
--- Day changed Tue Jun 08 2010
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Utopiahhttp://blogs.nature.com/news/thegreatbeyond/2010/06/consumer_genomics_company_snaf_1.html they do talk a lot about the importance of security but in the end...03:28
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splicerright now they probably have a customerbase that's likely to spot the error03:58
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Utopiahsplicer (for the log and others) you mean the early adopters are probably more security conscious than the mass of customers they expected to ave in few years?04:34
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kanzureThe NIST STEP Class Library06:03
kanzurestalk: David Sauder, K.C. Morris, David Rosenfield, Don Libes, Joshua Lubell, Peter Denno06:04
kanzurehm actually i think i already know of josh lubell06:06
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kanzureheh supe.rs is available07:15
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:52
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:52
kanzurehi jay08:05
kanzure420,000 live viewers of the stream from the conference last year?08:13
kanzurethat sounds unreasonable08:13
JayDuggerI doubt it.08:13
kanzureit's what lightman claims08:13
kanzureheh, let me check08:13
kanzure"What took me completely by surprise was how much fun people would have both in the conference and outside, how many people watched the live streaming (420,000!), and how much love people expressed for each other, and how many times people thanked me for the experience."08:14
JayDuggerI don't think the conference had enough scantily clad sex objects for that number.08:14
kanzurei don't think it had the *infrastructure* for that08:14
JayDuggerNo destination, no road, no way?08:15
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:16
JayDuggerWell, who knows? I'd like to think the conference had that many different viewers and not just that many reconnections.08:19
splicerI was one of 40 people watching the Singularity University graduation... considering all the hype... I thought that was kindof funny.08:23
kanzuredoes anyone have info on, or opinions of, the "oil sands leadership initiatie"08:31
kanzure*oil sands leadership initiative08:31
fennarent oil sands universally recognized as a waste of time?08:31
kanzureit's a consortium between ConocoPhillips Canada, Nexen, Statoil Canada, Suncor, Total E&P Canada08:32
fenncan i get ready-made vibration dampers for nylon webbing?08:33
JayDuggerTop Google result for oil sands leadership initiative lead to a slide show of the Alberta Water Research Institute.08:34
fennhmm maybe i can also use it as an electrical generator08:34
* fenn pats self on back for obvious insight08:34
JayDuggerfenn--could you use the plastic coated lead rings for glassware in chemistry labs?08:34
fennthis is to keep my belt pack from bouncing excessively08:35
JayDuggerAdd a second strap at the bottom of the pouch.08:35
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.09:02
-!- mage2 [~mage@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:17
fennIn at least three states (Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maryland), it is now illegal to record an on-duty police officer even if the encounter involves you and may be necessary to your defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists.09:53
splicerThey passed the same law in the UK last year10:00
spliceron another topic: from http://lifeboat.com/ex/quotes "It is important to remember that technology breeds crime, it always has . . . it always will."10:07
kanzuresplicer has been looking for crime in biopunk since day one :P10:10
splicerbiopunk is love10:12
splicerkanzure: you had problems with the lifeboat foundation once?10:13
kanzuresort of :P10:18
kanzurethey thought i was going to destroy the wortld or something?10:18
kanzureanyway, they want me to be on their advisors board now (which isn't a big deal- they'll ask anyone that breathes)10:18
splicerthere is a #biopunk channel here on freenode btw10:39
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fenni read the original article.. it's not a new law, just a clever (read: stupid) interpretation of the old laws, with increased action by police and somehow being upheld by the courts there11:06
kanzurehm i thought "the singularity is near" showed up in my mail because h+ summit was just sending all the speakers the book11:07
