
--- Log opened Sun Oct 03 00:00:18 2010
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kanzureerik de bruijn's thesis on open source for physical objects05:06
kanzurehmm for a review of reprap collaboration it fails to even bring up svn05:09
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fenni think it's a humanities paper05:11
kanzurei think robert freitas is the only one who takes himself seriously05:12
kanzurein terms of "gee i guess i should put some thought into this"05:12
fenni wonder if this means erik is now free to actually fix some problems in the mini mendel design05:16
fenn5,000 - 15,000 repraps in existence? yeah right05:19
fennhah, Exponential Growth(tm)!05:21
fennhm there's a half hour i'll never get back05:31
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uniqanomaly_hereditary susceptibility of conditions is so much overrated ...09:57
uniqanomaly_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCnlHXGAJVE this is right stuff to start education i believe09:58
archelsIs that someone eating at around 4:00?10:04
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archelsphryk: oh delicious irony.10:22
phrykmunich has the highest depression rate? :D10:31
phrykhere in germany everybody is talking about how great the standard of living is in munich ^^;10:31
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kanzureupdated: http://bit.ly/diybionews11:00
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kanzurei have a few documents to write today, and i'll take any advice i can get :)11:15
kanzurei'm writing (1) an announcement for humanity+ about the gada prize, (2) possibly the blog post for reprap.og about this11:15
kanzureand (3) the content for humanityplus.org/gadaprize which might be a direct copy of http://www.foresight.org/gadaprize.php11:15
kanzurefor #3 i'm not so sure that copying it word-for-word is justified11:15
kanzurethere's a lot of rhetoric going on there11:16
kanzurei'm not anti-rhetoric but the presentation can maybe be improved?11:16
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:20
fennit ends kinda weak, listing various prizes throughout history11:27
fenn"this stage of human upliftment has become a chasm that many nations are finding difficult to cross."  i see what you mean about rhetoric11:29
fenni dont see what literacy has to do with it either11:29
fenni would just get rid of the first and last sentences in the first paragraph under personal manufacturing prize11:30
fennalso the 90% by volume printed parts is stupid11:31
fennprint bed not figured into cost of printer is likewise stupid11:32
fenninsure -> ensure11:33
fenn"ability to print electronic circuit boards" is ambiguous - does that mean laying down a mask on copper, or laying down metallic traces?11:34
fenni dont really get the rationale for < 60W electrical power, but maybe he had some reason11:35
fenn"Only 10% of the time is used for actual printing." is just wrong11:36
kanzurefenn: thank you. also, i lag11:43
kanzureso, we do have a little leeway in changing requirements of the prize (the 90% by volume thing in particular)11:44
kanzure"Well, I kind of like that they are putting the problems in a broad perspective because it seems like something everyone can relate to."11:45
kanzure" But I agree that it'd probably be better to tone down the "whoever makes this will be the sole cause of the economic development of all third world nations" feeling it gives you. d:"11:45
kanzure"By the gods of thunder and the keepers of the cosmic gate, the Gada prize will uplift one billion people by 2020 for under one million dollars or my name isn't Thor. I HAVE.. THE POWER!"11:50
-!- tom_ [~tom@yale128036050093.student.yale.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:52
kanzurewb tom_ 11:52
kanzurefenn: "90% by volume printed parts" doesn't that encourage hollow parts11:53
tom_Hey kanzure11:53
kanzurefenn: the pcb requirement is also pretty vague11:54
kanzureso, i asked them about these issues since some people in #reprap brought up the same concerns11:54
kanzureand they said that instead of being more specific, to just rely on the judges (adrian, erik, forrest, vik, etc.)11:54
kanzure"in order to insure that items daily utility can be printed." insure->ensure but also there's a missing article or something11:55
fennitems of daily utility12:00
kanzuretom_ decided that he wanted to make his own revision http://piratepad.net/AKhwUOok2T12:02
kanzure tom_: gada is setting up a series of K-prizes12:03
tom_kanzure: Right... is only the first being transfered to us?12:03
kanzureimho i don't think that editing the document and wittling it down is an effective strategy12:04
kanzurei suggest waiting for me to rewrite it12:04
tom_I apologize because I know you aren't like this, but I generally have problems with waiting on anyone to do anything, because typically they take two weeks to do something that takes two hours...12:06
kanzurecan you just go get me the passwords instead12:06
tom_Which passwords?12:07
kanzuressh passwords that aren't working for humanityplus.org12:07
tom_I don't have other passwords, you'll have to email David/William12:07
tom_I don't see why you don't want to work off of the PiratePad version12:09
tom_If there are any edits/changes/additions you want to make, just make them12:09
kanzurehow about i just delete the whole document12:09
tom_And if it's on PiratePad it will be easy for Christine etc. to make edits when they feel like doing so12:10
kanzureif you have a vision for a document, having you edit it in real time is really counter productive.12:12
