
--- Day changed Fri Jun 04 2010
* fenn mumbles something about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RapidMiner and http://code.google.com/apis/predict/01:39
fennomgwtfbbq "You cannot currently download your model."01:40
Utopiah(related talk http://code.google.com/events/io/2010/sessions/bigquery-prediction-apis.html )01:42
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-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:56
fennhome internet speeds 'round the world: http://www.netindex.com/03:20
fennpack yer bags kids, we're moving to the republic of moldova03:22
fennthat's a pretty snazzy wobsite03:23
fenni wonder why japan scores so low.. all the cities are around 30-40Mbit/s03:25
fennoh, tokyo sucks03:26
fennwell at least the got the statistics right, even if the graph drawing thingy makes the dots the wrong size03:27
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Utopiahkanzure: did you use your Google Web History script to periodically rank your own searches based on how useful they were regarding your then current task?04:36
fennjeebus, rothblatt has 410 employees? http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/0510/second-acts-pharmaceuticals-orphan-drugs-pah-deep-breaths.html04:44
fennthat whole article is really confusing04:47
fenn"there's no limit to the insurance cost of a drug so you get to fund a research program!"04:47
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [~chatzilla@99-57-132-140.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:08
fennhi jason05:17
fennkanzure see if you can get your lamp to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5g33S0Gzo05:25
fennfrom the same lab, looks like it's going bonkers to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JL04JJjocc&feature=player_embedded05:34
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fenn"self replicating" laser cutter: http://www.buildlog.net/cnc_laser/index.php06:17
Utopiahnice website06:20
fenni guess.06:28
fennthe whole 'you must register before you can see anything at all' is turdsauce06:29
Utopiahhttp://www.bugmenot.com/ and its plugin can help06:29
kanzurecool i'm getting "splice! the movie" ads all over the place now :)06:41
kanzure(ads aren't cool, kids)06:41
kanzurei need to add this to the diybio faq eventually: http://www.the-scientist.com/2010/5/1/44/1/06:56
kanzurefenn: what was your opinion on http://www.protomold.com/ ?06:57
fennwhy, what's special about protomold?06:59
kanzurehuh i thought you were the one who told me about it07:01
kanzurewhy do i know about it?07:01
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-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:40
kanzurehm it seems some people are misattributing things to me just because i send emails about those things08:19
kanzurelike.. "oh, because bryan sent the email, he is therefore the person behind it"08:19
kanzureopen science summit 2010 in berkeley, california http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/9fd39e1a1b7d597e#08:23
JayDuggerWhen in doubt, simplify your prose. Your audience is always less astute than you expect, just as you never write so clearly as it seems to you.08:26
kanzuredo you mean that my prose in that email i linked to is bad? because that was copy+paste ;)08:26
kanzureor do you mean that "FWD: " is not clear enough?08:27
JayDuggerYour forewarning disqualifies me as a test subject.08:27
JayDuggerI admit to often overestimating my own astuteness, though. :)08:28
-!- splicer [~patrik@h68n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:35
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kanzurelots of interesting stuff in #bioinformatics today about hplus summit, singularity summit, and open science summit10:10
kanzurenewspace conference in july at ames. don't have a link for this though10:12
kanzurefalcon-9 launch happening now: http://www.spacex.com/webcast.php10:13
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kristianpaulbig oeps12:13
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kanzurehaha at grg trying to calculate how many days a certain supercentenarian stayed alive during a calendar switch but also while that person was traveling to some other country that had implemented another calendar entirely :P16:24
kanzurehm there has to be a simpler way of laughing at that :/16:25
kanzure"The quiet jubilation in the XCOR conference room was so thick we cut it up and served it with crackers."16:28
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kanzurestrages: do you  know about hektor?17:19
kanzure*do you know about hektor?17:19
kanzureelevenarms (he pops in here once in a blue moon) is doing hektor kits 17:20
kanzurefor drawing on whiteboards17:20
genehackerhave people used hektor for evil yet?17:23
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap17:52
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279555684.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap18:54
Alystairso I got this brilliant idea18:54
Alystairwhich I bet on a scale of good to bad it's actually pretty stupid18:55
Alystairpeople with ADD/ADHD have reduced levels of dopamine... toxoplasmosis increases dopamine.... ;O18:56
* Alystair puts out one fire with another fire18:57
Alystairunrelated note: there'd be real money to be made to make a ritalin with a layer around it to re-balance the whole food/apetite18:59
Alystairworst side effect other than the sleep thing18:59
nshwhat are the effects?18:59
kanzureAlystair: dopamine is not necessarily a good thing19:01
kanzuregod damn it fenn, your word frequency analysis pops up again19:02
kanzureoh well19:02
kanzureAlystair: ^19:02
kanzurefwiw: adderall is supposedly appetite supressant19:06
kanzure*supposedly an19:06
