
--- Day changed Thu Feb 04 2010
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:14
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MrClifI think the internet archive built their own book scanners. Most of their stuff is open source.00:36
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ybit"The Internet Archive seeks a book scanning operator to digitize and help de-bug the scanning process on a brand new book scanning machine." doesn't sound like they built it00:45
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ybitkanzure: did you forget to put heybryan.org and hplusroadmap wiki on the 1tb?01:08
ybitheh, kanzure, i just ran into the part of the logs where you quote dexter's lab. i also noted that part in some txt document sometime this year01:14
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-!- QuantumG [~qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]03:37
fenni didnt forget; it was on a different hard drive that i didnt have access to at the time03:58
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kanzurefenn: not true, you probably deleted it08:07
kanzurealthoug hteh wiki is another story08:07
kanzureamazon buys touchco .. looks like a touchscreen for multi-digit touchscreens09:10
kanzureer, for multi-digit humans09:10
Utopiah(Nutrition Made Clear http://www.teach12.com/ttcx/coursedesclong2.aspx?cid=1950 available as audiobook for 24hrs at http://seedea.org/buffering/nutri_ttc/ )09:38
ybitkanzure: can i rape your server one night for this stuff, i'll only be rough on it for a few hours10:13
ybitor if you would like to upload it to designfiles, i'll rip it from that10:13
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:28ee:7602:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap10:39
JayDuggerHeh. That seems to have worked.10:39
JayDuggerWhat was that about Internet Archive needing a book scanner?10:40
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ybitJayDugger: MrClif thought that they had built their own, they may have, but i didn't find it10:42
JayDuggerThank you, ybit.10:45
ybitnp JayDugger 10:45
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kanzureUtopiah: thanks11:31
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ybitoi xApple 11:52
ybitkanzure, Utopiah, fenn: meet xapple11:52
ybitmet him from #epfl11:52
ybithe helped me acquire a paper behind their paywall11:53
ybitxApple: see http://designfiles.org/papers11:53
ybitwe tend to put papers there11:53
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ybitalso see our logs11:53
hplusbotybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt11:53
ybityou can see what we talk about 11:54
xAppleOK cool11:54
xAppleWell I'll just hang around a bit ^^11:54
kanzurethere's a #epfl?11:54
ybitUtopiah just linked us to a documentary on the blue brain project, and i was reminded of you, so i figured i'd hit you up11:54
xAppleAh yeah Prof Markram11:55
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xAppleI see him sitting in his office now and then11:55
kanzurexis xapple into neuroscience?11:55
ybitcomputational neuroscience11:55
kanzurexApple: please ask markram to open source it :(11:55
ybitkanzure: link him away11:55
ybitassemilate him please :P11:56
kanzurehttp://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/ (should be faster than heybryan.org)11:56
xAppleNice links indeed11:56
kanzureyou just get him to go GPL on his source code, and i'll worship you for a lifetime11:56
ybithim == markram11:57
* kanzure goes back to some programming11:58
xAppleI don't think he lieks the GPL idea11:58
ybithe seems like an a-hole to me11:59
ybiti shouldn't say that having not met him personally, but i've seen him attack other scientists11:59
ybitthat's all my gossip for today12:00
xAppleYou refering to his last email that became public ?12:01
ybitno, you keep mentioning that, but i haven't read it12:01
ybiti was referring to some videos from the ibm almaden research center's cognitive neuroscience conf12:02
ybiti am glad someone is doing the work though, even if i disagree with certain behavior12:03
ybitxApple: have you tried http://synaptic-modeling.com/index.html ?12:05
* ybit is curious what you work with12:05
xAppleNope never used EONS12:06
xAppleI worked with NEST12:06
ybithrm, link?12:06
ybithttp://bebiservice.umb.no/projects-public/cnsweb/wiki/Research/NEST ?12:07
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ybithave you tried genesis?12:08
xAppleNope neither 12:08
xAppleSorry actually I have a guest at the moment, can't chat...12:09
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ybithttp://sourceforge.net/projects/genesis-sim/ :: book: http://ybit.ath.cx/text/The_Book_of_Genesis_-_Exploring_Realistic_Neural_Models_with_the_GEneral_NEural_SImulations_System.pdf :: book contents:http://www.genesis-sim.org/GENESIS/bog/contents.html 12:09
ybiti did a huge link dump one time: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/2ce9f71776ec297a/4a7774d5b8a71d67?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&q=brain+emulation#4a7774d5b8a71d6712:11
ybitwell, -huge :)12:11
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xAppleHah ok I'll look at that later : )12:12
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xp_prgLets say you have a map of neurons and how they are connected, how does that tanslate into an algorithm that can be known?13:18