tom_If you want to write your own document from scratch, I certainly have no problem with that, but how long do you think that will take?12:12
kanzurewell i probably would have been done by now12:13
tom_OK, so can you send it to the Board and Christine tonight?12:13
kanzurethat's the plan..12:13
tom_OK, awesome, thanks12:13
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:15
kanzurefenn: i need an accurate one line description of reprap :P12:32
kanzurereprap.org says "A low cost open source rapid prototyping system that is capable of producing its own parts and can therefore be replicated easily"12:32
kanzurebut it can't really be replicated easily12:32
kanzurewikipedia says: "The RepRap project, short for "replicating rapid prototyper", is an initiative to develop a 3D printer that can print most of its own components. All of the designs produced by the project are released under an open-source license.12:32
kanzureIt is self-replication that distinguishes the RepRap Project from the similar open-source Fab@Home or CupCake MakerBot projects.[citation needed]"12:32
kanzurereprap.org says: "RepRap is a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap can print those parts, RepRap is a self-replicating machine - one that anyone can build given time and materials."12:33
kanzurei guess the second reprap.org definition is more reasonable12:33
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kanzureuh, so, some of the open source hardware stuff is ambiguous13:41
kanzure"Given the open-source nature of the RepRap community, the winning entry for the interim prize will have its technology published for the RepRap community to use.13:41
kanzure"Participating teams are expected to regularly publish and make available their technology on an ongoing basis. All technology developed by participating teams becomes open source under a GPL or BSD license."13:41
kanzure"Therefore, the winning team will have to have published at least some of their innovations more than 12 months before the deadline."13:41
kanzure"(Note that the RepRap Project itself is licensed using the GPL, so any entry derived from that is constrained also to use the GPL. Any entry not derived from the RepRap Project can use either license.) "13:41
kanzureman sometimes it feels like these sentences are written by different people13:43
kanzure"It is expected that participating teams will borrow each others' better innovations during the development process."13:45
kanzure"The committee reserves the right to apportion the Grand Prize amongst teams should such borrowed technology comprise a major portion of the winning entry."13:45
kanzuredemanding that they publish is an interesting tactic but i don't know if i should carry that over13:45
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kanzurewhile the final result should be open source, i don't think that "All technology developed by participating teams becomes open sourceu nder a GPL or BSD license" really does what we want it to do13:46
kanzureand what's with the 12mo thing? it's like telling an open source developer that they have to publish their open source code before they commit :P13:53
kanzuremaybe this would be better: all entries irrevocably assign all copyrights and intellectual property rights to the RepRap Research Foundation, with the understanding that it will be an open source hardware project, GPL/BSD goodness13:55
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:08
kanzurecurrent version: http://piratepad.net/AKhwUOok2T14:17
fenni think the 12 month thing was so that people wouldnt hide all their innovation and then release everything right before they finish14:19
fennthis is a symptom of the fact that prizes and collaboration don't work together14:20
fenndon't use the phrase intellectual property, please14:20
fenni think they ought to be able to keep whatever trademark, for example14:21
kanzure"you can assign the project to the.." instead?14:21
kanzurewho should be able to keep the trademark?14:21
fenncopyright and patent is enough14:21
fennthe people who registered the trademark14:21
kanzureok so someone can submit a project that might have their own trademark. yeah that sounds fine to me14:21
kanzurebtw the 12 month thing was for the grand prize, not the interim prize, soo technically i can avoid it14:22
* fenn is virtually reconstructing a broken vase14:24
kanzuretry git --rebase14:24
fennnew project: scan anything that looks potentially sentimental to anybody14:26
kanzureis fenn bored14:30
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kanzurefenn: what's wrong with a team that hides innovation until they submit?14:37
fennduplicated effort14:41
fennthe goal is to get the best machine possible in the fastest time with the least amount of money input14:41
fennpresumably if there were no prize, the people working on their stuff would have been collaborating (and presumably this would result in more progress than not collaborating)14:42
kanzureso how does this work though14:47
kanzureif everyone is a part of every team, where does the money go14:47
fennlet's say makerbot develops the conveyor belt platform, and joebob develops the solder extruder.. you then subjectively split up the prize by how much each team contributed :\14:48
QuantumGthe way the X-Prizes tends to work is they pull all the entrepreneurs out of working on their own little niches and focus them on a common goal.14:48
fennyeah but x-prize people were all working on different designs14:49
