of sort. like jelly.10:42
Trooemthen freeze it in very very low temperature. instantly.10:42
Trooemno damage that way. mwa hahahahaha10:42
Trooemwhy would you want your wisdom teeth10:43
kanzurestem cells10:46
genehackernot sure it's worth it though10:46
genehackerthere are adult stem cells in bone marrow and...10:46
genehackerso it seems I have mostly full mental capacity as determined by a reaction time test10:48
kanzurethat's what i thought too10:48
kanzurebut i was wrong10:48
genehackerok, please remind me if I seem to be something crazy10:49
genehackerlike trying to do diy stem cell preservation...10:50
genehackerdo you think it is worth it10:50
genehackerHappy Birthday Kanzure10:52
Trooemthere are many ways to get stem cells...10:54
Trooemfrom others.10:54
Trooemespecially in Asia..10:54
genehackerbut stem cells from others people have problems10:54
Trooemwonder if i should be saving my young blood right now for future cloning... hmm10:55
kanzurehttp://biocurious.org/ SF / bay area biology-oriented hackerspace10:55
Trooemjust remove the 'o' there in every word.10:56
TrooemROFL who came up with that name anyways10:56
Trooemhmmm hhmm excuse my sense of humour10:57
TrooemSan Francisco is a nice place...10:57
TrooemPeople ought to live in warm weather.10:57
Trooemand around nice architecture.10:57
Trooemdesign that is10:57
Trooemdamn Canada looks like it's full of shacks10:58
genehackerwell that's lame wisdom teeth stem cells aren't that good for much10:58
genehackerreally only curing advanced gingivitis11:00
* Trooem is watching land of the lost.11:01
Trooembecause will ferrel is an asshole i want to beat up11:01
Trooemim just bored out of my mind11:02
Trooemi'm buying a Kindle DX11:02
Trooemshould I?11:03
Trooemalso buying... Sony Vaio X11:03
Trooemfor it's lightweight...ness11:03
Trooemprobably a bad idea for it's price..11:03
Trooemi am so...11:03
Trooemi would also like to buy a girl online11:04
Trooemwives for sale11:04
Trooemwondering if it works...11:04
genehackerbuy the barnes and noble thing it's being hacked like crazy11:04
genehackerso that would explain your recent trip to korea?11:04
Trooemi'm looking for large screens..11:04
Trooemwow dude how did you know that?11:05
Trooemkanzure. dont tell on me~11:05
Trooemmy recent trip to korea was because... i haven't been there for 10 years.11:05
genehackeryour IP address was in korea, were you perhaps on a visit to seoul?11:05
Trooemlived there for year and a half11:06
Trooemnow in canada11:06
genehackerthe university there?11:06
Trooemthe university there isn't so great... 11:06
Trooempeople are lot of education, doesn't mean they have knowledge :(11:06
Trooemthere is a difference...11:07
Trooemguess it's because korea isn't part of the anglosphere. where information is in english- it's just as not creative or abundant11:07
Trooemthe flow of info11:07
genehackerhad a friend who went there recently on an exchange program11:07
kanzuretoo many people11:07
kanzureat the very bottom, does anyone know any of those people?11:07
Trooemno... i have the best name that all connects on the keyboard. dont write it here.11:09
Trooemit all connects in one area. ahahahahha11:09
Trooemmy name.11:10
Trooemif typed on keyboard. the buttons all connect on one area11:11
Trooemwithin the keyboard11:11
kanzurei think "y" is supposed to be typed by the left hand :( sorry11:11
Trooemno way it's right side... one hand :(11:11
Trooemreally nice bag11:12
kanzureoh wait i think i know who michael yamashita is11:12
kanzurehe's from livly11:12
kanzurei met him in person11:12
genehackerdo you have cad files for that bag?11:12
kanzurewait, no11:13
kanzurewell there goes that idea11:13
Trooemi'm selling shit on ebay!11:14
Trooemmwa hahahaa11:15
Trooemjust sold sony PRS-50511:16
Trooemfor 17011:16
Trooemi think i'm gonna trade that sony UMPC for the bag up there. ROFL11:17
Trooemsell it off and buy it.11:17
Trooemthe bag appears to be custom hand made...11:17
Trooemlistening to:11:17
TrooemCastlevania Symphony of the night video walkthrough...11:18
Trooemthe voice actors are cool11:18
* Trooem "What need for the shepard when the wolves have all gone?"11:18
genehackerhandmade as in inefficiently made?11:21
Trooemsure... what makes it beautiful.11:22
Trooemone of a kind aye? LOL11:22
genehackerwho cares if it isn't one of a kind, it only matters that it does it's job11:24
Trooemthe leather bag is very very... flat11:26
Trooemi like that11:26
Trooemi am........... drunk11:57
* Trooem is drunk and happy.11:57
kanzurehas anyone on an i386/i686 tested the pythonocc-0.3.deb file i uploaded?13:18
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ybitkanzure: yeah, i tested it the other day when you mentioned it13:33
ybitlet me replicate the error13:33
kanzuredid it work?13:34
kanzureblah, errors13:34
kanzurewell that's a useless error13:35
kanzuretechnically i didn't use any md5 hashes13:35
kanzureso maybe i should go generate those for all of the files13:35
kanzurei'm guessing this is why it thinks it's corrupt13:35
ybitlame, the uni here blocks torrent sites13:38
ybitreason: p2p/file-sharing13:38
ybitas if browsing the web isn't file sharing13:38
ybitkanzure: am i moving in or what? i need to let these guys know13:39
kanzurefenn: are you alive?13:39
kanzureybit: i don't know what to tell you13:44
kanzurei guess the answer is yes13:44
ybithm, well, i'll wait to hear back from fenn, before packing13:51
fennwhat's going on?14:09
fennybit did your job in LA fall through?14:10
fennybit: well anyway i dont mind if you stay in the room as i probably won't be back :\14:17
kristianpaulany one knows some open source versio of this http://www.vernier.com/probes/gc-mini.html ?14:20
kristianpaulweill be neat !14:20
kristianpaulwill be neat !14:20
fennkristianpaul: i've never seen any open source GC14:22
fennmaybe you should make one14:22
kristianpauli wish i know how14:22
fenni sort of wonder what the "advanced MEMS GC chip technology" is supposed to do14:23
fennsince it uses a stainless steel column14:23
kristianpauli found this http://openwetware.org/wiki/Citizen_Science/Open_Spectrophotometer_Project14:26
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fennkristianpaul: that thing sucks. this is much better: http://sci-toys.com/scitoys/scitoys/light/spectrograph/spectrograph.html14:51
Trooemanybody got suggestions on how i can study chemistry, apart from learning from... online tutor sites such as koofers.com?15:54
Trooemany methods and tactics would be appreciated.15:54
Trooemshall i enter forums and ask around, network?15:54
QuantumGthere's some online course materials15:55
QuantumGbut chemistry is a billion facts with very little theory15:56
kanzureTrooem: http://meta-synthesis.com/15:59
kanzurein particular see the chemogenesis s web book15:59
Trooemthanks i'll look into that...16:02
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kanzurehey danielcc 16:07
danielcchey hey hey16:07
kanzureoh! it wasn't freenode16:07
kanzurefreenet was the name of it16:07
danielccthats it!!!16:08
danielcclike i said i heard it to be the king of cp16:08
danielccit basicly made your actions hard to track16:08
danielccwith this idea you would just set your router to link to other routers in the area so you can have a huge network and just talk off of that16:09
kanzurebut you said it wasn't a mesh for some reason?16:09
kanzurei mean it sounds like a mesh16:09
danielccmaybe it is...16:10
danielcci always thought that to be more of a cloud...16:10
kanzureeventually i need to get back to the cnc design work16:10
danielcccloud mesh web16:10
kanzurecan't seem to track down jorge barrera anywhere16:10
danielccwell it is your main focus...16:10
kristianpaulfenn: thats better indeed16:10
