
--- Log opened Thu Sep 23 00:00:17 2010
-!- JaredW [~JaredW@219-89-57-76.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap00:14
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fennkanzure are you going to openhardwaresummit?05:34
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ybitanyone know of a free service where i can briefly load ~700gb of data and retrieve about a day later?06:42
ybiti'm having way too many issues with the filesystem on the server and i need to offload the data and reformat06:42
fenni suggest buying a 1TB hard drive06:44
kanzurefenn: i've been on the fence about going to open hardware summit :(06:48
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kanzurei mean, i don't really want to support the buglabs/medialab/adafruit/make clique06:48
kanzurehowever, i should probably be there :/06:49
archelshaha, that's like music to my ears, kanzure.06:51
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ybitgrr, did anyone say anything? :(06:51
ybitcomcast, you suck06:52
archels< fenn> i suggest buying a 1TB hard drive06:52
kanzureybit: also, check the logs06:57
ybit10% packet loss to google :\06:59
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JayDuggerGood morning everyone.07:26
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Utopiahdidn't know http://www.thoughtcast.org08:22
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kanzureopen hardware summit is streaming09:06
kanzuretwitter hashtag is #openhwsummit and #openhardware09:07
kanzureschedule: http://www.openhardwaresummit.org/schedule/09:08
kanzure"Agressive and constant publication is the ultimate weapon a society has agaisnt patents - @wilbanks #openhardware"09:10
kanzurewell that's awful advice :P09:10
kanzurepatents are a trump card in comparison09:10
kanzurei'm glad they got bruce perens there.. maybe he will knock some sense into them09:10
kanzure"@Adafruit warns against claiming your product is #OpenHardware while also trying to impose restrictions."09:12
kanzureso have they actually come up with a legal tool? i thought that was the point of all their hype :)09:12
* kanzure checks http://freedomdefined.org/OSHW09:12
archelsThis is more interesting -> http://oracle.com.edgesuite.net/ivt/4000/8104/9236/13239/presentation_external_flash_480x272/default.htm09:16
kanzurethe link has the words "oracle" "flash" and "suite" is there any incentive for me to click09:16
archelsKurzweil @ JavaOne conference09:17
kanzurehahahah "09:18
kanzureCrowley: What we try to do at Eyebeam is make processes transparent "09:18
kanzureoh man.. this is why i didn't go :)09:18
kanzurei think this is a reasonable way to frame things: "Wilbanks: OSHW.. copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, or sui generis??"09:19
kanzureand it looks like their tweeter doesn't pay attention: "Wilbanks just dropped "open-source biology" ... another summit in order?"09:19
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-!- Ian_Dani1er [~it@nat-pool-128-107.olin.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:34
archelsMmm standard Kurzweil talk, nothing new.09:36
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kanzurediybio-washington update http://diybiodc.org/2010/09/still-around-working-on-other-things/09:57
kanzurehttp://jcom.sissa.it/archive/09/03/Jcom0903(2010)E/Jcom0903(2010)E.pdf mentions biocurious and diybio09:58
JayDuggerGood night, eveyone.10:00
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uniqanomaly_i guess they will some day push for fda approval of every food10:03
uniqanomaly_'cause everything organic have *genes* in it10:03
uniqanomaly_in the name of public safety10:04
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uniqanomaly_they care so much for health yet drugs approval take 10 years10:05
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Utopiahuniqanomaly_: Im not an expert but maybe side-effects and combinations are not that easy to test?10:07
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kanzurenational fablab act of 2010: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-600310:08
kanzurefull text: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:h6003:10:08
uniqanomaly_Utopiah: of course they're not10:08
uniqanomaly_Utopiah: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5266884912495233634#10:10
uniqanomaly_"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"10:11
uniqanomaly_Utopiah: herbs and health suppliments under codex alimentarius are drugs which need to be strictly controlled10:13
uniqanomaly_so much for freedom10:13
uniqanomaly_well not drugs10:17
uniqanomaly_just become strictly regulated ;>10:17
uniqanomaly_who cares10:17
kanzurecan you guys take a look at the humanity+ gada prize guidelines before i stamp it / ship i?10:35
kanzurepdf (old/first version): http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/hplusgada.pdf10:36