kanzurebut it turns out my mom sent it to me?11:07
fenn"dear bryan, you should find out more about this kurzweil guy, love mom"11:07
splicerhis mom doesn't like him?11:08
fennthey are extra snarky11:08
kanzurecommentary on ray: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/11:09
kanzurewho knew? most effective cat toy evar: http://www.hoodbreght.com/phpBB3/ZenCart/images/blank_koozie.jpg11:10
fennhas it been eaten in entirety?11:11
kanzurehe gets it stuck to his claws11:11
kanzureand then he runs around all hilariously in a only-a-cat-could-do-that way11:11
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hundred-ideaskanzure: you areound?13:43
fenn"The only real deadline in life is the one where you actually die."13:47
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bkerofenn: My array of shell corporations tradin stock in each other and commiting minor acts of fraud is automated and will run even after my death.14:16
drazakbkero: :D14:16
bkeroEach has a board of directors, comprised entirely of intelligence routines from other shell corporations.14:17
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kanzurehundred-ideas: yeah i'm around now14:45
kanzurei was playing with my laser cutter14:46
kanzurelol at sham laser on/off switch14:46
kanzureit doesn't do anything14:46
kanzurelaser just keeps on trucking14:46
bkerokanzure: What is controlling it?14:46
kanzuremagic smoke14:46
hundred-ideasso sprout is a confirmed as a venue for the h+beer meetup14:46
bkeroI meant do you have a computer doing some toolpath stuff?14:46
hundred-ideasare we gonna do it?14:46
bkeroAlso how the fuck did you get a free laser cutter?14:46
* bkero would give his left nut for one.14:46
kanzurebkero: it was not free14:47
kanzurei bought it14:47
hundred-ideasdid you get an Epi?14:47
bkeroAren't those things thousands of dollars?14:47
hundred-ideasa Zing?14:47
kanzurehundred-ideas: universal laser cutter14:47
kanzurebkero: yes.. i have funding, remember?14:47
bkeroOh, nice.14:48
bkeroHackerspace? :)14:48
kanzureyeah i'm in the shop at the moment14:48
kanzurehundred-ideas: sprout sounds fine14:48
kanzurewhere is sprout relative to harvard university science center?14:48
hundred-ideashere's the route: http://bit.ly/hplusbeermap14:48
hundred-ideasand what do you mean, "universal laser cutter"14:49
kanzurethat's the brand14:49
hundred-ideasare you channeling some universal laser or something?14:49
kanzureyeah it's from the aether14:49
kanzurewait, no14:49
hundred-ideasoh haha14:49
hundred-ideasI want to get one.  I was thinking about the Epi Zing14:50
genehackerdid you figure out how to cut that fluidic amplifier kanzure?14:50
hundred-ideasIs the ULC better?14:50
Ian_Dani1erthe h+ meetup is at sprout? win!14:50
* Ian_Dani1er waves14:50
Ian_Dani1erbtw, I'm a Boston-area maker & college student, doing interesting startup & hardware hacking work14:51
bkeroHowdy bosonite.14:51
bkeroOr is it a Bosonian?14:51
kanzuregenehacker: yes14:51
hundred-ideasawesome, Ian_Dani1er, I'm local to davis sq.  I'm working on a diybio meeting for the 23 of june, but I want to meetup sooner than that14:51
hundred-ideasyou free to come to the h+beer meetup on Sat night?14:51
Ian_Dani1erI'll be there14:52
Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: I hung out at sprout when I was staying in cambridge a few weeks ago, waiting for Olin to re-open for summer session.14:52
kanzureoh you're at olin. my grandma wanted me to go there (so i didn't)14:52
Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: really slick space. None of the DIY-Bioers were around concurrently, though :(14:53
Ian_Dani1erkanzure: bad excuse. :P14:53
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Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: I'm more of a DIY-chem person, with a strong interest in biohacking14:54
bkeroFancy Boston schools14:54
Ian_Dani1eraka interested in half-past everything14:54
Ian_Dani1erkanzure: where did you wind up?14:54
hundred-ideasI wish I had known about olin when I was applying to schools.  Awesome place.14:54
hundred-ideasI want to know more about microchemistry14:54
Ian_Dani1erbkero: meh, Olin is a fancy [almost-free] Needham school14:54
Ian_Dani1ernot quite the same thing ;)14:54
Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: Where're you learning?14:55
