
--- Day changed Mon Mar 22 2010
-!- katsmeow-afk [~someone@75-120-13-252.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]00:07
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fenngazopa seems to suck much less than tineye if you're not looking for an exact match00:52
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fennkanzure: what's the difference between tags.html and clouds/#hplusroadmap.html?01:11
fennbesides just limiting th dataset01:12
fenni think you should do a big graph (network) instead of multiple little files01:12
fennwtf why does bre pettis have so much cool "recommended tags and things to talk about" but i get crap :(01:19
fennjkridner is lira.lg?01:21
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fennQuantumG: someone was experimenting with running beagleboard on 3.6V lithium batteries, but they had problems with crashing, but then they tried 5V regulated from two batteries in series and had the same problem, so probably they did something wrong01:34
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kanzurefenn: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/fenn_out03:13
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--- Log opened Mon Mar 22 07:48:11 2010
-!- shepazu [~schepers@] has quit [Quit: shepazu]07:48
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:c99:1766:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap07:52
kanzurestalk: Bill Erickson <bill.erickson@gmail.com>08:05
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kanzurecan someone explain to me why there's no up/down vote on twitter? or no competitor that already does that10:55
Utopiahthat's kinda what RT does, it's an UP vote somehow10:56
kanzurewhat? i thought fungi already did horizontal gene transfer http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100317144634.htm11:04
kanzure"This capability was believed to be possible, but rare, in fungi."11:04
kanzure"In the new study, based on a genome-wide analysis of three Fusarium species, it was shown experimentally that complete chromosomes were being transferred between different fungal strains, along with the ability to cause infection."11:04
kanzurecool, horizontal chromosome transfer 8)11:05
kanzurewtf it's an army of authors http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v464/n7287/full/nature08850.html11:05
kanzurei wonder if the individual chromosomes are pathogenic themselves11:08
kanzurei.e. encoding virulence proteins that specifically transfer the chromosome to the next cell11:08
kanzureviral chromosomes?11:08
UtopiahDawkin and his selfish gene would entertain that idea11:13
kanzurerfid and hackerspace badges11:35
kanzurebuilding an electrocardiograph http://www.eng.utah.edu/~jnguyen/ecg/instructions.html11:44
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]12:07
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kanzureweird discussion http://studentdevelopers.ning.com/forum/topics/is-open-source-hardware-pulls12:13
kanzure"Hi friends, nowadays a concept "OPEN SOURCE HARDWARE" popularised among the computer people. How that concept change the world and What are the future of the Open Source Hardware?. Let we discuiss about it..12:13
kanzurea response from someone else says "12:13
kanzurea response from someone else says "    yes opensource hardware is pulls the world12:13
kanzurehuh how did that happen. i definitely didn't write that twice12:13
kanzuresomeone named "joseph" wants to make an open source driving helmet http://cdiver.ning.com/forum/topics/an-idea-an-open-source-diving12:15
kanzure(the page is useless and not worth reading)12:16
-!- ybit [~ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap12:21
fennjkridner|work: ug.. sorry, my mom is in town and she's dragging me to the beach12:22
fennwoe is me :P12:22
kanzurehow do you pronounce moseley?12:23
kanzuremeh nevermind12:25
kanzurei wonder if there's a debian package maintainer appreciation day or something13:28
bkero-legacykanzure: Nah, you just buy them beer when you meet them at conferences.13:29
kanzurethis isn't for their benefit13:31
kanzurejkridner|work: are you around?14:03
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kanzurefenn is asking for your phone number14:11
kanzureybit: no you just stepped in at the wrong time14:12
ybiti see, bkero14:12
ybiti give up then 14:13
ybitjkridner|work: 14:13
ybitgot it14:13
* ybit pats himself on the back14:13
kanzureftr, i have both you and bkero's number anyway14:13
ybiti figured14:13
kanzureeh: http://shotofjaq.org/2010/02/hardware-on-rails14:15
kanzurei wonder why http://makershed.com/ hasn't become more popular14:15
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:16
kanzurefinally got a response from ayah bdeir re: CC/"opening hardware"14:35
jkridner|workhi kanzure.14:38
kanzurejkridner|work: fenn was asking for your number a few minutes ago :/14:38
jkridner|workk, I posted it to him.14:39
kanzurehe's on the beach right now, can you PM it to me?14:39
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kanzurejrayhawk: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Research_Non-Assertion_Pledge15:03
kanzure"The GreenXchange (GX) is a clearinghouse for know-how, patent pledges, and patent licenses related to sustainability. Companies participating in the GX will be able to make both patented and unpatented innovations ("know-how") available for research uses and commercialization on standard and transparent terms and conditions. "15:04
kanzure"The CAMBIA project in Australia pioneered an "open" patent project called BIOS for use on agricultural and biotechnology inventions, IBM dedicated the Non-Assertion Against Open Source Software for open source software, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development has developed the Eco-Patent Commons."15:05
kanzure"Linux Patent Commons use patent pledges (non-assertions) exclusively, for both commercial and non-commercial uses"15:05
kanzure"By contrast, the Research Non-Assertion Pledge of GX is targeted specifically for non-profit research, while the patent licenses offer a path to commercial applications."15:05
-!- qgqg is now known as QuantumG15:06
kanzuresection 3.4 worries me http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Research_Non-Assertion_Pledge15:09
-!- Redeemer_ [~Redeemer@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:12
kristianpaulpatent license?15:36
Utopiah(tecosystems >> Why I Am Against Software Patents http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2010/03/19/software-patents/ March 19, 2010)15:36
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kanzurei prefer baez's other content16:00
