
--- Log opened Wed Oct 06 00:00:18 2010
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:38
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QuantumGanyone wanna talk about genetic engineering of macroscopic organisms?01:37
CryptoQuicksure, I have a few friends who are into that, I mean, they think about it from time to time in their field of study01:38
CryptoQuickI also can hold my own in a conversation of biology, I'd like to think ;)01:38
CryptoQuickwhat sort of organisms are we talking about here? humans? :)01:38
QuantumGI'm thinking trees01:38
CryptoQuickwell, a tree is fine too01:39
QuantumGI'd like a tree that (somehow) stores the oxygen it "exhales"01:39
QuantumGand by that I mean, it has a cavity that it maintains full of oxygen01:39
CryptoQuickwell, there were the hydrogen 'trees' in that one animated movie, Titan A.E.01:40
QuantumGheh, nice01:40
CryptoQuicksomething similar, basically a big ballooon membrane surrounded by foliage01:40
CryptoQuickthat might work01:40
QuantumGI'm thinking of trees that float in the atmosphere of venus.. inhaling CO2 and filling an internal volume with O2.. obviously designing it so that it maintains an appropriate altitude would be good too01:41
CryptoQuickoh, totally01:42
CryptoQuicklike in Cowboy Bebop :)01:42
CryptoQuick(just make sure it can't make spores that blind people ... :T)01:42
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QuantumGprobably not a great idea no01:43
CryptoQuickI think something more practical like airship algae bioreactors might be in order01:44
QuantumGbe nice to seed Venus and then think about going there when there's a thick canopy of trees floating at the appropriate altitude with internal volumes of breathable air.. 01:44
QuantumGwell, if you think making self replicating airships would be easier :P01:45
CryptoQuickthe other thing is, where's the sweet spot in altitude between -optimal- solar insolation and whether we're still in the atmosphere01:45
CryptoQuickconsidering that shit is thick01:45
CryptoQuickit probably would be, but that's my bias towards auxon megaprojects :P01:45
QuantumGbioengineering is a lot more sexy these days01:46
phrykQuantumG: Think... 'Real-life Furries'01:47
QuantumGsurely that's easy01:47
phrykWhat I mean is...01:48
phrykPeople will very propably do that.01:48
QuantumGI mean, there's known compounds that accelerate hair growth.. I'd be surprised if there aint furries who bath in it.01:48
QuantumGJesus loves everyone, except furries.01:48
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CryptoQuickQuantumG, sorry about that, my internet gave out01:54
CryptoQuickComcast does that sometimes during the middle of the night01:54
CryptoQuickI'm on my wwan card now :T01:54
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QuantumGjust watched these idiots on Monster Garage make a "mudding" car with no bonnet .. and they wonder why the engine stopped working after the first race.02:04
CryptoQuickaugh! it's 3am02:21
CryptoQuickI should get some rest. peace :)02:21
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kanzureanother techshop article: http://www.mbtmag.com/Content.aspx?id=105105:39
kanzurestuxnet speculation has gotten hilarious latel (international cyberwarfare?) http://www.garysky.net/stuxnet-fact-vs-theory.html05:42
kanzureit's also funny how people are saying it would require a corporation to write the software05:43
kanzurehonestly from what i've seen, i could have written stuxnet05:43
kanzure"In a demonstration at the Virus Bulletin Conference in Vancouver late last week, Symantec researcher Liam O'Murchu showed the potential real world effects of Stuxnet. He used an S7-300 PLC device connected to an air pump toprogram the pump to run for three seconds."05:45
kanzure"He then showed how a Stuxnet-infected PLC could change the operation so the pump ran for 140 seconds instead, which burst an attached balloon in a dramatic climax, according to Threat Post."05:45
uniqanomalyhave they pull out zero hour yet?05:47
uniqanomalyif there's hard coded one ofc.05:47
uniqanomalypulled * i guess ..05:48
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epitronkanzure: it would take a bit more than your average kid in his basement to get their hands on the PLC devices :)06:55
epitronbut, cybercrime networks are so massive and sprawling06:56
epitronit's not like it would be hard for anybody to contract one of these virus makers06:56
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kanzureepitron: PLCs are not hard to come by...07:05
