
--- Day changed Thu Mar 11 2010
ybitsomeone quick give me a name01:16
ybits/me/the local hackerspace01:16
kanzure"ybit's attempt at repeating everyone else's work" (yaareew)01:18
kanzure"I think the real trick is going to show them how to do personal management of accelerating change on a personal level, community level, and business level"01:22
katsmeowthis is alaforkingbama, *what* change?01:22
kanzureobama isn't accelerating change, he's just "Change 2008" or something01:22
kanzureer did i just miss something?01:23
katsmeowor i missed the 4 minute pause as a change of topic?01:24
kanzurenot quite a change of topic, more like "bryan randomly pulling in something from another conversation out on the interweb that happens to have nothing to do with ybit's shenanigans"01:24
fennsupposedly haptek.com is going open source (they ran out of steam or something)01:25
* kanzure is meeting with singulartyu.org webmaster in the next few days (due to SXSW)01:26
fennhaptek's no good for instruction generation tho.. the people don't do actions, just general emotions01:26
kanzure"now get angry at the screwdriver"01:26
bkero-legacykanzure: Going to attend? :)01:27
QuantumGbtw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSChW9HxAvI01:28
kanzurei just see this as lots of people being in austin for some reason01:28
kanzureso.. yeah.01:28
kanzureyes possibly :)01:28
bkero-legacyGet a full tuition grant and make #hplusroadmap proud. <301:28
kanzuresure thing01:28
bkero-legacyand teach your instructors a thing or two 8)01:29
kanzureit's not for the instructors (cept maybe peter norvig, dan barry et al.)01:29
kanzurelike hell i'm going to pay $25k to be "instructed" by jason bobe :P01:29
bkero-legacyI can't think of anybody more qualified to go.  You should get a full scholarship.01:31
bkero-legacyIf you need some recommendations I could give what little clout I have. :P01:31
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-162-175-34.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:32
kanzuresend an email to: reference@singularityu.org01:32
kanzurewith the subject as: "Bryan Bishop"01:32
bkero-legacyping me if you consider going, I'll do that :)01:32
kanzureand type about either:01:32
kanzure  * Why should you be accepted to SU?01:32
kanzureor:   * Verify your entrepreneurial and leadership skills and/or01:32
kanzuredemonstrated expertise in one of the SU tracks.01:32
kanzurei already sent the application01:33
kanzurethey want references now01:33
kanzurepile 'em up01:33
bkero-legacyHahaha ok01:33
bkero-legacyskdb bitches01:33
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 36 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 36 normal]01:34
kanzurebut seriously- ybit, fenn, QuantumG, klafka, Noahj, drazak, nchaimov, nsh, Phreedom, etc. etc.01:34
kanzureif you could do the same that would be *hawt*01:34
* bkero-legacy gives SU some singularity love for kanzure.01:35
fennbingo 40301:35
kanzurefenn: try again01:36
fennoh i was hoping it was a bunch of phrases like "exponentially increasing" or "trillion dollar economy"01:39
fennor whatever they talk about.. i don't actually know01:39
fennpaul saffo sucks.. i don't get why he's a big shot intellectual01:40
kanzuregive it about two minutes before it's done: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/singularity_university_bingo.3.pdf01:44
kanzurekeep track of how many times "billion" shows up01:44
* kanzure sleeps01:44
kanzureah it's done01:45
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]01:47
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk02:43
Utopiah( COMSOL Multiphysics finite element analysis, solver and Simulation software package http://www.comsol.com/conference/cd/ )04:33
Utopiahnot sure why a friend send that to me but since they model railguns, it must be cool http://www.comsol.com/showroom/gallery/2023/04:35
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-162-175-34.rmo.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: Core Breach]05:43
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]05:56
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-!- avicenna [~avicenna@CPE001f5b002fd7-CM00407b859474.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:04
