
--- Day changed Thu Mar 25 2010
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fennwoah. http://www.pilotfriend.com/aeromed/medical/fovea.htm03:16
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fennthe animated test is cool03:17
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Utopiahkanzure: can I give a borderline philosophical opinion?07:17
Utopiahon SKDB07:17
Utopiah(Im asking because some people here tend to vomit when philosophical terms are used ;)07:17
UtopiahI think that by providing processes to build objects, SKDB (or any tool that aims to build objects thanks to computers) is realising computational praxis, the ability to act but mediated by computer tools07:19
Utopiah(there, done.)07:19
Utopiahpathological apraxia ( https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Apraxia ) and the inability to generate a process in order to reach a goal made me think of that07:20
katsmeow-afk•Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted or practiced07:21
Utopiahthanks katsmeow-afk 07:21
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kanzureso.. what is it? http://www.zoybar.net/main08:25
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-!- chupacabra [~chupacabr@adsl-71-145-175-217.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:03
kanzurehttp://www.thingiverse.com/tags new feature implemented, will probably help with scraping09:05
kanzureheh http://www.phpwtf.org/09:48
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kanzuresome of 8020's equipment: http://www.8020customfab.com/Equipment.asp10:56
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kanzurethe 80/20 webmaster (microsoft developer, sadly) is into D&D11:49
kanzurehe even hosts a D&D fansite on the 8020 servers11:49
kanzure"In Kanzure's logic, there is no (moral) difference between a staged anthrax attack and a natural anthrax outbreak. Also following the anything goes argument ..."13:24
kanzurehuh someone quoted me correctly? wtf13:24
kanzurewait, moral?13:24
kanzurei might have spoken too soon13:24
kanzurebottom of page 34 and top of page 3513:25
kanzure"CENSORED is a way of modifying genomes"13:26
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kanzure"the metric system (a simplistic farce conceived by eccentrics at the behest of madmen, and imposed by dictators for the convenience of idiots). "13:36
katsmeow-afkso imperial units and Latin it is!13:42
kanzureyou know, i've never heard of the metric system as part of a conspiracy13:49
kanzurethis is a first13:49
kanzureit seems like the only reason to *not* draw microfluidic circuits by hand is in the case of optimization/testing/simulation14:03
kanzurewhere you want to be able to control the parameters for each chamber, curves, corners, lengths, etc.14:03
kanzureanother reason is if you're mapping human-language biology lab protocols to mf components14:04
kanzurei suppose you could argue that you should use a parts library to construct a design because you can later do optimization/simulation14:04
kanzurewhereas with hand-drawing you'd have to redo the entire design14:04
kanzurehas anyone seen a VLSI-scale mf chip before?14:04
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kanzurecool it's explicitly licensed as CC :)14:33
kanzureit's weird how no project that uses CC ever puts a LICENSE file into their project 14:54
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fennkanzure: same reason you dont write emails by hand.. it's faster, easier to edit, you can dopy and paste, and have revision control15:05
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kanzurefenn: what are you replying to15:23
kanzureusing graphical tools to edit MF designs is pretty fast15:24
fenngraphical tools == "by hand"?15:25
kanzurealso apparently 8020 is a family-owned company (doug wood, don wood, john wood, david wood, kristina wood, ..15:25
kanzure*click* move mouse *end click*15:25
fennwhat an odd definition15:25
kanzureit involves a mouse15:25
kanzureit's by hand.15:25
fennkeyboards require the use of hands too15:26
kanzureyou can script things that use a keyboard15:26
kanzurebbl, dinner with robot group people (they chose next door tonight)15:26
fennunless you have some kind of BCI you aren't sharing15:27
fennwhy is the internet stil broken?15:27
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:c99:1766:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap16:34
JayDuggerZoybar--DIY  guitar kits sold through an overly-flashy website?16:51
kanzurehm the diylilcnc guys compare their work to a mill for metal cutting17:21
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JayDuggerAnd how much will Santa Claus bill me for the parts?18:23
fennall svg+javascript video game: http://bighead.poli.usp.br/~juca/code/svg/minigame/minigame.svg18:28
fennfelipe from libreDWG just showed me that18:29
fenni suggested making a real version with arduino and led's behind a mask (instead of LCD)18:33
fennturns out dean chen (practically lives at dojo) has built a stewart platform for CNC machining18:34
kanzurea mask?18:34
fennlike an okudagram: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/okudagram18:35
kanzurehow did dean like his stewart platform18:36
