
--- Day changed Sun Feb 28 2010
kanzurelawl at business plans specifically referencing "I Am Legend"00:06
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.02:50
ybithi JayDugger 02:57
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kanzurebluh? http://groups.google.com/group/aiko-platform06:05
JayDuggerAnother New Zealand group?06:24
Utopiahis there a wiki for legal documents? I mean several sites like GNU or CC provide licenses but what about NDAs?06:31
JayDuggerUtopiah: not to my knowledge, but I suspect they exist.06:32
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JayDuggerAnyone have contact with, or belong to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group? (dprg.org)09:27
Utopiah(regarding my earlier question : Legal Forms from LawDepot.com - Trusted Do-it-Yourself Legal http://www.lawdepot.com/ )09:37
katsmeow-afkfrom what i have heard, "legal depots" are frequently out of dat on federal laws, and totally out of touch with state laws10:34
katsmeow-afkthey may or may not have improved10:35
Utopiahyou mean I shouldn't trust a resource just because it calls itself "trusted"? ;)10:37
katsmeow-afktrust me10:38
* katsmeow-afk hides10:38
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* kanzure just got an email from <norris.chuck@mail.ru> and feels suspicious12:18
kanzurehey wait a second, chuck norris doesn't have a dali mustache >:(12:19
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has joined #hplusroadmap12:56
QuantumGnice paper13:05
kanzurehrm.. yet another one?13:09
kanzureutilihab, makerbeam, contraptor, ..13:10
Utopiahhttp://vanish.cs.washington.edu/ (not sure to understand the point)13:15
kanzurestalk: elifarley cruz13:18
kanzureoh, actual name: Elifarley Callado Coelho Cruz (ugh)13:19
kanzurecan't seem to find an email address13:19
kanzurei wanted to answer his question :/13:19
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QuantumGbut let's cut to the chase here:  designfiles.org/papers/Current_Research_in_Gravito-Electromagnetic_Space_Propulsion.pdf13:35
kanzurehrm where was i reading about electromagnetic propulsion before?13:36
QuantumGprobably on crazy alley13:36
kanzureno, no, it was a NASA researcher and his wife that i met..13:36
QuantumGthis stuff has been the domain of crackpots for so long, it was really brave of ESA to even try investigating it13:36
kanzureoh it was just electric propulsion13:38
QuantumGahh, ok13:38
kanzureaha, but electromagnetic propulsion is mentioned there13:38
QuantumGI'll use this opportunity to pimp this then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaoOuirvsCs13:38
kanzurethe guy was doing a RF plasma-based electron source with an asymmetric magnetice feld13:39
kanzure*magnetic field13:39
QuantumGoh, you might be talking about the magnetoelectric wheel stuff I posted13:40
QuantumGdifferent magic13:40
kanzurenope (?) http://designfiles.org/papers/electric_propulsion/ (just uploaded)13:41
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kanzureanyway, it's definitely unrelated13:41
kanzurei fail13:42
kanzurehm i should probably rename that to plasma_propulsion13:43
QuantumGheh, anyway I'm reading this stuff so I have some idea of how far away from experimental demonstration it is13:43
QuantumGlike, this shit is TRL013:44
QuantumGnot even demonstrated in a lab environment13:44
QuantumGnot even fully agreed upon as experimentally verifiable physics13:44
QuantumGat least, that's what I think.. maybe I'm wrong, and I can only study reviews like this to find out13:45
kanzurewhy is rob carlson called a "diybio guru"? doesn't he charge $100k to make thermocyclers etc.? what does he do that makes him related to the diybio community?13:47
QuantumG(will kill your computer/bandwidth, use at your own risk)13:47
kanzureis nasatv torrented?13:51
kanzuremeh: http://opengovtracker.com/14:03
QuantumGin regards to gene doping14:13
QuantumGthey should just start the Transhuman Olympics now14:13
QuantumGit'll be like Nascar, except the athletes are the cars.14:13
kanzurei'm sure the olympians outcasted from the old games would love to compete14:15
QuantumGoh, and did you see this?  http://bit.ly/akQxyS14:16
kanzurei've inherited a server from an old startup and i'm supposed to be doing some maintenance on it14:16
kanzurethere's about five user accounts each with their own weird /home/ dir structure, various important docs, and an svn repo that they all shared14:16
QuantumGsounds like work, why bother when we have the internet?14:16
