
--- Day changed Thu Jun 10 2010
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fennybit: it's the usbtinyisp, see http://ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/ and http://fennetic.net/irc/usbtinyisp.tgz for my mods to make it easier to etch single sided01:12
fennan avr programmer01:12
fennautomatic subtitling is pretty cool01:12
fennall knowing AI overlords from the future are already upon us01:12
fenni wish people would learn how to draw gears01:14
splicerThere was a project a few years back where an animated(as in 3d, Poser) newscaster would report news that were automatically aggregated from the web, while showing stills and video of the incident.01:54
phryksplicer: do you know the projects name?01:59
splicerI don't remember, this was maybe 5 years ago.02:01
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kanzurephryk: the name of this project was.. "kanzure"05:09
maraineinand it's succeeded beyond their wildest dreams?05:12
splicer...and the lifeboat people were right. It's destroying the world one post at a time.05:24
splicera bit like the spoon guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y05:26
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kanzurehot steamin' pancakes, batman! "diybo" embroidered labcoats? http://www.ezbiodiesel.com/Lab%20coat%20embroidered%20new%20logo%20lg%20view.jpg05:39
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kanzurehi cluckj 05:48
cluckjmind if I idle in here? I have to go to work :)05:59
kanzurego right ahead :)05:59
cluckjI didn't know y'all hung out on irc or I would have been here ages ago :P06:02
kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt (20 MB or so)06:05
cluckjhaha, holy crap06:05
kanzurewe even mentioned you / stalked you!06:05
Utopiahif you wait 2min Ill bzip2 it06:05
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cluckjI hope you didn't find the goat porn I was in D:06:08
cluckjworktime, ttyl06:11
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phrykkanzure: So basically, you're Skynet with a biology-fetish? :306:35
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kiveDidn't skynet have a biology-fetish already? It was quite the sadist. ;)07:30
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Yocttarany1 ever done this? http://www.molecular-plant-biotechnology.info/synthesis-of-DNA-by-chemical-methods/chemical-DNA-synthesis-by-phosphoromidite-method.htm 07:55
kanzurei haven't done it, but yes i'm aware of it08:02
kanzurealso, check this out: http://designfiles.org/papers/Syringe%20method%20for%20stepwise%20chemical%20synthesis%20of%20oligonucleotides.pdf08:03
Yocttaras I've seen so far, its very slow process... :(08:07
Yocttara very*08:07
Yocttardamn, I was hoping for a good DNA RepRap08:11
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:53
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Yocttarheya :)09:03
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kanzureladyada.com seems to have assembly dependencies written out for each of the projects09:56
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kanzurei'm putting on the finishing touches of the presentation for this weekend11:17
kanzuredoes anyone have any requests for inclusions?11:17
kanzureor suggestions11:17
cluckjwant me to take a look?11:19
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kanzurecluckj: there's just pictures and a word or two per slide :)11:21
kanzurecluckj: have you seen the other presentations though?11:21
cluckjdamn that's a lot of slides :)11:24
kanzureit fit under 20min11:24
kanzurethis time around the presentation is about diy transhuman tech, so i'm going to go over diybio, cheap-ass microfluidics, openeeg, open source hardware kits, open source tech / licensing issues / the elephant in the room (patent law), hackerspaces11:29
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cluckjI look forward to seeing it :D11:35
kanzureah you'll be present?11:36
cluckjone of my friends who's doing his dissertation work on transhumanism convinced me to go11:38
kanzurethere's also an after-party: http://diybio.org/hplusbeer/11:39
cluckjadmittedly, it wasn't very hard since I'm a huge dork...11:39
kanzureyou should have held your ground, he might've paid for your ticket if he was adamant enough11:39
cluckjhe was able to get travel funding from his university11:40
