
--- Day changed Mon Jun 28 2010
-!- danx00r [~dbm@c-71-202-164-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:02
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jrayhawkWhere can I grab these archives?03:26
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap05:26
AlystairI'm wondering if it's possible to get a hole installed in my stomach so I could just get it filled when I'm bored of eating.06:02
Alystairattach tube, give it a few squirts, good to go :p06:03
-!- guibou [~guibou@kraken.insecable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:04
guibouhello here06:04
Yocttarany1 knows how much will a DIY laser cutter would cost?06:05
guibouI'm looking for help about opencascade (and it's python binding) and I was only able to find this channel...06:05
guibouAm I in the right place ?06:05
guibouYocttar: Open Cascade...06:06
Yocttartoo bad :P06:07
YocttarSCAD > *06:07
guibouSorry, I do not get you...06:07
Yocttarno l33t sp34k?06:08
guibouNo, not at all, especially in a language which is not my mother language ;)06:08
Yocttarwhen some1 says X > * it means X is better then the rest06:08
guibouhaaa, which is mathematically incorrect, because if you assume that * is everything, X is included in everything, which mean that X > X which is impossible06:09
guibouso you can only write SCAD >= *06:10
guiboubtw, it is not really the point. What is SCAD for you ;) ?06:10
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@ool-182fafef.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:10
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UtopiahThe Intellectual Property Implications of Low-Cost 3D Printing http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrc/script-ed/vol7-1/bradshaw.asp 06:57
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-!- Ian_Daniher [~it@nat-pool-128-107.olin.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:36
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kanzure"Whilst this may sound a trivial observation, Mann J explained it in the context of the items under dispute (helmets from the original Star Wars film), noting that whilst their creator had undoubtedly employed great craftsmanship, they had not been made for artistic purposes in their own right.77"09:53
kanzure"Following Lucasfilm it appears therefore that copyright protection as a sculpture or WAC is confined to objects created principally for their artistic merit. "09:54
kanzure"A further complication arises via CDPA 1988 s 51. This provides that the copyright in a design document is not infringed by making an article from it."09:54
kanzure"This was the case in Lucasfilm where the concept artwork for the Stormtroopers was held to be a design document for the helmets, so copying the latter did not infringe copyright in it.90"09:55
kanzure"he interpreted s 51(1) as meaning that copyright in a design document was not infringed by any form of copying of the subject article, including making a 2D copy of it. " wut?09:57
kanzure"It is nonetheless still true that s 226(1)(b) CDPA 1988 makes it an infringement of design right to make a design document with the aim of allowing the item protected by that right to be reproduced. But as with ss 226(1)(a), this only applies to commercial use."09:58
kanzureAcme's design right in the vase design documents is not infringed by Bridget creating a new 3DPDF, as s 226(1)(b) only applies where there is commercial intent.09:58
kanzurehrm.. but isn't that supposed to be covered by patets?09:59
kanzurewell, it seems that in the uk that's only covering "non-commercial use"10:02
kanzureguibou: yes we use opencascade. what's up?10:02
kanzureYocttar: opencascade is not OpenSCAD, so stfu10:02
kanzureAlystair: yes it's possible to get a stomach hole. severely austistic individuals get one installed. i think insurance covers it.10:03
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has quit []10:12
-!- lepton [~john@67.sub-75-220-145.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:13
kanzurei should read http://stemcells.nih.gov/10:20
kanzureissue 2 of hackerspaces magazine released http://hack42.nl/wiki/index.php/Hackerspace_Magazine10:21
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bkeroHmm, I'm in San Jose.  Maybe I should visit a Hackerspace here.10:36
kanzurebkero: http://singularityu.org/ stop by here10:36
kanzurebe sure to stop by hacker dojo, noisebridge, singularity university (it's on the AMES campus), livly.org / biocurious (either one is acceptable)10:37
bkeroI need a car first10:37
kanzureyou need a catapult10:37
bkeroA trebuchet would be the preferrable way10:37
