
--- Log opened Tue Jul 20 00:00:12 2010
--- Day changed Tue Jul 20 2010
fennfoo?? does something supposedly but never seems to work00:00
fenni can't remember why i liked bpython over ipython00:00
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heathsomeone just recommended vimprobable: http://www.vimprobable.org/02:25
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* Utopiah likes Vimperator a lot (despite Flash/PDF/... awkwardness)02:25
ybit2i use firefox and chromium for most everything atm02:27
Utopiahtry http://vimium.github.com/ then, very limited compared to Vimperator so far but maybe it will catchup02:28
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bdeskfenn: probably because #python loves bpython and hates ipython05:40
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kanzurebdesk: 06:23
kanzureand i guess everyone else that cares06:23
kanzurehttp://hplusmagazine.com/ is back06:23
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kanzurehaha someone finally found my fake twitter accounts :)09:40
bkerokanzure: You realize you just gave me the most massive gmailfs FUSE RAID ever constructed, right?09:48
kanzure"fuse raid"?09:50
kanzurei have no idea what you just said09:50
bkerokanzure: FUSE = filesystem in user space09:53
bkeroRAID = Redundent array of Inexpensive Disks09:53
bkeroSOmeone made a filesystem that has storage backed by gmail09:53
kanzureright, yes i've used that before09:54
bkeroImagine setting that up with 2200 accounts, then RAIDing them together.09:56
splicerfeed from second day of BIOFAB meeting just stared: http://www.biofab.org/communitymeeting 10:06
bdeskkanzure: whatever those accounts are, im pretty sure they are violating someones terms of service10:07
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kanzurebdesk: they are not real accounts.. try a few of them.10:44
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kanzureshould i be watching the biofab stuff or doing "work"10:52
bdeski like the ideas of the pyscholar and apt-get-hardware-store projects10:57
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kanzurebdesk: :)11:01
kanzurerandom assertion?11:01
kanzurebkero: are you going to mozilla drumbeat 2010?11:01
kanzurebdesk: oh, btw, on the pyscholar front11:03
kanzurei was trying to rally up some interest from the zotero folks11:03
kanzurezotero.org is commonly known for the firefox extension but they also have an open source server package thing going on11:03
bkerokanzure: Isn't that in Europe?11:03
kanzurewhere people can synchronize papers across their different firefox sessions11:03
bkeroI don't think they're going to fly me over there.11:03
kanzurebkero: if they really loved you, they would fly you over11:03
kanzureyou're doomed11:03
bkerokanzure: lol, maybe when I'm not an intern11:04
kanzurebdesk: so, recently they had a major version shift or update (or finally went open source on the server-side software?)11:04
kanzurebdesk: so i used that as an opportunity to suggest something related to pyscholar11:04
kanzurein particular, i think it's a terrible idea that zotero's "translators" (scrapers) are on the user-side11:04
kanzureright now the workflow goes like this: you go to a website that has the paper you want, you press scrape, javascript starts parsing the page and extracting the metadata11:05
bdeskyou want it to be server side so they can cache it and have a huge database?11:05
kanzurebut i suggested this: you press the button, it sends the HTML content to zotero.org, and zotero.org has an actively maintained set of scrapers11:05
kanzurecaching would be hawt, but no11:05
kanzurethere'd just be one single point of failure11:06
bdeskare the scrapers user-written ?11:06
kanzureso everyone would update the translator to make it work on the server-side.. so that way you always have up-to-date scrapers11:06
kanzurescrapers/translators are sorta user-written.. that's the primary contribution that user-developers make to the zotero project11:06
bdeskhow are the translators kept up to date now?11:07
kanzuresomeone notices it's broken and eventually someone else fixes it, submits it to zotero.org, and the firefox extension will eventually check for an updated version11:07
bdeskdoes the firefox plugin say something like 'click here to upgrade your PLOS scraper'?11:07
kanzurei want to say yes but i can't remember ever reading a message like that11:08
