
--- Log opened Wed Aug 25 00:00:17 2010
-!- killall-9 [~paulc@pd95b50af.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #hplusroadmap01:10
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:49
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kanzurehm zach made keyboard pants? http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:58911:30
kanzurei was trying to find the 3D printed keyboard project11:31
kanzuredidn't someone print out a set of keys for his keyboard?11:31
kanzurehrm what is DARPA SN-10-67?11:46
jrayhawk"Unfortunately it was impossible to solder traces on, and it was equally hard to use conductive thread to join the traces. After a bit of fussing, I abandoned the idea of having a fully functional keyboard and just went for style points. Interestingly enough, the left side of the keyboard still works (its attached to the USB cord still)"12:08
jrayhawki wonder why he didn't just use two keyboards?12:08
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kanzure"bs3_surface_degree_u  Gets the spline degree in the u direction. " aroo?13:33
kanzurehuh? is this dassault? http://doc.spatial.com/index.php/Main_Page13:34
kanzure"RADF R3, a web-enabled development platform, accelerates the development of desktop and cloud-based engineering software applications. CGM, a 3D geometric modeler, provides native interoperability with Dassault Systèmes V5 products."13:35
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fennhmm don't i have talk materials about qs stuff online somewhere14:16
fennjrayhawk: that's what i'm doing, cutting two keyboards in half and throwing half of each one away14:22
fennthey're like $4 each14:22
fennsilicone keyboards suck anyway14:22
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-99-2.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:39
jrayhawkUSB or bluetooth?14:41
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kanzure"The Micro Grow Project's LabBox Grower is a small automated hyrdoponic growing system that uses a microcontroller to automates watering cycles, light schedules, and temperatures. It can be controlled and monitored via the Web or mobile phone, and can tweet about its condition. "14:57
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has quit [Quit: got root?]15:06
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kanzurethese nurbs are making me angry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRaLpHoZA8E16:04
QuantumGas long as they're not making you thirsty16:05
kanzurethese data structures make **no** sense16:06
QuantumGwhich ones in particular?16:06
kanzurewho the hell makes a 3D coordinate out of a single fucking integer16:06
QuantumGhow do you even do that?16:06
QuantumG'cept, maybe, by indexing16:06
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kanzureQuantumG: that's what i thought16:06
kanzureexcept that the first index is a value between 1 and 416:07
kanzureand then there are two more depths in the array16:07
QuantumGuh huh.. why don't you just go study the math and write code that isn't wacky?16:07
kanzuredef __init__(self, p00 = [-.5,-.5], p01 = [.5, -.5], p10 = [-.5, .5], p11 = [.5, .5]):16:07
kanzurecoefs = Numeric.zeros((4,2,2), Numeric.Float)16:08
kanzurecoefs[3,:,:] = Numeric.ones((2,2), Numeric.Float)16:08
kanzureand eventually: Srf.__init__(self, coefs, [0.,0.,1.,1.], [0., 0., 1., 1.]) (for a different __init__)16:08
kanzurebut then: (dim, nu, nv) = cntrl.shape16:08
kanzureif dim < 2 or dim > 4: raise NURBSError, 'Illegal control point format'16:08
kanzureelif dim < 4: self.cntrl = Numeric.zeros((4, nu, nv), Numeric.Float); self.cntrl[0:dim,:,:] = cntrl; self.cntrl[-1,:,:] = Numeric.ones((nu,nv), Numeric.Float)16:09
kanzureso uh, any idea what that ctrl[0] to ctrl[4] is about?16:09
QuantumGcontrol points no doubt16:09
kanzurethe comments say: "dim is the dimension valid options are: 2 .... (x,y)        2D cartesian coordinates; 3 .... (x,y,z)      3D cartesian coordinates; 4 .... (wx,wy,wz,w) 4D homogeneous coordinates"16:09