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uniqanomaly_http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2010/09/s510-companion-bill-s3767-to.html WTF10:58
uniqanomaly_"10 year jail term for anyone who sells what the govt later decides was "adulterated" or "misbranded" food"10:59
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* phryk can haz be Magneto :311:16
archelsSorry, being transhuman does not mean you get to break the laws of physics.11:18
phrykI have a Magnet in my finger, now ;P11:48
archelsYeah? For how long?11:52
phrykOr do you mean since when?11:53
phrykThat would be since today ;P11:53
dustbinwhere is it in your finger11:53
panaxis it rare earth11:56
panaxi heard of someone doing that and after a while the body absorbed all the iron out of the magnet and it shattered11:56
archelsphryk: Yeah, I meant since when. Like panax said, I heard some bad things about longetivity.12:00
phrykThat was longer ago12:00
phrykwith the prototypes12:00
panaxmaybe if you have a protective coating over it it would last longer12:01
archelsAh, alright. I wore a magnetic ring for a few months, but had to take it off because it was irritating my skin.12:01
archelsI hope you fare better. :)12:04
phrykthere are two coatings12:04
phrykgold and then silicon12:04
panaxyeah gold will probably last12:05
phryksilicone, too12:08
archelsGold being the failsafe? :)12:11
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kanzure"China mines 93 percent of the world's rare earth minerals, and more than 99 percent of the world's supply of some of the most prized rare earths"14:08
kanzurei bet they really meant to say "93 percent of the world's output of rare earth minerals"14:08
kanzurenobody dares mine for crap in the US any more14:08
kanzure"The House Committee on Science and Technology is scheduled to review a detailed bill to subsidize the revival of the American rare earths industry and the House Armed Services Committee is scheduled to review the American military dependence on Chinese rare earth elements"14:09
kanzuredoes anyone know what that bill is for "revival of the American rare earths industry"?14:09
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kanzurehehe http://www.shadyurl.com/14:28
dustbinya it's kinda fantastic14:32
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kanzure"Rare Earths Supply-Chain Technology and Resources Transformation Act of 2010 or the RESTART Act"14:42
kanzure"Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010." http://science.house.gov/publications/hearings_markups_details.aspx?newsid=291014:42
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kanzurewhy do these exist? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_industry_trade_groups_in_the_United_States15:30
kanzurewikipedia claims "There are over 7,600 national trade associations in the United States, with a large number (approximately 2,000) headquartered in the Washington, DC area." and cites National Trade and Professional Associations (2008), 43rd ed., ISBN 978 1-880873-56-4 for that15:31
uniqanomalyfor influencing public policies15:31
kanzuredoes each one have member companies?15:32
kanzurei mean, that's a lot of business..15:32
uniqanomaly'influencing public policies' reminded me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_flu_pandemic_vaccine stuff15:35
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uniqanomalyWHO corrupted by pharmaceutical companies15:36
uniqanomalya.k.a. 'WHO overreacted'15:37
superkuh... even the most grand reaction to influenza is not an overreaction.15:37
uniqanomaly229 mln doses of H1N1 vaccines bought by US gov.15:37
uniqanomalysuperkuh: that's most funny part15:37
uniqanomalythey have bunch of viruses & vaccines & vaccines monopoly15:38
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kanzurei'm not sure meetlog.txt was designed with this sort of situation in mind16:08
kanzurei mean, putting all these people from 7000 organizations into the "knowledge:" section or something is kinda silly16:08
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fenn'humanity+ will assemble no less than one individual to contact...' lol19:07
fennyou could use different tags for different kinds of knowledge, i.e. "stalk" or "random douchebag"19:11
fennre: shattered magnets, quinn is staying in the langton guest room and seems to be doing just fine :P19:13
fennroommate "must be willing to meow or is cool with meowing." but they're getting a german shepherd?19:19
kanzurefenn: gadaplus.pdf help/ranting/ideas would be cool19:20
kanzureO_o my uncle-in-law emailed me a clay shirky ted talk. hrm.19:21
kanzurequinn norton?19:22
fennis the pdf different from the google doc?19:41
kanzurepdf is older19:50
kanzuregoogle doc has adrian bowyer / reprap core team comments19:50