bdeskso you would prefer the translators to be written in python so they could be more easily incorporated into the borg?  also will the javascript translators run without the browser?11:08
bdeskjavascript seems to be drinking more and more of python's milkshakes11:09
kanzuretheoretically the javascript translators *could* run without a browser.. i.e. something like mozilla-spidermonkey but a lot of it is heavily browser-dependent and integrated with the DOM11:09
kanzurealso i haven't ever successfully used a non-browser implementation of javascript11:09
kanzurei don't know if scrapers should be written in python- that's definitely one possibility11:10
bdeski was just using python as an example of a more server-side language that you were suggesting.11:10
kanzurea lot of what the scrapers tend to be are just xpaths.. //[a@id='5']/div/[div@class='390141']/font11:11
Utopiahyou can use Google V8 as a VM to run JavaScript outsde of the browser and rather efficiently as that (that's what NodeJS is based on)11:12
bdeskso you could somehow incorporate these into pyscholar, or you would rather just steer zotero towards becoming something you could use instead of pyscholar?11:12
kanzurezotero.org is a pretty interesting community.. i've never seen any other "community of scraper writers"11:12
bdeskwhere is most of the community?11:13
kanzurebdesk: well, if zotero is successfully steered in that direction, pyscholar would probably just use a zotero-web-api thing under the hood but still otherwise be the same11:13
kanzurebdesk: the mailing list (maybe the forums?)11:13
kanzurei.e. zotero-dev11:13
kanzurelawl "If contributing a site translator, please post the JS file to the Files section and then send a note to the list."11:14
bdeskyou mean awful compared to github or something?11:14
kanzurewhy not just email a patch, or give out svn access, or something11:16
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kyb3RI used to use zotero, but not anymore11:23
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kanzureyeah i don't use it so often any more either11:24
kanzurethe interface is pretty clunky- probably works best if you have a few extra monitors to spare11:24
kyb3Rnowadays I'm satisfied with lyx and Pybliographic11:25
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kyb3Rand Dia satisfies most of the graph needs11:29
kyb3Rbut who knows, perhaps another kind of set next year11:29
kanzurehuh? why is dia/graphviz relevent here? does zotero do some sort of graphing funtion11:30
kyb3Rit was a bit off-topic11:30
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kanzureoh i guess you might mean graphing the citation tree11:35
kanzurewell, in some cases it's a network :/11:35
kanzurehow does this monitor for new publications by an author? http://codingseed.com/11:36
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bdeski wonder if there is a citation cycle11:38
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kanzuresometimes people cite an article that is forthcoming (i.e. something they reviewed)11:43
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kanzure"The position of the ISSCR Task Force is that the provision of an untested experimental or innovative therapy to more than two participants is a departure from recommended pratice and should be tested in a regulated and authorized clinical trior prior to being offered for sale."12:52
kanzureactually that's not so bad12:52
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kanzurewhat is ginkgo bioworks going to do if biobricks don't deliver on their promises?13:48
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cluckjwho owns them?13:54
kanzurewho owns what? ginkgo or biobrick parts?13:58
cluckjginko bioworks13:58
kanzureit's a tom knight thing13:58
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fenni love when they put in the extra effort to let you know that they're using a mac: http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/grappelli.jpg14:20
fennmac snobs are cute in a disgusting sort of way14:20
kanzurefenn: http://cupidtino.com/14:21
kanzureyou can register on cupidtino once you buy your ipad14:21
fennsample size of 2 is not very large14:21
fennlol, really? is this an april fool's joke?14:21
kanzureno it's real :(14:22
fenndo i have to put gel in my hair to join?14:22
kanzureah this is more descriptive: http://cupidtino.com/about14:22