bkeroIan_Dani1er: It's fancy compared to our west coast state colleges. :P14:55
hundred-ideasIan_Dani1er: I'm done already.  Studied w/ Malcolm Campbell at Davidson college.14:56
kanzurehundred-ideas: can you update http://diybio.org/hplusbeer/14:56
hundred-ideasyes I sure can14:57
hundred-ideasI have to run to a meeting now but I will later tonight14:57
Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: fair enough, though from the sounds of ti, you're anything but done learning :P14:58
hundred-ideasha ha yeah sometimes I wonder why I spent time and money going to college14:58
hundred-ideassee ya guys14:58
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kanzuresomeone needs to learn 'screen'14:58
Ian_Dani1erhundred-ideas: go run to the meeting, but I'll def. try and make the next DIYBio meetup14:58
Ian_Dani1er'screen -xa' = win.14:59
bkeroscreen -DRU15:00
Ian_Dani1errunning irssi on my arch-linux server, displaying on my second monitor on my windows machine and my laptop simultaneously15:00
bkeroI'm running ZNC on my colocated server and attached with irssi from another server, a notification program on my laptop, and my cell phone.  All with native IRC clients.15:02
Ian_Dani1erah, just a IRC bouncer15:04
Ian_Dani1erI'll have to check it out.15:04
bkeroIt's pretty good.  Linode is just shit though, I"ve had it go down three times in the last few months.15:06
bkeroSince all my communication is done over it, that kind of downtime is unacceptable.15:06
kanzureIan_Dani1er: two monitors? pussy. here's jrayhawk: http://heybryan.org/shots/inspiration/notstevebutjoe/IMG_0872.thumbnail.JPG15:07
kanzurejrayhawk: where's that file on your server, anyway?15:08
kanzurewell, i guess i mean IMG_0872.JPG15:08
kanzuresince heybryan.org is slower than <something that would be insulting>15:08
Ian_Dani1erbah, -1 to PUTTY15:08
kanzurewindows? :(15:09
Ian_Dani1erit treats right click as paste on windows.15:09
Ian_Dani1erHow else am I going to use my fancy solidworks?15:09
kanzureby routing the dll files through python and randomly guessing at the API parameters?15:10
kanzure:) kidding15:10
kanzuredon't do that15:10
kanzureunless you're insane15:10
Ian_Dani1erahaha, that's wonderful.15:11
Ian_Dani1erI've been meaning to learn openscad15:11
kanzurei'm hiring out someone to write python wrappers to OpenCSG15:11
kanzureopenscad depends on CGAL, which has some funky license restrictions15:11
Ian_Dani1erit appeals to my programmer / FOSS ethos15:11
kanzureanyway, for whoever ends up writing the python OpenCSG wrappers,15:11
kanzurei'm going to also have them do a STEP export feature15:11
kanzureno more of these stupid meshes15:11
kanzurethe more people bug me to do this, the faster it will get done15:12
kanzurei can't wait until i can do openscad-stuff via python15:12
Ian_Dani1erDouble points for bugging you about it in person?15:12
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Ian_Dani1erkanzure: yeah, python is my language of choice as well. it'd be awesome.15:13
Ian_Dani1er3d python objects... need a new datatype?15:15
* bkero might know some python programmers for hire. Good ones.15:16
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-50-64.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:25
hundred-ideasback actually15:25
kanzureIan_Dani1er: yes, double points :)15:29
kanzurebkero: send 'em over15:29
kanzurepaul was actually thinking of doing it15:30
kanzurei've been offering about $1k to just get it done for me15:30
kanzurefor some reason i haven't done it15:30
bkerokanzure: I'll let them know :)15:30
kanzureand the penalty for not doing it on time (for me) is to spend money to have it happen15:31
kanzurepresumably spending money makes me feel bad15:31
kanzureso maybe i'll learn my lesson?15:31
QuantumGkanzure, did ya see http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/06/08/174622515:31
kanzure"does this mean the ladies need to turn in their cotton?" i <3 slashdot15:33
QuantumGyes, "love"15:33
kanzureno no, just less than315:34
kanzurenot love15:34
QuantumGDIY oil cleanup.. get on that15:34
kanzureactually, i might be getting some funds from some canadian oil companies15:34
QuantumGyou can utilize the out-of-work fishermen labor15:34
QuantumGand sell all the oil you pull out of the bay15:34
QuantumGhmm.. I just saw a tweet with a location tag15:35
kanzureokay, time to close up the shop before AHS goons get here15:36
genehackerAustin Hacker Space15:37