kanzurethat's why for this day and this day only, i'm offering a special on my human-compatible now-safer-than-ever catapult for cheap, modest transportation10:38
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:38
bkeroWhat do I do about a return trip?10:38
kanzureit's a catapult.. there is no return trip.10:39
bkerojust wanted to state the obvious10:39
bkeroIf I go to this SingularityU, can I shake somebody's hand?10:39
bkeroShaking hands, yeah.10:39
kanzureif you do go, give me a call at 512-203-0507 and i'll phone someone to let you in10:40
bkeroThose are some pretty sweet connections10:41
bkeroYou know many of the speakers?10:41
kanzurea handful10:41
bkeroThat's pretty awesome10:42
kanzurei should be up in the area wednesday or thursday10:42
bkeroHave they flown you out for a tour or anything?10:42
kanzurei was supposed to get on a plane last week10:42
bkeroSweet, we should definitely go out for some lunch10:42
kanzurebut i have this presentation here in austin on wednesday..10:42
bkeroIf you want to, Mozilla is having a BBQ on thursday evening10:42
bkero(I'm interning at Mozilla this summer)10:42
kanzurearchive.org does bbq on fridays10:42
kanzurein the area.10:43
Utopiahbkero: interning to discover Mozilla and the place or to eventually work there later on?10:44
kanzurebkero is a corporate whore10:44
kanzurehe's interned everywhere10:44
kanzuregoogle, intel, mozilla, ..10:44
bkeroThat's right10:44
bkeroI could do IBM10:45
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: kardan, elmom, clemux, wolfspraul, Yocttar, ToyKeeper, superkuh, phryk, strages, lepton, (+15 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)10:59
-!- faceface1 [~dmb@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap11:01
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fenn_bkero you can sit on my bike rack :)11:34
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn11:34
fennkanzure are you visiting siai?11:35
-!- clemux is now known as Clement-11:37
-!- Clement- is now known as clemux11:37
bkerofenn: 'eh?11:38
eriduhas anyone built a DIY feelspace belt yet?11:39
AJollyLifeer, is feelspace belt=haptic compass?11:40
AJollyLifenot yet, its on my todo list, but a few people ahve done it, i know one sells kits11:41
eriduI didn't even think of searching that11:42
eriduthank you so much11:42
AJollyLifeeridu: http://sensebridge.net/11:42
AJollyLifethats the easiest method/source i belive11:43
AJollyLifeim not sure work would let me wear one around, thats the big reason I have not built one yet :(11:44
eriduare they noisy?11:45
AJollyLifeno, but i work in a highly secured environment, cant have cell phones/electronics, would probably need special exemptions to get one back here, ect...11:45
AJollyLifemost people wont have any issues...eexcept maybe with the tsa :)11:45
eriduI think I could get through a security checkpoint "blind" ;-)11:46
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kanzurefenn: i'm visiting singularityu.org 12:11
kanzurei want nothing to do with siai (for the time being)12:11
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:19
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Yocttarkanzure: "stfu"? o_O thats a first12:34
kanzuregotta put your foot down sometime.12:36
kanzurei mean, you could have done a simple google search12:37
kanzureto learn that it is not OpenSCAD12:37
-!- Loskor [~loskor@p54B9F97E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:23
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-!- cluckj [cluckj@cpe-72-231-169-163.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:45
pmetzgertime to go downtown. tonight, inaugural nanosystems reading group meeting!13:52
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kanzurehttp://www.daniworld.com/trends/citizen-engineer-volume-1-phones/ a video series by ladyada on hardware15:17
kanzureopen science summit will be streaming live: http://fora.tv/live/open_science/open_science_summit_201015:18
bkeroMan, I should be some sort of open advocate15:21
bkerokanzure: could you hook me up with some way to do that? :)15:21
kanzureno, i don't kiss enough ass apparently15:21
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cluckjwhen is the summit?15:31
cluckjhaha, next month15:39
kanzurecluckj: spread the word15:54
cluckjI wish I could go16:06
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kanzure"Two thousand Chinese schoolchildren will have 2,000 of their protein-coding genes sampled, and the results correlated with their test scores at school."17:15
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:52
kanzurenice visualization of a big graph in the banner18:01
-!- mheld [~mheld@c-76-119-90-161.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:06
