
--- Day changed Fri May 28 2010
fennbtw i'd like to point out that you _could_ have a t-rex if you finished the mechmate00:00
splicer(an at-st maybe)00:00
splicer3d is nice... so there is something to be said for goggles with motion sensors, they shouldn't be that far off... and there just has to be a market for them.00:01
fennyou can already buy them00:02
fennvr920's aren't goggles exactly but it's the right idea00:02
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fennhmm.. http://www.masturbate-a-thon.com/home.html01:25
fennSF is funny01:26
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fenn"Not Sure you want to be part of the live event?01:29
fennYou can join us by masturbating from home! Click here to find out how."01:29
fennhow do i shot web :\01:29
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fennlearn something new every day01:54
fenn" Dermestid beetles can be obtained from biological supply houses, local natural history museums or university zoology departments. Once a colony is set up in a warm place, they require minimal maintenance and are capable of stripping entire skulls in a day or two."01:54
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splicer...but how do I get rid of the bones?04:15
* splicer just remembered that bryan logs everything04:19
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:29
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kanzurebad infection: http://www.dol.govt.nz/News/Media/2008/adu-bobie-report.asp09:12
kanzureA Long-Term Follow-Up of Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Ischemic Stroke http://bit.ly/cdyKn709:26
kanzuredoes anyone know of a good source of "animal cams"? for instance, a collection of "where the hell my cat goes"09:53
kanzureor "where my front yard toads go during the day"09:53
kanzureUtopiah: do you have a script that will download an rss feed on a periodic schedule?10:02
Utopiahwell no actually I download my OPML file describing what RSS feeds I follow daily10:05
Utopiahbut anyway an RSS feed you can just use wget for that10:06
Utopiahcrontab -e then add your wget line with its option (for renaming mainly)10:06
Utopiah(the daily OMPL allows me to diff)10:07
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TCrownso who was it I chatted with about diybio over the weekend at MF?10:20
TCrownthis is Eric from Chicago10:21
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fennquantified kitty13:41
fennmostly german stuff but the cat doesn't speak english anyway http://www.mr-lee-catcam.de/pe_cc_u.htm13:43
fenni'm sure we can do better wrt the hardware13:44
fennnext we will be discussing the miraculous properties of snake oil13:57
genehackerWell snake venom derivatives have had some use in developing anticoagulants for heart attacks and what not13:59
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jrayhawkKanzure: Usually rss2email is the best approach, assuming you have a multiple-folder email client.14:49
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kanzuremission accomplished15:15
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kanzuregenehacker: just picked this up: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg15:15
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dustbinwhat are the plans for htat15:24
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kanzureworld domination15:29
kanzurenothing yet15:29
dustbinheh ok15:30
dustbindoes it have replaceable hand attachments?15:30
dustbinlike could we stick a mill end on it and use it as a 4 axis cnc or something?15:30
kanzurei don't have any extra end effectors yet15:32
kanzurebut yeah it's replaceable15:32
kanzureit's 6DOF btw15:32
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genehackerwe could make a mr.stabby like NYC resistor did15:41
genehackeror we could do something more useful with it15:42
genehackerwhere'd you get it?15:42
genehackerand will you be there on sunday?15:42
genehackerI might be able to visit on sunday15:42
genehackerand the most important question of all, can we control it?15:44
fenneverything's bigger in texas, even the boat anchors15:56
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genehackerwell there are no real lakes in texas so we have to use a special type of anchor...16:08
kanzuregenehacker: i can pick you up on sunday if necessary16:08
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genehackerthat may not be necessary16:08
genehackerI might have a car by then16:08
kanzurehey, at the very least i just got myself a fucking awesome lamp16:08
genehackerso can you control it?16:08
kanzurenah not yet16:08
kanzureit has individual pinouts for each servo16:09