hundred-ideaswhat OHL should they use?15:37
Ian_Dani1erstands for "Arts, Humanities, and Social Science" at Olin15:38
Ian_Dani1erI was confused.15:38
QuantumGso, nothing worthwhile15:38
kanzurehundred-ideas: i think that's josh perfetto15:38
hundred-ideasthe ol' "open source"  hardware license question15:38
hundred-ideasyeah I know15:38
hundred-ideasI saw them both at makerfaire15:38
hundred-ideasit exists.15:38
kanzureso it looks like i will be bringing some mini/microfluidics demos after all15:39
kanzureany requests?15:39
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QuantumGbioengineering on a chip15:44
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hundred-ideasWHAT'S THE DEMO?15:45
hundred-ideasoh man caps lock win15:45
Ian_Dani1erkanzure: do we have PCR minifluidics DIY'ed yet?15:45
Ian_Dani1erit looks like the maker-faire PCR box thermocycled a large reaction chamber15:46
hundred-ideashey kanzure: I want to suggest a licensing framework for the openPCR guys in a blog post, do you have any updates on what the best practice is? 15:46
Ian_Dani1errather than taking a more efficient approach of pumping reactant through a series of hot-and-cold areas15:46
* Trooem is eating sashimi/sushi. But would rather prefer fresh fish from the oceans caught from a mega-yacht.15:52
* bkero prefers ocean fish.15:53
bkeroLess dye in them.15:53
Trooemdidn't know that...15:55
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hundred-ideas_kanzure: http://diybio.org/hplusbeer/16:01
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genehackeryou need some demos kanzure?16:02
genehackerhow about I send you the files for the fluidic amplifier thing16:03
Trooemi wonder if you can use dye to differentiate cells in the body, different types of it, and see in through computer...16:03
genehackeryou mean use fluorescent proteins to see which genes are active in cells16:04
genehackerthey already do that16:04
QuantumGbut not on that scale16:05
kanzuresomehow i don't think mac's cap lock error above was an error16:08
kanzureit sounded just like him :P16:08
Trooemgenehacker, i didn't know that. saw some documentery w/ cells unnaturally colored..16:10
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genehackeryou're on a mac kanzure?16:13
genehackerfor iphone dev?16:13
kanzurei am not on a mac16:13
genehackerone doesn't need a mac for iphone dev anymore?16:13
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genehackersent you the fluidic amplifer kanzure16:32
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QuantumG.. and other Dr Fink words16:38
genehackerhmmm... I wonder if I could take advantage of the snooty audiophile market with fluidic sound amplification16:40
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kanzurehey what's the typical admin panel url for wordpress blogs16:57
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:58
kanzureklafka: are you in boston?16:58
kanzurewait, rochester16:58
kanzureaha i think it's /wp-admin/16:59
kanzurei spent a few hours today helping elevenarms build this:17:28
bkeroNice toolstache17:39
-!- ybit [~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap17:39
* Utopiah agrees, w-t-f17:39
kanzurebkero gets it :)17:40
bkeroDoes he keep the stache in his pocket?17:40
Utopiahasks the officer17:41
kanzureno he keeps it on his face17:42
kanzurewhere it belongs?17:42
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:42
kanzurehi JayDugger 17:42
kanzurei spent a few hours today helping elevenarms build this: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/images/toolstache.jpg17:42
ybiti'll be @ the diy videoconf17:42
ybittoo lazy to send an email17:42
kanzureyou mean the weekly thing17:43
kanzurecool, great17:43
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone17:43
Utopiahanybody using http://mind.mx/ by Mark Carranza?17:44
kanzureso that's you, me, meredith, len, mac, ian, derek, at the very least17:44
ybitya know...i proposed something like this to some fo the diybio folks here... an international diybio conference via second life 17:44
ybitbut i like the weekly meeting idea better... it's just like what the fab academy does without neil dictating the meetings17:45
kanzureinstead, it's bryan dictating!17:45
JayDuggerWhat does mind.mx do?17:45
kanzure*maniacal laughter* ok, maybe some17:45
kanzuremy maniacal laughter is the best ever17:45
kanzureyou can't beat it17:45
