
--- Log opened Thu Jul 08 00:00:17 2010
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:48
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cluckjkanzure I think I found the guy you were saying was from my area03:09
cluckjbob keys?03:09
cluckjhe just posted to the ml03:09
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ENKI-][kanzure: i'm sure you are probably aware of this trick, but you might not be -- but the most meaniningful phrases are closest to mean frequency, usually (which does not mean that they are particularly frequent; if you graph word frequency you tend to get a bathtub curve)05:33
bdeski'm pretty sure you don't05:35
ENKI-][meh. try it?05:36
ENKI-][i use that heuristic for markov chain bots, and it works better than most of the other ones i've used. i've never tested it empirically, just read it somewhere05:37
bdeski probably just misunderstand the axes of your curve05:37
ENKI-][the number of extremely common words and the number of unique words that appear only once or twice are both very large in terms of instances compared to the count of words with frequencies closer to the average05:38
bdeskwhen i think 'plot of word frequency', I think of something like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia-n-zipf.png05:39
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ENKI-][on the right side you have the count of "the", "and", "of", etc. on the left side you have the count of words that appear only once, like "jabberwocken" and "etcsl-corporae"05:39
ENKI-][of course, if we're talking information theory, then the least frequent words a priori contain more information. however, people generally have a threshhold below which uniqueness constitutes noise05:41
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-!- metaliving [~aaaa@athedsl-4506678.home.otenet.gr] has joined #hplusroadmap07:32
kanzurehi metaliving 07:33
metalivingdid anyone here write this on the emotiv forum?07:34
metalivingI have written some python apps to read data from the EPOC. If you're interested in the development of this, check out #hplusroadmap on the freenode IRC network.07:34
kanzurethat was me07:34
metalivingoh, nice07:34
metalivingwhat do you think of the epoc eeg readings?07:34
kanzurei think they are annoying07:34
kanzureAES 512 encryption? really? sigh07:34
metalivingdisregarding the encryption07:35
metalivingare they accurate enough?07:35
kanzurei haven't been able to break the encryption yet07:35
metalivinghave you done any feature detection using machine learning?07:35
kanzurei think the encryption key is embedded in the .exe files that they distribute07:35
metalivingoh, you bought the commercial version?07:36
kanzurei have an emotiv epoc, the standard consumer version07:36
kanzureif it's encrypted, and the programs are decrypting the information, there has to be a key in the .exe file07:36
kanzurethere's no other way.. unless it's making up the data07:37
metalivingyeah, got that07:37
metalivingso those python apps can't read the data yet?07:37
kanzureright :(07:37
kanzureyeah, no machine learning, no SVMs, etc.07:37
kanzuresorry to disappointing. my decrypt-foo isn't as strong as it should be :)07:37
metalivingi was thinking of buying the research edition07:37
metalivingtoo expensive though :|07:37
kanzurewhenever 'thesnark' logs in today, you might ask him about his project07:38
kanzurehe decided to just replace the encoding chips in his emotiv07:38
kanzurei forget the exact part numbers07:38
JayDuggerDid that work/07:38
kanzuredunno- last i heard the project was going well, but i haven't heard any details07:39
metalivingi guess an openeeg machine is also an option07:40
metalivingwith crappy and noisy readings07:41
kanzurethesnark was thinking of doing a 32-channel openeeg07:41
kanzuremetaliving: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/emotiv/epoc/ 07:42
kanzurehm the .py file isn't in there07:42
* kanzure digs around07:43
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:49
metalivingcan you even hope of breaking an aes 512 encryption?07:50
metalivinghas it been done? :p07:50
metalivingsounds way too unlikely07:50
kanzurei don't think it has to be broken07:50
kanzurei mean, somehow the programs are already using the data07:51
kanzurei'm pretty sure they have an AES key embedded in them07:51
kanzureso we just pipe the .exe files and .dll files through 'strings' or something07:51
kanzureand find it :)07:51
metalivingi see07:52
eriduthere's no such thing as "AES 512"07:52
kanzureuh, are you sure?07:52
eriduI would be extremely surprised07:52
bdesk"Key sizes of 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256 bits are supported by the Rijndael algorithm, but only the 128, 192, and 256-bit key sizes are specified in the AES standard."07:52
kanzurei wonder where i ..07:53
eriduthere is certainly no implementation of "AES 512" in any free software system07:53
eriduor in any widely-used proprietary system, either07:53
eridudon't feel bad about it, I could have sworn once that I had seen "AES 1024" ;-)07:53
kanzurei'm wondering how i originally "found" that it was AES 512, so that i could go repeat it and see if i just misremembered07:55
metaliving"I agree rip. In all of my dealings with the Emotiv people I never once got the impression that they were technically ignorant. Customer service seems to be lacking a bit, but they’ve always known their stuff (especially Gmac). I have actually received private messages/comments regarding this from people who are actively attempting to reverse engineer the device, stating that the AES 512 key is easily obtainable and that they are 08:00
metalivingin the process of looking into this as well as possible chip-swaps in the headset and dongle to give them more access to data."08:00
metalivinghere perhaps?08:00
-!- mheld [~mheld@] has joined #hplusroadmap08:06
metalivingdamn, next best plan is creating a biofeedback club in college and asking the student board for money 08:09
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Ian_Daniherkanzure: what about adding something to the #diybio channel header about #hplusroadmap?08:28
Ian_Daniherkanzure: "if we don't answer, swing by #hplusroadmap"08:28
-!- splicer [~patrik@h126n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:31
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kanzurei'm watching this: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/100708/globe_show/default_go.cfm?live=1&type=flv09:19
