
--- Day changed Sat Jun 26 2010
-!- elmom [~elmom@hoasnet-fe29dd00-137.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
kanzurehm jon lebkowsky was an extropian? no wonder i keep bumping into him00:03
-!- splicer [~patrik@h137n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:08
kanzurepmetzger appears disproprotionately often in the authors list00:12
jrayhawkhe was young and needed the street cred00:13
Utopiah(makes me think of "From researcher in the lab to blond in the highschool playground, why popularity contests matter.")00:15
kanzurei refuse to believe ESR was an extropian00:21
kanzurewell, actually, i don't refuse it00:21
kanzurebut it's fairly shocking :P00:21
kanzureInigo Montoya <inigo@u.washington.edu> hmm..00:24
kanzurehrm why do i know sublime.org ..00:33
kanzurebuh? "Michael Baum (NIST Public Affairs)" <BAUM@micf.nist.gov>00:34
kanzurearoo? Carl Feynman <carlf@media.mit.edu>00:35
kanzureSteve Jackson <sjackson@tic.com>, Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>, 00:37
JayDuggerESR an extropian, shocking?00:52
JayDuggerOkay--remember there might not have been very many other places for libertarian futurists at that time.00:52
JayDuggerOr transhumanists of any kind, for that matter.00:53
JayDuggerDepending on when in the archive you look, the terms might have signified different things than now.00:53
kanzure"But the consequences will be radical -- the era of mass production will grind to dust on a million back-yard manufacturing systems."00:56
kanzurethat was charlie stross in 199300:56
kanzure>Biocyte has opened the first umbilical cord stem cell cryonic storage facility00:57
kanzure>ever.  That means that parents can store their newborn's basic cells00:58
kanzure>(harvested from the umbilical cord) for future use for bone marrow00:58
kanzure>replenishment and gene therapy.  The new generation can now remake themselves00:58
kanzure>in a way the rest of us can not.  Regeneration of all their parts...00:58
kanzurehm i don't think that's it00:59
kanzureah here we go: http://web.archive.org/web/20030605061629/http://pharmastem.com/00:59
kanzurejrayhawk: what was the "open software foundation" ?01:01
kanzuremichel bauwens on "the emergence of open design and open manufacturing" http://bit.ly/9q9Xdm01:11
kanzureself-reproducing molecular-scale machines http://www.nan7ote7chs.tk/lillipution-uploads-sci-nanotech-submission01:17
kanzuretechnological self-transformation: expanding personal extropy http://www.maxmore.com/selftrns.htm (the article i was quoting from earlier appears to be online as well)01:18
jrayhawkThey're the precurser to The Open Group, who defined most of POSIX01:19
jrayhawkha ha TOG is partially responsible for the LSB, too, which has been a disaster01:23
kanzure"Indeed, a nice example are the miniature C. Elegans nematodes used by many molecular geneticists.  They were deliberately evolved by Sidney Brenner, because their ancestors were too large to fit on a single slide for his electron microscope."01:35
kanzure(that was marvin minsky)01:35
kanzureQ:  What algorithm did Intel use in the Pentium's floating point divider?01:40
kanzureA:  "Life is like a box of chocolates." (Source: F. Gump of Intel)01:40
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-!- thesnark [~thesnark@cpe-75-187-54-128.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:14
thesnarkHello all06:15
JayDuggerGood morning.06:15
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JayDuggerI finally found a practical use for a home 3d printer: making cascade hangers.07:32
JayDuggerI feel nonplussed. A fantastic gadget, a marvelous tool, and the first good use for it I've found has such quotidian and mundane character.07:33
JayDuggerAnyone read the new Stross novel, "The Fuller Memorandum?"07:39
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QuantumGsounds familiar08:00
kanzuresketch "anti-aging" stem cell clinic: http://www.ascaac.com/index_eng.html08:09
kanzure"Use of condensed pyrimidine derivatives for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases" 08:09
* drazak graduates in 3 hours08:09
drazakkanzure: are those the people that inject autologous fat cells?08:10
kanzurehmm... http://www.webdesign-jobs.com/iphone-developer-needed-for-capital-factory-funded-startup-austin/08:10
kanzure"ipad dev experience" gah08:10
JayDuggerdrazak: Congratulations!08:11
drazakI may or may not be getting an ipad08:11
drazakkanzure: those stem cells have been found to create changes smaller than a t valume of .05, it's nearly inisifnificant08:12
* drazak may have done the t value thing backwards08:12
drazakwhatever it is, it's been found to be medically insignificant08:12
kanzuredrazak: that's why it's sketch ;)08:12
kanzurehttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/26/opinion/lweb26genome.html "The Genome Project: Patience Needed for a Payoff" "awaiting the genome payoff"08:13
kanzure"Healthcare develops personal touch" http://jacksonville.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/stories/2010/06/28/story2.html08:13
drazakkanzure: mesenchymal stem cells would work way better, but it's painful to have bone marrow taken :P08:13
kanzure"Illumina Maps Full Genetic Makeup For Sub-$10K" http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article/538624/201006252348/Illumina-Maps-Full-Genetic-Makeup-For-Sub-10K-.aspx08:13
kanzure"Caliper Owners Group Meeting Showcases Critical Role of Biopharma and Academic ..." <--- what?08:13
kanzuredo you just need calipers to join?08:13
-!- Ian_Daniher [~it@nat-pool-128-107.olin.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:14
kanzurepersonalized medicine in the genomic-era: http://www.scientificamerican.com/report.cfm?id=personalized-medicine08:15
-!- Ian_Dani1er [~it@nat-pool-128-107.olin.edu] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]08:15