cluckjso I'm crashing his hotel room, and driving him out to boston11:40
cluckjoh wow, sprout is going to be packed...11:41
kanzurei'm estimating about 40 people from the conference, plus whoever else is in the boston area11:41
cluckjdo you know how many people are attending the conference?11:42
kanzureabout 40011:42
cluckjthat's pretty good11:42
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kanzurehm i might have to stop using fists in my first few slides or else i'll start sounding like a weird cross between marx and stallman11:46
cluckjwhat's wrong with that?11:47
kanzurecluckj: i obsess over my presentations to a ridiculous extent11:48
kanzurethat first slide has gone through so many revisions.. a lot of them were positional changes11:48
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cluckjthere's a much higher-res version of that diy bio image on mac's flickr11:49
kanzureyeah i have it11:50
cluckjah, ok11:50
hundred-ideasyeah I should post those design files11:50
hundred-ideasbut gotta run right now11:50
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kanzurethe context is that hundred-ideas is mac11:51
cluckjI have a feeling he's pissed at me for something, but I dunno11:53
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genehackerneat the IKAROS solar sail is fully deployed12:17
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cluckjhehe, an h+ experiment12:30
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fennrandom data mining http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/4671581511/in/set-72157624209158632/13:29
kanzurefenn: any last minute suggestions for my tak13:32
fenni don't even know what you're talking about.. hopefully you do13:38
kanzure"diy transhuman tech"13:38
fennrussian gasoline powered pogo boots13:39
kanzurei'll be giving the typical transhumanism/diybio spiell, and at the end i'll talk about patents, licenses, OSI13:39
kanzurei'd like to get in a slide or two about longevity, stem cell therapy, gene therapy, and one about kits (backyard brains, reprap, stuff like that)13:39
kanzurebut i don't know what exactly to feature for, say, gene therapy13:39
fennmyostatin inhbitors?13:40
kanzuregee something i actually know about13:40
fenni guess you could poke at trans-tech.yaml13:40
kanzurei don't know why i didn't think of myostatin stuff.. thank you13:41
kanzurei'm going to claim stress13:41
fennwhat is 'nanowell virus capture'?13:42
kanzureantibody attached to streptavidin at the bottom of a very tiny well13:43
kanzureantibody catches viruses13:43
kanzureand then you have this functional probe tip thingy with a virus at an exact known location13:43
kanzurealso, a slide on microfluidics / lab on a chip13:43
kanzurejeswin john's camera photo :) and my recent stuff on the laz0r cutter13:44
fennlot of interesting stuff on this page http://www.knowledgepress.com/viewpublication.php?event_id=126&act=fea13:44
kanzureok. myostatin inhibitors, microfluidics, openeeg?13:45
kanzurei've aways felt kind of lame bringing up openeeg all the time13:45
fennhave you ever had an eeg scan?13:46
kanzureyeah, but it was a long time ago13:46
kanzurethey did the whole thing- various "mental exercises" while attached, a 6 hour sleep study, ..13:47
kanzure"we've determined that bryan is hyperactive" was the concusion13:47
fenndid you get to see the results in real time?13:47
kanzuresort of? this was in the 90s, and they were spitting out results with this pen plotter thingy13:47
fennok that doesn't count then13:48
fennyou have to do an FFT13:48
kanzurewhat are you getting at, anyway?13:48
kanzurei mean, where is this inquisition heading13:48
fennwell, eeg all just sounds like a bunch of crap until you actually do it13:48
kanzureno no that's not what i'm talking about13:48
fennand you "see your thoughts up there on the screen"13:48
kanzurejust, always talking about openeeg, but haven't actually used an implementation of it13:48
fennwell, maybe you should do something about that13:49
kanzureyeah :/13:49
kanzurei was wondering if meetlog.txt is sufficiently transhumanist to warrant mentioning13:49
cluckjlike binaural beats?13:49
fenni dont really see what the point of binaural beats is13:50
cluckjit's trippy as hell13:50
fennif you say so13:50
* kanzure wonders where he put all his myostatin papers13:52
kanzureoh right. aso "gene doping" would be particularly fun to bring up :)13:52
