
--- Log opened Wed Sep 15 00:00:18 2010
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epitronthat eeg headset article has a really funny comment 01:27
epitronit's a guy who has the craziest setup01:27
epitronhe wears 3 EEG headsets at once01:27
epitronthe OCZ NIA, the Emotiv Epoc, and the Neurosky01:28
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epitroni think he needs some kind of counselling01:29
epitronalthough i bet he could get a job making fancy looking computer setups for movies01:29
epitronyou know, the lab where they're tracing the hackers and decoding the dna and enhancing the pictures01:30
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Utopiah(for pirates like Daeken ) http://i50.tinypic.com/r25erk.png02:38
archelsThis channel has a wiki, too?02:59
epitronUtopiah: hahaha! is that real?03:09
Utopiahepitron: no relax, it's not a real bear, it's a drawing, think Rene Magritte03:10
epitroni really am curious where it came from03:14
epitronnevermind, curiousity gone03:15
Utopiahhttp://luakit.org highly configurable, micro-browser framework based on the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit.03:47
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kanzureepitron: http://diyhpl.us/wiki and git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git08:43
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archelskanzure: Hmm, not MediaWiki?10:02
kanzurehell no :)10:13
kanzurejason bobe / diybio bioethics.gov talk http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/100913/globe_show/default_go_archive.cfm?gsid=1438&type=flv&test=0&live=010:25
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]10:27
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kanzurei wish jason would listten to me more often10:48
kanzureor, ever10:48
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epitronkanzure: btw, we're working on a wiki in #magmawiki13:19
epitronif you wanna throw in your two cents13:19
epitronwww.magmawiki.com is what we have so far13:20
Utopiahis it DVCS based?13:20
epitronno, and for good reason.13:20
epitronsource code diffs are line-based. wiki edits are not line-based.13:20
epitronin a wiki, a paragraph is a line.13:20
epitronif you change one letter, the diff says "that paragraph changed"13:20
epitronkinda a silly model to base a wiki on.13:21
Utopiahdepends of wikis, some support words diff13:21
epitronwords diffs is hacks on tops of line diffs13:21
archelsWow, that versioning diagram is a real piece of work.13:21
epitronhaha, you like? :)13:21
archelspretty neat13:22
kanzureepitron: well, if you aren't using line diffs, and not using word diffs, what are you using?13:22
Utopiahepitron: sidenote there is the generalist #wiki which is nice for overall discussions on the topic13:22
epitronUtopiah: orly... i'll check it out13:23
kanzurewhat's the incentive to share a CAD file (that is not already being used to produce some buyable product)?13:24
kanzureother than reputation / feel good about yourself / collaboration-improvement-bonus-points13:24
kanzurethe only reason you use CAD is because you want to make whatever you are modeling13:26
kanzureso if you're not actually building something and you're not selling it, then that means you're stuck and not making progress13:26
kanzureso why would we want that CAD file anyway13:26
kanzurehaha.. although that's too severe, because it could just be a one-off thing or something13:26
kanzureor you could just not be dedicated or interested, and it might actually be a useful design or file with lots of work put into it13:27
kanzureor you weren't interested in selling it in the first place (but if you weren't interested in selling it, how did you cover the $20k/seat cost of the CAD system)13:29
Utopiahepitron: also you can check http://www.slideshare.net/event/wikimania2010 eventhough it's mediaWiki based it gives nice ideas13:30
kanzure(well, that's primarily consumer CAD of course, there are other options like alibre, brlcad, heekscad, etc., but those are more recent)13:30
epitronkanzure: people can model things in CAD just for simulation purposes... like trying to get a couch to fit up a narrow hallway13:34
epitronthey could then share the couch :)13:34
epitron(not the hallway, obviously)13:34
kanzurethat's true, but i'm more interested in the set of models that are involved in things that eventually end up tangible13:37
kanzureat least for now13:38
epitroni guess having a couch in your living room is tangible14:08
epitronit's not making things, but it's structuring stuff in reality14:08
epitronUtopiah: i'll take a look -- thanks for the tip14:09
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splicermlp reading her Biopunk manifesto at the open science summit: http://fora.tv/2010/07/30/Citizen_Science_in_Biology#chapter_0514:52
epitronbiopunk makes me cringe14:52
kanzureit's just splicer trying to be a hipster :P14:52
splicerstick to transhumanism14:53
kanzuresplicer: i'm just playing around.14:55
splicer;)... i know, and who the fuck knows what biopunk is at this point anyway14:56
splicermlp is not doing a bad job at trying to define it.14:57
kanzurethis sounds more like politics than doing anything14:57
splicerproblem is that it's fucking difficult to biohack14:58
kanzurehave you tried14:58
splicerI think I have a pretty good idea of who has and what they have accomplished14:59
splicerBiopunk is subculture, playing with it at this point is talking about a biohacker culture that's not in place yet.15:15
splicerYou can sort of figure out the direction garage biology is going, but the main ingredient, the biohackers, are not there yet. 15:16
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splicerI really don't think those biohackers are going to be that interested in MacGyverism or citizen science.... they'll be in it for the hack.15:18
splicerIt's those biohackers subculture that interests me.15:20
-!- Dustbin [~chatzilla@rrcs-74-219-91-121.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:27
kanzure"I bet that with a just little biohacking, heroin could go from scary drug to low-carb superfood in no time."15:32
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kanzurehttp://seeedstudio.com/idea/ "an open source hardware idea collecting platform" what?15:33
kanzureseems to be empty15:34
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kanzurehi SDr16:25
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katsmeow-afkBen Goertzel lost control of http://www.intelligenesis.net/18:23
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QuantumGkanzure: ya know that kickstarter to get "dna writing" into schools?18:30
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QuantumGit's the thermal cycler that is the expensive bit isn't it?18:33
QuantumG"The first thing we?re building is Thermotyp, an open source thermal cycler for doing PCR."  seems they're on a replacement.. but the kickstarter effort was to fund rental of units for schools.18:34
kanzure"they're on a replacement" what?18:37
QuantumGworking on :)18:39
kanzurei don't remember ever seeing their demo/prototype18:41
kanzurebut they had photos in a few presentations18:41
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QuantumGhttp://vimeo.com/12330301  nice gunna video18:48
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kanzurefoam printer http://wimp.com/foamprinter/20:47
QuantumGlooks like it's just filling a mould to me20:49
kanzuremaybe the mold is printable20:49
QuantumGtis a neat project though20:50
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--- Log closed Thu Sep 16 00:00:17 2010

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