
--- Day changed Wed Jun 09 2010
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:11
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fenngood 1276100500 to you sir09:22
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fenni guess 100ks would be more appropriate09:24
fennthat'll teach me to think before i open my fat laptop09:24
kanzurei underestimated how long it takes to get a paper published09:32
fennhow long?09:33
kanzurewell i did a paper with matt back in the beginning of 200909:33
kanzureand only now is ASME sending around copyright "please sign your soul" documents09:33
kanzureok, sonia arrison also joining the conference call on the 16th09:49
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-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:12
fennnow, spam in annoying, and phone spam is even worse, but could they at least configure the robot to speak english?10:19
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-34-27-156.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]10:22
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kanzureso, any ideas for what microfluidic thing i should do?11:03
kanzurei was thinking of a two-channel-turns-into-one thing for mixing two different dyes, then plastering that up against a second piece of acrylic and drilling some holes for screws11:04
kanzurecommercial near-field induction for power transfer stuff: http://www.witricity.com/ http://www.ecoupled.com/11:05
Ian_DaniherJust visited an injection molding facility.11:08
Ian_DaniherPretty awesome stuff! Doesn't lend itself to DIYing, but still awesome.11:09
fennany questions for robert lang (of computational origami fame)11:17
fennyou can DIY injection molds, don't be fooled11:17
Ian_Danihersure, using a 3/4-axis CNC mill and a large chunk of Al, but how about DIYing the injection process?11:18
Ian_Danihermolten plastic / high pressure seems intimidating. Certainly not impossible, but it'd be quite a feat.11:19
fennnot at all11:19
fenndave gingery wrote a book on it11:19
fennyou can buy a ready made desktop injection molding machine for about $3k11:20
kanzureand i have the book on heybryan.org somewhere if you can tolerate 1 kbps11:20
kanzurefenn: i guess if his "fold router" program thingy could be coerced into generating instructions for folding a particular shape or not.11:21
kanzureas i recall, it required significant user input to figure out how to fold something11:21
kanzurebasically a "what's the coords that you want to fold a point to?" thing11:21
kanzureanyway, there should be no reason (as far as i can tell) why you couldn't just automatically spit out instructions for folding a specific pattern from the Tree app he wrote11:22
fennyou mean crease patterns arent good enough? :P11:22
fenni wonder why treemaker isn't in debian11:25
Ian_Daniherkanzure: http://www.google.com/search?q=site:heybryan.org+injection+plastic isn't turning up the book.11:29
Ian_Daniherif you know where it is off the top of your head, could you linkme?11:30
fennprolly /books/Manufacturing/*ingery*11:34
fennbtw kanzure if you're about could you please powercycle tub?11:34
fennoff to SETI11:35
fenni fucking love the bay area11:35
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kanzurehey eridu 12:36
kanzureIan_Daniher: ok, will do in a bit12:36
kanzurefenn: not at home right now.12:38
eridukanzure: hey12:40
eriduI'm just a lurker on the diy{bio,h+} mailing lists, don't mind me...12:41
kanzureokay :)12:41
kanzureeridu: logs: http://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt 12:41
eridukanzure: thanks12:42
kanzurehm: http://www.austinhackerspace.org/bylaws12:43
Trooemi want to go and see austin hackerspace.....12:52
-!- dustbin [~chatzilla@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:55
Ian_Daniherso shoutout thoughts on a hackerspace charging $50 monthly membership plus training fees for individual tools?13:15
Ian_DaniherIMO, defeats the purpose of a hackerspace.13:15
Ian_Daniherbackstory: new startup Boston hackerspace has a membership fee which I philosophically disagree with but recognize as a necessity13:17
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NoahjOur hackerspace does that, but we're fledgling, I think the plan is to take a cut of sales on things created there 13:30
NoahjI don't know if that business model works either 13:31
NoahjHackerspaces aren't businesses, though, maybe someday there'll be public funding and they'll be like libraries for physical objects 13:31
kanzureIan_Daniher: i think charging monthly sucks and should be done away with13:35
NoahjSome people come in often enough that it makes more sense than charging hourly13:36
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Ian_DaniherNoahj: Which hackerspace / how much, out of curiousity? And I really like the public funding bit, but have doubts and reservations. There's censorship on all library internet. Expanding that notion to fablabs terrifies me.13:45
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:10
NoahjThe AS220 lab charges $50/month and $16/hour 14:31
NoahjYeah, censorship on library internet makes me sad 14:31
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Trooemeverything should be free~.15:18
Trooemespecially fast food.15:19
Trooemi have never been to disneyland.15:24
Trooemi wish to go there.15:24
Trooemmock me. lol.15:25
Trooemwhat are the chances of stem cells turning in to cancer?15:27
Trooemslim or high?15:27
Trooemor none at all?15:27
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:33
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Trooem what are the chances of stem cells turning in to cancer?15:43
