
--- Day changed Tue Feb 23 2010
bkeroLooks like Google is having a massive infrastructure outage.00:00
bkeroFrom facebook: What makes massive infrastructure outages while I'm oncall bearable? Scotch.00:01
fenngoogle has a facebook account?00:01
fenn"hi i'm google. i enjoy long dark stints in a semi trailer, followed by flashy public demos of my half finished hobby projects"00:02
fenncome to think of it, me and google would probably get along great00:02
kanzureshe's taken by the feds00:02
kanzureand CAIRIE the ai (?)00:03
genehackermakerbot you can buy in one kit00:04
genehackerreprap you still have to buy from bre00:04
genehackerreprap has a bigger print volume00:04
fennat least it doesn't look like a mac00:05
genehackerreprap is harder to get parts for00:05
genehackerI still need the vitamins...00:05
bkeroCan't I just go get the BOM from Reprap, go onto McMaster, order all the parts, and find someone to print me the RP parts?00:05
fennbkero: a hipster sell out that is commercializing reprap00:05
fennthe last part, not really :(00:05
bkeroI can't find someone to print me the RP parts?00:06
bkeroWhy not?00:06
fenngood question00:06
bkeroHave you tried?00:06
kanzurebkero: did tim schmidt say no? wtf happened00:06
bkerokanzure: I haven't asked him yet.00:06
bkeroI was searching my backlog for when I asked you last time.00:07
bkeroGotta email him.00:07
genehackersure you can if you can find someone to print them00:08
genehackermcmaster is expensive00:08
genehackerall that metric is $$$$00:08
fennenco works if you're less rich00:09
bkeroWhat's the part total come out to on enco for a mendel?00:10
fennyou can't get everything from enco like with mcmaster00:10
bkeroDamn makerbots are expensive :(00:11
genehackerso are mendels00:11
genehackerand you still have to pay bre if you can't make the PCBs yourselves00:11
genehackerand it's very hard to get them from Bre00:12
fennthe price difference is not more than 50% all said and done, incredibly00:12
bkeroWe could just get some pcbs printed00:12
bkeroWe have the facilities here on campus :)00:12
fennmaking pcb's isnt hard00:12
genehackerreprap hasn't mastered that art yey00:12
genehackerit isn't00:12
bkeroYea, I've done masking and galvanic etching before00:12
genehackeris there a nice way to drill the holes?00:12
fenna drill press? dremel?00:13
fenneven better: dremel drill press00:13
genehackerall the damn holes00:13
bkeroDrill press yes, dremel no.00:13
fennthere arent that many holes, especially the smd board00:13
* genehacker needs to see how much is SMD00:13
* superkuh has drilled >1000 0.6mm holes in 2 clad clad covered pcb 100x100mmx1mm in the last week.00:13
genehackerwhat for?00:14
superkuh-clad + copper00:14
superkuhGas electron multiplier.00:14
superkuhIt's a type of particle detector.00:14
fennlike in night vision goggles?00:14
superkuhOnly much bigger with higher voltage.00:15
genehackerwhat are you trying to detect?00:15
genehackerfusion? uranium deposits? nuclear bomb blasts to set off a MAD doomsday device?00:15
superkuhI'd like to detect muons. Maybe neutrons if I can buy some polyethylene sheet. I've got my high voltage resistor network all made up.00:15
genehackerPolyethylene sheet is really easy to obtain00:16
fenncutting boards00:16
fennunless it has to be super thick, in which case i'd use either gulf wax or water00:16
genehackerironed together grocery bags00:16
superkuh1mm is about right for 9 MeV neutrons.00:16
fenngenehacker: did i post that link in here?00:17
genehacker1 mm?00:17
genehackerwhat link?00:17
fennabout ironed together grocery bags as a raw material00:17
genehacker1 mm is homedepot painter tarp00:17
fennwell, it's gone forever i guess00:17
genehackerI just know about ironed together grocery bags00:17
superkuhI'm not worried about getting it. I just haven't looked because it's a pipe dream until I get it working plain.00:18
fenndo neutrons cause gas ionization?00:18
genehackerwhy muons are you looking for secret underground tunnels?00:18
superkuhNo, but they interact with polyethylene to make protons.00:18
superkuhgenehacker: That was what interested me initially.00:19
genehackerah I see now00:19
genehackerthat's pretty cool00:19
genehackersupposedly a kid built one for science fair00:19
superkuhI've decided that the pcb route, all my holes drilled, is kind of useless. I'm just going to buy 1mm pvc sheet and coat it with carbon paint.00:19
* genehacker needs to play around with some carbon paint00:21
genehackerwait a second you need copper coated kapton etched with tiny holes in it?00:23
genehackeryou might do this00:24
* fenn needs some copper coated kapton etched00:28
genehackerwhat for00:29
genehackera spider man suit?00:29
fennmounting accelermeter/gyro chips for my wearable00:29
fennand packing them in a tiny space00:29
genehackerwell solid wax printers are cheap on craigslist00:30
