
--- Log opened Tue Jul 06 00:00:17 2010
fennheh not at all, she's actually a babe00:04
splicer(milf encounter)00:08
fennShe was born on February 28th, 1980 in Elblag, Poland.00:12
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fennsurprising how quickly i found that00:12
splicer(I retract earlier suggestions)00:15
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AJollyLifefenn: where do i know that woman from?00:15
fennim sort of disappointed we spent the whole time talking about the downsides to releasing personal data, which is not really what the event blurb said00:19
fenn"This house believes that in the future the benefits of openness will outweigh those of privacy." 00:20
AJollyLifei agree with TH00:24
AJollyLifei'd totally run that government case :)00:24
AJollyLifeth = this house00:24
fenner, please expand your colloquialism then00:24
AJollyLifein debate, its the group/body that you are arguing as00:24
AJollyLifesorry, since you used that quotation i assumed you were a debater00:25
fenni thought they meant "this house" as in "rainbow mansion"00:25
AJollyLifeso in debate, you will get a potential resolution, such as "This house believes that in the future the benefits of openness will outweigh those of privacy.".  as the government, or pro side, you get to define terms....including who "this house" actually is00:26
AJollyLifeanyways, i really need sleep00:27
AJollyLifei was going to go to bed early :(00:27
AJollyLifeits now 3:30 am00:27
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fenni furtively photographed the rainbow mansion book collection: http://fennetic.net/rainbow_books/02:46
* fenn tries laying on a mattress some more02:48
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fenn"Get notified when the scales of love tip in your favor at your favorite local hangouts! 6 girls, 3 guys, In your favor!"04:43
fenni'm cracking up over here04:43
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kanzureOn Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 4:12 AM, jelle feringa <jelleferinga@gmail.com> wrote:07:20
kanzure>        Hi Bryan,07:20
kanzure> I think your presentation of PythonOCC was a total waste of the audience time.07:20
kanzure> You probably did not spend more than 10 minutes on it ( shame on you if you did ).07:20
kanzure> There is not a single image from our project.07:20
kanzure> Not one.07:20
kanzure> Consider your PythonOCC license revoked.07:20
kanzure> -jelle07:20
kanzurewhat a load of bullshit07:20
Utopiahrevoking a GPL license on a personal basis? how is that possible07:23
uniqanomalyLOL, nice one07:23
kanzurenot only that, but jelle is totally full of shit07:25
kanzurethere clearly *are* pythonocc-rendered images in the presentation07:25
kanzureand the audience loved the presentation :(07:25
ENKI-][i don't think it's counter to the license to revoke a gpl on an individual07:31
ENKI-][but a lawyer could tell you better07:31
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:41
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bdeskkanzure: wow that is harsh07:46
kanzureskdb has a big dependency on pythonocc07:48
kanzureJayDugger: let's talk in here07:48
JayDuggerYou can either work hard to remove07:48
bdeskhe is not really revoking your license, he is just super pissed.  you can just show him the .pdf of your presentation so he sees that it has teh pictures.07:49
kanzurepresumably he has already seen it?07:49
kanzurelink: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/presentations/scipy2010/pythonOCC.pdf07:49
JayDuggerthat dependency, or you can work hard to regain "jelle feringa" good graces.07:49
kanzuremaybe he's upset that i didn't include an image of something rendered by pythonocc after the pythonocc slide07:50
kanzurebut that's still pretty balsy of him07:50
kanzuresince i showed a two minute youtube video07:50
JayDuggerWell, I've seen flashier presentations, but that's a lame reason to get upset.07:51
kanzureit's all in the delivery.07:51
JayDuggerEsp. if the material matched the audience's needs and they appreciated it.07:51
JayDuggerAssuming you want to regain Jelle Feringa's good graces, then reconciling with him or her matters.07:53
bdeskyes but don't worry about the license 'revocation'07:54
kanzureit's gpl07:54
JayDuggerYeah, I see that on the website.07:54
JayDuggerThat makes me wonder...is English a second language for Feringa? Perhaps translation error makes the text harsher than intended.07:55
JayDugger(Yes, yes--making excuses for other people, giving them the benefit of the doubt, AKA giving someone a chance to save face.)07:55
JayDuggerOpen Knowledge Packages and CKAN, an Archive Network Bryan Bishop--Was that another talk you gave?07:57
kanzureit was supposed to be.. but it was my fault that it didn't happen07:58
JayDuggerSo this one substituted?07:59
kanzureit turns out i had two talks accepted08:00
JayDuggerRe: Jelle Feringa--display sincere contrition (genuine if possible), ask for help in understanding what's meant by the disapproval (act stupid here), and with luck you'll get a lecture which you can then judge on its own merits. Adopt what seems valid or useful, note what you expect matters to J.F. for use in future dealings, and continue on as you think best.08:03
JayDuggerDon't let your ego hinder your efforts to get J.F. to act as you want.08:04
bdeskI am failing at installing https://projets.pasteur.fr/wiki/2/Administrator_Guide08:05
bdeskthis is supposed to be a way to run free bioinformatics programs through a web 'portal' (cgi).08:06
JayDuggerGiving that advice takes far less effort than taking it. It boils down to expedient hypocrisy and a certain amount of deceit in service of your long-term goals.08:06
JayDuggerNo, I am not in marketing. :)08:06
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JayDuggerOnce that's done, you can continue working with pythonocc. 08:10
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bdeskwhat library of software does the diy bio community use to analyze their data?  is their any effort on this front, or do you just pick and choose from what you find with google searches?08:14
bdeskis there*08:15
bdeskwhen i used to read books i never confused its/it's lose/loose their/their/they're your/you're but then i started reading the internet...08:16
kanzuretrying to get diybio people to use software is like trying to get any other biologist to use software08:16
kanzurebut in general, you'd probably know better tools08:16
kanzurejust by hanging out in #bioinformatics08:16
bdeskwell other biologists can use proprietary software.08:17
bdeskpresumably diy bio people do not have university licenses.08:17
bdeskfor example http://www.geneious.com/ and http://www.clcbio.com/index.php?id=124008:19
kanzurewell there are a subset of people into diybio and on the diybio list who are also academics and have access to those software packages08:19
kanzurebut yeah, a lot of it is just google-and-go08:20
kanzurefor the web-based bioinformatics cgi gateway stuff08:20
fennjelle's email is teh lulz. i did not see the presentation so i can't comment08:25
bdeski doubt the presentation had more pictures than the pdf08:28
kanzureit did not08:34
kanzurebut it's not like i was talking from the slides..08:34
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kanzurefenn: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/presentations/scipy2010/pythonOCC.pdf08:35
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fennwell, to be fair it _was_ a 10 minute presentation, so "you did not spend more than 10 minutes on it" is correct. and there was _one_ image of pythonOCC09:32
* fenn mumbles something about auditioning for a hacker tv show09:34
genehackeryou don't audition for a hacker tv show, you start your own pirate tv station and give the FCC trouble09:41
genehackerwow that's pretty harsh09:41
kanzurefenn: will you apply?09:44
kanzureweird place to put it in the priority list.09:46
