
--- Day changed Mon Mar 01 2010
kanzurevarious gloves, some with accelerometers http://worldinventions.blogspot.com/2008/09/top-5-diy-glove-keyboards.html00:00
kanzureacceleration sensing glove ("virtual keyboard") http://web.archive.org/web/20080621115011/http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/archive/users/hollar-seth/fingeracc/fingeracc.html00:01
kanzurewhat's the sampling rate on an accelerometer?00:03
genehackerpretty fast00:03
genehackerdepends on the accelerometer00:03
kanzurei would be bragging the hell out about that, but i don't see any discussion on data entry rates in the papers on that last link00:04
genehackerthis is bad00:04
kanzure"28 hand gestures are recognizable with acquisition times up to 1 character per second"00:04
kanzure(for that last link)00:05
genehacker>10 Hz00:05
genehackerI am disappoint00:05
kanzure1 character/sec is basically 1/12th the current standard00:05
kanzurebut this might have been because of some recognition algorithms they were implementing00:05
QuantumGstill, it's interesting from a "hey wearable, I'm pointing at something, locate it and tell me what it is" perspective00:05
genehackerI still like the idea of the smart dust keyboard00:06
genehackerwhere you apply smart dust accelerometers to the tips of your fingers and start typing00:07
genehacker590 Hz00:07
kanzurei wonder if anyone else recognizes how absurdly slow these things are00:07
kanzurehttp://ilab.cs.ucsb.edu/projects/mathias/KolschKeyboards.pdf has a review of virtual keyboards on page 700:08
kanzurethe max cpm that they record is 25000:08
genehackernow that senseboard is neat from a neat perspective00:10
kanzureheh i liked this one, a wearable keyboard user for 8 years http://designfiles.org/papers/unsorted/Everyday%20Wearable%20Computer%20Use:%20A%20Case%20Study%20of%20an%20Expert%20User.pdf00:17
kanzurehe only uses emacs and a shell with it, plus a monocle HUD00:17
kanzure"and eth proposal to samsung" eth0?00:19
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kanzure60wpm on the twiddler2.. not terrible00:21
kanzurebut expensive, and not accelerometers00:21
kanzurereview: http://www.wap.org/journal/twiddler/default.html00:21
kanzure"On a regular keyboard, I can usually bang out about 80 words per minute, but with the Twiddler I can occasionally push it up to 85 WPM when I am really focused."00:22
kanzurethat last quote was from http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/50870?theme=print00:23
kanzuremore outdated info: http://web.archive.org/web/20021205113412/http://www.1stresource.com/~mistered/twiddle.htm00:24
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kanzureblah only 3 keys for the android accelerometer: http://www.activationrecord.net/radekp/openmoko/android/accelkbd_rootfs.tar.gz00:29
kanzureRecognizing Postures in Vietnamese Sign Language With MEMS Accelerometers00:32
genehackerargh, now what's that japanese hacker one handed keyboard thing...00:33
kanzurehm, this is interesting: http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/HTC-TMobile-MyTouch-3G-35mm/ touch-based keyboard where you don't lift up until you are done with a word00:34
kanzureblah i just need one study of someone who put accelerometers on fingers and watched a fast typist do his thang00:36
genehacker3 axis accelerometers?00:38
genehackeron each finger?00:38
genehackersound horrendously expensive00:38
genehackerbut then again maybe they'll get so cheap, they can be used in disposable products00:42
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kanzurenow available for download: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/india/projects/biocoder/00:57
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kanzurewonder what happened to them: http://web.archive.org/web/20060208134716/http://www.microoptical.net/01:11
kanzure"They project the information where you need it most — right in front of you." i feel stupid reading this01:11
kanzuregrumble grumble, $2k?01:13
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genehackerretinal projection is cooler01:21
kanzurebci is even cooler01:22
genehackerbtw you wouldn't happen to know if there are any displays that vary focus with response to eye focus to give focus depth projection01:22
genehackerBCI is cooler01:22
genehackerit just a bit off01:22
genehackerdoesn't that optical brain interface thing require some genetic modification of your cells?01:23
genehackeroh wait, there aren't much in the way of immune cells in the brain....01:24
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kanzure"Well, where's my Dad?" "Well, it should be obvious to even the most dim-witted individual who holds an advanced degree in hyperbolic topology, ng-bwui, that Homer Simpson has stumbled into .. the third dimension."01:37
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fenncan't you guys post some interesting links08:45
fennall those gloves were awful08:45
fennmicrooptical went out of business and the technology now belongs to a number of companies, notably kopin (which is used in myvu and other glasses)08:45
fennaccelerometer chips are like $1.50 in quantity these days08:47
fenn"fingeRing" only detects the impact of a finger against a surface, it's not actually tracking the movement in space08:56
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kanzurebiotech on a budget: http://www.scienceline.org/2010/02/26/biotech-on-a-budget/09:26
kanzure"Sung won Lim may be the only undergraduate on Earth who is trying to start life from scratch in his spare time."09:27
kanzurewhat a terrible way to start an article.09:27