kanzuredanielcc: have you heard about the ronja project? point to point optical interconnect16:11
danielccnope... its sounds interesting though16:11
danielccbut not the idea i had in mind16:12
danielccthese wouldnt be hard to build16:13
danielccthe main problem with this would be the fact you could not connect to multiple access points with one tranciever 16:15
QuantumGya can16:15
QuantumGthere's linux drivers to do just that16:15
kanzureer which one are you talking about trey? which project16:16
danielccit appears the angle of view on these things are small16:17
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ybiter, just click packages link17:30
kanzureso should i go to ucla for outlaw biology?17:43
kanzureto talk17:43
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ybitkanzure: where are the 80/20 step/iges files?18:04
ybitkanzure: if you can afford it, the last talk brought in quite a few more people18:04
kanzureyes but they don't do anything :(18:04
kanzurethe files were found on 3dcontentcentral18:05
kanzuredur? http://www.lawsofform.org/lof.html blah18:15
parolang`You know, I just googled for skdb.  First hit was the serial killer database.  Potential ambiguity :)18:33
kanzureyeah :(18:37
parolang`Yeah, found it in the topic.18:37
kanzuredoes anyone know a search engine that returns RSS feed URLs as the result?18:44
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QuantumGbest poll on the internet18:48
kanzurehttp://search4rss.com/ is good but has no API18:50
QuantumGbtw, this is why I think everyone (on Slashdot) is an idiot http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1497216&cid=3064857418:57
parolang`Good thing you don't post on Slashdot then :)18:59
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fennis livly/biocurious the same space?19:28
fennor maybe it doesn't exist yet19:29
kanzuredoesn't seem to be the same space, no19:29
kanzure"Fetched 29.0kB in 2min 29s (194B/s)" joyay19:30
fennkanzure: could you powercycle my tubputer?19:31
fennunder the bookshelf19:31
fennthere's a dangly plastic bit with a pushbutton switch on it19:32
* fenn has some "lite" eggnog.. damn californians19:32
kanzureyour tub is probably going to be inaccessible for a while19:33
kanzurethe internet connection is really really slow19:33
kanzurehm it was off19:34
fennyour internet is going at 200 baud?19:51
* fenn picks up the phone and makes swooshing noises19:52
kanzureneat, quantification of mutation rates over 30 geenrations http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sci;327/5961/9220:08
kanzurehm the connection just picked up significantly (ok, it's not much better)20:10
kristianpaulkanzure: what is for python-pysco ?20:48
kristianpaulin skdb20:48
kanzurepython-ysco is not required, actually20:49
kristianpaulok, so is not fault about skdb not work well on my machine20:53
kristianpaulis not its fault*20:53
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kanzurewhat do you mean skdb doesn't work well?20:55
kristianpaulkanzure: help to test it please20:58
kristianpauli think something is not working as it should20:58
kanzurei don't know what you're trying to do21:00
kristianpauli dont what can i do actually21:01
kristianpauldont know*21:01
kanzurewell you can run paths.py if you want21:01
kanzureit shows a 3D visualization of an assembly of different CAD parts21:01
kristianpaulpaul@micro:~/local/code2/skdb$ python paths.py 21:02
kristianpaulDisplay3d class initialization starting ...21:02
kristianpaulGraphic device created.21:02
kristianpaulXw_Window created.21:02
kristianpaulViewer created.21:02
kristianpaulInteractive context created.21:02
kristianpaulDisplay3d class successfully initialized.21:02
kristianpaulTraceback (most recent call last):21:02
kristianpaul  File "paths.py", line 172, in <module>21:02
kristianpaul    lego = Package("lego")21:02
kristianpaul  File "/home/paul/local/code2/skdb/core/package.py", line 96, in __init__21:02
kristianpaul    pkg = Package.__load_package__(name, data=data)21:02
kristianpaul  File "/home/paul/local/code2/skdb/core/package.py", line 128, in __load_package__21:02
kristianpaul    assert os.access(os.path.join(settings.package_path(package_name), file), os.F_OK) #check if present21:02
kristianpaulpaul@micro:~/local/code2/skdb$ 21:03
kristianpaulsorry but look ^ kanzure 21:03
kanzureyeah you probably didn't run clients/skdb-get.py21:03
kanzureyou have to download skdb packages too :)21:03
kanzureso say:21:03
kanzurepython clients/skdb-get.py lego21:03
kanzurein particular you should sudo that21:03
kanzuresudo python clients/skdb-get.py lego21:03
kristianpaulyes i remenber21:03
kanzurethis will install the lego package to /usr/share/local/skdb/21:03
kristianpaulpaul@micro:~/local/code2/skdb$ sudo python clients/skdb-get.py lego21:04
kristianpauldir_location is:  /home/paul/local/code2/skdb/clients/skdb-get.py21:04
kristianpauldir_location is:  ['', 'home', 'paul', 'local', 'code2']21:04
kristianpaulgetting package:  lego21:04
kristianpaulcommand is:  cd "/usr/local/share/skdb/"; git clone "http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb-packages//lego/.git"; chmod -R a+rw *21:04
kristianpaulfatal: destination directory 'lego' already exists.21:04
kristianpaulpaul@micro:~/local/code2/skdb$ 21:04
kanzureoh did you already download the package?21:04
kristianpauli already ran that command21:04
kanzurewhat does your config.yaml say?21:05
kanzureit should say your package dir is /usr/local/share/skdb/21:06
kristianpaulkanzure: http://paste.debian.net/55634/21:06
kanzurecan you show me what's in /usr/local/share/skdb/lego/ ?21:07
kanzurealso try changing http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb-packages/21:07
kanzureto http://adl.serveftp.org/packages/21:07
CIA-3skdb: kanzure * r ace14ac /config.yaml: update the package repository URL21:09
kristianpaulkanzure: http://paste.debian.net/55635/21:10
kanzureyeah that's not good21:10
kanzuresudo rmdir /usr/local/share/skdb/screw21:10
kanzuresudo rmdir /usr/local/share/skdb/lego21:10
kanzureand then update the URL in config.yaml to point to http://adl.serveftp.org/packages/ or http://designfiles.org/packages/ (either one)21:11
kanzureand then run: sudo python clients/skdb-get.py lego21:11
kristianpaulyes i did21:11
kristianpaulis getting finally !21:11
kristianpaulokay there is alego and some arrows showing in my screen kanzure 21:13
kristianpaulafter ran path.py21:14
kanzurecool :)21:15
kanzurethere are some features under the "demo" menu- the main one that works right now is at the top, "add lego"21:15
kanzureyou can then click on which lego you want to add an additional lego21:15
kanzureanyway, for now that's the most exciting visualization of what skdb is doing21:15
kristianpaul- run packages/lego/demo.py to demonstrate interface compatibility21:15
kristianpaulthere is no this   ^^^^^^^^^^21:15
kristianpaulkanzure: i want make a package !21:16
kanzureah, well demo.py is now in /usr/local/share/skdb/lego/demo.py21:16
kristianpaulah ok21:16
kristianpaulplease fix readme kanzure ;)21:16
kanzureto make a package you should copy either screw or lego for starters21:16
kanzure(1) make a folder.21:16
kanzure(2) turn it itnto a git repository21:17
kanzure(3) make a metadata.yaml file, and then a whatever.py file, and start testing it with "import skdb" in a python interpreter21:17
kristianpauli also want print stuff in my reprap by apt-get is that posible ;) ?21:17
kristianpauli get some desing done in heekscadm that guess are compatibles?21:18
kanzuredo you have some heekscad designs already?21:18
kristianpauli love heekscad21:19
kanzurei guess it could be the lego21:19
kanzureoh cool21:19
CIA-3skdb: kanzure * r d085d48 /readme: updated the readme21:19