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kanzurego away13:27
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xp_prghi genehacker13:41
xp_prggenehacker do you understand how a neuronal structure can be reverse engineered into an algorithm?13:42
xp_prgcan you figure it out real quick and tell me?13:43
genehackeruse differential equations I think13:45
kanzurego away13:49
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ybitanyone know someone at the university of twente? http://doc.utwente.nl/68962/14:33
* ybit requested a copy14:39
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ybithrm, can't find this linux n00b channel, there was some interesting person on one of them from when i was starting out..15:05
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fennxp_prg you've really never heard of an artificial neural network?17:22
fennwhat do they teach in schools these days i wonder17:23
fennapparently it takes about the same time to format a 2GB sd card as a 16GB card17:25
QuantumGhmm.. I would have thought formating sd cards would be a constant time operation.. it's not like there's any point "checking for bad sectors"17:26
QuantumGaka quick format17:27
kanzurei took some notes in a class about ANNs:17:32
ybitkanzure: what class?17:32
kanzure"building brains"17:32
kanzureit was with dr. mauk. apparently he was one of ed boyden's thesis advisors O.o17:32
fennmy parents are going to that ACS conference (sorta)17:32
ybitand can i grab hplusroadmap wiki and your homepage tonight?17:33
kanzureno, i don't have the wiki anywhere17:33
kanzurethat i know of17:33
ybitkanzure: this was a high school class?17:33
kanzurefenn: wellp, if you're going to be in the area, i'd like you to stalk down the blueobelisk people17:33
kanzureybit: no :(17:33
ybitthen it was associated with?17:33
ybitit was just a class, not associated with college i presume17:34
kanzureno it was associated with college17:34
ybitthat's cool17:34
ybitthat would be a fun class17:34
kanzurethat's why i took it :)17:34
ybiti've been reading berger's stuff today17:34
QuantumGhttp://quantumg.net/dbns.php I wonder if there's a course on DBNs yet.17:34
kanzureyou and .php just don't seem to go together17:35
kanzureoops don't show that page to fenn17:35
kanzurehe goes bananas all over numenta17:35
QuantumGI was just reading it and figured I should remove the Numenta slurs17:35
kanzuresusskind eh17:36
kanzurealso this 404s: http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~ywteh/research/ebm/nc2006.pdf17:36
kanzurebut there's a copy here: http://web.archive.org/web/20070824030245/http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~ywteh/research/ebm/nc2006.pdf17:36
ybiti'm trying to find the paper where berger's group actually implant the device in a mouse17:37
kanzure"the android makers"17:37
kanzurei don't recall them doing that, ybit17:37
kanzurei mainly recall berger and thomas de marse just doing flight control stuff with petri dishes17:37
ybitthey are supposed to have done that by now17:37
kanzureor maybe that was just de marse17:38
kanzurewhat's berger up to17:38
ybitsupposed to implement his "biomemetic microelectronic" device into a mouse17:38
ybitand he was supposed to have it in some primate by 201017:38
kanzurethe artificial hippocampus nonsense?17:38
ybityeah, though it really is only a sub-population of neurons, so artificial hippocampus probably isn't the best term for it17:39
kanzureles just hit me up for some money17:39
kanzurei'd be happy to give it to him, except i can't really use the space much17:40
ybitwhy not?17:40
kanzurei can't spend that much time on a god damned bus17:40
kanzureand nobody else i know has a need for it17:40
kanzureit's always bizarre doing phone conferences at ADL17:41
kanzurei'm always throwing around these huge numbers "well if you can get me $300k on that deal, i'll cut you 50k on the metal sheets"17:41
kanzure*sheet metal17:41
kanzureand all the other people in the room kind of just look around 17:41
kanzure"who the fuck is this guy?"17:41
kanzurethis was doubly so when the ny times reporter showed up17:41
fennQuantumG: yeah i enjoyed hinton's google talk before i ever heard of "on intelligence"17:43
fennkanzure: what about "the android makers"?17:44
QuantumGya, I slapped together that page from a slashdot comment that I wrote in reply to someone asking about Numenta.. but it's not really related17:44
kanzurefenn: just stalking you17:44
kanzurewtf is all this money doing in my bank account17:44
kanzurei'm supposed to be broke >:(17:45
fenni could fix that for you if you want17:45
kanzureget cracking, my friend17:45
* fenn sniffs some packets17:46
kanzuredood i thought you were so off that shit17:46
QuantumGre: "who the fuck is this guy?", ya, but at the same time I'm often telling people their idiots for some reason or another because they have said or done something stupid.. and you get people saying "heh, you don't even know who Bob Smith is do you?" or whatever the dipshit's name is.  Like I'm supposed to ignore the fact that he said something moronic because he's famous for something.17:46
kanzureQuantumG: what?17:46
kanzureall i was saying it's kind of weird to "conduct business" around people who think i'm yet another heat sink (i probably am though)17:47
