
--- Log opened Wed Sep 22 00:00:18 2010
-!- memorex [~durp@] has quit [Quit: memorex]00:17
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-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]01:21
fenn"best paper airplane" http://www.zurqui.com/crinfocus/paper/airplane.html01:46
superkuhI used to make those every morning during middle school. At least steps 1-24. I never made a tail.01:50
Utopiahfenn: anybody did some tests about paper design in virtual wind tunnels?01:55
Utopiahmaybe submitting batches of random designs to http://raphael.mit.edu/Java/ :-#01:57
-!- killall-9 [~paulc@diana.null.ro] has joined #hplusroadmap02:15
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Utopiahfrom Vimperator to http://dactyl.sourceforge.net/pentadactyl/faq ?03:28
splicerSolar water disinfection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_water_disinfection03:41
-!- JaredWigmore [~JaredW@219-89-57-76.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap03:41
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-!- thesnark [~AndChat@243.sub-72-118-234.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:34
thesnarkHowdy all.07:38
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:52
archelshello thesnark 07:57
archelsI've been told that you have high-resolution photographs of the internals of the Emotiv EPOC. :)07:57
kanzurehuh michael simons (slackware) is a transhumanist08:05
kanzure(more like a masochist, but whatever)08:05
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:13
-!- dustbin [~chatzilla@adsl-71-145-146-189.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:25
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-!- ybit [~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap09:19
* ybit grrs at quassel :\\09:19
ybitor mayhaps freenode09:19
ybiteither way, there's about 15 channels not being connected to automatically :|09:20
ybit#hplusroadmap, your on that list09:20
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]09:26
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:29
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-!- patrik [~patrik@h126n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:36
-!- patrik is now known as splicer09:36
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]09:58
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:59
kanzurehehe adding in url tracking is so stupid, i didn't even come from feedburner :(10:04
archelsRight, finished The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking.10:21
archelsLeft me kinda wanting.10:21
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279397903.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap10:25
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:38
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-!- memorex [~durp@DHCP-206-124.resnet.ua.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:53
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-!- mheld [~mheld@c-75-69-89-109.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:51
kanzuredo we have any russian lurkers11:59
drazakkanzure: so uh12:08
drazakkanzure: synthesizing sybrgreen I12:08
dustbinwhat's the russian link for?12:11
drazakkanzure: I think I might do it12:11
mheldkanzure: I'm russian12:15
mheldthough my russian generally sucks12:15
mheldalso, you wouldn't (per chance) happen to know ray kurzweil?12:16
drazakhe does12:18
drazakkanzure has mentioned him a ton12:18
mheldI meant personally12:18
mheldI would like an introduction to him :-)12:19
drazakI think he's met him12:19
archelsWhy do you want to meet Ray Kurzweil?12:27
-!- ybit [~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]12:28
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kanzureray is a very busy person12:35
archelsWho probably gets bothered a *lot* by nuts and non-nuts hoping to pitch their ideas.12:38
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Changing host]12:38
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-!- mheld [~mheld@c-75-69-89-109.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: mheld]12:39
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]12:53
-!- memorex [~durp@c-68-62-138-99.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:17
kanzurehah! this makes my day13:19
kanzureMichael Annisimov <darkvegeta26@aol.com>13:19
memorexWho is that?13:19
kanzuremichael is a friend.. runs acceleratingfuture.com13:19
kanzurehangs out with the singularity institute folks13:20
