
--- Day changed Wed Jan 27 2010
kanzurewhen i grow up, i want to be an attention pirate00:16
kanzuredoes anyone know where the details in #7 comes from? http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/aging_roadmap.txt00:18
-!- Redeemer [n=lorddeem@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:32
gearhackerwoohoo my gear generator script "works"00:46
gearhackerdue to a math error the gear is all fucked up in one part...00:46
gearhackerand I need to add cycloids to it00:46
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* ybit thinks bkero forced it and died02:15
fennwas talking to the guy front+center tonight (eddie voorhus(?)) http://www.wired.com/magazine/wp-content/images/18-02/ff_newrevolution3_f.jpg02:31
fennand vitaly mankevich02:32
fenneddie makes his own makerbot clones and sells them on craigslist02:35
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ybitif anyone wants to grab these papers while links is being annoying...02:39
ybit"Nanoscale Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy"02:40
ybit"Fabrication of a Membrane Interferometer Containing Electrodes" :: doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2009.12.147802:40
ybitSmart Nanotextiles: Materials and Their Application :: doi:10.1016/B978-008043152-9.02220-X 02:40
ybitDesign and Control of a Long-Traveling Nano-Positioning Stage :: doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2010.01.00302:41
ybitFabrication of Tungsten Micro-electrodes Using Pulsed Electrochemical Machining :: doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2010.01.00102:41
bkeroybit: yea it was like that02:51
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kanzurefenn: vitaly is in sf? what's he like09:29
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kanzureopen design of manufacturing equipment http://www.opendesign.org/CHIRP_Open_Design_Mfg_Equipment.pdf11:31
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kanzureer, just making sure- vitaly mankevich right?11:41
-!- gearhacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-62-155.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:52
kanzurefuck yeah11:54
kanzure9GB of PLoS from 2009-10-1411:55
gearhackerjust got a full set of reprap darwin frame parts12:09
kristianpaulkanzure: hola12:36
* kanzure is jumping a bus and can't type at the moment12:43
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kanzurelegutierr|away: hello14:13
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kanzurefenn: meetup.com charges you15:49
Utopiah_charges the meeting organizer afaik15:49
fenner, i just posted that email?15:50
fennkanzure: you are already an attention pirate15:51
fennno need to grow up15:51
kanzurehey so how's vitaly?15:51
fennum, alive?15:51
fennhe is sort of like marcin15:52
fennbut more nerdy15:52
kanzurei've seen him around since 2008 but haven't synchronized with him15:52
kanzurei see15:52
kanzurehe sounded like he (gasp) actually tried version control out in one of the recent emails he sent15:52
fennyeh he has gone over skdb and the rest of my website quite thoroughly15:53
kanzurewell that's nice of him15:53
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kanzurealso my compatibility() method for tile parts was completely wrong15:57
kanzureit tries hooking up the right-side edge to the right-side edge of a to-be-neighboring part :/15:58
-!- Utopiah_ is now known as Utopiah15:58
* kanzure leaves15:58
QuantumGOfficials also noted that the cable channel greatly values the 18- to 45-year-old demographic of louts, clods, and empty-headed dumb fucks.15:58
-!- gearhacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-62-155.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:03
fennthe title of his presentation was "how to uplift 1 billion people in 10 years" (which i read s/uplift/upload/) so it was kind of disappointing16:28
fenni bet it will be like the BFI challenge16:31
fennwin goes to makerbot industries16:31
QuantumGbeing able to print a pcb and pick and place parts onto it would be interesting.16:32
QuantumGbonus points for being able to surface mount the components16:34
fennuh, all pick and place is surface mount16:39
gearhackeractually I'm not even sure if this challenge is winable16:40
gearhackerthey want 90% of the mass to be printable and they want it to use only 60 watts and run autonomously without a computer16:42
gearhackerand be able to replicate in less than 10 days16:42
gearhackeroh well, I guess it's possible if the machine can eject printed parts16:42
QuantumGpick and place == (get this), picking shit up and placing it.16:45
gearhackerI designed a toolhead for darwin16:45
gearhackerit can't be that hard16:45
QuantumGdoesn't have to have anything to do with PCBs16:45
gearhackerI guess it can be16:45
gearhackerso that prize thing16:48
fennthere you go being an ass again QuantumG 16:48
QuantumGhuh, what's your problem fenn?16:49
gearhackerthere's one problem16:49
fennyou argue with people for no reason at all16:49
gearhackerfor the grand prize you have to release all IP under an MIT license16:49
fennBSD license16:49
QuantumGumm.. no.. you started the argument16:49
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gearhackerConstellation got cancelled :(17:37
QuantumGso the rumor mill has it.. last week they were getting a funding injection.17:44
ybitbkero: openmanufacturing is still down'18:03
kanzure"ipad: 18:04
kanzure"ipad: 18:04
kanzureIt actually has a robust power source; it is powered almost entirely by the user's sense of self-importance.18:04
kanzuresome of the comments are great :)18:04
kanzurebkero: yo foo, get openmanufacturing.org back on :(18:04
bkeroybit: You're gonna have to update DNS18:04
bkeroPoint it to
bkeroSorry, my colo changed from Florida to Portland18:04
ybiter, that's what it's pointing to18:08
katsmeow-afkhttp:// is also 40418:08
kanzure"The first week, send at least two e-mails a day to people you have never met. By the third week, your goal is to receive one e-mail a day from people you don’t know. Once you figured it out, just scale." dur?18:18
kanzure"your goal is to receive one e-mail a day from people you don't know"18:18
kanzurehrm. that's hard to get to, in reality18:18
ybitbkero ^18:29
bkerokatsmeow-afk: Yea.  Apache is set up to use vhosts, so unless you access the site through the domain, you won't get the page.18:29
bkeroIf you put it in your /etc/hosts file, it should work fine18:30
katsmeow-afkdid, still cannot18:30
ybitfenn: also see http://freemeetup.blogspot.com/18:39
ybitthere was some service from yahoo i used once18:40
Utopiahybit: the point of meetup is that people know it exists. (Im not saying it's good or bad, just that it's their "added value")18:40
ybitno argument there18:43
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:12
ybitbkero: did the servers just recently change? the zone file shows the address as being the same one you mentioned20:40
kanzurecambodian bamboo trains? http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20100125/bamboo-marvels/travel-by-bamboo-trains-in-cambodia-true-ingenuity/20:41
kanzurehm, i missed this one: http://futurismic.com/2009/05/15/garage-ribofunk-the-rise-of-homebrew-genetic-engineering/20:44
kanzureer, just some links from: http://futurismic.com/2010/01/27/garage-ribofunk-redux-diy-biohacking-gaining-popularity/20:45
kanzureheh i liked the url: http://outlawbiology.net/about/wtf/ looks like christopher kelty built a wall of text20:51
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@c-24-63-106-223.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:12
wrldpc2Hey Kanz do you remember Alec Resnick's DIY group?  Not Sprout the thing he had before sprout.21:40
bkeroybit: changed a while ago21:57
gearhackerdammit, I think the formulas I'm using to generate gear profiles are garbage22:06
gearhackerand the researchers who published said formulas are bullshitting22:06
kanzuremost researchers are22:08
gearhackerdamn the paper is over 10 years old22:09
gearhackerwhy would somebody do that...22:14
JayDuggerGood night, all. Time to work. Good eavesdropping, as ever.22:25
-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]22:25
gearhackerperhaps I'm not doing the right thing22:30
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