
--- Log opened Sat Aug 07 00:00:13 2010
--- Day changed Sat Aug 07 2010
phrykHave a few people hook up those things to the same sound source00:00
phrykand make a huge rave with people holdin ghands, and noone who doesn't touc the other people hears it00:00
phrykWould be fucking awesome00:00
phrykor just go through the town and have a monologue playing always repeating "You have to kill them, you know you want it! Do it already!"00:01
phrykand just go around and touch random peoples skin :300:01
phryk(I am a real asshole, yes)00:01
phryk649EUR for the neurophone00:02
phrykthanks for suggesting that thing anyway00:03
phrykIf i happen to have the money, I'll definitely get one of those :)00:04
phryk</big fucking monologue>00:05
fenni figure it's doable with $10 worth of generic electronic components00:05
phrykfenn: D:00:06
fennhe explains how it works in various websites00:06
phrykBut as I said I'm an idiot in terms of electricity.00:06
phrykI can solder stuff together - sure.00:06
fennof course you will have to wade through bullshit like http://www.phisciences.com/00:07
phrykBut to get to the point to actually solder shit together is currently beyond me...00:07
fennlol http://www.thebuttkicker.com/00:08
phrykfenn: When building that thing for 10 bucks, that would influence the sound-quality, wouldn't it?00:08
phrykHuh, that's just another bodyshaker, ain't it?00:09
fenndunno, i doubt flanagan has done much actual improvement since the 80's00:09
fennhmm. ultrasound underwater for VR tactile interface00:11
fennjust an idea00:11
phrykAnd I have no Idea what it means^^00:12
fenneither an amazingly good or amazingly bad idea00:12
phrykwhale song simulation?00:12
fennphryk: take this thing and dunk it in a bucket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSf2-jm0SsQ00:12
phrykThat would be fucking amazing.00:13
phrykIf it worked.00:13
phrykI think it would just die horribly the second it get's a current.00:13
fennthem's the breaks00:14
fenni was looking at this page when i thought of it http://www.clarksynthesis.com/pool_and_spa_products.html00:14
fenni should start keeping track of 'if i had a million dollars' stuff00:15
phrykthat might jsut work00:16
phrykalso errm00:16
phryki don't know how well this could work00:16
phrykbut try just laying the ultrasound thingy underneath an aquarium00:16
phrykif the glass is thin enough, it might work...00:16
phrykYou could also have a simple box made out of 1mm plexistuff, should suffice to hold a bit of water00:17
phrykor build a plexiglass thing around the speaker with just the insulated cable going out00:18
fennoh, sure, just a bag of gel or whatever should work fine00:18
phrykas long as it doesn't get blasted away by the soundwaves... seemed to be somewhat powerful, but can't say since i didn't feel it00:19
fenncould combine with something like jef han's original reverse biased LED array multitouch sensor00:19
fenndamn i need a patron00:20
phrykhttp://www.ted.com/talks/jeff_han_demos_his_breakthrough_touchscreen.html <-- thingy?00:20
fennprobably not. is that the google maps demo?00:20
phryki have no idea00:21
phrykfirst thing with touch whatever in the title00:21
fennthis is what i was referring to http://cs.nyu.edu/~jhan/ledtouch/index.html00:22
fennthe point is to sense where the fingers are in the gel bag and not get in the way of the ultrasound00:23
fennso you interleave LED's and ultrasound transducers00:23
* fenn waves to the patent trolls00:25
phrykleds can sense light, too??00:25
phrykfenn: Do you have circuit diagrams for that thing?00:27
fenni think there was a huge thread on sparkfun about it00:29
fennarm7 is probably overkill, i think this could be done with an atmega00:35
phrykdoesn't seem like circuit diagrams :/00:36
phrykI just sent a mail to han asking for them^^00:37
fennhah good luck00:37
phrykWould be nice for a change00:37
fennhe says he gets thousands of emails a day since demoing the FTIR thing00:38
fennbtw i dont know why you said "doesn't seem like circuit diagrams" - there are eagle files if you click "download" on the left00:39
fenngpl even00:40
phryki am dumb00:40
phrykbut he uses ir leds00:42
phrykcan i just use other leds?00:42
phryki'd like to use that thing as display as well00:42
fennyeah, they all have to be the same color though (you can use RGB too i guess)00:42
phryknah one colour is sufficient00:43
phryki plan on controlling mpd with it00:43
fennuh.. ok00:43
JayDuggerfenn--wasn't there an article in Science or Nature a decade or so ago about the neurophone. It stimulates one of the inner ear's structures, IIRC.00:43
phryki can have a "clickable" display on my wall00:43
phrykthe awesome part is00:43
JayDuggerNo one plays with them because Flanagan charges a small fortune.00:43
phryki can render a little interface with next stop pause etc00:43
fennJayDugger: yes that's what it says on his website00:43
phrykand only the things that are displayed are sensitive to touch00:44
fennphryk: i think you could have 'dark' leds sensitive too (because humans cant see very quick flashes of light)00:45