fennhey kanzure if you want to use/own my car it would be better than it rotting away in a parking lot and/or getting towed17:47
kanzurelegally, i can't17:47
kanzurethe plate is expired in indiana17:47
kanzureso it can't be replated for texas17:47
kanzurewithout the car being in indiana17:48
fennyeah you have to register it17:48
kanzurein indiana..17:48
kanzureyeah :/17:48
fennthat doesnt make any sense17:48
QuantumGI guess my point is, if you care about social niceties, treat everyone like they're someone important/sane/smart and phrase things like "oh, that's not actually right, maybe you made a mistake".17:48
fennhow am i supposed to drive it to indiana with expired plates17:48
kanzurefenn: fuck if i know17:48
kanzureQuantumG: are you telling me to be polite by not taking a conference call in the lab?17:48
kanzurefenn: i don't know when i last saw your car, btw17:49
kanzurei guess i should go check17:49
kanzurewhere are the keys?17:49
QuantumGnever mind, I misunderstood your scenario17:49
fennin the little dresser17:49
kanzureQuantumG: you have successfully confused me17:49
QuantumGno worries17:50
kanzurealso, i'm hungry. nom nom nom /me leaves17:50
QuantumGya, I'm also hungry.. but its effort to get food17:50
kanzurean existential crisis!17:51
fennhow do i get a timestamp on google maps? http://tinyurl.com/ye94qpq17:51
QuantumGpneumatic tube sandwich delivery, where are you?!17:52
fenni dont see any tickets on the windshield :P17:52
kanzurei don't think you do17:52
kanzureit says 201017:52
kanzureso plus or minus 36 days17:52
kanzuremaybe you're just early to rise and early to bed17:53
QuantumGI wonder when brain rejuvenation will become available.17:53
fennstem cell therapy?17:54
QuantumGI need it now before I become completely senile!17:54
kanzuretoo late17:54
fennthere have been clinical trials already (with some problems, a few people dying)17:55
kanzureif you're wondering why i haven't left yet,17:55
kanzureit's because i haven't reached pacing escape velocity17:55
kanzurefenn can explain :/17:55
QuantumGsweet, more people need to die for my drugs damn it17:55
fennare you at the lab?17:55
kanzurenah i just got home17:55
fennoh nevermind then17:56
fenndid you ever turn in my book?17:56
kanzurei'm going back on campus tomorrow17:56
kanzurethe book has been added to the bag17:56
fennsee i thought it was just in the backpack for like 5 months17:56
QuantumGI remember when I worked in a lab (don't get excited, it was cs).. and we'd be like "gotta be coke/chips time".. ride the elevator down to level 1, negotiate with the vending machine, stop by the staff room and play Bubble Bobble.  I guess that's why the PhD's in the lab with me took so long to finish their thesis.17:57
kanzurei think ADL is comparable to a CS lab17:59
kanzurejust without the CS people17:59
fenn"leaving cold pizza wrapped in foil on his dashboard in the morning meant having hot pizza by lunch time."18:02
fennreduce your carbon footprint today!18:02
ybiti want to know the surgical details, how do they get the receivers and transmitters in place18:19
ybitalso somewhat related, anyone know of a group which has studied visual hallucinations with fMRI?18:21
ybitah that was easy18:22
ybitignore last question18:22
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ybitquick response in cosmic engineers mailing list from me:19:57
ybitSpeaking of Berger's group, has anyone actually heard what they are19:57
ybitdoing these days? In May 2006 at the IBM Almaden Research Center,19:57
ybitduring a QA session at their cognitive computing themed conference,19:57
ybitBerger said,  "I think we'll be in primate models in three years or19:57
ybitso." But I've yet to see a paper published from them where the device19:57
ybitis implanted into even a mouse. If someone is willing to show me a19:57
ybitpaper where they have done this, that would be great, because I want19:57
ybitthis done ASAP.19:57
ybitThe video clip:19:57
ybitStart at 01:27:55 if you want to see him state this.19:57
kanzurefunding comes and goes19:58
ybitwhat's the surgical procedure?19:58
ybiti want details on that19:58
kanzurejust look in http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/20:04
kanzurethere's lots of surgery details..20:04
ybiter http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/artificial_receptors/Artificial%20Receptors%20That%20Provides%20a%20Preorganized%20Hydrophobic%20Environment:%20A%20Biomimetic%20Approach%20to%20Dopamine%20Recognition%20in%20Water_files/20:17
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ybitdistributed version of the blue brain project?21:35
ybityes/no and why21:35
ybitI don't think we'd want to follow their architecture as they're using shared memory which will not work in a distributed model. The brain doesn't have a central memory bank but rather distributes it's memory across the network. They also use time dependent algorithms which we'd want to avoid."21:35
ybit"considering the precision required in setting up a series of neurons in harmony, what other option do you have but to have the algorithms as a function of time."21:36
nshreality has an asynchronistic bias21:45
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kanzurewhy didn't i know about the "oprah 9000 penises"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGyKmvQesgs23:10
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