
--- Log opened Fri Oct 01 00:00:18 2010
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archelskanzure: Could you elaborate on what the hplusroadmap project is, or what your intentions for it were/are?02:52
-!- Metafire [~quassel@p579A5003.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap03:06
MetafireOh, hi. There are actually more users here than I expected.03:06
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kanzurehi Metafire 05:42
kanzurefenn: stanley knutson has been using http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/ for sleep05:43
kanzurearchels: hplusroadmap was a roadmapping project for transhuman tech. dunno what to tell you :)05:44
archelskanzure: hehe. I think I found the wiki.05:44
archelsPretty outrageous that you've been waiting a year for project status from Freenode.05:47
fennflux doesn't work on linux, unsurprisingly05:50
fennanyway you've already discovered redshift and xflux 05:51
kanzuredid i forget to pester stan or is he just ignoring my emails05:52
kanzureah, i never sent the email05:52
fennyeah, i was supposed to like, schmooze with him first, or something05:53
fennapparently i need to work on my communication skills05:53
kanzurejust say "no"05:53
fenni thought it was "smile and nod"05:54
kanzurei can't keep track05:54
kanzurei also can't figure out how i would do sketch-based CAD in python05:54
kanzuresketches are kinda hard to do by api05:54
fennso i just got passed over for an awesome job (probably the only job i actually wanted to do) because i'm not succinct enough (?)05:55
fennsketches are just 2d geometry05:55
fennwhat's so hard abotu that05:56
kanzuresolidworks really isn't csg, it's more like "select a surface, draw on it, and you're good to go"05:57
kanzuresphere.to_surface() -> then line1.append(line2) ? i dunno05:57
fennfirst make the sketch, then warp it to the surface06:00
fennin occ to make a helix you first make a diagonal line, then warp it around a cylindrical space06:00
kanzuresketching by command doesn't come naturally to me06:00
fennjust forget that it's a 2d geometry06:01
fennsolidworks also has a helix demo, it's basically the same thing06:01
kanzureso, i was thinking that you might have weird surfaces that are not rectangular 06:02
fenn er, um, no, it's totally different. nevermind06:02
kanzurecylindrical is rectangular06:02
fennyou know about UV parameterization right?06:02
kanzurei guess i can ignore those edge cases06:02
fenni think UV works for everything except weird math topology class experiments06:03
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kanzureone time i was making a foot clamp model in solidworks06:04
kanzurethe underlying geometry had an 8-line polygon06:05
kanzureand basically the way that i was going about it was drawing the rough sketch, the general shape,06:05
kanzurethen constraining the lines with respect to each other06:05
kanzureline1 = Line((0,0), (5,5)) and all that just seems.. intense06:06
kanzurei guess it could work06:06
kanzureor svg import? :D06:06
fennthere's a lot of information in a typical cad drawing06:06
fennthere's a reason nobody uses brlcad :P06:06
kanzurenobody uses brlcad because they don't want csg :P06:07
fenncsg would be ok if it had easy shell creation and filleting06:07
fenni guess i ought to install solidworks, pity it's so huge06:08
kanzurei saw a web app startup the other day.. they had abstracted wine into a ajax masterpiece06:09
kanzure"run your apps anywhere!"06:09
kanzureit was very strange06:09
fennhm i guess i could try vmware if wine doesnt work06:11
kanzurewine probably won't work, yes06:11
fenni do have a windows partition lurking on this drive that i forgot about somehow06:11
kanzureopenscad imports dxf so that people don't have to do weird sketches06:15
fennof course importing other formats is important, but that doesn't mean you don't have to provide any api access to 2d geometry functions06:17
fennanybody have opinions qemu vs virtualbox vs ?06:18
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kanzureyou should just stick with vmware this time around06:20
fenni dont have vmware06:22
kanzurego download it06:23
kanzureit's on their site06:23
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fennhum apparently i have _two_ windows partitions (XP and NT)06:34
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:47
JayDuggerNice blog post, QuantumG. RLV Space Transport News reblogged it, if you don't already know.06:48
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fennok this is slightly absurd http://imrannazar.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware07:05
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dbolsermasked: did it continue to work for 20 mins?08:27
dbolserUtopiah: I was aware of that post yes.08:27
dbolser09 Oct 200808:27
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maskeddbolser, the app i used was a demo and cut out after 10 tried with orbit downloader later and it didnt work08:53
maskedhavent played back the bit i got08:53
dbolserafter 10 mins ?08:54
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maskeddbolser, yeh09:30
dbolsermasked: 9 mins longer than I've got...09:34
dbolserNothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution (Dobzhansky). 09:38
dbolserUtopiah: this is quite interesting09:39
dbolserUtopiah: I tried to lay down some principles here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=133311613374801&v=wall&story_fbid=133553513350611#!/topic.php?uid=133311613374801&topic=19709:40