kanzureIan_Daniher: i'm not channel operator in that channel09:20
kanzureinternational association synthetic biology http://www.ia-sb.eu/go/synthetic-biology/09:26
kanzurehuh they'll have markus schmidt?09:26
kanzurethe transcriber sucks09:34
splicerthat was interesting... thanks bryan09:37
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kanzurethis might be a better link for finding the streams: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/100708/#10:04
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phrykA better link for the bioethics.gov thing is mms://wm.tvworldwide.com/100708_bioethics you can directly watch that with mplayer (vlc should work, too)10:18
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kanzurehi nima, hi metaliving 10:39
nimaHello kanzure 10:44
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-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:03
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splicerfucking etc group11:11
pmetzgerthe etc group is nutty.11:13
bdesk"Synthia is Alive and Breeding: Panacea or Pandora's Box?"11:14
kanzurehah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_Alley11:17
kanzure12:06 < salat_> heyho11:19
kanzure12:13 < salat_> could someone tell me whats the actual state of diy biotechnologie? i mean...i searched for diy pcr and expected a whole bunch of plans of  diy pcrs. even successful electrophoresis experiments seem to be rare11:19
kanzurethere's actually a lot of PCR stuff under a different name (non-diy) 11:19
kanzureit's interesting to see the transcription occuring on the stream11:20
pmetzgerthe kids at SF state competed in the annual synthetic bio contest at MIT using what was essentially DIY equipment in a makeshift lab.11:20
kanzureimportant details are totally kept out11:20
pmetzgerthere is lots of DIY stuff going on, it is just not called that.11:20
kanzure"oh they aren't slave workers.. we'll just leave that part of the sentene out"11:20
kanzureit's like a big brother filter happening in real time11:20
pmetzgerwhat are you talking about?11:20
kanzureare you watching the stream?11:20
pmetzgerno why would I?11:21
kanzurethere's a live transcriber sitting in that room11:21
kanzureand it's weird.11:21
pmetzgerit seems a pointless as listening to congressional hearings.11:21
pmetzgerit is all about politics, and politics as practiced by irrational people.11:21
pmetzgerwhich is to say, most people.11:21
kanzureyou're full of shit again11:21
kanzurethe earlier discussion was actually fairly informative on synthetic biology11:21
kanzuredid you read the transcript?11:21
pmetzgerthe word "bioethics" came up.11:22
* kanzure finds the link11:22
kanzurewell it wasn't about bioethics11:22
pmetzgeranything that might be about bioethics, I ignore. :)11:22
phrykpmetzger: Why that?11:22
kanzureit wasn't about bioethics11:22
pmetzgerbioethics = religious people telling other people they can't get particular medical treatments etc.11:23
splicer(bioethics in religious context means almost exclusively abortion issues apparently)11:23
pmetzgerbioethics is generally about what we mustn't do to living things. it is a weird, self-appointed discipline11:24
pmetzgerthe people who are part of it are generally religious or cryptoreligious.11:24
pmetzgerand I don't like wasting my time.11:24
kanzurei'm sorry, but claiming venter or george church are bioethicists is just full of shit11:24
pmetzgerso they're at this thing.11:25
pmetzgerprobably out of self defense.11:25
kanzureactually, no11:25
kanzuredid you read the transcript?11:25
pmetzgerVenter has a good track record of protecting himself well from this stuff.11:25
pmetzgerWill I learn anything from the transcript?11:25
kanzurethe government was asking "where can we dump money on you, kthxbai"11:25
kanzurei think so, yes11:25
pmetzgerI have actual work to do.11:25
pmetzgerGrant proposals are a well understood system. :)11:26
pmetzgerone doesn't need to watch long video streams to learn how to write them.11:26
kanzurethis wasn't about grants.11:26
pmetzgerso you said the government was asking where to dump money.11:26
kanzureyeah they were quite supportive of their work in synthetic biology11:26
pmetzgerthe usual method by which the government dumps money on science is via DARPA, NSF, the national institutes, etc.11:26
kanzureyes i know that11:27
pmetzgerone produces proposals for them, they get peer reviewed, some money comes out.11:27
pmetzgera small amount is spent via earmarks, which requires political mudwrestling to get.11:27
phrykI'm really wondering what DARPA really does...11:27
pmetzgerDARPA does research.11:27
pmetzgerlots of research funding.11:27
phrykThey always have shitloads of projects you never hear about again...11:27
pmetzgermy advisor worked at DARPA for a while.11:27
phrykpmetzger: Do you know what happened to that invisibility-cloak programme?11:28
kanzurethe metamaterial program?11:28
pmetzgeranyway, I'm happy to read papers or watch technical presentations, but general introductions to fields I already have general introductions to aren't very interesting.11:28
kanzurearen't there like twenty of them?11:28
pmetzgerthere are a lot of people working on metamaterials.11:28
pmetzgerand most of the reason to do the work is unrelated to "invisibility"11:28
pmetzgermicroscopy is the best reason to care.11:28
phrykkanzure: yes that11:29
pmetzgerkanzure: how will my ability to do my research improve if I watch this video or read a transcript?11:30
kanzureyou'll be less full of it when you claim venter is a bioethicist?11:31
pmetzgerI didn't claim he was.11:31
spliceri think only kanzure does11:31
splicerhe is an industrialist... and he belongs in the discussion11:32
splicerfor that reason11:32
kanzuresplicer: i definitely *do not* think that venter is a bioethicist11:32
splicerbut you seem to claim someone has said that11:32
kanzurepmetzger: you were implying some sort of kooty-theory that because they are speaking on a conference schedule with others who you find to be less than, ah, relevant (which i agree with), that therefore what they said is also irrelevant11:32
kanzuresplicer: pmetzger did.11:32
kanzureread the logs, yo11:33
pmetzgermost of what they say at such conferences is irrelevant, yes, because it is pitched at a general audience.11:33
pmetzgerit is introductory material designed to make other people listening less afraid of what they do.11:33
