
--- Log opened Mon Jul 19 00:00:17 2010
-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap01:24
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patrickmclarengood evening 05:01
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kanzuremeeting being broadcasted from BIOFAB http://biofab.org/communitymeeting/agenda08:41
bdeski hope no one loses a finger08:42
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kanzurenow with a wiki!09:30
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/wiki/ or http://wiki.diyhpl.us/ or http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/09:30
kanzuregit clone http://diyhpl.us/wiki.git but this one might change once i figure out what to call this public-facing symlink to the internal .git repository09:31
leptonGood work09:31
kanzure"responsible pathways of clinical translation" haha09:51
kanzurePatients beware: commercialized stem cell treatmets on the web09:51
kanzurepdf: http://download.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/pdf/PIIS1934590910002833.pdf09:51
kanzurethey are upset that third world stem cell clinics are not investing billions of dollars in traditional clinical translation (i.e. regulatory approval)09:51
kanzurebut on the other hand, they are right that a lot of these clinics are completely full of shit09:52
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-!- kyb3R [~kyb3R@80-186-120-40.elisa-mobile.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap10:28
fennbecause i know you all love lego bulldozers: http://lightfield.stanford.edu/aperture.swf?lightfield=data/bulldozer_lf/preview.zip&zoom=110:31
fennshift click on the gray box10:31
kanzureso, stem cell clinics are ridiculously profitable10:33
kanzurethere's no way they're not..10:33
fennmore light field stuff (check out the neuron flyarounds at the bottom) http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/lfmicroscope/10:33
kanzurenot only that but in some cases i bet the stem cell clinics are "moderately legit" in that they might actually know what they are doing10:33
kanzurebut the majority probably are just scams10:33
fennwhy is there "no way" they're not ridiculously profitable?10:33
kanzurebecause their patients are easily exploitable, they charge $10k+ per treatment, and their operating expenses are like $1k/mo10:34
kanzurein some cases they are quack and snake oil salesmen, but i suspect there might be a few legit treatment regiments and clinics out there10:36
kanzureok so what happens when there's a diybio person who starts a stem cell clinic in indonesia10:39
kanzureand claims to be treating, uh, parkinson's10:39
kanzurei think it's within the realm of possibilities that there are certain drugs, medicines, devices that are not approved by the FDA or $AUTHORITY_HERE that could work (otherwise the FDA would go out of business)10:41
klafkakanzure, i think those stem cell clinics that arent quacks will probably kill people or do nothing still 95% of the time10:43
kanzureso, a lot of diybio people are interested in "garage biotech" and so on- making money off of diybio and being non-institutional10:43
klafkaseems incredibly dangerous10:44
klafkato a certain degree10:44
kanzureso i can also imagine that some of them are going to be lulled into doing these clinics10:44
kanzureespecially the ones that want to make money.10:44
kanzureklafka: agreed10:44
klafkai think that is especially dangerous anyitme you're dealing with translational medicine or foodstuffs10:44
klafkathat's totally gonna fucking give biotech a bad name10:44
kanzurebut on the other hand, the whole point of diybio is non-institutionalization10:45
kanzureso how do we uh10:45
klafkacreate safeguards to prevent that from happening?10:46
klafkathe inherent issue is we have no fucking clue what we're doing10:46
kanzurebut what if there is some legitimate but non-institutionalized project?10:46
kanzuresee, something isn't adding up10:46
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klafka i mean the problem with biotech is generally speaking we have no fucking clue what we're doing, we have a at best sketchy understanding of single gene changes, and a really shitty understanding of multiple gene interactions and their overall phenotypic effects particularly related to the ecosystem10:47
kanzureok and for some reason that means we need to submit to $GOVT_AUTHORITY_FIGURE?10:48
