
--- Day changed Mon Feb 22 2010
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:00
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-!- AndChat| [~AndChat@207.sub-97-24-228.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:10
AndChat|lurking from $DAYJOB00:11
kanzureyou smell like a perl programmer00:14
ybit2could be a php person00:15
kanzurephp people don't do $ALL_CAPS00:15
kanzureprolly bash00:16
* ybit2 was considering asking kanzure for his smella-programmer add-on but decided against it00:16
kanzureybit2: good call. the world _stinks_00:16
AndChat|bash by choice, ksh for my sins.00:18
ybit2from way back when...00:20
ybit200:09 < kanzure> I am, however, interested in the medical scientist training program00:20
ybit200:10 < kanzure> An 8 year program to get a PhD and an MD00:20
ybit200:10 < kanzure> with a stipend paid by the govt00:20
ybit2kanzure: you have a link for that?00:20
kanzurei think it was called mstp00:22
kanzureholy crap paul's latest email *sucks*00:41
kanzure"guh huh just define unit_mm()"00:41
fennAndChat|: where you located, if you dont mind?00:43
fennhm. texas00:44
AndChat|Odd...I wonder why this chat client doesn't update my nickname.00:44
fennthe part that threw me was $DAYJOB at midnight00:44
AndChat|Let me reconnect.00:44
-!- AndChat| [~AndChat@207.sub-97-24-228.myvzw.com] has quit [Quit: Bye]00:45
kanzurefenn: you of all people shouldn't be bound by $DAY and $NIGHT offsets :P00:46
fennthat's why i was asking... duh00:46
-!- Jay [~AndChat@207.sub-97-24-228.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:47
kanzurehey why didn't we use unum?00:47
fennit sucked00:48
kanzureback when you were writing Unit00:48
kanzurei see00:48
kanzurewell, paul just sent out an email about it00:48
-!- Jay is now known as Guest9998300:48
fenngood for him00:48
kanzureGuest99983: use /nick blahblahblah00:48
kanzurefenn: just doing some damage control, thought i'd mention that i replied to him already.00:48
fennJay is probably already taken00:49
kanzure"SF Mayor Gavin Newsom on the Internet Archive's hiring 100 people to scan books and microfilm from the unemployment rolls leveraging a matching system using stimulus dollars."00:49
Guest99983It is. I didn't log out at home.00:49
ybit2 /msg nickserv ghost jay <password>00:49
ybit2if you want00:49
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-221-126-121.rmo.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: shepazu]00:50
ybit2thanks for the link kanzure 00:51
kanzurealso, facebook connect is annoying as shit.. how does this *not* incentize me to just write a facebook scraper?00:51
Guest99983Thank you all, but I should actually do my work. 00:51
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-221-126-121.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:51
kanzureyou insensitive clod!00:52
Guest99983"encourage" or "motivate"00:52
Guest99983Both are found in dictionaries, instead of belonging to jargon.00:53
fennGuest99983: what is your day night job?00:54
kanzureavicenna: ping00:54
kanzurefenn: why did adl jump forward an hour00:55
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-!- Guest99983 [~AndChat@207.sub-97-24-228.myvzw.com] has quit [Quit: Bye]01:25
-!- Jay [~AndChat@207.sub-97-24-228.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap01:25
-!- Jay is now known as Guest7934801:26
* kanzure considers exchanging fenn for steve01:27
katsmeow-afkwhat's a steve?01:29
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.004036801:34
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kanzurehah they got him in a photo: http://singinst.org/aboutus/team01:37
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any84947247[00:38] <katsmeow-afk> i am sorry i live in such a degraded collections of humans here irl, i cannot make any comments01:40
any84947247[00:38] *** Disconnected01:40
any84947247my expereinces don't apply01:40
any84947247storms here, i won't bother changing nicks, will be disconencted again anyhow01:41
kanzuresounds depressing01:41
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fenn"My brother works partly for the company that sells equipment, training, and interpretation services for the Test of Variables of Attention, which may be the continuous performance task implemented with the most attention to timing resolution." (steve rayhawk)02:14
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kanzureyeah joe does some strange things02:19
kanzurealso he's hosting gnusha.org02:19
fenni seem to have forgotten my password on neuroblastoma02:19
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kanzurefenn: it was probably a publick ey02:19
kanzure*public key02:19