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-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]06:26
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-!- klafka [~klafka@] has joined #hplusroadmap07:29
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap08:02
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:24
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]08:37
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-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:18
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:39
-!- Phreedom_ [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:49
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]10:02
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]10:37
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parolangWhat are you guys using for CAD?11:53
kanzuremachine that prints organs: http://www.economist.com/science-technology/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15543683 (i don't know where else to store this news item)12:19
clemuxkanzure: I was wondering how you manage to keep your meet log, could I see the software you use? even if it's juste some simple scripts12:30
clemuxif you don't mind :)12:39
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/ has everything i use12:52
kanzureclemux: ^12:53
kanzureclemux: also, http://designfiles.org/~bryan/1kfriend.ly.pdf12:54
clemuxoh, i didn't see parser.py :)13:05
clemuxkanzure: so you fill meetlog.txt by hand?13:10
kanzuresuperkuh: what's up with http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/ircurls.html ?13:17
superkuhWhat's wrong with it? I guess I understand some privacy issues. Do you want it blocked?13:18
kanzureclemux: yeah, but fenn pointed out that loading/dumping the YAML file doesn't significantly screw it up, so i'm going to write some scripts to integrate gmail, pidgin, and irssi soon13:18
kanzuresuperkuh: no, it's 403'd13:18
superkuhOh, so I already blocked it.13:18
kanzurewas just wondering what it was13:18
superkuhIt's just an old dump of URLs I used for statistics of different networks. Someone wanted to look. I noticed after a while it was google bait and left it up to see what people searched.13:19
kanzureand why it showed up in an email to me13:19
superkuhAnd email?13:19
kanzureit looks like it was picked up by http://rapid4me.com/?f=10638347&t=Metal_Museum_-_Covered_in_Metal_1.zip& too13:19
kanzurewhat sort of statistics? sounds interesting13:20
kanzurehm: http://mail.singularityu.org/13:22
clemuxkanzure: okay; I was thinking of scripting something like that, but thought "wait, kanzure's probably done that already"13:29
kanzurehm i wonder if i should make a pidgin plugin or if i should just parse pidgin logs13:45
kanzurethese are the important decisions to be made in life :P13:46
* fenn murmurs in his sleep about [3~[3~[3~[3~[3~about g-tec intendix14:13
kanzure"Hugo Chavez Sends Army to Change All Lights in Venezuela to CFLs" http://www.inhabitat.com/2010/03/11/hugo-chavez-sends-army-to-change-all-lights-in-venezuela-to-cfls/#more-9387114:35
kanzurebe careful or else the lightbulb efficiency army will come out to get you14:36
kanzure$100 1.5TB hdd http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682214841215:03
parolangheh :)15:23
parolang1.5TB :o15:23
-!- chupacabra [~chupacabr@] has joined #hplusroadmap15:28
jrayhawkTheir less horrifyingly unstable 7200.11 series is on sale for the same price with a promo code.15:38
kanzure"welcome to the future" (just in case, you know, you haven't heard about diybio and things for the past umpteen years) http://news.goldseek.com/MillenniumWaveAdvisors/1267981200.php16:56
kanzure"In regards to the DIY-Bio movement, one of attendees behind me said, “OK, does this mean in the future we buy 99-cent bio apps for our iBiophone?” Think about that for a second. Just a few years ago, the thought of 100,000 iPhone apps for a few bucks or even pennies or free seemed ridiculous. Now it is commonplace."16:57
* kanzure wishes people would wake up and realize how much a load of shit they are wulfing down with the iphone16:58
kanzurehm that same content appears here: http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2010/03/welcome-to-the-future/16:58