genehackerand it has encoders on the joints?16:09
kanzuredidn't check16:09
genehackerthe robotics trailer has a HUGE 4 axis stepper/servo driver that will drive servos however you want them if you can hook up encoders too16:10
genehackeralso it's possible to control the stepper driver directly from parallel port16:11
genehackergot any specs on the servos it uses?16:11
genehackerfrom parallel port with EMC216:11
kanzurenot yet.. the model is Unimate PUMA500 Robot Arm JR3 67M25A-U56016:11
kanzureyeah i was planning on forcing fenn to fennticate his knowledge of emc2 (or, i guess i'll just read the emc2 manual)16:11
genehackerSPORTING GOODS?16:12
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kanzurewhat sporting goods?16:12
genehackerwho in the right mind puts a robot in SPORTING GOODS16:12
genehackerI found your robot it's been for sale16:13
kanzureit's been all over ebay and craigslist16:13
genehackerit was classified in sporting goods16:13
genehackerI wonder if it was used to test out golf clubs...16:13
kanzureheh repeatedly bashing golf clubs against a car?16:14
kanzurereminds me of: http://www.joeydevilla.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/pug_factory.jpg16:15
genehackeryou don't have the arm trainer do you?16:15
kanzuretrainer? what?16:15
kanzureso anyway, the guys i bought this from have a ridiculously large inventory of biotech equipment16:16
kanzureone of them used to be a molecular biology student at utexas.edu16:16
genehackera trainer is a little handheld keypad thing you use to "program" the arm16:16
kanzuresounds stupid16:17
genehackerthis is a primitive robot, it performs repetitive tasks with no feedback16:18
genehackeror very little at the least16:18
kanzureit's not really a "robot"16:18
kanzurethese are the guys i bought it from: http://www.assetrenew.com/16:19
kanzureall of their prices are negotiable16:19
genehackerwill they buy stuff?16:19
kanzureexpensive shaker: http://www.assetrenew.com/comments.php?y=10&m=05&entry=entry100528-17103016:20
kanzuredunno.. they seem to just hang out at liquidation auctions16:20
kanzurelocal delivery available ha ha16:20
kanzureso i was thinking i'd just have them forward thermocyclers that they get16:20
kanzureand i'd throw on an arduino or some avr16:20
genehackerWOOO SPEC SHEETS!16:21
kanzure5lbs max load btw16:21
genehackerdisregard that, these spec sheets suck16:22
kanzure"For a hard copy of this page, click the print button on your web browser"16:23
genehackeroh found a better spec sheet16:25
genehackerapparently you don't have the controller16:25
genehackerbut that's probably OK16:25
genehackerthis robot is really old16:25
genehacker1980s ish16:25
genehackerso by using a better ADC you might be able to make it more accurate than it's supposed to be16:27
kanzurehm overhead mounting16:28
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genehackeras in we could make it into a robotic gantry crane16:29
genehackermuch more recent16:32
genehackerwe don't need a 1980s controller to control it16:32
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genehacker100% complete protection from ebola using RNAi: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12722635516:37
genehackerin n=4 samples16:37
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kanzuremaybe i should make the arm high-five me16:47
fenni would suggest not getting anywhere near the thing while turned on16:48
kanzureyeah i think standard procedure is to have a perimeter outlined on the ground16:48
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genehackerI'd suggest a robot cage16:49
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fennwtf, "unimate jr3" only gets results for this particular arm in austin16:49
genehackerthat's a serial number I think16:50
kanzurei bet a lot of this equipment is pre-internet to the point that the original manufacturers went out of business and never put stuff up online16:51
fennyeah supposedly there are manuals online that people have scanned in, it's all bitrotted links though16:53
fennoh there you go16:53
genehacker"This page contains useful information (manuals, diagrams, and other links) for people interested in retrofitting Unimation PUMA robots or writing low-level software."16:54
genehackerodd there's no word of what happened to unimation, the first industrial robot manufacturing company16:54
fennso now "all you have to do" is reverse engineer all that stuff16:54
kanzureoh boy oh boy16:55
fennsimple matter of engineering designing building and programming16:55
kanzureso in other words.. just starting from scratch16:55
genehackerwell not really from scratch16:55
kanzuresometimes it's better to throw away shit that other people fucked up16:55
