
--- Log opened Fri Nov 05 00:00:07 2010
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mjryeah I'm not sure that should be there yet...05:09
mjrthough I appreciate the approach of making people predict porn05:09
mjrImagine the practical applications! Have a juicy fuckfest signal alarms, so monitors can alert people of an impending emergency!05:12
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@7.sub-174-252-17.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap05:20
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* archels waits for someone to mention Rozencrantz and Guildernstein on the [singularity] psi thread05:52
archelser, Guildenstern05:53
-!- mheld [~mheld@] has joined #hplusroadmap06:06
archelsGoertzel and flamoot, separated at birth? *ahem*06:16
QuantumGGoertzel and soap maybe.06:19
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JayDuggeraugur: Yes, I have interest in building a book scanner.06:58
Utopiah(I wish there was one nearby Paris I could use for few of my old notebooks)06:59
JayDuggerYeah...I keep hanging up on page turning and buying cameras.07:00
JayDuggerI've scanned enough books to know what a pain it is to do well.07:00
JayDuggerAnd I hate picking through forums for the useful bits of information.07:01
JayDuggerOTOH--I really need one, so...07:01
JayDuggertime to embrace the suck.07:01
Utopiahthe lucky thing though is that you have Internet and others are most likely thinking the same in your area07:02
JayDuggerBut thank you for the link, Utopiah.07:02
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@7.sub-174-252-17.myvzw.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]07:04
Utopiahkanzure: btw regarding /tmp/lab #1 it is far from downtown making it really hard to reach, the channel is elistist (and IMHO in a bad way) with few "leaders" with rough edges and overall the I find the projects mainly artistish (not artistic or Art) which is nice for who are realizing them but not really what Im into so let's say I keep an eye on it but don't want to involve myself there more for the time being07:05
UtopiahI guess somehow I just feel ok knowing "if one day I would need it, I know where it is and how it works"07:06
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]07:08
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UtopiahIm not complaining though07:08
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@7.sub-174-252-17.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:11
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klafkahey kanzure around?07:56
JayDuggerHe hasn't spoken up the last few hours.07:58
kanzurei am always around08:04
kanzure#hplusroadmap is routed straight into my thalamus08:04
klafkawhat are your thoughts on EPD? have you used it08:06
kanzurefrom enthought?08:07
kanzurescipy is useful08:07
kanzurei've used numpy more times than i can count08:07
klafkai mean like does it work together well08:08
klafkadoes it really "just work"08:08
kanzurei don't know what you're talkinga bout08:08
kanzurei usually use numpy stuff in different contexts08:08
kanzurei mean, how hard is it to get basic math stuff wrong08:08
kanzureyeah i'd trust this08:08
kanzurethe enthought guys are really badass08:08
kanzurei'd also ask in #python08:09
kanzureor #scipy08:09
kanzureto be more explicit, no i have never used EPD itself08:10
klafkaah ok08:10
klafkahave you ever used disco?08:10
kanzureis this a drug?08:10
klafkayeah that08:11
kanzurenever used it08:11
JayDuggerAugur, what prompted your question from early this morning, "anyone interested in building a book scanner?"08:22
kanzureprobably a lot of books laying around08:24
kanzurecrap, i forgot my friday deadline for matt08:24
JayDuggerBack to work. That grindstone won't wear down unless you put your nose to it.08:26
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@7.sub-174-252-17.myvzw.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]08:28
UtopiahNTT DOCOMO AR Walker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oAOtuRQmJI08:39
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@7.sub-174-252-17.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:44
JayDuggerCertainly too many books make for clutter.08:45
Utopiahscanning books because one has too many makes me think of people ripping their CD while Napster was out, I don't get it.08:46
JayDuggerI have books that I can't get online.08:47
JayDuggerAnd I started scanning books almost ten years ago.08:47
JayDuggerAvailability was even more limited then.08:47
JayDuggerMany books that aren't OEF (Original Electronic Format) can have scans of widely varying quality.08:48
JayDuggerEven OEF books often have poor interior layout, inaccurate metadata, or worse wrong metadata.08:49
Utopiahif you scan books that are not available online or in poor quality, I respectfuly bow to you 08:49
JayDuggerNicely said, and I thank you.08:49
JayDuggerBut I usually turn around and resell them. :)08:50
JayDuggerAnyhow, my girlfriend's home and deserves my attention.08:50
JayDuggerShe just came back from a neuromarketing study, and I want to hear about it.08:50
-!- mheld [~mheld@static-129-44-56-107.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:53
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]08:54
kanzurefenn: http://www.parc.com/about/people/2481/tolga-kurtoglu.html09:03
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]09:15
Utopiahfeeds from H+ Summit: Live Long and Prosper?09:20
kanzureUtopiah: live long and prosper has been cancelled.09:21
Utopiahthat's why I heard no news from it, found that strange09:22
