
--- Log opened Mon Aug 16 00:00:17 2010
ybitwhat as the situation with alex?00:01
kanzureto be honest, nobody knows00:01
jrayhawkMan, I don't know. I'm a lousy transhumanist. What kind of cool implants are available these days?00:07
jrayhawkThe political arena would be the most interesting place for bargaining, but you don't have any leverage, so it'd just be mild citizen action stuff at this point.00:09
jrayhawkWhich is not insubstantial.00:09
kanzurei was thinking of bargaining with 23andme00:09
kanzureas for implants there's nothing really on the consumer market for brain implants00:10
kanzurethe utah array is still popular after 20 years or whatever (CyberKinetics)00:10
jrayhawkthe BrainPort is pretty cool00:11
jrayhawkand I do kinda want neodyms00:11
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kanzuremaybe we can all get prescriptions for adderall00:12
uniqanomalypiracetam is nice imo, and it's dietary supplement in US00:14
jrayhawkbryan you should make a brainport clone that can see infrared of ultraviolet00:14
kanzurewe can call it the bryanport00:14
kanzurewait does anyone sell a brainport?00:14
jrayhawkbrainport would also be useful as a small terminal00:16
kanzureyes but will it do unicode00:16
kanzureprobably the wrong question00:16
jrayhawkdepends on your font size!00:17
kanzurewill it be VT100?00:17
jrayhawkhell yes00:17
jrayhawkyou need to run irssi somehow, right?00:17
fennhuh victoria jaguar00:19
jrayhawkYou'd need some sort of input device you can use as you're casually walking along, though. Hip-mounted keyboard or something.00:19
kanzuredo you know victoria?00:20
kanzurealso i was expecting a "huh" re: nick taylor00:20
QuantumGI hereby name this rock "the missed opportunity". http://quantumg.net/2009BD.jpg00:20
kanzurejrayhawk: you saw the pants keyboard thing, right?00:20
kanzurei would prefer hip mount though00:21
kanzureor wrist mount with rotation00:21
jrayhawkyeah, hip mounted seems much less likely to get you arrested in public00:22
fennvictoria is in my burning man camp00:23
fennhey guys a beagleboard and myvu is a lot less expensive than a brain implant that doesn't work as well00:24
kanzurehere are the current votes: howard bloom 21, jamie bronstein 20, patri friedman 13, me 22, frederick gaston 3, victoria jaguar 16, alex lightman 7, thomas mccabe 15, max more 31, nick taylor 400:24
jrayhawkEither way, though, people asking you what the hell you have in your mouth will be sufficiently convinced by your explanation and lisp of a terrible case of aspergers that you won't be bothered by personal interactions for long.00:24
jrayhawk, THTUPID"00:25
kanzureadvantage: amazing cunninglingus00:26
kanzureyou'll start "reading messages"00:27
kanzure"DAN WAS HERE"00:27
jrayhawk"B. BITHOP WATH HEWE"00:28
jrayhawkdo not ask why you write with a lisp as well00:29
kanzureit's one of the aspie things00:29
jrayhawknot to mention the homestar-esque speech impediment00:29
ybitas it stands right now, who's leading in the board election?00:29
kanzureconsistency yo00:29
kanzureybit: max, myself and howard bloom.00:29
kanzureybit: there are three positions open00:29
ybitmax wants people to come out of the closet00:31
ybitwhat kind of gay organization is thi (spit)00:31
kanzurewhat are you talking about?00:32
jrayhawkhe wants us all to come out of the closet and adapt superhero alter-ego names like "Max More" and "Bryan Bishop"00:32
* fenn notes that sarcasm doesn't travel well over irc00:32
kanzure"According to the logs of the current hosting company the magazine consumed up to 5 Mb/s (now down to 1 Mb/s as we shut off RSS hogs), and up to 300-400 GB/month."00:32
kanzurejrayhawk: they are paying $50/mo for that. is that a good deal?00:32
fenn400GB/mo is a lot00:32
kanzureit's a crapload of high quality porn00:32
ybit"""My own goals as a director fit very comfortably with the plans of the current directors, especially in terms of... ...attracting people currently "in the closet""""00:33
jrayhawkNot terrible, assuming there isn't significant downtime.00:33
kanzureybit: natasha probably told him that what will get him votes is anything about 'growing the membership'00:33
kanzurejrayhawk: they have been paying $500/mo until recently00:33
fennybit: he meant "wouldnt tell their family about transhumanism", not "secretly gay"00:33
kanzurelike me :P00:34
kanzurei didn't tell my mom about it 00:34
kanzurebut this was because i am stupid, not because i didn't want to00:34
ybitwait, you're gay?00:34
kanzureabout transhumanism00:34
kanzurealso i am sorry to inform you that i am not gay :/00:34
fenntoday at noisebridge i met a trans-something building hir own laser to destroy beard hair follicles00:34
jrayhawkYeah, you are pretty gay about transhumanism.00:34
kanzurefenn: was that other people's beard hair follicles?00:34
kanzureso.. gnu hunting?00:34
fenni'm of the opinion that transgenderism and transhumanism are basically the same thing00:35
kanzurewhat? http://doctormo.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/debconf.2.png00:35