kanzureit's because it comes from deep within the soul17:45
kanzure(or the belly)17:46
UtopiahJayDugger: I dont know yet, it's supposed to be some "personnal memory management" system 17:47
JayDuggerHave you asked for an invite, Utopiah?17:47
ybiti actually attended one of the fab lab academy meetings via teleconference a couple of months back, they aren't doing anything hackerspaces aren't17:47
ybitit was basic electronics questions17:48
kanzureoh look, ybit is around for once17:48
kanzurehow are you?17:48
UtopiahJayDugger: yes :/ he (mark) is a bit sick for now so he wont manage this for a week. Ill ask him again then but I was still curious to know if others tried it17:48
ybitkanzure: i'm grrreat!17:48
Utopiah(makes me think I need to tell him about FluidDB.info )17:48
ybitthe eleventh hackerspace meeting just finished here17:49
Utopiahand 1 hacker space died in paris tonight :\17:49
ybitorly? what happened?17:49
Utopiahwas in a squat and the eviction process (finally) got applied, closing on Monday17:50
JayDuggerDo you mean fluidinfo.com, Utopiah?17:50
ybiti thought that maybe it burned down or even better, blew up17:50
UtopiahJayDugger: correct17:50
ybitno burning after booms, just one big kaboom :)17:51
ybitis there anyway to make the meetings not be dictacted?18:02
fennprefetto is wrong about the incandescent thermocycler ramp times18:02
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kanzurefenn: dave suggests microgrants in increasing increments18:06
kanzure$50, $100, $200, $400, .. etc.18:06
ybitthat guy sat beside you kanzure18:06
ybitjust in case you forgot ;)18:06
kanzurei thought he called himself atom18:07
-!- Trooem is now known as Jericho18:10
* Jericho finds ridiculous he has gtx 480 vid card, 16 cores of 2.3 ghz amd and the result: he can't use it because of a faulty mobo...18:13
Jerichoneed to RMA...18:13
* Jericho also finds it to be incredible waste of money for his uses.18:14
genehackerwell can you atleast simulate cellular automata on it?18:22
Jerichoi don't even know whaat that is.18:24
Jerichoshould've got a core i7 and OC it for gaming.18:24
Jerichoi'm using a laptop. sigh.......18:24
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:25
genehackerJericho I assume you must be new here18:26
genehackera cellular automaton would basically be something that might run awesomely on a multicore computer18:26
genehackeroh you're trooem18:27
QuantumGone of the many reasons to dislike him18:28
Jerichodon't hate me. lol.19:02
Jerichoenjoy...... http://kr.blog.yahoo.com/wsshimtw/150319:03
-!- Jericho is now known as Trooem19:10
kanzurehm, openscad depends on OpenCSG but only for rendering?19:11
JayDuggerThis brings me closer to a zero exit status for "sudo skdb make-me nuclear-pulse-rocket" how?19:20
JayDuggerThought so. Get back to work!19:21
kanzureby getting people to type out parametric definitions of models in python, that are then converted to STEP models19:22
-!- drazak [~kaerzkd@ip-69-162-134-185.static.chi2.systeminplace.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]19:24
leptonIt's a worthy endeavour19:26
JayDuggerYou lost me at STEP models, kanzure.19:26
kanzurefenn: please check your inbox for paul's email.19:28
kanzurehe doesn't understand the difference between meshes and solid geometry, it seems19:28
kanzureand thinks i should be labor slaving for makerbot users? wtf19:28
kanzureJayDugger: STEP is a standard for representing solid geometry CAD models19:29
JayDuggerThanks, kanzure.19:29
kanzureright now makerbot users are fine with meshes, because that's what the software interprets19:30
kanzureso it just "works" for them19:30
kanzurebut meshes are not parametric19:30
kanzureit's like.. distributing a binary executable file instead of the source code19:30
JayDuggerCan you derive a mesh from a parametric model?19:30
QuantumGdoing the opposite is the hard thing :)19:30
kanzurewhat's really cool is that if you define some parts in STEP, you can go open it up in solidworks, heekscad, or whatever else you want19:31
kanzureand then manipulate the fundamental objects and stuff19:31
JayDuggerThe OpenSCAD page mentioned STEP, but lacked links to it.19:31
kanzureand the idea of openscad, or some csg/python framework, is that you could do this with python scripts19:31
kanzureopenscad only generates meshes19:31
kanzureit's built on top of OpenCSG (for rendering) and CGAL (for the CSG in the background)19:32