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-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #hplusroadmap09:39
kanzureposted on the forums: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?171,6551209:41
kanzurehi Palomides 09:41
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kanzuresent out the emails..10:01
kanzurecool they all have the same hashes on google groups10:07
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-!- streety [~s0678364@cpat001.wlan.net.ed.ac.uk] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]10:19
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kanzureok i also posted to facebook http://facebook.com/kanzure feel free to "like" it10:25
kanzureor RT it http://twitter.com/humanityplus10:26
kanzurephew, hitting all the bases can be exhausting :)10:26
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kanzurei was just showing mac some papers about interconnectable microfluidic blocks10:50
kanzureFast and reliable way to establish fluidic connections to planar microchips http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/microfluidics/Fast%20and%20reliable%20way%20to%20establish%20fluidic%20connections%20to%20planar%20microchips%20-%20straws%20-%20glue%20-%20Snakenborg%20-%202007.pdf10:51
kanzureInterconnectable blocks - a method for providing reusable, rapid, multiple aligned and planar microfluidic interconnections http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/microfluidics/Interconnectable%20blocks%20-%20a%20method%20for%20providing%20reusable,%20rapid,%20multiple,%20aligned%20and%20planar%20microfluidic%20interconnections%20-%20Snakenborg%20-%202009.pdf10:52
kanzureMacro-to-macro interfaces http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/microfluidics/Macro-to-micro%20interfaces%20for%20microfluidic%20devices.pdf10:52
kanzureMicrofluidic assembly blocks http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/microfluidics/Microfluidic%20assembly%20blocks.pdf10:52
kanzureMicrofluidic motherboards and interconnects http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/microfluidics/Microfluidic%20motherboard%20-%20has%20a%20good%20list%20of%20different%20types%20of%20interconnections%20from%20the%20literature.pdf10:52
kanzurealso, re: alternative innovation models, does anyone know what's up with aiden hollis or jamie love?10:53
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-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]11:25
kanzurehttp://nextbigfuture.com/2010/08/direct-current-stimulation-more-than.html 11:40
kanzureTemporal Lobe Cortical Electrical Stimulation during the Encoding and Retrieval Phase Reduces False Memories http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2655647/pdf/pone.0004959.pdf11:40
-!- alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279398161.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap11:50
-!- MattyMatt [~matt@cpc2-birk6-0-0-cust251.1-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:12
kanzurehi MattyMatt 12:13
MattyMatthi kazure.  I'm watching part 1 of the vid now12:22
kanzurecool. hope it's informative.12:24
MattyMattit's a bit Utopian IMO.  a car is a bad example.  it's isn't patents that stops me having one, it's the cost of insurance12:25
MattyMattsending civilisation seeds to other planets though, I grok that12:26
MattyMattnanotech is the win there, when feasible12:26
Utopiahs/Utopian/utopian/ ;)12:28
MattyMattnope, Utopia was an imaginary place12:28
kanzureMattyMatt: i had to explain the concept of apt-get to other people12:31
kanzurei really fail at it12:31
kanzurei want apt-get for hardware and hardware packages.12:32
kanzurethere, now you don't have to watch a 20min video12:32
MattyMattThingiverse :)12:32
kanzurethingiverse sucks12:32
kanzureit's just a filebin12:32
kanzureon a *website*12:33
-!- Palomides [~palomides@] has left #hplusroadmap [""You are apeshit bananas at computers, and you know ALL THE CODES. All of them.""]12:33
MattyMattthat could be hidden behind a Synaptic style interface on the reprap front panel12:35
kanzurethere's a git repo here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb12:36
MattyMatthow long until we get the urge to port allegro to atmega, do you think? :)12:36
MattyMattI already want 3d preview on this thing http://www.nuelectronics.com/estore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=1812:37
kanzurewould allegro even fit on an atmega?12:38
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MattyMattabsolutely not, but the urge is there12:38
MattyMattdamn that cheap touchscreen, if that didn't exist I'd concentrate on an Android front panel instead12:40
MattyMattor NDS12:40
MattyMattI should have another go at building A5 on the lappy.  it's my only working Windows machine and I still want to use VS12:42
MattyMattI can't find a combo of VS, PSDK & DXSDK that works with it tho,  but that was before 4.9.13 last time I tried12:45
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kanzurewell that's a lame page update: http://www.foresight.org/gadaprize.php12:50
MattyMattso the $80k was a lie?  they were offering money they didn't have?12:59
kanzurebut i definitely have the $20k13:00
MattyMattwaitaminute, Kartik isn't our Karthik is it?  oh no he's Karthik Kumar13:01
kanzurekartik is some real estate flipper dood13:01
MattyMatthe should offer some land as the prize then :)13:02
MattyMattthat's the real scarce resource on this planet13:02
MattyMattare they still putting up the prize money?  if not, why keep the same name for the prize?13:05