kanzuresorry, i was watching gaston http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhG9hKiplfQ19:50
kanzure2010-04-13: Quinn Norton <quinn@quinnnorton.com>: ["eeg", "body hacking", "neurosky"]19:51
kanzurewtf i've only talked with him onnnnnce19:51
jrayhawkkanzure are you ever resentful of someone saying something flippant on IRC because it means you then have to go fill out their name19:59
kanzurefuck you20:03
jrayhawkespecially a stupid largely rhetorical question20:04
jrayhawkHave you scripted irssi or a log parser add people for you automatically?20:14
kanzureostensibly i did at one point but it's gone / not working / a pile of crap20:15
kanzureand a gmail and pidgin plugin20:15
kanzurei'd like to have a tool where i can just paste a wall of text or a link and have it extract out the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.20:16
kanzurename recognition shouldn't be too hard..20:16
kanzurei'd also pay for a service where a part of facebook's social network is revealed to me in some meaningful context20:20
kanzurelike a certain target up to a certain degree (like n=4) so that i get their local network details20:20
fennquinn is demonstrably female, for future reference http://www.flickr.com/photos/eeetthaannn/5011462996/20:33
kanzuregood to know20:36
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kanzurefenn: did you see that anissimov's screen name used to be darkvegeta26?20:41
fenngood to know20:48
fenni will expose his true motives once and for all!20:48
kanzurei thought it was funny :(20:51
kanzurewe're not known for being anti-dbz anyway http://acceleratingfuture.com/hplusroadmapwiki/Myostatin_DBZ_project20:52
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fennbtw, re: scouters, http://www.crunchgear.com/2010/09/15/hands-on-with-the-lumus-see-through-wearable-display-real-3d-real-augmented-reality/21:02
fenntheir helmet is so dorktastic, i wonder why they didn't bother to make a scouter demo21:02
kanzureheh i was just reading the scouters thing again :)21:03
kanzure'Scouters - were created by Frieza's scientists. It was made to help determine how strong a person was. It's worn around one eye and can detect power levels from miles away. It gives the power level in the form of a number, and so they compare the number to their own to see where they stand if they were to fight that person.' 21:03
kanzurefenn: yeah that's just asking to be a scouter demo21:04
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kanzuretito is asking about inventory management stuff for biocurious21:44
kanzurei wonder if he will listen21:44
kanzurei guess the better idea is to tell joseph instead :D21:58
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kanzurehi kive 22:10
jrayhawkOh, I thought that darkvegeta26@aol.com thing was a joke.22:29
jrayhawkhttp://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/works/transhumanisttips.htm "transhumanist tip: do not use the name darkvegeta26"22:30
jrayhawkhard-earned wisdom22:30
fennhmm, randomly ran across this sleep optimization project just now http://beddata.com/blog/22:31
fennhow do i know of tom igoe?22:32
fennah nice, Extended Environments Markup Language (eeml.org)22:37
fennseems like just the xml tags would take up a lot of flash in your microcontroller's ram22:38
fennBecause of its focus on ease of interoperability between software platforms the Danish government has made the use of IFC format(s) compulsory for publicly aided building projects.22:43
fennIfcProcess is the base class for processes and is subdivided into tasks, events, and procedures. Processes may have durations and be scheduled to occur at specific time periods. Processes may be sequenced such that a successor task may start after a predecessor task finishes, following the Critical Path Method. Processes may be nested into sub-processes for summary roll-up.22:44
fennit also has stuff about geometry, "resources" such as labor and equipment, and even (supposedly) revision control22:45
fennmostly aimed at architectural cad22:45
kanzureTom Igoe: [open source hardware, open source hardware definition, arduino, new york university]22:46
kanzureassociate professor22:46
kanzure"making things talk"22:47
kanzuredanish govt has done a lot of weird things with formats.. like demanding quickfix for financial transactions, and going ahead with the Oo.O templates and ebxml stuff22:48
fennbimserver is running gpl code22:49
fennmust be pretty new, mailing list starts on august 201022:52
fennis it just me or is it linkedin request season?23:20
kanzurei saw bimserver a few days ago through something else.. didn't bother to post the link because it seemed "relevant but not quite relevant"23:22
kanzurewhy do people use linkedin, anyway23:23
QuantumGbecause other people do23:45
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