klafkathe admittedly shady companies have still put billions of dollars into their GMO crops and yet they still fuck up10:48
klafkano, it means the likelihood for some DIYbio person fucking up and having shit rained down upon the whole community is very high10:48
klafkaso it should be stringently self policing or stick to tinkertoys10:49
klafkabut those two things aren't gonna happen10:49
kanzure"fucking up" in that case comes later10:49
kanzurewhat comes first is they announce they are doing a stem cell clinic or something10:49
kanzurebut i can't help but think that there's a way to do it "right"10:50
klafkaprobably still the right way would definitely be "not in the us"10:51
klafkabecause even before they actually do fuck up10:51
kanzurewell yeah10:51
klafkathe AMA and everyone else would be raining shit down on them10:51
kanzureof course10:51
kanzurei don't know how to describe my disconnect here- i agree that snake oil salesmen and these quack/shady clinics are pretty evil10:51
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klafkaactually i guess stem cell clinics are the least of my worries10:53
klafkai'm still more worried about people accidentally creating some ridiculous ecosystem fucker uper10:53
klafkastem cells, just `1 person dies typically10:53
kanzuremaybe lying is the only way to do this11:04
kanzurei.e. "we oppose all non-institutionalized clinics" (wtf?)11:04
kanzurefenn: you still here?11:06
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-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:40
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ybit2kanzure: using ikiwiki aye? :)12:10
kanzureyes it's ikiwiki12:12
kanzure(also piny)12:12
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap12:15
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ybit@ quassel for not showing the messages sent :\12:18
ybitor any messages atm12:18
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kanzureybit: it's ikiwiki+piny12:19
ybiti saw, luckily the faithful adl connection + irssi is working still :)12:20
ybithrm, no louck finding anything on piny so far...12:22
pmetzgerSaw Jolly at HOPE this last weekend. That was an odd intersection of worlds.12:23
jrayhawkkanzure: are there any other issues you wanted sorted out?12:23
pmetzgerI wonder if it would be cool to start doing DIY talks at hacker cons. They're a receptive audience.12:23
kanzurejrayhawk: not at the moment :) thank you.12:23
kanzurepmetzger: there were a few at HOPE this year if you looked12:24
pmetzgernot really.12:24
kanzurepmetzger: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/b10c670ca3c2084312:24
pmetzgerI mean, I looked at those talks and, well...12:24
pmetzgernone of them were really that relevant.12:25
ybitcan you explain that slightly further pmetzger?12:25
pmetzgerwell, looking at the list that kanzure put up, most are totally irrelevant.12:25
ybitkanzure: linkage for piny please?12:26
pmetzgerlike the talk on how to get your Ham license12:26
pmetzgerand why being a Ham is fun.12:26
kanzurejrayhawk: see ybit's question :P12:26
pmetzgerthat has nothing to do with it.nor the guys doing things like taxonomy of cooked foods.12:26
kanzurethere's a strong undercurrent of molecular gastronomy and food hacking in diybio, pmetzger12:26
pmetzgerthat wasn't what that talk was.12:27
pmetzgerthe sensor and pharma talks were mildly on topic, those were the only ones.12:27
pmetzgerbut anyway, what do I know.12:27
pmetzgerthere were people with things like 3D printers and such in the hardware hacking area.12:28
pmetzgerit would have been cool if people were doing things like low cost PCR demos etc.12:28
pmetzgerthe same way people get hands on intros to soldering or what have you.12:29
pmetzgerthat's a lot of what I'm talking about.12:29
kanzurehuh they give soldering lessons at these conferences?12:30
fenni never realized diff was something with a tweakable parameter http://neil.fraser.name/software/diff_match_patch/svn/trunk/demos/demo_diff.html12:35
pmetzgerOf course they give soldering lessons.12:37
pmetzgerYou haven't been to a hacker con?12:37
pmetzgerPeople don't just give soldering lessons, they actively build stuff and use it while there.12:37
Utopiah(HOPE jsut finished btw)12:37
pmetzgerThe badges are always active circuits. This years had empty pads for interface chips to let you reprogram the thing to do a variety of forms of evil.12:38
pmetzger(The badges sent out your position information in the default config, but many people changed that. :)12:39