kanzureforesight "owned" the prize money13:05
kanzureso now humanity+ does (where i'm managing it)13:05
MattyMattKartik M Gada.  what did/does he do for the kudos?13:05
kanzurei don't know why it has his name13:06
kanzure15:02 < fenn> that would be more like a bounty than a prize 13:06
kanzure15:02 < kanzure> this feels like a bounty ;)13:06
kanzure15:02 < fenn> i dont see anything wrong with a bounty, it just doesn't inflate kartik m. gada's ego as much13:06
kanzure15:03 < kanzure> you mean the Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize in Personal Manufacturing13:06
kanzure15:03 < fenn> "humanitarian"13:06
kanzure15:03 < fenn> he survives on a diet solely consisting of humans13:06
kanzureMattyMatt: he claims he has more money to tap13:07
kanzurehe funded the prize originally13:08
kanzureplus people know the "gada prize" so that's fine by me.. but yeah.13:08
MattyMattanyway it's all out of my league.  I'm working towards building a traditional+CNC machine shop to make robots13:12
kanzurecool :)13:12
kanzuredo you have a machine shop?13:12
MattyMattI have a vice and a file :)13:12
MattyMattand my plywood mill of course.  no lathe yet13:13
kanzureclose enough, you could build everything from scratch.. david gingery style13:13
kanzureMattyMatt: see here: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/msg/e4c375acce77225013:13
kanzuregingery published a series of books on how to make a machine shop from scratch13:13
kanzureyou could also just buy shit *shrug*13:13
MattyMattyep I'm well aware of the Gingery route, and I also watch Kevin Kelly & Steven Johnson talking about the technium a few nights ago on fora.tv13:17
kanzureMichiel Klaarwater "blender as a cad tool" 100 MB zip file of video http://download.blender.org/documentation/bc2010/MichielKlaarwater-CADtool.zip13:17
MattyMattmelting alu requires a bit of buying shit for me unfortunately13:17
kanzureMattyMatt: kk's latest book is out "What Technology Wants"13:17
MattyMattI'm quite the expert at doing CAD in blender now :)13:18
* MattyMatt downloads anyway13:18
MattyMattI think I'll end up getting my first lathe on ebay13:20
MattyMatta bucket of good refractory costs as much as some old lathes 13:21
MattyMattI know you can use earth etc, if you have a backyard that isn't momma's13:22
fennMattyMatt: the aluminum foundry was probably the cheapest most useful thing i've ever built13:26
fenni used sand and clay for the first iteration, then switched to perlite + clay for the second one, but it wasn't much butter just weighed less13:27
fennlet me know if that blender video is worth watching13:28
MattyMattI've seen a mini one made from 8 firebricks13:28
MattyMattI'd need to chance on some propane kit in the local auction, or make an oil burner and run it on diesel13:30
MattyMattI suppose charcoal would do for first try13:30
kanzurefenn: fwiw i haven't watched it yet, it was via Massimo Menichinelli <massimo.menichinelli@gmail.com> tho13:30
MattyMattmy favourite casting site.  I've read the entire site at least twice http://www.backyardmetalcasting.com/tools.html13:33
kanzurefor some reason they blacklisted me from their forums. i never even posted13:33
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MattyMattI saw a DIY LN generator on Jeri Ellsworth's page.  with that I could make aerogel and make a furnace out of that >:)13:36
MattyMattit's a bit round the houses, but it'd rock 13:36
kanzureah jeri, the only girl who knows the difference between silicon and silicone >_<13:36
MattyMattmy first lathe might be a length of 40x80 extrusion for the bed13:40
fennMattyMatt: i like buildyouridea.com13:41
MattyMattor 2 or 3 pieces of 40x40,  so I can lap them together to get them flat13:41
kanzurefenn: you know MattyMatt from #cam right?13:42
kanzurehe and i met back in 2003 apparently13:43
MattyMattis that when you first came to #allegro?13:43
kanzureMattyMatt: allegro.cc 13:43
MattyMattI've been there since 2000 :)   and a.cc13:43
fenndo you know todd's friend MattyG? lives in austin, does some high tech lab work involving casting titanium alloys13:43
MattyMatta.cc since 1999 even13:43
kanzurefenn: matt goodman?13:44
MattyMattoh that's confusing.  I was gonna change my irl name to goodhand gorman  (my grandfather's names)13:45
MattyMattdamn I shouldn'a mentioned that in public until I had all the domains secured13:46
fennkanzure, i think so, hard to tell from such a tiny picture http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=14160784&authType=name&authToken=7pJG&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ndir_viewmore13:46
fennheh "I currently work on voltage sensitive dye imaging in the macaque primary visual cortex, and hope to focus more on brain-machine interfaces."13:47
kanzurevoltage sensitive dyes, woo13:48
kanzure"matt goodman" is a common name, i wonder if this is the same guy13:48
kanzureMatt Goodman <meawoppl@gmail.com>: [austin hackerspaces, "location:austin, texas", neurosky, eeg, emotiv epoc, openeeg]13:48
MattyMattnot as common as matt smith :p  those domains were all gone by 199713:49
kanzureso uh13:51
kanzurehow should meetlog.txt deal with namespace conflicts13:51
kanzurei try to do email address differentiation but i don't always write down the email address13:52
fenni wonder how often you get actual name conflicts vs just perceived conflicts (false alarms)13:53
kanzurefenn: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/davids.txt14:02
MattyMattdoctor who should use a middle name :)  I'm older than him14:07
