
--- Day changed Sun Mar 21 2010
ToyKeeperI'm not entirely sure why I'm here.  I think fenn knows, though.  :)00:06
ToyKeeperAlso...  kanzure: I recognize your nick, but I don't remember why.  All I can find in my logs was something vague from July 2006.  Any clue what that was about?00:11
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kanzurefenn: oh, i know ToyKeeper 03:06
kanzureoh hi ToyKeeper 03:06
kanzureit might have been about woody, hnb or python03:07
kanzurehttps://openhatch.org/ how is this different from ohouhl03:09
kanzureToyKeeper: see 20060705171829.GD5339@SerDevian.XYZZ.org03:14
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kanzurefenn: "who to meet next" is mostly a count based off of the number of times that other people have told me to meet each person03:18
* kanzure goes back to sleep (now that that the buzzing is out of his ears)03:22
kanzurehm, or i could implement spaced repetition- that is very tempting03:23
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JayDugger1ybit: Do you know the Army has a prize for iPhone apps?07:02
ybithrm, linkage?07:04
JayDugger1Fits your business models.07:04
JayDugger1Yeah, hang on...07:04
ybitheh, i think the 'business models' page can be ignored, one of the members just wanted to make a page i do believe :-)07:05
ybitthere is a section called business models on the money wiki page07:05
JayDugger1That's the one I meant.07:06
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JayDugger1Okay, that's a brief news piece. Yes, it's an masterwork of bad website design.07:16
ybitthanks JayDugger1, i'll check it out07:17
ybitkanzure, genehacker: League of Professional System Administrators07:17
ybitAustin Perl Mongers07:17
ybitThe Robot Group07:17
ybitHacking Society 07:17
ybitall in austin07:17
ybitlinked from http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Confusion_Research_Center07:17
ybitalso in austin07:17
ybitJayDugger1: are you in austin as well?07:17
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kanzureybit: yes i'm aware of those groups08:35
kanzurejames choate runs Confusion Research Center, and in general he sholuld be avoided08:35
kanzurehe was banned from extropy-chat yesterday08:36
kanzurehe's a troll08:38
kanzureeven if you give him some attention he just trolls you some more, always08:39
kanzureoriginally he was trying to setup "Confusion Research Center" in les' shop08:40
kanzurebut in the process tried to take over the entire operation and pissed les off08:41
kanzureactually i have too many stories so i'm going to stop08:41
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klafkaisn't there already a hackerspcae in austin09:03
kanzureaustin hackerspace was only started on 2010-01-0209:07
kanzurejames choate has been trying to convince people to do his CRC since 199109:07
RedeemerSeems like a few are popping up recently09:08
kanzuredo we know anyone from the RIT make club?09:11
kanzurealso, it looks like they finally posted an article about the 2010-03-17 event09:11
kanzureoh nothing new09:12
kanzuredamn it. i hate these people09:12
klafkai know some people in the RIT make club09:12
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kanzureklafka: linkage or namedropping please09:25
Utopiahkanzure feeds on links, not blurry data :-#09:25
klafkalet me ask therochester hackerspace who there is in it09:26
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ToyKeeperkanzure: Thanks, now I remember.  :)11:15
ToyKeeperkanzure: You might find TKDO and vimoutliner interesting...  http://toykeeper.net/programs/tkdo/11:16
ToyKeeperAt least, I find them more useful than hnb or woody ever were.11:21
ToyKeeperI've come to better appreciate the simplicity and flexibility of plain text.11:21
ToyKeeper... and have added some of the things you asked about years ago.11:22
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kanzureToyKeeper: ybit is an avid fan of emacs org-mode 11:37
kanzureToyKeeper: in 2006 or 2007 i stopped using hnb because it was killing me. http://heybryan.org/todo.html11:37
kanzure"If you have a lot of todo lists scattered across many directories or even multiple computers, TKDO is useful as a "master list" to access all your lists at once. I like to keep a todo list in each project directory, and TKDO makes it easier for me to track all my projects from a single place."11:39
kanzurein the mean time, i haven't had a proper todo list system because "i'm off that crack"11:39
kanzureand instead i've been putting plaintext files in ~/todo/ and sometimes with symlinks to todo lists in various projects11:39
kanzureftr, i guess i consider supermemo to also be crack11:40
jrayhawkI tend to store all my todos in various ikiwikis and aggregate them to my inbox with rss2email such that i notice when other people edit them11:45
