
--- Day changed Sun Jun 13 2010
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]00:43
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]01:32
drazakkanzure: so I found a local hackerspace, but their dues are outrageous, so I told them I'd donate experience and items instead of money, hope thye muy it01:36
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-59-201.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap02:38
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-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:13
-!- Cluckj [~Cluckj@m365a36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:18
CluckjI'm sorry I missed that talk, hahaha06:19
CluckjI caught the end of it06:19
-!- uniqanomaly_ [~ua@dynamic-87-105-22-254.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap06:33
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CluckjPhilosophies not grounded in reality, kanzure?06:41
CluckjWhich talk? This one?06:42
Utopiah(the whole morning will be like that)06:42
CluckjIt's interesting that a lot of the discussion shows some allergy to ethics :)06:42
CluckjOr philosophy...06:43
CluckjNow I'm interested in talking about it, hehe06:44
UtopiahIMHO it's because good philosophy is hard to do thus rare, babbling is way more common06:44
SelarAre they on break now?06:51
* Selar nods06:53
SelarThank yo06:53
SelarAre Aubrey DeGrey's slides anywhere?06:56
kanzureSelar: yes, but also a transcript http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s1-aubrey-de-grey.html06:57
* Selar nods ;)06:57
SelarYour transcript was the first thing I read :)06:57
kanzureCluckj: i think this tweet summarizes my views succintly: " wlgriffiths06:57
kanzure  06:57
kanzure#hplus "identity" is an ill-formed concept. That was "mooted" by stoned mystics thousands of years ago. "06:57
kanzurealso the cliams of the existence of consciousness disturb me06:58
QuantumGmicrotubuals, must be06:59
CluckjWe should talk about that later kanzure06:59
kanzurehow about now.. it's just james hughes going on, right?07:05
CluckjI'm interested in the ethical discussion, or lack thereof, because one of the core ideas from my discipline is that politics become embodied in artifacts that people create07:05
kanzureuh oh07:05
CluckjHehe, I kinda want to see this one though07:05
kanzureno, you don't *jedi mind trick*07:05
CluckjI'm not an ethicist by any means, but I know what they're talking about07:06
CluckjHave you seen his stuff before?07:06
kanzurejames and i have spent many email exchanges07:07
kanzurei have decided he's a hopeless lost cause07:07
kanzureso i'm not spending any more time on it07:07
kanzure(btw, him taking over WTA to advertize for his book, was not cool)07:07
kanzure"cyborg democracy"? yeah..07:08
CluckjSounds neat ;)07:09
kanzurehave you uh, read it?07:09
CluckjNo, but the title is catchy as f*ck07:09
Cluckjheh, yeah I see what you mean about him07:10
CluckjI think I've heard this stuff before07:10
CluckjHaha, goatfuckin'07:10
kanzureso far this talk isn't his usual spiell07:11
CluckjMaybe it's good you stayed :o07:11
kanzureyour ethical babble doesn't work on my mind, only money07:11
kanzure(well, money doesn't work on me either)07:12
CluckjThe pursuit of bling is an ethical system in itself07:12
CluckjMy view of ethics is pretty pragmatic, not just babble07:14
kanzurei seriously doubt he's "buddhist". based on his former ideas..07:15
CluckjEthics is the way we do things, and the ways in which we decide to do them07:15
CluckjMaybe he's a recent convert07:15
kanzureooh @ "BM3h-based sensors measure dopamine release in cell culture."07:16
CluckjI'm unsure how much "traditional philosophy" will help us do things...07:16
kanzure"Directed evolution of a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent for noninvasive imaging of dopamine"07:16
CluckjWe need new ethics and new discussions about it07:16
CluckjMeasure the pleasure...07:17
kanzurei wish i could go back in time and kill whoever started the dopamine=pleasure meme07:18
CluckjI think this guy presented at my discipline's conference07:18
CluckjI've definitely seen this before07:18
kanzuredopamine is pervasive throughout the nervous system and is not solely related to pleasure07:18
CluckjIt's especially present in gut neurons07:19
-!- wrldpc2 [~benny@pool-71-174-251-169.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:22
kanzurewrldpc2: are you in boston?07:23
kanzurewrldpc2: you should show up to hplus summit.. i'm sitting in the harvard university science center at the moment07:23
wrldpc2I just got back from Parris Island.07:23
kanzureget back in the car and get over here :P07:24
kanzurei'm speaking at 3:10pm EDT (boston time)07:24
CluckjCould you email that to me please? I'm on my blackberry and can't log07:24
wrldpc2I sent a message to Alex Lightman to see if I could get listed and he referred me to the registration page :\07:24
kanzureCluckj: email the link?07:24
kanzurewrldpc2: bullshit, just show up07:24
kanzurecall me if you face any trouble07:24
CluckjYeah dude just show up, it doesn't look like they're checking tags07:25
wrldpc2Bryan: cool.  I'll be through.  Would it be imposing if I brought a friend?07:25
wrldpc2i'll be through07:25