kanzuregotta catch 'em all14:07
kanzurei should scrape facebook profile pics and then do a pokemon battle generator with these names14:08
kanzureMattyMatt: just to let you in on what i'm talking about http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog.txt14:10
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-!- faceface [~dmb@cpc6-dund12-0-0-cust234.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:44
facefaceAssembling materials with DNA as the guide.14:44
facefaceold news I guess14:44
facefaceactually think kanzure pointed me at this back then14:45
kanzurepaul rothemund does a lot of related stuff14:45
facefacethat was a paper about thermal cycling for fidelity of assembly14:45
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kanzureAkif Tezcan is presenting on "Inorganic Control of Biological Self-Assembly" in austin on monday.. hrm.15:09
kanzurehi genehacker 15:23
kanzurestreety: hi15:31
kanzurefenn: do you know Rebecca Neudeck <beckylouise@gmail.com> or what she has to do with factor e farm?15:38
MattyMattis that like bonsai kittens? :)15:40
MattyMattglass jars are inorganic15:42
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fennrebecca neudeck, nope15:52
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ybit2best augmented reality software lib for linux?17:44
ybit2artoolkit seems dead17:44
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ybit2mixare for android17:46
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ybit2flartoolkit, bam17:51
ybit2or ezflar17:51
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fenn'seems dead'?18:09
fennproblem with flar* is it's flash18:09
fennhm ok 2007 latest release, i see your point18:11
ybit2fenn: yes that is a big fucking problem18:41
fennin various "real life" demos using flar* it seemed like people often had problems getting flash to use their webcam, and it was often jerky and was really picky about having the whole marker in frame18:43
fennso if one corner of the marker went out of frame the object would disappear18:43
fennand you had to write in actionscript18:44
fennso, yeah18:44
ybit2i'm searching for an alternative to flash18:54
ybit2flash-based ar18:54
ybit2AR Toolkit18:55
ybit2from that, ARToolKit and JMyron are mentioned18:58
ybit2jeebus, nothing is updated these days19:02
ybit2only the mobile ar stuff it seems19:02
fennyeah it's all crap i'm afraid19:07
fenni've heard rumors of awesome things but they seem to only ever be shown at semi-secret demo events19:08
* fenn digs around in some notes19:09
fennhm lame, nm19:10
kanzurei hope firefox dies a slow and painful death http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=3007135#p300713519:12
fennchrome's purported sandboxing of tabs isn't all it's cracked up to be either19:13
fennif one tab is misbehaving, everything gets slowed down19:14
fennand flash is usually what gets screwed up so anything with flash on it dies all at once19:14
* fenn mutters something about finishing css support in dillo19:15
kanzurei liked uzbl until i realized that nobody has enough balls to rewrite webkit19:22
fennwhy would you rewrite webkit? it does its job19:25
fenn"here render this html" poof19:26
kanzureeverything about html renderers seems big, bulky and completely unnecessary19:27
kanzurematt has xerox parc reviewing skdb for some erason19:32
kanzurei told him to go meet dan heeks while he still has the chance :P19:32
fenn"xerox parc" == kurtoglu?19:35
kanzureand a few others there (apparently)19:38
ybit2i liked the internet until i realize there were humans on the other end19:42
ybit2oh, i didn't scroll down far enough to see where the conversation was. guess it seems out of place :)19:43
kanzurehating people is never out of place19:43
kanzurenow go away19:43
ybit2sometimes i hate myself and people walk in on me wearing leather clad outfits with tortureware and then i just feel awkward 19:45
kanzurethank you for sharing.19:45
kanzurefenn? your turn19:45
ybit2this is what the internet is for, yes?19:45
fenni live next door to stormy leather19:46
ybit2? :)19:46
fenni'm sitting on a stuffed tardigrade19:47
ybit2i'm wanting to do something with the projector at the office besides watching video19:47
ybit2and drawing stuff with remotes19:47
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ybit2i have a wireless webcam, might be able to count, i dunno how many times someone turns to look at the projected image or, a simpler scenario, counting how many times someone walks past something19:48
fennybit do head tracking and adjust the 3d perspective according to where the person is standing19:50
fennthen render various creatures attacking but only when they're not looking directly at it19:50
ybit2an AR stamp beside a meter makes sense if only you are too lazy to launch the browser on your phone to see the stats on a page without having to point your phone at it19:50
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ybit2there was a nice looking gui built on openframeworks that i saw on vimeo... reminded me a bit of the star wars library interface 19:52
ybit2fenn, i like it19:52
kanzurehttp://openframeworks.cc/ ?19:52
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kanzurethere's also libcinder19:52
ybit2some simple concept like that, fenn, is what i'm aiming for this webcam can turn 360 degrees and look upward, but not down19:54
ybit2i actually have three of these just lying around19:54
fennuh. turn it upside down19:56
fennmplayer -vf rotate19:56
kanzurewhy does fenn know so much random mplayer stuff19:56
ybit2man pages ftw19:56