kristianpaulis simple and intitutive21:19
kanzurehm. i don't have a makerbot. could you explain what you "normally" have to do to make it print out a design?21:19
kristianpaulkanzure: i need a STL file21:19
kristianpaulthe conver to gcode21:19
kristianpaulthen print !21:19
kanzureyes but how do you do that21:19
kanzurewhich buttons do you press i mean21:20
kristianpaulwhere i press?21:20
kristianpaulin replicator-g?21:20
kanzureer.. is that what you use? replicator-g?21:20
* kristianpaul cries21:20
kanzureso do you do skeinforge -> replicator-g -> makerbot?21:20
kanzureokay cool21:21
kristianpaulkanzure: btw i planning make a python based software for my growing mendel21:21
kanzurei think something can be arranged21:21
kanzurei'll need to look at skeinforge and replicator-g a bit, but i bet i can make it happen21:21
kanzurei have skeinforge installed. do you have a link to download/install replicator-g?21:22
kanzurei just need to look at it21:22
kristianpaulkanzure: look this http://paste.debian.net/55636/  mean while i get the link21:23
kanzurewe call that "opencascade puke"21:24
kanzureat the bottom is the lego demo's real output21:24
kanzurestarting at line 12221:24
kanzurethe debian/ubuntu versions of opencascade were compiled with debug flags on or something.. so if someone goes back and recompiles them, without those flags, that will stop happening21:24
kanzurebut nobody has bothered to do this yet21:24
kristianpauli backported opencascade from squeeze to lenny21:25
kanzurenah that's fine21:25
kanzurethere is no .deb of opencascade that does *not* puke21:25
kristianpaulkanzure: http://github.com/makerbot/ReplicatorG/downloads21:25
kristianpauli'll go sleep21:26
kristianpaulse yay tomorow21:26
kristianpaulnite all !21:26
kanzuremy connection is still slow, but if it decides to start working some more, i'll definitely take a look at hacking replicatorg into skdb so you can "apt-get install washing machine" and such :)21:26
-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh21:38
ybitkanzure: did you generate the md5 hashes for the .deb?21:57
kanzurenot yet21:57
ybithrm, this keyboard is plenty big but it can't keep up with my typing speed :\21:57
kanzureisn't the kernel responsible for keyboard polling?21:58
ybitit's the mechanical setup of the keys21:58
ybiti have to press to hard for the key to recognized21:59
kanzurethere you go again.. dropping out words21:59
ybitblame it on the keyboard? :)22:00
--- Log closed Mon Jan 04 22:31:59 2010
--- Log opened Tue Jan 05 12:40:23 2010
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:40
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ybitwb kanzure, what's going on with adl?12:41
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ybithi ncravens 12:43
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ybitfor you nyc folks, i'm jealous: http://pulsewavenyc.com/about12:44
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/ is back up12:53
kanzurehttp://www.graphsynth.com/ <--- matt prettied up the site12:54
kanzureapparently it's called "acquia slate"12:54
-!- ncravens [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:02
-!- ybit [i=c7581408@gateway/web/freenode/x-kcvwoqfppuoacgcy] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]13:51
-!- fenn [n=fenn@adsl-76-200-188-71.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:59
kanzurenice icon: http://mutantlabs.co.uk/images/main-bg2.jpg14:28
-!- ybit [i=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap14:41
ybitbkero: would you be willing to host openfarmtech.org?14:41
bkeroybit: another static http site?  Sure14:42
ybitopenfarmtech isn't static14:43
ybitso, i take it, that's a no14:43
ybitkanzure: who would be willing to host openfarmtech14:43
ybitMrClif: would you be willing to host openfarmtech.org?14:47
ybitthey currently have a single person hosting it, but it has been unreliable14:48
ybitit was down for over a week14:48
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bkeroybit: ?15:18
bkeroWhat is it, ruby or php?15:18
ybitit has some php in there15:21
ybitwhat about mediawiki?15:22
bkeroI'm set up to handle php15:22
bkeroand can give you a db15:22
-!- marcin_ose [n=factor@207-119-110-176.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:26
ybithi marcin_ose :)15:26
ybitheath here15:26
ybitbkero, meet marcin_ose 15:27
ybitkanzure: is bryan15:27
ybitfenn is ben15:27
ybithttp://pastebin.com/m7a07d6b8 marcin_ose 15:29
Trooemyour name is heath? after Wuthering heights? that's cool.15:29
Trooemledger apparently got that name after the movie15:30
Trooemi want a cool name :P15:30
-!- marcin_ose [n=factor@207-119-110-176.dyn.centurytel.net] has left #hplusroadmap []15:35
ybitTrooem: :P15:36
ybitit wasn't named from that movie15:36
ybitheath has been around for awhile15:36
ybitin some dictionaries, it means a barren wastefield :P15:36
ybitso it's not the coolest15:36
ybitanywho, bkero, marcin is new to irc, that was his first time to login15:36
ybitanyway, you two need to talk 15:36
ybitvinay gupta has been hosting, but it's been down for a couple of weeks15:37
ybitwhat's your email? i'll cc you and him15:37
ybitalright, i'll shoot you two an email in a little while15:56
Trooemoh ok16:08
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-!- fenn [n=fenn@adsl-76-200-188-71.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:40
fennug i hate chip tunes16:40
kanzurefenn: davinci lives16:41
* bkero eats babbies16:41
kanzurematt had to reconnect the ethernet16:41
kanzurefenn: also, the tub won't be online for a few days at least16:42
kanzureit turns out time warner cable decided to disconnect my internet service16:42
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-!- CIA-44 [n=CIA@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:07
randallagordonThat's fun...excessive bandwidth usage?17:20
kanzurei was using their online payment system, and for the past 2 months i haven't been billed on it17:21
kanzurelooking now i still don't see any charges17:21
randallagordonYou're in Austin, yeah? Have you used, or know anyone who has, Clear's WiMAX service in the area?17:25
kanzureno. i do see lots of ads though.17:25
fenni tried to sign up for it but they didnt want me :(17:27
randallagordonThe company I'm helping build out just became a Clear retailer up here, anxiously awaiting getting my hands on some hardware to toy with17:27
randallagordonAye, their credit req's are something I'm curious about17:28
fennwhat am i going to do anyway, pawn off the modem?17:28
randallagordonOr were you at an address outside their service area?17:28
randallagordonThey can't deny you if you buy the equipment outright, which is an option17:28
fennwhy can't they?17:29
fenni mean if they just made everyone lease the modems it wouldnt be a problem if people "stole" them17:29
randallagordonBut, under contract, that's exactly what they're afraid of, someone selling the equipment that is subsidied by the contract17:29
randallagordonNo, that's the system we currently have with cellular, everyone is essentially leasing their equipment, that's a huge problem17:29
randallagordonSubsidies must go17:29
fennthe problem with cellphones is they turn over in 12 months17:30
kanzuremine hasn't.17:30
fenna clear modem isn't going to change much though17:30
randallagordonNot specific hardware kanzure, the "Infamous 12-Month Cycle"17:30
fenni'd rather people reuse "old" modems17:31
randallagordonBingo, they've got a huge chance to change the ballgame, but they also have to work with the economics people have come to expect, hence subsidied equipment so the modem can be "free" up front17:31
fennthey are near the theoretical limits anyway, so i don't see much room for improvement17:31