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kanzurethe problem with todo lists is that it's a lot like documentation11:46
kanzuredocumentation usually takes 2x time or adds 2x time11:46
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kanzureat first, maintaining a todo list took only a few minutes a day11:46
kanzurebut then it started to eat up 3 to 4h/day11:47
kanzureway, way too much overhead11:47
jrayhawkIt's helpful to trick clients into maintaining them.11:47
kanzurewhat is this black magic you speak of11:47
jrayhawkI tend to have an ikiwiki for each of my clients, and they want me to do something, they provide the descripion and priority.11:48
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kanzurejrayhawk: in django and other python projects they have something nifty called a sandbox(?) or something11:50
kanzurei can't remember the exact term11:50
kanzuresometimes it's stupid, and you load up a specific .bashrc for developing a project11:50
ToyKeeperYeah, I stopped doing xml todo lists because it just wasn't working after a while.11:51
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ToyKeeperI found myself making plain text files to track stuff which actually mattered, and putting the rest of the crap in xml where I never had to see it.11:51
kanzurei wonder if a system-wide todo tracker/aggregator that sends you into those environments would be nifty. "[ ] improve user authentication bullshit in xyz project" *enter* -> bash environment configured to development in that project dir11:51
ToyKeeperI find a project's context load time is usually small enough and unique enough that it's not worth making a tool do it for me.11:52
kanzurehow many parallel projects are you doing though11:53
ToyKeeperAt the moment, there are 47 projects big/recent enough that I've given them their own list, and a few hundred others on hold.11:53
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ToyKeeper... plus an entire different set for work.11:54
kanzureToyKeeper: on an unrelated note, i think you might like this particular project of mine:11:54
ToyKeeperI tend to make a desktop, open a project on it, then leave it open until it's done...  kind of a bad habit though.  I end up with 500+ windows open at once.11:54
kanzureer, if you refresh, you get today's updates (forgot to upload) 11:55
kanzuredo individual desktops (like in kde or gnome) have the ability to be saved/loaded? i've never bothered to try to reduce my window load11:55
kanzuregraphs for the meetlog: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/2009-10-01_to_2010-03-01.png11:56
ToyKeeperI'm using sawfish, and don't have a means of loading desktops...  however, I do make it save a complete window tree every time something changes.11:56
ToyKeeper(this is mostly so I can restore my session manually after Xorg crashes)11:56
jrayhawkKDE has lots of fancy session management stuff, at least.11:56
jrayhawkIncluding automatic checkpointing and restoring.11:56
kanzureincluding interesting graphs per person: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/graphs/jason_wohlfahrt.png11:57
ToyKeeperSession management requires all your apps to support it.  But ... I count a total of zero apps I use which support it.11:57
kanzureand a tag cloud of what i talk about with people: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/tags.html11:57
kanzureplus clouds of related clouds (what people talk about when they talk about a certain tag) http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/clouds/%23hplusroadmap.html11:57
Utopiahwould be cool to have as overlay the "authors" of each word11:58
ToyKeeperLike, if I added session management to rxvt-unicode, added a way for xterms to communicate large amounts of data to the shells they're running, and added session management to zsh...  that would be a good start.11:58
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jrayhawkIt doesn't *require* application support, but it sure helps, yeah.11:59
kanzureUtopiah: but multiple people are tagged with those words usually11:59
Utopiahyes, hence the plural11:59
ToyKeeperjrayhawk: Opening 250 xterms with fresh shells...  isn't what I'd call useful session management.11:59
kanzureUtopiah: i should definitely do a per-person stats page with (1) their tag cloud, (2) their communication charts, (3) contact details; and each tag-cloud-for-a-tag page should have a list of people that use it (or a tag cloud of people with their relative weights based on how frequently they use the tag)12:00
ToyKeeperWhen I'm behaving, I'll remember to close stuff and save their relevant state to a file.12:01
kanzurewhy doesn't .bash_history act like that by default12:01
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ToyKeeperUsually this means 'echo "http://foo" >> ~/path/to/my/project/urls"' for each browser tab/window, and making sure the project's todo tree is updated.12:02