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archelsCan anyone get beyong this paywall? http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19826611.400-does-the-brain-feature-builtin-noise.html07:20
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epitronkanzure: the kid's mom would ask questions though08:02
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epitrondang, my journal access just expired.08:05
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kanzurehi dustbin09:24
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Juulkanzure, what's a good brief into (perhaps video) to transhumanism for people unfamilar with the term?11:15
kanzurespace collective probably11:26
kanzurewhat is alibre's file format?11:53
kanzureHeidi Ledford. Garage biotech: Life hackers. Amateur hobbyists are creating home-brew molecular-biology labs, but can they ferment a revolution? Nature  467, 650-652 (2010) | doi:10.1038/467650a12:02
kanzureEditorial. Garage biology: Amateur scientists who experiment at home should be welcomed by the professionals. Nature. Volume 467: p.634 (07 October 2010) doi:10.1038/467634a12:02
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kanzurefenn: there's a quantified self meetup at autodesk tonight12:44
kanzurefenn: take the hint and schmooze your way into autodesk12:44
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kanzureJayDugger: i've revised my mechanical turk idea13:40
kanzureJayDugger: if you're paying $50 for a 20% response rate, why not just bribe the users to respond to your messages by paying them per response?13:41
-!- superkuh [hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has joined #hplusroadmap14:12
fenngah this guy just keeps showing up everywhere http://octopart.com/blog/14:21
fennkanzure: i'm not very good at schmoozing14:21
kanzurebre pettis or the octopart guy?14:22
kanzureandres from octopart was the one who convinced me to put octopart.py into skdb14:22
fenni'm just wondering why digikey never shows up in any of the results14:23
kanzureon octopart.com? probably because digikey is a competitor to octopart14:23
kanzurei thought digikey is primarily a cccccatalog +++ drop shhiiiippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppping service14:24
kanzuregod dammn it14:24
kanzureyeah they are a distributor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digikey14:25
kanzurewow wtf "in 2007 EE Times conducted a survey in which engineers rated Digi-Key "#1 for Overall Performance for the 16th Consecutive Year."14:26
kanzuresorry but last i checked digikey.com sucks, a lot14:26
fenndigikey has a huge warehouse with actual physical parts, they're not in the same business as octopart14:27
kanzurei guess octopart's business model is ad revenue?14:28
fenntheir catalog is kind of annoying but they have most everything that isn't totally bizarre14:28
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kanzure#python told me to stick with the sympy method (x=Symbol("x"))14:35
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kanzurethey also really hated my "oh we'll just add edges a, b, c, d to locals() when the user calls expand_locals" (not to mention there doesn't seem to be a way to do this anyway)14:36
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kanzure"the sims: garage biohacking" http://www.synthesis.cc/2010/10/the-sims-garage-biohacking.html15:31
kanzurei'm not sure if this is timothy marzullo / backyard brains or not: http://donsdeals.blogspot.com/2010/10/cockroach-controlled-mobile-robot.html15:33
kanzure"Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot won Honorable Mention at Vida 9.0 Art & Artificial Life International Competition (Madrid, Spain) in 2006 and won the XXV Oscar Signorini Prize (Milan, Italy) in 2008. For more information on the Oscar Signorini Prize , see http://conceptlab.com/roachbot/v3-signorini/ "15:33
kanzureORF Radio - Gelinda Lang - Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot 2.6M MP3 File (interview broadcast on ORF from Ars Electronica 2005) http://conceptlab.com/roachbot/press/ars2005-orf-lang-interviews-hertz.mp315:34
kanzureit seems to be this person: http://conceptlab.com/roachbot/15:34
kanzurevideo: http://www.conceptlab.com/roachbot/v3-vida09/hertz-roachbot-vida9sub45.mov (56 MB)15:35
kanzureor vimeo: http://vimeo.com/239809615:35
kanzureholy crap i just got the name "vimeo"15:36
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kanzurelame, not as cool as backyard brains15:36