memorexDo you know anything about p21?13:20
kanzurepart 21?13:20
memorexI think so. I am new to all of this but I think so.13:21
memorexkanzure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P2113:22
kanzuremy laptop is acting up so    i will be lagggging significantly13:23
memorexAlright, I can wait.13:23
kanzureah the link you gave me is not the same thing i was thinking of ;)13:23
memorexoh 13:23
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:23
kanzurebut kinase inhit13:23
kanzurebut kinnnnase inhibitors do cool shit13:24
memorexCure cancer?13:24
memorexIt seems to be directly attached to inhibiting cancerous cells from mitosis.13:24
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]13:40
kanzuretips for transhumanist activists: don't use screen names like darkvegeta2613:44
kanzure(it's actually in there)13:44
Daekeneverything i do is under Daeken, but anyone googling that will immediately find my real name, by design13:45
kanzurei actually like the name 'darkvegeta26'13:47
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:49
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:58
kanzure"to provide for the establishment of a national fab lab network"14:00
kanzureone per 700,000 people is about 43814:04
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has joined #hplusroadmap14:21
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-!- bdesk [~argriffi@unaffiliated/bdesk] has joined #hplusroadmap15:27
kanzurehi bdesk 15:31
bdeski'm hanging out on irc because someone is supposed to msg me and then I help them with their theoretical computer science questions.  i'll probably just look it up on wiki.15:32
bdeskjust stopping by to make sure i didn't miss the singularity15:33
Utopiah1h too late15:33
bdeskso i must be a bot then15:33
Utopiahor an historical archive15:34
Utopiahrelax though, things will look the same at first.15:34
Utopiahsince you are into CS note that there also is #ai (rather trolly) #agi (rather dead)  #machinelearning (rather technical) and few others related channel15:37
bdesk#machinelearning has nice technical content but this channel has more interesting drama.15:39
Utopiahthere is also #swig on web 11.015:39
bdeskswig is http://www.swig.org/ ?15:40
Utopiah Semantic Web Interest Group http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/15:41
Utopiahdo you have a website?15:43
Utopiahso I should directly ask you what you are interested in?15:48
bdesksemantic web seems a bit idealistic because it appears to be predicated on people writing their codes to work with it, rather than just using advanced machine learning methods to scrape out what you need from whatever format other people use.15:48
QuantumGthe problem with semantic web is that no-one knows what to do with it15:48
QuantumGwhat's the killer app?  don't have one?  ok, bye.15:49
bdeskUtopiah: i'm really here to see which diybio group turns their hacker space into a corporation and kicks out the riffraff.15:50
kanzureswig.org is #swig-wrapper15:51
kanzurealso where's the drama in here?15:51
kanzurei want my drama :o15:51
QuantumGI wonder if that guy is still ignoring me15:51
kanzureQuantumG: pmetzger?15:51
kanzurehe's not in here15:51
QuantumGignoring all of us then :)15:52
kanzurethe best kind of /ignore15:52
kanzurebdesk: if it's a company then why not just call it a biotech startup15:52
bdeskbecause then you don't get the media bump at the beginning, or the diy chic.15:53
QuantumGI would kinda expect diy people to eventually find something commercial to do.. ya know, to support their habit15:55
QuantumGwhen's someone gunna diy themselves a bug that produces lsd or similar15:56
bdeskthat's where Edward You comes in.15:56
kanzurei wasn't aware that mr. you travels15:57
kanzurei mean, out of the united states :)15:58
bdeskbut yeah, if diybio is unsustainable in the sense that the participants will need to find something commercial to do to support their eating or rent habits, then it just makes it that much more interesting to watch.15:59
kanzurewell, "ignoring intellectual property" will definitely be an interesting biotech startup strategy to keep an eye on16:04
kanzurei for one was hoping we'd just come up with some other licensing scheme or anti-patent method16:04
kanzurebut whatever16:04
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has quit []16:08
bdeskyes, that is another interesting issue.16:09
-!- ybit [~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap16:16
