
--- Day changed Tue May 11 2010
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fennhistory of multitouch: http://www.billbuxton.com/multitouchOverview.html08:10
Utopiahnice, will make a good link on my "Burn Apple Inc(R)" page08:11
JayDuggerThank you, fenn!08:12
JayDuggerI still have my Fingerworks keyboard.08:12
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fenn1985: multi-touch tablet08:35
fennThe Haptic Lens, a multi-touch sensor that had the feel of clay, in that it deformed the harder you pushed, and resumed it basic form when released08:37
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fennseems to be like the soy-sauce-in-a-bag device08:40
fenni should make one of those08:40
fennhad no feedback though, lame08:41
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quantumkatwe can have a party, now!12:30
superkuh"Low-Energy Defibrillation Using Resonant Drift Pacing", 2009 (PDF 4.0M) http://www.maths.liv.ac.uk/~vadim/theses/Morgan.pdf - The paper goes from cell level electrophysiological models of cells to tissue level finite element meshes and ends up with a description of tissue level nerve behavior that is actually useful and predictive!12:38
superkuhThe group of associated with the paper has quite a few articles on scholarpedia as well for the introductory background.12:38
kanzuredoes anyone want to attend this? http://telexlr8.wordpress.com/2010/04/20/david-orban-on-the-singularity-university-teleplace-may-11/12:42
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kanzuregiulio prisco is offering12:42
Utopiahhe'll record this one too?12:42
kanzurei don't know12:42
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bkerokanzure: That'd be pretty sweet15:56
QuantumGjust got a wireless energy monitor installed16:04
QuantumGtells me how many watts I'm using (or $/hr)16:05
-!- Dustbin [~grumble@] has joined #hplusroadmap16:08
parolang`Can anyone account for the downward slope? http://www.google.com/trends?q=emacs&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=016:16
parolang`whoops, sorry wrong channel16:16
kanzuremight be the right channel :)16:16
parolang`heh :)16:18
jrayhawklisp programmers are presumably dying off16:21
parolang`It isn't trendy :D16:22
QuantumGDue to high costs caused by a post-war depletion of the strategic parentheses reserve LISP never [became] popular.  http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/brief-incomplete-and-mostly-wrong.html16:27
parolang`I guess not enough people have drank the paul graham koolaid :D16:28
klafkalisp is pretty cool17:04
klafkaespecially clojure17:04
klafkaw/ incanter17:04
parolang`Well, we're still at the level where the mention of anything lisp-related is immediately followed by a snide comment about too many parentheses.17:06
parolang`Thus, why lisp isn't trending too well :)17:06
QuantumGalways have been17:06
parolang`Well, if lisp was trending better, people would be able to see past the parentheses more :)17:07
parolang`Lisp isn't a parenthesis fetish, it's a programming language written in a data structure which gives it interesting and useful properties.17:09
QuantumGthere's no reason why it has to have no syntax17:09
QuantumGto do that17:10
klafkaidk lisp has a lot of interesting things i hope to explore more, like its use in metaprogramming17:11
klafkaand w/ clojure you have a ton of easy to implement packages for it17:11
parolang`Lisp kool-aid: http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html17:11
parolang`QuantumG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homoiconicity17:13
QuantumGthere's no need to sacrifice readability and maintainability for metaprogramming17:14
parolang`That's why lisp does all three.17:15
QuantumGlisp is neither readable nor maintainable.. that's the primary reason why it fails17:16
parolang`It fails because people evaluate it superficially.17:16
QuantumGif by "superficially" you mean "fuck that's unreadable, I'm not maintaining that!" then yes17:17
parolang`Right, hence the source of our disagreement.17:17
parolang`But then, that's what non-programmers say when they read code.17:18
parolang`When you learn to read code it makes sense, just like learning to read any natural language.17:18
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QuantumGno you're wrong17:19
parolang`Because of no I am wrong.  I stand corrected.17:22
QuantumGreadability is best measured by the "writing to yourself in the future" test17:22