fennall LED's would be on for a few microseconds each00:45
fennor however long your adc takes00:45
phrykah yes00:46
phrykbut i don't want that ;)00:46
phryki think the hard part will be designing an interface that fits on 8x800:47
Alystairanyone here in NYC?00:47
JayDuggerHas anyone worked up a Google custom search engine for the #hplusroadmap logs?00:48
Alystairgoing to be in the area for a week, need cool things to check out during downtime, possibly people :P00:48
fennJayDugger: just do site:gnusha.org <query>00:48
JayDuggerAlystair, not me.00:48
JayDuggerfenn--duh. Thanks.00:48
fennAlystair: go to the lincoln center on friday the 13th at 8 pm, and record super-collider, pardue, and gamelan elektrika for me, k thx00:50
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fennbring a mic with wide frequency response00:51
fennoh yeah, kronos quartet, meh00:52
fennAlystair: http://new.lincolncenter.org/live/index.php/ood-2010-kronos-kenge00:52
fennholy crap they were in baraka00:53
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kanzureAlystair: pmetzger is in the nyc area08:42
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kanzurehi vsrinivas 10:25
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kanzureAlystair: pmetzger is in the nyc area11:17
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kanzuregenehacker: so it turns out i'm becoming the new manager of the gada prize14:34
kanzurewhich means i'll get to fix the criteria14:34
kanzure(i.e. the common complaints that everyone has about it)14:34
genehackerwhat do you mean fix?14:55
genehackereliminate the print without a computer criteria?14:56
genehackerall those things can be done14:56
genehackerit's just that print without a computer limits fluidic reprap's effectiveness14:57
genehackerhow did you become the new manager of the Gada Prize?14:57
genehackerand could you set up an actual registration website for it?14:57
kanzureyeah i'll setup some webpages for it when all the paperwork is done 14:58
kanzure"print without a computer" wasn't one of the complaints14:58
kanzurei think the problematic parts are the things like "be able to print a 6-sided PCB in under 20 minutes" or whatever14:59
kanzureuh i guess i'll also be fixing typos "# Demonstrate a build volume of the printer above 300x300x100mm in order to insure that items daily utility can be printed."15:00
kanzure"# The capacity to print a full set of parts for a complete replica of itself within 10 days unattended save for clearing no more than one printer head jam."15:01
genehacker6 sided PCB in under 20 minutes where's that?15:01
kanzureheh "# Software to drive and manage banks of RepRap printers"15:02
kanzuregenehacker: that was an exaggeration of a claim that i had previously heard.. let me go find some notes on this15:02
kanzure"# Hardware and software systems to automatically unload printed parts from RepRap printers" wasn't this what the belt is for?15:02
genehackerthat was probably suggested by bowyer15:03
genehackerthe belt requires infinite tension to remain flat15:04
genehackeror very larger amounts of tension15:04
genehackerIE 10 kilonewtons15:04
genehackerwhich in american units is close to about 2 tons15:05
genehackergo tell #reprap15:05
kanzureew it's sebastien baillard telling everyone to use the reprap wiki15:05
kanzurewtf is his problem15:06
genehackerhe wants people to actually document their work15:06
kanzurethat fact is unrelated to his insistence on using mediawiki15:06
kanzurei think documentation is great too.. sure.15:06
genehackerwhat's the problem with that?15:07
genehackeranyway go tell #reprap15:07
kanzuretell what to #reprap?15:07
genehackerthat you're managing the gada prize15:09
kanzurei'm not though15:09
genehackerthey'll have plenty of suggestions15:09
kanzurei said specifically that it's in progress15:09
genehackerwhat is?15:09
kanzureme becoming the manager15:09
genehackerhow are you becoming the manager?15:10
kanzureit involves some legal paperwork on their end i think15:10
genehackerok, but please, set up a registration system that's better than what sebastien has15:11
genehackerafterall he is on one of the teams and he could be biased15:11
kanzurehe's on multiple teams15:11
genehackeryeah I know15:12
kanzuremaybe they will all fuse into one giant team orgy15:12
kanzurewho knows15:12
kanzureactually i should add that to the wiki page15:13
kanzure"Team Orgy: bumraping all the participants"15:13
kanzure(or something)15:13
genehackerwell one of the plans has been to donate the winnings to reprap foundation15:14
genehackerto replace the stuff that was supposedly stolen by makerbot15:14
genehackeror was that legit? I don't know15:14
kanzurewas there physical materials and stuff stolen? i didn't follow that fiasco too closely15:14
kanzurefenn did iirc.. he'll probably correct the record later15:14
genehackerwell I know Bowyer is investing in Makerbot Industries15:15
kanzuredid you see pp3pd.com?15:16
kanzurepp3dp.com i mean15:16