kanzureit's really not hard to skim over some text and figure out if it's BS or not11:33
pmetzgerit isn't a scientific presentation of work that I would find interesting because it would teach me about new techniques etc.11:33
kanzurei'm not going to continue arguing with you about this11:33
kanzureit's just reading, pmetzger11:33
pmetzgerI don't even understand what you're arguing about.11:33
kanzureyou've spent more time trying to convince me that i'm wrong, without looking at the text, with more time than it would have taken you to just glance at it11:34
pmetzgerI didn't try to convince you you were wrong.11:34
pmetzgerAll I said was I was uninterested in reading about this conference.11:34
kanzureyou were claiming it was pointless11:34
pmetzgerthat's all I said.11:34
pmetzgerand I explained why.11:34
kanzureand i was claiming it was not11:34
kanzurewhat's hard to understand about this?11:34
pmetzgerare they discussing stuff I don't know?11:34
pmetzgerif not, it is pointless for me to read about it, yes.11:34
bdeskkanzure: paste the juicy bits from the transcript11:34
pmetzgerVenter has a lot of money he gets from the government. he's in a politically sensitive spot.11:35
pmetzgerso he spends a lot of time schmoozing.11:35
pmetzgerthat's great.11:35
kanzurepmetzger: how would i know what you know?11:35
kanzurenobody said he was schmoozing (except you)11:35
pmetzgerbut I don't have to read transcripts of him schmoozing.11:35
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kanzurewho said he was schmoozing?11:35
pmetzgeris this a technical conference?11:35
pmetzgerif not, he's schmoozing, just like H+ was all schmoozing.11:35
kanzurewell, i won't disagree with that, a lot of the hplus summit was bullshitting11:36
pmetzgera technical conference people present new, interesting results in a scientifically interesting way.11:36
pmetzgerat a conference like the one you pointed at, people discuss things with policy makers and produce introductions to a field for laypeople.11:36
kanzureand i'm telling you that you're wrong11:36
kanzurei've watched it, transcribed it, and have digested it11:36
pmetzgerI've just scanned through the transcript.11:36
kanzureso wtf are you smoking?11:36
splicerkanzure: can't find it, but that discussion seems to be over anyway11:37
kanzurein the time that you've been arguing?11:37
pmetzgerI see nothing here that's not an introduction for lay people.11:37
kanzuresplicer: hm? yeah, the current streaming stuff is crap11:37
pmetzgerI can read and type a line or two at the same time, yah.11:37
kanzurepmetzger: there's a lot of proprietary information that they dumped that is not available in the literature11:37
pmetzgermaybe, but I wouldn't absorb it anyway. my area is mnt, not synthetic biology.11:38
pmetzgerI wouldn't know the first thing about lab technique etc.11:38
kanzureit's really weird how territorial you are11:38
kanzurei'm going to stop bothering now11:38
pmetzgerYou're imagining an argument.11:38
pmetzgerI'm not arguing with you. you're arguing with you.11:38
kanzureyou've posited some statements that i disagreed with11:39
kanzureso i presented reasoning11:39
pmetzgerI think you need another 20 years experience using chat channels.11:39
kanzureargument from authority11:39
pmetzgerArgument from experience. You're assuming I'm having an argument with you.11:39
pmetzgeryou're getting angry, I'm just saying I don't care much about this conference.11:39
pmetzgerIt isn't relevant to me.11:40
kanzurepmetzger: i'm not assuming anything, all i have is the logs here11:40
kanzurei am not angry :)11:40
bdeskkanzure: make a blog of the relevant parts of the bioethics thingy11:40
kanzurejust confused and worried11:40
kanzurebdesk: huh? why should i?11:40
pmetzgerworried that I have other things to do?11:40
kanzurepmetzger: no, worried that you categorically exclude things without reading it11:40
kanzureor skimming it, rather11:40
pmetzgerI did skim it. I saw nothing I deeply cared about.11:40
kanzurebut that was after me prodding you a lot11:41
kanzureor maybe the last 10 minutes have been a blur?11:41
pmetzgerI have a lot of experience in deciding not to look at things.11:41
pmetzgeryou insisted, so I looked.11:41
kanzureokay. great.11:41
kanzurethen my job is done here :P11:41
pmetzgerThere are about 300 papers that come to my attention in a given week, and two or three conferences.11:41
pmetzgerIf I paid even a few minutes of attention to each I would not get anything done.11:41
kanzurei doubt that, but please forward me the 300 papers/week11:41
pmetzgerSo I spend a lot of time being "prejudiced".11:42
pmetzgerAnd generally my prejudices are correct.11:42
kanzurei see11:42
pmetzgeras just one example, lots of my CSy friends told me to look at google wave11:42
kanzurewell, forward me the 300 papers/week to me11:42
kanzureand i'll be anti-prejudiced for you or something11:42
pmetzgerI said "if it becomes a big thing, I'll look at it. right now, I see no more reason to worry about it than I did DCE or 80 other technologies that went nowhere"11:42
pmetzgerand I was right.11:42
kanzurei think google wave has some interesting algorithms for distributed revision control11:42
pmetzgerit might, but I'm not a distributed revision control guy.11:43
kanzureprejudice again?11:43
pmetzgerI work on different things, and I can't learn about everything.11:43
pmetzgerI can't even read every article in science and nature every week.11:43
pmetzgerthose come right to my door, I just have to spend a few hours on it11:43
pmetzgerand i don't.11:43
pmetzgerbecause most of the content is in fields I don't follow and have no time for.11:43
pmetzgerthose are some of the hundreds of papers that go by me every week.11:44
splicerboys ... time to take your meds11:44
kanzuresplicer: ?11:44
kanzurei think we're just talking now, aren't we? 11:44
pmetzgerscience and nature alone count for like 50.11:44
pmetzgerthen there are RSS feeds I subscribe to for various chemistry and physics papers.11:45
pmetzgerand i generally read only a very tiny fraction.11:45
kanzurepmetzger: if you want more rss, try http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rss/11:45
kanzureit's the rss feeds for the majority of scientific journals11:45
kanzure(something i monitor)11:45
pmetzgerI'd rather not monitor so much stuff. I get too much information in my day already.11:46