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parolang`You realize that lisp is one of the oldest programming languages there are right?  I'm sure it passes the future test :)17:24
parolang`And emacs is one of the oldest text editors and still being heavily maintained.17:25
QuantumGok, now you're just demonstrating that you have no idea who you're talking to.17:26
parolang`Okay :)17:27
parolang`Anyway, back to a more h+ appropriate topic :)17:27
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:43
klafkawait who are we talking to?17:48
parolang`You wish fanboy :)17:50
klafkano i'm just glad you're not gonna eat stuff off your foot17:51
parolang`Good thing flash video is patent encumbered, otherwise he would be very embarrassed.17:53
kanzurewtf? http://www.flickr.com/photos/wonderfulemancipation/2843910588/sizes/l/18:49
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QuantumGhttp://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1648748&cid=32177872  for the ladies on the channel18:54
parolang`QuantumG: I'd suggest you stop while you're still ahead.19:02
parolang`Well, you're not ahead, but stop anyway.19:02
QuantumGI was just about to say I was never ahead19:02
parolang`Yeah, you're being a serious douche, and I don't use the term loosely.19:05
QuantumGsorry, are you saying you disagree?19:06
kanzurei think he's arguing that your tact and delivery sucks19:07
QuantumGyou don't think humans are flawed and people have an obligation to improve the human condition?  what are you doing here then?19:07
kanzurebiological revisionism doesn't seem to be at stake (so far)19:07
QuantumGwell, I can't argue about tact or delivery.. 'cept to say, it's Slashdot :)19:08
parolang`Improve the human condition in meaningful ways, not by imposing severe ostracism to people who don't improve themselves to our satisfaction.19:08
QuantumGso you do disagree19:09
QuantumGpeople who refuse to use deodorant, for example, shouldn't be ostracised?19:09
QuantumGpeople who have a mental condition and refuse to stay on their meds shouldn't be ostracised?19:09
parolang`I don't think anyone should be ostracized, really.19:11
kanzurehave you considered not being around people who smell bad, QuantumG?19:11
parolang`It's not fun.19:11
QuantumGumm.. that's what ostracized means kanzure19:11
kanzureQuantumG: yeah but let's say that you're the only person who can smell people on the planet, and you hate the stench19:11
QuantumGwhenever everyone says "I don't want to be around you..", the person is ostracized... by, ya know, definition.19:12
kanzurefor byproducts like smell, the solution is easy (move somewhere else)19:12
kanzurei thought ostracization usually has other social implications19:12
kanzuregod this sucks19:12
* kanzure goes away to do more programming19:12
QuantumGostracism - the act of excluding someone from society by general consent 19:13
parolang`But just think there was a time when deodorant wasn't widely available, and people got along and was happy.19:13
QuantumGostracize - avoid speaking to or dealing with; "Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me" 19:13
kanzurethere's also a way to exclude them from your social interactions without consent19:13
QuantumGostracize - To exclude someone from society or from a community, by not communicating with or even noticing them, similar to shunning19:13
parolang`Smelling bad wasn't such a serious offense because everyone did.19:13
parolang`So, if with every "improvement" we become narrower and less inclusive, then I think we're confusing h+ with h- IMHO19:14
QuantumGyes, because once it became practical to improve the human condition it became a social obligation to do so19:14
kanzureare you into eugenics?19:15
QuantumGhopefully, once it becomes practical to improve intelligence, unimproved people will be shunned and ignored by the unimproved.. 19:15
QuantumGerr, improved.19:15
JayDuggererr, which?19:15
QuantumGyes, hopefully19:16
parolang`Then we disagree.19:16
NoahjI doubt intelligence improvements will work like that19:16
parolang`Improvements need to be entirely opt-in.19:16
QuantumGyes, they are19:16
NoahjI suspect there'll still be plenty of things someone "improved" can learn from someone "unimproved" with more experience in a given field19:16
NoahjAnd I suspect completely coverage of a population with a given update could be counterproductive if the implementation is buggy19:17
parolang`QuantumG: What is ostracism but a form of coercion?19:17
QuantumGwearing deodorant is completely optional19:17
JayDuggerSo are clothes--but just try it.19:17