fennwhat is tha actual model number? is it a 560?16:56
fennyou sure about that? not "500 series"?16:57
kanzurei'm not presently near it to double check of course16:57
fennpics or it didnt happen'16:57
kanzureebay auction says 56016:57
fennnever trust ebay16:57
kanzurepics: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg16:57
genehackerI'd say it's a simple matter of figuring out which connectors on it go to which motors and how to drive em16:57
genehackeroh and the pots too16:57
kanzurehere's the craigslist posting16:58
kanzureit says both U560 and PUMA50016:58
genehackerok then there's a retrofit guide available16:58
fennjr3 is the gripper model number16:58
kanzurearen't the end effectors supposed to be interchangeable?16:59
fenni doubt you'll find the right wiring connectors , will have to chop them off and wire to terminal blocks probably16:59
kanzureon the ebay auction page there's a close-up of the connector16:59
kanzureit looks a raw pin-out to the servos16:59
fennconnectors usually cost more than what you pay for the machine16:59
kanzureso, we've confirmed 2.5DOF so far17:00
kanzurebut i can't get the first arm link to move at all17:00
kanzureor for the base to rotate17:01
genehackerby forcing it to turn?17:01
genehackerI wouldn't do that....17:01
kanzurei think there's a locking mechanism that goes away when the pneumatic hookup is in place?17:01
genehackerI doubt it17:01
genehackerdon't push the arm17:01
genehackeryou might mess up the gearing17:02
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fennusually the brake is electric17:03
genehackerso it has a brake then?17:03
fennphotos of puma brake: http://theatronics.com/Servo_Repair_Photos.php17:04
genehackerso if it's a puma 560 there's a lot of documentation available17:04
fenndon't wrap coils in teflon, use kapton17:05
fennteflon degrades to fluorine gas17:05
fennor HF gas or something17:05
genehackerI don't think we have to worry about HF gas fenn17:06
genehackeror do we?17:06
fenni know that guy.. he's on freenode as alex_joni17:07
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genehackerthen it's time to ask him about our puma17:08
fennhe does welding robot servicing and installation for his dad's company17:09
fennlooks like he went to bed 4 hours ago17:09
kanzuresuch is irc17:10
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kanzurehi lepton_ 17:10
fennyou could just start blabbering in emc and somebody will probably blabber back17:10
kanzurelepton_: i bought myself a fancy lamp stand today: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg17:11
kanzureother pics: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/puma560/17:17
lepton_ha! hello17:17
lepton_fenn: Yeah, if you were to blabber about EMC that would probably incite a response from me17:18
lepton_Plans for the arms?17:18
lepton_nevermind, reading the logs now17:18
kanzureheh someone in #startups thought i paid $200k for it17:19
genehackerso if we mount it from the ceiling we might be able to make it into a waldo17:20
lepton_Damn, I look away for 3 mineuts and the CNC finishing the toolpath I wanted to watch17:20
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lepton_looks like it went well, at least17:21
lepton_genehacker: Did you just reference Waldo, as in the old piece of fiction?17:21
genehackeryeah sort of17:21
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genehackerany robot you control with a strap in arm set up I consider a waldo17:22
lepton_sure! I'm just not used to people being aware of that story/term17:22
genehackerI might be able to obtain a waldo suit that can be used to control the robot if we get it working and mounted upside down17:23
genehackerthere was a robot arm knot tying competition here a while back and some one made one17:23
lepton_Honestly, sounds like a pretty do-able project just with an Arduino and a CNC17:24
lepton_or maybe a LeafLabs Maple, since I just got that and I'm excited to do Arduino things on an STM3217:24
fenni think eric hunting is the real life version of waldo17:24
kanzure"where is eric hunting" just doesn't have the same ring to it17:24
kanzurebecause the answer is always "in the fucking desert"17:24
fennjust wait until the movie comes out17:24
genehackerI wouldn't say just an arduino, we need some PWM controllers and ADCs17:25
lepton_kanzure: any interest in talking me into coming down to Austin for the June conference?17:25
kanzureuhh uhh17:25
lepton_^I do PWM servo control on Arduinos17:25
kanzurehow about, i'm paying?17:25
lepton_But yeah, better hardware is always good17:25
kanzureit's possible17:26
genehackeras in beefier PWM servo controllers17:26