kanzurehm i've never heard of 'DNA Direct' http://pharmexec.findpharma.com/pharmexec/Strategy/Riding-the-Wave/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/674795?contextCategoryId=4377608:15
kanzure'Pathway Genomics Insight Saliva Collection genetic testing kit' hard to swallow that08:16
kanzure"As mentioned, Medco recently purchased DNA Direct to form the Medco Personalized Medicine Program, which incorporates a variety of services geared to using genetic tests as a way to manage drug spending more efficiently among its client insurers and providers."08:16
kanzure"CVS Caremark has increased its investment in and partnered with Generation Health, a company billing itself as a genetic benefit management company (GBM), focused on assuring optimal utilization of genetic testing."08:16
kanzure"genetic benefit management company" hrm08:17
JayDuggerThat reminds me to check on 23andMe's results.08:17
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kanzurei can't figure out what these guys actually /do/ http://www.mygenhealth.com/08:27
JayDuggerPart fools from their money?08:27
drazakJayDugger: thanks, by te way08:28
JayDuggerTime to run errands before the sun rises higher.08:36
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]08:36
-!- lepton [~john@ma30736d0.tmodns.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:04
kanzurefenn: how were the python seminars yesterday?09:06
kanzurefenn: based on my presentations in the past, any suggestions for my scipy2010 presentations this wednesday?09:06
kanzurei.e. major differences that i should attempt09:06
kanzureshould i do a demo? etc.09:06
kanzurei'm surprised anne wojcicki is not as high profile as craig venter09:13
kanzureshe has more billions and is doing more consumer-targetted stuff09:13
kanzure23andme paper http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.100099309:13
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leptonI've got motion on the CNC with EMC2! Woohoo!09:35
Utopiahif you have resources justifiying open source, open tech, FOSS, etc... and criticizing locked-in effect, commercial practices, etc... for creative work in particular please flood me in PM09:57
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YocttarUtopiah: think of Utopiah..10:16
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kanzurepmetzger: you are represented disproportionately often in the extropians mailing list archive12:31
pmetzgerthe archive isn't supposed to be public. but I'm not surprised.12:35
pmetzger(in fact, there was a big agreement that it not be public)12:35
pmetzgerI was pretty loud. :)12:36
kanzurei think i accidentally acquired it12:37
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pmetzgergah. the debian lenny installer takes forever to ext3ify a 1T partition.13:15
pmetzgerI bet they didn't turn off metadata journaling for the duration of the create.13:15
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-!- diques [cluckj@cpe-72-231-169-163.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:55
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kanzurevarious open source hardware biz talks at HOPE http://thenexthope.org/2010/06/45-talks-that-will-be-at-the-next-hope-still-not-half-the-total/13:57
kanzuremeh: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peyer/hello-world-modern-biotechnology-for-high-schools13:57
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-!- shepazu [~schepers@host81-152-128-43.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:04
kanzurejapanese demonstrating how to hold a cell phone: http://photos-451.friendster.com/e1/photos/15/48/18428451/1_246234319l.jpg14:27
kanzurefenn will like that.14:27
kanzure"Yes, that was me.  I think Perry Metzger <perry@piermont.com> and/or14:59
kanzureMichael Vassar <michael.vassar@gmail.com> would like to have a copy of14:59
kanzurethe extropians mailing list archive. "14:59
kanzureapparently the 'phil goetz' hanging out on diybio is the same phil goetz i saw in the archives14:59
kanzurehi diques 15:03
kanzureoh you're probably jcluck15:04
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diquesnick cluckj15:35
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fennhmm intereresting "As of 2010, the film adaptation of Battle Angel is currently in pre-production[4]  with director James Cameron."16:44
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fenngratz lepton, now what?17:13
kanzure"NanoSpire provides the first machine tool capable of cutting, drilling, welding, hammering, and annealing materials only a few nanometers in size by harnessing cavitation microjets."17:14
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kanzureha ha17:36
kanzure$750 of $30k pledged17:36
kanzure"OpenPCR (your choice of kit or machine fully-assembled) + private instruction from its creators, Tito Jankowski and Josh Perfetto (video chat for non-locals)17:38
kanzurewhat the fuck17:38
kanzureuh, for $1k?17:38
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fennkanzure: demos are always nice, from the audience's perspective18:12
fenni think the best presentation was the realtime sage demo, but the guy (will stein) really knew his shit18:12
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kanzurei should go on to kickstarter and ask for $100k just for the hell of it19:22
kanzure"look at me! i can toot my own horn"19:22
kanzureit's horn, right?19:22
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ybitwhy did they want the extropian mailing list to be private?22:42
ybitso these people can maintain their appearance to the average joe?22:43
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ybittheir not terribly insane appearance*22:44
ybitdrazak: congrats good sir22:44
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