kanzurewifi localization?12:39
pmetzgerthey spoke a different protocol.12:39
pmetzgerthere were sensor network stations all around that triangulated based on signal strength.12:40
pmetzgeryou couldn't run a wifi device for three days off of a coin cell.12:40
pmetzgerTravis Goodspeed designed them this year.12:40
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ybitbest way to learn how to solder properly: http://www.everyspec.com/MIL-SPECS/MIL+SPECS+(MIL-S)/download.php?spec=MIL_S_45743E.3367.PDF 12:40
pmetzgerMSP430 processor etc.12:40
ybiti.e. follow along and read the military spec12:41
pmetzgerthe best way to learn how to solder is to solder. :)12:41
pmetzgerjust like the best way to learn how to cook is to cook etc.12:41
ybitright :) but there are nice details from the spec.12:41
UtopiahRFID iirc12:41
pmetzgerRFID doesn't mean just one thing.12:41
pmetzgerThere were radio chips from NORDIC with a 1mbps theoretical rate in the things, which is more than one usually means by RFID.12:42
pmetzgerthough people were mostly calling them RFID.12:42
pmetzgeractually, I think the badge units could do 2mbps.12:42
pmetzgertravis gave a great 1 hour talk saturday night at 10pm about them.12:44
pmetzgertoo bad the software side never worked quite right.12:44
bdeskthe triangulation?12:44
pmetzgerno, nothing about the stuff worked. like, the web site was down for long stretches etc.12:44
pmetzgerI won't comment much beyond saying they put too much effort into things like letting you change your icon and not enough into doing the basic work far enough in advance.12:45
pmetzgerTravis was working on the badge itself four or six months in advance. the software people should have been doing the same.12:46
nshRFID + SDHC card on a badge is an interesting idea12:48
nshthrow in some public key infrastructure12:49
nshi remember something from a few years back, some idea about "pollen" and people carry information to and fro12:49
pmetzgerThe badges were not really intended by Travis to be position locators. They're really general purpose devices.12:51
pmetzgerFor example, you can load in some software and use them as JTAG debuggers12:51
pmetzgerthough they did their job as radios quite well.12:51
kanzurebdesk: infoswell12:52
pmetzgertravis also has software to use them to interfere with turning point clicker nets.12:53
pmetzgerthe project including all the software, gerber files for the devices, etc., is on source forge12:54
pmetzgeranyway, these are the sorts of venues where people like getting their hands dirty.12:55
pmetzgera biohacking village where people were doing actual work with real equipment, teaching each other, and building more, would be a welcome addition at HOPE, shmoocon, etc.12:56
kanzureunfortunately a lot of the diybio people don't actually know hardware that well12:56
kanzurei think it would be great in general if they would be building hardware12:57
pmetzgerif you're building a PCR you presumably know how to build a PCR, right? :)12:57
kanzure"at a conference" is a nice extra12:57
kanzure"building a PCR" whattt it's a chemical reaction12:57
pmetzgerthe device has to heat and cool the solution etc.12:57
pmetzgeryou know more about that than I do I presume.12:57
jrayhawkybit: piny is a management layer on top of Ikiwiki12:59
pmetzgerI was under the impression DIY thermocyclers etc. were something people were building and playing with.12:59
jrayhawkhttp://piny.be/piny-code/architecture/needed_user_facing_infrastructure/ is where features are at.12:59
jrayhawkYou can feel free to either play with the piny.be service or take a look at the code by various means in the "Repo Info" link13:00
kanzurepmetzger: not really.. there's a few shady attempts at it but the majority are just marketing stunts13:01
pmetzgerwasn't rob carlson involved in one of them?13:02
kanzureyes but he was just scamming them for $100k13:02
pmetzgerwell, then a non-scam version would be cool.13:02
pmetzgerpresumably an arduino, a thermal sensor and a heating element along with a few other parts would do it.13:03
pmetzgernot my particular interest, but it is an example of the sort of thing one can show off for people and teach them about easily.13:03
kanzurehttp://openpcr.org/ claims to be doing that13:04
kanzureer, i don't remember what chip they are using13:04
kanzurebut again it's just a marketing stunt13:04
pmetzgera stunt to help market what?13:06
kanzuretheir product13:06
