
--- Day changed Wed Apr 07 2010
fenni was so going to make this, but now that i see it exists i feel less obligated to do so: http://robotsanddinosaurs.org/?p=16800:03
fenn"Do not connect the probe to voltages that exceed 5 volts under any conditions." is pretty weaksauce00:05
fennhuh how did i miss this: http://dangerousprototypes.com/bus-pirate-manual/00:13
fenn200MHz logic analyzer00:13
fennthat's way better than miniLA00:14
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guibouhello here... I'm looking for support on python-ooc and the only irc link I found is here, anyone with python-ooc knowledge ?07:03
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kanzureguibou: yep07:47
guiboukanzure: hello ;) I'm trying to convert step iges to stl file07:48
guiboukanzure: I thing I succed (because I have an stl file now), but I'm trying to understand how to have a binary one and what are the params Coeficient and defflection07:49
guibouHoo, I look at your script07:49
guiboukanzure: ok, your script is exactly what I have done currently, thank you, but how to parametrize how the tesselation is done ?07:52
kanzurei have never tried that.07:52
guibouThe api is well documented, there is only two functions and I'm unable to know how to use it ;)08:05
kanzurethe api is *not* well documented08:06
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/lab/opencascade/ might be helpful?08:06
guibouhttp://designfiles.org/lab/opencascade/occ6.3.0/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/DataExchange/html/classStlAPI__Writer.html << "Set the Deflection", miam ;)08:09
kanzure"pimp my arm" http://groups.google.com/group/openprosthetics/web/pimp-my-arm08:19
kanzurelook like kuniholm is trying to get a flamethrower attachment08:19
guiboumiam means: this documentation is useless ;)08:20
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kanzurehey hundred-ideas 08:43
hundred-ideashey kanzure 08:44
guibouhey you, I'm back. Anyone know how to set a value with python-occ when the C api is like objet.method() = new_value (because lvalue other that name is not valid python)08:47
kanzurei have no idea what you just asked :x08:48
kanzurecan you give me an example from the opencascade api?08:48
guibouhttp://designfiles.org/lab/opencascade/occ6.3.0/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/DataExchange/html/classStlAPI__Writer.html#a7 <<< Here ASCIIMode08:49
guibouwe need to do stl_writer.ASCIIMode() = true/false; but this is not possible in python08:50
kanzureASCIIMode() returns true or false08:50
kanzureyou set ascii mode with StlAPI_Writer (the first parameter)08:51
guibouypeError: new_StlAPI_Writer() takes no arguments (1 given)08:52
guibouTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ASCIIMode'08:52
guibouPerhaps I'm stupid, but it does not work.08:53
kanzurethe problem is that, in python, there can only be one constructor08:55
kanzurethere are multiple constructors called StlAPI_Writer in the opencascade api08:55
kanzureswig probably doesn't know how to handle these situations08:55
guiboukanzure: the problem is also that the C api use the reference from the lvalue of ASCIIMode, which does not work in python08:57
kanzurefenn: how about "tangible-get"09:22
kanzureor tangiblegit09:22
kanzureactually that should work09:23
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kanzurei think a photodiode in this case is overkill: http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1609732&cid=31759088 why not just use something to model the internal state of the game?10:27
kanzurethis has some good overviews of console hacking: http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/04/07/1221232/Sony-Update-Bricks-Playstations?art_pos=710:36
kanzureer, ps2/ps3/wii hacking10:36
kanzurehundred-ideas: hey, have you seen the open bioinformatics foundation's call for gsoc2010 proposals?10:43
kanzurei'd like to see some of the diybio students (in universities) pitch a few ideas for obf gsoc201010:43
kanzureit's a $5k stipend to do open source software work for bioinformatics and diybio10:43
kanzurein particular for college students only10:43
kanzurehundred-ideas: that bbc article is old news. check: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F10:54
kanzure(well, it was also mentioned on the list i guess- cathal sent a few comments, and so did brian)10:55