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kanzuressh -i ~/.ssh/public.key fenn@neuroblastoma.omgwallhack.org02:20
kanzurescreen; chat.rb; etc. etc.02:20
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kanzurefenn: then /join omg02:25
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fennthere's this place right down the road, "nano dimension inc" "supporting nanotechnology" and i can't find any information at all on the net03:09
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genehacker$5 says they sell microscopes or high vacuum equipment03:14
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genehackerneat, autodesk's unofficial policy for student versions is "go find the full version on a torrent site"03:33
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* bkero 's policy for student versions is go grab the GPL'd version.04:50
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fennwhy do people even implement things like this06:02
fenni'd kill for a shell right now (preferably whoever decided it would be a good idea to force me to use this crap)06:03
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c80:1f70:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap10:07
kanzurefenn: cpanel is worse10:13
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone. 12:48
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c80:1f70:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]12:48
kanzureupdated: http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/12:58
kanzureor i suppose http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/?C=M;O=D12:59
-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap14:12
kanzurehello Semikolon 14:13
SemikolonChanged my nick from branstrom14:13
kanzuresadness, i thought it was a newperson :(14:13
-!- thebwt [~thebwt@li44-117.members.linode.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:14
SemikolonSoon new people will arrive, though.14:14
SemikolonPerhaps not to this channel, but to the realm of transhumanism.14:14
kanzureooh you're on linode14:14
kanzurehow is it?14:14
thebwtso far, fraking amazing.14:14
SemikolonMe and 8 philosophy students from Stockholm are starting up a transhumanist initiative called Människa Plus.14:15
kanzureanders sandberg is from your area i think14:16
thebwtmainly I wanted a decent shell box so that I could ssh from anywhere (my g1), my home connection wasn't quite up to speed for that though.14:16
kanzureheh heybryan.org is on my home connection14:16
thebwthttp://thebwt.ath.cx/ is mine, but thebwt.com is where everything is moving14:16
kanzureybit is http://ybit.ath.cx/ and superkuh is http://superkuh.ath.cx/14:17
thebwtsow hat are you guys up to mostly?14:39
thebwtso what*14:39
kanzurethebwt: i just sent you an email about that actually14:41
* thebwt is reading it14:42
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-!- any33863777 is now known as katsmeow-afk15:04
kanzurejames choate put a lot of effort into this: http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Confusion_Research_Center15:15
kanzurebut i'm still not sure why he's not helping us with http://austinhackerspace.org/15:15
thebwtalright, got skdb-get.py to run all the way to the geom import 15:16
-!- CIA-47 [cia@] has joined #hplusroadmap15:16
-!- dotKuro [~chatzilla@host81-156-148-187.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:16
thebwtnow, to work on that15:16
kanzurehey dotKuro 15:16
kanzurethebwt: what's wrong with geom? O.o15:16
thebwtI don't have pythonOOC installed yet15:16
thebwtbut I managed to make it all run from my home dir, instead of in the system director15:17
kanzurebtw there are ubuntu packages for opencascade, i think they are apt-get'd in the instructions before installing pythonocc15:17
kanzureit shouldn't have used the system directory /at all/15:17
thebwtwell if i do a raw git-clone, I cannot run your application15:17
thebwtcannot run skdb-get15:17
thebwtbecause it expects iteself to be on the sys path15:18
thebwtbecause of "import skdb"15:18
thebwtyou need to modify the python path to include your project15:18
thebwtI added that before import skdb15:20
thebwtand it should work from anywhere15:20
thebwt(this is all in skdb-get.py)15:20
kanzurethe other option is to add it to PYTHONPATH via export=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/skdb/ and add that into your ~/.bashrc15:21
thebwt*nods* that is in your setup file15:21
thebwtbut thats messy, and I don't like code that touches my stuff ;)15:21
kanzureunderstood.. that's reasonable15:22
thebwtbzr branch lp:lernid 15:22
thebwtthat project is a great example15:22
* kanzure checks15:22
--- Log opened Mon Feb 22 14:30:23 2010
-!- kanzure [~bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:30