kanzure"beautiful new dating site"14:22
kanzuremy kidneys hurt14:22
fenn"do you wear all white and lay around on the floor? this site's for you!"14:23
kanzureit's a bed14:24
fennself-identified as hipsters14:24
kanzure"This site is designed exclusively for Apple fans, and can only be accessed using an Apple product (Mac, iPhone or iPad)." oh please14:24
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fenn"Sending messages is free.14:26
fennReading them requires a paid membership ($4.79/month)."14:26
fennSIGN ME UP14:26
fennthey must have put several minutes of hard thought into that business model14:27
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kanzure"Thank you for attending the special screening of Transcendent Man on July 21, 2010 at 7pm sharp.  Doors will open at 6:30pm.  The screening is sold out, so please plan to arrive early to find your seats prior to the start of the show."14:34
fennhate mail sent.14:35
* fenn pats self on back14:35
ghchinoycool, kanzure, you'll have to post a review somewhere14:38
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ghchinoyI haven't seen any of Kurzweil's movies yet :\14:38
kanzureghchinoy: i'm not going to be in the area tomorrow14:38
kanzureso i was going to give the ticket to fenn or bkero 14:39
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kanzureew andrew wants to outsource all the technical stuff for pink army to ginkgo bioworks :(14:41
ghchinoyWhere is it, NYC?14:42
kanzurenear menlo park, californiaB[B[B[B[B14:43
ghchinoyI've a friend in portola valley, dunno if he'd want to go... but it's all sold out?14:44
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bkerokanzure: :)14:47
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bkeroStupid terminal thingie14:50
nsh__fenn, what you sending haetmael about?14:50
fennapple dating site15:04
fenni recommended that they start a new website with black background and for non-mac only15:05
fenncharging 9.74/mo to read messages but not to send15:05
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kanzurebiohacklab hakerspace http://www.tmplab.org/2010/07/20/biohacklab-hackerspace/15:26
kanzuretheir name is /tmp/lab? hmm15:26
kanzureactual link to the first one is http://www.lsdlive.org/biology/biohack_101.pdf15:27
QuantumGoh, french15:33
QuantumGsurprisingly understandable french15:34
kanzureyeah :)15:35
kanzuredunno what sung is talking about here http://friendfeed.com/bookhling/b4596719/so-consensus-seem-to-be-no-biohacking-without15:35
QuantumGhey, next time you go to something that has a "bioethics" panel, I dare you to make open access and patent-free research a topic15:36
kanzureisn't that usually the topic?15:36
QuantumGusually "bioethics" is just a euphemism for "why amateurs shouldn't be doing this"15:37
kanzuremaybe i just think differently, to me it's an issue of "ethics of innovation" (because primarily a lot of "innovation" involves lots of shady unethical bullshit)15:37
kanzurebut you're right most people probably don't consider that15:37
QuantumGand also "how can we add more regulation to this?" 15:38
QuantumGwhich is just a left-over from the 60s when they were calling for licensing of genetic engineering researchers15:38
QuantumGand they never stopped15:38
kanzurecan anyone find names behind /tmp/lab in paris or biohacklabhackerspace?15:39
Utopiah/tmp/lab has its own wiki and #frlab on freenode15:40
kanzureooh lots of nice activity in there15:41
Utopiahnot right now because of Estive Numerique15:41
Utopiahhttp://www.estivenumerique.org/ south of France15:41
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fennphilippe langlois (philippelanglois(at)free.fr), st. eloy, france15:51
kanzureUtopiah: do you know amael assour?15:58
Utopiahnop I dont think so, what is he working on16:04
cluckjjust for that I'm going to put myself on a bioethics panel at the next conference I go to16:07
kanzurehow do indian phone numbers work16:09
kanzureif i want to make a call to, say, somewhere in karnataka and only have this for a phone number: 2366606116:10
kanzurei know the country code is 91 and bangalore has a prefix of 80, but i'm not sure how to put that together (for instance, is it 9180?)16:11
cluckjlet me see if my roommate is around16:12
cluckjnope, sorry16:13