kanzurewas this guy using cntrl[0][A] as a way to reference the "x" value of coord A?16:11
kanzurecode is here: http://runten.tripod.com/NURBS/Nurbs-0.1.zip16:12
kanzurein Nurbs-0.1/Nurbs/Srf.py 16:12
QuantumGI'll never understand why you're obsessed with using other people's code when you could more quickly code something that isn't stupid. :)16:13
kanzure(in case anyone is wondering yes that's a tripod.com site and this is a terrible mistake on my part)16:13
kanzurepartly because there's a huge difference between (1) math documents that try to "explain" it16:13
kanzureand (2) stuff that actually works16:13
kanzurefor instance, none of the docs actually explain how to calculate the degree of a nurbs object16:13
kanzurebut for some reason that's present in this file16:13
kanzureand it seems to contradict half of the crap i've read16:14
kanzurebut it works..16:14
kanzurein truth i'm actually reimplementing it on my own- i could just import these classes and get on with it, but i don't like this guy's code at all16:14
-!- shepazu [~schepers@rrcs-98-101-157-224.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:15
QuantumGyeah, until you've coded it you don't understand it16:16
kanzurep11 = [.5, .5]; coefs[0:len(p11),1,1] = p1116:19
kanzurethere's a diagram with p11 clearly labeled in a corner of an ascii square16:20
kanzureso coefs[0:len(p11)] is suggesting to me that he's using coefs as a list where 0=x, 1=y, 2=z, 3=w (w is an optional weight in nurbsland)16:21
kanzurebut why would anyone _do_ that16:21
QuantumGmaybe he copied it from some other code16:21
kanzurewait, no i think i have this wrong again?16:24
kanzure"p11 - 3D coordinate of the corner point"16:29
kanzurep11 = [.5, .5]16:29
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kanzurehi [X-Pro]Endos 22:20
[X-Pro]Endoshey kanzure22:21
[X-Pro]Endosjust curious but, do you have an overseeing PI for your project?22:22
[X-Pro]Endosor is this completely independent?22:22
kanzureindependent.. but for a while i was working in a lab on a very similar project22:24
[X-Pro]Endosthe biofuel project i was working on had to have a PI because the school wouldn't let us touch chemicals without some sort of supervising professor22:25
[X-Pro]Endosand ultimately didn't work out because some government grant was supporting a company in north carolina to go take all of the used vegetable oil from a ton of restaraunts and ship it to their processing facility... but yeah lol, it's not at all analogous to your project22:27
[X-Pro]Endosi think it's an extremely fascinating project22:27
kanzurei was doing a vegetable oil collection project on campus once.. it was biofuel related22:27
[X-Pro]Endosdo you plan to pursue a PhD? or are you going to just try to work on it full time22:28
kanzurei'm not in school at the moment22:28
[X-Pro]Endosahh, i didn't know22:28
[X-Pro]Endosworking on this full time now?22:29
kanzurepretty much. "work" :)22:29
[X-Pro]Endosseems like a worthwhile venture22:30
[X-Pro]Endosdo you plan on capitalizing on this at some point?22:31
kanzureworld domination22:31
[X-Pro]Endosprobably not yet ;) lol22:31
kanzurewell, skdb is supposed to be all open source22:33
[X-Pro]Endosmedialab is just a bunch of artists who were engineering majors because they were too afraid of being broke22:49
[X-Pro]Endosthey're not real engineers, and their technical capacities are sub-par22:49
genehackeryou know the medialab folk?22:51
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[X-Pro]Endosa few of them23:04
[X-Pro]Endosmy gf is going there this upcoming year lol, so i'll get to know a lot more of them23:04
genehackerso do you have access to the MIT fablab?23:07
[X-Pro]Endosvia proxy of my gf yes23:08
[X-Pro]Endosi'll get to see their new glass hamster cage next month when i visit her23:08
genehackerglass hamster cage?23:08
[X-Pro]Endostheir new building has so much glass you can see through the building to the building next to it at certain parts23:09