genehackerI know what you're talking about15:17
kanzurei wonder what's with the elipsses in the giant "US$1500 Only!!.."15:17
genehackerit's cheaper than any other "commercially made" 3d printers out there15:17
genehackeralso SLS printers are awesome when they work15:18
genehackerbut a little bit dirty to work with15:18
kanzurei think this is him: Kartik Gada  (408) 249-7896  3480 Granada Ave,  Santa Clara, CA 95051-347815:21
kanzureoh, nevermind15:25
kanzurewait, yes. he's just not with netgear anymore15:25
kanzurehttp://www.reliancecapitalgroup.com/ well this doesn't look encouraging15:29
kanzureoh this is it: http://reliancecp.com/15:30
kanzureokay, that's better15:30
kanzure"Debt financing was provided by One Bank and Trust for Willow Bend and Madison Realty Capital for St. John and Shorter College Gardens"15:44
kanzure"Intrepid Management Inc. has been awarded the management contracts for the properties. Intrepid Management currently manages more than 1,800 units in the Southeast portion of the US."15:44
kanzureso wait.. what did reliancecp.com do in this news article?15:44
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kanzurea diagram of this business model: http://www.danter.com/taxcredit/lihtccht.htm15:50
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fenni sure wouldnt invest in it16:41
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kanzure"who's afraid of synthetic biology?" an old pop mechanics article http://kelltrill.wordpress.com/2010/08/07/whos-afraid-of-synthetic-biology/19:17
fennkanzure would you please powercycle either tub or davinci?19:19
kanzurei'll check davinci on monday (i'm guessing the lab is locked on the weekends)19:20
kanzuregive tub a minute to re-tuberate but it should be good19:21
fennThe German Ebola virus incident gives us a glimpse of this rapid-response future. The researcher who pricked her finger with the contaminated needle was probably saved by being injected with an experimental vaccine 40 hours after she was exposed to the virus.19:24
kanzureandrew was telling me this story the other day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TGN141219:25
kanzure"Originally intended for the treatment of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and rheumatoid arthritis,[1] it is a humanised monoclonal antibody that not only binds to, but is a strong agonist for, the CD28 receptor of the immune system's T cells.[2]"19:26
kanzure"In its first human clinical trials in March 2006, it caused catastrophic systemic organ failure in the subjects, despite being administered at a supposed sub-clinical dose of 0.1 mg per kg; some 500 times lower than the dose found safe in animals.[3] Six volunteers were hospitalized on 13 March 2006, at least four of these suffering from multiple organ dysfunction, and one trial volunteer is said to show signs of developing cancer."19:26
kanzure"systemic organ failure"19:26
kanzure"The developing company, TeGenero Immuno Therapeutics, entered into insolvency proceedings later in 2006. Tentative opinions from an as-yet uncompleted inquiry suggest that the problems resulted from "unforeseen biological action in humans", rather than breach of trial protocols,".. well besides going straight from 0 humans to 6 humans19:27
kanzure"The drug was given by intravenous infusion, starting at 8am, with an interval of around 10 minutes between patients, and each infusion lasting from 3 to 6 minutes.[15] Roughly five minutes after the last participant had received his dose, the participant who had received the first dose complained of headache, and soon afterwards fever and pain. He took his shirt off, complaining that he felt like he was burning. Shortly after, the remaining partici19:29
kanzure"Until the expert group has reported, all further clinical trial applications involving first-in-humans trials of any monoclonal antibody or other novel molecules targeting the immune system will not be authorised in the UK." huh19:33
fennyes, but does it cure leukemia?19:48
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fennew, it turns you into 'elephant man'19:49
fennsounds like something out of an anime19:49
kanzureyes we can cure you of cancer but there's a catch..19:49
kanzurethe talk page for that article is fairly useful- for instance, the binding affinity simulations19:50
fenni don't get why they think testing antibodies targeted at human cell types would affect a rhesus monkey19:52
kanzurestandard procedure.. you test the monkeys anyway19:53
fenn"an industry consultant, has suggested that because the antibody was raised against human CD28, the safe dosage may have been lower in humans than in animals" DUH19:54
kanzurewhenever anyone says "industry consultant" these days i immediately think of andrew19:54
kanzurethat's technically his job (in the oil industry)19:54
kanzurei'm still laughing about "math with andrew hessel"19:54
kanzure"andrew, what's the value of pi?"19:54
kanzure"3 point 71... it'll work itself out, i don't worry about these things"19:55