kanzure"No prefix is required to call from one landline to another in the same STD area. A prefix of "0+STD code" is required to dial from a landline phone in one STD code area to another. A prefix of "0+STD code" is required to dial from a mobile phone in India to any landline number, irrespective of STD area."16:13
cluckjhis family lives in india16:13
kanzurewtf is this shit16:13
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kanzureok i guess it's 99-80-2366606116:16
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kanzurehi Traveler08 16:40
fennbkero: going to ephemerisle? there will be giant floating hamster balls16:55
bkerofenn: hvent heard of it before16:57
fennmore background info http://ephemerisle.org/17:00
fennbtw you wouldnt happen to have any junky bicycles would you?17:01
fennsomeone i know wants to make a bike boat17:02
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kanzurei have no idea what bre is talking about here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XouksnwOoA418:59
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bdeskthat is viral marketing for warner brothers19:08
klafkawhat's DCP?19:10
bdeskit's an ad19:10
kanzurebdesk: how do you know?19:11
bdeskthat is like wondering about the secret message for the decoder ring in your breakfast cereal19:11
kanzurei don't eat cereals much, maybe this is why i am confused19:12
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klafkais anyone here going to defcon?19:14
klafkaout of curiosity19:14
QuantumGI'm sure my coworkers are19:15
klafkaa bunch of people i know are doing deco/dj'ing for it19:15
bdesksounds like a corporate trade show19:16
klafkait's a big hackercon19:16
bdeski know that it used to be19:16
klafkaidk it doesn't seem super trade showy19:16
klafkabut i'm only seeing it from one side19:17
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kanzurespeaking of vulnerability markets, i really enjoy reading dacho danchev19:24
kanzure*danho danchev19:24
fennwho the hell came up with 'ecards' anyway, and were they distributing malware?19:35
fenni just dont see how it could be a good thing19:35
fennand that blog doesnt say anything about vulnerability markets19:37
fennalso how the heck do you sell a secret19:37
fenn"i know something. pay me a million bucks or else."19:38
JayDuggerI'll give you $20 for your credit card number and CCV.19:38
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fennnah usually people will give it if you just ask19:38
fenn"name? dob? ssn? cc?"19:39
fenni wonder if people will ever get as uptight about sharing other sorts of information as they are with ssn's19:39
JayDuggerSure. No. No. No.19:39
fennyou don't count, you're a libertarian19:40
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JayDuggereVerify caused a great deal of grief where I work.19:40
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fennwha's that19:40
JayDuggerSo did the employer trying to apply TSA guidelines to non-pilots.19:40
fennwhat, like you arent allowed to drink 24 hours before going to work?19:41
JayDuggerAnother silly government program designed to ensure only citizens and green card holders get to work at companies with certain kinds of Federal contracts.19:41
klafkaTSA guidelines to non-pilots seems quite a bit more than that19:42
fennif the US outsources defense contractors we'll have no industry left19:42
JayDuggerGraduate schools.19:42
klafkaisn't defense contracting like ~30% of our GDP at this point ?19:42
JayDuggerNot hardly.19:42
fennpersonally i don't care, but it seems like a stupid strategy to have no business model beyond intellectual property laws19:42
klafkaand grad school is almost all foreign too19:42
JayDuggerNo, its mostly foreign customers.19:43
fennsth like 80% non-american grad students?19:43
JayDuggerThat's not the same thing.19:43
klafkaour only export, graduate degrees19:43
fennand coca cola19:43
JayDuggerThere you go. :)19:43
fenn(the brand, not the soda)19:43
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bdeskwe can have a business model built on synergy, and the intellectual property laws are just regulations that protect our synergy.19:44
fennto quote Neo, "I know CSS!"19:45
JayDuggerPhotos from the SketchChair project on Make's blog today.19:45
fennif you can't baffle 'em with bullshit, pile it higher and deeper19:46
JayDuggerActual project page, not the layers of blog references available through Make.19:46
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fennbeing 2d kinda makes it "so what"19:47