kanzuredo you mean transgenderism or transsexualism00:36
fennwell, both00:36
kanzurebecause honestly transsexualism in many cases seems quite barbaric00:36
fennso does the current state of "other stuff"00:36
fennbrain implants, wearables, genetic engineering, all pretty bad imho00:36
kanzurei don't know if you've ever looked through the surgical protocols or "hey that was my dick!" galleries00:36
kanzureuh, not in comparison00:36
fennwell i dont think i'd get a "modern" brain implant either00:37
jrayhawkkanzure: the best prices on high-quality (i.e. battery-backed and redundant) bandwidth I've found are at gandi: http://www.gandi.net/hosting/00:39
kanzureooh cloud vps00:39
jrayhawkIf you don't really care about uptime, just find the easiest way to get a cogent link to start abusing00:39
jrayhawkcogent is fun to get a home connection from because they are business and server heavy and desperate to even out their peering00:42
jrayhawkso they are eager for you to download many terabytes per month00:43
kanzurethat sounds upside down00:43
jrayhawkThe home connection thought is tangential to the hosting discussion.00:44
jrayhawkI am basically saying you should try getting a cogent connection wherever you live.00:45
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jrayhawkthis is usually impractically expensive unless you are at or next to an existing fibre conduit.00:47
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kanzurewow wtf x900000:58
kanzuredavid orban has sent me his "due diligence" doc for hplusmagazine.com before it was transfered from james clement to humanity+00:58
kanzurethis is absurd00:58
kanzurethe mind, it boggles00:58
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QuantumGwarning: 3.5mb html file01:11
ferrouswheelQuantumG, what browser - Firefox 3.6.8 is only showing me an empty drop down and reset view button01:22
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kanzureum, yah01:32
kanzurewe can completely outcomplete hplusmagazine01:32
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QuantumGferrouswheel: try http://quantumg.net/1999AO10.php should load faster.. if that doesn't work, can you check Tools -> Error Console for me?01:41
QuantumGearth-centric trajectories are so freaky01:45
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UtopiahWhere do you think DoD/DARPA and their robot manufacturers store the data from the last combat situations?02:25
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kanzure"gains in bioscience cause terror fears" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703722804575369394068436132.html09:38
kanzureNegative article.  Poor context.  Links the following: Expert Craig Venter -> Ebola -> diybio -> high speed centrifuges ->  backyard shed microbiology labs -> FBI -> Al Qaeda.09:38
fenn"The idea that four guys in a cave are going to create bioweapons from scratch--that will be never, ever, ever," lol09:48
fennfilter fail09:49
kanzurefilter fail?09:50
fennthat wasn't about diybio at all09:50
kanzureit was about biofuel09:50
fennand filters09:50
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kanzurei thought you meant..09:50
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fennUtopiah: i bet they throw it all away as soon as possible to remove any possible incriminating evidence09:51
kanzurewow this article reads like a giant conspiracy theory09:52
fennwhy are you reading popular articles?09:52
fennback to work *whip whip*09:53
kanzurebecause mac posted the link.09:53
kanzurealso, swig-user@whatever.sf.net hasn't replied to my email in a few days09:54
kanzureand nobody hangs out in #swig-wrapperrrr09:54
kanzuregah, #swig-wrapper09:54
kanzurecould some of you guys join to make swig people think the channel has activity?09:54
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kanzureoh shitz10:26
kanzureso.. DARPA funding for skdb?10:31
kanzurewe have about three days to get a ilst of questions assembled, and about 50 before the proposal is due10:31
kanzuremax pay out of $1M/year for 3 years, but they have $12M allocated to this?10:34
kivesure, kanzure -- I'll lurk in there until I reboot my box10:35
kanzurethanks kive10:35
kanzurenice to see you posting to diybio btw10:35
kiveJust wrapped up my 10-days of Vegas... I suddenly have some free-time to actually read e-mails when they're fresh. ;)10:36
fennis there like a webpage for vehicleforge or anything?10:40
fennall i see is "proposers' day announcement"10:40
superkuhvehicleforge.mil doesn't even resolve for me.10:40
kanzureit's a .pdf being distributed around at them oment10:53
kanzure*at the moment10:53
kanzurehere: https://www.fbo.gov/utils/view?id=11a895334e76707406e3b78c918357cd10:55
kanzurewhich was from here: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=f0a0b6204a5fc937bb926ce5e5b52851&tab=core&_cview=010:59
kanzure(actually it was jonathan kuniholm who brought it to my attention)10:59
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kanzureso uh, should i go after this? 11:00