genehackerthis thing's pretty big17:26
fenni dont think you should use an arduino to control this17:26
* kanzure agrees17:26
fennplan on spending ~500 for control electronics17:26
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fennget a mesa m5i20 and whatever amps they sell17:26
kanzuredave (or davyn or whatever?) suggested a few thousand17:26
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fennoh right, six axis so at least $1k17:27
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* kanzure tries to get davyn in here17:27
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kanzurehey klafka 17:27
kanzuresee pm17:28
genehackerlepton are you in austin17:28
lepton_Boulder, Colorado17:29
lepton_Sounds like I might be in Austin in June, though17:29
genehackerI'll be in a place called Thermofluid systems then17:30
lepton_Looks like I'll have more time available that week than I had anticipated (though my girlfriend will not be pleased if I skip town that weekend)17:30
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kanzureyay hi quantumkat 17:31
kanzurebut i was trying to get dave in here17:31
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kanzureright, so, adopt a lab rat needs a logo17:33
kanzurehi elevenarms 17:33
elevenarmshello all17:33
kanzurefenn: did you and dave talk yet about hextatic stuff and parts17:33
genehackeradopt a lab rat?17:33
kanzuregenehacker: yeah, they deserve our loving too17:33
fennkanzure no17:33
fenni forgot17:33
* fenn adds to todo lol17:33
elevenarmsre: the puma 50017:34
elevenarmsis an article of interest17:34
fennoh hi dave17:34
elevenarmshi fenn17:34
genehackeryeah found that earlier17:34
elevenarmsnot the approach i would have taken... but a good starting point17:35
fenni'm always skeptical of academic papers explaining how to do some project17:35
genehackerchinese paper go figure17:35
fenntotal cost $4k17:36
kanzureLab Rat Adoption Taskforce (LRAT)17:36
fennseriously just use a mesa card17:36
fennand emc17:36
kanzurebtw do you mean mesa like mesa gl?17:37
elevenarmswhich mesa fenn?17:37
elevenarmsis there an 8 channel one?17:37
fenn5i20 on here http://www.mesanet.com/fpgacardinfo.html17:38
fenn5i22 has slightly more io 17:38
fennboth are supported with emc17:39
fennthere are also plug-in amp boards17:39
elevenarmsthe 3C2017:39
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fennnot sure how big this robot is.. but 7i30 or 8i20 are probably what you want17:41
fennthe 50 pin ribbon cable just plugs in17:41
fennanything on that page with a 50 pin IDC17:42
elevenarmsthe puma spec sheet lists the power req @ 1500w total17:43
fennis the puma brushed or brushless?17:43
fennok good17:43
fennso one 7i30 and one 7i40 would probably do what you want17:44
fennHostMot is their emc driver17:45
fennshould also get a 7i37 for misc crap like the gripper and fans and stuff17:47
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fennso what are we up to now... 5i20 - $199, 7i30-4 - $89, 7i40 - $150, 7i37T - $79 = $517 for control cards17:50
kanzurethat doesn't sound terrible17:50
elevenarmsnb indeed i guessed 1-2k17:51
fennadd a big honkin PSU and lots of wires and buttons and connectors and a pc and a box17:51
fenni'd suggest a couple antec toroid transformers from ebay17:51
kanzureelevenarms: what about the mechanical work that you guestimated?17:51
kanzurei was meaning to sit down and write it all down17:51
elevenarmsi'm worried about the servo brake17:52
elevenarmsthe rebuild walkthrough you posted should give us some idea of what's involved17:52
fennfor psu something like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/35-35V-600VA-Toroidal-Transformer-CNC-Controller-HiFi-/370294124931?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56373ff18317:53
fennexcept twice as big, maybe two in parallel or series would work17:53
fennand you will probably want a soft-start circuit so it doesnt blow the breaker every time you turn it on17:53
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kanzureoh no17:54
fennservo brake is just 6 io lines17:54
elevenarmsi'm hoping the arm doesn't need a complete rebuild17:55
fennoh nice http://cgi.ebay.com/78V-600W-CNC-Mill-Router-Power-Supply-Servo-Motor-6N78F-/370388214549?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item563cdba31517:55
fennyeah this is assuming it works at all17:55
kanzurefenn: btw, this is his bridgeport http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/puma560/2010-05-28%2015.57.43_Austin_Texas_US.jpg17:55
kanzuresorry for the bad quality17:55
fenndid you ever get your camera working?17:55
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kanzurei like the random bike parts all over the place17:55