hundred-ideasIt's a different video than the one that was mentioned before11:00
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kanzurewonder why ncbi is using this. http://betascience.blogspot.com/2010/02/using-aspera-instead-of-ftp-to-download.html11:35
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fennncbi should switch to bittorrent15:01
fennah good i'm not the only one saying so15:02
fennbah only 23 torrents on biotorrents? that's pathetic15:03
fennarent there like 10k different genomes by now?15:03
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fennheh i love the president of aspera insisting that the tech support did in fact tell him to use -Q to enable rate control!!!! even though the mere fact that you need to specify it in the first place is retarded, and why is the company president posting 50 comments on a blog anyway15:07
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kanzurehm check out http://www.evilmadscientist.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=2899&fromblock=yes at the "06:33 AM PDT     16:30
kanzure" post16:30
kanzurelooks like someone is claiming oshw but not actually supplying on the designs.16:30
kanzurenick farr (owner of hackerspaces.org) is apparently working for al gore now16:56
kanzureso, any problems with the climate should be strictly blamed on nick16:56
kanzurefenn: any idea on doing an skdb package for t-slot?16:58
kanzureer, for 80/20 specifically16:58
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fenni dont get that evil scientist's response17:09
fenn"we sent someone our designs and he published them online. therefore everybody thinks our designs are worthless"17:09
fennthe kit in question http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkmpIXd9Q9017:14
kanzurei are grammar nazi17:24
fennyeah ideas are good17:29
fenni like pie17:29
fennpackages are cool too17:29
fennmake me one with everything17:29
quantumkatThat sounds like a request for omnipresence.17:35
fennan omnipresent pie package17:42
fennso i met this girl named "gaea" but she pronounces it "jia"17:42
fenni'm really confused17:42
quantumkatIs that her real name/pronunciation or is she being creative?17:48
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fenn apparently there are two acceptable pronunciations17:52
kanzurefenn: i was hoping for some ideas on how to implement a t-slot skdb package17:53
kanzure(if that wasn't obvious)17:53
kanzurelooking through the 8020 catalog, there's a lot of 'extra' features you can request on each part17:54
kanzureso it might just be an inheritance dealy17:54
fenni'll make a skeleton package, but i dont really want to scrape the website etc17:56
kanzuresadly the website is unscrapable17:57
kanzureall of their data is in the catalog17:57
kanzuresee pm17:57
JayDuggerCan you extract the information you need from the catalog's PDF?18:02
kanzuresorta kinda :)18:02
kanzureit's a difficult problem18:02
JayDuggerI don't doubt that at all. PDF flaws = PDF virtues.18:04
* kanzure uploads the catalog18:04
kanzure.. slowly.18:04
kanzure"80/20 Product Catalog - Version 2008 (157 MB)"18:06
JayDuggerYeah...you could try Adobe's own PDF to HTML converter.18:10
kanzurelet me upload the pdf before you start making suggestions on how to process it18:11
kanzurei'm familiar with pdf2txt, pdf2html and other tools18:11
JayDuggerI have a copy.18:11
JayDuggerI'll shut up. :)18:11
kanzuredid you have it before?18:11
kanzureare you on a potentially fast upload at the moment?18:11
kanzurebecause it would take me an hour to upload my copy18:11
JayDuggerI no longer have it. :(18:11
JayDuggerI got it for work, at work.18:11
kanzure"I have a copy"18:11
kanzureoh! you're my target market :D18:11
JayDuggerPoint taken.18:11
kanzurewho is your regional distributor18:12
JayDuggerNot my cheap employer. You need a customer willing to spend money.18:12
kanzurewho was your distributor?18:12
JayDuggerI don't know. My boss wouldn't tell me.18:12
kanzureok, well18:12
JayDugger"We're not buying that. Our vendor can supply it or we'll do without."18:12
kanzuresee pm18:12
fenni wonder how long the lurkers would hang around if everybody who actually said anything left18:14
fennmean half life18:15
kanzuresorry about that18:15