kanzurewrldpc2: not really, no07:25
wrldpc2I'll be through ASAP I just have to take care of some basics first.07:26
CluckjThis talk is a pretty good one...07:26
kanzurethe only guy who raised his hand when he asked "is anyone here a veteran" was Mark Hatch (CEO, TechShop)07:27
wrldpc2How was Wolfram?07:27
kanzurei avoided his talk07:27
kanzureso i don't know :)07:27
CluckjOh? What does he do? I took note of that too07:27
wrldpc2Did Lloyd talk?07:28
wrldpc2Who was the best so far?  Who were you guys really wanting to hear speak?07:29
kanzureandrew hessel was good as usual07:29
kanzurebut he's an obsessive compulsive presenter07:29
wrldpc2hottie on the mic07:31
CluckjLmao, I was talking about this with someone at the party last night07:31
UtopiahI wish Llyod had had Wolfram's time :/07:32
wrldpc2is she just pontificating or wut07:32
wrldpc2i really could give a shit about the philosophical implications of the singularity.07:33
CluckjNo, she's talking about personhood07:33
wrldpc2did Aubrey speak yet?07:33
CluckjBut that could be pontificating :P07:34
Utopiahyep at ~8:30am07:34
wrldpc2wow this talk is lame07:38
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:38
CluckjI'm not trying to argue, I'm an anthropologist trying to learn :)07:39
wrldpc2it's all philosophical mumbo jumbo.07:40
wrldpc2she's trying to get over on her sexiness.07:40
wrldpc2SHE IS QUITE SEXEH.07:40
CluckjI'm going to go talk to her, I'm glad she's talking about this stuff here07:41
CluckjThis is a talk I could skip :)07:43
kanzureheather was actually talking about "brand development"07:44
kanzureit's hard to spot, but her talk was secretly about brands and commercial marketing07:44
kanzurehm at congential analgesia07:44
CluckjThat's definitely a part of it07:45
Cluckj"Brand" is a similar concept to "identity"07:45
CluckjExcept it's YOUR "brand"07:45
kanzureplease stop07:45
kanzurei don't want to spam this channel with this bullshit07:46
CluckjHahaha :)07:46
CluckjI'll save it up for you in person :P07:47
kanzurePain perception is altered by a nucleotide polymorphism in scn9a, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2010 Mar 16; 107(11):S148-5307:48
CluckjIs there an archive of the tweets?07:50
kanzureprobably not07:51
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]07:51
kanzurehttp://abolitionist.com/ http://superhappiness.com/07:54
kanzurewtf? http://publicindividual.com/07:54
CluckjWes unruh is one of my friends in troy, ny07:55
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:55
-!- alidigitalis [43e966e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #hplusroadmap07:56
kanzurehi alidigitalis 07:56
CluckjWhat were you wtfing?07:57
kanzurethe website doesn't explain anything07:57
alidigitalisaloha kanzure 07:57
CluckjOh, haha07:57
alidigitalisanyhow, am working on a diybio project, very slowly for the past 8 yrs or so07:57
alidigitalishttp://greenstonepatent.com = there's an enzyme (cannabigerolic acid synthase) that's been characterized but not sequenced...07:58
CluckjKanzure, he's a professional blogger, if you google him, there's more stuff07:58
alidigitalisi'm trying to get together a better understanding of what needs to be done to then make a budget07:59
kanzurealidigitalis: i don't understand your front page on that link either07:59
kanzurewhat's the ncbi id of the enzyme?08:00
alidigitalisthe main part is the patent, the rest is humorous history08:00
alidigitaliskanzure: let me find it... brb08:00
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]08:00
kanzure"multi-center hydrogen bond"08:04
kanzureallosphere/allobrain/allonature hrm..08:04
-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-90-236.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap08:04
kanzurehi uniqanomaly__ 08:04
Utopiahthey could make metallo to navigate in their own design :-#08:05
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kanzure"Transgenic Stilbene-carboxylate synthase-like enzyme (TSCSL)" (see Fellermeier 1998)08:06
kanzurealidigitalis: was that it?08:06
alidigitalisyou're on it man 08:06
alidigitalisthank you for getting me in line ;)08:07
alidigitalisthe reason it's interesting is that THC is biologically reactive against mosquito larvae and many other nasty critters in ppm with no known ld-50 in higher organisms08:09
alidigitalisso it's an environmentally friendly detergent + anti-malarial 08:10
alidigitalisand you would need to consume 10+ gallons of fluid to even feel the effects of the THC (by which time water poisoning might be a more serious concern)08:10
alidigitalisanyhow, i'm definitely behind the times in biotech and am trying to come up with a plan of attack and a budget 08:11
alidigitalisi'm waiting to get my forum account on diybio.org to start a thread as I imagine the reply is much more educated and complex than the question08:13
alidigitalisalso my day job is webdev and i see the heybryan.com wiki is down, let me know if anyone needs a hand there, i've done several mediawiki installs and used a lot of their plugins too over the years08:15
-!- Roy78 [~Tiger@ip68-11-187-208.br.br.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:19
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kanzurenoah bushnell is hilarious08:29