genehackerI really wish I could get square meters of copper coated kapton just as cheap00:31
ybit2f market penetration that they have, stealing a few pennies piles up to huuuge numbers.00:37
ybit223:49 < kanzure> it might also look a little shady, true, but whatever00:37
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* ybit2 didn't mean to paste anything00:45
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fenn<3 isp's that don't throttle bittorrent01:51
kanzuregimme their names01:51
kanzurenames or it isn't real01:51
fennwhoever serves
genehackerdownloading anything interesting?02:08
genehackeror just entertainment?02:08
fennfever ray, and korean tapes from pimsleur02:12
fennthe korean is stuck at 0 tho02:13
genehackerexpect AGI people to go crazy in the next few days02:14
katsmeow-afkwhere's the news in that?02:16
kanzurethe parieto-frontal integration theory of intelligence is nothing news02:16
kanzuresee here: http://designfiles.org/papers/neuro/The%20parieto-frontal%20integration%20(P-FIT)%20theory%20of%20intelligence%20-%20converging%20neuroimaging%20evidence.pdf02:16
fennmost AGI people don't care about neuroscience anyway02:17
kanzureneurowhat! impure, impure02:18
genehackerit looks like they might have confirmed it02:19
genehackerhave the AGI people actually done any semiuseful work toward AGI?02:20
fennnobody knows02:21
genehackerthat's a no02:21
kanzurethey got ben goertzel off of acid, is that useful? :/02:21
fennapparently pete voss's stuff can book airline tickets, or something02:21
kanzurewho cares? so can my xrumer clone02:21
fennpshaw you wish02:22
kanzuredoes anything exposed on the web via a <form> element..02:22
fennerror: viagra is not a location in the continental US02:22
fenndid you mean: niagra?02:23
genehackercan it do anything other than book airline tickets?02:23
kanzureno, nigeria02:23
kanzurealso don't be surprised if it starts asking the airline for bank account detials02:23
fenngenehacker: all i know is what i saw at hplus02:23
fennor heard, rather02:23
kanzurearen't there airline ticket purchase APIs out there?02:24
genehackereither way it's not very impressive02:25
genehackerif it could book airline tickets and learn any other task you set it to do it'd be impressive02:26
genehackerthough current AI is good enough02:28
genehackerhave you seen the FANUC robot factory video that makes FANUC robots using FANUC robots?02:29
genehackerthey have some simple AI(maybe it's not worth being called AI) for doing assembly tasks02:31
genehackermoving parts to the right place02:31
fennwhere does jong park live?02:33
genehackererr at least it looks like it's something more than numerical control that could still assemble something if it drops one of the parts02:34
fennwtf. "The pansy is the long-established and enduring symbol of freethought;'02:43
genehackerdisregard that they suck02:45
genehackerthey still need laser range finders02:49
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kanzurewtf is all this white shit on the ground out there10:51
JayDuggerWe had a foot of it two weeks ago.10:51
JayDuggerLet me tell you about working in rural Canada in mid-winter in a building without heating or INDOOR PLUMBING!10:52
JayDuggerThat's pretty much the whole story, btw.10:52
kanzurecanadians don't have indoor plumbing? i'll keep this in mind 10:52
JayDuggerNo, just that building--union construction on a government contract.10:53
JayDuggerSpeed did not quite count.10:53
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kanzurehttp://smooth-on.com/ materials supply11:52
kanzurehttp://www.biopolitica.it/ by stefano vaj .. might be worth ignoring11:53
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kanzure"their fully automated steel shop, where huge CNC plasma machines and automated conveyer systems process massive steel beams all day long"12:06
kanzurestalk: Anant Anand <anantuee@iitr.ernet.in>12:16
kanzureFOXO3A gene?12:18
kanzurehttp://www.popgen.de/ a biobank, referenced here: http://singularityhub.com/2009/10/22/the-kaiser-permanente-biobank-100k-volunteers-and-growing/12:19
kanzure"The new machine, which costs around $200,000, has been developed by Organovo, a company in San Diego that specialises in regenerative medicine, and Invetech, an engineering and automation firm in Melbourne, Australia. One of Organovo’s founders, Gabor Forgacs of the University of Missouri, developed the prototype on which the new 3D bio-printer is based. The first production models will soon be delivered to research groups which, like Dr Forgacs’s, are studying ways to produce tissue and organs for repair and replacement. At present much of this work is done by hand or by adapting existing instruments and devices."12:19
kanzurere: FOXO3A, see: http://www.pnas.org/content/106/8/2700.full.pdf+html12:21
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kanzurehttp://www.thecommonsjournal.org/ <-- looks good :)13:10