kanzure"As a consequence, we do not ever want to have something to do with you again, whether or not it's related to pythonocc. I removed the 'Scipy 2010' post from the pythonocc.org website and also removed your email adress from the pythonocc-users ml."09:48
kanzurewhat the fuck09:48
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kanzurefenn: i am so confused09:53
AJollyLifekanzure: wow, you really pissed that dude off09:54
fennactually, get rid of all that swig crap, which leaves basically nothing09:54
kanzurei just don't even understand how they think their behavior is acceptable09:55
bdesklets make our own pythonocc, with blackjack, and hookers!09:55
kanzurefenn: i don't even know how to reply10:03
bdeskkanzure: i know what is going on. they thought your presentation made pythonocc look bad compared to its competitors.  you showed pythonocc with legos, and its competitors with mech warriors.10:10
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kanzureoh please10:10
kanzurethe mech warrior slide was like 5 seconds10:11
bdeskactually i didn't even see the mech warrior slide, i was talking metaphorically about the other flashy pictures.10:12
bdeskyour talk was like 'CAD is awesome'!  and they wanted the talk to be 'pythonocc is awesome compared to other CAD programs!'10:13
kanzurein my talk i spent a lot of time going over the different CAD representations or 'schemes'10:14
bdeskthis is the only explanation i can think of why they woudl be so pissed10:14
kanzurei was talking about csg, brep, solid geometry modeling, and the different ways of utilizing these features via the python wrappers10:14
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kanzurelepton: i'm sending you some "wtf" emails10:15
leptonhaha, sounds good10:17
kanzureokay, sent.10:17
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leptonAm I correctly interpreting those as being serious?10:19
kanzurei thought jelle's email at first was just humor10:19
kanzureso i pasted it in here10:19
kanzurebut then i got the one from thomas10:20
leptonWow, that's crazy10:20
leptonI've interacted with them both via email, I'm pretty surprised at that10:20
leptonwtf indeed!!10:20
kanzure> Consider your PythonOCC license revoked.10:21
Utopiahit's basly to share private emails on a public channel too btw kanzure ...10:21
lepton> Consider your PythonOCC license revoked.10:21
leptonI talked with my lawyers, and you can't do that- you released it under10:21
leptonthe GPL, Jelle.10:21
kanzureUtopiah: yes, that's true10:21
kanzurei think i *need* the community's input on this one, though10:21
kanzurethis is just too weird for me to do it alone10:22
Utopiahyep, I understand just saying that.. have to be cautious on the way to do si10:22
Utopiahs/si/so/ ( /me need extra coffe)10:22
kanzurecoffee :P10:22
* Utopiah -> woooshhh 10:22
kanzurejelle and thomas once sent me this email a while back10:23
kanzurecomplaining that i had Level2API.py on my server10:23
kanzureand that it shouldn't be there10:23
kanzureand they were /dead serious/10:23
leptonVery strange10:24
kanzuream i just socially inept or something?10:24
leptonSorry to hear about all of that, it seems like a rather bizarre over reaction10:24
leptonI mean, geeze, it's an open, volunteer based project!10:25
kanzurelepton: also, i just thought you should know since you're into pythonocc :P10:25
leptonYeah, I appreciate that (though I've been in EMC2 land for the past month and all my multiobjective optimization work has been neglected)10:25
Utopiahkanzure: if you want send me a "package" of conversations + license  in historical order, Im heading tomorrow to LSM ( http://2010.rmll.info/spip.php?lang=en ) and I get try to get my hands on some GPL experts there10:26
kanzureemc2 land is probably more productive10:26
Utopiahs/get try/can try/10:26
kanzureno, no, i have lawyers10:26
kanzurebut i'm not interested in using them10:26
kanzurethis is all balogna anyway10:26
leptonI think you should rewrite OCC from scratch, now10:27
leptonSince you mentioned that before :p10:27
kanzurebtw, step.py is still coming along (sort of)10:27
kanzurei'm not really sure what's wrong with it at the moment10:28
kanzurebut when i generate a .step file, it's not opening up correctly in HeeksCAD10:28
kanzureand it's not entirely clear how to go about debugging other than checking if the outputs are the same (of saving a "sphere" in HeeksCAD versus saving a sphere via step.py)10:28
leptonWhat about using other programs to test the files?10:29
leptonTo make sure that the issue isn't HeeksCAD specific10:29
kanzurewell, the only thing i have running at the moment is OCC stuff to load up step files10:30
kanzureeven 'gmsh' is using OCC under the hood to load STEP files10:30
kanzureso unless i get vmware running again with solidworks, it's unlikely to happen10:30
kanzurei'm pretty sure the problem is on my end though ;-)10:30
kanzuremy little tiny framework isn't robust enough yet for the fault to be somewhere else10:30
kanzure'tiny' might be the wrong word10:31
leptonIf you send me some files I can test in Solidworks10:32
leptonwith a latency of a day or two10:32
kanzureheh okie dokie10:32
leptonI'll be in Solidworks a lot tomorrow, fyi10:34
leptonbut I'm mostly living in Linux these days10:34
kanzurebbl. i need to spend some time wondering why i bother with people10:36
lepton:/ don't feel bad, kanzure 10:37
leptonPeople are crazy sometimes, it's an inevitability of being out there in the world10:37
leptonBut I think there's more good than bad in the long run10:38
leptonAnyway, I should focus on wiring up digital IOs to finish our EMC conversion10:39
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kanzure'You have been unsubscribed from the Pythonocc-users mailing list10:51
kanzurelifeboat.com picked up the itft .. uh.. contest? yeah, contest: http://lifeboat.com/blog/2010/07/whats-your-idea-to-bodyshock-the-future10:51
fenni thought your 'wtf' response was very well written, and they are being asses 10:51
fennhum maybe i'll submit my networkable immune system idea.. will have to learn blender again (sigh)10:54
fenndo we know any graphics artsy people?10:55
fennparticularly animation10:55
kanzureyes, all of the makerbot people10:55
kanzurewell, not all of them :)10:55
kanzurebut a lot of them are from the world of blender10:56
fennum, um, no10:56
fennmost of that crap is kindergarten level sketchup10:56
fennthe rest was written by coders in openscad10:56
kanzureagreed.. but apparently they do better stuff in blender (?)10:56
kanzureokay, well, even if they did, i probably don't want to recommend you use them10:57
kanzureeven if they did do better stuff in blender, i mean.10:57
fennmaybe i can get forrest bishop interested10:57
fennsomeone from molecularmovies.org would be awesome10:59
kanzurefenn: while you're at it, if you can find me a web designer / graphics person who actually has time (and who will accept money from me), that would be hawt10:59
kanzureare they the ones who did 'inner life of the cell'?10:59
kanzurebecause alex lightman knows the inner-life-of-the-cell peeps10:59
fennweb designers are a dime a dozen at the dojo..10:59
kanzurethey showed off the next installment of inner-life-of-the-cell at hplus summit 201010:59
fennyeah the harvard people did some ok stuff11:00
fennugh there's no way i'm going to learn all this http://www.molecularmovies.com/learning/index.html11:01
fennnevermind that it's all for expensive software i don't have11:01
kanzureAfter Effects, Cinema4D, Maya, looks like lots of proprietary software to me11:02
fenni think blender can do all of that, if you can figure out the name mapping11:02
bdeskwow that site looks slick.11:02
kanzurefyi if you're serious about using blender for this, blender has a ridiculously huge forum11:02
fenni know, i just have too many projects, need a clone, etc11:03
bdeski know someone who does blender a bit and might have free time11:03
kanzuresomeone talked with me after my scipy2010 talk about how he and some friends were writing this blender plugin to make it a CAD tool11:03