CluckjThis presenter has cool pedagogy08:29
Utopiahmeh, he talks 80% about him then skip the content, where is the pedagogy there?08:29
CluckjI need to put something like that in my presentations08:30
kanzureUtopiah: it was an hour long talk reduced to 10min08:30
kanzurethis guy has more credentials than about any one else08:30
UtopiahI heard, that's why it's even more important to know what you are going to skip08:30
kanzureanyway, it was hilarious08:30
CluckjThere was content in the slides he skipped08:30
kanzurelots of content08:30
CluckjNotice that some of the content that he skipped was pictures and short phrases, stuff that you could read and see while he was skipping through it08:31
CluckjYeah, he knew what he could skip for sure :)08:32
CluckjSo what he did was structure his presentation in a way that let him skip things, but let people pick up on what he was skipping08:34
CluckjIt's pretty cool, I loved that08:34
CluckjI could be wrong about it though, I'll have to ask him08:38
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]08:42
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:42
alidigitalisare you talking about nolan bushnell?08:47
alidigitalishe's all over the map08:50
CluckjHow about this guy? Robert terchek (sp?)08:50
CluckjThat's the kind of stuff I want to help diy bio with08:55
UtopiahI was expecting sth crappy because of the title but IMHO he made good point regarding strategy of communication08:56
CluckjWhat tercek was talking about at the end08:56
CluckjYeah, definitely08:56
CluckjSth = something?08:57
Utopiahshould I mention this one there?09:00
Utopiah(guess not since he knew http://transhumanistwiki.com/wiki/Hplusroadmap_wiki )09:01
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone. Time for sleep. Good luck with your presentation, B.B..09:02
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:02
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:08
-!- Noahj1 [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:08
wrldpc2what has Mac Cowell been up to lately?  He's kept his distance from the H+ community.  09:12
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CluckjKanzure, is it okay to post this channel on twitter?09:16
CluckjOr maybe make a new one for the conf?09:17
-!- Cluckj [~Cluckj@m365a36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Quit: used jmIrc]09:21
-!- Cluckj [~Cluckj@m465a36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:21
UtopiahCluckj: post #transhumanism09:24
CluckjI'll get grant to do it09:26
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:37
kanzureCluckj: yeah it's fine09:48
-!- AJollyLife [~AJollyLif@dhcp-0098778272-4b-eb.client.fas.harvard.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:48
kanzurewrldpc2: yeah mac was around yesterday09:48
CluckjWord. I'll send people over when they come in09:48
AJollyLife...wow, this is a much bigger channel :)09:48
CluckjMac might be around today09:48
kanzureAJollyLife: are you Jolly?09:49
AJollyLifeyep :)09:49
kanzureshouldn't you be behind a camera :P09:49
AJollyLifepsh, im behind my netbook, uploading photos09:50
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]09:50
kanzureclose enough i guess09:50
AJollyLifejust took a photo of you though :P09:50
kanzurelike a ninja09:50
AJollyLifei've got some long glass :)09:51
-!- uniqanomaly_ [~ua@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:04
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wrldpc2who the hell is talking right now?11:05
wrldpc2"massive question" ??  ehhh .. no.11:05
kanzurewrldpc2: are you present yet?11:06
wrldpc2on my way now11:08
wrldpc2got a foot out the door.11:08
kanzuremy talk starts at 3:10 supposedly.. (2:10 CST) but it'll probably be delayed11:08
kanzureaquaponica, unfied field bank, design education, palomar, recrear11:08
-!- thesnark [~michael@ppp-69-221-3-3.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:09
kanzurehi thesnark 11:09
thesnarkhey kanzure11:09
kanzuremy talk starts in about an hour11:09
thesnarkI know :)11:09
kanzurebut it might be delayed a bit11:09
thesnarkoh hm could you give me that link again?11:09
thesnarkto the stream?11:09
thesnarkI'm totally loving this waiting music they have11:11
kanzurequick, hook up shazam to it!11:12
thesnarkI just googled the lyrics11:12
-!- wrldpc2 [~benny@pool-71-174-251-169.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: wrldpc2]11:19
thesnark"A lot easier than C++" Not that hard to master C++ basics...11:20
AJollyLife#hplus photos from Sat! http://bit.ly/bwQs1u Please tag photos - All CC licensed! Please give me feedback/let me know what you want to see!11:21
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap11:21
kanzureAJollyLife: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/photos/ feel free to add these11:26
AJollyLifehmm. i think we probably need an main page that links to all #hplus photos11:27
-!- metaliving [~a@ppp-94-68-250-251.home.otenet.gr] has joined #hplusroadmap11:29
kanzurehi metaliving 11:43
kanzuremark hatch transcript: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s16-mark-hatch.html11:43
kanzuredavid orban transcript: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s17-david-orban.html11:44