-!- thesnark [~michael@ppp-69-221-9-251.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:06
kanzurethesnark: i'm making Alystair read this:19:09
kanzure(because he wants to increase levels of dopamine in people with ADD/ADHD)19:09
thesnarkkanzure I think that's a good idea(increasing levels of dopamine)19:10
thesnarkI actually was lucky enough never to have any form of add19:10
thesnarkand I'm definitely not austistic19:10
thesnarkI would say there has always been a high amount of dopamine involved in my life =D19:10
kanzure"I propose that humans have an ability to raise the level of the neuroinhibitor dopamine in their brains to reduce awareness if environmental novelty drops below a certain level."19:11
kanzure"erhaps the ability evolved to enable us to outwait predators in seige situations, where our higher intelligence might otherwise cause us to get too bored and try to outrun a physically better endowed animal."19:11
kanzure"The trouble is, in societies where children are constrained and "ritualised" between ages 4 and 6 (at the school in developed societies, or the loom is less developed ones), tolerance to the elevated level can develop, and the child becomes "ritual addicted"."19:12
kanzure"We have the model of adrenaline addiction in athletes motivating them to take risks they would not normally take. Without realising it, the child will seek repetitive behaviour, and shun novelty."19:12
kanzure"In the midst of this, the person with a defective D4 receptor is immune to dopamine self-addiction."19:13
kanzurefood for thought (if not literally)19:13
thesnarkHaha, what does all of this say about engineering? All practice, no thought =P19:13
Alystairthis universe is too recursive19:24
Alystairso annoying19:24
Alystairthis human body is not elegant enough to deal with that kind of situation ;[19:26
Alystairfenn has word frequency analysis on this channel? :)19:27
Alystairthat'd be pretty sweet19:27
Alystairalso kanzure how did you pull up a link like that so quickly19:27
kanzureall youtube videos from this channel:19:27
kanzurei memorize urls in my spare time19:27
kanzureall urls mentioned in #hplusroadmap as of january:19:28
kanzurefrequency of urls mentioned in #hplusroadmap19:28
Alystairno seriously, what's the magic.19:28
AlystairI think we should have a secondary frequency list that filters out all the "boring" words :p19:29
* Alystair isn't enjoying the writers personal slant so far19:32
kanzureit's not worth reading the whole thing19:32
Alystairus above them... we are all on the same damn marble19:32
Alystairtoo bad19:32
Alystairguess I'll skim ;)19:32
kanzureoh, just ignore that particular slant19:33
kanzureanyway, http://designfiles.org/~bryan/frequent_words.lst just filter out the top 1000 words or something from histo319:34
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kanzureer it's still uploading, give it a sec19:34
kanzureok there we go19:35
kanzurealan carter is still alive? hm19:36
Alystairimmunity eh19:37
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:38
kanzurehaha at "We've had our noses to the grindstone for so long that we've forgotten (as a culture) how to live any other way. We organise ourselves in ways that are about coping with scarcity, so when the scarcity ran out we went and created artificial scarcity, just to keep things running smoothly!"19:41
kanzure"when scarcity ran out"19:41
kanzurea scarcity of scarcity19:41
Alystairwonderful north american society19:42
kanzurehaha. MBA: Mass Boredom Addiction19:53
* kanzure was reading over http://web.archive.org/web/20080106142615/http://www.reciprocality.org/thirdage/chapter2.html#boredom19:58
kanzurewell, that was weird20:02
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InkBlobBP used my idea and they're not giving me the credits.21:12
InkBlobthe oil spill. 21:12
nshwhat idea?21:13
InkBlobseriously, i sent them a diagram. and the concept of slowing down the upward thrust pressure of the oil, slow it down, and finally seal it (they changed the part to draining the oil)21:13
InkBlobbut the main idea was... same.21:13
nshat least you can take comfort for the seals and seagulls21:15
InkBlobcompare these two images.21:15
InkBlobthey took my concept!21:15
* nsh can't access the web at the moment :/21:16
nshi'll take your word for it21:16
InkBlobwell, it even looks the same :(21:16
nshmaybe they're making you a hamper as we speak21:16
InkBlobmaybe they don't want to make 1 person a hero. 21:16
* nsh smiles21:17
InkBlobhopefully they will give me some credits :)21:17
* nsh wonders how to circumnavigate the broken transparent http proxy he's sequestered behind21:17
nshknow any proxies on nonstandard ports?21:18
nshcan't connect to anything over port 80/443 21:19
fennvery nicely done page on future large scale engineering projects: http://www.shimz.co.jp/english/theme/dream/index.html22:04
fennhuh maybe i should link histo3 to my homepage to increase my search rank22:10
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279555684.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds]22:12
Utopiah(pretty strong arguments http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=iphone <3 )22:23
Utopiah(USC latest version of the LittleDog Robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUQsRPJ1dYw March 2010)22:48
nshfenn, histo3?22:54
nshnm, got22:55
nshis this over all your irc, or just certain channels?22:55
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fennjust hplusroadmap. and it's pretty old logs, i havent been keeping logs for a year or so23:07
* nsh nods23:10
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fennworst thing i've seen all day http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:328523:36

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