kanzurei found the nearest blunt object and bashed his face in11:03
kanzurei've been on the run ever since11:03
bdeskwait what is wrong with that11:04
kanzurehere we go again.. i should write a fucking FAQ (FFAQ)11:04
fennit's a dead and rotting horse11:04
bdeski have not heard the rant11:04
kanzurethat's not the typical explanation11:04
bdeskmaybe write a blog of it11:05
fennblender was never meant to be a cad tool, multiple attempts at making it so have failed, every year some new recruits get the idea and try again11:05
bdeskif that is the case there should really be a faq for it, because i would be tempted to use it as a CAD.11:05
kanzureyes, everyone is tempted to use it for CAD11:05
kanzureyeah.. i should write the faq11:06
fennthere is even a blendercad mailing list11:06
kanzureo rly11:06
bdeskis there a free CAD that is not blender and that is not pythonocc?11:06
kanzurebdesk: http://heekscad.org/11:06
fenni still havent seen any actual results from freecad11:06
kanzurelepton: show me someone who has successfully used freecad to do anything, ever11:06
leptonheekscad seems to be going in a better Dev diretion, though11:06
leptonoh, I've tried11:06
leptonwith bad results11:06
leptonI do not recommend11:06
leptonbut it exists11:06
kanzurefenn and i get stuck on the same brain wave frequency from time to time11:06
kanzureit's.. weird.11:07
kanzurebdesk: another option is http://openscad.org/ but honestly it only exports to mesh file formats, so it's not really CAD11:07
leptonI typically rely on binaural entrainment to sync up brainwaves ;)11:07
leptonThe big problem I have with FOSS cad is nothing I've encountered has an easy to use parametric engine11:08
leptonthat's what got my into pythonocc in the first place11:08
kanzureactually, writing a constraints engine has been on my todo list11:08
kanzurethere's a few python libraries out there that kinda sorta do it.. uh. maybe.11:09
kanzurebasically the steps are something like this:11:09
kanzure(1) find a python/CAD library11:09
kanzure(2) hook up sympy (or something like it) for constraints and measurements and relations11:09
kanzure(3) get a constraints library to help resolve and propagate constraints throughout a model11:09
kanzurein many cases people do #3 with techniques from graph theory11:09
kanzurei spent a few years hanging out in a graph theory lab sitting in the middle of a mechanical engineering department..11:10
fennthere was a constraints library somebody hooked up to heekscad, they were sticking to 2d until the bugs got worked out though, and supposedly it generalizes to 3d11:10
kanzurewait, doesn't OCC have constraints libraries?11:11
kanzureor is that one of their for-pay libraries?11:11
kanzureyes to which :P11:11
leptonI don't think it's for-pay11:11
fennthe second i think11:11
kanzureheekscad sketchsolve constraints demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nibjuxCbUag11:11
leptonI'm pretty sure OCC has a non-pay constraints library, and that's what the PythonOCC PAF is built off of (not that I can get the damn thing to compile on Ubuntu, ever)11:11
leptonbut I might be wrong on that (please correct me if that's the case)11:12
fennpaf is using salome's parametric stuff, i dont think it's constraints based11:12
leptonohhh yeah, you're right, it is coming from salome11:13
leptonthat's why I couldn't ever get anywhere with it11:13
fennsalome is heavily dependent on occ so it might as well be the same thing11:13
kanzureyeah i've never figured out the practical difference11:13
kanzureit's like salome was separated from occ.. for what reason?11:13
fennlicensing probably11:14
kanzurepythonocc parametric modeling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUCv7COgzU011:14
kanzurei actually showed this video during my talk11:14
kanzurebecause i know it wouldn't have worked with a live demo :P11:14
fenna real professional would have made it work. it is a fault.11:14
kanzurewait, are you 11:15
fennsalome is lgpl, that's probably why it's separate11:16
fennthough i really dont get why they don't just release occ as dual licensed lgpl/whateverclusterfuckcustomlicense11:16
kanzureelevenarms suggests i read http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2010/05/18/tim-ferriss-scam-practical-tactics-for-dealing-with-haters/11:27
bdeski was expecting to not like that but it looks pretty good.11:29
kanzurecluckj: haters gotta hate.11:31
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bdeskyour only response to those emails should be http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/056/577/original/RONALDHATER.png11:35
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kanzurebdesk: i was thinking http://livingelpaso.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/haters.jpg11:41
AJollyLifetim ferris has some pretty cool blog articles up there11:50
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kanzureho ho ho11:58
kanzure"'Term I coined: Fakerspace - Corporate start-up masquerading as a "hackerspace" for purposes of increasing contributors.'" - Jason Scott11:58
kanzureheh heh11:58
kanzurethat's kinda how i feel about it..11:59
kanzureespecially because of how livly.org turned out *cough*11:59
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:01
fennplease post that to diybio, omg12:01
AJollyLifehm, i dont think ive ever actually talked to jason scott12:01
kanzurefenn: joseph would hate me forever12:02
kanzurei should have an anonymous puppet account on diybio12:02
AJollyLifewhats the difference between livly and biocurious?12:02
kanzurejohn schloendorn doesn't understand diybio12:03
bdesklivly is more corporate i think12:03
fenninvestment strategy12:03
AJollyLifeseems to have the same people12:03
kanzuretax fraud12:03
kanzureer, i mean, tax status12:03
kanzureAJollyLife: it *is* the same people12:03
fennactually, biocurious started out as a VC funded incubator dealie, now has mutated into a wannabe hackerspace. livly was always 501c(3) (dunno if they ever did the paperwork)12:03
kanzurefor a while eri's garage was the most popular garage door in the diybio community12:03
kanzurewell, it still is12:03
kanzurethere's no other distinctly recognizable garage door photo12:04
fenn"with distinction"12:05
ENKI-][if it fails to take off or run a profit, though, is there a significant difference? aside from suddenly disappearing, i mean12:07
kanzureboyden teaching a class on neurotech startups http://syntheticneurobiology.org/classes/display/2412:12
fenn0/1 == 0/2 ? does it matter?12:14
fenn(in response to enki)12:15
kanzuredoes anyone remember one of the 'stackoverflow'-like sites for medical diagnoses?12:16
fenncurezone, maybe12:17
kanzurecurezone is definitely not it12:18
bdeskyeah that sounds like a horrible idea12:19
kanzurebdesk: actually, some of these sites are pretty helpful12:19
kanzurei mean, when a doctor tells you that you have X, and you go on a board and post your symptoms or something12:19
kanzureyou usually get a lot of interesting, educational advice12:19
kanzurenow, taking the advice is usually stupid- unless you vet it over with a doc12:19
AJollyLifei know the site you are thinking of, but i dont remember its name atm12:20
kanzurei don't think it's webmd12:20
kanzuremedgle is interesting, but not what i wanted12:21
kanzureedward miller is thinking of doing some FDA-testing on foods12:35
kanzureso i recommended that, instead of making up his own tests, he just uses whatever the heck the FDA is using12:35
cluckjkanzure yep that's my new favorite catchphrase12:35
kanzurewow their procedure/testing manual is from 198412:37
kanzureBrickey, P.M., J.S. Gecan, and A. Rothschild, "Method for Determining Direction of Insect Boring through Food Packaging Materials," JAOAC 56: 640-642, 1973.12:38
kanzuredirection of insect boring12:38
bdeskthe insect came from INSIDE THE PACKAGE!!!12:38
kanzure(02:41:50 PM) Edward Miller: lol they are up with the times12:39
kanzure(02:41:55 PM) Edward Miller: they are using MICROSCOPES12:39