kanzurebdesk: you're right, just about anyone can use diybio for their media bump16:18
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:18
mheldI know ray's a very busy person16:19
mheldI'd like to have him as one of those super advisors who come down from their mountain every once in a while16:19
kanzuretmccabe37 has probably spent more time with him16:19
kanzureactually 'davidad' used to be around in here.. ray's last book was dedicated to davidad :P or something16:21
kanzureNoahj: you don't think you can convince david to come back to idle, do you?16:22
-!- memorex [~durp@c-68-62-138-99.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]16:23
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tmccabe37Hey Kanzure16:34
tmccabe37What about Ray?16:34
kanzuremheld was asking stuff16:34
tmccabe37mheld: What about Ray?16:35
mheldare you in contact with him?16:37
mheldI'd love to introduce myself and say hi16:38
mheld(and maybe get his thoughts on some stuff)16:38
tmccabe37I work for Ray, but his time is very limited16:39
mheldI can understand that16:39
tmccabe37What's your True Name?16:39
mheldMarc Held16:39
mheldI mean, maybe now isn't the right time16:40
mheldbut at one point I'd love to say hi16:40
tmccabe37Where are you located?16:41
mheldtmccabe37: you work at Kurzweil Tech?16:41
mheldI'm in/around boston16:41
mheldoh neat!16:41
tmccabe37I'm currently in Connecticut though16:41
mheldI mean, I have to admit that my intentions aren't the most pure16:42
mheldI'm working at a startup and I'd love to have his opinion on some stuff16:43
tmccabe37What field?16:43
mheldkinda mobile software16:43
mheldwe're building Jarvis from Iron Man16:43
mheldthough right now, this iteration is essentially a glorified alarm clock16:44
mheld(mobile alarm clock)16:44
tmccabe37That's not Ray's field16:44
mheldhe's been in voice synthesis16:45
tmccabe37Yes, but that doesn't have much to do with alarm clocks16:46
mheldI'm not doing such a great job pitching the product16:46
mheldwe're building a mobile application that vocally awakens users to their most pertinent information (email, calendar, news)16:47
tmccabe37Which speech synthesis software are you using?16:48
QuantumGoh yeah, did anyone see that speech compression codec that Bruce Perens was floggin' on Slashdot?16:49
tmccabe37I did not16:49
mheldheh, we're using a mix between espeak (IIRC -- it's whatever's built into the android sdk) and nuance16:50
mheldthough for business reasons we might not end up using those16:50
QuantumGit looks pretty good16:51
tmccabe37What's your current userbase like?16:51
QuantumGnext time I get the "I wanna do something with speech" bug I might see if it's worthwhile using it as a frontend for speech recognition16:52
mheldtmccabe37: we're beta-ing it to 500 people right now, on the verge of launch pending word from pepsico -- we're a brand partner with them16:52
mheldQuantumG: that's awesome16:52
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mheldtmccabe37: feel free to tell me "no," I won't be offended16:53
mheldwe're chatting with a bunch of the former wildfire guys, thought I might get ray's input16:54
tmccabe37I'm hesitant to tell anyone "no" before hearing them out16:54
mheldwell, thanks for listening :-)16:54
tmccabe37But if you don't have any real reason why you *need* to talk to him specifically, then there's not really a case I can make for him seeing you16:56
bdeskis ray kurzweil still working on stuff for blind people, or is it all life extension and media?16:56
bdeskyes to blind people?16:56
mheldtmccabe37: what's his involvement with TTS ATM?17:00
bdeskwell knfbreader looks like it uses text-to-speech when it reads the text.17:01
tmccabe37mheld: You can see kurzweiltech.com for an overview17:01
mheldI guess it would make more sense for me to chat with people from knfb first17:03
bdeskif it becomes feasible to live indefinitely long through technology, then should access to this technology become a human right?17:08
mheldtmccabe37: I'll come bug you once I have some actually interesting questions for ray17:12
tmccabe37OK, thanks17:12
kanzurebdesk: what the hell is a "human right" and gtfo17:19
QuantumGspoken like a true american17:20
mheldbdesk: it'll most definitely be a privatized technology, so I'd be surprised if it was public access17:21
mheldthere'd be some interesting population implications 17:22
mheldunless you're talking non-physical stuff17:22