kanzurei don't think that's it19:56
kanzureyou haven't seen him messing with mplayer19:57
fennbecause my computer is too slow to play flash movies?19:57
fennalso mplayer is fuckin awesome19:57
ybit2we have about 10+Ghz of processing power not being used on a regular basis...19:57
ybit2it is!19:57
ybit2so much better than the clicky interface of vlan19:58
fennmy only beef is you can't transcode audio-only files (like .wav to .mp3 for example)19:58
ybit2..on windows.. because i have to use windows at work... because i'm stuck in visual studio :(19:58
fennthere's a version for windows no?19:59
ybit2and everything microsoft based really, including sharepoint and dynamics :\19:59
ybit2of videolan? yeah..19:59
fennof mplayer19:59
ybit2it's been around for awhile... was that sarcasm kind sir?19:59
ybit2yeah.. i recommended it for the security team at k-mart once :)19:59
ybit2it saved their asses :)19:59
fennsmplayer is some sort of gui?20:00
ybit2they have cli of course20:00
ybit2they == windows users20:00
ybit2so who's coming to alabama to visit me? :)20:02
fennooh ooh not it20:02
ybit2the huntsville hackerspace won the hsis competition, that's their wiki page for it20:02
ybit2total cost: $149.10 20:03
ybit2not including food and gas20:03
kanzureybit2: what is "dynamics" ?20:03
ybit2microsoft's attempt at business intelligence20:04
kanzureexcel spreadsheets?20:04
ybit2similar to pentaho20:04
ybit2or jaspersoft20:04
ybit2both of those are coded in java btw20:04
ybit2dynamics allows you to write add-ons in c#, of course20:05
ybit2ooh ooh20:06
ybit2i have an idea...20:06
ybit2two people walk 2 paces and then turn around and draw... first one frags the other20:06
ybit2first to 5 or something20:07
ybit2dumb ideas keep coming to me, can i borrow someone else's brain for a bit?20:08
kanzureybit2: what have you been up to20:09
ybit2maybe.. rotate 3d objects on-screen with hand gestures similar to ps3/xbox stuff20:09
ybit2kanzure: i've been broke, finally got a decent job, it kind of rocks20:10
ybit2i've been given a bunch of goodies, $7k laptop, these webcams, and tools galore... a projector to play with and a 32in extra screen, and a free iphone, which is nice because i was going to get an android, but verizon was going to charge $80/month but now it's free with unlimited everything20:11
ybit2now that i have money, i'm going to pay off $3k in debt and in the process build everything 20:12
ybit2i need a list of everything20:12
ybit2i'm making my own personal hygiene products and kitcenware at first because it's all somewhat simple (minus the electronics)20:13
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kanzureyou should fund fenn20:13
ybit2i'd like a robotic arm to make moar coffee for me20:13
kanzurei have an arm20:13
ybit2can it handle a coffee pot?20:13
ybit2the one on thingiverse is weak20:14
kanzureit can handle anything less than 5 pounds :(20:14
ybit2that's not terrible... 20:14
ybit2you could knock your mouse off the table and it might fetch it for you, but it would be so slow, you'd probably get irritated and just pick it up yourself :)20:15
kanzurespeed is fine20:15
ybit2recognizing objects and grasping them takes no time?20:15
ybit2i want pics!20:16
kanzurehmm where are the pics. there's one on facebook20:16
kanzurei think the image was on designfiles.org so good luck with that20:16
ybit2i have a dell m6500 if anyone is wondering what lappy i was referring to earlier20:16
ybit2though i'm using my aspire 1410 with ubuntu 10.10 right now20:17
ybit2it's a shame canonical doesn't package kde very well20:17
ybit2wait, i think it's a communit effort, i don't think they have anything to do with that20:17
ybit2and now i'm just talking to myself20:18
ybit2so much stuff to build, i want all of you guys to come live beside me20:18
ybit2kanzure: y tu, what have you been doing?20:19
ybit2from what i gather fenn has been socializing a lot and play tag with nerf guns20:19
fenni'm afraid to ask about the personal hygiene products20:19
kanzurehum what have i been up to?20:20
ybit2shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush20:20
ybit2hair gel20:20
fenni've mostly been cleaning this place up and building my room20:20
fennwhat goes into hair gel?20:21
ybit2i haven't a clue20:21
ybit2first up is sunscreen20:21
kanzureybit2: lolcad, gada prize, top secret website, solidworks plugin, DARPA bullshit, "director of r&d, humanity+", other stuff i'm forgetting20:21
fennhow do you test sunscreen? :P20:22
ybit2i burn20:22
ybit2top secret website, i have a few of those20:22
ybit2top secret because they will never see the light of day20:22
kanzure"this time it will be different"20:23
ybit2nice one fenn :)20:23
ybit2kanzure: yeah :)20:24
kanzurerandom iphone app20:24
ybit2i ate a burrito the size of a fetus the other dady20:32
ybit2yeah, now i'm just babbling... will someone move here since most of my hackerspace buddies moved away20:33
ybit2i've got a tree you can sleep under20:33
ybit2eco-living, yes, that's the word20:33
ybit2fenn: didn't you want to live with some girl in a cave? this is perfect for you20:34
kanzuresome girl in a cave?20:35
kanzurefaye kane?20:35
ybit2sounds right... hard to tell without seeing images on the blog of her partially nude 20:36
kanzure19:07 < fenn> hawt20:38
kanzure19:08 < fenn> <- has an autistic-hole-in-the-woods fetish20:38
kanzure19:09 < fenn> omg i didnt realize it was a porn site20:38
kanzure19:09 < fenn> ... or ... something20:38
kanzure^from http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-03-01.log20:38