fennif it automatically sliced and made tab-slot 2d shapes for abitrary 3d shapes, that would be something19:48
JayDuggerIt only makes chairs, fenn. 19:48
fennam i missing something? how does it make the curved "butt" part in the one the guy is sitting on19:48
fenncompound curvature19:49
JayDuggerAs we said in defense contracts when the customer wanted something for nothing: "Sorry, not in scope."19:49
* fenn watches the friggin video.. gawd!19:49
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:50
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fenni remember back in the old datys when webpages had explanations on them19:50
fenni like the physics integration into the cad process, that's neat19:52
fennoh, it's with takeo igarashi (maybe?)19:58
kanzure"i remember back in the old days when web pages had explanations on them" :(19:58
fennhe did various other sketching interfaces, like stuffed animal draw19:58
kanzurei forget what they call this technique in cartoon animation studios20:01
kanzurewhere they don't quite have 3D modeling, but there's some sort of useful manipulation process going on20:01
kanzure"Google relies on Twilio [twilio.com] for their audio transcription." huh i didn't know that20:12
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AJollyLifeklafka: im going to defcon (and most hacker cons for that matter)20:22
AJollyLifeklafka: bdesk: defcon is not tradeshowey, blackhat is sorta, rsa certainly is20:22
klafkawell be sure to check out the party, my friends are gonna do some epic deco20:23
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AJollyLifeklafka: which party? there are tons of parties at bh/dc20:47
klafkathe official one?20:47
AJollyLifefreakshow? black and white ball? who are your friends?20:48
kanzure"who are your friends?" i ask myself that every morning20:48
klafkascott is organizing it iirc20:48
AJollyLifeahh, hes playing the zombie ball20:49
klafka zebbler and kate are doing deco, and let's see i think great_scott, ProfessorPious, Afromonk, Sugarpill are DJ'ing20:49
AJollyLifedc/bh has so many parties20:50
klafkawell they are largely non-overlapping it seems20:51
AJollyLifeno way20:52
AJollyLifemuch overlap20:52
klafkaoh i was just looking at the official ones or whatever20:53
klafkai am maybe gonna try and go next year20:53
AJollyLifeim at most hackercons out there...but defcon is especially busy for me, too many competitions20:53
klafkado they take papers or presentations or posters or whatever?20:53
AJollyLifeyeah, you can apply to be a speaker. no posters.20:54
klafkais it more like an academic con or more like a hobbyist con?20:54
AJollyLifeits a hackercon....closer to hobby con i guess20:54
AJollyLifeblackhat is more of an corporate con20:54
AJollyLifeneither are very academic20:54
klafkaaah i see20:54
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kanzurebdesk: a non-browser version of javascript http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/21:52
QuantumGthere's some server-side-javascript thing too21:53
QuantumGnode.js ?21:53
QuantumGapparently some people are into it.21:53
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bkerokanzure: you can get tracemonkey outside of javascript22:44
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Splicerwho are the main transhumanist thinkers at the moment? kurtzweil, max-more, anders sandberg, who else?23:31
kanzurekurzweil doesn't really associate himself with transhumanism23:32
kanzuremax hasn't written anything interesting in a decade (or so) but is publishing a book with his old writings23:32
kanzureanders mellowed out and became an ethicist23:32
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Splicerwho is left then?23:33
SplicerI thought kurzweil was the transhumanist posterboy23:33
kanzureno.. he's the posterboy for "the law of accelerating returns" and economics-in-the-singularity23:33
Splicerisn't the singularity key in transhumanism?23:34
kanzurenot necessarily23:34
SplicerI didn't know he didn't call himself a transhumanist23:34
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kanzurea singularity could be caused byu  transhumans i guess but it's not an inevitably23:34
fennkurzweil is transhumanist he just doesn't use thw rod23:35
fenns/thw rod/ the word/23:35
kanzuregod damn it what's wrong with the lags23:35