fennrandallagordon: you can buy the modem for $70 or lease it for $5/mo or something like that17:32
fennif you only want to try it out for a few weeks, buying the modem doesn't make sense17:32
randallagordonDepends on the hardware for the buyout cost, but yes, $5/mo17:32
fennwhat's wrong with that?17:32
randallagordonWell, we'll be providing demo units where possible17:32
randallagordonBut that's at dealer cost17:32
randallagordonWe're willing to find a way to sink it17:32
randallagordonYour local dealer may not be so willing17:33
fennthey wanted to give me a demo unit until they ran a credit check (i have no credit history)17:33
fennat least i assume that's what happened17:33
randallagordonQuite possibly17:33
fennit could have been an elaborate identity theft scam17:33
randallagordonthat too, heh17:33
randallagordonElborate would be the operative17:34
randallagordonThus, highly unlikely ;)17:34
randallagordonWe're aiming to sell "unlocked" devices (although technically that's anything WiMAX) and buck the subsidy system altogether17:35
fennwhat does 'unlocked' mean?17:35
randallagordonI've dealt with it with customers for long enough to know it doesn't help either the provider or the customer, it just creates confusion and, in my opinion, unjusty shifts costs17:36
randallagordonNot tied to a specific carrier17:36
fenner, but there's only one carrier right?17:36
randallagordonHence my subnote17:36
randallagordonAlthough that could change rapidly if WiMAX starts catching on and people sitting on other unused licenses take note17:36
randallagordonSo far as I know, however, there isn't really a way to "lock" a device that uses "WiMAX17:37
randallagordonNot sure why I'm using a quote there17:37
randallagordonI think I had a point I didn't quite get to17:37
fenni'm sure there's plenty of ways17:37
randallagordonOh, on the software side, aboslutely17:38
fennfirmware is what i was thinking17:38
randallagordonOnly if the hardware providers continue to play favorites with the carriers17:38
kanzureyou two are boring me.17:38
randallagordonwhich isn't likely considering how many hands are involved in Clear...they'd be directly competing with each other17:39
fennso, what does your business do now? since you dont seem to be selling any modems17:39
randallagordonThe fate of mobile internet is boring?17:39
fennbryan != mobile17:39
randallagordonWe buy, sell and trade used devices17:39
randallagordonAlong with selling accessories such as covers and cases and whatnot...although that side bores me for now17:40
randallagordonWe're looking into printing tech to let us print to blanks on-the-fly17:40
fennblank whats?17:40
randallagordonSo we can do custom designs17:40
randallagordonCell phone snap-on covers, cases, etc.17:40
fennhmm.. 3d printers arent usually glossy enough for discerning apple fetishists17:41
randallagordonAs a topic in this room, the business is bland and boring ;)17:41
randallagordonUnless I start talking plans 5+ years out17:41
* fenn is reading about the "thinned array curse"17:42
randallagordonHeh, apple fetishists can suck it17:42
* randallagordon is no fan of Apple17:42
fenncellphones seem to be headed for a one-size-fits-all consolidation, whereas i want a more modular user-configurable hardware system17:44
MrClifHi, I saw the email about Openfarm Tech. 17:44
randallagordonNot if I have anything to say about it17:45
MrClifI would love to host it if you haven't found a good home yet.17:45
randallagordonOne of my end goals would be device design17:45
randallagordonMy dream device would be a couple FPGAs to handle everything, including SDR functionality17:46
fennoh software radio17:46
randallagordonSoftware Defined Radio17:46
fennwell that's not going to happen any time soon17:46
randallagordonSo, yeah, one-size-fits-all, but more in a "last device you'll ever need" sense17:47
-!- zancas [n=zancas@208-78-67-234-rangeroamerinc.clt.ord.sparkplugbb.net] has quit [Client Quit]17:47
randallagordonIt can happen right now17:47
fennnot for GHz signals17:47
fennwimax is pretty low freq though17:47
randallagordonOnly need it to cover up to the 2.4GHz band to cover basically all commercial apps17:48
fennoops wimax is GHz17:48
fennanyway the point was that FPGA's can't synthesize 2.4GHz signals17:49
fennthey aren't fast enough17:49
randallagordonWiMAX is mostly used on the 700MHz band17:49
fennsee that's what i thought, but wikipedia only mentions 2.3-5GHz17:50
randallagordonIt runs on all sorts of freqs17:50
randallagordonYou can run a protocol on nearly any band, so long as you ahve the bandwidth17:51
fennok.. but the antenna on the pole outside is a certain fixed frequency right?17:52
randallagordonAnd you can get away from needing to generate the actual 2.4GHz signal by just generating your data signal, then do the rest the old fashioned radio way, with a carrier17:52
randallagordonThere are a lot of issues to overcome, yes17:52
fenninteresting.. the USRP has been used for synthetic aperture radar17:54
randallagordonAs for antennas, I'm busy trying to find a link, I believe it was some research done at MIT, but basically the idea is to model an antenna after the cochlea...broadband antennas with amazing gain17:55
fennheh DIY cellphone tower: http://openbts.sourceforge.net/17:56
randallagordonI'd love to see nothing less than an open source radio system that has zero patent encumberances...that's a ways off, though17:57
superkuhrandallagordon: softrock.17:57
randallagordonsuperkuh, I'm familiar...I was going to order a completed kit, but they were out of stock :/17:58
randallagordonhaven't checked in in a couple months though17:58
fennan open FPGA system would be a nice start, and mostly just a matter of money for the chip fabbing17:58
randallagordonI want a 2m version badly...I may just have to break down and actually get my iron out17:58
superkuhI have a softrock 40 kit coming in the mail.17:58
randallagordonI want to toy with APRS...at least...receving signals, for now...still need to actually get off my rear and get licensed17:59
superkuhI emailed kb9yig about the full softrock 9 kits last week but have received no response.17:59
superkuhRegardless, the schematics, board layout, and part numbers are out there.18:00
randallagordonholy crikey, they're completely wiped out :/18:01
-!- kanzure- [n=kanzure@rrcs-24-242-128-230.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:01
superkuhIt is best to check kb9yig's site every few days. He'll have parts for a kit and it'll be gone the next day.18:02
randallagordonoh wow18:02
randallagordonBehold the CochleAntenna! (Anti-Trademarked)18:04
QuantumGas predicted18:04
-!- kanzure- [n=kanzure@rrcs-24-242-128-230.sw.biz.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]18:07
MrClifyep openbts trys out their code at BM. They adapted a shade structure design of mine.18:25
randallagordonBM? Burning Man?18:26
randallagordonWell, BA. ;)18:26
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* randallagordon has yet to partake in the BM goodness...18:26
* randallagordon sighs...18:27
MrClif:-) yeah lots of hacking going on there...18:27
randallagordonI have my heart set on this being the first year18:27
MrClifwhat part of the country do you hale from?18:28
* randallagordon ponders ways of making such a trip a tax writeoff...18:28
randallagordonSo I have no excuse on the distance end of things...18:28
MrClifreally??? so am I.18:28
randallagordonSodaville, specifically18:28
randallagordonVery nice18:28
randallagordonthere seems to be several of us in here18:28
MrClifjust landed there a month or so back.18:28
randallagordonbkero is in Corvallis18:29
randallagordon...couple other guys I talked to the first few days I started dropping in, but I can't remember their handles18:29