kanzurei have a custom script called "url" which auto-adds a url to the url.txt file12:02
kanzureusually each folder on my system has a url.txt file which is just a giant dump of links related to the project and things i've been reading12:02
ToyKeeperYeah, similar here.  I just don't see the need to script 'echo >>'.12:03
kanzureseems like you do something similar?12:03
kanzureyeah i started to realize that i will not be able to remember where i found half this shit, especially when i download weird projects and weird source12:03
ToyKeeperThe todo trees are just plain text with indentation.  Special markup denotes tasks, status, due dates, importance, and other stuff.12:04
ToyKeeperTKDO handles the extra markup to give me things like a calendar, a flat auto-prioritized list, reminders, etc.12:04
kanzurei remember trying out this todofs (??) thing back in 2006, but for some reason it was using a .todo file in project dirs? this isn't very descriptive, i know12:05
ToyKeeperIt logs actions so I can look up later what I was doing.12:05
ToyKeeper... and one of the most useful things it has is a "snooze" button.12:05
kanzuredo you store .bash_history in local project directories?12:05
ToyKeeperIt's still kind of clunky overall, but it's a lot better than anything else I've tried.12:05
ToyKeeperI don't store shell history.12:05
kanzureToyKeeper: so, meetlog.txt is my attempt at keeping track of who i talk with and when (possibly to implement spaced repetition on top of them)12:09
kanzurei find myself writing ridiculously long emails to a lot of people 12:10
kanzurebut usually these emails are personalized and the next day i see someone else that i should have sent the email to12:10
kanzureso, i've been working on a way to automatically generate personalized emails 12:10
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/1kfriend.ly.pdf is the 1-page prospectus (sorta kinda)12:10
kanzurethese are personalized "push"/"update" emails, not everyday communication stuff12:11
ToyKeeperlol :)12:11
ToyKeeper/topic <kanzure> so, i've been working on a way to automatically generate personalized emails 12:11
ToyKeeperI tend to put floating recurring tasks into a 'personal' or 'people' taskfile...  like "call susan", with a recur time of 6 weeks.12:12
ToyKeeperEvery time I do it, I can check it off, it goes automatically in my log, and the task will disappear for a few weeks.  Then it starts bubbling back up to the top of the list.12:13
kanzurehttp://etacts.com/ is a ycombinator-funded startup that does that by analyzing gmail.com inboxes (recurring communication frequency stuff)12:13
ToyKeeperBTW, how does meetlog.txt get updated?12:16
kanzuremanually, but that was only because i incorrectly assumed that yaml mangled the order of the data upon load/dump 12:17
kanzureit was only recently that fenn made me actually try doing a yaml load/dump cycle on it12:17
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ToyKeeperIf keeping a record requires an extra step, I don't do it.12:17
kanzuresoon i'll probably be writing plugins to auto-update from my inbox, pidgin, irc client, etc.12:17
ToyKeeperI may intend to, and I may try really hard, but it never lasts.12:17
ToyKeeperThe reason fenn invited me was because I graphed my chat logs from 2001 until present, to measure my sleep cycles.12:19
kanzurei saw :)12:19
ToyKeeperLogs and records are great, but only when they happen automatically as a side effect of actually doing stuff.12:19
ToyKeeper(though a telepathic computing interface could make manual logging a lot easier)12:20
ToyKeeperAnyway, I've still got lots of stuff to add but, as is, I finally have a task/reminder system which works well enough that I don't hate it.12:29
ToyKeeper... which reminds me.  Today I need to go through my tkdo log to generate a progress report at work.12:35
Utopiahbtw there is ##pim for personnal information management (orgmode, wikis, logs, ...)12:35
ToyKeeperYup, I'm probably way off topic.12:36
UtopiahIm not suggesting so12:36
UtopiahIm just pointing that there is a channel with people who want to talk about just that, including me ;)12:36
kanzureutopiah likes to mention other relevant channels from time to time12:36
ToyKeeperI just can't remember stuff so I augment heavily with hard drives and 'grep' and other misc tools.12:36
ToyKeeperMaybe I can recruit some people from ##pim to add the features I've been too lazy/busy to do myself.  :)12:37
Utopiahthere is fund and feature request page of its wiki12:37
ToyKeeperI've got stuff hosted on launchpad, but none of my users are interested in contributing beyond occasional bug reports and feature requests.12:38
Utopiahsharing my little graph too http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/Exercises12:41
ToyKeeperMy attention span is about this big...   --> . <--  but I suppose I may as well join anyway.  :)12:41