pmetzgerI have a dozen books I have to read and haven't started on.11:46
pmetzgerI need less information in my day, more time to digest what I already know and what I already know i need to learn.11:47
bdeskpmetzger: distributed revision control is good to use even if you don't care about its algorithms.11:49
pmetzgerI do use it -- I use things like git and hg.11:50
kanzurethen why are you asking why11:50
pmetzgerbut why should I learn about the algorithms in more detail?11:50
kanzurebdesk specifically said "even if you don't care about its algorithms"11:50
kanzureso your question seems irrelevant11:50
pmetzgeryou suggested that google wave was interesting because of the distributed revision control algorithms11:50
pmetzgerI said that's not my area of study.11:50
kanzurebdesk isn't talking about that11:50
pmetzgerI didn't say I don't like distributed revision control. I said I didn't learn about google wave and it turned out I was right not to learn about it.11:51
kanzurewell you specifically said:11:52
kanzure13:43 < pmetzger> it might, but I'm not a distributed revision control guy.11:52
kanzure13:43 < pmetzger> I work on different things, and I can't learn about everything.11:52
kanzureimplying that you didn't want to learn about git and hg11:52
pmetzgerI don't write distributed revision control systems.11:53
pmetzgerI just use them.11:53
kanzureand other distributed revision control systems11:53
pmetzgerI'm not a aircraft engineer either, so I don't read about developments in aeronautics.11:53
pmetzgerbut I do fly in planes.11:53
* bkero learns about everything.11:54
* bkero however, is nothing.11:54
pmetzgerI learn a little about many things, but there is more to learn than my brain can absorb or that I've got time for.11:55
pmetzgerI didn't learn chemistry or quantum mechanics until I really needed them, though they are plenty interesting topics.11:55
pmetzgerI love learning interesting things that are not entirely relevant to my field, but there are limits.11:56
pmetzgerbecoming a real expert at anything takes something like 10,000 hours. there are perhaps 2000 hours of work a person can do per year, and that is pushing it.12:00
pmetzgerthere are thus serious limits to how many things one can be an expert at in a human lifetime.12:00
pmetzgerand we forget things very quickly.12:00
pmetzgerif you don't use a skill like calculus for ten years it is largely gone.12:01
-!- Lentur [~lentur@p54B9F9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:15
kanzurelol at governments debating vitalism12:17
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bdeskman cannot live on bread alone, and you need a fifth jar if you want to create life with four jars of nucleotides.12:26
cluckj10000 hours sounds about right12:35
kanzurethere were various studies about that number12:35
kanzurei mean, that reported that number12:35
cluckja PhD takes about 5-6 years12:37
bdeskthat number is from gladwell12:37
bdeskwell, popularized by him.12:37
bdeskit is 'truthy' so he is famous.12:38
bdeskhis schtick is to say truthy things so that you will say 'that sounds about right' and then feel smart and tell your friends.12:38
cluckjhe's a memesmith12:39
kanzureman's a genius12:39
kanzurei am fairly impressed with Allen Buchanan12:48
bdesk"Institutionalizing the Just War."12:51
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streetythe figure of 5-6 years must be region (and possibly subject) specific13:11
streetyin the UK for bio/medicine it's 3-4 years13:12
* splicer is impressed by Buchanan too13:13
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kanzurewhy don't we have buchanan talking for humanity+?13:17
kanzureanyway, i just posted the transcript to diybio13:17
bdeskDuke University, 2002 to present. James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Philosophy13:21
bdeskConsultant, (U.S.) President's Council on Bioethics, 2007--13:21
bdeskhe probably doesn't have a lot of spare time...13:21
splicer+maybe it's a case of "That would look great on your cv, no so good on mine"13:25
kanzureha ha ha13:32
kanzure https://docs.google.com/a/singularityu.org/fileview?id=0B6vjqTaW5opaMTU0NzU3ZDQtZGY0Yi00ZTdmLThiNzgtMjI2NzBlMGVkMjAy&hl=en13:33
kanzureoh, same link13:34
kanzureoh fuck13:35
kanzurebdesk: this is from singularityu.org's $25,000 program13:38
kanzureintegrative medicine slides: http://bit.ly/ajjKKf (rachel schneyer)13:40
kanzurechris longhurst slides on medical informatics: http://bit.ly/9aTPMc13:41
kanzurebioethics.gov is asking for emails from the public :P13:41
kanzureeri gentry slides https://docs.google.com/a/singularityu.org/leaf?id=0ByuGXnC_X6-QNGU2ZGM0NDgtOWIzMy00ZTI3LWI4ZjgtMWQxYzU3NmFiMjE1&hl=en13:42
kanzureMac: DIYBio was founded in 2002.13:42
kanzurehttp://www.quirky.com/ hm?13:44
kanzureDNA dating websites http://scientificmatch.com/ http://genepartner.com/13:44
kanzurecommentary for bioethics.gov: info@bioethics.gov13:46
kanzureevolution of directed evolution: http://bit.ly/cH4aRj13:48
kanzurepaul rothemund slides on dna origami https://docs.google.com/a/singularityu.org/leaf?id=0B6vjqTaW5opaYjBkM2I3YTktZmVhYy00MjExLTg1MTAtMTExY2IwYmI2YjEy&sort=name&layout=list&pid=0B2Ij9HPeinaFOTU0MDYzNDUtOWYzMS00MWI5LTlhNmYtYzc5MWU2Y2YzYjM5&cindex=413:48
kanzure"digital biopiracy" wut13:48
kanzurehttp://www.genome.gov/20019523 genome wide association study13:49
kanzurehttp://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1000993 Web-Based,   Participant-Driven Studies Yield Novel Genetic Associations for Common   Traits"PLoS Genet13:49
kanzurethird generation sequencing http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090206/full/news.2009.86.html)13:49
kanzureNet-Gen includes Illumina, Life Technologies, Roche/454, etc.13:50
kanzureNext-Next-Gen includes Helicos, Pacific Biosciences, SZ Genomics, Halcyon Molecular, Lightspeed Genomics, etc.13:50
kanzureFDA letter to Pathway: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ResourcesforYou/Industry/ucm211866.htm)13:50
kanzurecalifornia state senator on personal genome tests: http://info.sen.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sb_482&sess=CUR&house=B&site=sen13:50
kanzure2006 interview genetic ethics http://bioethics.georgetown.edu/pcbe/transcripts/nov06/session4.html)13:50
kanzurebiotech hall of fame http://www.chemheritage.org/exhibits/biotech/zaffaroni.html13:51
kanzuredirected evolution enzyme http://www.che.caltech.edu/groups/fha/cara.pdf13:51