kanzureQuantumG: yes14:16
kanzurei'm not really sure what i should do- should i respect their old file system structure and standards, or go totally nuclear on it?14:17
fenntranshuman olympics would be a cool thing for humanity+ to focus on14:30
fenni mean actually get rolling14:30
QuantumGpreferably before it is made illegal14:33
fenngene doping?14:35
fennthere's all kinds of other stuff athletes aren't allowed to do in competitions but is still legal14:36
fennbtw i hate that phrase, let's please use something more specific14:36
fennhow about "gene enhancement" :P14:38
QuantumGfor sure14:38
fennbtw anki (the memory program) is pretty cool14:39
fennsupermemo clone14:39
fennmaybe i'll actually retain my japanese this time14:39
fenni wonder if there's a way to apply it to music practice14:41
QuantumGare you gunna give it a go?14:42
fenni've been doing the "core 2000" vocabulary all day14:43
fenni started out with just kanji but it's a terrible thing to do to yourself14:43
QuantumGoh sorry, I thought you were referring to some gene enhancement for memory14:43
fenncore 2000 has funny pictures that convey the meaning of the word in context, and recordings of japanese speech14:44
fennit's a software program based on psychological research from like 1893, which apparently has been completely ignored by the educational hegemony14:45
fennmore here if you care http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/16-05/ff_wozniak?currentPage=all14:45
QuantumGoh, that's typical.. I honestly don't know why people who write a revolutionary PhD thesis (or whatever) have the expectation that their work will be picked up and commercialized.. 14:46
fennbecause that's what we're taught in school/tv/parents14:46
fennthe only voice of reason is comic strips like PhD14:47
QuantumGand, what's more, it seems to me that if you put all that effort into writing something like that and really believed it was revolutionary, you couldn't find better source material for a startup14:47
QuantumGbut some people are just not entrepreneurial I guess14:48
QuantumGok, summary of http://designfiles.org/papers/Current_Research_in_Gravito-Electromagnetic_Space_Propulsion.pdf14:48
fennit's a big jump to go from having some committee/advisor breathing down your neck for years to no pressure at all except what you put in14:48
fennis that about the cone shaped waveguide with no exits?14:49
QuantumGtake one superconducting solenoid, add one superconducting disk on top, and spin it up.14:49
QuantumGpropellant propulsion: serves four.14:50
fenner, did they test it?14:50
fennsounds simple enough14:50
QuantumGits a proposal for an experiment14:50
QuantumGthat no-one has done14:50
QuantumGbased on the only theory that explains the observed effect of an experiment that has been done, and repeated.14:51
QuantumGnot that anyone believes this theory14:52
fennthis stuff would be so easy to test if we had a halfway decent orbital infrastructure14:52
QuantumGbut it's the best one around14:52
fenn1) build experiment 2) see if it changes orbit 3) profit14:52
QuantumGwell, the great thing about this experiment is that it is testable in the lab14:52
QuantumGbut, yes, if you could get a free ride to space you could probably test it cheaper14:53
fennhell it's gotta be easier to build than gravity probe B14:53
QuantumGthat said, if you really believed in this stuff you could skip testing it and just build a large scale unit (like, a 1m solenoid/disk)14:54
QuantumGno-one can debate you if it produces enough thrust to lift itself14:54
fennthat's what the "lifter" people thought :P14:54
QuantumGwell true.. it would have to lift its own power source too14:55
QuantumGthen no-one can argue14:55
QuantumGcause you'd be launching payloads14:55
QuantumGand you wouldn't freakin' care if they didn't believe you14:55
fennthere are a lot of uses even if thrust/weight << 114:55
QuantumG"oh, you disagree with my theory?  that's nice, I'll be over here in my hovercar."14:55
fenni.e. gravity-wave signalling14:56
fenninterplanetary travel14:56
fennasteroid harvesting14:56
QuantumGyeah sure, but so long as the first step of your business plan is 1) get this into space, you're not going anywhere14:56
fennconstruction equipment14:56
fennsatellite refueling14:57
QuantumGis there a down-to-earth use for thrust/weight < 1?14:57
fennaerostats (cheap communications towers)14:57
fennzeppelin propulsion (if efficiency is high enough)14:58
QuantumGwell, superconducting solenoids/disks are not exactly light14:59