MrClifI've been lucky enough to fly to BM these past few years.18:29
MrClifI have a friend in Albany who drove the truck this year.18:30
randallagordonAwesome...I had some friends at OIT who went each year18:30
randallagordonOf course, the year I show up, they stop going...18:30
bkeroCorvallis is pretty 8)18:30
MrClifyes it is.18:31
randallagordonThat it is18:31
MrClifso Randall, you've already been to BM?18:31
* randallagordon wishes Petersens Butte wasn't in the way of his view of the city18:31
randallagordonNegative, I want to, but haven't had the chance18:31
MrClifbecause I hack on wifi stuff I make BM a tax writeoff.18:32
MrClifI'm sure it is for the openbts guys too.18:32
randallagordonThat's kinda what I'm thinking18:32
MrClifJust call it R&D for whatever company you have.18:32
randallagordonI want to toy with some web based games that use smartphones as controllers, especially incorporating LBS goodness...so I see no reason I can't write it off ;)18:33
MrClifSo Bkero, I guess you want to host openfarmtech.18:33
kanzurefenn: kristianpual kindly asked us to do an export tool for skdb-get to go from skdb packages to replicatorg->skeinforge->makerbot18:33
kanzurewas wondering if you'd be willing to take a crack at it18:33
MrClifI have a fairly big server(s) in the BA. with lots of BW.18:33
randallagordon*sigh*...so many B acronyms... BA?18:35
kanzurebay area?18:35
randallagordon...likely candidate, for sure18:35
kanzurebkero: ping?18:36
randallagordonNice...my company is looking at getting a half rack in PDX18:36
MrClifI'm currently hosting non-profits for free.18:36
randallagordonLikely stick with 1U for a while though, heh...half a rack is just geek cred for us at the moment...major overkill18:37
MrClifI have extra slots in my rack also.18:37
bkerokanzure: pong18:38
MrClifSo Bkero, I guess you want to host openfarmtech?18:38
MrClifI have twiki installed but i'm happy to install other packages.18:40
bkeroUp to you18:41
bkeroIs it PHP?18:41
MrClifI have a lot of disk space and currently about 50Mb/s to use.18:41
MrClifles LAMP.18:41
MrClifwith shell access ofcouse.18:42
bkeroI have unmetered gigabit and about 4TB at a datacentre.18:43
bkeroI'm going to have to figure out a caching solution.  I think varnishd would work well.18:43
bkeroAnd I should learn to use it for work anyway, so...18:43
MrClifI think they may have GB at isc now but I haven't checked if it came through yet.18:44
MrClifits all unmetered as long as I host non-profits.18:44
randallagordonbkero, OSL?18:45
bkeroAh.  I only host open source projects on mine :)18:45
bkerorandallagordon: Yea, I work for the OSL.18:45
randallagordonVery nice18:45
* randallagordon remembers visiting "The Hive" years ago18:45
* bkero has a project right now that needs some special screws :/18:46
bkeroVery thin ones18:46
MrClifWell I would love to host some worthy non-profites thats what I built my rack for mostly.18:46
bkeroUp to you guys.  I want to see if my caching would survive a slashdot/redditing. :P18:46
randallagordonhehe, nobel cause18:47
MrClifis that a distributed cache?18:47
randallagordonnoble even18:47
bkeroIt can use memcached, so yea.18:48
bkeroI shouldn't need to distribute it much.18:48
bkeroIt's a dual quad xeon with 16gb RAM18:48
bkero802.3AD bonded gigabit adapters :)18:48
bkeroand 2x X25-E's for rootfs18:48
MrClifcool... I have a couple of of those with 20gb or so...18:48
MrClifyeah that sounds nice!18:49
bkerox25e's for the databases, hilarious fast18:52
bkeroFor DB operations, 1 is as fast as 6 SAS drives18:53
MrClifyes, but wouldn't it be safer to use them in a mostly read enviorment?18:53
MrClifWell, us oregonians should get together for pizza some time..18:55
bkeroWhere are you?18:58
bkeroThe SSDs?18:58
MrClifin Eugene.18:58
randallagordon"hilarious fast", that's awesome18:58
bkeroTheir write endurance cycle is above hard drives18:58
MrClifyes the SSDs18:58
bkeroI could write hundreds of giga to them per day and they'd last over 20 years18:58
randallagordonAre they SLC or MLC?18:59
bkeroThese ones are SLC18:59
MrClifI kinda like my Supermicro cases they have 8 SATA slots in a 2U case.18:59
bkeroChenbro makes a 3U case with 20 SATA slots.18:59
bkeroFor $30018:59
* randallagordon wants18:59
MrClifyes Chenbro is.... wow that's cheep!18:59
bkeroIt's on newegg18:59
bkeroIt even came with a free Tyan motherboard for a while19:00
MrClifI tend to use SM Mobos.19:00
MrClifthough they are a little pricy19:00
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:01
MrClifAnyway we have Pizza research institute down here in Eugene, and some of my hacker friends and I sometimes go there on fridays.19:03
bkeroOh, you're down in Eugene, cool.19:03
bkeroPRI is good, it's where the science pub is too.19:03
bkeroI usually go down there to get Toshi's, Sweet Life, or Off The Waffle.19:03
MrClifWell let me know when your in town.19:04
* randallagordon raises an eyebrow...19:04
MrClifyes Pizza research institute19:04
randallagordonIs this just the name of a pizza joint, or...something more?19:04
bkeroPizza joint19:05
MrClifa pizza joint that brodens ones horizans.19:05
MrClifIf you guys want to come down sometime I would throw in a tour of my FreeSwitch VoIP system.19:07
randallagordonI'm down19:07
MrClifmy phone bill went from over $75/mo to under $6 /mo19:07
bkeroI'm busy this weekend, driving up to Portland to do a RAM upgrade.19:07
* randallagordon is highly interested in building a VoIP system of his own19:07
* bkero has asterisk running on his colo :)19:07
bkeroPhone numbers in Switzerland, India, Oregon, and Montana.19:08
* randallagordon needs to get around to seeing what can be done about running Asterisk on his Pre19:08
MrClifFS was started by a frustrated * developer.19:08
bkeroYou mean a SIP client?  I'm not sure if there is one.19:08
randallagordonWell, both19:08
randallagordonI just want to toy19:08
kanzure"we're showing that you haven't paid us. ever."19:08
randallagordonOne of the firmware opened up a lot of goodness via gstreamer19:08
randallagordonI still need to look at what is possible19:08
MrClifI have gotten service from Magic Jack.19:09
randallagordonIt appears that Palm is embracing SDL as the "low level" API of choice...19:09
bkeroI actually host the development for the Pre :)19:09
randallagordonVery nice19:09
bkerowebos-internals is the VM I remember fucking with19:09
bkeroHosted by the nas-central and nslu2-linux guys19:09
MrClifI also have skype service on my PBX.19:09
randallagordonWell, kudos!19:09
MrClifOk well I guess we can try for the 15th or there abouts if you're busy this weekend.19:10
* randallagordon just thinks it would be cool to originate calls using the cellular network...no good reason...just to see it done19:11
MrClifHey I found a $35 12 port PoE that powers all my cisco extensions.19:11
MrClifyou can get old cisco phones on ebay for about $35 each.19:12
* bkero thinks it would be cool to get a data-only cell plan and use VOIP19:12
randallagordonI'm going to need to look into PoE at some point for a sensor network project for hydroponics19:12
* randallagordon agrees, whole heartedly19:12
randallagordonSoon, bkero, soon...19:12
randallagordonAt least, soon without violating TOS ;)19:12
randallagordonThat can be done right now, lol19:13
bkeroIt can be, but no carrier will give you a data-only plan really :/19:13
bkeroI tried convincing them I was deaf19:13
bkeroThey still didn't care.19:13
randallagordonClear should change some of that19:13
bkeroMy friend works for clear19:13
randallagordonI hope, anyways19:13
bkeroWiMAX is rolled out in Corvallis already.19:13
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/ is back up now :) yay19:14