Utopiahthere was another theroretical physic prof. with a similar page... with a yellow background, but I can't remember it16:01
kanzuremaybe 't hooft16:02
UtopiahI dont think s16:04
kanzure"30 points for suggesting that a famous figure secretly disbelieved in a theory which he or she publicly supported. (E.g., that Feynman was a closet opponent of special relativity, as deduced by reading between the lines in his freshman physics textbooks.) "16:04
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-54-136.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:06
QuantumG"disbelieved in"16:13
UtopiahMindTouch Top 20 List of Open-Source Leaders http://www.flickr.com/photos/39372736@N04/4437525594/16:27
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bkero-legacyWhy is my boss not on that list? :(16:47
kanzurewho is your boss16:52
kanzuremainland china service availability http://www.google.com/prc/report.html#hl=en16:52
Utopiahlol, when Ads turns "Blocked" the rest will turn "No way."16:53
bkero-legacykanzure: Lance Albertson :P16:55
bkero-legacyWe host about half the projects on that list16:55
* bkero-legacy is sitting about 10 feet from kernel.org and drupal.org.16:56
* bkero-legacy is having beer with the kernel.org admin next week16:56
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:c99:1766:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap17:04
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* any03917913 senses deja vu again18:26
kanzureJayDugger: thanks for the email18:27
kanzure"Please vote for Buzz Aldrin who just danced on Dancing with Stars. Text 3407 or go to abc.com to vote. Honestly, he wasn't very good as a dancer but we had 10 minutes if pro space on national tv. Text 3407. Go Buzz!!  Pass it on!! "18:36
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kanzurewhat to do20:13
kanzurei've had a headache for the past ~30h20:13
kanzurejust generally "being sick"20:13
kanzureit's kinda hard to concentrate or do anything20:13
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fenngosh the LACK-rack IKEA server cabinet sure is cheap ($8)20:51
fenni should get some for the dojo (piles of server stuff laying around everywhere, big mess)20:52
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-59-90.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:56
fenn"Following ICT tradition, the Enterprise Edition is more than three times as expensive, while providing less stability than two of the regular products combined. "20:56
fenni love the instruction manual: http://eth-0.nl/lackrack.pdf21:00
kanzurefyi i found it via googling for "hardware on rails" in quotes21:02
fennthis thing's hanging in langton labs: http://www.instructables.com/id/Big-lamps-from-Ikea-lampan-lamps./21:03
kanzuredoes langton labs charge membership fees?21:09
fennand bills and stuff21:12
fennit's not a hackerspace21:12
kanzurejoseph jackson has started up on his scheme again to do a hackerspace21:13
kanzurebut he won't call it a hackerspace for some reason21:13
kanzureeven though that's what it is..21:13
kanzurei am really starting to dislike membership fees21:13
kanzurerent is ok if you get to i.e. actually live there21:13
fennbecause all the hackerspaces are wussy about doing biology21:13
kanzurewhy aren't they wussy about PGP21:13
kanzureITER, rawr!21:14
fennit's not illegal anymore21:14
kanzureminor detail21:14
fennof course neither is etching circuits with peroxide :]21:14
kanzureare you allowed to do hackerspace stuff at langton labs?21:15
fennomg why does everyone have to email me at the same time21:15
kanzurethat happens to me too21:15
kanzureand i have the fucking graphs to prove it21:15
fennperetz is assembling this wooden moving sculpture that is packed full of thermite21:15
fennso, uh, yeah i guess you're "allowed"21:15
kanzureis it so terrible that i dislike membership fees?21:17
kanzureit feels like i'm up against a moral wallor something21:17
kanzure*wall or something21:17
kanzure"what! no membership fee? you must be killed!"21:17
fennwithout owning the space i dont really see how you can keep it going without fees of some sort21:19
fennand landlords almost never are cool enough to just let people do whatever in a space21:20
kanzureimho owning isn't a big issue21:20
kanzurewell, owning in the middle of LA is an issue >:o21:20
kanzureyou people and your crazy schemes21:20
fennhuh? owning anything in a city is difficult21:20
fenncrazy people and their laws21:21
kanzureextra constraints21:21
fennthis is where katsmeow jumps in and starts ranting about humans21:21
kanzure$100k/year should be more than enough to do this right21:22
fennyeah but where do you get that from?21:22
kanzuregod damn it21:22
kanzurein b4 ur done21:24
kanzureALSO fenn i still haven't registered on paypal for some reason21:24
kanzuretoday i get to blame it on my health21:24
genehackerfenn I believe you mean evil HOAs21:26
fenner, not really21:27
fennhome owner's association makes me think of some suburb with beige houses that all look alike21:28
fennregulating the height of grass so all the lawns look the same21:28
fennthat's not the sort of place for a hackerspace anyway21:28
kanzurei'm in ur lawn hacking ur grazz?21:29
genehackeroh oh, genetically modified grass pollen to turn grass purple21:31
fenngenetically modified dandelions that produce THC, glow green, and are resistant to all pesticides21:32
QuantumGheat resistant too21:34
genehackerround-up ready dandelions, oh man, you found away to break a patent there too21:34
genehacker*break patent law21:34
genehackernow I wonder if one could extract that gene from food products21:36
fennSTOP! shower time.21:36
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]21:45
fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0177.JPG http://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0208.JPG http://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0213.JPG21:56
fenndigital zoom sucks22:00
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kanzureapparently joseph jackson is my target demographic for 1kfriend.ly22:33
kanzure"i just cut and paste emails together"22:33
kanzureand we've always suspected paul fernhout already has this system for himself22:33
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fenni dont get why my camera takes noisier images with a higher ISO setting23:02
fennand the shutter speed is longer for lower ISO settings23:03
fennok i guess that's how it's supposed to be23:05
fenn"deluxe Make: electronics toolkit" is actually pretty good: http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MKEE223:53

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