kanzure(02:42:19 PM) Edward Miller: the technology baffles the mind12:39
kanzurewell, i guess this /is/ the macroanalytical manual12:40
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kanzurefor chemicals: http://www.fda.gov/Food/ScienceResearch/LaboratoryMethods/DrugChemicalResiduesMethodology/default.htm12:40
kanzuredetection of acrylamide in foods (2002) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/FoodContaminantsAdulteration/ChemicalContaminants/Acrylamide/ucm053537.htm12:41
kanzure"The methanol elution step was removed because higher recoveries were achieved with a water wash of the Oasis column instead of the methanol wash. An additional solid phase extraction (SPE) step was added to the method using a sorbent bed of C8, strong anion and cation exchange media. This step improved signal to noise ratios in samples with high levels of coextracted materials when used in conjunction with the Oasis SPE step. Post-column add12:41
kanzurei <3 bureaucratized chemistry12:42
kanzure(to be fair, again, that quote isn't really much of a bureaucratic mess)12:42
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kanzureenki's link was on texting/tweeting on youtube.13:10
* kanzure dislikes links that aren't self-descriptive.. or without some text describing what's going on :P13:11
kanzurei wonder why i haven't heard about http://opensciny.com/ much13:11
kanzurehm http://curetogether.com/blog/about/team/ alexandra carmichael has been showing up in some weird places13:13
kanzureinstitute for the future, curetogether, betterhumans, diybio, biocurious, kickstarter, and open source medicine13:13
fennseems all pretty related to me13:14
fenni heard about curetogether from alexandra at qs13:14
kanzureuh wait13:17
kanzurewhat's melanie swan doing on there13:17
kanzurei dunno who gets around more.. melanie or todd?13:17
genehackerdidn't biocurious say they were doing SNP stuff?13:18
kanzurethey mentioned some plans13:18
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kanzurewonder what i was thinking when i wrote this line: auction.owner = FacebookUser.objects.all()[0]14:02
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bdeskyou were probably thinking to scam some facebook users14:06
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kanzureok, this is just too absurd14:52
kanzurein order to attach a timezone object to a datetime object, python wants you to define a class called 'GMT5' (for instance)14:53
kanzuream i the only one who thinks this is absurd?14:53
kanzure'python's dateutil.parser.parse is a useful function for parsing tz-aware strings.' well that's nice i guess14:54
kanzureand there's http://pytz.sourceforge.net/ for some predefined timezones.. ugh.14:55
kanzure"'UTC' is Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT in the United Kingdom. "15:00
kanzure>>> utc is pytz.timezone('GMT')15:00
bdeskeveryone should use UTC military time with no daylight savings.15:06
UtopiahPOSIX time15:08
bdeskseconds since midnight jan 1 1970?15:08
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fennhow not to do linear regression: http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/gallery/clickmap_area2.gif15:20
fennkanzure why aren't you just using the django datetime field?15:21
kanzurefenn: when users type in a datetime on the site (or whatever), it's in their timezone15:21
kanzureand then i have to convert it to some timezone on the server, and then back out to each user's respective timezone15:22
fennalso, i think GMT and UTC are different, something about leap seconds15:22
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kanzurebut as it happens, i only have the user's GMT offset15:22
kanzurei do have their city name.. maybe there's a table/dictionary i can use to convert from a city location geocoord thing to a timezone15:23
kanzureor i could just ask the user to pick from a list of timezones i provide.. hm..15:24
kanzurehaha len(pytz.common_timezones) is 39315:25
kanzureooh ooh15:27
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kanzurewell that just made my last few hours of timezone bullshitting totally irrelevant and a waste.15:30
fenni guess saying "you're doing it wrong" isn't helpful15:31
kanzurefenn: as long as i'm writing a facebook app, i'm /always/ doin it wrong15:32
fennwhy are you writing a facebook app?15:32
kanzuresomething about carbon15:32
fennare you even on facebook?15:32
kanzureyes :(15:32
kanzurefenn: here's a description: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d1s1-3-andrew-hessel.html15:33
kanzurethe deal is that if i get this last bit of code written, and we present it to Conoco Phillips et al., i get $20k15:33
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fennthat's not a bad deal, assuming you actually get paid15:34
* kanzure nods15:34
nshwait what15:35
nshyou're writing a facebook app, for money?15:35
kanzureyes, why?15:36
fennnext thing you know, he'll be writing iphone apps, o wait15:36
kanzurei know, i know, i'm a whore15:36
nshwhat does the app do?15:36
kanzurensh: trades carbon credits15:36
kanzureit's not quite working yet, go easy on me ;)15:37
kanzurei've spent way too much time making sure it doesn't look like ass15:37
nshbut, things are supposed to look like ass until they work right15:38
bdesknot if you want people to give you money15:38
kanzurenot if you're full of shit15:38
kanzuresame thing15:38
nshwhat are you hosting on?15:38
nshis that like, a thing?15:39
bdeski would not click on it.15:39
kanzurethat's actually fenn's computer in a tub15:39
kanzurebut no, i'm not using that15:39
kanzure(i thought fenn would laugh)15:39
nshheh :)15:39
kanzurensh: amazon ec215:39
* nsh nods15:40
nshwhat web framework?15:40
kanzurephp programmers swarm around facebook for some reason15:41
kanzurenot sure why..15:41
nshbecause it's php mecca15:41
nshpatches welcome, btw?15:41
kanzurepatches welcome for what?15:41
nshas in, can i look at your code15:41
bdesknsh: not you too15:41
* nsh doesn't touch php, if that's what you're implying, bdesk 15:42
fennkanzure: so you want an experienced excited facebook app designer hookup?15:42
kanzurensh: no, i'm too embarrased by this15:42
kanzurefenn: uh, maybe.. it's not xp_prg is it?15:42
fennno, someone i met at the dojo15:42
kanzurei'm willing to pay15:42
kanzurei was trying to find someone who does facebook apps, in particular CSS15:42
kanzurebut apparently people only do CSS in wysiwyg editors these days15:43
nshnot sure how much leeway there is for CSS in facebook apps, unless you're going for the iframe approach15:43
kanzurethere's pretty good leeway. check out the link to the facebook app.15:43
nshcan you even use CSS with fbml?15:43
nshoh, ok15:44
kanzurefor those of us who don't use facebook15:44
kanzurealthough it's improved slightly since then15:44
bdeskfacebook is like a new internet, where the internet always knows who you are.15:45
nshand looks through your pockets when you hang your jacket up15:46
nshhow sensitive would you say a root certificate authority private key is?15:47
ENKI-][i'm not entirely sure who i am. if facebook knows better than i do, perhaps that just means facebook guessed wrong15:47
nshsay, Go Daddy Inc.'s 15:47
bdesk"The root certificate is usually made trustworthy by some mechanism other than a certificate, such as by secure physical distribution."15:48
kanzuretranslation: saddle up, we're going to the mustache store15:49
* nsh smiles15:49
kanzureENKI-][: have you seen http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt ? it might pique your interests15:50
fennooh i wanna be that guy, who gets to carry the Very Important Briefcase containing a post it note with some numbers scribbled on it15:51
kanzureoh hm the last update date was 2010-06-16 .. but just uploaded a new version a sec ago (so refresh if it matters)15:51
kanzurefile just passed the 1000 kb mark15:52
fennlooks exactly the same15:52
kanzuremaybe you loaded it as i uploaded15:53
kanzureit should go to 2010-07-06 now15:53