ybit2hrm... yeah.. lots of stuff has happened since the last time i was active.. not really feeling like going through it all20:44
ybit2i'm going scuba diving for my bday this year, who wants to come?20:45
ybit2this coming year20:45
ybit2and india in 2011, you just need $2k20:45
ybit2scuba diving in august20:45
kanzurei'd prefer china20:46
ybit2indian in december20:46
ybit2i have more friends in india20:46
kanzureall the more reason to go to china20:46
ybit2the chinese dating scene is better :)20:47
kanzureno it's not. they kill all their women20:47
ybit2oh right, the babies20:47
ybit2i find it's nearly impossible to date an indian girl20:48
ybit2with arranged marriages being a norm20:48
fennjust move to san jose20:50
ybit2that's a hint kanzure 20:51
fennactually it's called "man jose" because there aren't any women20:52
ybit2i was keeping a log of everything i was doing up until i started working :)20:52
ybit2what time i was sleeping and waking up, etc.20:52
kanzurefenn: there's a popular blog on why there's no girls in that area20:52
klafkaare there still a lot of arranged marriages in india?20:52
klafkakanzure why's that?20:52
kanzurelike http://whytherearenogirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/36-lisa-from-35-comments.html20:53
klafkai like his reference to it's always sunny20:54
fennwas that blog written by a non-native english speaker? /me fails at reading20:54
kanzurei think it's an "essayist"20:54
kanzureyou know, someone who graduates from high school thinking anyone cares about essay-style writing20:54
QuantumGI failed English in high school.. that's why my blog is as readable as it is :P20:55
fenni'd like to see some quantitative data20:56
ybit221:36 < fenn> just move to san jose20:56
ybit221:36 < fenn> *ahem*20:56
ybit221:37 < ybit2> that's a hint kanzure 20:56
ybit221:37 < fenn> actually it's called "man jose" because there aren't any women20:56
fennand no, polls don't count20:56
ybit2i think it's still a hint for you kanzure ;)20:56
fennthere aren't any gay neighborhoods in san jose20:57
fennat least not that i know of20:57
fenni have however, on multiple occasions, seen barefoot indian housewives wandering around the sidewalks daydreaming20:58
klafkai think this is weird kanzure 20:58
klafkai've known LOTS of females in SF20:58
klafkaand i don't even live there20:58
klafkawell bay area20:59
fennSF, oakland, berkeley are full of hotties. i only mentioned san jose because of the indian housewife thing20:59
* fenn snickers http://maps.google.com/maps/place?um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=san+jose+housewife&fb=1&gl=us&hq=housewife&hnear=San+Jose,+CA&cid=377003052786777434221:00
fennoh damn that's SF still21:01
ybit2i want an open source fembot21:02
fennsorry, you only get open source 10 year old boybot21:03
fennwill have to perform robotic reassignment surgery21:03
klafkakanzure reading this just enrages me21:04
ybit2well, i think kanzure's robotic arm handles anything less than 5lbs, so we might have the tools to do just that21:04
ybit2so what's the deal with wta and h+ not joining?21:05
ybit2someone should ask that question on one the lists21:05
ybit2on one of*21:05
fenn"Eventually they worked it out: if they controlled for adolescent height, then the effect of adult height on wages for men was essentially eliminated. It all depended on how tall the guy was in high school."21:07
fenndid you ever get that arm going?21:07
ybit2oh that's right, the arm! i remember seeing pictures of it21:08
ybit2umkay, think i'm going to walk around or something. 21:11
ybit2but before i do that...21:11
ybit2meh, nevermind, i enjoyed the babble and random spurts of commentary from others :)21:13
fennybit what do you want to make besides hair gel and sunscreen?21:14
fenni mean, a fembot is sort of ambitious for a first project21:14
fenno right, a coffee robot21:15
QuantumGkanzure: http://moonandback.com/2010/11/05/93/21:15
fenngreat, 'hard capitalism' now all we need is a market21:20
fenn"Ben Lipkowitz - born and raised on a farm in rural Idaho, Ben developed a love for doing everything himself.  While his parents were unable to afford a tracktor, Ben secluded himself in an overlooked barn and manufactured a tractor by forging every peice from aluminum cans.  He's been wondering the world since, helping out those who cannot afford tractors.21:25
fennsomething like that21:26
kanzureybit2: what do you mean wta and h+ not joining?21:26
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auguranyone know if the arduino can be used as a controller for some robotics?21:41
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kanzurehm i've forgot to read http://reprap.org/wiki/Talk:Gada_Prize22:04
kanzurefenn: cool, they were the same matt goodman22:30
auguranyone read this22:31
kanzureit's just more tcdcs stuff22:31
kanzureTemporal Lobe Cortical Electrical Stimulation during the Encoding and Retrieval Phase Reduces False Memories http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2655647/pdf/pone.0004959.pdf22:31
augurkanzure: jesus what22:32
augurare you a linkbot22:32
augurbeep boop22:32
augurbebop adoowop22:33
augurlike that'll prove anything22:33
augurIVE SEEN BSG22:33
augurplx dont nuke me :(22:33
kanzurebe careful or you'll end up in http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog.txt22:36
kanzureunder the "people" section22:36
augurwhats this meetlog now22:37
kanzurea log of every interaction i have with people22:38
augurit doesnt have timestamps.22:38
kanzureyeah the resolution is not much. i dunno what to do.22:38
