
--- Log opened Sat Sep 25 00:00:18 2010
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UtopiahWingsuit proximity "flying" in Switzerland and Norway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNqx8XZIWnI04:42
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JayDuggerWelcome back, M-xDaeken.04:50
JayDuggerRead any good minds, lately:04:51
JayDugger?, even.04:51
-!- JaredW [~JaredW@219-89-76-151.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]04:57
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fennhuh, makerbot has a conveyor belt now, apparently (and nice rabbit) http://www.flickr.com/photos/laughingsquid/5022083016/sizes/o/in/photostream/07:52
-!- thesnark [~michael@cblmdm72-241-198-169.buckeyecom.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:09
kanzure"We addressed this lack of tools for closing the loop with NeuroRighter, an open-source system including recording hardware, stimulation hardware, and control software with a graphical user interface. The integrated system is capable of multi-electrode recording and simultaneous patterned microstimulation (triggered by recordings) with minimal stimulation artifact."08:30
kanzureClosed-loop, open-source electrophysiology http://frontiersin.org/neuroscience/10.3389/fnins.2010.00031/full08:30
thesnarkcalm down kanzure ;)08:32
kanzurestalk: John Rolston http://johnrolston.com/08:33
kanzureparametric reprap huxley http://github.com/timschmidt/parameterized-mendel/tree/master/huxley/08:38
archelskanzure: Re NeuroRighter, that is one heck of a project.08:55
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kanzuremy old professor (andrew ellington) writing about diybio:09:47
kanzurehe's so crazy :)09:48
kanzurehaha they updated the lab site http://ellingtonlab.org/09:49
UtopiahCode Drift http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=63309:58
kanzuresuggested curriculum for studying AGI http://www.cis.temple.edu/~pwang/Writing/AGI-Curriculum.html10:00
-!- M-xDaeken is now known as Daeken10:02
kanzureUtopiah: <3 "i'm not stalking you; i'm socializing"10:03
kanzurearchivefacebook firefox plugin for scraping a facebook profile https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13993/10:04
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-!- PeerInfinity [d8249c41@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #hplusroadmap10:19
kanzurehi PeerInfinity! wb10:19
PeerInfinitythanks! :)10:20
PeerInfinityso, um...  I still haven't told anyone here about this project, have I?  http://transhumanistwiki.com/wiki/Xriskbayesnetproject10:36
kanzurehave you seen http://theuncertainfuture.com/ and http://canonizer.com/ ?10:38
kanzurewtf you're paying someone? "And now I'm just paying Samantha Atkins to do the coding for this project,"10:39
PeerInfinityyes, I've seen both of those.10:39
PeerInfinityand yes, I'm paying someone.  do you have a better idea?10:40
kanzureuh get someone to do it for free10:40
kanzurei guess you picked an ok person at least10:40
kanzurewhy isn't the siaihouse doing this10:40
PeerInfinitythey totally should be doing this.  but so far they only showed some superficial interest in it, and said they were too busy with other stuff to work on it.10:41
PeerInfinitythough other than sending them that email about the project, I haven't been bugging them about this at all.10:42
kanzurewho said they were too busy10:42
PeerInfinityactually, now that you mention it, I'm not sure if they actually said that, or if I just assumed it...10:43
kanzureoof i forget the latest "house manager"'s name10:43
PeerInfinityLouie is the new house manager, I think10:43
kanzurethat sounds right10:43
PeerInfinityoh, and for about the past two months, Samantha has been "about one week away from a v0.1 release of the software"...10:45
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PeerInfinityso, um...  other than SIAI, do you know of anyone else who might be interested in this project?10:55
ybitPeerInfinity: H+ is the only othe organization.11:27
ybitor perhaps WTA11:27
PeerInfinityok.  I haven't tried suggesting the idea to them yet.  I was waiting until I have version 0.1 of the software ready, before I try asking anyone else to get involved.11:28
ybitSurely someone here is willing to setup proxies to their university connection for academic paper fetching :|11:28
kanzurePeerInfinity: future of humanity institute11:29
kanzurethey like pissing in their pants about risk, right11:29
kanzureybit: why didn't you post that to diybio?11:31
ybitkanzure: hrm... i dunno11:32
ybitsuppose i could forward it11:33
kanzurenathan mccorkle and cory tobin obviously have access11:33
ybitPhreedom_ has a kick ass connection right now, and we need to take advantage of it11:34
ybitI realize there's a better way to put this, but this gets the point across :)11:34
kanzureybit: do you follow the ezproxy password forums?11:36
kanzureuh well you should :P11:37
ybitfeel free to send me linkage to the best of them11:38
kanzurei have, in the past, and don't have the links handy at the moment11:39
kanzurejust search the logs for ezproxy and some stupid common forum extension like .php11:39
epitronkanzure: hey, remember when i was telling you about intentional software, and you were all like, "i haven't read it yet but everything you are saying is rational rose"11:50
epitronhere's a more compact intro to the idea: http://www.edge.org/q2005/q05_3.html11:51
kanzurethis is fairly detailed: http://singinst.org/grants/challenge/ wonder why i didn't see it before11:53
Utopiahuniqanomaly_: since you talked about the codex alimentarius before, http://forum-network.org/lecture/food-inc-0 could interested you11:55
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uniqanomaly_Utopiah: thx11:56
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kanzurehumanityplus.org is looking for a new wordpress theme.. any suggestions?12:12
kanzurei am recommending these: 12:12
ybitPhreedom_, for those offering access but not being on-campus, hrm... 12:16
ybitneed to retain the cookie somehow12:16
ybitwithout giving out the user's username/passwd12:16
kanzurei don't think you understand how ezproxy works :P12:17
kanzureand, the best alternative is of course shell access to some computer on an IP address block that publishers have granted access to12:18
ybitkanzure: yeah, like you had.12:28
ybiti had ezproxy access through my uni, but i had to login with my username and password12:28