kanzure Directed evolution of a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent for noninvasive imaging of dopaminehttp://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v28/n3/full/nbt.1609.html11:45
kanzuredopamine 11:45
kanzure Directed evolution of a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent for noninvasive imaging of dopamine http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v28/n3/full/nbt.1609.html11:45
kanzurethere we go11:45
Alystairdopamine deficient :(11:45
Alystairstandard reward pathways don't work for me unless I take the lovely ritalin11:46
-!- victoreremita [~a@ppp-94-68-250-251.home.otenet.gr] has joined #hplusroadmap11:47
kanzurewhat's with you people and thinking dopamine=pleasure?11:48
kanzurelike this has only happened in the past week11:48
kanzureand it keeps showing up11:48
-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-80-202.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap11:49
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Alystairwho are you calling... you people... >:|11:55
Alystairkanzure: humans like to over simplify11:55
Utopiahprecision is costly11:56
kanzureAlystair: it hasn't been just you (sadly)11:57
heathso... any good talks today?11:59
-!- heath is now known as ybit11:59
-!- GPenguin [~patrick@unaffiliated/sfsoc] has joined #hplusroadmap12:00
GPenguinhi guys12:00
ybithi GPenguin12:00
GPenguinare you all having a good day?12:01
thesnarkHow about yourself GPenguin?12:01
GPenguinbesides that i am missing my love i am enjoying the evening12:02
ybitGPenguin: kanzure is about to talk after this girl... at the link i sent you12:02
GPenguinabout which girl?12:02
ybitthere's a girl talking...12:02
victoreremitait doesn't seem like he's after that girl on the schedule12:02
kanzurehi GPenguin 12:03
ybitoh right, joseph jackson12:03
kanzureybit: no, joseph jackson first12:03
* GPenguin tips hat at kanzure 12:03
kanzurehi there12:03
kanzuremy battery is dying. i hope i can transcript joseph's talk though..12:03
ybitagain have there been any good talks today?12:03
ybitkanzure: no outlets?12:03
GPenguini am after my beloved Christine Zimmermann :P12:04
-!- uniqanomaly_ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-86-161.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap12:04
kanzuremark hatch at techshop, although it wasn't as fantastic as otherwise12:04
kanzureybit: no outlets near where i moved to12:04
victoreremitathe first summit was better12:04
kanzurethis was an ok talk: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s12-robert-tercek.html12:04
ybitah, i wanted to see that one12:04
kanzurethis was hilarious (maybe the video will show the humor) http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s11-noah-bushnell.html12:04
Utopiah(more and more people already, let's seea after the talk! ;)12:04
kanzureaubrey was ok http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d2s1-aubrey-de-grey.html12:04
ybiti'm also curious about brian malow, patrick hopkins, and james hughes...12:05
-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-80-202.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]12:05
kanzuremeh at james hughes :P12:05
kanzureand hopkins12:05
ybitthey have done a better job at getting the talks online this year12:06
CluckjAwesome, more people are in here :)12:06
ybiti was able to watch some of the talks i missed after the conf yesterday12:06
kanzureybit: are they posting the videos somewhere?12:06
victoreremitafunny how you skipped just one specific transcript :P12:06
kanzurejust one?12:06
ybitkanzure: they are grouping them it seems at the livestream link, http://www.livestream.com/humanityplus12:07
victoreremita(was looking at the first ones)12:07
victoreremitathere was a 4chan raid on the livestream chat12:07
kanzureomg i missed it? :(12:07
GPenguinsorry when i am all silent, but all i can do is think of my sweet Apple12:07
ybitvictoreremita: really? :) what time12:07
kanzurei hope 4chan raids it during my talk12:07
victoreremitaaround one hour ago12:08
kanzureit's a great honor12:08
ybitkanzure: quickly post to 4chan! :)12:08
GPenguinmaybe another cup of coffee12:08
kanzureto be raided/raped by 4chan12:08
kanzureybit: you go ahead12:08
kanzurejoseph jackson first though12:08
CluckjYeah spam it on 4chan :)12:08
Utopiahadmin is now securing the chan12:08
victoreremitamost speakers are rather tiring12:09
kanzurevictoreremita: agreed12:10
kanzureactually, could you guys tweet it up for joseph jackson and me?12:10
kanzurein particular, drop lots of links to open science summit12:10
victoreremitacomputation pattern network connections knowledge complexity, reminds me of that tool for creating a TED talk12:11
victoreremitatoo much buzzword use, not much content12:11
AlystairI want a transscript12:11
Alystairso I can summize it12:11
AJollyLifeopensciencesummit conflicts with a different conference for me :(12:12
GPenguinthis song is for you, Christine!12:12
fenntweet tweet12:12
Alystairwhy is that so blurry12:14
Alystairit's a futurist meet up and they can't even get a proper resolution?12:14
thesnarkstream not working shhiiiiitt12:14
victoreremitaworks for me12:14