augurhow are you logging this stuff? manually?22:38
kanzurethe stuff at the bottom (i.e. today) is more interesting22:38
kanzuremanually. used to be better when i had a gmail/pidgin plugin working22:39
augurthats painful22:39
auguryou should work on some sort of automatic logging, at least for IRC22:39
kanzurewhatever you do don't mention a new tag22:39
augura new tag huh22:40
auguri wouldnt know where to start!22:40
kanzureyou missed the joke22:40
auguri did!22:40
augurproper AR is going to be such a boon22:40
kanzure19:59 < jrayhawk> kanzure are you ever resentful of someone saying something flippant on IRC because it means you then have to go fill out their name22:41
kanzure20:04 < jrayhawk> especially a stupid largely rhetorical question22:41
kanzure20:03 < kanzure> fuck you22:41
kanzurei also have graphs/charts/analysis on top of this data22:42
kanzuretimestamp granularity leaves much to be desired22:42
kanzureand on top of that, tagging isn't necessarily the best way to figure out what i've told someone22:42
QuantumGwtf does 'net' mean vs 'people'?22:42
augurive uploaded 2 books to gigapedia now :D22:42
kanzurei should probably be using longer tags "topic-gada-prize-at-humanityplus"22:43
kanzureQuantumG: "people" means "in person"22:43
-!- Palomides [~palomides@] has left #hplusroadmap [""You are apeshit bananas at computers, and you know ALL THE CODES. All of them.""]22:44
kanzurei am also not sure when i am going to realize how stupid i am for sharing this file so widely22:44
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QuantumGseems pretty harmless to me22:46
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kanzurereally? what about the batman effect22:47
QuantumGwill have to meet you in-person some day22:47
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.22:47
QuantumGthe batman effect?  is that where you say "I'm batman" in a silly voice and everyone laughs?22:47
kanzureQuantumG: the batman effect is where people can't kill you so they kill everyone you know or care about22:47
QuantumGpft, as if killing you is hard22:48
kanzurewell i'm not dead yet22:48
QuantumGthat's cause you befriend crazy people rather than pissing them off22:48
JayDuggerWhat evidence can you offer for your claim of life?22:48
kanzurelittle to none22:49
kanzuregood night22:49
JayDuggerFair enough.22:49
kanzureJayDugger: http://humanityplus.org/2010/11/gada-prize-in-personal-manufacturing-at-humanityplus/22:50
JayDuggerQuantumG, have you tracked down any of the papers from the SSI conference?22:51
QuantumGnope.. and I expect all the harassing I did in regards to getting videos of the event may result in nothing22:51
JayDuggerThat stinks.22:52
JayDuggerThe blog "Broader Perspective" had a write-up, but few links.22:52
kanzurei should have gone :(22:52
JayDuggerI haven't gotten through those on "Next Big Future."22:52
QuantumG"Space.com will be media partner for the SSI conference."  and "We'd like to make these widely available, so they will also be uploaded to the web, uncut, by SSI .  You can safely expect to see all the sessions very soon on the internet near you."  was the final word22:53
JayDuggerThe check is in the mail? Really:22:53
QuantumGthe person I was talking to even went to the effort to contact the volunteer I had arranged to film the event and tell them that their services won't be required.22:53
JayDuggerThat strikes me as unfriendly on their part.22:54
JayDuggerSupposedly Apogee will publish the proceedings next year.22:54
QuantumG"I think this is a nice way of saying fuck off... and it seemed to come22:54
QuantumGout of nowhere.  She was friendly yesterday." is what I said at the time.  22:54
QuantumG(which was Oct 20 btw)22:54
QuantumGbut hey, they might just be *slow*22:54
JayDuggerGood point. I prefer to think the best of others, despite my ingrained cyncism.22:55
JayDuggerHuh. "apogee.com" doesn't lead to the bookstore, but to a vendor for custom JREs, whose customers include Raytheon, maker of a ruggedized Android-based smartphone/PDA targeted at the military market.22:56
QuantumGhmm.. any links to those ruggedized Android-based smartphones?23:01
JayDuggerI have none. Just rumors and "coming soon" ads.23:02
JayDuggerWould you guess I read Aviation Week? :)23:02
JayDuggerNo mention of proceedings on apogeespacebooks.com.23:03
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JayDuggerRaytheon Advanced Tactical System: http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/rats/23:05
JayDuggerCool, yes. Useful? Valuable? 23:06
fennnow with social networking capabilities, so you can find your friends and kill them23:06
JayDuggerThree different adjectives with three sets of overlapping criteria.23:06
QuantumGmy company scans windows mobile apps for security flaws.. and we're working on iPhone apps.. no idea about Android, so I just sent a "do we do this?" question to em.23:07
QuantumGso yeah, thanks.23:07
JayDuggerMostly right, yes. I think the verb the vendor uses is "save," not "kill."23:07
fenndoes it come with an AR app for minefields?23:07
JayDuggerNot yet, but I think the military would buy that in a red-hot minute.23:07
JayDuggerMost of the mobile apps I saw were, well..."crude" is a little kind.23:08
fennyeah but the developer would have to wade through a year of bullshit and runaround before they could write a single line of code23:08
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JayDuggerYeah, and then field-test with opposition forces trying to use the devices for targeting and intelligence.23:09