NoahjI think "speaking english" is a better metaphor19:17
QuantumGpeople may decide they don't wanna be around you, but that's your choice.19:17
kanzureyou are saying it's a "social obligation" to opt-in, though19:17
kanzurethat's coercion19:17
NoahjI don't wear deodorant and I know a lot of people who don't 19:17
parolang`QuantumG: I wear deodorant because *I* want to smell better, not because I don't want others to punish me.19:17
QuantumGuh huh19:18
QuantumGsure you do19:18
parolang`QuantumG: Good will towards my fellow human beings.19:18
NoahjPeople don't avoid talking to them, in fact, they'll strike up conversations with them just to inform them of their opinion on how they smell 19:18
kanzureQuantumG: let's not question parolang`'s intentions :P there's no easy way to confirm those19:18
NoahjI don't know anyone who doesn't speak english, because I only speak english...19:18
QuantumGeven if you say you wear deodorant for "good will towards fellow human beings" you've just made my argument for me19:18
superkuhLuckily things like the internet exist wherein we can forget about wearing deodorant or clothing.19:19
QuantumGmentally ill people should stay on their meds for the same reason19:19
kanzureanother way to look at it, for a reason to wear deodorant, is social hacking and platform programming on top of nostrils and receptors19:19
kanzuremost people suck at this programming, and their deodorant smells terrible19:19
parolang`Well, if not "good will", we're very vain creatures, want others to have a good impression of us.  The same reason women wear makeup.19:19
NoahjBut being of normal intelligence is mostly harmless19:20
parolang`Why people wear nice clothes.19:20
QuantumGthe argument or whether altruism is actually just selfish behaviour is a pretty old one19:20
* kanzure has become disinterested19:20
kanzurei am more concerned about QuantumG's social obligation policies O_O19:20
parolang`Well, women need to have their PMS fixed according to QG :)19:21
QuantumGwhatever you wanna call it, whatever motives you want to assign to it, the fact remains that if society deems something an improvement then a social obligation for people to participate in that improvement quickly builds.19:21
kanzuremaybe a social peer pressure19:22
kanzurebut an obligation? wut?19:22
QuantumGI don't see any difference in the two terms.. if you prefer I'll use social peer pressure19:22
kanzurehas anyone heard of HyperChem? http://hyper.com/19:22
kanzurequantumkat just met the programmer behind it tonight19:22
QuantumGlooks neat19:24
kanzurealso i got an interesting idea pitched to me today19:24
kanzurethe concept is that the singularity is already occuring, and humans are a byproduct of a long-time-going singularity19:25
kanzureinstead of a singularity as a byproduct of human intelligence19:25
kanzurefenn: you were trying to make up an argument for the singularity occuring in 1968, right?19:25
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kanzurestrages: i saw your email to the hackerspaces list. hope the meetup goes well19:26
stragesme too19:27
strageslast year was a blast19:27
stragesfew minor hiccups but it was the first time I'd ever done something like that19:27
stragesfeel free to offer encouragement on the mailing list as well, as some are shy to respond19:28
JayDuggeryou mean something like Stross's argument about "phase changes" in human history: the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution?19:38
JayDuggerWhy 1968?19:38
jrayhawkQuantumG: The story of the anointing of Jesus shows us that even Jesus thinks people who are highly critical of others for being sub-optimal are douches.19:41
QuantumGbringing up religion on this channel is sufficient reason for me to think that you're sub-optimal19:42
jrayhawkBasically what I'm trying to say is Jesus hates you.19:42
jrayhawkAnyway, you might find your interactions with others going more smoothly if you reward good behavior instead of condemn anything less than perfect behavior.19:44
jrayhawkI would also suggest second-guessing your hostility towards philosophy. Philosophy is the greatest engine for change in both individuals and society.19:46
QuantumGis this something from some previous discussion that you're talking about?19:48
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone. 20:07
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genehackerthat ETC group they talk about is anti-transhumanist23:54
genehackerthey also aren't too fond of synbio either23:54

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