AJollyLifethe recorded vids will be in 1080p12:15
Alystairthat's excessive, screenshots/slides and a tiny face cam would do the trick12:16
thesnarkWTF IT'S NOT WORKING12:16
Alystairthesnark: your end12:16
thesnarkI know12:16
thesnarkIt was working before ;__;12:16
UtopiahI wonder if he could fit an entire PDF book on a slide :-#12:17
CluckjHmm maybe I should go to this...12:20
Alystairdid you already present kanzure?12:22
Cluckjhe's going up right now12:22
Alystairoh wicked12:23
Alystairthat's him?12:23
Alystairthat's him?12:23
* Alystair never met kanzure12:23
Alystairwow GREAT presenter12:23
Alystairfinally someone with proper slide skills12:23
CluckjYeah no shit, haha :)12:23
Alystairhe needs a clicker12:24
CluckjHe spent a lot of time on them12:24
AJollyLifemore people need to read slideology12:24
CluckjI really really like his title image slide12:24
AJollyLifeit takes a lot of work to develop good slides, most people dont bother :(12:24
Alystairwho designed that?12:24
AJollyLife<-- used to give a *ton* of speeches12:24
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Cluckjthe DIY h+ thing? He did12:24
wrldpc2Who is in the auditorium now?12:25
AJollyLifewrldpc2: i am12:25
CluckjI am, jolly is12:25
wrldpc2I'm sitting in the back row on the right.12:25
wrldpc2huge glasses, blue shirt.12:25
AlystairI use that badboy right there, works great12:25
fennAlystair: graphics12:25
Alystairman I didn't realize how big a deal kanzure was :o12:26
CluckjIt's well deserved12:27
AJollyLifeAlystair: presentation remotes are very useful. so is presentation mode...or memorizing speeches12:27
GPenguinhands off of my remote control!12:27
GPenguini am of peaceful nature, but if you touch this while i am DJ'ing i go mad :P12:28
AlystairAJollyLife: I like having complete control because in smaller groups people might want to ask pertient questions mid-presentation12:28
GPenguinyeah, me too Alystair 12:29
GPenguinbut on the other side, giving control to somebody you trust can be a relief12:29
AJollyLifeAlystair: I add in extra slides for questions that I anticipate12:29
fennsomeone make him talk faster!12:30
CluckjI think his pace is fine :P12:30
AlystairAJollyLife: would be funny if you did it in a similar way QI (a british comedy series) does for "gotcha" answers12:30
CluckjPeople are paying attention12:30
AJollyLifehis speech is better organized than most12:31
AJollyLifealso, it helps when you dont put up everything you are saying on the slides :)12:31
CluckjI use that pedagogy too, it really helps people focus on what you're saying12:32
Roy78gj Bryan12:33
CluckjWoop woop12:33
Alystairwoo Bryan12:34
victoreremitagreat job12:34
AJollyLifekanzure: you had a photo of a good friend of mine on that last slide :)12:35
fennhm well i cant figure out how to copy text from the ustream comments.. anyway people liked it12:37
UtopiahDave_k: yea!!!!    more wild applause!!!!12:37
Utopiahbobdole: \o/ Great speech Byran12:37
fenn"too bad he can't transcribe himself"12:37
GPenguinnot yet!12:38
ybitkanzure: forgot to mention, it may have been a good idea to mention snorting stem cells along with gfp?12:49
GPenguinby cells belong to me and nobody else!12:51
GPenguinwell ok, except for a certain woman maybe ...12:51
GPenguinbut only maybe12:51
CluckjSnorting gfp cells off a hooker's ass?12:52
ybitheh, er.. not where i was going with that :)12:53
fenna robot hooker's ass?12:54
fennliving the dream, baby12:54
CluckjWell, you can count on me to go there, hehe :)13:02
Alystairkurtz on stage now13:02
Alystairer kurzweil >_>13:03
wrldpc2Bryan what has everyone been doing after the conf?13:07
AlystairThe H+ logo Bryan used in the cover slide is actually the logo for a now defunct singularity like magazine13:09
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CluckjHe made the diy and put them together...13:11
Utopiahseems everything goes faster and faster but Kurzweil talks...13:11
CluckjZing :)13:11
GPenguinwaka waka13:11
CluckjPeople pay attention better when you speak slowly and clearly :)13:12
AJollyLifeAlystair: the magazine is not defunct13:13
fennthe magazine is being held hostage in a political temper tantrum13:15
fennless than a year ago the organization was called WTA13:16
AJollyLifei thought the people responsible for the H+ summit were taking it over?13:16
Alystairmeh I'm zoning out on kurz13:17
Alystairain't my thing13:17
victoreremitasame old same old13:18
CluckjA couple people on twitter agree13:19
ybitso what does kurzweil do aside from talking?13:21
ybitwhat has came out of the singularity u?13:21
victoreremitahe's been making movies13:21
GPenguinChristine Zimmermann, i love you!13:22
victoreremitai like how they think of his appearance in the summit as something really important13:22
victoreremitait's a transhumanist summit, he SHOULD be there13:23
CluckjHe has some notoriety, and brings it with him to here13:23
victoreremitathose aren't happening every day13:23
CluckjHaha, yes I agree13:23
fennybit: needs a nose cone13:24
fenntintin rocket13:24
* GPenguin dances a bit to distract and relax13:25
fennybit did you tweet your question?13:26
ybitno, i probably should13:26
CluckjJolly, I haven't seen this before :P13:27
ybitCluckj: :)13:28