genehackeras in a "fish tank"23:09
genehackerso what's your major?23:09
[X-Pro]Endosi'm a grad student studying chemistry23:09
genehackerI see23:10
kanzure(in other words he's completely crazy)23:10
genehackerso he does fluorine chemistry?23:10
[X-Pro]Endosi'm studying theoretical chemistry23:11
genehackerdo you do any computational chemistry ?23:14
[X-Pro]Endosa lot23:14
[X-Pro]Endosmetadynamics and coarse graining23:14
kanzurecharmm! chemkin! dalton! gamess! 23:16
kanzureok i'm running out of crappy names23:16
genehackerI'm a mechanical engineering student so I'm not familar with those?23:16
* genehacker is trying to evolve some virtual creatures and hoping to get something that might work in the real world23:20
[X-Pro]Endosi'm interested in doing something like that at some point23:20
genehackerhmm... this doesn't look good23:20
[X-Pro]Endosmore like microbacteria like mitochondria but they have a genetic update procedure23:20
[X-Pro]Endos(I've used gromacs, charmm, and namd mostly)23:21
genehackerare you hoping to make better mitochondria than mother nature?23:21
[X-Pro]Endosnot exactly23:21
[X-Pro]Endosthe idea is that eventually it will be possible to express new genes to stimulate the process cell differentiation all over again23:22
[X-Pro]Endoseffectively making our cells regenerate23:22
[X-Pro]Endos(there's a jelly fish that does this and it lives forever unless it is mechanically killed)23:23
[X-Pro]Endosi don't think this would make humans live forever23:23
[X-Pro]Endosbut the idea is to kind of have a reset button for genetic damage23:23
genehackerI think someone came in here and wanted to do something similar to that23:23
[X-Pro]Endoslong before i do that though i would like to use it to deliver gene therapy23:24
genehackeryou might also implement something like deinococcus radiotolerans radiation repair mechanism23:24
kanzurehah, yes someone did come in here abuot that23:25
kanzureexcept he thought he could just eat jellyfish and then live forever23:25
kanzureor some shit like that23:25
[X-Pro]Endosthat's what the european researcher who discovered the animal thinks he can do23:26
[X-Pro]Endoshe takes supplements of this antioxidant they found in it23:26
[X-Pro]Endospersonally i think he's just dumb23:26
kanzure06:41 < brunsgenus> Well, I was wanting to know what you all thought about taking the DNA of Turritopsis dohrnii and implementing it on a person using viral treatment? 23:27
[X-Pro]Endosahhh i hate windows text formatting!23:27
kanzureoh wait, he suggested viral gene therapy23:27
genehackerwait really?23:28
genehackerthe research takes supplements like that23:28
[X-Pro]Endosthe researcher23:28
[X-Pro]Endoshe personally believes it will make him live longer23:28
[X-Pro]Endosmy friend was thinking about working for him as a grad student23:28
[X-Pro]Endosand told me about him23:28
[X-Pro]Endosthe problem with implementing another dna repair mechanism is expression and the fact that you can't get rid of the other human repair mechanisms23:29
genehackerthat makes sense23:29
[X-Pro]Endosif you have a double-strand break, the normal mechanism of just inserting random nucleotides will take hold23:29
kanzurei'm not sure it's a dna repair mechanism issue23:29
[X-Pro]Endosplus strand breaks aren't the only issues23:30
[X-Pro]Endosyou have methylated nucleotides23:30
[X-Pro]Endoshalogenated nucleotides23:30
kanzureit was my understanding it was more about developmental biology23:30
kanzurewhere the jellyfish revert in their life to some previous developmental form23:30
[X-Pro]Endosit is23:30
[X-Pro]Endosbut the cells go through the process of differentiation all over again23:31
[X-Pro]Endoswhich causes them to revert23:31
[X-Pro]Endos(them being the organisms, not the cells)23:32
[X-Pro]Endosbut yes the cells do too... lol23:32
--- Log closed Thu Aug 26 00:00:17 2010

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