JayDugger"Tulip is an information visualization framework dedicated to the analysis and visualization of    relational data. "18:21
JayDuggerCompare and contrast with gephi.18:22
AJollyLifebest domain name of the day "http://www.cure-aging-or-die-trying.com/"18:34
kanzureblah a telomere thing?18:35
AJollyLifeoh, im not saying anything about the content...just like the domain name :)18:35
-!- danielfalck [~chatzilla@pool-71-111-61-3.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:35
cluckjugh, finally forced myself to get twitter18:36
AJollyLifecluckj: i am Jolly on twitter :)18:36
cluckjfollowing you, I think18:37
cluckjI don't have this crap figured out yet18:37
AJollyLifei find twitter the most useful at conferences18:38
cluckjgrant was on twitter at h+, I was on irc18:39
AJollyLifeits more useful when the conference is not a single track con18:39
AJollyLifebut its still nice18:39
AJollyLifeesp when the speakers then start responding on twitter18:39
cluckjfollowing you too :)18:43
kanzureuh, no i mean i was replying on twitter during the conference18:47
JayDuggercluckj, remember you can save searches for twitter, and that hashtags (e.g., #hplus) often make useful keywords on such searches.18:50
AJollyLifeyeah, thats super useful. at conferences i tend to have everything with the conference hashtag sent to my phone18:50
JayDuggerIt also has uses afterward. You can subscribe to a feed of the search, store it in your reader, and search through it afterwards.18:51
cluckjoh, cool18:51
AJollyLifei do it by sending tweets to outlook18:51
JayDuggerOh? How do you send tweets to Outlook, AJollyLife?18:52
AJollyLifeJayDugger: outtwit18:52
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap18:52
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:58
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kanzure"I call BS. There are only 3600 minutes in a day."19:27
kanzure"Given that Facebook usage is currently 16,000,000,000 minutes per day, and that the average life of a human being is approximately 42,048,000 minutes (60 minutes per hour * 24 hours per day * 365 days per year * 80 years of life on average [est.]), this means Facebook effectively sucks up the time-equivalent of the lives of a bit more than 380 people. Every. Single. Day. FACEBOOK MUST BE STOPPED!!!!1!1!1111oneoneone"19:28
cluckjFacebook Killz.19:28
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap19:29
kanzureJayDugger: thanks for the email19:36
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kanzureheh another guy emailed me about "making kits"20:13
kanzureit's funny how everyone thinks they are the only people doing it20:13
QuantumGwhat sort of kits?20:15
kanzurefluorescent larvae: http://www.c-perl.com/20:15
kanzureQuantumG: thermocyclers, dna synthesizers, etc.20:15
QuantumG* some equipment not included   or what?20:15
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@ool-182fafef.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:17
kanzureQuantumG: wut?20:19
QuantumGwhen you buy a kit.. often it will say "some equipment not included" and you flip it over and there's a list.20:21
QuantumGoften, if not always20:21
kanzureha i never saw their website before20:22
kanzure"for pennies" -> i heard from the grapevine that it's going to cost $500 or something20:22
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-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:27
kanzurehttp://www.cluetrain.com/ i can't figure out the message on this page. seems something like "marketing is still relevant, please hire me" ?20:34
genehackershoot I need to give pmetzger a list of books to read don't I20:35
genehackerhmmmm.... you're here all the time right?20:37
genehackerI'll just give it to him when he's here20:38
kanzurehe's currently hosting a nanotech meeting in nyc20:39
QuantumG"nanotech" or the good kind?20:39
QuantumGI guessing the good kind, being pmetzger20:40
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QuantumGI mention CoS on Twitter and this cock muncher starts following me: @blairrelf20:51
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niftyzeroquantumg: easy on the homophobic remarks21:07
QuantumGumm.. blow me?21:09
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fenni've noticed the posers usually say "nano-whatever" not "nanotech"23:17
fennok somebody put me out of my misery23:18
fenni just came up with the most twitteriffic idea: M*A*S*H tags23:18
fennfor when one namespace is not enough23:19
fennhuh. "CO2 based data center cooling"23:44
fennmakees sense, it's a liquid, and turns into a gas or solid at room temperature, and is non flammable23:44

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