fenni havent seen any q/a actually, so i dunno what all this "tweet #hplus with questions" is about13:28
CluckjI haven't seen any either13:28
AJollyLifeI belive they had one q/a13:29
CluckjOh, crap I missed it, how did it go? 13:29
ybitthere's a q/a on the schedule..13:29
CluckjSchedules are as flexible here as definitions of "human"13:30
ybitCluckj: did you make it to the h+ beer meetup?13:31
ybithow many people showed up?13:31
ybitanything come of it?13:31
CluckjA billion13:31
CluckjAbout 40 people were there when I showed up at 813:31
CluckjThere were probably twice as many earlier than that13:32
ybiti'm guessing it was more of a social event with no goals in mind :)13:32
CluckjI got a lot out of it13:32
CluckjI'm an anthropologist :)13:32
CluckjI met a lot of people and talked about a lot of things, almost all of which were related to science, ethics, or transhumanism13:34
CluckjIt was a phenomenal networking event13:34
CluckjI saw a lot more discussions and waving/smiling between people today13:35
AJollyLifeyeah, it was great, i love the making friends/networking aspects13:35
CluckjGotta get that friendly community going even stronger13:35
AJollyLifei'm going to be quite sad when the conference ends13:35
CluckjGo to the openscience summit :)13:36
ybitAlystair, Cluckj, agreed, i really enjoyed meeting people in person at the first event13:36
CluckjThere's a singularity conference in a bit too13:36
CluckjYbit did we meet?13:36
ybiti unfortunately am currenlty not able to financially afford traveling every 6 months or so13:36
ybitCluckj: i'm not sure..what's your name?13:37
CluckjOh haha, nm13:37
CluckjJon cluck13:37
ybitwere you @ the first event?13:37
ybitfenn: did i meet Cluckj? :)13:37
CluckjI was confused and thought you were here :o13:37
CluckjThis is the first h+ thing I've been to13:38
ybiti'll be in boston this fall visiting with a friend there13:38
ybitplan on going to the diybio meeting there13:38
AJollyLifeCluckj: did i meet you?13:38
AJollyLifeim horrible with names :/13:38
fennhi Cluckj, i'm in the bay area13:39
ybitCluckj, AJollyLife: where are you two from?13:39
fennwish i could be there13:39
CluckjYep, I am awful with names too, which is unfortunate for my profession13:39
AJollyLifeybit: currently florida, but I identify with chicago the most13:40
AJollyLifei rely on people to remember me. it usually works13:40
ybitAJollyLife: i'm in alabama13:40
CluckjJolly we met yesterday after the last panel, I commented on your shirt/blazer combo13:40
AJollyLifeybit: i think my single largest expense after rent is travel13:40
ybitfenn, kanzure: what happened to katsmeow?13:40
AJollyLifeCluckj: ok! i remember you :) i think i've got a good photo of you up on my stream13:40
CluckjYbit, I am a graduate student at RPI in Troy NY13:40
AJollyLifeCluckj: what major? i know some people over there13:41
ybitCluckj: drazak is in ny13:41
CluckjAh, cool13:41
drazaktroy is the other side of the state from me13:41
AJollyLifeyeah. i'll be in nyc later this year for the hackers on planet earth conference13:41
CluckjSomeone told me there was someone at rpi doing diy bio or transhumanism stuff13:42
CluckjOh yeah it was kanzure who told me13:42
drazakkanzure: I'm waiting for the local hackerspace to email me back13:42
CluckjDrazak do you do diy bio?13:42
drazakCluckj: some, mainly I tell people how bad their ideas are, or provide different solutions13:43
CluckjCool :) I'm studying/participating in the boston group13:44
CluckjIt is13:44
CluckjThey're pretty awesome13:44
drazakthey want like $30 a month for membership here13:44
drazakI told them I'm a poor college student and that I'll pay with experience and equiptment/items13:45
CluckjI can nerd out (I used to be a biochemist), and do some anthropological research at the same time13:45
ybitwe charge $15/month here13:45
ybitcost of living is much lower too13:45
CluckjThat's not too bad13:46
CluckjDoes that money go to rent/utilities?13:46
ybityeah, everyone can afford it.. right now it goes directly to projects we want to work on13:46
drazakI think they'll be ok with me being a poor student13:46
CluckjEr, if I may ask...13:46
ybitCluckj: oh it's fine, we start paying $100/month rent later this year13:47
CluckjCool :)13:47
drazakthe local space has 3600sq ft though13:47
ybit6500sq ft here :)13:47
Cluckjhaha, that's a bunch of space13:48
ybitbut it requiring a lot of restoration work 13:48
ybitstill it's in the middle of the downtown area beside the university, so it is nice13:48
CluckjIt's super DIY then, hah!13:48
CluckjDo you get a lot of college students?13:49
ybit~70% are college students or grads13:50
Cluckjdo you frequent this channel?13:51
ybitCluckj: yup, i'm usually idle though13:51
ybiti'm idle everywhere, including the openmanufacturing, diybio, diy-h+ mailing lists13:51
CluckjAh, okay, I'm looking for more research sites for "diy bio"13:51
ybitthe mailing lists and the faq is helpful13:51
CluckjI've been lurking on the ml for about 18 months?13:53
CluckjKanzure, have you seen mac? I have a book to give to him 13:54
ybiti'm guessing kanzure's computer is recharging atm13:56
ybitor powered down..13:56
fenni dont see your question on the first two pages of tweets..13:57
