
--- Day changed Tue Feb 16 2010
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-55-176.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]00:50
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genehacker100 mm long nanotubes00:58
ybitif you have time to waste on movies, give 'district 9' a go01:00
QuantumGI liked it01:01
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* katsmeow-afk ponders driving up to ybit to go see it with01:10
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genehackerdistrict 9 is meh01:12
katsmeow-afkok, nm01:12
genehackerthough the mecha scene is cool01:12
QuantumGI'll take meh over "fucking hollywood, fuck you."01:13
genehackerstar wars live action tv show01:14
QuantumGhave you seen the starwars phantom menace review?01:15
QuantumGhis Star Trek reviews are great too.01:16
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* katsmeow-afk growls at the southern isp01:17
genehackerwooo asteroids are rubble piles02:19
fennmm post valentine's sale candy02:24
genehackerFANUC factory for FANUC robots02:51
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kanzuredunno what this is http://cleigh6.tripod.com/polly/sweetsurrender.txt11:43
kanzureoh, xfiles11:43
kanzurestalk: David Layzer (astrophysicist)12:55
kanzure"Laßwitz-Borges Library" i get the borges reference, but not the other half12:56
kanzurestalk: Antony Valentini12:57
kanzurechristian siefkes is asking for help on the pythonocc mailing list13:05
kanzureyet more evidence?13:05
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* any88199303 growls a lot of cusswords at the local powerco 14:09
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kanzurejust for a reference again14:59
kanzurei know they are old14:59
kanzure"global energy money. it's current, see?" <--- sam putman should not be allowed to make bad puns15:02
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:07
kanzureConsidering the world soon has a population of 7 billion people, on which 1.7 billion people use the internet [internetworldstats.com] and usually people have several email addresses, it means it's still probably like 0.1-0.2 spam messages per day per person. Add filters to that which caught most of the spam and the 3 billion per day isn't actually that large number.15:22
kanzure1.7B users on the internet: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm15:22
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk15:39
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-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-237-18.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:02
fenni just had the most awesome dream16:11
fenni was tricked into being locked away in my father's secret medical lab, but i had a startup venture funding meeting to go to! furious, i break out through one of the glass partitions (without actually breaking the glass) only to find that my shoes are not where i left them. so instead, i invent FLIP-DOWN SEGWAY POGO BOOTS from scratch16:14
fennat which point i realize it's such an awesome idea i have to wake up in order to write it down16:15
kanzurenice links here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2002976/constructive-solid-geometry-mesh16:19
kanzureMerging BSP trees yields polyhedral set operations (Naylor, 1990) http://designfiles.org/papers/Merging%20BSP%20trees%20yields%20polyhedral%20set%20operations%20-%20Naylor.pdf16:21
fennhard to find images of this... imagine it's strapped to your calf but folded  up so that nothing actually touches the ground16:22
fennwith a hinge joint about halfway up, perpendicular to the knee axis of rotation16:23
kanzureoh i mis-read16:23
kanzurea mechanical thingy capable of flipping down16:23
fennmore like stilts than boots i guess16:23
QuantumGyeah, that's the cleanest technique, it's also the most inflexible.  binary operations on arbitrary b-reps is more flexible.. you can use any b-rep you find, no matter how "non-primitive".16:24
kanzurecan you link to a paper or algorithm for that16:24
fennman, some of these people really get into it http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3561/3852431096_196d7d0fcc.jpg16:25
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-237-18.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]16:25
QuantumGConstructive Solid Geometry for Polyhedral Objects16:25
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kanzurei like the handicap tag16:26
kanzureit's a wheelchair16:26
QuantumGwow, that guy must be a pimp with the ladies16:26
kanzuresomething about tagging a segway with a symbol of a wheelchair.. just seems funny16:26
QuantumGthe whole "still need working legs" thing16:27
kanzureConstructive Solid Geometry for Polyhedral Objects http://www.cs.brown.edu/~jfh/papers/Laidlaw-CSG-1986/main.htm16:27
kanzurepaper.pdf wow what a creative filename16:28
fenni'm not entirely sure of the message he's trying to convey16:30
QuantumG"I may be disabled, but my legs still work ladies, and check out this cape!"16:31
fennthis is just begging to get hacked on http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/13/zeal-optics-bringing-gps-sensor-laden-transcend-ski-goggles-to/16:38
ybitcan anyone read these files: http://ybit.ath.cx/cad/tmote-flat-connect-emb.sch  and  http://ybit.ath.cx/cad/probe-lp.sch16:38