kanzurestalk: john mauldin16:58
kanzurenotes from the biosecurity webcast: http://inkouper.blogspot.com/2010/03/biosecurity-webcast.html17:00
kanzurevideo tour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ6teMUtDD017:01
kanzurereshma shetty acting like she can teach diybio at MIT: http://effectiveclass.org/video/science-video/%C2%A0-biology/mit-do-it-yourself-biology17:03
kanzureStandard Virtual Biological Parts: A Repository of Modular Modeling17:04
kanzureComponents for Synthetic Biology. [Bioinformatics. 2010]17:04
kanzurei wonder if that's more partsregistry.org spam17:04
kanzurediybio-auckland: http://goo.gl/Rset17:05
kanzurestalk: abhishek tiwari17:06
kanzurestalk: naveen joshi17:06
kanzure    abhishek.twr@gmail.com17:08
kanzurei hate rob carlson17:09
kanzure"The people who built the lab pictured above are pursuing a project that is technically well beyond anything discussed on the DIYBio list"17:09
kanzuregod damn, it's just schloendorn and livly.org :/17:09
kanzurewhich, i might add, has been mentioned on the diybio list17:09
kanzurehe even links to "Evidence of FBI raid on the home of Steve Kurtz of Critical Art Ensemble." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1vuVkxeJEs17:10
kanzureoh, actual link to rob's terrible article: http://www.synthesis.cc/2010/03/garage-biology-in-silicon-valley.html17:11
kanzurefood hacking at sxsw on march 12 http://www.cookingforgeeks.com/blog/posts/sxsw-preview-food-hacking-101/17:13
kanzureheh :) tux cookies http://www.cookingforgeeks.com/blog/posts/tux-cookies-cnc-printed-cookie-cutters/17:14
kanzurefenn: why are you showing up at android meetups?17:19
kanzurejrayhawk: do you know any articles on the interwebs that attempt to stab iphone "app store" fanbois in the face with things like dpkg/apt-get and debian?17:32
jrayhawkBut I think Cydia does a fair demonstration of just what a ghetto the app store is.17:48
-!- klafka [~klafka@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]17:49
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-!- danielfalck [~chatzilla@pool-71-111-57-122.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:51
kanzure"­ Children inherit about 30 mutated genes from each parent"18:25
kanzure"Scientists previously had thought a child had about 75 mutated genes from the parents"18:25
kanzureabstract: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sci;science.1186802v1?maxtoshow=&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=Galas&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=date&resourcetype=HWCIT18:26
kanzureseattle area: http://wiki.metrixcreatespace.com/start18:40
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap19:15
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:15
ybithi JayDugger 19:16
-!- klafka_ [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:30
kanzurewho is edward you's contact at the CDC?19:35
kanzurewhat do you assjerks think of the name "opensciencefund.com"? 19:37
kanzurejacob shiach (diybio-houston) just purchased it for us19:37
kanzurei need a roll-a-dex of creative insults to call you people19:38
JayDuggerThere's a fellow named Ken Scroggins in Hawai'i, a master of that form. Hire him to write you a list of insults.19:43
kanzurebut seriously, opensciencefund.com19:45
JayDuggeropen science fund, a .com or a .org, or did you get both?19:45
kanzurejacob got all19:45
kanzureexcept .net19:46
JayDuggerI am known to have a tin ear in such matters.19:46
kanzureit actually sounds like a fairly good name19:46
JayDuggerIf I like it, that almost counts against it.19:46
kanzurewell there's a lot of hype around "open science"19:46
JayDuggerI'd ask P.J. Manney. She has a good ear for it, and might even know tools to track that phrase's popularity.19:46
kanzureoh i met pj once, very nice person19:47
JayDuggerShe seems it from on-line.19:47
kanzureapparently she worked on star wars too, so she's like a superhero in my bookm19:47
JayDuggerDid you ever read Brin's critique of Star Wars?19:47
kanzureyeah i think fenn linked me to it19:48
kanzureit doesn't matter anyway, star wars was burned into my brain when i was a very young child (6 or 7)19:48
JayDuggerYou've time enough ahead of you to recover. ;)19:48
kanzurei wonder if i should go to sxsw219:53