kanzureif you want to buy a thermocycler, just go buy one :/13:07
kanzurei'd be happy to pay for a thermocycler kit that is actually open source, but that's not what's happening really13:08
kanzureso anyway13:08
kanzure^although arguably their software is since it's up on github (though unlicensed (big deal, that's fixable)), it's just their schematics that are sketchy (ha ha get it)13:09
kanzurei've been noticing a really scary trend lately13:15
kanzuredifferent people have been telling me that software development is very low cost / almost completely free13:15
kanzurei don't know where this idea is originating from13:15
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jrayhawkIt's cheaper than it used to be, certainly.13:23
pmetzgerSoftware development is not zero cost, but the marginal cost of moving around open source software is low.13:28
pmetzgerand the cost of improving open source software is lower than that of closed source in most cases.13:28
-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]13:29
kanzuredevelopment might seem to be "free" when contributors are subsidizing their development time13:29
Utopiaheven then it's skilled labor...13:29
pmetzgerof course.13:30
pmetzgersoftware requires enormous skill to write well.13:30
pmetzgerhardware takes enormous skill to build well.13:30
UtopiahIMHO there is a huge bias in computer and its software because it reached homes so people think it's "simple" but that's just not true13:31
pmetzgerkanzure: so, assuming that thermocyclers are uninteresting, what technology would you like more people to master? what kind of technology would it please you to see people playing with?13:31
kanzureer are you asking me to make that assumption or are you saying that it is an assumption that you think i have told you that i have13:31
kanzurebecause i think that building thermocyclers is definitely a good activity13:31
pmetzgerokay, cool. so you think it would be cool to see people at hacker cons playing with such things? it seems cool to me...13:32
bdeskwe need kevin costner to build the thermocyclers13:32
kanzurepmetzger: sure.. but honestly i think it would be better if that started happening regardless of conferences13:33
pmetzgernot my point. I was discussing possible interesting things to bring to hacker cons.13:33
pmetzgerbecause they're fertile ground for such activities.13:34
kanzurepossibly interesting things to bring to hacker cons13:35
kanzuremicrofluidic chips are pretty fun to look at and watch13:35
kanzureculture streaking13:37
pmetzger(that strikes me as a thing people could learn very easily.)13:39
kanzuremight take too long?13:39
klafkait takes like less than 20 minutes13:39
kanzureyou mean making a gel?13:39
kanzureor running it13:39
klafkawell the whole process is like maybe 1-2 hrs13:39
kanzurei think you can increase the speed at which it occurs13:39
kanzureby increasing the voltage?13:39
cluckjdepends on what you're using and what kind of results you want13:40
kanzuredoes anyone want http://diyhpl.us/wiki/ accounts13:42
jrayhawk'addaccess' should work with existing gnusha shell users; they just won't be locked down.13:53
jrayhawkjus t fyi13:54
kanzurei have a ticket to go see kurzweil's movie opening on the 21st13:57
kanzureeither it's opening or it's just a viewing, dunno13:57
fennthis seems pretty straightforward, and when combined with light field photography could yield something resembling a 3D television http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_photography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plenoptic_camera13:57
kanzureanyway, i'm not going to be in the bay area on the 21st so who wants my ticket13:57
kanzurefenn: you?13:57
kanzurei hear the movie isn't that great but who knows13:57
fennuh, uh.. what time is it?13:58
fennand where?13:58
kanzurewhere.. uh..13:58
bdeskwat is the movie13:58
fennand what are the transdimensional infinite improbability parameters?13:58
bdeskhttp://www.transcendentman.com/ ?13:58
kanzurebdesk: yep13:58
kanzureBluelight Cinemas 21275 Cinemas, Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA 9501413:59
kanzureuh where is cupertino anyway13:59
fennhm maybe bkero is interested13:59
kanzureoh it's near menlo park14:00
fenni've been invited to a birthday potluck.. decisions decisions14:00
kanzure"The singularity is near: a true story about the future"14:00
kanzureso yeah, transcendent man14:00