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fenndunno what a 'transhumanist thinker' is anyway23:36
Splicers there someone at the moment doing what sandberg did?23:36
kanzurewhat exactly did anders do?23:37
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kanzurewrite a paper on superintelligent superobjects?23:37
fenncalculated some back of the napkin things relating to jupiter brains23:37
fenni liked some of his pov-ray art23:37
fenn(some of it)23:38
SplicerHe and max more made some efforts towards a transhumanist philosophy23:38
kanzurefor those who didn't know: the physics of information processing superobjects www.jetpress.org/volume5/Brains2.pdf23:38
kanzuresure, max wrote some lists of extropian/transhumanism principles.. 23:39
kanzureextropian principles http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm23:39
Spliceris anyone doing that now?23:39
kanzurebut honestly that sort of document doesn't impress me23:39
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kanzureit's good that someone wrote it down though.. at least there's that.23:39
Spliceri give up23:40
Spliceris there someone at the helm of transhumanism?23:40
Splicerthank you23:40
kanzurenot at all23:40
fennyou're welcome23:40
fenngood luck herding cats, to whoever tries23:41
Splicerthe extropians were at the helm form a while.. they had a TAZ going23:41
fennhm rhino might have actually been useful if they wrote it in C23:41
kanzurethen WTA/james hughes fucked them in the ass23:42
fennwhat's a TAZ?23:42
fennoh, autonomous zone23:42
fennnever heard about that23:42
kanzuremax has seriously toned down his anarchistic writings23:43
kanzureto the extent that he has asked me not to publish those original articles from the extropy journals23:43
QuantumGhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporary_Erogenous_Zone   <- doesn't exist but should23:43
fennkanzure: what's his reasoning?23:44
kanzuresearching for extropy+TAZ on google brings up a lot of high quality results23:44
kanzurefenn: i think you just get gradually less daring as you get older23:44
kanzurehas to keep his consulting gigs, etc.23:44
kanzurealso he asked me to hold the sex articcles23:45
kanzureocean colonization from extropy #5 http://www.telesterion.com/ocean.htm23:45
Splicerit was a temporary zone23:45
fennkanzure: maybe he should change his name to 'tim'23:46
fenntim id23:46
kanzurehis original name was tim o'something23:46
kanzureor tom'osomething23:46
fennoh, damn i got it wrong23:46
kanzureT. O'Connor23:46
kanzureoh hm23:47
fenni thought it was tom o'reilly23:47
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kanzureyou're thinking of tim o'reilly (social media bullshit)23:47
kanzurehave you met thomas mccabe yet?23:48
fennno, why?23:48
kanzurehe wants to do a hostile takeover of humanity+ for some reason23:48
fenni first read about cyclomatic complexity a few months ago23:49
kanzurehe's a guy slightly younger than me who somehow weasled his way into singinst.org social circles and now is hot23:49
kanzure"and now is hot" <- i don't know what i was typing23:49
fennso, not the same guy23:50
kanzurenot the same guy23:50
fennoh, i argued with him a little over email23:50
kanzurehe's a lesswrong/morewrong/whatever-fame-before-lesswrong advocate23:50
kanzureah i was thinking of overcomingbias.com23:52
kanzurei met him on the net back in 2006 or 2007 but met up with him when i was hanging out with steve and anna23:52
kanzureso the whole eliezer cult thing.. was strong with this one.23:52
kanzure"world peace through world domination" http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/works/worlddomination.htm23:53
kanzureoh boy.23:53
kanzurecoming from anyone else that'd be funny23:54
kanzurebut since michael is one of the executives for singinst.org, not so much helping the "we're not trying to take over the world with ai" argument23:54
kanzureso anyway23:55
kanzurei'm not really sure there's anyone qualified to be "at the helm"23:55
kanzureso far some people have tried to take this role23:55
kanzureby hostile takeover and arguing bullshit and rhetoric23:55
kanzureSplicer: you know, aubrey might fit that role- although he's focusing on a subset of the overall problem space, and isn't really taking initiative in anything but life extension and longevity research23:59
SplicerDoes he call himeslf transhumanist?23:59
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