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 31 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 31 normal]14:30
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 0 secs14:30
thebwtso are many of you ut students?14:30
kanzurei am; a few others come and go as they please14:32
kanzuredesignfiles.org houses a giant paper repository for the rest of us: http://designfiles.org/papers/14:32
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]14:41
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thebwtblarg, OCC.Utils.Topology has all it's whitespaces messed up for some reason.14:48
kanzuredid the installation instructions not work?14:51
kanzureybit2: where is hplusbot?14:53
kanzureand why isn't he on /etc/init.d/ or something14:53
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kanzureybit: why isn't hplusbot configured on /etc/init.d or some such15:00
-!- hplusbot [ybit@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:00
ybitand it doesn't log properly15:00
ybiti shouldn't have to send it the kill signal for it flush the log15:00
kanzuredid you remember to tell it to close the file handle it creates15:01
ybityou should take hat silence as a no15:01
kanzurei take hat silence very seriously, it's the most important kind of hat15:02
thebwthome made irc bot?15:03
-!- genehacker_ [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-144-150.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:03
kanzurethebwt: supybot i think15:04
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-!- genehacker_ is now known as genehacker15:05
thebwtneat, some of us in ubuntu-texas were working on a pet irc bot project.15:06
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-144-150.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]15:10
thebwtso how much do you guys use ubuntu?15:11
dotKuroI had Ubuntu on my last hard drive, but my current's Win7. So, overall, not that much. There's a lot of software that doesn't play nicely with emulators.15:12
kanzurethe rest of us are mostly debian users15:13
thebwtI see15:13
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has joined #hplusroadmap15:13
kanzurejava model railroad interface project http://jmri.sourceforge.net/15:23
kanzurei think i was on humana for a while: http://jmri.sourceforge.net/15:34
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kanzurehttp://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1558982&cid=31231412 or here15:35
-!- ybit2 [~heath@c-71-228-184-130.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:36
thebwtokay, so after i've gotten lego with skdb-get, how do display it15:42
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kanzurethebwt: run skdb/paths.py and choose the first or second menu option16:01
thebwtkanzure: OCC.Display doesn't have a module called wxSampleGui (it has SimpleGui, and wxSampleGui2d)16:02
kanzurewhich version of pythonocc16:03
thebwtI should grab 0.3 then16:03
kanzurelovely.. guess they changed the api on me16:04
kanzurewell, SimpleGui might work and be exactly the same16:04
kanzureso if you want to go in and add a line saying wxSampleGui=SimpleGui or something..16:04
thebwtjust changing the import statement16:04
kanzurei can't imagine them getting rid of wxSampleGui16:04
kanzuremaybe they didn't like the name :)16:05
thebwtnope, doesn't have a attribute called 'display'16:05
-!- ybit2 [~heath@c-71-228-184-130.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:05
kanzurewell, 0.3 is what i tested with 16:05
kanzurethis is sad though16:05
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kanzure" Genome Scripts used in fungal comparative genomics " http://github.com/hyphaltip/genome-scripts16:15
Semikolonkanzure: Well he's in Oxford16:16
kanzureis that bad?16:17
SemikolonWe're local to Sweden, and starting with Stockholm, although there's a group in Lund and possibly some interest in Gothenburg as well16:22
SemikolonTrying to bring a positive, hopeful view of the applications of emerging technologies to the general public.16:22
kanzureoh, sandberg16:22
SemikolonRight... 16:23
kanzurehttp://www.xgencongress.com/ 16:24
kanzureoh looks like for a conference16:24
kanzurebuh? System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException ?17:23
kanzurehackerspace photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sajego/galleries/72157623448815372/17:37
kanzureblah why is fenn the second result for "scrape snpedia"18:14
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kanzurehave i mentioned how much i hate C# lately18:56
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kanzureThe Spiritual Brain: Selective cortical lesions modulate human self-transcendence http://designfiles.org/papers/neuro/The%20Spiritual%20Brain%20-%20Selective%20cortical%20lesions%20modulate%20human%20self-transcendence.pdf19:31