kanzuresplicer: this isn't as random as you think13:51
kanzurecatalog of molecular parts http://www.pdb.org/pdb/home/home.do)13:51
kanzurecatalog of molecular parts http://www.pdb.org/pdb/home/home.do13:51
kanzureshih lab stuff http://research4.dfci.harvard.edu/shih/SHIH_LAB/Home.html13:52
kanzuremore slides https://rcpt.yousendit.com/901735785/867fc465d610e68adc0da5b0e4a4c9e713:54
kanzureraymond mccauley's presentation http://prezi.com/zd2ibyqy2jik/digitial-biology-biology-under-moores-law/13:55
kanzuredigital stethoscope iphone app http://www.thinklabsmedical.com/13:55
kanzureUsed to have halter monitor. Shrunk - iRhythm. Put on chest for week, put it in the mail, get analysis of your heart rate. http://www.irhythmtech.com/zio-solution/zio-patch/13:55
kanzurephilips directlife sensewear http://www.directlife.philips.com/13:56
kanzuregeomedicine http://www.esri.com/industries/health/geomedicine/index.html13:56
kanzuremind machine project http://openmind.media.mit.edu/14:00
kanzureHTM-based ai vision http://www.binatix.com/people.html14:00
eriduso many links14:01
kanzure"NOTE: You should already be a member and Owner of the Google Group for your team project."14:01
kanzurehttp://www.burdastyle.com/ http://www.etsy.com/ http://www.freddyandma.com/14:02
kanzurehttp://farmstogo.com/ http://proflowers.com/14:03
kanzurehttp://www.elance.com http://www.guru.com http://www.odesk.com http://www.getafreelancer.com http://www.rentacoder.com http://www.quirky.com14:04
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kanzureBEPSI:  Bulk Export of Personal and Sensitive Information.14:07
pmetzgerare we to read all those URLs?14:10
pmetzger(more seriously, why all the URLs?)14:13
bdeskbecause http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/044/778/original/hatersgonnacat.jpg14:16
cluckj<kanzure> Mac: DIYBio was founded in 2002. <-- what?14:17
cluckjI thought it was 200814:18
streetythat's when the domain was registered14:19
cluckjI really need to get my history of diy bio straight...14:21
streetyI mean the domain was registered in 200814:22
cluckjCreated On:04-Apr-2008 16:44:44 UTC14:22
streetydo we know what all the links are about yet?14:24
pmetzgermy three theories are: 1) kanzure is using the irc log to save data he's looking up. 2) kanzure accidentally pasted a large buffer in to irc. 3) kanzure really likes posting links a lot. :)14:27
streetywhile 3 is certainly true I suspect some other factor is involved14:30
kanzurethey are the links from the singularityu.org gsp10 session14:37
kanzure*cough* http://singularityu.org/gsp10pads/14:38
kanzure"You cannot view this group's content because you are not currently a member.   Anyone from singularityu.org can join.14:38
kanzure"An average half-kilometer S-type asteroid is worth more than $20 trillion." http://bit.ly/9Yh0Nl14:50
QuantumGsometimes you can came up with incredibly large numbers for net-present-value of asteroids14:53
QuantumGhere's a more accurate assessment: http://quantumg.net/asteroid-npv.jpg14:55
QuantumGit even takes into account the time-value of money14:57
streetybut doesn't appear to include any term for the value of the materials returned15:00
streetyunless I've missed it15:01
fennthis is hilarious, NEEDS MORE GRAPHS http://viewhernude.com/15:06
fenntoo bad it doesn't actually work tho15:07
pmetzgerit looks like a trap to get you to solve captchas for them.15:08
pmetzgerso they can break into accounts and spam with them.15:08
pmetzgerthere are a bunch of such scams around, things that offer or actually provided a little "Free" porn in exchange for people solving captchas.15:08
pmetzgerwhat the user doesn't realize is that they're being used as a mechanical turk.15:09
QuantumGstreety: NPV tells you how much you have to be able to sell the recovered material for to make a profit.15:10
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streetyThat would make sense then15:13
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kanzurepmetzger: it's easier to just pay for http://decaptcher.com/15:17
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pmetzgerit is pretty easy to set up mechanical turk systems.15:20
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QuantumGprobably better quality than relying on people trying to solve them with one hand too15:32
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fennQuantumG: i propose your asteroid mining cost forumla is total bullshit, because it assumes all the mining equiment is being built on earth and launched wholesale15:55
QuantumGit's not "mine" .. it's from the literature.  http://www.transport.caltech.edu/~shane/papers/ross-asteroid-mining-2001.pdf15:56
fennwell, you'd think they would have learned something between 1973 and 200115:57
QuantumGlearned what exactly?15:58
QuantumGthe business model is: launch mining equipment to an asteroid, process materials on-site to make both valuable product and propellant for the return journey, bring it back to Earth and sell to any market that will buy.   That formula tells you how much you need to be able to sell for to turn a profit given a long list of variables, and informs you which variables are probably the best to optimize.16:03
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kanzurei just posted a proposal to do a bioethics.gov write-in for the diybio community16:22
cluckjkanzure awesome16:23
cluckjmake that happen :)16:23
cluckjI think jason bobe is thinking about that kind of stuff as of late16:25
kanzureit kind of occurred to me like a wet brick hits smooth pavement16:29
kanzureuh, wait16:29
kanzurewell anyway, what i mean to say that there's actually a high probability of getting a message communicated16:29
cluckjhaha what16:29
cluckjthat metaphor is abberant as hell16:29
kanzuredon't phage me bro16:29
cluckjhaters gonna hate, b16:29
fenni support you in your metaphorasis16:29
cluckj(even worse)16:30
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cluckjnice one too fenn16:30
fennum, please educate me on my subconscious pun16:31
cluckjif I have to explain it, it's not going to be funny16:31
* fenn snorts a line of orange magic shell16:32
fennwhatever man16:32
cluckjkanzure getting something said there from the "DIY Bio community" would be a big publicity boost16:33
cluckjI can't tell if it would be good or bad, though16:33
cluckjprobably good16:34