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AJollyLifeybit: his computer looks up to me14:01
AJollyLifehes probably busy transcribing14:01
-!- danx00r [~dbm@c-71-202-164-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:02
danx00rheh I knew this had to exist14:02
danx00rtried hplus, humanityplus etc14:02
AJollyLifeits weird, i tried googling for this, but no mentions14:02
Utopiah(there is also a log available) 14:03
ybithi danx00r14:03
danx00rhi ybit14:03
fennthis channel has actually been around longer than the humanity+ name change14:03
danx00ryou watching the stream?14:03
ybiteveryone is i believe14:03
danx00rheh well it's not advertised (the chan)14:03
ybiti'm not going to ask again :) 14:04
ybitbut anyway, i'm going to watch the rest of this, bbl14:04
danx00rman livestream's chat sux -- no completion, no history, no logging14:04
fenni think it's actually an irc backend somewhere, or maybe that's ustream14:04
AJollyLifei found the transhumanist irc channel, but not htis one via google14:05
AJollyLifefenn: thats ustream i belive14:05
Utopiah(thus irc://c.ustream.tv )14:06
kanzure" mrgarlic14:06
kanzure  14:06
kanzure@Jolly What about fake beard DIY biotech project? Transhumanists could recognize each other on the street. Open Beard #hplus "14:06
kanzure"taliensib Open Source patent pools for self defense against corporate patent trolls? Pity it's too late for GNU/Linux..."14:07
fenngnu/linux was based on prior art anyway14:09
kanzure"OrthoNormalRuss: oh noes! Perry Metzger has already jumped Brian Bishop and is gonna hire him before I can! Curses, Perry!"14:09
fennwell, gnu was, linux just sorta happened14:10
uniqanomaly_seizure of power on gov. level -> fixing up system14:10
uniqanomaly_thats the way14:10
fennwhy is it i know the name perry metzger?14:11
drazakseriously? http://pastebin.ca/188246914:11
fennah he's on twister14:12
fennsifter, whatever14:12
fennand tt14:13
wrldpc2 what is going on after the conf14:14
kanzurea good corporate citizen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYoTj-leqrk&feature=PlayList&p=C2C7DF2DAF18D2D9&playnext_from=PL&index=6&playnext=114:15
kanzureok done with http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23hplus backlog14:18
wrldpc2here he goes with the fucking anti-diybio spiel14:18
wrldpc2"a secret crazy bioterrorist could engineer a supervirus!!"  ... uhh yeeeeeahh ... but a public crazy diybiologist could produce an antigen.14:19
wrldpc2zero sum.14:19
kanzurefuck, snorting stem cells would have been awesome to mention :)14:20
kanzureAlystair: actually the magazine is coming back to life14:20
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wrldpc2oh this is interesting to listen to kurzweil's apology here.  his view has evolved some.14:20
ybitokay and i'm back 14:20
CluckjHaha, he is trashing diybio?14:21
kanzureCluckj: yeah mac is around somewhere14:21
kanzurehi danx00r 14:21
ybitwtf is with all the media surrounding kurzweil o.O14:21
CluckjOh word, thanks!14:21
fennhah i love the swarm of photographers attacking the stage14:21
kanzurewrldpc2: dunno, but let's hang out a bit14:22
kanzurehi sinito 14:22
kanzureok, laptop needs to close again14:22
kanzuregrumble grumble14:22
kanzurei ran out of business cards :( wah14:22
kanzurei gave them out as napkins at sprout..14:22
kanzurei don't know why14:22
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alidigitalisoh yeah, for anyone following whattup i've gotten a protein sequencer + pcr machine from ebay recently... of course the reagents'll cost more than the machines... c'est la vie14:48
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genehackerwhose trashing diybio?15:32
genehackercrap, I missed the singularity didn't I?15:33
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fennwtf no unicode for whuffie?15:58
fennhah, this should be the official symbol http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/37859603/58849416:01
jrayhawkRe: d2s11-noah-bushnell.html: his name is Nolan.16:17
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:26
genehackerwhere are the Hplus videos?16:37
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fennthey'll be on humanityplus.org, probably up on monday afternoon i'd guess16:53
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genehackeralso Hayabusa successfully reentered with asteroid rock samples16:56
genehackerI can't wait till they recover them16:56
fenni wonder what they'll say when they find bacterial contamination16:56
genehackerit's from the earth16:57
genehackerI wonder if they'll find any metals in the sample16:58
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wrldpc2kanzure you there?17:20
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ybitkanzure: yeah, hopkins: meh17:31
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ybittercek's talk was good18:34
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-!- thur [~chatzilla@66-90-146-146.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:04
fennffs it's impossible to get a quote on how much to expect for an aluminum honeycomb panel or aluminum composite panel19:59
thuranyone know where to find image recognition implementations of Neuroph (neuroph.sourceforge.net) to batch process a bunch of pdfs?20:06
