
--- Day changed Mon Apr 05 2010
nshwhat's txlf, kanzure?00:41
nshtexas linuxfest, i guess00:42
nshkanzure, have you concocted a stalking database with its own file format?01:21
nshnot sure i'm entirely behind 500friends.com01:27
nshbut the design is nice01:27
ybit2cool company in hsv: http://www.aegistg.com/Microsystems_Nanotechnology.htm#Nano02:19
fennkanzure: what format is http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/bre_pettis.stlk ? and why is the filename bre_pettis.stlk?02:31
fennparolang: have you considered that you might have a hearing disorder?02:32
fenni wish meetup would actually tell me about meetups happening in the groups i'm a member of :(02:40
bkeroSomeday I'll be able to live in the woods :(02:42
bkeroWith all the tools I'll ever need.02:42
fennthat "giant robot" guy is so fucking annoying02:43
fenn50 hours of video rambling that could be condensed into two cad drawings and a BOM02:44
fennbkero you could move in with jamie the robot guy02:45
bkerofenn: Yea.  I'd rather not.02:47
bkeroRather have my own place in the woods.02:48
fennbkero: have you seen this yet? 02:49
bkerofenn: fucking humans03:10
fennyes, that's what it's about03:13
bkeroThat's horrid shit03:15
fenni'm sort of confused what you mean03:16
fennit's an aspie masochist who lives in the woods and blogs 24/703:17
bkerolol yes03:17
* bkero goes to sleep03:18
bkerotrying to forget03:18
fennheh ok03:18
fenn"AI meetup canceled due to bicycle race" wtf03:25
fenni guess nobody in here cared about the shuttle launch03:46
QuantumGI did03:49
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nshknow any tools for monitoring internet "chatter"07:19
nshother than twitter07:19
kanzurefenn: bre_pettis.stlk is not in any particular format07:54
kanzureit shows mutual friends between a given target and all my other friends07:54
kanzureso, bre_pettis.stlk was with target=bre and everything with the '*****' prefix is a friend of bre07:55
kanzurethen, lines beginning with friends/ indicates that the person named immediately after the 'friends/' token has the same friend as prefixed with '*****' above07:55
kanzureso: bre is friends with 'aaron tang' and doug, max, and russell are friends with 'aaron' (in particular, i am friends with doug, max and russell)07:56
kanzure> We could all go to lunch after the meeting if you wish.08:09
kanzureI should mention that I have a dietary constraint in that I can only eat delicious foods.08:09
kanzurehttp://playdeb.net/ .debs for gaming08:20
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kanzure"yo frankie"08:20
kanzure"learn morse code in one minute" http://www.learnmorsecode.com/08:21
kanzureblah they put me on first ??08:48
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kanzureany ideas for recommendations to give to alex lightman for h+ summit 2010? re: speakers to invite09:38
kanzurehe wants me to do a presentation again09:39
Redeemer_2When is the next H+ summit?09:49
ybit2Redeemer_2: /me thinks the details are on facebook09:52
ybit2citizen science is the theme09:52
ybit2or was that the meetup that was held in march?09:53
Redeemer_2June AND December, interesting.09:54
Redeemer_2Well hopefully I can score myself a better job at the local airport and get some flight benefits to catch em both09:56
Redeemer_2Maybe even get myself in as a speaker for the December event09:57
kanzurewhat would you speak about09:59
kanzuregoogle:"how to spend more money" sadly doesn't return many appropriate results10:05
Redeemer_2Likely on the effects of oxidation effects and oxygen therapy on living aerobic organisms as a method of life enhancement and longevity enhancement.10:05
Redeemer_2More importantly, ways it can be done safely and effectively by your average person, and multiple studies' results put together into data I can fit into a 20-30 minute talk, perhaps even one of my own studies with say, mice if I can manage it.10:07
kanzurehave you seen this yet? http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/10:08
Redeemer_2Excellent, stuff to read while I have nothing else to do, I thank thee10:11
kanzureegeste: can i have your full name? feel free to pm it if you're a privacyfreak10:43
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egesteSteve Regester10:45
egesteI prefer to go by egeste on the interbutts tho10:45
kanzureso, i've proposed something to les10:46
kanzurebasically the austin hackerspace (aka, martin/matt/mike) is renting out space from les10:46
kanzureand some other people are renting out space from les10:46
kanzureit would be really absolutely stupid for me to have to pay membership fees to AHS just for the privelege of screwing over les10:46
kanzureso, i'm thinking of asking him to make it a requirement that other people in the shop are made either board members or given free membership or something10:47
kanzureit's kind of silly that AHS is trying to do a hackerspace within a hackerspace10:47
kanzureand it's *really* confusing10:47
Dustbinit is a bit confusing10:49
kanzureactually i should correct myself- i already sent that email to les10:51
kanzuresuggesting it.10:51
egestemeh, if I can stay out of the beaurocracy I will - I would rather just show up and help get shit done10:53
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kanzureegeste: easy for you to say10:54
kanzureegeste: i'm worried that they will fuck over les10:54
kanzurei mean, he doesn't even get a mention on the wiki10:54
egesteI don't know that I can say anything intelligent on the issue, not having a full understanding of what the current situation is10:56
kanzurei think "AHS is a hackerspace within a hackerspace" is a good way of putting it. i don't think there's much more to it.10:58
kanzureanyway, i'll try to fix things and this won't be an issue11:01