kanzurewhat i was surprised at was how hungry the committee was for suggestions by craig and george16:35
kanzurethey were almost begging them for "please tell us what we should say to the president"16:35
kanzurethey kinda gave them what they wanted, but it wasn't entirely planned out i think16:36
kanzurei mean, they didn't come prepared to give them "here's your turn-key kit"16:36
cluckjis there a video of the proceedings today?16:36
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kanzurecluckj: there were streams, and apparently they are putting the videos up16:36
kanzurecheck the diybio thread16:36
kanzurejosh posted a link16:36
cluckjI was at work all day and missed it16:36
kanzurei also did transcripts16:37
kanzurethe transcriber they had on site was absolutely terrible16:37
kanzuremissing entire sentences, words, typing "sin bioh", ..16:37
kanzureit was like watching an (unintentional) Big Brother filter over the ideas and statements16:37
kanzurecluckj: it would be helpful if you would write a reply to my email on the bioethics.gov write-in16:38
cluckjI really want to16:39
kanzureeven just a generic "i support this and wish to subscribe to your newsletter" thing16:39
cluckjI'm uncomfortable with being a part of making the content of the statement16:39
kanzurethat's fine16:40
cluckjjust that line between anthropologist and "subjects of study" that I'm already dancing on16:43
fennso you're really here as an anthropologist? i thought that was a joke16:44
kanzureQUICK! HIDE! we're being *studied*16:44
fennaaaagh the light it burns16:45
kanzureno no i said /hide/16:45
kanzure(not in broad daylight)16:45
fennthe pure light of scientific inquisition16:46
* cluckj takes note of this16:46
kanzureoh please16:47
* cluckj decides they're all weirdos16:47
kanzurewell yeah16:47
* cluckj writes a paper about it16:47
kanzurei've never seen venter or church live / in a video16:47
cluckjfenn yep16:47
pmetzgeryou didn't watch the ted talk by venter?16:47
pmetzgeractually there were two...16:47
kanzurepmetzger: no :(16:48
cluckjfenn I'm in a weird situation -- if I weren't studying diy bio, I'd be doing it16:48
pmetzgerand there was the video announcement of his synthetic genome + cell a while ago.16:48
kanzure(it wasn't a conscious decision to not watch the TED talk)16:48
cluckjso I've gotta resist the urge to jump in feet first sometimes16:48
kanzurecluckj: maybe you could do it for transhumanism, then :)16:48
pmetzgerthey're not going to tell you much you don't know already...16:48
fenncluckj: that's the most contrived excuse for not doing anything i've ever heard :P16:48
pmetzgerassuming you've read the papers.16:48
pmetzgerthe papers are pretty readable.16:48
JayDuggerBig Brother filter? John Walker has a Greasemonkey script for that.16:49
pmetzgerah, john walker.16:52
pmetzgerthere's a guy to admire. except for the weird psychic phenomena beliefs that is.16:52
cluckjkanzure the guy I was with at h+ is doing it for transhumanism :P16:53
cluckjfenn oh I'm doing enough :)16:53
cluckjtrying to be subtle, though16:54
cluckjgeez, is william heath in here?16:54
kanzurehe used to be16:55
kanzurei would've kicked ban him a long time ago16:55
kanzureexcept i don't have ops16:55
ENKI-][pmetzger: are you the pmetzger who runs the skeptic blog?16:55
cluckjhahaha, good16:56
cluckjwhat a twerp :)16:56
kanzurecluckj: you should read the logs - search for "xp_prg" - and that's an interesting anthropological exploration in-and-of-itself16:56
cluckjhe just posted to your call for messages16:57
pmetzgerenki: no.16:57
ENKI-][oh, ok.16:57
cluckjkanzure I would say something about friendship, microbes, and DIY Bio17:04
kanzure"let's be friends with the microbes" ?17:04
fenni've decided that william heath is slightly mentally retarded17:05
fennso i'll stop being mean to him17:05
cluckjfenn, cosign on that17:05
cluckjkanzure that paper I wrote talks about more of what I mean17:05
ENKI-]["DIY Bio makes microbes your friends!"17:05
ENKI-][(so long as you don't screw up and make them kill you first)17:06
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cluckj"DIY Bio wants to be friends with your microbes" ;) ;) ;)17:06
ENKI-][(it's actually more likely that they will remain dormant and just kind of divide incorrectly, though, so you shouldn't worry)17:06
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kanzurehi nsh17:07
cluckjdon't say that!17:07
fennyou've awakened the dread god, run for your lives!17:07
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JayDuggerJohn Walker, psychic powers, eh?17:08
fennorange magic shell + coconut ice cream is probably the most addictive food i've ever eaten17:08
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JayDuggerfenn: that sounds less appetizing than brussels sprouts.17:09
JayDuggerDoesn't Geortzel entertain a psychic powers hypothesis too?17:10
JayDuggerpsi, psychic, whatever--do I have the assignment right? The particular differences of label interest me about as much as fine points of Mormon heresies interest you. :)17:12
fennhmm. i love it when i'm about to leave any somebody says "take your camera for the riots."17:13
JayDuggerSounds like a fun time--until the cops show up.17:14
fennyeah well i'm going to oakland on bart, apparently some cop shot someone on bart recently17:15
fennnot a fun kind of riot17:15
JayDuggerNo, probably not.17:15
mheldanybody have any good bio-inspired AI videos/lectures/books that they'd recommend (other than henry markram's stuff)17:33
kanzurepretty interesting how bioethics.gov was asking to start the next human genome project17:33
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cluckjwhat's the next one?17:37
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kanzurehi jennifer 17:43
kanzurewhat brings you hear today? :)17:43
jenniferdo you know what happened to brian bishop's biohacking toolkit ? I was trying to GIT it at http://heybryan.org/biotech.git17:44
kanzurei'm bryan.17:44
kanzurebasically my website is under extreme load all the time because i can't afford big enough pipes17:45
jenniferoh *blushes and waves shyly* nice to meet you17:45
kanzuresecond, biotech.git was just a lot of files poorly organized :P17:45
kanzurethere have been some projects that have usurped it17:46
jenniferoh I see.17:46
jenniferlike the openwetware I assume?17:46
kanzurewell, for documents, yes17:47
kanzurebut also some more software-oriented projects to organize the information17:47