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kanzurejacob is at it again.. http://opensciencefund.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/opentracker.png15:46
kanzurewhy doesn't he just use biotorrents15:46
kanzurei kind of doubt his ability to run a completely secure torrent tracker15:48
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CryptoQuickjoshcryer: whoo15:57
CryptoQuickjust finished some bioinformatics work for a friend using mothur :)15:57
CryptoQuickv. nice, k-ray16:00
fennwhat does "vimeo" mean?16:08
fennThe name Vimeo was created by co-founder Jakob Lodwick and is a play on the word video, inserting the word "me" as a reference to the site's exclusive dedication to user-made video, and is also an anagram of "movie."16:09
* fenn shrugs16:09
fennok what else was i supposed to do today16:11
kanzurewtf x900016:13
kanzurelook, you don't run a secure tracker by giving me ssh root16:13
kanzurefenn: i thought it might be video->vimeo16:14
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kanzuredrat, i need to find someone in los angeles to talk about diybio for humanity+ @ caltech16:46
kanzuremaybe i can have joseph complain about whatever?16:46
kanzurefenn: well, the quantified self meeting maybe :)16:49
kanzurefenn: also, 10pm CST tomorrow morning DARPA begins livestream.net coverage of vehicleforge info16:50
joshcryerCryptoQuick, win. :D16:50
fenn8 am west coast? bleh16:57
kanzurefenn: it's running all day so uh, whenever you wake up :)16:58
kanzurethey probably won't get to VF for a few hours16:58
kanzureQuantumG: http://bit.ly/diybionews 16:58
kanzureyou're 11 behind16:58
kanzuredoes anyone want to throw down $100 for a good domain name (that isn't registered yet)?17:27
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maskedhow good is good kanzure ?17:38
kanzuremasked: pm17:39
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fennsupposedly you can download your facebook info via .zip file17:41
fennas of today17:41
QuantumGand anyone else's too probably17:52
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kanzureif anyone has "Download your information" i could check to see if it's possible to download someone else's information :P17:58
kanzurei'd need the full link or javascript trace, however.17:58
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:14
JayDuggerKanzure, do you have a link for the VF video stream?18:15
kanzureJayDugger: http://www.livestream.com/private/darpaproposersday18:21
kanzure"If you have questions for the speaker, please highlight your comments in red and mark your question with the qualifier [Q].  As time permits, questions will be answered in real time during the broadcast and during dedicated Q&A sessions. Questions and answers will be posted to the DARPA TTO Adaptive Vehicle Make site along with answers to questions not addressed during the event."18:21
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superkuh"Amateur scientists who experiment at home should be welcomed by the professionals."19:18
superkuh"...it would be a shame if the only interested knock on the hobbyists' doors came from those in law enforcement."19:19
kanzuresuperkuh: there was also http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101006/full/467650a.html19:26
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kanzure"diybio: the armpit of science" http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/71da169ab3ef8f7c20:07
kanzureso, that article mentions incubating e. coli in your armpit20:10
kanzureoh i guess i just mentioned that.20:10
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kanzurethis guy is asking around for how to get some drosophila melanogaster21:28
kanzurenathan suggests "put out some old fruit??"21:28
kanzureso he replies: "I suppose I will try to contact the researchers at the local universities who are working on the fruit fly to see whether they are willing to give me some. If I am refused, I will put some bottles containing smelling bananas in front of their lab doors to catch some."21:28
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kanzureheadless solidworks http://www.solidworks.com/sw/partners/oem_program.htm22:04
kanzurealibre is using a parametric STEP format, and apparently the ACIS kernel: http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=68220&page=222:04
kanzure(sean dotson makes an appearance on that page too..)22:05
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