thurjust throwing that out there20:06
genehackerwhat do they use aluminum honeycomb for?20:13
genehackeraircraft parts right?20:13
fenni'm building a life support pod20:14
fennapparently it's used for clean room walls and various businessy things like as a substrate for printing signs and light weight curtain walls20:14
fennthur you just mean OCR? i dont see what's special about neuroph20:15
thuri'm looking for image recognition20:15
thuri have a bunch of pdfs20:16
fennwhat are you trying to recognize?20:16
thurand i want to take out a piece of text (i.e. image) and then try to find that image (or something close to it) in a larger collection of pdfs20:16
thurbryan turned me on to artificial neural networks20:16
thurand i've been messing with it since then but kind of having a block now20:17
fennthere are a lot of algorithms that work, not only neural nets20:17
thuri have a collection of scanned contracts20:17
thurit's just text really20:17
genehackerwhy do they use it in clean room walls?20:17
genehackerwhat sort of life support pod?20:17
fenngenehacker: it contains no dust20:17
fennfor my experimental warehouse lifestyle20:17
genehackerI was thinking more about the pressure capabilities of it20:18
fennno, mostly for thermal and sound insulation20:18
thuri'm really just looking for the most accurate OCR or image recognition software that can batch process 20:18
fennhoneycomb doesn't provide very good thermal insulation, but aluminum composite panel may not be strong enough without external support over a 4x8 panel20:18
fennso i was thinking 3 aluminum composite panel walls and a honeycomb floor with a slab of EPS foam20:19
fennthur: if you want open source check out tesseract/ocropus, but i could never get it to work, configuration is a nightmare20:20
thuri'm messing with it now20:20
thurbut yes20:20
fennbkero has done some stuff with it20:20
fennif you figure it out, please write up a step by step 'how to ocr pdfs with ocropus' and post it on the web20:21
thurthat's exactly what i am looking for now!20:21
thurwill do fenn20:21
genehackerwhy do you want to scan in pdf papers?20:22
fennso you dont have a bunch of useless crap laying around20:22
fennisn't it obvious?20:22
thurno image matching recommendations?  it seems like a neural network would work if i could just get a program that allowed batch processing20:22
thuractually i work for a company that scans all its signed contracts20:22
fenni guess i dont really understand what you're trying to do.. something like djvu that just says 'this section over here looks like this other section'?20:22
thurand never kept the easily searchable Word documents20:22
thuryes exactly20:23
thurshould i give djvu a shot?20:23
fennyou won't be able to search over that though20:23
fenndjvu actually stores some ocr-like metadata20:23
fennso you can search it20:23
thuryaeh i've been able to OCR all the 600+ contracts using adobe acrobat pro20:23
fennbut if you do copy/paste sometimes you'll get weird crap20:23
thurbut it's not as accurate as i need because of varying quality20:24
thurin the scans20:24
fenni dont think anybody's made a 100% accurate OCR implementation20:24
fenncurrently google is farming out their low-confidence words to recaptcha20:25
thurwish i could do the same20:25
fennyou can, just set up a porn site and make people solve captchas20:25
fennor the boring way (amazon turk)20:26
thuri like the first idea20:26
fennyeah i got the idea from an evil AI that was pretending to be a hottie20:26
fennsth like that20:26
thurso no recommendations on just straight image matching?20:26
thurit's a great idea though20:27
thuryou should just take credit for it20:27
genehackeroh I see real papers20:27
fenni'm not a super expert at image recognition, i need to learn more about it. might want to try #machinelearning20:28
thuryeah unfortunately20:28
fennmy current obsession is how to leverage video ASIC to find motion/optic flow and derive 3d coordinates from that20:31
fennmodern video compression like x264 does useful stuff to the data20:31
genehackersounds neat20:33
genehackermuch better than the current approach used in machine vision20:33
genehackerwhich uses lasers or lidar20:33
fennblegh i actually have to learn all this crap20:34
* fenn hides from reality20:34
fennstarting at omnivision tomorrow20:34
fenn9 am, means i have to be up by 6:3020:36
fenndamn there's gotta be a better way to do this20:36
fennsweet, bike + train + light rail is faster, cheaper, and most importantly has no buses20:42
fennit's unfortunate google doesn't know how to do bike and public transit in the same trip20:42
thuryou gotta teach em fenn20:44
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ybitping <-> pong22:01
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cluckjyikes, I am so tired22:25
ybitdrazak, fenn, genehacker, kanzure: what's the famous story of some guy in cali sequencing his daughter's genome?22:46
ybitHugh Reinhoff 22:49
ybitthank you internets22:49
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AJollyLifehows it going?23:01
splicerasking me?23:01
splicerfine but at work23:02
AJollyLifewhat time zone are you in?23:03

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