kanzuregah the password to the cpanel to opensciencefund.com is absolutely terrible (it's one of those passwords that is specific to a domain of knowledge within science)19:54
kanzurelike almost as bad as me setting my password to "posthuman2.0"19:54
kanzurealso, why does cpanel even exist19:55
JayDuggerSXSW--sure, if you've time and money for it.19:56
JayDuggerPoor passwords abound.19:56
kanzuremoney? does it cost19:58
JayDuggerI have no idea.19:58
JayDuggerCertainly you'll have some expenses: food, travel, etc.. These might not amount to much, but I doubt they will equal zero.19:59
kanzurehttp://opensciencefund.org/ looks like he already chose to do wordpress :(20:00
kanzurei don't know why people feel the need to use blogging platforms for situations where custom software is probably going to be developed anyway20:00
kanzurei would be more impressed if he would have picked drupal or something, because at least then he could claim he was planning on using drupal plugins20:00
jrayhawk"foundation" would be a better word20:00
kanzurehm i should have told him that gnusha already has hosting20:01
kanzuremaybe i'll con him into pointing the DNS information over to bryan.svcs.cs.pdx.edu20:02
jrayhawkI assume you're attempting to promote a whole movement rather than necessarily just funding some open science projects.20:03
kanzurehe wants to do kickstarter.com for diybio grants20:03
jrayhawkBut yeah, you guys are very welcome to stick that sort of thing on astroboy.20:04
kanzureha ha: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brett/8-bit-cities-real-world-maps-that-look-like-80s-v?pos=3&ref=popular20:04
kanzureis that the server name? astroboy?20:04
jrayhawkYeah. I probably never mentioned that before; sorry.20:04
kanzurei used to be mean to this newbie i knew and called him astroboy (as an insult) :P20:04
kanzure(few years down the road and he's a crackhead, but that's another story)20:04
kanzurejava does that to you :(20:05
jrayhawkWe're also hosting somebody called openrobotics. They wanted CMS help several years ago.20:05
kanzurehm, ann arbor area robotics club20:05
kanzureybit: http://8bitnyc.com/20:06
kanzurehttp://tilecache.org/ http://openlayers.org/20:06
jrayhawkhuh, i guess their domain died. now i feel all guilty for not helping them in time.20:07
kanzurei had this grand scheme for convincing jacob to make his icenine/opensciencefund.com idea a part of gnusha as a co-op/incubator angle20:07
kanzurein particular because if he can get science projects funded, then a tie-in with package management could be really cool20:08
kanzurelike discounts on certain kits necessary to go through with the science project20:08
kanzurewell i say "had" because discounts-on-kits feels insufficient for bringing him into the #hplusroadmap void20:09
JayDuggerWMS Tiling--how odd.20:09
kanzureor into gnusha in general20:09
JayDuggerI just bitched to a former co-worker about a badly chosen set of tiles showing the geography near Lafayette, LA.20:09
kanzurewait maybe i am confusing brian degger and jacob shiach and their individual plans20:09
JayDuggerHaven't you a prosthesis to help keep humans straight? 20:10
kanzure"# Launch alpha 1.0 version of site with the coop store and ability to sponsor projects"20:10
kanzure"This will be essentially be a nicely built online co-op for kits"20:10
kanzureok sounds like gnusha to me. nevermind :)20:10
kanzurebut i don't know what a "co-op for kits" means20:11
kanzurejacob got this estimate from some python developers that wanted to charge him $5k upfront and $40k in total for this website20:11
kanzuredoes anyone want to snatch up openpcr.org before tito does?20:12
jrayhawkI'm sitting next to some Django-oriented developers if you want quotes or anyhing.20:30
kanzureum, no, i can do it myself20:35
kanzureactually go ahead and get the quote anyway20:36
kanzurei would guestimate that they say $10020:36
kanzureanything higher and they are a bunch of hipsters20:36
kanzurejrayhawk: btw, this is in part what i was hoping to use (something like) piny for20:39
jrayhawkI don't really know what-all is involved in this particular site; the guys I'm with are used to doing some crazy expansive projects.20:39
kanzureexpansive or expensive20:40