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fennso i still can't ssh to tub, perhaps you did nuke the firewall settings after all20:02
kanzuredo you remember the ports you had mapped out?20:03
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fenn2286 -> 192.168.2?.86:2220:03
kanzureno it's still there.. but maybe the wires were unplugged. is the ethernet port on your motherboard supposed to blink?20:06
fenni guess20:09
fennwell, nevermind, i was just looking for a book i had20:09
kanzureanyway i rebooted it so you should try it again20:21
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kanzurefenn: chris attended convergence08 apparently22:35
kanzureoh chris is on the extropy-chat list.. that's how i know him22:35
kanzuresomething about an extropian/seasteading-institute crossover reality22:36
kanzurethis guy has an interesting life-intersection coincidence factor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Herrick22:43
kanzureespecially with the demand media intersection and he attended convergence0822:43
fennwhat's demand media?22:46
kanzurea massive 230M/year spamming machine.. of sorts22:48
fennsounds vaguely familiar.. was this the thing where you write custom crafted pages for people to put their ads on?22:48
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fennlol i wonder if there's a corresponding "how to stalk better" article http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-a-Stalker22:49
fennwoah weird, TMS ad for depression on that page22:49
kanzurenah you're probably just being tracked22:49
fenni've never actually seen a targeted ad beyond obvious stuff like what i had just been searching for on amazon22:51
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fenni dont' think it's targeted, the other ads on the page are like "free sex offender report" "attend lollapalooza" "cooking recipes"22:52
fenn"scientology today: the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century"22:52
uniqanomaly_hopefully last one22:53
fennhum i guess i should try taking vitamin D and see if anything happens22:53
fennsomeone needs to make a on-demand custom pill service that combines all your stuff into one pill22:57
fenn" irradiation by ultraviolet light increased the vitamin D content of foods and other organic materials.[19] After irradiating rodent food, Steenbock discovered that the rodents were cured of rickets."22:58
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fennhow do i get the POST data for a webpage? (so i can link to it, theoretically)23:04
fennwow, regular mushrooms: 8 IU vitamin D, exposed to UV: 461 IU23:06
fenndamn these non-REST database interfaces23:09
fennwow eggnog contains 123 IU per serving23:12
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]23:13
kanzure"how do i get the POST data for a web page" uh do you mean "how do i look at the form that i pressed submit on"?23:14
kanzuredo you really need help with that23:14
fenni'm hoping there's an easier way than digging through the form's source code23:15
kanzurethat's always the easiest for me.. but there are extensions and plugins for various browsers for lazies23:15
fenni'm guessing this doesn't work because it's a GET not a POST? http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/cgi-bin/nut_search_new.pl?Keywords=portabella23:18
fenngenehacker: some bullshit non-scalar unit23:19
kanzurethe only time that it might work is if it's some php shit and the author turned on register_globals :P23:19
fennso is there a way to link to a POST url?23:19
-!- drazak [~ahdfadkfa@drazak.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:19
-!- drazak [~ahdfadkfa@drazak.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:19
genehackeraren't there any airfoil profiles that are hard to make?23:20
fenni want to link to the usda database search result on wikipedia23:20
kanzureyou can use fancy javascript to make a link that does that23:27
kanzurebut wikipedia will block that sort of javascript functionality because it's uh, javascript23:28
kanzure#hplusroadmap: kicking the crap out of your parent's chromosomes23:29
fennmy chromosomes object23:35
fennCanadian Cancer Society "recommended that all adults begin taking 1,000 IU per day (five times more than the government says they need)"23:37
fennhuh. shiitake contains 460 IU/g vs 5 IU/g for UV exposed white and 0.14 IU/g white mushrooms23:39
fennor 0.2IU/g according to the FDA23:40
genehackerstealing stuff from boing boing kanzure?23:52
genehackerI think that's one of their descriptions23:52
genehackeralong with the swapmeet for do it yourself cyborgs23:53
fennexcept boingboing is a blog (and a tv show, i guess)23:54
fennwhereas theoretically we're doing stuff23:54
* fenn procrastinates by reading "getting things done"23:55
fennit's so simple! http://mini.canasto.es/assets/gtd-workflow-xplane.jpg23:55
genehackerdammit why does it seem that the only people researching kline fogleman are RC plane hobbyists?23:58
--- Log closed Sun Aug 08 00:00:17 2010

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