fenn"Last year, I got these 5 oil sands company to bring 30 genetic engineers, their advisors, Rob Carlson, and a diybio representative, to go up to the oil sands, look at the real on the ground problems, " did anything ever make it to the list?15:55
fenni dont remember that at all15:55
kanzurefenn: no, nothing made it to the list15:55
kanzurenothing about that, i mean15:56
kanzurei didn't know about it either until he mentioned it during his talk15:56
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kanzurethe diybio representative was jason bobe15:56
fennnot a very good representative15:56
kanzurei think it was u of alberta?15:56
kanzurehe got the oil sands companies to sponsor an igem team15:56
kanzureso whichever one has a page on openwetware plastered with oil company banners and logos15:57
nshyay, oil sands15:57
ENKI-][kanzure: i'll take a look at it15:59
kanzuresimpler explanation: their trip up to the oil sands was so that they could convince the oil companies to sponsor them15:59
kanzureit's silly to assume it was two separate events15:59
fenngod forbid they actually go up there to solve a real world problem for the sake of saving the planet or something16:00
kanzureso i dunno if anyone has noticed16:09
kanzurebut andrew has really been pushing Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room16:09
fennwhat does that mean?16:09
kanzureas if we should be copying their schemes and strategies16:09
fennah good, wikinotes :P16:11
kanzure"Two years later, however, Enron became embroiled in scandal when two oil traders began betting on the oil markets, resulting in consistent and suspiciously high profits for the company"16:11
kanzureheh "Pai was also notorious for using money from Enron shareholders to feed his obsessive habit of visiting strip clubs, "16:12
kanzure"and for allegedly inviting strippers into his office and onto the Enron trading floor. "16:13
kanzure"Pai abruptly resigned from EES with $250 million, soon after selling his stock."16:13
fennsmartest guy in the room16:13
kanzurethat article sucked16:15
kanzurethis is probably better: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron_scandal16:15
kanzure"In September 2008, a $7.2-billion settlement from a $40-billion lawsuit, was reached on behalf of the shareholders. The settlement was distributed among the lead plaintiff, University of California (UC), and 1.5 million individuals and groups. UC's law firm Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman and Robbins, received $688 million in fees, the highest in a U.S. securities fraud case."16:19
kanzurethat's quite a lawsuit16:21
kanzurewell, nevermind. i recall something more clever going at enron based on valuations of different energy markets, but that doesn't seem to be the case16:22
fennkanzure: did you know about the django manage.py dumpdata and loaddata? and that it dumps/loads yaml if you so desire16:28
fennfor small sites you could just do a complete dump on every change, or maybe there's some better way to split it up than by app16:30
fenni dont think there's a knife in this entire building16:32
kanzurewhy would you want a dump on every change?16:34
kanzurei guess you mean on a change to the model16:34
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fennso you have history in revision control, not some database binary blob16:38
kanzuregot it16:38
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kanzuredoes anyone have a copy of "biohacking - an overview" by Chris Seidel?17:07
kanzuresome interest in diybio from beijing17:08
cluckjno, I don't have a copy17:08
cluckjif you find one, let me know :)17:08
kanzurediybio survey thingy? http://2009.igem.org/Team:PKU_Beijing/Human/Survey17:10
kanzure"In order to evaluate the probability of conducting DIYbio experiments in China, we have launched a survey to investigate the availability of necessary experimental materials to DIY at home. By analyzing the results, we expect to propose some instructive advices and reach a simple conclusion. "17:11
kanzure"We conducted a sampling survey by telephone to inquire into 17 biotech firms about their provision for orderers."17:11
kanzure"We asked these companies to deliver the goods which they have to a team member's home in a community in Beijing."17:11
kanzurecool a lot of the orders were accepted17:11
kanzure"Other companies still took up our order as we stated our "DIY at home" idea, although some of them hesitated a little. "17:12
kanzure"Fig4. The distribution of Ethidium Bromide order acceptance rate." eek17:12
kanzurewhat worries me more is that they would *want* to buy ethidium bromide17:12
kanzurewhat also worries me is that they were using this study to say that there should be *more* regulation17:13
kanzurearticles they were referencing: http://2009.igem.org/Team:PKU_Beijing/Human/Reference17:13
* kanzure reads the discover magazine blog article now17:13
kanzureoh boy, tito jankowski as a public figure of open source?17:14
cluckjmy whole schtick is that there doesn't need to be regulation17:14
kanzure"With a prototype already up and running, they hope to have a near-final version completed by the fall."17:14
kanzure"From the project description, it's clear that these bioentrepreneurs hope to capitalize on..."17:15
kanzurethat says it enough17:15
cluckj"A supply rating according categories and safety should be established for individual clients, safer materials like kits and nucleases may be permitted to free trade, while hazardous materials like ethidium bromide and competent cells from various strains should be strictly controlled by the government."17:15
cluckjI like the first part of that17:15
kanzure"Could this project or other open source biology initiatives, like BioBricks, help produce the Bill Gates or Steve Jobs of the synthetic biology world?"17:15
kanzurethere are so many things wrong with that question17:15
kanzurei don't even know where to begin17:15
cluckjI think it's just media hype17:16
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kanzurefirst, the most obvious one: bill gates and steve jobs never did "open source"17:16
kanzuresecond: biobricks is making a commendable effort to have an open standard and get around patent litigation issues for biobricks, but i dunno if it's actually open source in the traditional sense17:17
kanzure(#2 is a minor nitpick)17:17
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kanzurethird: do you really /want/ a steve jobs of synthetic biology?17:17
cluckjwhat would that even look like17:18
leptondo not want!17:18
lepton:::goes back to editing hal files:::17:18
kanzurefourth: implying- even through a convoluted article- that josh perfetto and tito jankowski are the next bill gates and steve jobs, is totally retarded17:18
kanzurethe sheer level of hype is ridiculous17:19
kanzure"rom the project description, it's clear that these bioentrepreneurs hope to capitalize on the recent flurry of interest in synthetic biology sparked by Craig Venter's synthesis of an artificial genome and other likeminded endeavors."17:20
kanzurecomparing a thermocycler to an artificial chromosome? really?17:20
ENKI-][the steve jobs of synthetic biology would have either a much greater or much lesser likelyhood of major health problems17:21
ENKI-][he probably wouldn't be quite as bald. that's more of a trivial problem17:22
genehackerwhy wouldn't they be bald?17:22
genehackerbeing bald makes it easier to put the electrodes on17:22
ENKI-][oh, there's that i guess17:23
ENKI-][maybe he would be balder17:23
ENKI-][he would probably miss press conferences due to surgery even more often than the original, though17:23
uniqanomalyand lots of cranial implants17:25
uniqanomalyoh, sorry that's borg17:25
ENKI-][laser eyes17:25
ENKI-][http://hackaday.com/2009/10/27/head-mounted-computer-with-spit-bailing-wire/ <-- it occurs to me that this is the best project i've seen on hackaday in a while17:26
genehackerdoes anyone know of any limits on how fast PCR can be?17:26
ENKI-][insomuch as i could build it if i could afford the parts, and it would actually be useful17:26