ToyKeeperIt's kind of hard to pay attention to ~25 channels on 11 networks all at once, plus various web-based news feeds.12:45
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ToyKeeperkanzure: I'm amused that your calendar has events scheduled all the way until 2085.13:00
UtopiahLongNow would advertize using 02085 http://www.longnow.org/clock/ ;)13:01
ToyKeeperLeading zeroes aren't terribly useful.13:02
ToyKeeperNow, omitting non-zero digits like "95" instead of "1995"...  that's a mistake.13:02
kanzurei used to do leading zeroes because longnow.org told me to13:05
kanzurewow searching for aggregate tags is really depressing in my meetlog dataset13:07
kanzure["diybio", "skdb"] -> [mackenzie cowell, nathan mccorkle, jacob shiach, ryan ogle]13:08
kanzurei find it very hard to believe that those are the only people that i have talked with about both diybio and skdb13:08
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ToyKeeperI must admit to hardcoding a 4-digit year in some programs.13:17
ToyKeeperOTOH, if those programs are still in use in 7990 years, society has worse problems than dealing with an extra digit!13:17
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kanzure"Part of the WISE mission is to search for brown dwarfs, and NASA expects it could find one thousand of the dim stellar objects within 25 light years of our solar system."14:03
kanzure4.5ly on average between dwarfs14:04
kanzureeh i guess it feels sorta accurate14:47
kanzurethese are tags that are recommended for each person based off of similarity to other data14:47
kanzureso apparently i talk to QuantumG a lot about stuff that is somehow related to "spread of intelligence to the universe"14:48
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kanzurethe listing for max more is quite peculiar14:50
kanzurefull listing: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/recommended_tags_and_things_to_talk_about.v2.dat15:11
ToyKeeperBTW, what language(s) are you using to calculate this?15:16
kanzurevarious and poorly written python scripts http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/parser.py15:18
ToyKeeperI wonder how many people I've talked to online this year.15:22
ToyKeeper... apparently 605 people, counting IRC and IM.15:26
ToyKeeper272 of them for more than 10 lines.15:27
kanzurefor IRC, is more-than-10-lines via PM?15:28
ToyKeeperTotal, not all in one batch.15:28
ToyKeeperRather, I should say...  605 nicks appear within 2 lines of mine in my logs.15:29
kanzureblah my regex-fu is weak, how do i move matched content to the beginning (or anywhere, for that matter) of the line15:32
kanzurethat sounds unlikely ("first")15:32
QuantumGyeah, their idea of "first" is odd15:32
QuantumGbut the article is interesting15:32
ToyKeeperkanzure: ... like...   perl -pe '/(\w+)_(\w+)/$2_$1/;' foo.txt  ?15:33
ToyKeeper(should replace 'blah_foo' with 'foo_blah' in 'foo.txt')15:34
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ToyKeepercheat sheet: http://toykeeper.net/tmp/regex.table15:37
kanzureended up with :%s/^\([0-9a-zA-Z ].*\)\s\([0-9].*\)$/\2    \1/g15:50
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kanzurehello jkridner|work 15:58
jkridner|workI'd love to get BeagleBoard design materials into SKDB.15:59
kanzureah you must be the beagleboard mentor?15:59
kanzurewell that sounds absolutely fantastic15:59
jkridner|worknot sure what'd need to be done.16:00
jkridner|workfound out about the project thanks to Texas Linux Fest.16:00
kanzureare you in the area?16:00
jkridner|workI work out of Houston.16:01
jkridner|workI'm remote most of the time though these days.16:01
jkridner|workI'm in Dallas as often as Houston.16:01
jkridner|workand on the road as often as either.16:01
kanzurecool :) well glad to see you found openmanufacturing16:02
jkridner|workI think I'd run across it before, but didn't notice SKDB.16:02
* jkridner|work wonders if anyone here has a RepRap. :)16:03
kanzureso, to put beagleboard stuff into an skdb package there's primarily two bits needed: (1) schematics, CAD, whatever; (2) relevant instructions and documentation to massage into the package16:04
* jkridner|work keeps dreaming about making BeagleBoard cases with a RepRap.16:04
kanzurea few of us have a reprap. i've been too cheap and haven't built/bought one yet16:04
jkridner|workall the materials are at http://beagleboard.org/hardware/design, but I'm sure there are some formatting/etc. requirements.16:04
jkridner|workperhaps i can learn here about more open CAD tools.16:05
jkridner|workAllegro ain't cheap.16:05
kanzureyeah the BOM will have to be flipped around and changed a bit16:06
kanzureit seems to be in a .xls file (of all things!)16:06
kanzurecool a release announcement: http://groups.google.com/group/beagleboard/msg/ee3e1bc927551ffc16:06
kanzurejkridner|work: ever work with gEDA?16:07