Utopiahdbolser: maybe http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/SUPORGLI.html could help too09:42
dbolserI'm interested in defining a computation for an evolving system09:43
dbolserYou can model some complex network of 'biological' interaction with some kind of intteraction function that computes strength of interaction between evolving strings, but what does the network do?09:44
Utopiahmaybe also http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.000362409:44
Utopiahand even more generally http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/ http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/?cp=24301&view=usa&ci=0198515901 http://precedings.nature.com/documents/4894/version/209:45
dbolserscale free...09:46
dbolserhow about this : http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=1179123209:47
dbolserhttp://precedings.nature.com/documents/4894/version/2 2010??09:48
dbolserhere we show what has been known in the field for the last 10 years...09:49
dbolserwhat is new here?09:49
UtopiahI guess I dont really know at what level you are working on so it's a bit hard to see what model would be the more useful09:49
dbolseroh, it's not peer reviewd09:49
Utopiah"strength of interaction" maybe algorithmic game theory could help there09:52
Utopiah(updates http://gephi.org/2010/gephi-0-7beta-released/ 09:53
Utopiahdbolser: Id bet if you conform to his "vocabulary" he could give some interesting input ;)09:57
UtopiahGregory Chaitin10:00
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dbolserUtopiah: back to http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~chaitin/jack.html10:03
Utopiahsorry, I tend to do topic (side topic10:04
dbolseris there any game where you submit a program using a 'reality api' and the idea is to make your software 'live' in some kind of online reality?10:04
UtopiahGregory Chaitin wrote those pages on AIT and the recent 162p article on metabiology10:04
dbolserI remember hearing about an 'asteroids' competition... you get pixel data from the game screen, and the idea is to write a prog to play asteroids10:04
dbolserto standardize the entries, all progs run by talking to the game api10:05
dbolserit would be cool to have some kind of game world for all such progs to compete10:06
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Utopiahdepends on what scale and model you want to conform to Id say10:07
Utopiahdbolser: maybe http://www.innovativ.it/HistoricalArchives/Seedea/Seedea/Simulations can help10:07
dbolserkanzure: congrats :D10:08
dbolserkanzure: cool protocol10:09
dbolserI reviewed a paper on that topic for rapid and robus species identification of meat products10:09
dbolserUtopiah: cool10:10
dbolserUtopiah: I started a topic on a 'bio-enterprize' forum called "is IP fit for purpose" arguing that we need a free market for ideas just like goods and services10:11
dbolseresentially arguing for systems like seedea10:11
dbolserso far no replies...10:11
Utopiahwell we can chat in PM if you want but right I gotta go10:11
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Utopiah\right now10:12
dbolserUtopiah: I'm thinking something along those lines, however, if you wanted to build a powerfull character, he would have to eat up a lot of other characters...10:12
-!- genehacker [genehacker@w-central-232-32.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:15
fenninteresting possible basis for why fasting increases longevity http://metamodern.com/2010/07/24/autophagy-why-you-should-eat-yourself10:17
uniqanomalythey finally noticed, lol10:18
augurnoticed what10:19
uniqanomaly"The Royal Society is publishing a new document today after a rebellion by more than 40 of its fellows who questioned mankind's contribution to rising temperatures."10:19
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augurall of them not at all working on the issue, no doubt10:20
kanzuredon't bring the climate in here10:20
kanzuretake it to #space or #weather :P10:20
augurdont take it to #space unless its space climatology.10:21
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fenndoes it actually walk?11:39
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Utopiahit rolls :/11:55
fennah, brought to you by the same guys who made the other lame non-walking walker12:01
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memorexmakes sense?12:49
memorexsorry, miss type.12:50
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panaxso my PI is asking me to stretch the truth in a paper13:00
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CryptoQuickpanax: that sounds interesting, what's up? :V13:04
panaxi guess i'll just roll with it its not very important13:05
CryptoQuickprobably a good idea13:06
CryptoQuickgotta play the game13:06
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kanzuredustbin: dunno if you ever tried pythonocc but it's a swig-based wrapper to opencascade14:32
kanzureand it has a wxpython frontend with various key bindings if you want some inspiration/insight14:32
kanzurelemme see if i can find the file (InteractiveViewer.py)14:32
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masked:-)  /win 618:53
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kanzuretudou totally kicks the crap out of youtube20:01
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