kanzuregenehacker: you can use a laser and do it in under a minute17:26
genehackeron a small sample?17:27
cluckjkanzure, seriously?17:27
kanzurecluckj: yes17:27
kanzureone sec17:27
genehackerwhy even use a laser when you can use a serpentine microfluidic channel?17:27
genehackerI want to try some microfluidics17:27
genehackersome useful microfluidics and serpentine PCR chips look pretty easy17:28
kanzurecluckj: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/PCR%20-%20Nanodroplet%20real-time%20PCR%20system%20with%20laser%20assisted%20heating.pdf17:28
kanzurealso: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Petri%20dish%20PCR%20-%20laser-heated%20reactions%20in%20nanoliter%20droplet%20arrays.pdf17:28
cluckjsweet, thanks17:28
cluckjooo, now I see why you're hot for microfluidics17:29
cluckjif you can do PCR with a laser, you can just run it through a microfluidic array17:30
kanzurecluckj: this video should explain why (it's ridiculously short): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HrRuaLFGmY17:30
kanzurehere's one of the PCR-on-a-lab-on-a-chip dealies: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/gkm389%20Miniaturized%20PCR%20chips%20for%20nucleic%20acid%20amplification%20and%20analysislatest%20advances%20and%20future%20trends.pdf17:30
kanzurepage 3 has a diagram on the upper right17:31
cluckjhah, my stellarium bug is high priority now17:32
kanzureat least the hype machine is bringing in some money. sigh.17:33
* kanzure just updated http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F17:33
cluckjhave you ever come across any academic articles on diy bio?17:35
cluckj(I haven't, that's why I'm asking)17:35
kanzuresome were published in nature17:35
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kanzurehrm i wonder if i have the citations laying around17:36
cluckjI think I have the ones published in science/nature17:36
kanzurethere was one by markus schmidt17:37
kanzurebut it might have been more about synthetic biology and regulations and only mentioned diybio in a footnote or something17:37
cluckjdiffusion of syn bio?17:37
kanzuremaybe.. but also markus' german article17:37
cluckjword, thanks17:39
kanzureeither one or both might just be a news article17:39
cluckjI think there was a paul rabinow article somewhere17:39
kanzurei'm debating whether or not to post some of the recent news article to the diybio mailing list17:40
cluckjmight be like kicking a beehive17:40
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kanzurewhy oh why did i offer to do manufacturing of openpcr parts17:45
cluckjso you can ensure it's openness?17:47
kanzurebecause i'm a moron, is more like it17:48
kanzurecluckj: i don't think you're allergic to hype the same way i am.17:48
kanzureoh, you were commenting about your grammar17:48
cluckjor lack thereof :x17:49
cluckjand I'm not allergic to hype in the same way you are :)17:49
cluckjI'm a little allergic to reporters17:50
cluckjI really need to go to the oss17:54
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kanzure"The project I was working on at the time (Open hardware gel electrophoresis) required crazy tolerances, ~0.001?"18:03
kanzure"With open hardware for biotech, we're making new and better tools for a completely new type of scientist. Sketching in a notebook, and Google sketchup and cardboard and foam board. Sketchup is awesome because it's fairly straightforward to get into an Illustrator file to send to Ponoko."18:04
kanzurenot more google sketchup :/18:04
kanzurefenn: actually, i have an idea18:05
kanzureas an attempt to promote some actual "open source" stuff going on in the community18:06
kanzurehow about i set up a .git repository and commit some openscad files into it18:06
kanzureand then have someone else contribute changes back to it, or a patch18:06
kanzureand make a big public stink about it18:06
kanzure"THIS is what you should be doing"18:06
kanzureopenscad because it's a text-based format, not because it's useful18:06
cluckjlead by example?18:07
cluckjwho's doing diy bio in ann arbor?18:11
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kanzurecluckj: Johnny Graves?18:27
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kanzure"Look about you Pinky: the jungle. Poisonous plants, blood-thirsty carnevors, the stench of decay permeating the air."19:23
kanzure"Actually, I rather of like it. Smells just like an air-wick solid. Narf."19:23
kanzure"We must find a way home. I got it! We'll construct a molecular scrambling teleportation device that will beam us back to the lab. YES! Now, all we need are a few simple components: an atom smasher, some stray rods of strontium-90, a 3/16 s19:24
kanzureocket wrench..."19:24
kanzure"Um, there's a big pile of dung under that tree."19:24
kanzure"DUNG! Of course. With dung, I could make a ... huge... dung... uh, monorail?"19:24
fennkanzure: yeah i was going to make some pcr drawing in dxf format (2d) or svg (they're both equally terrible for reading diffs)19:27
kanzurewhat do you think would work better? svg or openscad for that?19:27
fennproblem with openscad is you can't do anything with it but reprap or cnc mill from solid blocks (if you have cam software that can handle STL; i don't)19:27
kanzurefrom an adoption standpoint19:27
kanzurewith svg, you can get other people to use it (inkscape)19:28
kanzurewith openscad, you can demonstrate diff on txt19:28
kanzurei wonder if there's an something-to-svg language thingy19:28
kanzurei guess it could be something done in python using cairo?19:28
shepazukanzure: what specific features would you need for diffs in SVG?19:28
fenni think dxf is actually better for this kind of thing19:28
kanzurefenn: shepazu is our resident svg expert, fyi19:28
fennanyway there's software to convert between dxf/svg19:28
fennshepazu: mostly just keep the ordering the same in the file19:28
* shepazu doesn't know what that means19:29
kanzurethe order of the elements in the .svg file19:29
shepazuright, but how does that help diffs?19:30
kanzure"Look up, Brain! A mango!" "Mango? YES. We'll build a platform, uh, if only we had some extruded aluminum t19:30
fennthe xml... keep the element on the same line it was on in the input file (before you edited it)19:30
kanzureo make scaffold with; if only we had some steel to make an aluminum extruder, if only we had a smelting plant to make steel.."19:30
fenni swear these IT guys must have a vendetta against me or something19:30
AJollyLifei want a mango :(19:30
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shepazuhow is DXF better than SVG here?19:31
fennit has circles, and drawing programs that do stuff like add dimensions and snap to intersection19:31
fennand add fillet19:31
shepazuthat's authoring-tool stuff, not format stuff19:31
kanzurefenn: i think that showing off the 'diff' is more important to getting our point across19:32
fennkanzure: honestly nobody will care, they will just think 'oh gawd kanzure is having a hissy fit again'19:32
kanzurebut but but19:32
kanzureactually i was thinking of something staged19:32
fennhaving code to run an arduino with a stupid power resistor on an aluminum block is like 2 hours of coding19:32
kanzure(1) i post a .git of some weird design19:32
kanzure(2) someone (you) posts a link to a .git with the updated version19:33
kanzure"oh look! progress!"19:33
kanzure"huh? why is this interesting?" "welll..."19:33
fennyeah good luck with that19:33
kanzureyou don't think so? hrm19:34
kanzuredavidad and i were talking tonight19:34
kanzurehe's over at singularity university19:34
kanzurethey have 80 grad students this year19:34
kanzurethey divide them up into "teams" for releasing a project at the end of their stay19:34
kanzurehe's on a team with 19 other people19:34
kanzureonly one of them (other than him) knows about revision control19:34
fennnot surprising19:39
fenn10% is about average for science/engineering types, throw in 50% business people19:39
kanzurei'm somewhat surprised that you're against the idea of distributing some open source hardware via git :P19:40