kanzurein which you get to spend a few hours watching ray cry about his daddy problems14:00
fenngah, ray has extreme pixellation problems14:01
bkerofenn: hm?\14:02
fennbkero: want to see ray kurzweil's movie on the 21st in cupertino at 6:30pm?14:02
bkeroWednesday at 6:30?14:03
bkeroMaybe, if I can get a ride out to Cupertino.14:03
fennkanzure there is only one ticket?14:03
kanzurei only reserved one :/14:03
kanzurebut who knows.. maybe there's extra seats available14:03
kanzurei could ping back sarah reed (kurzweilai.com person who i was emailing for this) and tell her i'm just a fat ass and need two chairs14:04
bkeroI'll go if I can get out there somehow and get a seat14:04
kanzure"transhumanism: increasing fat deposits worldwide" hah!14:04
fennit's true14:05
kanzureit's an improvement in how much you can eat, right?14:05
fennsee tesla's seminal "on the problem of increasing human energy"14:05
kanzureshow up and tell them you're bryan bishop, and see if they just let you in after looking over their clipboard14:07
kanzureif not, tell them you're ray's long lost son14:07
kanzure(.. from the future?)14:07
cluckjcarbon sequestering on your ass?14:08
fenncluckj: tesla states that by the equation KE = mv^2/2 we can increase human momentum by increasing the total mass of the population14:09
fennseems like they should make these gigantic microlens arrays using some kind of etching method, instead of diamond machining14:13
fenn"Integral imaging has not yet achieved significant commercial success, in part because diamond tooling molds for large plastic arrays is difficult, and in most cases prohibitively expensive. Inexpensive lens array sheets have been produced using extrusion embossing (in the same manner as lenticular sheets are made), using anilox patterned rolls, but the resulting lens array pattern, while adequate for moiré effects, is not suitable for integral 14:14
kanzure"lens array sheets" what would that look like14:14
kanzurecutoff at "is not suitable for integral"14:14
fennnot suitable for integral imagery due to its lack of predictable geometry.14:15
fennit looks sort of like a fly's eye14:15
kanzureexcept in a sheet? is it like a sheet of acrylic or what14:15
kanzureer, i mean, a compliant sheet14:15
fennyeah, PETE usually14:15
fennlike a fresnel lens14:15
fennyou'd need a crapload of pixels for a decent resolution 4D light field though14:16
fennlike a solid wall of DLP chips14:17
fennmaybe people wouldn't notice if it's just a cellphone sized device14:18
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fenni'm getting the feeling that i've been lied to about how a fly eye really works14:38
kanzurepmetzger: another good project to demo at cons would be a spectrophotograph14:41
fenn"In the parabolic superposition compound eye type, seen in arthropods such as mayflies, the parabolic surfaces of the inside of each facet focus light from a reflector to a sensor array"14:42
kanzurewhat's the conventional explanation of compound eyes?14:42
fennall this cool stuff just for something that lives one day14:42
kanzurehaha DNA synthesis via fly eyes :D14:42
kanzuregenehacker! where's genehacker when you need him14:42
fennthe elementary school explanation is that each lens focuses on a single point, i.e. each lens is one pixel14:42
kanzurehe'd eat that up :/14:42
kanzurewow what?14:43
kanzurei haven't ever heard them say that14:43
kanzurehaven't you seen the "seeing a million things at once" diagrams and visual explanations or whatever?14:43
fennthey have a thousand lenses or so14:43
fenndamn i need to read a whole book about this14:45
fennjurvetson appears yet again14:47
fennhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hawk_eye.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_eye#Visual_acuity14:48
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kanzurebiofab webcast https://admin.na5.acrobat.com/_a950781581/biofab2010/?launcher=false15:07
kanzureew acrobat15:07
bkero:q/win 2715:09
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kanzurehi BoyTito 18:31
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BoyTitohey kanzure18:49
BoyTitosorry about that, I forgot I got onto IRC TT___TT18:50
kanzureare you tito or john?18:50
BoyTitoI'm actually eric18:51
kanzureokie dokie18:51
kanzurewhat's up? :)18:52
BoyTitowell, I was watchin' some talks from defcon last year, and got to one that brought up biohacking a little18:52
BoyTitoand the speaker referenced your site, so I figured I'd check it out18:53