kanzureno, this is a "smart" phone17:55
elevenarmsif were ordering all this mesa hardware... it might be time for me to do a retrofit on the bport17:56
fenni forget, is that steppers or servos?17:57
elevenarmsdc servos17:57
fennif samco is around in #emc, i think he did a puma retrofit with emc a couple years ago17:57
elevenarmsI got it working with the centroid control... but promptly crashed the z axis17:58
elevenarms(bad encoders)17:59
fenn2008 "Ours is a puma mark II 500 series"17:59
fennhope you were running it at low voltage17:59
elevenarmseh... full power18:00
fennbad wiring? 18:00
fenni hate the whole control box concept18:00
fennsending high speed fragile signals down a long wire near huge whirring magnetic fields is just a bad idea18:01
fennshould have a little chip sitting right on the encoder counting, then talk to it with a robust communications protocol18:01
fennchecksums etc18:02
elevenarmsi forget who makes them... but that exists - "smartmotors" they call them18:02
fennyou could even use ethernet.. etherCAT is sort of designed like that18:02
fennthere's a lot of proprietary crap out there18:02
fennethercat is just barely open enough that i'd consider using it18:02
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elevenarmsfyi - http://www.animatics.com/18:02
fennany fool can make a smart motor module, even i did it: http://fennetic.net/machines/iskewb18:03
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elevenarmsseen it... i think i have your boards for those18:04
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fenni didnt make any boards yet, i think just a partial schematic and components18:04
elevenarmsthere are some diy-etch boards in the box not sure what they are18:05
fennkicad files: http://fennetic.net/irc/iskewb.tgz18:05
fennit's just the h-bridge i think18:07
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elevenarmsfenn: i gotta run... i'll catch up via email...18:10
fennwere these the boards? http://fennetic.net/irc/usbspi_v1.1f.jpg18:10
fennthose are avr programmers18:10
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kanzurewho is eric michaud?18:13
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fennpresident of pumping station one18:23
kanzureon a long phone call with him18:28
kanzurehe wants to do an open source sub micron double sided pcb automation setup18:28
kanzureand a $100k prize for this18:29
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kanzurewell that was an odd call18:36
kanzurehm he worked at anl.gov18:36
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genehackersub micro pic and place?18:37
genehackeris that for electronics assembly or something more exotic?18:38
kanzurepcb board stuff18:38
genehackerwhy submicron?18:39
kanzurefor some reason i didn't take notes18:39
kanzureusually i type out full transcripts of what the other person is saying18:39
kanzurei guess i'm a little tired today18:39
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fennsub micron for what?19:10
fennthat's 0.00004 inches19:11
fenntypical pcb services are +-0.00419:13
fennsth like that19:13
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kanzure< pfred1> well steppers are like motors made in the land of the backwards19:18
kanzurefenn: so i think i have some liquidator suppliers now19:22
kanzurehere in austin.. they hoard random lab equipment and industrial equipment19:22
kanzureso i was thinking of just giving them the fablab inventory list19:22
kanzurethey also seem to have a good supply of thermocyclers.. so maybe an avr+http server kit would be doable in tandem with them19:23
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fennsure, if you have a lot of a common thermocycler model19:37
fennone-off hacks dont scale well19:37
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kanzurehi elevenarms 19:47
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kanzureelevenarms: how goes the trail of lights app20:00
elevenarmsgood... i'm say.io'ing at the moment20:01
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kanzurehah he has the same model21:33
kanzureand got a better deal ($75)21:37
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fennhay can you launch a cruise missile strike on UFCU for me? kthnx21:44
kanzureis that a credit union?21:44
fennyeah, in austin21:44
kanzurewhat's up?21:44
fennsomehow i've racked up $500 of overdraft charges and they didnt find it important to mention anything to me or deny the charge21:45
fennso each caltrain ticket incurred a $40 fee21:45
fennno email, no phone notification, even though they had my info21:45
dustbinwow fenn never had a problem with them like that21:47