kanzureso your instinct to ignore it is a good one11:01
kanzuredid you check out any of the links i gave?11:01
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egesteyeah, I spent some time reading, alot of it was over my head11:13
egestebut I'm @ work rihgt now11:13
egestesolving problems11:13
egesteor something11:14
egestewe have a buggy iphone app and webapps that need to be built yesterday11:14
egesteas always :/11:14
kanzurei've been doing some iphone app dev, but i don't know why11:15
kanzurethe hardest thing about it is doing iphone app development work but not having an iphone or a mac11:15
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parolang<fenn> parolang: have you considered that you might have a hearing disorder? <-- I actually have a lot of evidence that it is ADHD or something very similar to it.13:44
parolangIt's not *just* the listening to people thing.13:44
egestemarijuana = best ADD medication13:45
parolangAs strange as it sounds, other than ritalin when I was a kid, I've never used any drugs.13:46
parolangI don't drink nor smoke either.13:46
parolangI use a lot of caffiene, if that counts :)13:47
parolangBut I'm actually trying to be more successful at work/school, so showing up stoned doesn't sound like a winner to me :)13:47
egesteoh man13:48
egestei disagree13:48
egesteshowing up stoned and kicking ass is how to do it13:48
parolangheh :)13:48
egesteI'm big fan of respecting quality of work and completely ignoring just about everything else13:49
egesteI don't really care that our lead deveoper stings like kimchi and never bathes, he gets shit done13:50
parolangWell...I don't work in a box, so can't get away with that :)13:59
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QuantumGhttp://thespaceshow.com/live.htm  starting now14:05
QuantumGEric Lerner14:05
kanzure"Amino is a project involving both software and hardware to build an OpenSource hardware development platform for DSP like applications. It's goal is to produce an approachable platform for DSP modular application development."14:12
kanzurehttp://oshug.org/ open source hardware user group (in london)14:12
kanzurehttp://www.cckits.com/ "creative commons kits"14:18
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kanzureapril 21 diybio-seattle meeting15:10
fennah, digikey is so refreshingly reasonable about shipping costs15:23
fennheh "evangelist for rent"15:27
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fennkanzure: re: gnusha.org, i don't think you're ever allowed to complain about my web design skills15:31
fennand why does it think it's translated german?15:32
fennoh oops nm15:32
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kanzurefenn: can i say something like "oh but i'm not even trying"16:00
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fennthis tanker hat smells like a soviet tank, but it's surprisingly comfortable once you get used to it16:28
kanzureyeah once you get used to the smell of guts, blood and semitism16:28
fennactually it just smells like gasoline16:30
fennbtw there is no such thing as "semitism"16:30
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fenntwo microphones, two headphones, and 4 electrical contacts?16:33
fennsomething doesn't add up16:33
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kanzurestalk: keith chester17:10
kanzureany suggestions for the laser cutter and windows?17:12
kanzureit has never done vector mode and always wants to do raster17:12
kanzurewhen it is explicitly set into vector mode, "start job" just makes it beep twice17:12
kanzurein raster/vector mode, it always chooses raster17:12
kanzurein raster mode the result is rastered of course17:12
kanzurecool the laser cutter is HPGL-compatible17:21
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fenn"Jane, in retaliation to Dick constantly reverting changes she's made to the wiki, shits on top of the electronics bench. A statement to those (everyone) that haven't stopped talking to Dick. This is called an Austin Solder Puddle."17:53
fennlearn something new every day17:53
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kanzurehttp://www.333skis.com/wow-an-open-letter.php "Kristin and I are starting to work with several High School Shop teachers to set up programs for educating students in the art of Open Source Manufacturing."20:25
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kanzurehrm todd's dad is a youth minister person thing21:12
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kanzuredoes anyone know wtf this stuff is? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/uls25ps/ess.myvnc.com:8928/DISK%201/23:39
kanzurethis sorta looks like a BOM for my laser cutter? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/uls25ps/ess.myvnc.com:8928/DISK%201/Other%20Files/ULS/ULS%20Parts%20images/23:40
kanzureexcept .. via .jpg files23:40
kanzureoooh manuals! http://designfiles.org/~bryan/uls25ps/ess.myvnc.com:8928/DISK%201/Other%20Files/ULS/manuals/23:41
genehackeroh neat23:41
genehackeris that from the disk of the laser cutter?23:45
genehackerI really need to design a fancy laser-cutterable business card like this:23:45
genehackerbut with a cooler mechanism23:46
kanzureit was stolen from some vnc network thing23:53
fenngenehacker: theo jansen mechanism + pancake pcb motor23:54
fenn"caution contains rare earth magnets, do not put in wallet"23:55
genehackerI was thinking a lipkin linkage, non-round gears, a stirling engine, or a business card that turns into an ornitopther and flies23:59
genehackerI don't believe they make PCB motors thin enough23:59
genehackerit'd be much better to have a hand crank23:59

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