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/brightonhackerspace/browse_thread/thread/622010a02e7994b8 diybio brighton node15:44
Trooemkanzure, your emails aren't listed here publically for everyone to see right? is my info safe with you?15:48
Trooemi had no idea one can see into other people's emails...15:49
kanzurewut's going on here? http://web.uni-weimar.de/medien/wiki/GMU:Synthetic_Biology/PERFECT_BODY15:51
kanzurehah the bavarians got onto the wikipedia article. how cute.15:53
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]15:54
Trooemusable newro hacking imaging devices are still few decades away? i beg to differ. with money.15:55
Trooemooooo simulated reality...15:55
kanzureneurohackers association http://www.neurohackers.com/16:00
kanzureneat droplet microfluidics video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUw5808pohY&feature=player_embedded#!16:00
-!- Roy78 [~Tiger@ip68-11-187-208.br.br.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:00
fennIan_Daniher: fees for learning seems like it would discourage learning16:01
fennthat's my main beef with techshop at least16:01
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kanzurehm that's weird16:19
kanzureaustinhackerspace.org just registered as a DBA16:19
kanzurebut put its address as something totally different than the space16:19
genehackerI am disappoint, that microfluidics thing still uses a HUGE syringe pump16:21
genehackeroh neat EO pump16:22
fenncool.. i like the encapsulation with three liquids16:35
fenni wonder if that's how they make e-ink16:35
fennreminds me of the molecular gastronomy 'caviar'16:36
genehackerthey said they make janus particles16:37
fennso i just went to this single molecule microscopy talk at seti16:38
fennthey're using a technique called PALM or vPALM which is amazing16:39
genehackerthe superlense type?16:39
fennthe idea is you have a chromophore which must be activated 16:40
fennthen you feed it very low number of photons to activate only a few chromophores, this gives you a few blurry specks which each correspond to a single molecule16:40
fennyou can then deconvolve those single blobs, then deactivate the chromophores and repeat16:40
fennthe result is that you can map out the locations of all the individual chromophores16:41
fennthis is the guy http://www.optoiq.com/index/biophotonics/display/bow-article-display/366219/articles/biooptics-world/featured-image/palm-microscopy-enables-understanding-of-cell-organizations-impact-on-biological-function.html16:41
superkuhThe only problem is it takes, what, 12 hours?16:41
superkuhYou have to wait for the photobleaching.16:41
fenncrappy image, lemme see if i can find something better16:41
fennsuperkuh: didn't know that, but still, the resolution is insane16:42
fennstupid scientists and their non-publishing of cool images16:44
fennalso, PALM gives you a 3D point cloud16:47
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fennrandom pdf says "20 minutes time resolution" - not sure what that means16:50
fennseems like there would be clever ways of using palm to map out interactions between particles16:52
fennto derive the binding affinity for example16:52
fenni guess FRET would be more appropriate16:56
fennbtw the resolution for palm images was quoted at around 15nm16:59
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Trooemwho is near austinhackerspace physically? 19:07
Trooemwho is involved in neuro-hacking?19:09
genehacker2why are you austinhackerspace physically?19:32
Trooemwhat? did i say something wrong in grammer-19:32
Trooemor... have you19:32
Trooemwhat you asking genehacker19:33
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Trooembetter looking...19:44
Trooemsomething simpler...19:44
kanzureTrooem: why are you here19:46
QuantumGto annoy you it seems19:47
Trooemdo you want to kick me out...?19:47
Trooemwhere should i be kanzure?19:48
Trooemwhats that..19:48
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Trooemthese days, i've quit marketing. i'm about to return to it...20:01
Trooembut intoxicated with..... gaming. :{20:04
hundred-ideashey kanzure20:06
hundred-ideasyou here?20:06
kanzurehundred-ideas: hey20:07
hundred-ideasso I've gotten some positive feedback about the h+beer event already20:08
hundred-ideasdid an email go out?20:08
kanzureno not yet :)20:09
kanzurei'll send one in a sec20:09
Trooemjesus, i'm being played around like a toy...20:09
Trooemnot you man, some guys i'm meeting over CPA shit... it's always annoying. remember that greed thing? so many people are into it now CPA networks are being strict..20:11
Trooemthere should always be a healthy mix, but not many are understanding that.20:13
Trooemif anyone needs any services or tutoring in online/offline marketing, i'll do it for free. i'm bored........20:15
Trooemkanzure: i'm here to learn about the things people share here. to find more clues, maybe JV.20:17
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kanzurejrayhawk: hm i'm having trouble adding a domain name to the server at gnusha.org21:50
kanzuredoes my apache2 configuration look correct?21:50
kanzurein particular for 002-heekscad.org in /var/apache2/sites-enabled/21:50
kanzuresites-available is not sites-enabled21:54
kanzureawesome, got it21:58
kanzureokay, no more long typing for the heekscad url21:58
kanzurehttp://heekscad.org/ from now on :)21:58
jrayhawka2ensite is how to enable a site, by the way.22:00
kanzure"and then he was enlightened"22:00
jrayhawkWhich just does the linking for you.22:00
ybitfenn: what is that @ 7:25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9z6H_EFqQ&feature=related22:01
ybitlinkage appreciated22:01
* drazak just rooted his evo22:03
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