jkridner|worknope, but at least I've heard of it. :)16:08
* kanzure tries to poke fenn awake16:08
jkridner|workI'm on #beagle just about every day.16:12
QuantumGanyone done a battery powered beagle?  What kind of operating life do they get out of em?16:12
jkridner|worksure.  if you don't do anything to turn on the power management, you are typically going to consume about 2W.16:13
jkridner|workI use the battery packs that take 2xAA for recharging phones that take USB chargers.16:14
kanzurejkridner|work: before i leave for any significant amount of time, here's an example of what skdb packages currently look like: http://designfiles.org/packages/lego/metadata.yaml16:14
jkridner|workI haven't done it in a while to remember how long it lasted, but it was several hours.16:14
kanzureimho, the most important part of the metadata is the dependencies16:14
kanzurethe template stuff is archaic and probably useless16:15
jkridner|workkanzure: is that something I should publish on beagleboard.org?16:15
kanzurehuh? communication error16:15
kanzurewhat is 'that'?16:15
kanzurethe metadata.yaml file at the moment is probably not worth publishing before you get a second opinion from someone else in here16:16
jkridner|worka metadata.yaml file.  would I try to produce one that would then get sucked into the central database?16:16
kanzurepretty much16:16
kanzurebtw, skdb is poorly named- there is no database16:16
kanzureall hardware packages are just .git repositories16:16
kanzureat some point you'll create a .git repository and commit the data from beagleboard16:17
kanzureyeah :)16:17
jkridner|workok, but is there a central .git repo where I can get a bunch of useful designs where people try to push their designs?16:17
kanzurei have an index of packages on designfiles.org yeah16:17
kanzurebut each package is an individual .git repo16:17
kanzurepresumably with the right setup, anyone can just push a new repository etc. etc.16:17
kanzurejrayhawk: this is where you start yelling at me16:17
kanzurehmph maybe not16:18
jkridner|workI'd think there must be one place where I can go to try to find a list of designs I can use.16:18
kanzureby default the skdb client ("skdb-get.py") is configured to look at designfiles.org/packages/16:18
kanzureskdb is a lot like apt-get16:19
jkridner|workQuantumG: if you turn on power management, you can retain state on a BeagleBoard (depending on LED statuses, HDMI output, etc.) @ <100mW.16:20
kanzurethat's a neat trick16:20
jkridner|workkanzure: well, apt-get has feeds for a distro.  I'd hope there would be some kind of "CAD distro".16:21
kanzurewe're working on it :)16:22
kanzurethe more people yell at me and/or fenn, the more likely it will be usable sooner16:22
kanzure(i am serious)16:22
jkridner|work8mW with some board mods.16:22
jkridner|workkanzure: understood.16:23
jkridner|workget the format first and make it work....16:23
jkridner|workonce that is understood, the value for a central repository will emerge.16:23
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QuantumGwell, I guess what I'm saying is that I'd love to see an off-the-shelf beagleboard optimized for battery use.. and if they could sell it with an appropriate battery pack that'd be good too :)16:27
jkridner|workme too. :)16:40
Utopiah(RepRap - Manufacturing for the Masses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYdhhTjp1C8 FOSDEM2010)16:55
Utopiah(The Wiki for Open Technologies: How to share your projects and knowledge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW2MjpRxICQ FOSDEM2010)16:58
Utopiah( with its http://thewiki4opentech.org/ )16:59
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Utopiahnot sure what's it's for really...17:06
-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap17:12
kanzureSystemic signals regulate ageing and rejuvenation of blood stem cell niches http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/Systemic%20signals%20regulate%20ageing%20and%20rejuvenation%20of%20blood%20stem%20cell%20niches.pdf17:24
kanzure"According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total outstanding notional amount is $684 trillion (as of June 2008)."17:28
kanzure"The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the beginning of October 2008.[1] The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value, [2] 11 times the size of the entire world economy"17:29
kanzure"That is, the metabrain is a label for a deeper and richer set of internal senses, that allow you to see your own wiring and improve on it."17:34
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kanzurei enjoy how the dimensions of that image are definitely _not_ 800x60019:35
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QuantumGso Obamacare has cleared the House?19:57
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kanzurenot a bad icon20:45
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