jrayhawkYeah, I'd like to provision piny for small simple sites that are normally done in massive, terrible, insecure dynamic CMS engines.20:40
jrayhawkexpansive becomes expensive20:40
kanzurei liked jules observation that "they aren't slow, they are 'dynamic'" :)20:41
jrayhawkspeaking of which they want me to install a wsgi server WHAT SHOULD I USE20:41
kanzurewho is they20:42
jrayhawkthe django folks20:42
kanzuremod_wsgi for apache is one option that keeps popping up, and there's one for lighttpd20:42
kanzureer doesn't django have its own custom wsgi server20:42
jrayhawkHuh. I wonder if I shuld just proxy over to that.20:43
kanzurewhy are they asking for wsgi?20:44
kanzureare they hosting a django project and don't want to use the python django server?20:44
jrayhawkI'll go ask why.20:44
kanzure"it's been here ever since the great turtle climbed out of the sea with the earth on its back"20:52
jrayhawkAre you talking about http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.0/ref/django-admin/#runserver ?20:57
jrayhawkBecause there are a fair list of problems, there...20:57
kanzuremod_wsgi then i guess20:58
kanzurei'm not aware of the problems though20:58
jrayhawksingle threaded, doesn't cache anything, "It has not gone through security audits or performance tests", doesn't seem to do any logging, etc.21:00
kanzuresingle threaded O_o21:00
jrayhawkIt's supposedly designed for development.21:00
kanzureno logging either? hrm21:01
jrayhawkexclusively, that is.21:02
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvm9gL4KVQg "Alpha particle detector, made from a webcamera. "21:02
kanzure"Elsevier took payments from Merck, Sharp & Dohme in order to publish in essence a fake journal designed to promote its products, and then got caught doing it again."21:03
kanzurethose last three from: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2010/03/elsevier_to_medical_hypotheses_editor_br.php21:03
kanzure"or example, Mark Blaxill published pseudoscientific speculation that vaccines cause autism, and the anti-vaccine movement trumpeted Blaxill's paper for the next several years as "evidence" in a "peer-reviewed journal" (more on that later) that vaccines cause autism."21:04
kanzureoh wonderful21:04
kanzure"Nor do most people--even scientists-- have any idea of some of the other amusingly (and not-so-amusingly) wacky "hypotheses" published in MH, such as ideas that masturbation is a treatment for nasal congestion"21:05
kanzure"a paper linking high heeled shoes to schizophrenia"21:05
kanzure"a meditation on the nature of navel fluff"21:05
ybitthanks kanzure, learned about http://openlayers.org/ because of 8bitnyc.com21:07
kanzureybit: can you turn off hplusbot's command bullshit21:07
kanzure!apt-get install bullshit21:07
hplusbotkanzure: Error: "apt-get" is not a valid command.21:07
ybitguess so21:08
katsmeow-afkmake the bot respond only when spoken to?21:08
kanzurewhy, it doesn't do anything anyway except log21:09
kanzureyou might as well just have an irssi session open to log to a text file instead of some silly bot21:09
katsmeow-afki figured ybit might add useful !commands later21:09
hplusbotybit: Error: "fuck-off" is not a valid command.21:09
ybithplusbot: disable commands21:10
hplusbotybit: The operation succeeded.21:10
hplusbotybit: Error: "orly?" is not a valid command.21:10
kanzureybit: just stop using a bot you don't know how to control21:10
jrayhawkyou'll never cause the singularity with that sort of attitude21:10
katsmeow-afkspeaking of such, htf does one use dbpedia?21:11
kanzureis it too much to ask to rtfm21:11
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: it just has articles that list databases IIRC21:11
-!- hplusbot [ybit@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Quit: Ctrl-C at console.]21:12
katsmeow-afkwhich seem to be down, in non-standard formats, etc etc21:12
* katsmeow-afk strikes dbpedia off thelist of "what's useful"21:12
kanzurethere is one article on it on bioinformatics databases that dan bolser (faceface) used to maintain21:12
kanzurejrayhawk: do you have opinions or technical insight into lighttpd vs. apache? :/21:14
kanzurei've been wary of suggesting apache for super-high-volume sites just because of how bulky it is21:17