JayDuggerfenn, have you a link for that CNC stewart platform?18:37
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-60-26.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:45
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fenn"I built this pair of glasses with a speaker for a lense, to train myself to echolocate.19:01
fennBy listening to the reflections of sound off nearby objects, I can perceive things using my sense of hearing. The glasses are my training program.19:01
fennJayDugger: no19:01
fennJayDugger: i think it's in atlanta, GA19:01
fenner, dean mao, not dean chen19:07
kanzurehur dur i need to work on the presentation for april 10th19:07
kanzurei am afraid that the audience will know more about apt-get internals than i do19:07
fennif you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit19:09
kanzurefenn: s/fransisco/francisco/ on fennetic.net/index.html19:15
fenn"The skates are so dangerous we are too worried about putting them on to test them" 19:20
fennkanzure: thanks, i dont know how i learned that wrong19:21
fennpfff they only go 20 MPH19:23
fennbritish wussies19:23
fennhomebrew OLED: http://intertu.be/blog/?page_id=6219:33
fennfelipe is trying to make his own LCD screen19:33
kanzurewho is jerry ellsworth?19:35
kanzurejeri ellsworth19:35
fennwhy do you ask?19:35
kanzure"It's a little known fact, but MAKE even has the creator of MacGyver writing at MAKE: Lee D. Zlotoff! L"19:35
fennare you spying on me?19:35
kanzuredavid treadwell was mentioning jeri19:35
* fenn was just telling felipe to look up jeri ellsworth b/c she's also a pinball fanatic19:36
fennshe did the DIY transistor doping from a silicon wafer19:36
kanzurei see19:36
kanzurehave you jumped her yet19:37
fennyeah, that19:37
fennno, i wouldnt want to expose my ignorance19:37
fennapparently she talked at hacker dojo in january?19:37
genehackerpinball fanatic?19:39
genehackerare you one fenn?19:39
kanzureoh this is "fatman and the circuit girl"19:39
kanzurei should have known19:39
genehackerand are pinballs hard to obtain?19:39
kanzurewtf the only person i know who knows jeri is keith henson?19:40
genehackeryou didn't know who Jeri Ellsworth was? Jeri Ellsworth, build her own microchips Jeri?19:40
kanzurenewtek/xilient sounds a lot like microunity19:41
kanzurei knew who "circuit girl" was19:41
kanzurebut not her name19:41
kanzurei don't think she does microchips19:41
fenngenehacker: no, felipe is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/felipesanches/19:41
JayDuggerKeith Henson knows everyone.19:41
kanzurekeith henson knows my mom19:42
fennshe designed a C64 replacement chip or something.. i think it counts19:42
kanzuredoes she do photolithography19:42
kanzurehonestly VLSI is not hard19:42
kanzure*VLSI design19:42
fenngah rtfwpa19:42
genehackerI don't think so19:43
-!- quantumkat [~kat@ip98-170-251-132.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:44
kanzureread the fucking wikipedia article19:45
JayDuggerThank you.19:45
kanzureand i did, and it didn't say whether or not she does photolithography stuff for VLSI19:45
quantumkatHello :D19:45
kanzurehi quantumkat 19:46
quantumkatCan you recommend any good books for designing and building hardware?19:46
JayDuggerWhat sort of hardware?19:47
katsmeow-afkyea, i emailed Jeri once to get info on the C1, she thought i was making  pass at her, be careful19:48
quantumkatJayDugger, Circuitry.19:48
kanzurepneumatic, hydraulic, electric, or other?19:48
genehackerprinciples and applications of electrical engineering19:53
quantumkatThank you, genehacker.19:55
kanzure"Just checked and it looks like Gateway sells a $49 netbook"19:55
kanzureGateway LT2016u19:58
genehackerdoes it have enough power for robot vision?20:03
fennchrist how am i supposed to read this? http://fennetic.net/irc/Captcha.jpeg20:06
JayDuggerif you can't tell, you must be a chatbot.20:07
kanzurehttp://decaptcher.com/ solves all of my captchas for me now20:08
kanzureforrest mims is also cited as a good intro-to-electronics author20:08
fennJayDugger: what are your feeling about i must be a chatbot?20:09
JayDuggerYour chatbot nature has been trumped by my cat. He chases the characters as I type them.20:09
JayDuggerHe suggests I cut-and-paste into emacs's psychotherapist.20:10
fennyour cat is pretty smart20:11
JayDuggerNot really. He hasn't realized warm clothes in the dryer are better than a cold tabletop.20:12
JayDuggerUnlike my other cat, who watches the laundry basket.20:12
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.20:15
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-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]20:28
kanzure"it's zen not to be zen"20:48
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genehackerkanzure you there?23:24
genehackerBre has declared war on RepRap23:24
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fennjust watched an interesting conversation about using g1 android phone guts in a satellite23:38
fennand missed my train.. bastards shut the door in my face23:39
genehackeris it one of those trains with electrified rails?23:43
genehackerif yes, I wonder what happens when you short them?23:52
genehackeranswer: the train can't get away!23:52

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