kanzureit's just not quite ready yet18:16
kanzuregive me a week or something18:16
kanzurehm 4min to download it from davinci18:23
kanzureoh well18:23
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kanzure156 MB product catalog http://designfiles.org/~bryan/8020/2008%20Product%20Catalog.zip18:27
fenntorrent that shit :P18:28
fennok so can i unzip them now?18:28
kanzurego ahead and unzip them locally in that folder if you want18:28
kanzureoh god, tarbombs18:30
fennnothing to see here, carry on citizen18:31
kanzurefenn: please try again. i just downloaded the rest of the available downloads18:32
kanzurethe zip file saved all of 2MB on the catalog18:33
fenni dont get it. 1515-ULS.zip only has one profile in it18:35
katsmeow-afkcatalog of what?18:50
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kanzurecatalog of your mom19:04
kanzurehaha @ steve http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/images/AGI_discussion.JPG19:05
kanzureand possibly also anna salamon, voss, michael anissimov, and a few others i don't recognize from behind19:06
kanzuredavid hart maybe?19:06
jrayhawkyou laugh to quench the burning pain of beard envy19:06
jrayhawkman, he looks like he's in zz-top, there19:07
jrayhawkor maybe he's about to say "AND MY AXE"19:09
kanzuremaybe steve went back in time and became trained by the orcs19:10
kanzureand warlocks, and stuff19:10
jrayhawkone does not simply walk into the singularity19:12
kanzureyou have to do it in style19:12
QuantumGbest not to walk in on the singularity at all, it's into weird shit and it might be embarrassing19:23
QuantumG"oh god, I mean.. I saw nothing, carry on."  <try not to be sick>19:24
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kanzurefenn: wtf?19:59
kanzure"New punctuation: "~" at the end of a line to indicate 'Snarky'."19:59
kanzurei guess the snarkmark is catching on19:59
kanzurethe snarkmark needs a blog20:00
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kanzuretext version of the catalog: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/8020/pages.zip20:38
fennyeah i didn't make it up, i just think it's a good idea21:09
fennreverse question mark is just confusing.. "why is it backwards?"21:10
kanzureampk / biology grad student lifestyle http://www.thirteen.org/naturally-obsessed/21:11
kanzure(PBS documentary thing)21:11
fennsomehow i read that last line as "unnaturally obsessed thirteen year old biology grad student"21:11
kanzureartificially obsessed?21:11
fennargh fucking new not-popup bullshit doesn't ever fit on my screen21:12
fennso i can't click 'close'21:12
kanzuresometimes they are kind enough to implement the 'escape' key21:12
fennLOL "As if the pressure of scientific discovery isn't enough, the students are also competing in a worldwide race to be the first to publish their findings."21:14
fenni can just see the discovery people sitting around a conference table "dammit. we've never done a story about science before, how do we make it exciting?"21:15
kanzurealso i thought ampk was already done to death21:15
fenner, pbs, nevermind21:15
fennyeah, it was21:15
kanzurei hope you read the "As if the pressure" quote with a slightly british, slightly pretentious i-am-richer-and-more-cultured-than-you accent21:15
fennyou're thinking NPR, not PBS21:16
fenndoes BBC do radio broadcast?21:16
fennaudio radio21:16
* fenn hates that21:16
kanzurei think my radio picks up bbc world news on one of the fm frequencies?21:17
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Dustbinya BBC radio exists21:26
DustbinI think any local broadcasts of BBC content would by on KUT21:27
kanzurenow in giant size: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/images/diybio%20poster.png21:34
fennwow it's almost like a screen printed poster21:52
fennoops i forgot the snark marks: ~~~~21:52
fennis there a SVG?21:52
fennbecause you know, that would be even gianter21:53
kanzureisn't that cheating re: size?22:15
kanzurehm maybe i can convince mac to find me an svg version of it if i laser cut him something22:15
kanzurelike, the poster into acrylic22:15
kanzureit would be neat if the poster would double as a basic diybio microfluidic circuit22:16
kanzureso just by proliferating the image you get a basic functional tool if you needed it22:16
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