kanzurebut that might be because i took the long route for learning how to use it well21:17
kanzuresomeone wants me to do their homework for them: http://userweb.cs.utexas.edu/~mitra/csSpring2010/cs313/assgn/assgn5.html21:22
kanzureit's not hard, but it's annoyingly long and java, so .. yeah.21:23
kanzuretwitter dataset among others: http://www.public.asu.edu/~mdechoud/datasets.html21:27
kanzurecool, temporal social network topology21:27
kanzurethe twitter dataset is 525MB http://www.public.asu.edu/~mdechoud/data/twitter_data.zip21:28
-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]21:30
katsmeow-afkThe total number of user-user links in the social graph is about $56,00021:33
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-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-46-39.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap21:44
genehackerso you going to dorkbot kanzure?21:44
kanzuremaybe if i find it21:45
jrayhawkI'd be afraid of recommending anything but apache for high volume sites.21:45
jrayhawkLighttpd doesn't really have nice built-in "test this configuration file for me before i restart you" facilities, and generally its failures modes are more catastrophic than apache's.21:46
kanzuredoes apache have that feature? testing before restarting 21:46
jrayhawkyes, /etc/init.d/apache2 works that way, even21:47
kanzurehuh? there's only restart and such on there21:47
jrayhawklighttpd also is constantly pissing me off with a lack of features, or half-implemented features21:48
jrayhawkthat said, i use it for its much more sensible configuration format21:49
jrayhawkre: "only restart and such"21:50
jrayhawk        reload | force-reload)21:50
jrayhawk                if ! $APACHE2CTL configtest > /dev/null 2>&1; then21:50
jrayhawkoh yeah, and there's that whole "graceful reload" thing apache does that lighttpd definitely does not.21:50
-!- strages [~strages@c-76-29-243-225.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:50
kanzureoh is configtest just for checking syntax?21:50
jrayhawkAnd other static checks.21:51
JayDuggerGood night, all. Time to concentrate IRL.21:51
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has left #hplusroadmap []21:51
jrayhawklighttpd also has a mediocre security track record21:54
jrayhawkhave you played around much with nginx?21:54
kanzurenot at all21:54
genehackerif you find it?21:54
jrayhawkI've been meaning to. It looks like its satsifying lighttpd's use cases (proxying, fastcgi) more elegantly than lighttpd.21:57
jrayhawkAnd by "more elegantly" I mean "with even the slightest level of forethought and understanding of HTTP"21:58
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-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap22:26
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kanzurehttp://gitorious.com/webber Webber (Python based static website generator like IkiWiki)22:43
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kanzureso maybe i'm missing the point23:05
kanzurebut why is ActiveRecord being used at all23:06
kanzuredoesn't that mean that gitorious is using an SQL backend for managing repositories? what's the point of that23:06
kanzurei've been reading this and can't stand ruby developers: http://www.rubyinside.com/no-true-mod_ruby-is-damaging-rubys-viability-on-the-web-693.html23:27
kanzureit's just the way they talk i guess?23:27
kanzuremaybe useful: http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2007/07/web-hosting-landscape-and-modwsgi.html23:47
kanzure"The second problem is that although in mod_wsgi distinct Python sub interpreters are used to keep different applications separate, this isn't fool proof. Problems can arise where different applications attempt to use different versions of a particular C extension module, as Python only loads C extensions once for the whole process and not separately for each sub interpreter."23:48
kanzure(that's for "embedded mode" of mod_wsgi)23:49
kanzurei wonder how apache knows the password to the 'trac' user? http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/IntegrationWithTrac23:57
kanzureparticularly at the line that says: WSGIDaemonProcess site-1 user=trac group=trac threads=2523:57

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