kanzureha, ha.19:31
kristianpaulhttp://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2009/05/09/nasa-warns-of-super-solar-storm-2012/ ?19:33
fennthey got the magic number in there19:35
fennnasa warns 2012 blah blah blah blah blah 19:36
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c80:1f70:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap19:42
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:44
ybithi JayDugger 19:48
JayDuggerHello, ybit. Thank you for your help yesterday night and early this morning.19:49
kanzureis there a name for a type of placebo effect where you *think* you're getting positive results, but you're not?20:11
JayDuggerWishful thinking.20:12
JayDuggerAnyone here experimented with polyphasic sleep AND written up your results?20:15
kanzurecheck the logs for links to supermemo20:18
JayDuggerWill do. Where do I find the logs, kanzure?20:18
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-24-hour_sleep-wake_syndrome  http://www.supermemo.com/articles/sleep.htm  http://www.supermemo.com/articles/sleepchart.htm20:18
hplusbotkanzure: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt20:18
JayDuggerThank you.20:18
ybithttp://vimeo.com/9117064 :: fenn you may like this20:24
ybitalso, fenn, next time you see andrew hessel, say hi. he apparently hasn't met you before20:29
kanzurehe's met him over the phone20:29
-!- any10431342 is now known as katsmeow20:33
* nsh suspects he may have non-2420:34
nshor some general non-circadian disorder20:34
fennit's quite simple to find out20:41
fenn1) quit your job20:41
kanzure2) become extremely depressed?20:42
fenn2) start logging when you sleep and wake20:42
fenn3) go to sleep whenever you feel like it20:42
fennkanzure: first of all, it's "Fun Deficiency Syndrome", and secondly that's a side effect of all you fuckers being asleep 20:42
QuantumGbetter yet, log when you feel like going to sleep and log when you actually go to sleep20:43
fennfeel like i'm in zombieland as soon as 10 pm rolls around here in menlo park20:43
fennyou can lie down in the middle of the road on main street for 10 minutes and not see a car or a person or even any animals20:43
fennand the trains stop at midnight :( :(20:44
* nsh feels like going to sleep at three times of the 'day': (a) when he has to wake up, for upwards of 4-5 hours, at 'mid-afternoon' (8-9h after waking) and at 'bedtime' ~20h after waking20:45
fennbiphasic sleep is quite common20:45
nshthis is generally unconstrained by sunlight, and only resets to circadian due to 'important' forced waking20:45
nsh(university does not currently count as important)20:46
nshthere was an article on a recent study of 90m naps on learning ability today in the bbc20:47
kanzure90 meter naps! great scott20:48
nsh*min :-P20:48
fennnapping at the speed of light20:48
kanzure90m/nap-second ?20:48
nshhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8524549.stm -- Dr. Matthew Walker, UCB -- no article link :-/20:48
nshprobably this related to this work: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17406665?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=120:50
nshi guess it's being reported because of this symposium at the AAAS conference this year: Role of Sleep in Memory from Development to Old Age, a symposium. 8:30-11:30 a.m., San Diego Convention Center, Room 2.20:52
nshlast sunday20:53
* nsh should try to get to more conferencces20:53
kanzurefenn: lawl @ extreme business networking. sounds like a deadly sport21:05
kanzure"business networking.. BUT EXTREME."21:05
JayDuggerBerkeley Sleep & Neuroimaging Lab: http://walkerlab.berkeley.edu/papers.html21:07
kanzurethere's a wankerlab in berlin :/21:07
kanzure"if it is to be, then it is up to me"21:11
* kanzure hangs it over his door21:11
ybitezbl :: uzbl inside emacs21:14
kanzurehm since when does Eugene M. Izhikevich work at braincorporation.com ?21:17
fenni guess i don't really want a browser inside my text editor21:37
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QuantumGI wish I had a decent text editor inside my browser sometimes22:02
QuantumGbut then again, I'm just too lazy to set up the necessary php22:03
JayDuggerTry It's All Text if you use firefox.22:04
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bkeroIt is a creature that walks the earth alone.  It is half man, half bear, and half pig.22:17
katsmeowmath fault22:20
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JayDuggerThat extension allows you to call an external text editor for any text area in the browser.22:32
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.22:32