kanzurei guess there's really not much out there that can be used under revision control19:40
kanzuresince it's all .pdf and .stl19:40
kanzurebut you're claiming it's also pointless to bother showing it in use?19:40
AJollyLifefenn: really, only 10% of science/engineering types know about revision control?19:41
kanzure"I'm a biotech patent attorney, and would be happy to answer questions about how to protect and possibly patent new ideas your group comes up with. It's important to file a preliminary patent application before disseminating information about a new concept to the public, and this is an integral part of the process of bringing a potentially important new development in biotech/biopharm to development. Let me know if you'd like to talk fu19:44
AJollyLifethat would seem to go against the whole open source principle19:45
kanzureit sounds pretty scary to me19:45
kanzurei hold that there is not a single "open source" diybio project out there at the moment19:45
kanzurewait, am i right?19:45
kanzurei think so19:45
kanzurehttp://github.com/100ideas/ucam i don't see licensing information here19:51
cluckjit's derivative from two open source projects, but I don't think that means anything19:53
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kanzure"i was formerly director of intellectual property at harvard university"20:20
kanzurei think leslie meant the entire university20:20
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fenni think it speaks for itself20:39
-!- Bruns [~Bruns@c-68-34-207-23.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:40
kanzure"Make yours20:42
kanzureGet involved!20:42
kanzureIf you want detailed specs, sign up as a donor to OpenPCR. For just $32 you get behind the scenes months before anyone else with access to photos, design documents, and software for the OpenPCR project. http://openpcr.org/kickstarter"20:42
kanzureyou know, they should make up their mind20:42
kanzure"Thanks for your note! We send out releases to our supporters on Kickstarter. We will be releasing everything to the public in late September. We're focused on executing our planned design and will begin supporting developers after we get to that point."20:42
kanzureif they sell openpcr and include schematics, that's fine20:42
kanzurebut if they con people into supporting an open source project that only supporters get access to20:43
kanzurethat's something different.20:43
kanzureBruns: hey20:43
kanzureBruns: i was wondering if you could do something for me20:43
Brunsyeah sure20:43
kanzureoh wait. i just remembered what it was20:43
kanzureit's pretty lame20:43
kanzurewhat do you think the potential is for this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nHKYWc-rnY20:44
BrunsI would say if it reaches above 80%20:44
kanzureit was on http://000chan.org/b/res/821.html20:44
Brunsthen we might get critical mass20:44
kanzurekeep watching20:44
Brunskanzure: are you lurking 000chan now?20:44
kanzureuhh uhh20:44
kanzureno of course not20:45
BrunsI accidentally broke the board, otherwise the video would be embeded20:45
Brunsi have to fix those features next time I care20:45
BrunsSo what is this OpenPCR about?20:46
kanzuretwo guys getting lots of media hype over an open source project that isn't actually open source20:46
BrunsWhat is the open source?20:46
AJollyLifekanzure: but it has Open in the name!20:47
kanzureOH MAI GAWD20:47
AJollyLifeclearly its open.20:47
Brunskanzure: http://000chan.org/fr/res/346.html20:47
kanzureis /fr for /france?20:47
Brunsfr=fucking rage20:48
Brunsbut nice trollan20:48
BrunsSo what does this open source that is not open source do? something about genome at home from what I read20:49
kanzurewhat? it doesn't do anything except get these two people media attention20:49
fennand $10k cold hard casssssh20:50
kanzure4chan should flood kickstarter with these fake projects20:50
fennbut whatever, it's not like i'm jealous or anything20:50
kanzureevery possible permutation20:50
BrunsI could get a lot worse people than 4chan20:50
Bruns4chan really isn't good for much of anything anymore :/20:50
fennopen toothbrush holder! help us reach our goal of $10k and we'll share crayon drawings on a napkin!20:51
kanzurefenn: you should do it20:51
kanzurewait, is there enough pent up rage about kickstarter/diybio yet?20:51
fennonly in here20:51
BrunsYou all don't like diybio?20:51
fenneverybody else is getting rich20:51
kanzureBruns: i like diybio a lot!20:51
AJollyLifeid hardly say 10k is rich20:51
kanzurei've been involved with the community since the beginning20:51
kanzureAJollyLife: fenn lived on $10k for 4 years20:52
kanzureor something?20:52
BrunsThen who is mad at diybio?20:52
AJollyLifeyes, but that doesnt == rich20:52
kanzureBruns: it's not that.. uh20:52
kanzureBruns: it's just a lot of people who don't seem to know what they are doing20:52
kanzureand then they say, "it's open source!" but then where are the files?20:52
kanzureand the repositories?20:52
BrunsAlso kanzure that jellyfish idea that everyone thinks is stupid my friend and I are doing, I am in contact with a pet store who is looking for the jellyfish for me20:52
kanzureand the OSI-compatible license or fuck any sort of license?20:52
kanzurewho thought it was stupid?20:52
kanzureraising a jellyfish is fine, imho20:52
Brunslol, not for raising a jellyfish20:53
AJollyLifehow do jellyfish taste?20:53
kanzureBruns: take a look at all this hype: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F20:53
Brunsgenome sequencing on it and then cultivating the isolated gene and trying to purify it over a series of mutations to have the same effect on other animals20:53
kanzureBruns: what i'm upset about is the disparity between the "hype" people (the people who hype it up) and the fact that they aren't really doing anything20:53
kanzurebut really, check the link20:53
kanzureand look.20:53
AJollyLifethats a lot of media20:54
kanzurethese are articles in the NY Times, SF Chronicle, BBC, O'Reilly Radar, Hackaday, Hacker News, Wired, Gourmet Magazine (wtf), The Guardian, Make Magazine, ..20:54
BrunsIt is a good thing in a way, even though you get the 20/80 effect20:54
kanzurewe don't even get 20%20:54
kanzurewe get 0%20:54
Brunsthe more people you get the higher that 20% will get20:54
kanzurein theory..20:55
BrunsWell at any rate, I am trying to get people interested in wanting to do this project with my friend and I20:56
BrunsSeems kinda hard, though20:56
kanzureBruns: you still haven't even identified what the project is20:57
kanzureyou just keep mentioning a jellyfish and some articles about how it reverts in its life cycle every once in a while..20:57
Brunsoh lol20:57
BrunsI kinda ramble... i guess20:57
BrunsWell we are planning on doing comparative sequencing..then over a series mutating and purifying the gene etc.20:59
BrunsI am bad at explaining things :/20:59
BrunsI will shut up now...:/21:01
kanzurefenn: i wonder what's next. ReallyOpenPCR21:01
kanzureActualHardware oh wait21:02
kanzure(to be fair, dave actually gets stuff done)21:02
kanzureBruns: http://actualhardware.com/ is his site21:02
Brunsthey make recycling signs out of texas?21:02
Brunsand ride bikes...21:02
Brunskanzure ^21:03
kanzurecustom bike part manufacturing21:04
BrunsSo what does that have to do with texas, trees, or even illegal immigration?21:05
kanzurebased in texas21:05
Brunsthey have a secret base full of illegal immigrants making cheap bikes out of recycled texas?21:06
BrunsIs that it?21:06
kanzureBruns: are you thinking what i'm thinking?21:06
kanzureok good21:06
BrunsI love playing with my wiiner21:08
BrunsI just hate it when my arms get tired...21:08
AJollyLifework out more21:09
kanzureor just pay me a few thousand bucks on kickstarter for myostatin inhibitors21:09
BrunsPlaying with my wiiner is my workout21:09
kanzureBruns: we call that jelqing21:09
AJollyLifei thought that was cost prohibitive at this point21:09
AJollyLife(for myostatin inhibitors)21:10