kanzure"dur hur i can't do research"09:28
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kanzurefenn: i want to hook up accelerometers to each finger in front of a qwerty keyboard09:42
kanzurewith 500 Hz sampling over each finger, and with 3-axis, that should be enough data to do something interesting with09:42
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kanzurehttp://capitalfactory.com/ 20k + 20 mentors? meh09:57
kanzurejust some old blog articles i recall commenting on10:32
kanzuredoes anyone know how the bacteriorhodopsin memory i/o rate was calculated? 10 milliseconds per read, and they say 10 MB/sec max, and i can't see how they are getting 100kb out of a single read11:00
kanzureoops, i guess 10.24 KB11:09
kanzurei don't get it: http://www.mightynumber.com/12:13
kanzureoh, it's just an ad trap12:15
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kanzurei can't seem to decrypt this geektalk: http://newsarch.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENEALOGY-DNA/2007-06/118259300912:37
kanzureand again: http://newsarch.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENEALOGY-DNA/2007-06/118264595212:38
kanzurewtf, BLAST was the most cited paper in the 90s? http://www-math.mit.edu/~lippert/18.417/papers/altschuletal1990.pdf12:46
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genehackerhopefully companies will actually start developing implants13:24
kanzurehrm for some reason "Blah".isalnum() returns true in python13:29
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kanzureso.. i want to solve the tangiblebit problem14:52
kanzurei want them to be cooperative14:52
kanzurei'm tired of this.14:52
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samrosekanzure moving that last question here15:12
samrose kanzure, it looks like there is one difference in tangiblebit and skdb and that is how data for packages is stored15:13
samrose I think you are storing in git, and tangiblebit is gearing towards storing in mysql is that correct?15:13
kanzureno it's my understanding that tangiblebit is using the same flat file format that we are, except with different conventions15:16
samrosekanzure I think you are right that this is what they were doing, but today we were talking about their plans to use mysql with django as db-connect15:19
samrosenot that is means anything in regards to what we were talking about privately15:20
samrosesomeone else was asking me this question15:20
kanzurei strongly doubt that smari is going to put flatfile packages under mysql ;)15:20
kanzurehis django stuff is for something else15:21
samroseno, I actually believe this is what we were talking about (see ChristianS answer to this question in #tangiblebit right now15:22
kanzureholy fuck15:23
* kanzure wonders why christian isn't in here ever15:23
samrosethey believe there is an issue with scalability in using flatfiles (I conjecture)15:25
samroseI agree. I think using flatfiles and/or mysql (or any sql) are bad idea15:25
samrosebad ideas15:25
samroseI mean, they work, but there could be a better way15:26
samroseI talked with tangible bit today about the possibility of using Erlang/mnesia as data store15:26
samrosekey:value instead of SQL15:26
samroseyou can still do list comprehensions in Erlang15:27
samroseit scales really well, and is distributable inherently15:27
kanzurewhat's wrong with the key:value dictionaries in their current file format? (.tb)15:27
samrosethey could be stored in mnesia instead of MySQL, is that I think15:28
samroseor, there are many other key:value stores that could be used15:29
samroseif not mnesia...15:29
samroseanother possibility: http://code.google.com/p/redis/15:34
fennif you are going to get all fancy you should use RDF15:46
fenni don't get it15:49
fennwhy would you jump right in for something whose only virtue is that it can handle 2PB of data?15:50
samrosethere's a data model that we are working on that would allow you to store as object/relationship, then would translate to RDF, graph, document, key:value, depending on what you ask it to return15:51
samrosethis is the most flexible thing we could think of. can store data model of anything once you know what "objects" and "relationships" are.15:54
fennwhy not just start in rdf?15:55
fenni guess i dont understand what you're trying to do15:55
samroseI am trying to design for interoperability. Instead of forcing people to use RDF, I want RDF to be once choice among many. 15:56
fennaren't you "forcing people" to use mnesia?15:57
samrosewe have made this data model in many other databases mnesia not required15:57
samrosejust suggestions, feel free to ignore me! :-D16:00
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fenn1500 down, 7500 to go16:02
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kanzurefenn: out of what?16:04
fennover 9000!16:13
fennoh, it hurts16:14
kanzureit's odd how people reply.. "just suggestions! how dare you talk with me about it! /quit"16:14
kanzureguh a 43GB file :( ftp://ftp.jcvi.org/pub/data/huref/databases/huref6.20090806.sql.bz216:16
kanzureat least their connection doesn't suck16:16
kanzuresam just sent me an email:16:17
kanzure> ...every time I talk to you guys (you and fenn), the general vibe and16:17
kanzure> tone that I am getting from you is that I am starting out in a square16:17
kanzure> where I am completely full of shit, clueless fuck who had better16:17
kanzure> justify my existence and prove to you that I know what I am talking16:17
kanzure> about.16:17
fenngee i'm sorry for making people defend their arguments with rationality16:20