cluckjGreat idea -- I think that making DIY Bio known to them would be of great benefit to the community, and to the public at large. I agree that it doesn't have to be a sort of "mission statement" or anything like that, just something that says that people in the DIY Bio community are interested in, and want to take part in, the discussions and deliberations being made during the bioethics committee meeting. 17:47
kanzurethere was a talk i gave in 2009 on 'skdb' for instance17:47
kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/ has the videos17:47
cluckjhow's that sound?17:47
kanzureit's sort of a way to functionally encode the knowledge17:47
jenniferi was just listening to it on youtube actually :-)17:48
kanzurecluckj: yes that's fantastic17:48
kanzurejennifer: oh cool :) what about the 2010 talks from last month on DIY transhuman tech? i don't know if that's in your range of interests or not17:48
jenniferor actually the hplus summit 2010 speech on youtube17:48
kanzureaha. the links on gnusha.org is another talk, on how to use principles from linux (in particular, the debian project) as it applies to open source hardware and DIY projects17:49
kanzurei kind of did them backwards (more technical talk first then the hplus summit talk)17:49
kanzurecluckj: thank you :)17:49
cluckjyup, no problem17:49
jenniferoh ok17:50
pmetzgerdiy farm noises!17:52
jenniferI heard a little about diy biohacking a couple years ago on the web, but suddenly got more curious today (I'm a noob)17:53
kanzurewell, if you're interested in /news/ about it, i collect a list here:17:53
kanzureand if you're interested in techniques, that's largely something that still occurs by people talking with each other :)17:54
kanzure(and pass links to various obscure documents back and forth)17:54
cluckjyou've gotta know the secret handshake, though17:55
jenniferhehe oh I bet17:56
jenniferso whats a good place to go for someone just getting started17:57
kanzureprobably in here.17:57
kanzurebut also http://groups.google.com/group/diybio17:57
cluckjin here or a local diy bio meetup17:57
kanzureyeah, what general continent are you on?17:58
kanzurecanada? that's a continent these days, right?17:58
kanzurethere's a diybio-vancouver group17:58
kanzurebut its "glorious leader" (so to speak) is currently at singularity university for the summer17:58
jenniferI'm in the san francisco bay area in california17:59
kanzureoh, there's tons of groups in your area17:59
kanzurealso http://biocurious.org/18:00
jenniferI heard something about a bio hackerspace thats trying to get funding to get setup in the southbay I believe18:00
kanzurebiocurious.org is it18:00
jenniferahhh ok, thanks18:00
cluckjoh good joe took my suggestion18:07
kanzurewhich one was that?18:07
cluckjfor students18:07
kanzurefakerspace: corporate start-up masquerading as a community hackerspace18:07
cluckjyou think so?18:08
kanzurejoe convinced me that none of the bad entanglements are in biocurious as with his previous commercial ventures18:09
kanzurebut still.. i don't know.18:09
kanzuresocial "crap" seems to follow joe18:09
kanzureor joe seems to follow it18:09
kanzurei'm not sure which18:09
kanzurei mean, he doesn't bring it with him18:10
kanzurebut it certainly "follows" him regardless18:10
cluckja sort of crap-magnet?18:10
kanzuredunno. i think he finds it.18:10
cluckjare there other people in a position of power in biocurious to temper whatever crap might show up?18:11
kanzureno.. eri seems pretty corporate18:11
kanzurejoe has a tendency to be very thorough with his work, but i dunno if he can convince people about it :)18:12
cluckjhe took the crap first-impression I got of him and convinced me otherwise18:12
cluckjso I'll give him that, at least18:13
kanzureyeah, he's a good guy for sure18:13
kanzurehe used to hang out in here18:14
kanzureor at least he did once or twice18:14
kanzureso, cha0s chewed through the optical mouse cabling18:17
kanzureand i tried to get the mouse to start working again by playing around with the bite mark18:18
kanzureas soon as the optical mouse turns back on, the entire system crashes18:18
cluckjliving up to his name, isn't he18:18
kanzurenamed after the forces of chaos for a reason :)18:18
JayDuggerchaos the cat?18:20
kanzurei'm not really concerned about the behavior18:21
kanzurewhat's more alarming is how the computer just crashed18:21
kanzureleave it to a cat to find the most inventive ways to crash linux: by chewing through the mouse cabling? wtf18:21
cluckjfile a bug report18:23
jenniferhehe, needs kevlar coating18:24
JayDuggerneeds a beating.18:28
JayDuggerToo late unless you catch it the act.18:28
JayDuggerOne of my cats used to sleep atop the set-top box, and another slept on a laptop.18:29
JayDuggerThey got quite good at not getting caught in the act.18:29
jenniferspray the cables with "bitterapple" (i had a rabbit that would snip my cables too once)18:29
JayDuggerGood idea. Does that work well?18:30
jenniferseemed to, he took a taste, and made a face at me, and didn't try it again18:31
* kanzure reads http://bioethics.gov/documents/Letter-from-President-Obama-05.20.10.pdf18:45
kanzure"My team has discovered the majority of genes known to science."18:56
kanzureit's probably true.18:56
jenniferknown to science....18:58
jenniferoi politicians18:58
kanzurethat was venter :)18:58
cluckjventer is an asshole :D18:59
kanzurean asshole with deep pockets not totally screwing things up18:59
cluckjdon't forget super famous18:59
ENKI-][super-fame probably doesn't help as much as the garden variety fame19:00
kanzurei wonder how much of a chance venter has of becoming super-ridiculously-famous enough to i.e. reach public figure fame19:01
JayDuggerI don't understand. Please give an example of "public figure fame."19:02
kanzure"little kids being indoctrinated into Einstein worship heroism at a young age"19:03
kanzurethat sorta fame19:03
kanzureor other popular science figures19:03
JayDuggerEinstein, Sagan, who else?19:03
kanzuresagan isn't hardly as popular as hawking :(19:03
jenniferedison - don't look at tesla19:03
kanzurealthough sagan had a good run when he was alive, i think19:03
JayDuggerDepends on your age group.19:03
kanzureyeah, nobody cares about tesla :(19:03
kanzureJayDugger: agreed. sagan is very age group dependent19:03
kanzureor if you're retarded like i am, you happen to know about him19:03