kanzureand who am i going to be competing against?11:00
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niftyzero1fenn - you were at the summit this weekend?11:06
fennonly on saturday11:08
fennoh, you're miron11:08
niftyzero1did we speak in person?11:08
fennno, but i recognize you from various meetup events11:09
niftyzero1cool :)11:09
niftyzero1are you going to the ASIM workshop tonight?11:09
Utopiahniftyzero1: do you know why it's called a "workshop" btw? are there specific hands-on activities?11:09
kanzureUtopiah: in the US, everything is a "workshop"11:10
kanzurejust get some tables and chairs, BAM a workshop11:10
niftyzero1I think because it's 80% discussion and 20% presentation11:10
niftyzero1rather than the other way around11:10
Utopiahkanzure: well that's very trendy :-#11:10
niftyzero1a whole bunch of summit people ended up in noisebridge last night... people seemed excited about the concept11:11
kanzureniftyzero1: really?11:12
kanzurein my experience, singularity summit ilk really hate hardware11:12
fenncool, i was at noisebridge around 6-7 but didn't see anybody11:12
niftyzero1well, some % of them are into it.... 11:12
niftyzero1they came around 911:12
niftyzero1maybe 40 people11:13
kanzurefenn: so i've sent an email over to todd asking him wtf i should do11:13
kanzurei guess he has the most military contracting experience out of any of us :/11:13
fenni don't know if that pdf was enough info to even attempt to do anything11:13
kanzurethere's a window closing in a few days during which we can submit questions11:14
fenn'announcement of an announcement being announced'11:14
AJollyLifekanzure: yes, there were a ton of sing summit people at noisebridge last night11:15
kanzuremiron cuperman?11:18
niftyzero1that's one of my email addy's...11:23
kanzureok just checking11:23
niftyzero1( I use c1.*@niftybox.net to track people spamming and otherwise leaking my email addresses ;) )11:23
kanzurewho leaked your address this time?11:24
niftyzero1I think that's from the summit directory...11:24
kanzureoh well that makes sense i guess11:25
niftyzero1kanzure - just curious - where did you see the address?11:28
kanzuresee pm11:29
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kanzureoh it's a pdb2blender11:46
kanzurearen't there other molecular visualizers11:46
niftyzero1there's qutemol11:46
niftyzero1not as flexible...11:47
kanzurehuh i thought there were lots of pdb raytracers or something11:47
niftyzero1well, in blender you can manually fiddle with stuff11:48
niftyzero1but yes, it was more fun than a necessity...11:49
niftyzero1Tom Moore also pointed me at other molecular stuff https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/11:49
kanzure"ASE provides Python modules for manipulating atoms, analyzing simulations, visualization etc."11:49
kanzurei wonder if this is in the blue obelisk set11:50
niftyzero1this one is more of a library... might make sense to do nano in a programming environment than in a 3D environment.11:50
kanzurehuh i didn't know blue obelisk was peter murray-rust http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Obelisk11:50
kanzureniftyzero1: i agree completely11:50
kanzurefor that reason i've never really understood nanoengineer-1 (ne-1)11:51
kanzure"BUT YOU CAN DRAW ATOMS!!"11:51
niftyzero1chemistry in second life ?!11:51
niftyzero1from the Obelisk page11:51
niftyzero1but anyway... blue obelisk points to http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/cdk/index.php?title=Main_Page , which seems similar to ASE11:53
kanzuredo we have anyone in seattle in here?12:17
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ferrouswheelQuantumG, that alternative link seems to render okay...13:00
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fennwhy is kevin kelly talking to luf-team people about garbage rafts???14:21
fennre: "guidance from coast guard ..."14:22
fenn"You can also download this paper in Proprietary Document Format (PDF)"14:26
fennwonder how i managed to miss http://openvidia.sourceforge.net/14:28
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kanzureare we sure that's our kevin kelly?14:38
kanzurewow! http://diyhpl.us/irc/tableseer.ppt15:02
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kanzurethey are extracting tables from pdf files15:03
kanzureThe table search functionality of ChemXSeer is not available at this moment.15:09
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kanzure"Development and operation of an open source development collaboration environment and website for the creation of large, complex, cyber-electro-mechanical systems by numerous unaffiliated designers."15:19
kanzure"The principal technical challenge associated with this capability is a general representation language that is rich enough to describe a broad range of cyber-electro-mechanical systems, yet formal enough that the systems can be "compiled" or verified in some manner when a design change is made to some element or aspect of it."15:19
kanzurethey may as well just had scribbled my name all over the document15:20