randallagordonJust signed the paperwork to become a Clear dealer last week19:14
bkeroI share the colo with my friend who works for Clear.19:14
MrClifAlready???? how many years have we been waiting for wimax?19:14
randallagordonDid you tell Time Warner to suck it, kanzure? (That is who you said you were with?)19:14
randallagordonMrClif, too many19:14
bkeroMrClif: I could have had it in 2008 if I lived in Portland. :P19:14
kanzurerandallagordon: i made them wave my damn payments19:14
kanzureand reconnect service19:14
randallagordonkanzure, w00t, kick their asses19:15
randallagordonI recently gave Comcast what-for over discoing me for "excessive use"19:15
randallagordonI'm sorry that I'm in a multi-user household with multiple people streaming HD simultaneously...catch up already.19:15
MrClifnice that you could pull that off.19:15
bkerorandallagordon: Get a business line, they don't care what you do19:16
bkeroand it's faster :)19:16
randallagordonEven managed to get a direct reply from Scott McNulty, one of the guys who runs Comcast Voices19:16
bkeroI can do around 2.2MB/sec down19:16
kanzurebkero: how much are you paying19:16
randallagordonheh, not if you're using DOCSIS 3 ;)19:16
randallagordonUnless they have started offering business plans for DOCSIS319:17
bkeroDoesn't DOCSIS 3 go up pretty far?19:17
ybitwhat are the steps to take in order for the city to adopt post-scarcity lifestyle? you have the farm, with the food and manufacturing facilities, but then what? advocate other people to do the same with their property? maybe get a neighborhood to create their own manufacturing facility and farm? 19:17
randallagordonMy buddy gets > 10MB/s19:17
bkeroybit: distributed farming?19:17
randallagordonI don't have it yet, I'm sticking with the 16Mbit tier for now19:17
bkeroWith post-scarcity, is there still a barrier to entry?19:18
randallagordonI burst and saturate the interface though...kinda cool...business plans don't have "SpeedBoost" or whatever they call it, do they?19:18
bkeroDOCSIS 1.0 is 10Mbit, DOCSIS 2.0 is 31Mbit19:18
bkeroNo, you get "SpeedBoost" the entire time.19:18
randallagordonI pull a steady 3.3 while "SpeedBoost"ing19:19
bkeroWell, both DOCSIS 1 and 2 support 43Mbit down, and 10/31 upstream19:19
ybiti'd like to know how much food i can expect from 6 acres (2 acre fruit tree garden, regular garden, and a 2 acre hydroponic garden)19:19
ybitwhat the energy consumption is19:19
bkeroDOCSIS 3.0 supports multiplexing, so you get n * 43Mbit down19:19
ybit(that's not as big a deal)19:19
bkeroybit: Depends on how dense you plant :)19:19
ybitand how much one can expect the manufacturing facility to produce, what are the communities needs, how many people can we realistically take care of with this setup 19:20
bkeroSome plants grow like shit when planted densely, others grow fine.19:20
fennybit: cities import resources, by definition19:20
ybithydroponic garden allows a city to grow stuff in their buildings19:20
fennnot really, not unless you have some magic energy source19:21
randallagordonThat would be the limiting factor19:21
ybiti don't know how well this will take off, maybe it will, maybe it will be a mild movement until we have mol. assemblers?19:21
ybitthis being start a self-sufficient community based on non-mol. assemblers, (through what i've described)19:22
MrClifI have a friend who just planted a 7 acre farm in NM.19:22
randallagordonLet's "just" build a giant solar array in space and beam the energy back via microwave. Problem solved. ;)19:22
fennwe have "stuff assemblers" - why do molecular assemblers change anything?19:22
MrClifand we can cook our food too!19:22
ybitand hope that others start to adopt it, i think some tech will be adopted, you can lower the costs of certain machines, making the standard of living better because the costs of these goods are dropped as well, making more goods accessible to more people?19:23
ybitfenn: because you don't need so much space19:23
randallagordonMrClif, that farm, is it hydro?19:23
fennmost places are mostly empty space anyway19:23
* randallagordon has a small hydro setup in a spare bedroom...has interestes in CEA19:23
ybitthe top part is the 19 acres19:24
ybitthe bottom part well, it needs to be revised, but that's the inaccurate drawing of the 37 acres19:25
MrClifnope just a typicall farm.19:25
ybitbut it isn't optimized for community needs, neither are19:25
fenni see a lot of white space19:25
MrClifhow long is the runway?19:25
ybitthe runway was so that i could share with other commuinities across the nation, i've since decided it's best to use the land to produce more stuff? hrm..19:26
MrClifwere is your land?19:26
ybitMrClif: florence, al19:26
ybiter, center star , al, outside of florence, al19:26
ybitMrClif: hard to say how long it is, this is all just made up on the spot19:27
ybitnot accurate19:27
ybitthe well, the fruit trees are already there, we dig the pond within the month19:28
MrClifwell 3000' would be just fine 2400' in a pinch for most planes.19:28
ybitthe creek is there as well19:28
ybitkanzure: you are sighing, why?19:29
kanzurewtf are you doing19:29
ybitgreat question19:29
kanzureok. then get back to work19:30
kanzurei don't mean to be a party pooper.19:30
ybittoo late :)19:30
MrClifI was starting to wonder if anyone here ever got any work done. ;-)19:30
kanzurebelieve it or not, before you showed up we did19:31
kanzureever since i gave that stupid presentation19:31
kanzurenobody has done a thing19:31
* fenn is on vacation, or something19:31
kanzurewell i only mention you because you showed up around the time of the presentation :)19:31
fennactually i think i went on vacation after moving out of the mold hole (the retreat)19:31
kanzuremabe that mold was doing something good19:31
kanzurego download replicatorg and hack it into skdb19:32
kanzurei can't do everything all at once :(19:32
fennhow am i supposed to figure out how to make skeinforge work?19:32
kanzurei need you guys19:32
kanzurei think you should ignore skeinforge for now19:32
kanzurethat's my gag reflex at least19:32
fennbut.. but19:32
* fenn has NIH syndrome19:32
kanzureme too.. at least when it comes to skeinforge19:33
fennhm well at least replicatorg has a project page19:33
kanzurei've never used replicatorg but i imagine there's a simple way to say "skdb.build -> replicatorg" or somesuch19:33
ybitsee, the problem i'm seeing is that i'm able to be self-sufficient, but i don't want it to just be me and some friends, i'd like for the whole town and surrounding cities to be so as well. the problem i'm trying to figure out is how to do this. skdb and facilities with the equipment to make quite a bit of this stuff, the farms like factor-e-farm, and some other stuff will contribute in raising the standard of living; potentially freeing time for people19:34
fennlulz "Support as much of the GCode specification as possible"19:34
kanzureybit: i think you should focus on scaling up *after* you have something that works19:34
ybiti'd rather not going about this problem blindly19:35
kanzurewhat problem19:35
ybits/going/go ..the one stated above19:35
kanzureyes, the problem is scaling up19:36
kanzurebut you don't even know what your'e scaling up yet19:36
kanzurei thought you just said you don't want to be blind?19:36
ybitthat's why i come in here and ask for random people to pick apart flaws in my logic19:36
kanzurefenn: did you see killburn's email to om re: skdb and one-click ordering?19:37
kanzurei guess i should say s/one-click ordering/one-arm ordering/ har har har19:37
fennno i am way behind on email19:37
kanzureme too.. for once.19:37
kanzureanyway that was a good email and worth reading (among others that suck)19:37
kanzureit wasn't anything new but it was nice to see our ideas being bounced back at us19:38
