
--- Day changed Mon Feb 01 2010
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ybitit should be rather easy to push cubespawn to the top 10 since pepsi is just going by votes11:33
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kanzuresuperkuh: nevermind, not going to make it.12:04
kanzureybit: what's the prize money?12:04
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kanzurehm, $25k12:09
kanzurehow many votes does he need?12:09
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ybitanyone know Marianne Rugard Jarvstrat?12:35
kanzurei think i can get him the votes he needs for the refresheverything whatever12:45
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Utopiahybit: http://failblog.org/2010/02/01/financial-advice-fail/14:29
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ybitUtopiah: haha14:43
ybithow much to build a decent laser cutter?...14:56
kanzureyou can buy one for $1k (40W, 12x12 inch work area), so please build under that cost level14:56
fennno guarantee if it works though15:03
fennybit: figure $3k to build from parts15:03
fennfor a 45W acrylic/plywood cutter15:04
ybitfenn: how much did you spend in creating your lathe?15:05
fenni had to buy a lot of tools15:06
fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/lathe-bom-sort.html 15:07
fennso something like $60015:08
fennor $900 depending on how you look at it15:09
kanzureupside down?15:09
kanzurealso, hi15:10
ybitalright, grab your torches and critique http://bayimg.com/image/caknnaacb.jpg15:23
fennhow about a text file?15:24
ybitthey only allow you to include so much15:24
ybithttp://designfiles.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/pcr gives me plenty to work with15:25
fenn$10k is probably too high for the CNC mill, unless you are going seriously overboard15:25
ybitbut i figure since it's classified as a replab/fablab/thing, mostly general fab equipment15:25
ybitguess i need to take off the bio stuff for the time being15:26
fennwhat is this, kickstarter?15:26
ybitand include some stuff for electronics, e.g. soldering irons, wire strippers, and lots of general stuff15:27
fennoh, good luck15:27
ybiti guess it couldn't hurt to aim for the 250k prize, right? :)15:27
* fenn snorts15:28
ybiti do need some type of realistic BOM though15:28
fennyou're competing against girl scouts in a popularity contest15:29
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fennkind of unfair, once you get onto the top ten list you get on the front page with a big 'vote for this idea' button15:31
fennsome of these don't even make sense - how you gonna build a house while riding a bike?15:35
ybiti would pay to watch that 15:37
kanzureit looks like $50k on that screenshot15:41
ybiti'm going for the $50k prize15:41
ybitand i remove the bio stuff15:41
kanzureanyway, they won't approve you until march15:41
kanzurethey allow you to vote if you can solve a captcha15:42
kanzurehttp://decaptcher.com/ solves captchas pretty cheaply15:42
kanzureso i'll hook up my captcha bot and get james his $25k15:42
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-90-40.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:56
ybitoi genehacker 15:57
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ybitspeaking uof the asshole ;-)16:17
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ybitso factor-e-farm crew spent $20k on building the tractor, hrm. that' sabout what it costs for a decent one16:19
ybitwe've got about four on the farm16:19
ybittwo that are actually operable 16:19
ybitand seven bushhogs :P16:19
ybittwo operable16:19
ybitthe nicests one we have cost about $20k to purchase16:20
kanzureheh it's easier for me to just straight up interpret this input as yaml instead of the json it claims to be.16:20
kanzurehere's how the json peeps serialize objects:16:21
-!- Noahj [~noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:17
flamt18:24 < flamt> no its child porn like in charles stross's Generation Gap17:23
flamt18:24 < flamt> Scientology and Singularity are both fronts for some National Geographic of child porn17:23
flamt18:24 < flamt> they implanted me in '08 in case i got some tiny girlfriend again but all girls were too smart17:24
flamt18:24 < flamt> now they are trying to gaslight me with it but i know what it is17:24
flamt18:25 < flamt> i dated a chick they used in some shit thats how i know and she was from my computers club 2600 thats why17:24
flamt18:25 < flamt> maybe because i mentioned scientology on my blog after disinfo.com linked some sites abvout them17:24
flamt18:25 < flamt> was like 1517:24
flamtnot really like, throwing my name into the hat17:24
flamtnot on purpose17:24
flamtwhat should i do17:24
flamtor im just like jesus and its still ok i dunno yet17:25
flamtjesus is bad though17:26
flamtmoral test, well, trap17:26
flamtwell test17:26
flamtfrom aliens17:26
flamtwow thats why we got the dark ages i mean man but i didnt figure that out just now or anything christ17:26
ybiti'm reminded of http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/02/01/0553259/Students-Failing-Because-of-Poor-Grammar?from=rss right about now17:27
fennflamt: please shut up and/or go away17:28
flamtthat's just cruel if what i'm saying were true you didn't even think of that17:29
flamtyou're cruel17:29
flamtas heck17:29
flamtbrb >_>17:29
genehackerI am confused17:36
fennhi genehacker, what's new?17:37
genehackernot much17:38
fennWARNING: Terrorists crashed an airplane into the server room, have to remove /bin/laden. (rm -rf /bin/laden)17:47
kanzurejust to be safe flamt, you should rm -rf /bin/17:48
ybitare you sure that's safe kanzure, he should try sudo rm /* just to be safe17:54
* fenn suggests gasoline and nitrous oxide17:55
fennthe bonus is that you'll get high before you burn to death17:55
kanzurethat's good right?17:56
fennas long as you don't get caught; suicide is illegal17:56
ybitin what state is this?18:00
ybitand in what era?18:01
* ybit rests18:02
ybitya know, that was dangerous of me to suggest rm /*, i forgot -rf18:14
ybitUtopiah: was it you that hosted the documentary about the group living on the Mesa?18:19