BoyTitothen I saw there was an irc channel that people probably frequented18:53
kanzurerichard thieme?18:53
BoyTitoand was pretty much wondering how I get my foot in the door18:53
kanzurecool, so what are you interested in doing18:54
kanzurei mean, in general18:54
BoyTitoyea yea18:54
BoyTitoa couple of things18:54
BoyTitoI would like to figure out how these building blocks work, but I'm more of a hands on kind of guy18:55
kanzurebtw can you link me to the richard thieme talk? i never saw it.. but remember talking with him before the conference18:55
BoyTitobut I don't wanna go out buying stuff left and right to figure out that I can't actually do anything with it18:55
kanzurethe building blocks (biobricks) don't actually work18:55
kanzurebut that's not where the fun is anyway18:55
BoyTitothe one titled: Hacking, Biohacking, and the Future of Humanity18:56
kanzurethank you18:56
BoyTitoso I've been programming for a while18:57
kanzureanything in particular?18:57
BoyTitojust fooling around18:57
BoyTitoc++ in school18:58
BoyTitothen i burnt myself out18:58
BoyTitoand a couple of months ago I started picking up haskell18:58
BoyTitoand between those two I've dabbled in python and such18:58
BoyTitonever got into any projects though18:58
kanzureso there's a few things going on in the community that you might be interested in18:58
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kanzureare you a linux user?18:59
BoyTitonot very safe, but learnin' and all that18:59
kanzuremy thumb sometimes taps the mousepad and that presses enter :(18:59
kanzuredo you use dpkg/apt-get or anything like that?18:59
kanzureright, so, i want that for biotech equipment19:00
kanzuresudo make me a sandwich et al... uh, except for labware19:00
JayDuggersudo make me a phmeter19:00
BoyTitothat'd be cool19:00
kanzureso there's been some progress on it.. doing a hardware package format, for instance19:00
BoyTitowhats this equipment generally made out of?19:00
kanzurebuild instructions, blah blah blah19:00
kanzureplastic, metal, electronics, lots of sweat-and-blood19:01
kanzureelbow grease19:01
BoyTitookay, so you couldn't use something like the reprap then19:01
kanzuresure you could19:01
BoyTitotil it gets to final stage19:01
kanzureno, reprap has been used to make some pieces of lab equipment19:01
kanzurelike cathal's dremelfuge19:01
kanzurehuh cathal did it in openscad? i don't remember that19:02
BoyTitothats cool19:02
kanzureso anyway19:03
kanzurea big problem in hardware is that you spend a lot of effort and eventually something might work19:03
kanzurebut then nobody does documentation19:03
kanzureor if they do schematics or something, they suck19:03
BoyTitoI can see that19:03
kanzureso there's this software-hardware intersection that needs some tender loving19:03
kanzuredunno if you've ever tried to build a makerbot or cupcakecnc (a form of a reprap)19:03
BoyTitoI've looked into it19:04
BoyTitobut I'ma kinda strapped for cash and I would kinda like it to print out circuit boards and such for me19:04
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb is kinda out of date but describes some previous work on this front19:05
BoyTitoso I was hoping there'd be some leaps and bounds in the versions, like full self-replication by a couple months ago >.<19:05
kanzurethere are also some talks we gave that are up on youtube19:05
BoyTitoand thats just the kinda apt-get version for hardware19:06
kanzuredownloading hardware over the web part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg19:06
kanzurepart 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9z6H_EFqQ19:06
kanzurepart 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edl6uFn3_g419:06
BoyTitosweet, I'm on it ^_^19:07
kanzureand then recently the talk on diy transhuman tech and biohacking for hplus summit 2010 (some say the audio sucks?)19:07
kanzurepart 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ex52LYDe819:07
kanzurepart 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzUVd0skbc819:07
kanzureso anyway.. recently i've been spending my time doing some python for a somewhat usable STEP library19:08
kanzureprimarily so that there's a plain text way of specify solid geometry models for these hardware packages to send around19:09
kanzurebut i haven't released it yet because it's embarrassing / not working yet :P19:09
BoyTitoyou mean like, requesting by name?19:10