fenni think i need to set up IMAP forwarding19:39
fennfor email to not suck19:39
kanzurewhere are you going to forward it to?19:39
fennmy local machine, wherever that happens to be19:40
fenni think IMAP is sort of like a distributed mailbox (i think)19:40
fennworst case scenario i can git clone my ~/mail/ right?19:41
fennactually that won't work because sdf doesn't have enough disk space :(19:41
fennwas "killburn" highly recent? (last half hour)19:43
kanzureno, last few days though19:43
ybitam i wrong in thinking that mol. assemblers will get us to post-scarcity?19:43
ybitis post-scarcity the answer19:43
ybiti'm going to say yes to the latter19:44
QuantumGmol. assemblers will be restricted19:44
QuantumGthe writing is on the wall on that one19:44
fennsays who?19:44
QuantumGthey're already legislating it... and the technology doesn't even exist yet19:44
fennlinkage plz19:44
kanzureQuantumG: who cares if they are legislating it?19:44
kanzurefenn: i was way off. "Jonathan Kuniholm"19:45
QuantumGso unless someone deliberately leaks it, it'll be as restricted as nuclear materials.19:45
QuantumGalthough, frankly, if nuclear materials were capable of self-replicating I don't know how restricted you could make them :)19:46
kanzureyou only need to leak a replicator once19:46
fennnuclear non-proliferation worked because you can't create uranium from everyday materials19:46
ybitQuantumG: where did you read this? is this just hearsay?19:46
QuantumGya kidding right?19:46
kanzureQuantumG is into this sort of trolling19:46
QuantumGkanzure fuck you19:46
QuantumGI'm not trolling19:47
kanzureit's true though19:47
ybitif you could link to some discussion or whatever it is, that would be nice19:47
kanzuretell me you're not excited by trying to make ybit give up19:47
QuantumGread any literature on molecular manufacturing19:47
ybit"We can't afford to have unrestricted molecular manufacturing widely available to individuals. Criminals and terrorists would invent new products faster than society could compensate. Hobbyists would invent grey goo for the fun of it, just as computer viruses and worms are developed and spread today. Availability to individuals implies availability to governments, which implies arms races and various covert and nasty uses. Widespread individual use of 19:48
fennanyway.. ybit a lot of the technologies/social structures needed to make good use of molecular assemblers are also needed to make good use of regular fabrication machinery19:48
ybitit doesn't mention legislation but it's certainly a weird take on it19:48
kanzurefenn: yep19:48
fenncrnano is dingbatty19:49
QuantumGya.. about 90% of what is written about mol. manufacturing is about restricting it..19:49
QuantumGits like a requirement of any funding application too19:49
fenn"criminals and terrorists would invent new products faster than society could compensate"??19:50
fennfscking google those terrorists!!!19:50
QuantumGthey'd be free19:50
QuantumGwe can't have that19:50
kanzureQuantumG: are you serious?19:50
QuantumGam I serious that people think that? yes19:51
kanzureno are you serious that you don't want me  freely making things19:51
QuantumGquite the opposite19:51
kanzureokay. i feel slightly better now.19:51
kanzurethen why are you propagating all this other crap?19:51
ybitwe can all look silly with emoticons which depict a tongue hanging out of the mouth now19:52
QuantumGcause they're fuckers and you need to be aware of it19:52
kanzureor i can just avoid them19:52
QuantumGyou can't avoid it if you're not aware of it19:52
ybithard to avoid if you aren't aware of them in the first place19:52
ybithey, stop that~19:52
kanzureit's worked so far19:52
kanzurebut in general yes i do know that people suck19:52
ybit<- example19:52
fennybit stop sucking!19:53
QuantumGits really sad when you see the best people in the field toeing the line on non-proliferation19:54
kanzureblah internet connection just dropped like a rock19:54
QuantumGMerkle has written some stuff where he describes a "safe containment" system for non-proliferation.19:54
QuantumGyou do all your experimenting in the containment system and then you have to get permission to get your creation built on a non-contained system.. which are restricted.19:55
ybitlink, linkage appreciated19:55
kanzurethat is sad.19:55
kanzureso what i keep wondering about, on a broader level19:56
kanzureis that if these people are really worried about local disasters that we can cause19:56
kanzurethen why are they not worried that some super ai and/or super goo is coming to get us from another galaxy and or solar system19:56
fennbecause so far it hasn't19:56
kanzurebecause if you hit the exponentials somewhere else in the galaxy it doesn't take that long to happen19:56
QuantumGyeah, umm.. it was probably in "Nanotechnolgy is coming"  or "Speeding the development of molecular nanotechnology"  http://www.merkle.com/merkleDir/papers.html19:56
ybitthanks QuantumG 19:57
fennit's extremely unlikely that extraterrestrial nanotech will crash-land on earth before we develop it ourselves19:57
kanzureyeah but let's say that they get their wish19:57
fennpersonally i think extraterrestrial nanotech crash-landed on earth 4 billion years ago...19:57
kanzureand they preventa ll human development19:57
MrClifis that like Spiderman 3??19:57
QuantumGkanzure: we could detect battle cruisers around a nearby star and the governments of the world wouldn't be concerned.19:57
* ybit procedes to rape the server19:57
kanzureQuantumG: that's not what i'm talking about19:57
ybitproceeds, w/e19:58
kanzurewe do not have full control of the galaxies.. so controlling our local planet isn't going to prevent a super intergalactic grey goo incident19:58
* kanzure gives ybit some procedes to rape the server19:58
fennybit: don't you already have a mirror?19:59
ybitnot of that site19:59
ybitgive me a few minutes though19:59
kanzurehey why isn't my site torrented yet?19:59
ybitbecause we mentioned archiving it19:59
ybith+ archive: books, papers, and sites of interest20:00
QuantumGthere's a certain element of human thinking that wants the world to be static and unchanging20:00
fennit's called getting old20:00
QuantumG"as bad as it is right now, at least I know how bad it is."20:00
* fenn was reading future shock20:00
fenni should have stole that book20:01
QuantumG.. and people grudgingly accept change.20:01
QuantumGbut, to be honest, there's also a sensible fear of power.. and don't go saying "well, we're happy geeks, we'll never use our power to dominate others.." cause every day I hear some geek proclaiming how he thinks it should be and shudder to imagine him having any real power.20:02
fenn... so we should give all the power to reactionary governments?20:05
QuantumGybit: that link has a nice set of references20:05
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kanzurehello zancas20:06
QuantumGfenn: taking their power away in a way that doesn't transfer it to someone else would be nicer.. 20:07
fennhmm imap doesn't fix my problem20:07
QuantumGbut I don't really have the solution to that.. the next closest thing is to get away from them20:07
fennQuantumG: i would hate to live in your world where everybody is powerless20:08
kanzurefenn: what problem are you having precisely?20:08
fennkanzure: not enough server space on sdf to keep every message for all eternity20:08
QuantumGfenn: it's not my world, and you do live in that world20:08
fennQuantumG: whatever20:08
kanzureQuantumG: that's where you and i differ on opinions20:09
kanzureyou think it's hopeless20:09
QuantumGnot at all20:09
kanzure"and you do live in that world"20:09
kanzure"where everyybody is powerless"20:09