ybiteagle cad complains that its invalid data16:39
kanzuregeda should be able to read it16:42
ybiti thought it was created in eagle16:44
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-39-17.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:16
-!- ve [~a@smith.xen.tardis.ed.ac.uk] has joined #hplusroadmap17:53
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fenni randomly found a thin asian girl on okcupid who, it turns out, reads dresden codak and likes to watch porn <_<  this isn't supposed to happen18:47
kanzurefenn has a thing for asian girls?18:48
QuantumGwho doesn't18:48
kanzurea lot of them have a thing for dresden codak18:48
fennare you basing this on observation or snark factor?18:49
kanzurei had to tell her that i met aaron once18:50
kanzureand randomly in the middle of our conversation i realized who he was18:50
kanzure"YOU ARE A GOD" (well, these weren't my exact words)18:50
fennon the internet, nobody knows you're a god...18:50
fennor something like that18:51
kanzurein person, you mean18:51
fennwho could forget a face like this? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2527/3982700464_87703d7d15.jpg18:52
kanzure16:57:11 omg/jblake: seriouspost: levenshtein distance on extended soundex hashes is a not-terrible metric            19:16
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:30f6:6119:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap19:19
kanzurehey JayDugger 19:27
JayDuggerHi, kanzure.19:27
JayDuggerUp early^H^H^H^H^Hon time, so once I finish this coffee cup, I'll start editing.19:27
fenni do not envy you, sir19:33
fennpython used to come with soundex hashing built-in, but now i can't even find a package for it?19:36
fennalso, how does the algorithm know how something is pronounced in the first place?19:37
kanzureinternational phonetic alphabet19:43
kanzuredoesn't dict tend to have ipa strings attached to each entry?19:43
fennnames aren't usually in dictionaries are they?19:44
fennum, nevermind, you arent talking about names19:45
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kanzure"chlorophyll collective"?20:46
JayDuggerOSHBM (Open Source Hardware Business Models)21:05
JayDuggerOSHBM: How do I enable RSS feeds in Google Docs?21:05
JayDuggerYes, I read the un-help.21:05
JayDuggerIt refers to non-existent menu selections.21:05
JayDuggerI'd like the feed for revisions to work.21:07
JayDuggerA common problem, and suspicious. I bet it's on Google's end.21:09
JayDuggerHelp Forum thread: http://tinyurl.com/yhwuy7d21:10
kanzuresam putman claimed he didn't want to read OSHBM because it had too many revisions 21:11
kanzurei think he's just trying to find an excuse21:11
JayDuggerPerhaps he'll later reconsider.21:11
kanzurehow? it will have even more revisions21:12
kanzurewhat a silly excuse21:12
JayDuggerEditing might settle down as the document matures.21:12
JayDuggerOTOH, perhaps he politely meant "No."21:14
JayDuggerDo they include Step #0) Get to Earth Orbit, aka "Halfway to Anywhere?"21:15
QuantumGkanzure: so can you cut and paste the contents of that link?  I can't see it cause I'm not a member (and don't wanna be one)21:19
kanzuret's not as interesting as it sounds. it's just a giant list of poorly thought out manufacturing processes21:20
JayDuggerkanzure, have you read Freitas's NASA study on self-reproducing automata? Not KSRM, but the earlier one.21:21
kanzurebut i just sent it to om if you're interested21:21
kanzureJayDugger: yes21:21
kanzureJayDugger: http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/AASM53.html%23536&usg=AFQjCNE-qoXDS5g1R0jVJ-o9od_Vuf-FVw21:21
JayDuggerDoes it match his throughness?21:21
kanzure http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/AASM53.html#536 21:21
JayDuggerYes, I've a copy.21:21
kanzureto be honest, i was kind of sad that AASM didn't go into the actual details of verification and so on21:22
kanzure"generic system A, generic system B"21:22
kanzureanybody could draw up diagrams like that..21:22
kanzurebut i did like how he discussed self-replication and the issue of "closure"21:22
kanzurehere are some of my favorite excerpts from AASM:21:22
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JayDuggerOSHBM: Added your emailed to-do list (sans pleasant compliment) to OSHBM's To-Do section.21:23
JayDugger"Real horrorshow," as Anthony Burgess might say. ;)21:25
JayDuggerHmm...Google Docs automatically prunes revisions. http://docs.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9590221:27
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JayDuggerOSHBM: Moving contributions request list to separate spreadsheet.21:53
JayDuggerOSHBM Requested Contributors spreadsheet at http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AgY8iyNeuVgwdEY3MFFtUmFueFdlMXNLOHI0R1dhUmc&hl=en22:02
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JayDuggerOSHBM: All done for now...DECIDE on method to INVITE contributors...DECIDE on answer to inevitable "Why not a wiki for this?"22:13
JayDuggerOSHBM: INVITE contributors.22:13
JayDuggerGood night, all.22:14
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kanzure"Everyone knows Ubuntu is an ancient African word for "I can't configure Debian". How come you can't configure Debian but were able to create a whole other distro?"23:47

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