JayDuggerThat means electronic warfare and information warfare, all of which turns into classified material.23:10
JayDuggerA whole different range of suck.23:10
JayDuggerOh, and ITAR too.23:10
JayDuggerA second whole different range of suck.23:10
JayDuggerTwo of the reasons I don't miss my previous employer's military contracts.23:10
JayDuggerThe money was good, though.23:11
JayDuggerThree years ago I looked for work. I'd had enough, had money, and took a year or so off while I lived off savings.23:11
JayDuggerOne lead was for a job maintaining radar sets on a USAF test range.23:12
JayDuggerCharacterizing weapons performance in real-world conditions and with live-fire tests.23:12
JayDuggerThe interview did not go well. "Let me understand you sir. I have to get a Top Secret clearance, with a Single Scope Background Investigation before you can tell which state I'll work in?"23:13
JayDugger"And once done, I'll go camping without running water for weeks on-end?"23:14
JayDugger"And you'll pay 40% less than my previous employer?"23:14
JayDugger"I am so sorry. I seem to have forgotten everything I ever knew about radar."23:14
JayDugger"Good luck filling the position sir."23:14
fennmaybe the electronics reacts differently to body odor23:15
JayDuggerNah...they just wanted people who'd lived sheltered lives, without opportunity to get in trouble--eligible for a clearance, and too ignorant to know they were shamelessly underpaid.23:16
fennwhat sort of people are not eligible for top secret clearance?23:16
JayDuggerOh, if you have good credit and clean criminal record you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a SECRET clearance.23:17
JayDuggerI have not held a TOP SECRET, so I can only tell you anecdotes from people I know who held them and from the application form I saw in 1995.23:19
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JayDuggerThen you had to give a record of every place you'd lived in the last ten years.23:19
fenni dont really see what your credit score has to do with whether you're a spy23:19
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JayDuggerMICE: Money, Ideology, Compromise, Ego.23:19
JayDuggerIf you have a lot of debt, you're vulnerable to bribes.23:20
fennuhm. that's fucking retarded23:20
JayDuggerIf you've a lot of income that's hard to explain, you might be selling secrets.23:20
JayDuggerNot retarded, just counter-intuitive.23:20
JayDuggerHang on, let me find an example.23:21
JayDuggerOh, and polygraph checks...23:21
JayDuggerI'd forgotten that crap.23:21
fenndo they still ask if you're a communist?23:21
JayDuggerI don't think so.23:22
JayDuggerI've never been asked.23:22
JayDuggerOTOH, I never made much secret of my political views at work. I just avoided discussing them.23:22
JayDugger"The CIA finally decided to focus on Ames after it was realized that on a $60,000 salary, Ames was able to afford:"23:23
JayDuggerA $540,000 house in Arlington, Virginia, paid for in cash;[24]23:23
JayDuggerHome remodeling and redecoration costs of $99,000;[24]23:23
JayDuggerPremium credit cards whose minimum monthly payment exceeded his monthly salary.[26]23:24
fennit doesn't take an intelligence agency to figure that out23:24
JayDuggerSo a credit check also sets a baseline against which future financial transactions get measured.23:24
JayDuggerIt shouldn't, no. :)23:24
JayDuggerBut it did.23:24
JayDuggerThus the joke, "Intelligence Agency is an oxymoron."23:25
JayDuggerHere you go, fenn. "...clearance may be denied (for having a large amount of debt,  for having admitted to seeing a doctor for a mental health condition, or for having admitted to other items of security concern (such as a criminal record or a history of drug use.)"23:28
JayDuggerThe article is pretty badly organized, but the links are pretty good.23:29
JayDuggerBrowsing openings at Clearancejobs.com will give you a good impression of what sort of employers require security clearances for what sort of work.23:29
JayDuggerAssuming my babbling hasn't drowned your curiosity. :)23:30
JayDuggerunset lecture-mode.23:30
fennall the "engineer" stuff is "software engineer"23:33
JayDuggerAt clearancejobs? That doesn't surprise me.23:36
JayDuggerHow much demand exists for EEs, MEs, etc. these days?23:37
fenni thought the americans still actually made stuff for their military23:37
JayDuggerThat would probably be proportional to the number of major defense programs _starting_.23:37
JayDuggerNot many now, and those mostly UAVs.23:38
fennwell fuck, even iranian teenagers are building UAV's23:38
JayDuggerRight. A low requirement for skill levels means a relatively large supply of candidates.23:38
JayDuggerWhy advertise for something like that?23:39
JayDuggerIf you want to work on aircraft, say, you have few options, and not much demand beyond what in-house engineering can supply.23:40
JayDuggerSaudi Arabia bought a batch of aircraft, and so did Israel, but the primary contractors have extant engineers who need work.23:40
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-70-112-176-113.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:41
JayDuggerI made a public fool of myself playing with local Fry's demo Kinect today.23:53
JayDuggerIt was pretty neat, but not enough to buy.23:53
JayDuggerIt has a bit of lag between body motion and avatar response, but not much.23:55
JayDuggerA large video display makes the effect more evocative.23:56
JayDuggerThe closer your avatar's size to your body's size, the better I expect. 23:57
--- Log closed Sat Nov 06 00:00:07 2010

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