ybiti thought it was decent18:19
fenn> hey, um, shouldn't this be flipped horizontally to make a "C"?18:25
fenn> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3483/4013121693_1fc3a5cb20_o.png18:25
fenn"this was the original mockup but then we flipped it so it would look18:25
fennmore like copyleft as opposed to copyright18:25
fenn(contraptor logo)18:26
Utopiahybit: yes, I shared it before watching it actually, I think it was interesting, not mind blowing but it was more like some comtempory anthroplogy, alternative lifestyles with their exciting and crapy sides of the same coin18:37
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fenni dont get what makes openscad better/different from POV-RAY19:01
kanzure"makerbot people like it!"19:05
kanzureor "zach likes it!"19:05
kanzurefyi there was a very high concentration of sarcasm encoded in those messages19:05
fennwho is eightpennies? sounds familiar19:14
ybitit is i19:14
fenn"4x the content of a typical email!"19:15
fennybit: you arent that clueful :P19:15
ybiti get the name because i have this habit i can't kick where i toss eight pennies at every slut i fsck19:15
ybit"wtf are you doing weirdo?" "i'm filesystem checking you, what does it look like!"19:16
kanzurefenn: he posts to diybio every once in a while19:16
ybitbam! eight pennis go flying19:16
fenni dont know why he jumps to all the doomsaying though19:17
kanzurein which document/email?19:17
ybiti left another message with mitch free today 19:18
ybitalso his twitter is http://twitter.com/mitchfree stalk away19:18
fennnor do i agree with his assessment "viral vector design is beyond our resources now"19:20
fennyou don't need "mindshare" to design a vector, you need one competent person19:20
ybiti see no doomsaying from him, just a bunch of requests for papers and the mention of caloric restriction19:21
fennthis was an email kanzure forwarded.. (forwarded to ybit)19:23
fenn"stranger from the internet"19:24
fennhm crap it's 5:30 i gotta watch a stupid video so i dont sound like an idiot tonight19:24
* fenn is going to "android experimenters" group19:24
* ybit rests a bit19:27
* nsh just watched this (Sugar: the bitter truth, Robert Lustig, MD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM19:29
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fennwow, there are already 20,000 apps available in android market19:48
ybiti saw that last night19:59
kanzuredr treadwell cried when he read this http://xkcd.com/695/ (spirit rover)20:09
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ybitwhat that :'( or a :')20:20
ybitmy aunt is giving me her sob story of not being able to find a microscope for herself in this town pre-internet days20:22
ybitthere's a lot of sadness spreading atm20:22
kanzureuse a fecking drop of water20:22
ybituhuh 20:22
kanzurefenn: i take it you liked the email?20:25
fenneightpennies? yeah i guess; he's adequately clueful20:27
kanzurehm gmail is spontaneously generating my schedule for wednesday20:27
kanzure"you have this scheduled for 1pm, and this scheduled for 2pm"20:27
kanzureabout time.20:28
* fenn was supposed to leave ~15 min ago.. 20:28
kanzureit's only because you're a bad person20:28
fennactually i'm waiting for someone to show up20:31
kanzureit's really funny seeing eightpennies type in shorthand20:36
kanzure"bryan if this is irrelevant 2 u then u should delete this asap!!!!!!"20:36
kanzure*attachment of 200 papers about longevity*20:36
kanzuredoes anyone else find it sad that anyone who's run a gel has more wetware experience than aubrey?20:40
fennaubrey seems to know what he's talking about20:49
kanzureyeah but there's been controversy over his work20:49
kanzurei haven't sorted out the mess yet20:50
kanzuresupposedly someone, somewhere has some legit claims against the particular approaches that he is using20:50
kanzurebut for some reason it became an attack of his character? blah blah blah20:50
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow20:51
fennits the beard tha tdoes it20:52
fennis there a project roadmap for SENS?20:53
kanzure26 MB of goodies on that: http://heybryan.org/transhuman/Aubrey.zip20:55
fennwhatever happened to servers automatically zipping/unzipping files for you?21:03
* fenn is thinking archie/ftp days21:03
fennall you had to do was append .tgz or .zip to the url21:03
kanzureis archie older or younger than gopher?21:04
fennsites like this: http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/21:04
kanzurei'm sure there's an apache plugin i could throw on21:05
fennheh http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pictures/vehicles/aircraft/mig-29-burning-1.jpg21:11
fenni didnt realize the yf-23 was so old (1994) http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pictures/vehicles/aircraft/yf23b.jpg21:13
fenni spend countless hours playing F22 for sega genesis21:15
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:18da:7c83:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap21:22
kanzurehey JayDugger 21:23
JayDuggerGood evening.21:23
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kanzureheh "i'm cooler than the other side of the pillow"21:29
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jduggeri hate the interwebs21:42
jduggerAny IPv6 experts?21:42
kanzure"my favorite black hole" http://brown.armoredpenguin.com/~abrown/BlackHole/index.html21:57
kanzureyummy, i like termcasts: http://kitenet.net/~joey/termcast/22:05
ybitthat is interesting22:17
ybitinstead of walking someone through via do "foo bar" in a chat session, you can just talk to them and say hey, watch what i do here22:18
ybitand you can avoid the, "and don't include the quotes" or "ignore the less than and greater than symbols <blah>"22:19
jduggerOr you can watch someone else play nethack.22:29
jduggerAnyway, I have to go to work. Bryan, the problem was on my end. I'd done "apt-get install miredo" three weeks ago, right before vacation, and I'd completely forgotten about it.22:32
jduggerGood night, all.22:32
ybitgn jdugger 22:33
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