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kanzurehttp://quantifiedself.org/ didn't know they had a site22:33
kanzurestalk: Michael Nagle <mpnagle@gmail.com22:33
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fennmichael nagle was part of nublabs/sproutward22:59
* fenn actually looks at his website22:59
* bkero nagles you.23:00
fenni think he was the one with the diy neck therapy23:01
fennwhatever that means23:01
ybit2it means he rubs his neck with his hands23:03
ybit2fenn: your collection of alien films, i'm watching23:06
ybit2skipped around the first, skipping two and three to four23:07
kanzuremy aunt just asked me if i know about make magazine :/23:12
fennybit: you're a fucking idiot. aliens (2) is the only one worth watching (well, maybe #1)23:15
fenn#4 doesn't even hold together logically23:15
ybit2#1 sucked23:17
genehackercome on it had cryovolcanism, what's not to love about cryovolcanism23:18
genehackerlet's not forget the HR giger visuals23:19
fennfrom your perspective it probably seems like just another alien movie, but this is where most of those cliche's come from23:19
kanzurehm i got someone who can give me an intro to neal stephenson23:19
kanzuremaybe i should get around to actually reading snow crash?23:20
fennkanzure: neal stephenson doesn't have time to talk to you :P23:20
genehackeryou should 23:20
fennand you really ought to read snow crash, and diamond age, and maybe even cryptonomicon23:20
bkeroStart with snowcrash.23:21
bkero<3 snowcrash23:21
genehackeryup they sort of go in the order fenn put them23:21
bkeroI read cryptonomicon before Diamond Age.23:22
fennyeah that was the first one i read, and it's really long23:23
* bkero has a copy of Glass House on his shelf that he needs to read.23:23
genehackerworth it though23:23
bkeroI should reread Snowcrash.  I haven't lended it out in a while.23:23
genehackerDiamond age has elements from Cryptonomicon23:23
genehackerand Snow Crash23:23
fenni know he reuses a lot of family lines23:24
genehackeryup, look really close23:24
genehackerNow what was that data processing organization called?23:25
kanzurestalk: chalo colina23:25
fennpaypal? :P23:26
kanzurestalk: carlos colina <chalo@blueorigin.com>23:26
genehackerI think you got the idea23:26
fennthat's what the paypal mafia was trying to do anyway23:26
fennbefore they SOLD OUT23:27
genehackeralso here:chalo@chalo.net23:27
kanzureheh "you're polybrainous, bryan"23:42
katsmeow-afkfenn, here's the answer to my question : If automation increased and less jobs were available, people would still have their basic income, and taxes on automated businesses could be adjusted to ensure the benefits of automation were being widely distributed. 23:42
katsmeow-afkhowever, that does not cover inflation: the automated business owner increasing cost by 2x every day to keep ahead of tax inflation23:43
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katsmeow-afkwoah, population explosion coming :  a family of five with three children would have US$1500 a month per child in net income to spend on the children's behalf, or US$4500 a month just for the three children,23:45
kanzureso, why do trojans steal significant dollar amounts at a time?23:48
kanzurewith the amount of market penetration that they have, stealing a few pennies piles up to huuuge numbers.23:49
kanzureit might also look a little shady, true, but whatever23:49
kanzuremost people don't have their finances in order enough to notice a few missing pennies23:49
fennkatsmeow-afk: wealth redistribution and inflation aren't the same thing23:51
katsmeow-afkfenn, i didn't say they were23:51
* bkero wants someone to distribute some wealth to him.23:51
* katsmeow-afk tosses apenny to bkero23:52
kanzure"This is pretty exciting. I'm diggin the transhumanist vibe as well, as a chaoshaman of sorts myself." as a what?23:52
kanzurechaos haman?23:52
bkeroYay!  Financial liquidity!23:52
kanzurechao shaman?23:52
fennmckenna wannabe23:52
kanzurehe's asking me reprap vs. makerbot23:52
kanzure"superior first fabber"23:53
kanzure"Thanks so much. I'm checking out the 3d printers now, and I wondered from your experience what you thought the superior first fabber is, as a cost to usefulness? I've heard of makerbot, and that Reprap looks like it would be really cool. Any favorite?"23:53
fenner, they're basically the same thing23:53
bkeroI still need the RP parts for a mendel.23:54
fennmakerbot = pay for greater convenience, smaller build volume23:54
kanzuremakerbot = pay for bre's ego?23:56
fennthat too23:57
kanzureheh bre's ego tax: $28.7323:57
* bkero has his school bankrolling the cost of a reprap :)23:58
katsmeow-afkyou threatened to reprap a school of your own and put them outa business?23:59

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