fennyes please go after that contract like a rabid wolverine15:42
kanzurein reality it's going to end up in a .NET shop :P15:44
kanzureelevenarms is on board15:44
kanzurei wonder if matt hates me or not15:44
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kanzurefenn: do you think christopher morrison (from brlcad.org) would want in on this?16:10
kanzureespecially since uh, he works for ARL?16:10
kanzurehah.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BRL-CAD_logo.png16:11
kanzure"ballistic research laboratory"16:12
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fennsean morrison, yeah, i guess17:25
fenni doubt it's kosher for ARL employees to be working under a civilian business contract17:27
kanzureokay, dave is definitely on it17:27
kanzureapparently dave's angel (brownell) worked on ARPAnet with vint cerf17:27
kanzure"In the early days, Cerf was a program manager for the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funding various groups to develop TCP/IP technology."17:27
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kanzurefenn: would you want to be in on this?17:49
fennof course17:54
fennwill have to make sure you do it right anyway17:56
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kanzurewell it was nice while it lasted.. they reset the humanity+ polls19:21
kanzurehere's what the stats were:19:26
kanzurehoward bloom 22, jamie bronstein 21, patri friedman 18, bryan bishop 22, frederick gaston 4, victoria jaguar 16, alex lightman 9, thomas mccabe 16, max more 38, nick taylor 419:26
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epitronoh snap, howard bloom was there?20:33
kanzureyeah howard bloom is running for the board20:37
ybitand i still haven't been approved :)20:39
* ybit would at least like to follow along in the conversation20:40
ybiti want to know why they were restarted20:44
kanzurebecause someone complained that people were being approved20:44
ybitwho's this someone?20:44
kanzuresome anonymous person on the board20:45
kanzureapparently only people who are registered before august 13th are allowed to vote20:45
ybitwish i would have known about this election earlier20:45
ybiti would have ran myself :P i laugh thinking about the silly things i would put on me bio 20:46
ybiti had problems getting on around aug 1320:46
ybitinstead of clicking a button, you had to send an email to yahoo requesting to be added *shrug*20:47
ybitmy preference is clicking20:47
ybitif someone happens to build a time machine, please send it my way. i'd like to skip ahead to the moment i wake up tomorrow20:52
ybitkatsmeow-afk: rawr21:02
kanzureoh i get it. it started at BRL.21:21
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kanzuretodd: right...22:00
kanzuretodd: i'll give it a detailed read today22:00
kanzuretodd: i'm doing a DARPA project right now22:01
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kanzuretodd: so i might be able to help22:01
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kanzurehttp://roberttercek.com/2010/08/16/creative-self-destruction-at-humanity/ but he gets some of the details wrong22:46
kanzurewhy am i involved in any of this?22:46
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ferrouswheelfor fun and profit?22:48
ferrouswheel...oh wait22:48
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kanzurei don't get it http://exogen.github.com/nose-achievements/22:51
kanzureferrouswheel: :)22:51
kanzureferrouswheel: http://diyhpl.us/ is my alternative22:51
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ferrouswheelhah - I like it22:54
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kanzureferrouswheel: i'm wondering if humanityplus.org should get rid of its membership system23:01
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ybitlogs from july 5 - aug. 5?23:12
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ybitthat's me asking if anyone has logs of this channel from july 5 - aug 523:13
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ybitping bkero, drazak, Overand, QuantumG, superkuh 23:26
drazakwhatcha needs?23:26
drazakkanzure: I love how people quote me without even asking23:27
drazakkanzure: I guess it goes with the territory23:27
drazakkanzure: but atleast fix my grammar and spelling23:27
kanzuresorry did i quote you in quotes.html?23:27
drazaknot you23:27
drazaksome wiki or something23:27
drazakcouldn't even bother to fix my attrocious spelling and grammar23:27
drazakis it possible to regex wiki pages?23:30
drazakI want to s/Ben\ Gadoua/\[drazak\]/23:31
drazakybit: what did you need?23:34
ybitdrazak: i'm asking for logs of this channel from july 5 - aug 523:36
drazakoh uh23:37
drazaksorry, didn't see that23:37
drazakkanzure maybe?23:37
ybitmaybe.. i think he was relying on gnusha though23:37
jrayhawknot sure if that's the canonical URL for that23:51
jrayhawkoh, i guess it's just gnsha.org/logs/23:52
jrayhawki can type i swear23:52
--- Log closed Tue Aug 17 00:00:17 2010

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