-!- Endos [~X-ProEnd@c-98-193-82-225.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:54
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-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:23
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archelsWhat watch are you wearing, #hplusroadmap?13:36
kanzurewhat's the watch that uses audio to transmit data to a computer via a microphone?13:46
kanzuresomething about transmitting.. blood pressure data? or gps data?13:46
archelsI like the Timex WS413:52
archelsI could get an iPod Nano watch, but it doesn't have all those sensors.13:52
archelsI'm not sure I want GPS in my watch. It's a contradiction of interests, for GPS you want a nice big screen, whereas you want a watch to be small and light.13:53
kanzuregps coord tracking, i mean13:54
archelsah right... I'm not sure I'd want that either. :)13:54
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kanzuredescription of the factories stuxnet is infecting: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=171981314:43
-!- Juul [~Juul@h55eb1609.dkkoost.sta.perspektivbredband.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]14:54
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kanzurehuh, liquidware is a business?15:05
kanzurebranding and open source hardware http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1285402524/115:06
kanzurevide of the open hardware summit keynote http://www.spokenword.org/program/125054015:07
kanzurereview of open hardware summit http://www.fifthidea.com/nyc/open-hardware-summit-2010/15:07
-!- kive [~kive@www.kive.me] has quit [Quit: leaving]15:08
kanzureor direct video: http://a60.video2.blip.tv/8650006630247/Adafruit-OpenHardwareSummitKeynoteLimorFried577.m4v?bri=24.6&brs=129115:08
kanzurepretty link: http://blip.tv/file/get/Adafruit-OpenHardwareSummitKeynoteLimorFried577.m4v15:09
-!- PeerInfinity [d8249c41@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]15:24
kanzurehah http://triplea.aftervision.com/fucktranshumanists.html <315:42
kanzurethis guy isn't a good maddox copycat though :/ i wish there was some substance to it15:42
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memorexKanzure, this guy is trying way too hard....16:31
memorexI am going to sniff around at his website, or blog. Whatever it is.16:35
uniqanomaly_>>since competition only gets harder, people will have no choice to enhance themselves to the point where they're no longer human, but rather robots<<16:37
uniqanomaly_i guess guy haven't even heard about abundance that comes with molecular nanotech16:37
memorexLol, my friends are going to try to obtain his domain.16:38
uniqanomaly_      Expires on: 11-Aug-1116:39
uniqanomaly_memorex: guess not by 'official channels'16:39
uniqanomaly_transhumanism will need at some point missionary AI  lol16:40
memorexLol, normally we pose as some sort of official representing some authority and have the hosting company turn over account information/buyer information.16:40
uniqanomaly_chatbots for starters16:40
uniqanomaly_social engineering then16:41
memorexThis guy likes anime way too much.16:41
memorexHis artwork is mediocre at best...16:42
uniqanomaly_mindwork too16:42
memorexOh jesus christ...he gives his dox away on his site. I already got one kid who was stole my brothers WoW account arrested and thrown out of school from there.16:43
uniqanomaly_ok, little extrapolation from his anti h+ work16:43
memorexMy name is Aaron Ancheta. I attend the University of Arizona in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell. I am currently working towards a http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/worthless degree. I was able to work on a http://www.amazon.com/Scott-Pilgrim-Pilgrims-Finest-Hour/dp/1934964387 so I guess I'm doing pretty well for somebody who still lives with his parents.16:43
memorexI found his fb.16:44
memorexHm, we are going to spam report his fb to get it deleted.16:45
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memorexoh sweetness, the CDC emailed me about a fellowship opportunity.17:01
uniqanomaly_! :D17:06
uniqanomaly_'this is madness'17:09
-!- JaredW [~JaredW@122-57-83-171.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap17:12
Juulmemorex, the cult of the dead cow, or the center for disease control?17:22
memorexcenter for disease control....?17:23
memorexI am excited but doubt I will get it. :/17:24
memorexI don't know why they contacted me, tbh.17:25
Juulfor your mean social engineering skills and domain capture techniques?17:26
Juulwhere is this anti h+ guy's site?17:28
kanzureit's a spoof on maddox17:28
kanzurei don't think the author is serious17:29
memorexIs maddox anti h+?17:29
Juulmaddox is anti everything17:31
memorexEven maddox?17:32
memorexEven internet?17:32
Juuldon't know17:33
Juulhe hates idaho http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=idaho_blows17:33
kanzurehe should have remained anonymous17:34
memorexI know..17:34
memorexMaddox looks like a fucking idiot...17:36
memorexHe is ugly and looks like he smokes meth.17:36
memorexholy god17:43
memorexI love maddox's videos....17:44
memorexHe does look like he smokes meth, though. He also has lost a lot of weight.17:44
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kanzureheh juul is testing his "cdfuge"22:08
auguranyone seen eridu lately?22:11
kanzurehe does lots of joins/quits22:12
augursuch a jerk22:12
kanzurefenn: i figured out why i know chris rasch.. he's the domain admin for openknowledge.org and the open knowledge foundation22:33
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kanzurealthough, ironically, it might be a different chris rasch22:33
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fennomg there are nerds on the internets23:11
fenn"they may also be a consideral number of our world's scientists."23:11
kanzurestalk: stephen waterbury, something about STEP/jsdai23:15
kanzureagain, i think that article was more a parody of maddox than an actual attack at transhumanism :P23:16
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: they call me 'the big bounce'. in fact, i'm bouncin' right now!]23:17
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fennbtw i'm not sure what prompted that comment the other day, but megan really is todd's assistant. katy is his girlfriend23:52
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