kanzurenone of the other presenters are talking about it, which is pretty weird13:52
fennit's sort of a buzzword13:52
kanzuregene doping has been banned for the past few years at major sporting conferences13:52
kanzurenot as much as you think.. it's going on13:52
fenni guess that doesn't stop people from talking about something13:53
cluckjhow about epigenetic doping :)13:53
* kanzure spins the #hplusroadmap topic wheel13:53
kanzuremaybe i should just look at the tag cloud?13:53
cluckjyep, I'm just throwing shit out there13:54
kanzurecluckj: no, i seriously do have a tag cloud13:54
fennum, did you look at trans-tech.yaml?13:54
kanzureyeah i have it open13:54
kanzurecluckj: that tag cloud was generated from http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt13:54
cluckjhurricane party, eh13:54
kanzureiphone app.. but it went downhill when the cofounders got funding13:54
fennare these ordered chronologically by first mention?13:54
kanzurefenn: "these"=?13:55
fennhm no that can't be it13:55
kanzurei might have passed it through random.randrange13:56
fennturtle trading?13:56
kanzureyeah, i wrote this tiny stock market trading simulator thingy13:56
kanzureto test out different strategies13:56
kanzure(here's a hint: you lose a fuckload on IBM in the 80s)13:57
kanzure(date not exact)13:57
genehackerso who here knows weird electrical connectors13:57
kanzureweird electrical connectors? my life is full of them13:58
kanzurewelcome to the world of 73 pin robotic arm connectors13:58
fennyou could do a tag cloud with your google searches13:58
kanzurebut that's just going to be a list of girls i like a lot13:58
fennnot like you would already know or anything~13:59
genehackerhow about a 50 pin electrical connector that costs $70 from the manufactur13:59
Ian_Daniherkanzure: Yo, is the H+Beer starting at 12pm or 6pm?14:00
kanzureIan_Daniher: 6pm14:00
kanzureIan_Daniher: why do you ask?14:00
kanzurewas it 12pm somewhere?14:00
genehackertaken with a laptop camera, so not exactly high quality14:00
Ian_Daniherkanzure: yeah, on the diy-bio website14:00
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kanzureIan_Daniher: thanks14:00
fenndude that's just a regular IDC connector; find an old IDE drive or scsi cable or something14:00
kanzureIan_Daniher: wait, no14:01
kanzureIan_Daniher: take a look again14:01
kanzure"Sat June 12 - 6pm at Sprout (map)."14:01
genehackerthat's what I've been trying to do so far fenn14:01
kanzureohh i see, you could confuse that as 12 to 614:01
fennis it 2mm pitch?14:01
fenn(if so, use a laptop extender thingy)14:01
genehacker2mm pitch?14:02
fennmeasure the distance between pins14:02
kanzuremyostatin inhibitors, extremozymes / selection experiments, microfluidics14:02
Ian_Daniherkanzure: bah, my bad.14:02
kanzureas a bonus, i get to show this gnarly mouse14:02
genehackerthis is the cable from the manufacturer14:02
Ian_Daniherkanzure: that makes much more sense.14:03
genehackerI think I'll be doing direct control14:03
genehackeryeah 2mm pitch14:04
genehackerwhat is a laptop extender thingy?14:04
fenngenehacker: just get the 1mm pitch cable and stack up 5 of them, then add these connectors http://www.king-cart.com/phoenixent/product=WIRE+%2526+CABLE+-+BULK/exact_match=exact http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=phoenixent&product_name=HWS1195914:10
genehackerno need14:11
genehackerscrounged some jumper cable14:11
genehackerjumper cable is broken14:12
fennwait a minute, you actually have a 50 pin 2mm pitch cable?14:12
genehackersomeone cut a section out of it14:12
genehackerI'm in the robotics club trailer14:12
genehackerwe have a whole bunch of junk14:12
fennok well just disassemble one of the connectors and re-clamp it ahead of the cut out section14:12
genehackernow I just need to see if I can find the other weird connector14:13
fennor find one that isn't broken, since apparently you have everything you need somewhere in a 5 meter radius14:13
genehackerrecognize this?14:13
fennhard to see14:14
genehackerthe weird motor connector14:14
fennis it just a .156" pitch pins with some plastic crap around it?14:15
genehackeryeah I think so14:15
fennis there some 3d model warehouse called squid-something?14:16
fennoh turbosquid. nevermind14:16
kanzurepresentationzen? does that mean i can just lift one hand up and everyone will know my entire talk implicitly?14:16
kanzure"my talk is a koan. eat it."14:17