kanzureeinstein, sagan, feynman, hawking, edison19:04
kanzurealthough edison was more of an inventor :)19:04
JayDuggerI wrote him (Sagan) a fan letter as a 3rd grader.19:04
kanzurethat racist mofo?19:04
JayDuggerWatson doesn't get fan letters.19:04
cluckjalso a super-famous asshole19:04
kanzurei don't think people worship watson19:04
JayDuggerIf Venter & Exxon get cheap synthetic fossil fuels as a result of their join work, then Venter will probably become as famous as "einstein, sagan, feynman, hawking, edison."19:05
JayDuggerFeel free to disagree. We can work up a bet and take it to a prediction market.19:06
kanzurehuh george whitesides looks entirely unlike i expected him to http://www.rsc.org/images/FEATURE-enzymes-250_tcm18-92694.jpg19:06
JayDuggerYou look shorter on-line than in real-life. :)19:06
kanzurecompare to george church: http://www.rechargenews.com/multimedia/archive/00031/George_Church__LS9_c_31737a.jpg19:07
kanzurewho looks deceptively similar to http://www.straferight.com/photopost/data/500/richard-stallman.jpg19:07
kanzureand venter: http://www.wired.com/images/article/full/2008/01/venter_genome_630px.jpg19:08
cluckjeverybody knows who watson is19:09
JayDuggerglc-player (http://www.glc-player.net/) GLC_Player is an Open Source software used to view 3d models19:09
JayDugger(COLLADA 3DXML OBJ 3DS STL OFF COFF Format) and to navigate19:09
JayDuggereasily in these models.19:09
kanzureeveryone knows who watson is, but i don't know if they care enough or not19:09
JayDuggerSample bias, much?19:10
cluckjmaybe, maybe not19:10
kanzurei typed in "max more" and got back this: http://www.natasha.cc/images/Natasha,Max,Shatner.jpg presumably everyone knows the guy on the right19:10
JayDuggerI bet most Anglophone people would imagine John Watson, M.D. if prompted with the surname and no other context.19:11
JayDuggerWow. N.V.M. has long fingers.19:11
cluckjI dunno about that19:12
kanzurenatasha's hands are super tiny19:12
JayDuggerThey don't look it in the image.19:12
JayDuggerI've not met her in person, so my impressions have a flaw.19:13
kanzurei can't believe i'm debating the size of natasha's hands on irc at 9 at night19:13
cluckjiirc she was pretty small19:13
JayDuggerYeah, $0.02 for the OT jar.19:13
kanzureno, i brought this stuff up19:13
kanzurebut i should be doing something more interesting19:13
kanzurelike killing babies or plotting world domination19:13
JayDuggeror coating cables with bitterapple flavor.19:13
JayDuggeror reading Yudkowsky's H.P. fanfic.19:14
kanzureehh.. no19:14
kanzurei read CEV the other day19:14
kanzurei was very disappointed19:14
JayDuggerAnd here I thought you just hated H.P..19:14
kanzurenah, just eli :P19:14
kanzurewell, i don't hate him19:14
kanzurejust his ideas19:14
kanzurecluckj: btw, i might have something juicy for you19:15
* kanzure digs around19:15
JayDuggerYou DO hate H.P., though, right?19:15
JayDuggerIf not, I will have to pull my foot from my mouth.19:15
kanzurecluckj: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/sl4.log19:17
kanzuresl4.org used to have a #sl4 irc channel19:18
kanzureoh cool, emil is in there.19:20
kanzure<Eliezer>I don't wish Ben Goertzel would get run over by a truck, but I wish he'd get a clue19:22
JayDuggerKanzure, do you have an Epilog?19:22
kanzureOct 12 17:45 <Eliezer> #sl4 is not logged19:22
kanzureJayDugger: no, i have a ULS laser cutter19:23
cluckjwhen I hear evolutionary psychology I reach for my pistol19:26
pmetzgerI guess EY writes HP fanfic when he's not busy creating the friendly AI which will whisk us all off to paradise.19:26
cluckjkanzure should I be looking for something specific?19:27
kanzureno, it's just logs from #sl419:27
pmetzgerdoes the sl4 mailing list still exist?19:28
kanzurebut it's full of crap19:28
pmetzger(is there an sl4 IRC channel at this point?)19:28
kanzurenowhere near as interesting as it once might have been19:28
kanzurenope, no more #sl419:28
kanzurebut the last i saw it was in 2007 on irc.lucifer.com19:29
pmetzgerIt was not interesting for the brief period when I looked at it. (The mailing list.)19:29
pmetzgeryears and years ago.19:29
pmetzgerIt was full of people speculating about the ethics of things they couldn't ever build.19:29
kanzurepmetzger: did you ever see FakeEliezer?19:29
kanzurehad to ask.19:30
JayDuggerGood night, everybody.19:31
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]19:31
pmetzgerI was around the night you created that.19:38
cluckjkanzure there's interesting singularity stuff in there19:39
kanzurepmetzger: i created it?19:40
kanzurei wish.19:40
kanzurebut, i don't know what i would post19:40
pmetzgerWell, the date someone created it.19:41
pmetzgeryou pointed it out to me immediately it seemed.19:41
cluckjOct 21 13:12<Eliezer>there is no forgiveness for blaspheming Google19:46
cluckjOct 21 13:12<Eliezer>go to Alta Vista!19:46
kanzureanyone remember how to enable keyboard-based mouse navigation via the keyboard in kde3.5?19:48
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kanzuregot it20:05
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kanzurenational institute of aging http://www.nia.nih.gov/http://www.nia.nih.gov/20:08
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kanzure"TechShop - for molecules and matter what Kinko's does for data."20:10
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kanzurei should just make a voice-to-mouse program20:23
kanzuremaybe i can control my mouse by whistling20:24
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kanzure"These companies pay a licensing fee in exchange for support for these products in the Arduino software and documentation. "20:57
kanzure"These are the products that we feel provide the best overall experience and utility to the Arduino community. They include boards from three manufacturers: SmartProjects (in Italy), SparkFun, and Gravitech (both in the US). These companies pay a licensing fee in exchange for support for these products in the Arduino software and documentation."20:57
kanzurea licensing fee? in exchange for support?20:58
kanzurewhy not just charge them for support20:58
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt updated at the bottom with singularityu people21:11
kanzurei think i have most of the gsp10 students.. not sure about all of the spakers though21:12
kanzureoh fooey, i have a duplicate jonathan cluck on there21:13
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