kanzurenot even defend..16:21
fenni mean we already have a key:value system.. ideally if we go with some monstrous database system it will at least be more robust and have better performance than now16:22
fennnfi what smari and friends are doing16:22
fennbut all of that is a zillion light years away anyway, so i dunno why people keep bringing it up16:23
kanzurei don't know how to reply to him16:26
kanzure"um, we were just talking with you" doesn't seem like it's going to convince him16:26
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kanzurefenn: just sent you the email16:31
kanzureso, maybe i'm just stupid. i see nothing out of the ordinary in the discussion that was just occuring16:34
fennnext time sam comes in here i will just smile and nod16:40
fennmore likely i will be asleep, but it amounts to the same thing16:40
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fenni wonder if i should pester people about my sql problem or if i should just learn it for real16:41
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fennbkero-ZNC: are you a bot?16:43
bkerofenn: nope16:44
bkeroTHat's me transitioning to znc16:44
fennok i'm going to go anti-mope16:46
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kanzurefenn: sql isn't that much of an issue16:53
kanzuremost people who claim to "know" sql just know how to yell SELECT and UPDATE16:54
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fennyeah but i need to know more than that.. i'm doing something complicated17:02
kanzurethen: join, group by, where clauses are your friend17:04
kanzureOn Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose@gmail.com> wrote:17:04
kanzure> No, it's all good. Just wanted to share my little theory with you. But17:04
kanzure> hey, what the fuck do I know? ;-D17:04
fenndamn hairy yaks everywhere17:06
* fenn goes anti-moping17:06
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kanzure"Edward You, a special agent with the FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, Countermeasures Unit, Bioterrorism Team." (was just mentioned in a diybio email)17:59
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kanzurei wonder if i should go18:21
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kanzurei bet this is special agent edward you: http://www.fbi.gov/hq/nsb/wmd/images/hrtppe.jpg18:40
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kanzure17:04:25 omg/jrayhawk: i found the blog of a severe autistic who decided to steal power and internet such that she could hole up in a 19:07
kanzurecave in the woods for several years19:07
kanzurehm it seems she's going naked.19:07
fenn<- has an autistic-hole-in-the-woods fetish19:08
fennomg i didnt realize it was a porn site19:09
fenn... or ... something19:09
kanzurehonestly i'm not really sure *what* it is19:11
kanzureauschwitz legos http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.viewcustom&friendId=150103974&blogId=325595770&swapped=true19:32
fennyess, finally a job requirement i satisfy19:33
fenn"It is a plus if you have extensive Star Craft gaming experience."19:33
fennAll people have a "tact filter", which applies tact in one direction to everything that passes through it. Most "normal people" have the tact filter positioned to apply tact in the outgoing direction. Thus whatever normal people say gets the appropriate amount of tact applied to it before they say it. This is because when they were growing up, their parents continually drilled into their heads statements like, "If you can't say something nice, don20:32
fenn"Nerds," on the other hand, have their tact filter positioned to apply tact in the incoming direction. Thus, whatever anyone says to them gets the appropriate amount of tact added when they hear it. This is because when nerds were growing up, they continually got picked on, and their parents continually drilled into their heads statements like, "They're just saying those mean things because they're jealous. They don't really mean it."20:32
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fennthis sufficiently explains the nerd<->non-nerd disconnect for me20:33
kanzurefenn: too much tact: "apologies you consider yourself a 'nerd'"20:46
QuantumGmeh, I still have troubles with empathy20:46
QuantumGI dunno if its related to being a nerd20:47
QuantumGit's simply that I care about myself so much more than I care about others.20:47
QuantumGwhy should I waste time thinking about your stupid little emotions?20:47
fennQuantumG: that's just you being an asshole, there's a difference :)20:52
QuantumGfor sure20:52
QuantumGbtw, have you ever considered the Diana Troi character on TNG?20:57
QuantumGI wonder what the thinking behind that was?   "Ya know, we're likely to have a lot of bit part actors on this show that can't really present emotions all that well, and our audience is mostly geeks who have trouble with empathy, so we should have a character that just says *completely obvious shit about emotions all the time*."20:58
kanzureempathy is not the same thing21:01
kanzurego away21:01
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fennwell, this is interesting: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.viewcustom&friendId=150103974&blogId=258829901&swapped=true22:53
fenn(more faye kane)22:53
kanzure"i'm a regular tomasina edison"23:27
fenn It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.23:48
fenn -- John Von Neumann,194923:48
kanzuredidn't he die a few years after that?23:49
QuantumGway to be prescient and not, in the same quote23:49

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