fennmaybe even regular airplanes14:59
fennsays who14:59
fennwhat matters more, the total current capacity or the volume of space enclosed?14:59
fennand, if the video game "mass effect" is to be believed, it'll give us all superpowers like the ability to shoot black holes from our eyes15:00
fennQuantumG: did you ever meet dan fredriksen? (DanF_DrC)15:01
QuantumGI wish someone had told me that mass effect was set in an O'Neill Colony, I might have actually played it15:02
fennok, well, um, uh, nevermind15:02
fennit wasn't an o'neill colony15:02
fennit was just this thing which looked sorta like one, but had artificial gravity, which sort of defeats the point of building it in that shape15:03
QuantumGhmm?  it had a large rotating toroid to generate artificial gravity.15:04
fennthis? http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Citadel15:04
QuantumGwas the one I was looking at but yeah15:05
fenni think "down" is along the arms, along the axis of the cylinder15:08
fennexcept in the torus part, for whatever reason15:08
fennor i could just be confused15:08
fennsomeone is confused, dammit!15:08
QuantumGI was looking at some space settlement stuff the other day.. cause I couldn't remember how they were slowing down the lunar material that they shoot up to L2 with a mass driver15:09
QuantumGgiant freakin' catcher's mits15:10
QuantumGdreaming big sure was popular after Apollo15:10
fenni dont see anything wrong with the idea15:14
fennoff to meet some family for $meal_of_day15:15
kanzurehttp://grey.colorado.edu/emergent/index.php/LeabraStartup running emergent (neuroscience software) from the command line, video tutorial15:59
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kanzureooh: http://rednails.rubyforge.org/ template-driven data scraping16:20
CIA-47pyscholar: kanzure master * r649cb3d / doc/url.txt : link to rednails (inspiration?) - http://bit.ly/alyKXn16:28
kanzurehttp://help.infochimps.org/help/show/InfiniteMonkeywrench hm..16:37
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* katsmeow-afk hmms at kanzure19:02
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kanzurekatsmeow-afk: hm?19:06
kanzuregah it's infectious!19:06
katsmeow-afkoh, you gave me an idea19:07
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JayDuggerWhat's the command for the channel-bot's help?20:00
hplusbotkanzure: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.20:00
kanzureyou're welcome20:01
JayDuggerWill privately messaging the bot work? so as to avoid filling the logs with trivia?20:01
JayDuggerYes, and yes.20:03
JayDuggerThanks, kanzure.20:03
JayDuggerHow 'bout that. Anders publicly admits to using Modafinil.20:19
kanzuredoes he synthesize it himself?20:19
JayDuggerI doubt it.20:19
JayDuggerSee his latest blog post, which links to the Times Online.20:20
* kanzure just got done reconfiguring trac and svn stuff on a server that showed up at his doorstep20:22
kanzurei was expecting the file system to be much more of a mess. it's not *too* bad20:23
JayDuggerSecondhand box?20:23
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kanzureJayDugger: nah, startup and NDAs and contracted work :/20:23
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kanzure"To avoid sexual innuendo, the Wii should've been named the Perfect Nintendo Entertainment System, or PNES for short"21:03
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kanzurehm i'm not sure how these guys were doing development21:12
kanzureeverything was under apache21:12
kanzureand they had their www root under svn21:12
kanzureand then they had local copies in their /home/ of www21:12
kanzurebut no alternative apache configurations, so were they pushing changes before they knew whether or not they would work?21:13
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kanzureoh lovely they had uncommitted code in the root www working copy *written on top of* a tagged version :/21:37
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ybitkanzure: did you ever recall the word from orion's arm where people choose to ignore rl and spend all their time in sl?23:05
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kanzureaccelerometers attached to fingers as a keyboard: http://www.sigchi.org/chi97/proceedings/paper/fkm.htm23:58
kanzure200 symbols/min and 52 symbols in total. ehh23:58
kanzureif that's only one hand, then at most you're talking about 80 wpm23:58
kanzurewhich is actually better than all the damn alternatives23:58

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