kanzureAJollyLife: jelqing or myostatin?21:10
BrunsHow about you both pay me backing all the shit I will do with my jellyfish21:10
kanzurei actually have enough money at the moment21:10
AJollyLifehm. last i looked at it was 2 years ago21:10
kanzurei was going to do it via some gene hacking on plants21:10
kanzurei just need motivation to work on it and/or more time21:10
Brunshow about you look at making animals preform mitosis....then I will give motivation21:11
kanzurethat message made no sense21:11
kanzuredo you mean you want me to make a bacteria culture?21:12
genehackerare you trying to get the GFP gene?21:12
kanzureuh oh clash of the chan nerds21:12
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Brunsthat is chantard, good sir21:12
kanzurejrayhawk: i blame you for this21:12
kanzureand the rest of the goons21:13
genehackerthere's a much easier way to get GFP, pet stores already sell GFP fish21:13
genehackeror are you trying to cultivate jelly fish?21:13
Brunslol no21:14
Brunswe arent trying to get GFP fish21:14
Bruns>cultivate jellyfish21:14
kanzuregenehacker: read the messages by 'brunsgenus' here: http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-07-03.log21:14
kanzureto see what he's up to21:14
BrunsLOGS ON MEH21:14
Brunsno no21:14
BrunsI hate logs21:14
kanzureBruns: but you get 20 MB of other goodies from in here :)21:15
BrunsI don wan gudies21:15
BrunsYou keep them ALL D:21:15
AJollyLifeBruns: how old are you?21:16
Bruns...believe me?21:16
AJollyLifeyes, yes i do.21:17
BrunsIf you guys are looking for a good time21:17
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BrunsA movie about lesbians....21:22
BrunsWhat the hell is this world coming to.21:22
genehackeryour jellyfish plan seems rather ambitious21:25
Brunsgenehacker, thanks21:25
fennhow to pwn kickstarter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbOtAApMbww21:25
kanzureheat and air conditioning? heck yeah21:26
BrunsFUCK YAR21:26
fenni must have missed the part where they actually got it working correctly21:27
Brunsgenehacker so you think I shouldnt do it?21:28
genehackerI don't know I'm still reading more about it21:29
genehackerhumans and jellyfish are quite different though21:29
genehackerhave you looked into lobsters though?21:29
BrunsI know, hence having to mutate and purify their asses21:29
BrunsMy friend and I are thinking we might be able to work our way up the animal kingdom21:30
genehackerone thing for sure is that it's going to take a lot of work21:31
BrunsI know, that's why it is fun.21:31
BrunsI am going to graduate school etc. for exactly this, though21:32
genehackeryou might try to get it to work in hydra, as those are model organisms:21:32
genehackerfenn why doesn't your hackerspace build it's own airconditioning?21:33
Brunsthis jellyfish will be easier to get than the hydra21:33
Brunswe have already looked into it21:33
genehackerhow the heck is it easier to get than hydra?21:33
BrunsBecause the jellyfish is already being sent to me....21:34
Brunswell, about to be21:34
BrunsI told him we should look into the hydra as well though21:34
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genehackerthere's a new super-simple super efficient air conditioning process out there that you guys might look into using21:34
BrunsI do like that the hydra ages incredibly slow21:35
Alystairany qwerty phone fans wanna take a peak at something I'm working on at the moment21:36
Brunsyah sure21:36
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]21:37
BrunsHow much does genome sequencing cost again?21:38
kanzureit's going down pretty fast21:38
kanzurei hear claims right now that it's at about $10k21:38
kanzurebut i don't have any links for you for places that would do it for $10k21:39
genehackerit's still pretty expensive and the number of completely sequenced organism is around 30 or so21:39
kanzurei'm pretty sure that's not true, genehacker 21:39
genehackerat least the ones I can find21:39
kanzurebdesk: do you know the number of whole genome sequenced organisms off the top of your head21:39
kanzureyeah, like on the ncbi website21:40
Bruns10k is not cheap....21:40
kanzureBruns: 20 years ago it was $1B21:40
kanzure10 years ago it was about $1M21:40
genehackernotice I said completely sequenced21:40
jrayhawkHydras tend to grow unaided in aquaria.21:40
kanzure5 years ago about $350k21:40
Brunssomeone said something about buying an old genome sequencer for 300 bucks21:40
kanzureBruns: that was me21:41
kanzurebut to be honest, it's not going to work out too well for you21:41
kanzureit'll probably be a 484 or something21:41
Brunsthats not bad21:41
kanzureand so you'll only be able to sequence 20bp segments at a time21:41
BrunsI can make 484+ from one sale21:41
kanzureillumina 48421:41
kanzureanyway, at 20bp per sequenced segment, you're talking about a *lot* of runs21:41
kanzureespecially to get whole genome coverage21:41
kanzureeven for a single chromosome21:41
jrayhawkAlystair: I am a qwerty phone fan I like peaking at things!21:42
Brunskanzure, how much time are we talking about would this take?21:42
kanzurewell it took 10 years of a few hundred of these machines working in parallel to sequence the human genome (?)21:43
kanzuremy numbers might be a bit off :)21:43
Bruns10 years?!21:44
kanzurebut those were really old machines21:44
jrayhawkI think they actually switched to better hardware at some point.21:44
kanzurethey did21:44
Brunskanzure how long would it take for sequencing today?21:44
kanzurei don't know how to give you a good estimate, sorry21:45
kanzurebut definitely less than a year21:45
Alystairif you're typing on a qwerty phone would you prefer a landscape or portrait screen?21:45
AJollyLifeprobably depends also on how much funding you have21:45
kanzureAlystair: i'd prefer a ps/2 port21:45
BrunsI can always manage to get more funding.21:45
kanzureuh, how?21:45
Brunsso less than a year?21:45
Alystairkanzure: nokia has always had bluetooth keyboard option, but I meant one with a physical qwerty board21:46
BrunsIf I told you then I wouldn't be able to continue using it21:46
jrayhawkIt doesn't particularly matter to me, although most software infrastructure is optimized for 4:3 or greater aspect ratio21:46
kanzureoh please.. not another adwords spamking21:46
jrayhawkI was quite fond of the E70 keyboard design, myself.21:47
BrunsI am going to go buy taco bell21:47
Brunsanyone want any?21:47
jrayhawkJust a pity about the operating system.21:47
genehackeranyway when I tried to find some whole genomes I had trouble finding them21:47
kanzureBruns: get me a gordita crunch21:47
genehackerall I could find was mitochondrial dna21:47
Bruns1 k so dilla21:47
Brunsgot it21:47
Brunsanyone else?21:47
AJollyLifei try not to eat taco bell21:47
jrayhawkspicy chicken crunchwrap supreme21:47
kanzuredid jrayhawk just make shit up?21:48
BrunsI will be back21:48
genehackeralso I am now considering replacing my mtDNA with mtDNA from another vertebrate21:48
genehackerjust to troll people21:48
genehackerafter all mtdna is fairly conserved...21:48
genehackeroh wait around 50 or so vertebrate complete genomes21:52
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kanzurefenn: fyi, i've cleaned up about 20 GB off of davinci22:05
kanzureapparently i had a copy of KEGG laying around22:05
kanzurewhich was 12 GB alone22:06
kanzure"Gene Doping: A Review of Performance-Enhancing Genetics"22:09
genehackerhas anyone actually done it yet?22:11
kanzuredunno. but it's been banned :)22:11
kanzureactually i should know if it's been done22:12
kanzurei should look into it more closely. sorry.22:12
kanzurebdesk: do you log #python? because someone helped me out earlier tonight, and i can't find it in my backlog22:20
kanzurenot only that, but irssi crapped out on me and didn't log because the hard drive was full22:21
kanzureah it's because it wasn't in #python22:25
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BrunsSorry, 22:59
BrunsI didn't go to taco smell :/22:59
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