BoyTitoor a model is described in plain text19:10
kanzureright now there's a limited number of ways to generate CAD files19:10
kanzurethere's only point-and-click open source tools for it :/19:10
kanzureand they are not the greatest in the world19:10
kanzurethe one i keep pointing people to (because it's by far the most usable (and that's not saying much)) is http://heekscad.org/19:10
kanzurethere's lots of proprietary tools though that you can pirate, of course19:11
BoyTitogot it, so you're working on something like the 3d modelers where you'd have to type out the objects then it would render it from code? but for hardware packages19:12
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kanzureuh, uh19:14
kanzurea better way to explain this is "infrastructure for sharing hardware designs between biohackers"19:15
kanzureand CAD models are just a missing piece of that puzzle19:15
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kanzurebtw this might be interesting if you want a self-replicator: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/msg/e4c375acce77225019:18
BoyTitogood looks, thats some cool stuff19:25
BoyTitobut yeah, programming a while ago I got the idea that everything that lifes based on is just objects and relationships19:31
BoyTitowhich is pretty much what code is, it would just be different syntax19:31
BoyTitoand if I could work with the building blocks of organisms like I could code19:33
BoyTitowhether its dna, or straight molecules or what not, I'm really not learned in that matter19:33
BoyTitoI figured it'd be quite interesting to be able to play around and see direct physical results19:34
BoyTitocause thats why I had burned out of programming, the results of my projects didn't merit all the work I put in19:35
BoyTitoI never actually made something that affected anything outside of my computer19:35
BoyTitoI'm off though, it was good to talk w/ you man19:37
BoyTitocya round19:37
kanzurefeel free to idle aroun19:38
kanzurefeel free to idle around19:38
JayDuggerkanzure: Once you've a civilization seed ready to go, you could follow Oglethorpe University's example and bury it in a time capsule. 19:47
JayDuggerNo doubt you could get the Long Now types to fund a Deep Time capsule, eh?19:47
JayDugger(Found via, of all things, the playtest blog for an as-yet-unpublished RPG.)19:48
JayDuggerGood night, evryone.19:48
JayDuggereveryone, even.19:49
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fennmore proof that the universe is imploding: http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/4112726327/in/photostream/21:56
fenncheck out the name on the mailing address21:57
fennand the weird thing is i knew what it would say before zooming in21:58
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kanzurei wonder if this report was specifically made to get on wikileaks itself http://wikileaks.org/wiki/U.S._Intelligence_planned_to_destroy_WikiLeaks,_18_Mar_200822:28
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fennbut honey, they go so well together: http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/4100934305/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/4101692880/in/photostream/22:42
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kanzurehmph why don't /i/ have a "mobile data center" disguised as a commando tank? :(22:46
kanzurewhat's the pop out tent for22:47
Alystairthose are your shots fenn?22:49
kanzurefenn: where is todd's weaponary poser shot thing22:49
kanzurewas this it? http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/3016657700/22:53
kanzure"Hi Mom. I'm giving up my sinful Western Ways and am becoming a mujadeen."22:54
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fennso i've spent like the last 10 minutes trying to figure this out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/4069854193/22:56
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fennoh boy, we are testing spud guns inside23:01
* fenn hides under his blanket23:01
fennthe tarp will protect me23:01
fenni'm still here, don't worry23:12
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fennwow, nothing like statistics to back up your stereotypes http://mytype.com/blog/?p=10923:43
fenn"to ipad or not to ipad"23:43
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Alystairto kindle or not to kindle23:54
fennipython tip of the month: foo? shows a nice help summary of foo23:58
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