kanzurebut CGAL is not quite OSI-compatible19:32
JayDuggerRight. It went over to heekscad, and others.19:32
JayDuggerCGAL names a library for CSG?19:32
kanzure"Computational Geometry Algorithms Library"19:32
kanzurehttp://opencsg.org/ is for *rendering* (via OpenGL IIRC?)19:33
JayDuggerGot it. Thank you.19:33
kanzureme asking about writing openscad extensions: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/cd605a9f620ee07f/415f7a82cb4ec48619:34
kanzureme asking about STEP/IGES export options for OpenSCAD: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/6938d4b4c3960c56/cdd30b4d2903d7a119:34
kanzuredraft of a look and feel for a pythonic API for CSG19:34
kanzurenow, the pythonocc guys will claim they have one in the works as well.. in the file, uh, Level2.py i think19:34
kanzurebut it's never really got me interested19:34
kanzurecool, a pythonocc presentation to NASA: http://www.slideshare.net/tpaviot/pythonocc-pde2009-presentation19:36
leptonhey. that is cool!19:38
kanzurei'm hesitant to write any more code that depends on OCC19:39
leptonre: level2.py, are you referring to the PAF in general, or something more specific?19:39
kanzureOCC should be rewritten entirely19:39
kanzurethere's a specific example file19:39
kanzureaha, Level2API.py19:40
kanzurebut it didn't feel very pythonic to me :P19:40
kanzurefenn and i did a better job IMHO with geom.py for some of our earlier SKDB work19:40
kanzurealthough Level2API.py is pretty thorough19:41
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:42
kanzurenight JayDugger 19:42
JayDuggerThanks for the documented discussion, kanzure.19:42
JayDuggerThe links?19:42
kanzureaha. no problem19:42
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]19:42
-!- lepton [~lepton@174-29-109-147.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]19:43
kanzurehaha i like the comments in Level2API.py19:44
kanzure#    Curve.topology19:44
kanzure#    Follows the CGAL Polyhedron API19:44
kanzure#    Mimicking a halfedge topology19:44
kanzure#     See: http://www.cgal.org/Manual/3.4/doc_html/cgal_manual/HalfedgeDS/Chapter_main.html19:44
-!- lepton [~lepton@174-29-50-85.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:45
kanzurehi lepton 19:45
kanzureit turns out Level2API.py was written and based off of CGAL (search for "CGAL" in Level2API.py for a good laugh)19:46
leptonSo the issue with CGAL is it's license?19:50
leptonThat's unfortunate19:51
kanzuredid you see the toolstache? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/images/toolstache.jpg19:51
kanzurewe laz0red that out today19:51
leptonYeah, both here and on #emc :p19:52
kanzurehmm looks like we have a mole :P19:52
leptongee, CGAL's n dimensional geometry kernel is pretty neat19:53
kanzurei like the inconspicuous industrial arm in the background in toolstache.jpg19:54
kanzure"just ignore that, citizen"19:54
leptonI want a laser cutter19:55
kanzurecome to austin :)19:55
leptonit's next up on my list of three awesome tools to have19:55
QuantumGyou can't cut a laser silly boy19:55
leptonYes I can, with a partial mirror19:56
kanzureyou were just burned19:56
leptonor lots of gravity19:56
kanzurelaz0r burned19:56
* kanzure puts himself in the corner for a terrible pun19:56
* lepton puts on laser glasses19:56
bkero!fire kanzure 19:57
kanzureyou can't fire me! i built this company up from nothing!19:57
kanzureback when fenn only had beans and rice to eat every day19:58
bkeroFenn still only has beans and rice.19:58
gnushahow's that any different from today19:58
bkeroAnd this company is a shell company.19:58
bkeroIt has no real assets.  Especially you.19:58
* lepton is leaving for dinner20:01
Trooembeans, rice, and i fish sometimes.20:01
Trooemanyone ever go hunting?20:01
Trooemgame meat. mmmmmmm......20:01
Trooemkanzure: hire me as a janitor.20:02
Trooemin your company.20:08
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bkerokanzure: could I get you to write up a little bit more of a formal proposal to give to my programmer friend?21:37
Trooempoor keanu reeves.21:47
QuantumG"Hey Keanu, there's a woodpecker peckin' at your head."  "Yeah, it comes and goes."21:51
Trooemdid ya translate or are you korean>21:56
QuantumGneither, its from Family Guy21:56
Trooemgiant transformers made outta truck parts.22:03
-!- Trooem [~fsdffasdf@S01060016b6ee2b72.vf.shawcable.net] has quit []22:43
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