genehackerah it's an mstb 2.5-5.08 connector14:19
fennsince sitting is implicated with early death i'm off to the store to get some ice cream 14:22
cluckjkanzure then just stand there in silence for a while....14:22
kanzureand wait until everyone is enlightened :)14:23
kanzurei'll be able to tell by their weird facial expressions14:23
genehackermake sure to keep it in an appropriate heat protective vessel ice cream is a complex substance14:23
kanzureit's a class three hazard14:24
kanzurewho has the MSDS on ice cream?14:24
genehackersome materials engineering people even eat it in front of the freezer to prevent the microstructures from breaking down14:24
cluckjit's a hazard to my fat ass :(14:26
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fennhey genehacker has the robotics club done anything cool?15:09
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kanzurei like how the payload is clearly marked PAYLOAD15:13
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ybitkanzure: what are you planning on using for the teleconference?16:07
kanzuresheer testosterone?16:08
kanzureoh, uh, i haven't come up with anything yet16:08
ybitwhat service is best for more than 6 people...16:08
kanzureprobably a phone number16:08
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ybithackerspaces.org recommends telephreak16:15
ybityou can connect via telephone and voip16:15
ybiti'm guessing no video thoug16:16
genehackeryou could use one of those phone party lines phreakers use16:17
genehackerthey're expensive if you're not a phreaker messing with the phone system16:17
genehackerso go with voip16:17
ybitone of you connect to 77223@voip.telephreak.org  please16:24
ybiti'm curious how it works16:24
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kanzureybit: i was thinking of doing jabber maybe16:38
kanzurei wonder if anyone has a jabber-to-telephone solution yet16:38
kanzureybit: see pm16:39
fennfor some reason i find this amusing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-ZXcUurrAA&feature=related16:51
Utopiah( http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/triathlon/ "experimental approach towards cheap EEG-based brain-computer-interfaces" in Python for OCZ )16:52
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.16:54
kanzurehi JayDugger 16:55
ybitwe are #1 for science on maps.google.com, too funny16:58
ybitscience in florence, al that is16:58
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genehackerdo you have large tracts of loosely populated land?17:00
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genehackerif so why haven't you made any rockets?17:01
ybityes and i put together a toy rocket once :)17:02
genehackerthat's not a rocket17:02
genehackerunless it went supersonic, which small rockets are quite capable of doing17:02
ybitbut it does go boom and fly upwards..17:02
genehackerspeaking of supersonic, I wonder if any estes rockets can go supersonic17:06
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kanzuredoes anyone remember the name of the paper where they did gfp chimps?18:32
kanzuregot it. it was the marmoset papers18:39
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kanzurehi wolfspraul, Roy78, Alystair19:12
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kanzureheh there's this waiver of liability sitting next to me for the austin hackerspace19:16
kanzurethere's this whole clause specifically dedicated to biohacking / "harmful organisms"19:17
jrayhawk"any liability incurred as a result of the death of the human race..."19:19
genehackerso is a virus considered an organism?19:21
cluckjwho wrote the waiver?19:21
cluckjif you don't mind me asking19:21
genehackeryou should probably include viruses, because they're in a grey area19:21
genehackerand they are very dangerous19:24
cluckjhehe, they're only dangerous when they get into an organism, so wouldn't that be covered under dangerous organisms?19:25
cluckjlike the organism becomes dangerous when it gets infected19:25
genehackerthey're dangerous even when they're not in an organism19:27
genehackerbecause another organism could encounter it19:27
cluckjand carry it around?19:28
genehackeror get infected19:28
cluckjthey're dangerous to only organisms that they can infect19:29
genehackerthat website looks suspicious19:32
genehackerwon't let me download the photo without putting some suspicious stuff on my computer19:32