kanzurelatest issue: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/index.php/ijc/issue/view/1613:11
kanzurethis seems to be fairly good quality13:19
kanzureslides: http://m.okfn.org/files/talks/ccc_20091228/13:23
kanzurehm weird file name? http://m.okfn.org/files/talks/media/debian_of_data.png13:23
Utopiahdatapkg really sounds like CKAN http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/events/3647.en.html13:26
Utopiahwell ok, forget that ;)13:26
kanzureisn't it the same thing13:29
Utopiahyes, it seems to be a CKAN improved client13:31
kanzurejonathan gray and i have talked a few times in the past13:33
kanzurebut i don't think i've shown up on his radar quite enough yet for him to notice us13:33
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kanzurehttp://prefix.cc/ "to ease a very common task in the life of RDF developers and SPARQL users: looking up namespace URIs"13:41
kanzureor: http://prefix.cc/about13:41
kanzurere: FOXO3A, there's actually a lot of other related papers i've been reading over here:13:47
kanzureand probably some others that are related to the pathway but i presently forget13:48
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kanzurehuh zimbardo wrote papers about hypnosis? he wrote my high school psych book and video-lectures13:50
kanzuresuperkuh: i have failed to locate your set of papers on longevity. help?13:51
superkuhI don't believe it is feasible for me personally anymore. I don't read about it anymore.13:51
kanzurewhy, are you one of the few unluckies that die when exposed to any adenovirus for gene therapies?13:53
superkuhI am likely to remain very poor.13:53
kanzurewhy would that matter13:55
superkuhDo I really have to explain that?13:56
kanzureyes.. my body is constantly infected with all sorts of stupid viruses and bacteria regularly, for free13:57
kanzurei don't pay a cent for it :(13:57
kanzures/constantly/no more than your average person/13:57
kanzurefenn: hurr, let's get skdb to this point in installation some day: http://knowledgeforge.net/ckan/doc/datapkg/install.html14:00
NoahjYeah, even if you don't implement it personally, you could probably get the patches rather cheaply14:04
kanzurehonestly i'd rather do it without money involved14:04
NoahjSame here14:05
NoahjIt's the information that matters in those genetic patch thingies... 14:06
NoahjCopying the information is extremely cheap energy-wise, so it should be free in the same sort of sense copying data is now14:07
kanzurehttp://board.flashkit.com/board/archive/index.php/t-173539.html "what is the shortest email address?"14:15
kanzure"I clicked on this thread so I could respond with, "what's the point?", but then realized I already did that 7 years ago."14:15
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kanzure http://www.unlockingaid.info/1/1-1/14:26
kanzurestalk: walter jessen14:26
kanzurewriteup of the panton principles in a random blog: http://www.connected-knowledge.com/?p=58314:27
kanzureanother blog article on it: http://scienceblogs.com/commonknowledge/2010/02/reaching_agreement_on_the_publ.php14:27
kanzurestalk: john wilbanks14:27
kanzurei think he has something to do with creativecommons.org?14:28
kanzureondrej certik wants me to present at scipy2010 in austin re: sympy.. meanwhile jelle wants me to present about pythonocc :P14:34
kanzurehuh ondrej is on the program board for scipy2010.14:40
katsmeow-afkthere seems to be a renewed stink about ##channels vs #channels on freenode  and http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming14:41
kanzurefenn: would your parents know anyone who should attend diybio-dc? (philip goetz et al.)14:45
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kanzurehm, cnn money is interviewing sam putman? why15:51
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kanzurefenn: yep, you called it.. mckenna guy16:07
kanzurehe just sent this huuuge reply going over mckenna and everything he knows about him16:07
kanzuregood call :/16:07
kanzurewhat the fuck16:14
kanzure" Believe regardless of the naysayer information this stuff is real, and totally falls within the realm of synthetic bio. There's a ridiculous amount of conspiracy theory and misinformation out there about it. But dude, I can spin frickin fiber's and black specks out of my hands with the use of various essential oils. Since I began to express the black specks last year, it's been pretty tough."16:14
kanzurehe then linked over to: http://www.morgellons.org/case_definition.htm16:14
kanzureshit this guy is spiderman in the making16:17
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kanzure`Eliezer's notorious organization known as the "Committee for Investigating Un-Extropian Activities"` wut?16:52
QuantumGhttp://hplusmagazine.com/articles/enhanced/scrapheap-transhumanism   <- crap article, but hey it's on topic16:53