dustbinhave you talked to a rep yet?21:48
kanzureit kind of scares me that there's 64,000 rails apps running: http://heroku.com/21:50
kanzurejust on that site21:50
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flamt_don't say cruise missile22:11
flamt_remember keith henson. remember cryogenics22:11
flamt_never forget22:11
genehackercruise missile22:11
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.22:23
flamt_how are you22:24
JayDuggerJust now awake.22:24
JayDuggerFenn, I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant surprise.22:26
JayDuggerGenehacker, did you go to ISDC?22:27
genehackerno but if I'm lucky I'll go to IGVC22:30
JayDuggerParticipant or spectator?22:34
genehackerand spectator22:36
JayDuggerGood! Go, man, go!22:36
genehackerI have class on the same day22:36
genehackerclass which might entail a visit to a nuclear reactor22:37
JayDuggerHereabouts? A research reactor, or a power plant?22:37
genehackerresearch reactor22:38
genehackerthis one22:43
genehackererr maybe22:43
JayDuggerYeah, I think that's a TRIGA.22:44
JayDuggerCherenkov radiation is well worth seeing live.22:44
JayDuggerYMMV. I'd probably go see the UTA reactor in your place.22:45
genehackerexactly what I hope to see22:46
genehackerand it's a major maybe at this point22:46
JayDuggerSpoiled for choice by two excellent options.22:47
genehackeryup the blue glow22:50
JayDuggerGood detail, crummy color, in that image, but I saw that very reactor when I lived in Portland.22:51
genehackeroh wait, that's a yes22:52
JayDuggerWhy would an undergraduate liberal arts school have a reactor? "'It's just a neat facility,' he [Reed PA Dept.] said."22:53
JayDuggerBest reason of all, IMO.22:53
genehackera liberal arts school with a nuclear reactor22:54
genehackernothing suspicious there22:54
JayDuggerEvery so often, their administration would have a fit of engineering-school-envy.22:54
JayDuggerWe have a good Arts & Sciences faculty, prestigious alumni (sort of), and why shouldn't we have an "X"?22:55
JayDuggerTheir reputation in Portland was, odd...22:56
genehackernow I wonder if Sokal said anything about nuclear reactors in his famous affair22:56
genehackeroh oh I know there22:56
genehacker's plenty of postmodernistic reasons for them to have a nuclear reactor22:56
genehackeroh they actually have an engineering program22:57
JayDuggerThat's changed in the last <NEVERMINDHOWLONG> years.22:59
JayDuggerWell, they've had it since 1968.22:59
JayDuggerOh, those are joint programs with Caltech, Columbia, and Rensselaer.23:00
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JayDuggerI give $0.02 to the OT jar.23:01
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flamt_i've visited a research reactor23:15
flamt_well. infiltrated one23:15
flamt_learning reactor. at a university23:15
flamt_for study23:15
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fennhow the heck do they remove all the control rods in under 50 ms?23:50
fennand what keeps the fuel rods from shattering from thermal shock23:51
JayDuggerI vaguely remember it's triggered by a mechanism called "SCRAM," which supposedly stands for Stand-by Control Rod Ax Man.23:51
JayDuggerOr that might be inserting them...23:51
JayDuggerProbably the water bath that contains the core.23:52
JayDuggerI probably have the manuals...somewhere...23:52
JayDuggerI think you could probably get them from the General Atomics website, though.23:52
fennlet me just dig around in my old vault-tec catalogs for a minute23:53
JayDuggerOr whoever bought that division from GA. I think they just make UAVs now-a-days.23:54
fenngeneral atomics no longer makes reactors? for shame!23:54
JayDuggerI don't know that--they just get more ink in the trade press about their UAVs.23:54
JayDuggerIf they don't, I agree about the shamefulness of wasting such a great name.23:55
JayDuggerOf course--atom-powered aircraft have a alt-tech, dieselpunk appeal.23:55
fennyou mean a fucking awesome in any context appeal?23:56
fenni'm so pissed at this weaksauce world23:56
JayDuggerWell, yes...but that's not a terribly popular opinion.23:56
fennwhere's my atomic jetpack23:56
fenni have an appointment on mars this weekend!23:56
JayDuggerOn the Warehouse 23 shelf, next to your gadolinium energy cell GI tract replacement...you know, the one labeled " (cc) Freitas Bionics Ltd."23:57
* fenn pouts and stuffs more dumpstered cookies into his face23:57
fenn(actually i'm eating brussel sprouts but don't tell anybody)23:58
JayDuggerBrussels sprouts have zero appeal.23:58
JayDuggerOne of two vegetables I hate.23:58
fennthat's because everybody cooks them wrong23:59

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