QuantumGannoys me19:33
kanzurecluckj: are you going to be on the diy telecon next week? :)19:35
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kanzurenext to the liability waivers is a huge stack of make magazine volume 20 O_o19:38
cluckjit's an oblig. pbf comic19:38
cluckjkanzure dunno, what time? 10 EST?19:38
kanzurecluckj: nobody knows.. i think it was adopted from something in california19:38
kanzureuh, let me check19:38
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kanzureit looks like 6pm EST / 3pm PST / 5pm CST or 10am PST / 1pm EST / noon CST19:39
kanzurenot sure if we've collectively decided on a time yet19:39
kanzurei got a message from mms.att.net "Hey, Bryan. Just wanted to say good luck this weekend... You'll rock hard. ;-) "19:45
kanzuremystery phone number19:45
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cluckjI can probably make both of those times next week19:47
cluckjwait no, not the 1pm est19:47
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kanzurehm i ended up with 20 slides21:09
genehackernow what was that rotary space tether concept we discussed here before21:41
genehackerthe one that could be built with materials we have now21:41
QuantumGthere's lots of em21:41
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genehackerthe one that was cheap21:42
QuantumGhas lots21:42
fenni like len's vitamin C gut bacteria idea21:43
genehackerok so I found the right paper then21:43
QuantumGwhich one is it?21:44
fennkanzure you should mention that in your talk, it's a lot more transhuman than most stuff coming out of diybio21:44
kanzure"university of antwerp"21:48
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kanzurefennokie dokie21:48
kanzuregod damn tab key21:48
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/presentations/diy-transhuman-tech.odp pdf is uploading (slowly)21:48
kanzuresuggestions welcome21:48
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kanzurei can work in len's "crazy" idea into the gene therapy parts21:49
kanzurewell, i mean, around the gene therapy parts21:49
kanzureobviously it's not gene therapy itself21:50
QuantumGfenn: is it possible to make body flora that delivers all required vitamins?21:50
kanzurei don't see why not21:50
kanzurejust splice in the reactions and circuits required to manufacture the vitamins21:50
kanzurei dunno about delivery though21:50
QuantumGvitamin-C is low hanging fruit I agree21:50
kanzureintestinal wall absorption is some fancy stuff21:50
kanzureokay, i'm going to sleep. updates to the .odp itself are appreciated too :P21:51
QuantumGoh, I have a transhumanist idea for ya: replace oral flora for prophylactic treatment of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath...21:52
kanzurethere ya go, adobewhores21:53
Trooemhow does a person with dyslexia learn about chemistry in a short time frame...21:57
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Trooemwhat exactly does a lab on a chip do?21:58
Trooemdoesn't look like it has many functions...21:58
QuantumGmost of the time?  Get more grant money for the professor of the grad student who writes an article about it.21:59
Trooemguess it's not that functional/practical...21:59
genehackerTrooem, that's basically what a pregnancy test is22:00
Trooemi can imagine ic22:00
genehackerthe idea is to make things like that except for diseases and conditions22:00
genehackerand make them so cheap, that many doctors are out of jobs22:01
genehackerand that even someone with very little money can afford to know exactly what variant of the flu they have22:02
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Trooemeveryone becomes a part time doctor. cool..22:06
* Trooem has serious fear of studying due to his dyslexia... And time ran out for him, so he needs to make some serious cash.22:07
* Trooem can't do both.22:07
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Trooemif someone gives me a million dollars, i would do most anything.22:18
Trooemin 10 years, i will give you 10 million dollars.22:19
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fennperl: there's more than one way to screw it up: http://ffffound.com/image/582e0d8bdf199e64b833a1d0652be255c34e0def?c=544712522:51
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jrayhawkthat joke would be a lot more applicable to perl523:41
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