QuantumGyeah.. you live in a world where people have allowed power to be concentrated into the monstrosities of governments and corporations that we see around us.20:10
QuantumGdoesn't mean there's nothing we can do about it.20:10
fennthat's different from nobody having power20:10
QuantumGyes, sorry, it's a minor difference20:10
QuantumGpower is relative and the vast majority of people are powerless compared to national interests20:11
* fenn thinks this is rapidly devolving into philosophy20:11
QuantumGdamn it20:11
QuantumGhate it when that happens20:11
kanzureback to work20:11
kanzurethese torrents are too slow20:12
kanzuredoes anyone know of a fast way to steal sql server 2003+?20:13
fennwhy would anyone want that20:14
kanzurerecovering some data from an MS SQL database20:14
genehackerunrestricted molecular manufacturing is fun molecular manufacturing20:19
genehackerbesides if you unrestrict it that means everyone can make their own countermeasures20:19
genehackerthus ensuring no greygoo20:19
fenntoday's lineup, it's the gray goo versus the green goo, let's watch!20:21
kanzuremeet the green goo, just the same as the grey goo20:21
fennno no, it's green20:21
genehackerah the equivalent of a boxing match in the future20:21
randallagordongenehacker, that needs to be a t-shirt, "unrestricted molecular manufacturing is fun molecular manufacturing"20:23
genehackerjust what I thought20:24
genehackerback to messing around with sympy20:24
genehackerand figuring out why my backup drive is messed up20:25
QuantumGI'm not sure that the non-proliferation fervor is at such a high level of acceptance that Nature would refuse a "how to bootstrap to molecular manufacturing" paper just yet.20:26
genehackeris there any nonproliferation fervor? Are people already firebombing matter compiler companies?20:27
QuantumGthere's dozens of people writing about the importance of restricting it and many more politicians trying to figure out how banning it will make them look smart.20:28
genehackerwhat politicians?20:29
genehackerprotip: replicate faster than they legislate and you won't have a problem20:29
QuantumGyep.. hopefully the people working on it will be free to publish their techniques so the revolution can begin.20:32
QuantumGcause they wont start it20:32
genehackerthere are people who want to regulate debugging tools20:32
genehackerthey will never succeed20:32
QuantumGthose tools already exist20:33
QuantumGsuffocating the baby when it is still in the cradle is easier20:33
genehackerfree to publish their techniques? who would prevent them? government black ops ninjas?20:33
QuantumGnational security.. 20:33
genehackerwhat happens if it get's wikileaked?20:33
QuantumGlike they do with all nuclear research20:33
genehackerwhat do they do?20:34
genehackerI think you've played Deus Ex a bit too much...20:34
QuantumGprevent publication.. dude, go look up any nuclear researcher.. now try to find his bibliography20:34
genehackerhow about we figure out how to bootstrap nanotech before they attempt to do this20:35
genehackerare there any restrictions currently?20:36
QuantumGsure, the same act20:37
QuantumGit never went away20:37
genehackeron nanotech?>20:37
QuantumGnot that I'm aware of, no.. that's what I'm saying, we're not there yet.20:37
kanzurefenn: would you be willing to speak at "outlaw biology" for me?20:42
kanzureybit: go post that crap to the post-scarcity list20:43
kanzurealso it seems you completely ignored me. thanks20:43
kanzurefenn: please check your email for something i forwarded you re: outlaw biology20:45
* fenn grunts20:51
ybitkanzure: good point20:52
genehackersympy can solve equations using solve function right?21:20
ybitenlighten me so that i don't feel mailboxes with junk again, there are two paths i can take right now: there's the route of holding off ~5 years before any lab related research is accomplished route, i.e. build up the land that i have, put a manufacturing facility/lab in place, and be self-sustaining... before finally doing hardcore research: my research interests being life extension, mind uploading, cryonics, nanobots, molecular assemblers (desktop n21:26
ybittemporarily, that is, until mol.assembly becomes viable21:27
kanzureyou broke off after molecular assemblers (desktop n21:28
ybityeah, skip that parenthesis part21:28
genehackerI think you might have trouble becoming self sustaining, but then again that's what SKDB is for right?21:29
kanzureno go away21:30
kanzureybit: i think you should focus on building tools, not "preparing to one day to actually do something"21:34
fenn"outlaw biology" is such an awful title21:38
fennit's like "come shoot me please"21:39
genehackeris anyone of interest going to be there?21:41
kanzurechristopher kelty21:45
QuantumGI was under the impression outlaws had the same biology as the rest of us21:47
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kanzureQuantumG: :)21:51
kanzurehello klord 21:51
ybitkanzure: you're right, but now i need to decide if i stay here or move away to do that..21:52
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kanzureyou scared me22:14
ybithow goes it timschmidt 22:17
timschmidtpretty well...22:17
timschmidtjust passed out another key to the hackerspace tonight.22:18
ybiti see that 'PLA is in stock!' and has been for about a month now :)22:18
ybithow many members do you have?22:18
timschmidtThere are about 70 members in the Michigan RepRap group.22:20
timschmidtperhaps 20 meet regularly.22:20
QuantumGhow many have repraps? :)22:21
timschmidtBetween us, there are about 10 complete machines.  Perhaps 15 counting machines that aren't complete.  Three have completed successful prints, I'd say five are in working order - just needing some time to tweak settings.22:23
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow22:23
timschmidtNick and I recently printed most of the parts for a mendel - which he is now assembling.22:24
QuantumGso what's with that 2.0 machine?22:24
QuantumGI asked before but I don't remember if it was you that answered22:25
timschmidtThat's the mendel.  Not much.  It's largely identical to the 1.0 - Darwin - in every way that affects output.  It is simpler to construct, and uses smaller, cheaper motors.22:25
timschmidtshould also be a little more durable.22:27
QuantumGI read some stuff about temperature too22:27
timschmidtThe design process is largely iterative.  Small improvements all over the place.22:27
QuantumGsomething about not needing the platform to be enclosed/heated22:27
timschmidtThat's entirely a function of the plastic being used.22:27
timschmidtPLA doesn't require a heated build platform22:28
timschmidtABS and several other plastics do.22:28
QuantumGohh a video22:29
timschmidtThe heated build platform largely functions to reduce warping of the printed part.  ABS parts (subjectively) warp about 1/3 as much with a platform as without.  PLA warps a tiny amount without the heated platform, but not enough to be noticeable.22:30
kanzure"if you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less"22:33
QuantumGhttp://vimeo.com/6983001  looking good22:33
timschmidtkanzure: context?22:34
QuantumGI look forward to seeing the tool changing 22:37
kanzuretimschmidt: someone's signature file in a random email22:37
* kanzure just replied to kuniholm on om22:40
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kanzureplease stalk: "chris louden"22:58
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kanzurehey russell987 23:07
russell987hey hey bryan 23:07
russell987sorry about the dealy23:08
QuantumGkanzure: "Some of us reject the thinking that our planet is a comfortable maximum-security prison."23:19
QuantumG - Bob Clarebrough23:20
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