kanzure"privatized technology" is another way of saying imaginary intellectual property17:23
kanzurewhen did #hplusroadmap get so lame17:23
mheldit was me17:23
mheldI don't usually speak here :-P17:23
kanzurei don't think ray would be interested in getzazu17:24
QuantumGkanzure: you're so lame :P17:24
mheldthat's fine, I'll convince him eventually17:24
kanzureray isn't really worth convincing17:24
kanzurei mean, what have you to gain17:24
kanzureuh he just steals that :P17:24
kanzure(although he credits people)17:24
mheldwell, I still think it'd be interesting to see what he has to say17:25
mheldend goal is a not-evil skynet17:26
bdeskif you want transhumanism for yourself as soon as possible, is it more rational to try to accelerate its development or alternatively to become an orthodontist and make enough money to afford it when it comes?17:27
QuantumGor you could make enough money and give it to people like kanzure17:27
kanzurewho says "when it comes" they will sell it to you? you should just make it yourself and get it over with17:28
QuantumGsome funding and organization could do a lot for the transhumanist cause17:28
kanzureQuantumG: arguably, that's not true17:29
kanzurelook at what millions of dollars have done for the world transhumanist association17:29
QuantumGthere's good organization and bad17:29
kanzuretoo many marketing people, promotionalists, authors, essayists, etc., not enough learning/doing17:30
kanzurethat's certainly true17:30
QuantumGyeah, technology startups with actual customers is what transhumanism needs17:30
kanzurefor some reason i spend a lot of time trying to convince people like bdesk to give up his "Intellectual Property" ways or something17:30
kanzurei've been a little surprised that there are not more h+ startups around17:30
kanzuresome if it might just be because nobody wants to brand their human engineering company as transhumanist ;)17:31
kanzureand also because the majority of the h+ community isn't actually conducive to startups17:31
QuantumGrandom example: people are always talking about how the best example of transhumanists today are people with prosthetics.. and yet no-one goes to any trouble to make prosthetics so awesome that non-afflicted people get jealous.17:31
mheldQuantumG: we're working on it :-)17:32
bdeskQuantumG: i asked about this earlier, and i was told that disabled people are assholes.17:32
bdeskwhich might be true, i don't really know.17:32
QuantumGheh.  some certainly are17:33
kanzureQuantumG: in general, brain-computer interfaces aren't a solved thing quite yet17:33
kanzurei mean, microelectrode arrays involve lots of surgery and stuff and negligble benefits17:33
QuantumGfriend of mine in a wheelchair used to go on about all the awesome stuff he wanted.. then his perspective changed to "I just want an affordable chair" and I think that's where most people in that situation end up.17:34
kanzurenorthpaw implanters aren't a huge market17:34
bdeskkanzure: do you have a link to your best argument against "Intellectual Property" ways?17:34
QuantumGand deaf people with cochlear implants are treated by the deaf community much the same as bisexual women are treated by the lesbian community.17:35
kanzurebdesk: reasonable request :) let me dig17:35
mheldI'd be interested in that17:35
mheldbecause we're in the midst of writing up some patent disclosures17:35
mheldI'm vehemently opposed to it, but it's good for investors17:35
kanzurebdesk: what perspective do you want17:35
QuantumGbut ultimately the problem here is that people keep *asking* disabled people what they want.17:35
kanzure"why you shouldn't patent your technology" or "why there shouldn't be patents in the first place"17:35
QuantumGnothing revolutionary was ever made by consulting the customer's needs.17:36
bdeskin my future i'm seeing a lot of intellectual property ways in some form or other.  presumably you would think that this is counterproductive, and you might be able to convince me that some other course of action would be preferable.17:36
kanzurevery much so17:36
bdeskalso i realize that you probably don't want to deliver the rant manually on irc, which i why i thought you might have a link handy.17:37
kanzurei don't have a link handy, and this is weird :(17:38
bdeskfor example i think that RMS wants people to work in food services and do their programming freely and in their spare time.17:38
mheldyeah, I think he's crazy17:39
kanzurethat's not my interpretation17:39