kanzuremakerbot has been twittering stuff like this ""We just hired a Chief Operations Officer... @SketchySam. He's going16:54
kanzureto be rocking our operations. 1000 bots/month baby!"16:54
QuantumGso have Space Elevator nuts stumbled upon the conspiracy theory explanation for their lack of progress yet?16:57
kanzureheh, i haven't seen it yet.. maybe it's a conspiracy that there's a lack of conspiracy theory explanations?16:59
kanzurehahah we need to develop a meta-conspiracy about conspiracy theories16:59
kanzureand then let's make it a conspiracy16:59
QuantumGnah, I'm just waiting for something like "back in 2006 Los Alamos National Lab was working to commercialize nanofiber with the tensile strength required for the space elevator, where'd that go??"17:01
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kanzurehttp://www.wikitude.org/ augmented reality iphone stuff17:28
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kanzurenot english: http://www.slideshare.net/TonZijlstra/ambtenaar-20-dag-open-data17:42
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kanzurecan anyone view this? https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiJ9wl9qbZEzdGxxVHZpWVdsek8xR2ZtUFVHRFA0N0E&hl=en18:01
kanzureQuantumG: how about http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tlqTviYWlzO1GfmPUGDP47A&output=html ?18:04
ybitHippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book :: http://ybit.ath.cx/text/books/Hippocampal%20Microcircuits:%20A%20Computational%20Modeler%27s%20Resource%20Book.zip18:23
ybitor just grab http://ybit.ath.cx/text/books/Hippocampal%20Microcircuits:%20A%20Computational%20Modeler%27s%20Resource%20Book.pdf18:24
ybitjust grab the pdf, /me deletes the zip18:24
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ybitthe video link at the bottom kind of makes me laugh :)18:36
kanzureis that the one about ATMs?18:48
kanzureoh wait.. that was in a private email 18:48
kanzuresomeone sent me an email about how they were working on a project to analyze (visually) the motions of people at an ATM, and thereby figure out when or if someone is doing something atypical18:49
kanzure"gasp! his hand went to his *LEFT* pocket"18:49
kanzurea delicious.com data set: http://nlp.uned.es/social-tagging/delicioust140/18:59
kanzurestalk: brendan o'connor, http://anyall.org/19:00
kanzureha ha. "i participate in Noah's ARK Group" (the professor's name is noah, and the group name is.. ok nevermind)19:01
kanzurehm does this guy work for twitter.com? http://slashdot.org/~ryansking19:08
ybithrm, the anyall blog post lead me to weka and orange19:10
ybitthanks kanzure 19:10
kanzurei'm sad that "nosql" wasn't "don't use sql"19:10
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nshanyone know of a tool to speed up youtube videos on-the-fly, preferably with pitch-correction?20:06
nshtoo much like hard^Wa small amount of work20:07
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nshoh god, people pay for shit like this..20:09
nshok, i'll just pipe opencourseware through mplayer20:09
nshno, i want to watch it in my browser20:09
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nshmmm, maybe i can live with vlc20:11
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nshhmm, ubuntu mplayer doesn't have the scaletempo filter20:21
* nsh gets better release20:23
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kanzuremakerbot.com just sold $9M in merchandise? wtf21:22
QuantumGheh, who's buying those things?21:23
QuantumGactually, what are they buying?21:24
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JayDuggerThis robot navigates by marking three IR spots on a ceiling. A separate unit projects those spots. 22:16
JayDuggerThis local positioning system interests me far more than clean floors.22:16
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-46-173.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap22:23
kanzureok $9M sounds a bit off to me22:31
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JayDuggerNon sequitur?22:41
JayDuggerTime for work, anyway. Have fun, all.22:41
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kanzurediy astronomy in india: http://anilmn.blogspot.com/23:28
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ybit"diy astronomy", er isn't that called amateur astronomy? 23:42
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ybitgrr at randal from minduploading.org23:43
ybittheir faktronic site had me thinking it was a university23:43
ybit"neuro-surgical robotics" got my attention, but there's no evidence of projects being undertaken23:45
ybitnot sure how, but i somehow arrived there from wholebrainemulation.org23:46
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kanzureminduploading.org has changed recently :(23:53
kanzuretheir old content was better23:53

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