kanzurefenn: yeah but if they are all being published and committed, can't just anyone commit and say "look! i deserve x% of the money because i committed"14:49
fennkanzure: yeah, and i'm not sure i see anything wrong with that, besides splitting up a chunk of money into little chunks14:49
kanzurefor instance, sebastien bailard is a team member of like all of the projects14:49
kanzure(of all of the teams listed on the reprap.org wiki for the gada prize)14:50
fennmoney and open source don't really mix14:50
kanzurewasn't "open source" the business-branch of free software14:50
fennhonestly i think the gada prize would have been better spent by hiring an out of work architect or something14:50
fenna brazilian14:51
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fennask christine peterson :P14:51
kanzurewtf @ "While you may have personal blogs and other spaces where you enjoy working on RepRap-related research and development, please use the RepRap website for your Gada Prize entries,"14:51
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kanzure"Most importantly, note that competition entries have to tell what they are doing while they are doing it; to quote from the rules: "Participating teams are expected to regularly publish and make available their technology on an ongoing basis." These wiki pages are your lab notebooks, only fun."14:52
fennhey who says lab notebook aren't fun14:53
-!- memorex [~durp@DHCP-217-178.wireless-resnet.ua.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:55
kanzureit's a little weird about requiring everything to be posted on that wiki14:57
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fenni dont thin kso15:00
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fennwho would integrate it otherwise?15:01
kanzurethe framing is all wrong.. i think they meant it to be more like "you are a developer on reprap.org, the reprap.org core team will judge your contributions towards these goals and award the money"15:01
fennthat would be more like a bounty than a prize15:02
kanzurethis feels like a bounty ;)15:02
fenni dont see anything wrong with a bounty, it just doesn't inflate kartik m. gada's ego as much15:02
fennand actually fits the real world style of development that happens15:03
kanzureyou mean the Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize in Personal Manufacturing15:03
kanzure"bryan bishop, humanitarian"15:03
fennhe survives on a diet solely consisting of humans15:03
kanzurewell, he /is/ in the real estate biz15:04
kanzure(subtext: rent is soul-less)15:14
* kanzure goes back to lolcad15:34
kanzureif i'm making a sketch and have a poyline([A, B, C, D]) and a cirlce in the middle of the rectangle ABCD how should lolcad figure out whether the hole is the negative space or not15:35
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kanzurehm what happened to http://www.civilizationfromscratch.org/blog/16:07
kanzuretom owad?16:07
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kanzureokay, i fixed my "how does it know if it is negative space or not"16:23
kanzurestarting from left to right, the first edge's left is empty space, the right is solid; then, the 2nd level deep is solid, the 3rd is empty, etc.16:23
kanzureespecially since all shapes must be closed16:24
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fennwhy are you solving that problem16:31
fenni remember somebody doing this exact same problem with heekscad16:32
kanzurebecause when you extrude you have to know which stuff to extrude16:41
kanzurewhat is alexis madrigal doing on slashdot? http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/10/03/1424223/Rube-Goldberg-and-the-Electrification-of-America or why do i know the name16:42
kanzuresocal-diybio wiki http://www.omegahelm.com/diybio/ and in the future http://diybio.omegahelm.com/16:59
fenngrr.. lead time of "a few months"17:04
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kanzurefenn: could i possibly convince you to help out with lolcad architecture design stuff17:20
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-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap17:34
kanzurethis sounds useful but i can't be bothered to register http://www.wheeloyum.com/WhereToEatLunch.php17:34
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fennwrite your own18:24
fennhopefully you dont get sued for violating a software patent18:24
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kanzurejohn griessen thinking up some diybio microfluidic valve stuff http://ecosensory.com/diybio/flow-diff-pump-1.jpg19:54
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CryptoQuickkanzure: I've often thought that microfluidics and stuff like digital bubble logic would be super sweet for making a computer that people could just print out and power using water. kinda like the oldschool Amiga systems.20:58
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CryptoQuickwell, erm, you know, like the first microcomputers21:00
CryptoQuickamiga wasn't one of the first, apparently21:00
kanzuredid you read my microfluidics thread?21:01
CryptoQuickoh, nah, I can look it up21:04
CryptoQuickI don't see anything mentioning microfluidics in what I have of the OM mailing list ... :T21:06
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kanzureCryptoQuick: actually, diybio list21:26
CryptoQuickawh. :T21:26
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CryptoQuicknight folks22:54
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--- Log closed Mon Oct 04 00:00:17 2010

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