kanzurewhy not just work at a software development house17:39
QuantumGuh huh.. he never said that.. what he said is that people who try to make the argument "I need to set aside my morals or I'll starve" are just being disingenuous 17:40
kanzurebdesk: to be fair, if you wanted legal advice from me about startups and companies, using the USPTO to your advantage is one way to win (when it comes to business) and covering your bases17:41
kanzureesp. from a legal perspective17:41
kanzureafter all, there's a craploaad of precedent, right?17:41
QuantumGsome investors like patents17:41
kanzurelots of investors do :/17:41
QuantumGthey're morons but you have to tolerate morons if you want your money17:41
QuantumG"we want a patent so we can sue someone if they violate it, if you get one I'll give you $1M"  "uh huh.. you're aware that it costs *at least* $1M to litigate a patent right?"17:42
QuantumG"and the years we spend waiting for the patent to be granted is time our competitors will have to enter the market first.."17:43
kanzurebdesk: this isn't very helpful http://www.futureofwipo.org/futureofwipodeclaration.html17:45
kanzurebut it was from the creative commons (and a bunch of others) to the world intellectual property organization17:46
QuantumGwhenever I talk to investment people about patents these days I say:  which would you rather be funding: a company with actual customers bringing in revenue or a company waiting for a patent to be issued before they can sign up their first customer?  cause the patent system precludes you from the first.17:46
mheldQuantumG: so, one of the companies we might end up going against has a M&A policy of suing companies17:49
mheldso the small companies have to give in17:49
bdeskkanzure: thanks, i'll read that17:49
mheldwoah, how does the patent system force you to not have customers?17:49
-!- bdesk [~argriffi@unaffiliated/bdesk] has left #hplusroadmap []17:50
kanzuremheld: be careful, QuantumG is sometimes a troll17:50
mheld(I like this channel)17:51
kanzurehm bdesk left :(17:53
QuantumGbecause you're not allowed to patent anything you've already sold on the market17:53
QuantumGin the US you actually have 1 year from first sale17:53
QuantumGbut that's essentially the same thing17:53
kanzurefundamentally a patent is the "right" (?) to exclude others from makng, using whatever was patented17:53
kanzure*making, selling, using17:54
kanzurecomputing is really hard when "tyyyyyypppppppppppinggggg turnssssss into thsisss" and linux freezes evvvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrryyy       fuccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccck there it goes again17:54
kanzurewhat am i doing wrong17:55
kanzure"Copyright excludes unauthorized copying and related activities -- activities that are triggered by access to the protected work. Such access serves as the trigger or activating event17:57
kanzurefor the copyleft license -- copying or adapting the open source code opens the copyist or adapter to a lawsuit unless the copying or adapting is done in accordance with the terms of the license."17:57
kanzure"But patent rights exclude all uses of the claimed invention, even those conducted independently, without any access to the invention. In such cases, the infringing act would not serve to channel the infringerwould into compliance with the terms of the license, as there would be no"17:57
kanzure"knowledge, let alone manifestation of assent, to the license."17:57
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QuantumGanyway, wall of text man18:02
QuantumGif you have just the one thing to start a company on, and your investors demand that you get a patent on it, then you should let them know that they'll be paying you to burn cash for quite a while before you can make the first dollar.18:02
QuantumGwhat I've seen people do is keep their day job while they wait for the patent to be granted, which they've paid for out of their own pocket, and then go try to start a company.18:04
QuantumGif they're stupid they tell the potential investor that they did this and wonder why no-one wants to fund them.  hint: your employer may have claim to the patent.18:04
kanzurejoseph jackson compiled a bibliography about patents and patent reform and anti-IP-sentiments18:05
kanzure24 hours left for biocurious funding18:12
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kanzuremore stuxnet stuff20:34
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