
--- Log opened Sat Nov 06 00:00:07 2010
JayDuggerAllegedly one unit will simultaneously track two bodies, but I didn't test that.00:00
JayDuggerIt doesn't track fingers, at least in the game I played.00:05
JayDuggerI expected to move the cursor over a tool, and then to close my fist for "activate." I had to hold the cursor position for almost a second to activate the control.00:06
JayDuggerThe lack of tactile feedback distracted me.00:07
JayDuggerIf your avatar touched something on screen, you could only see it.00:07
JayDuggerIf you reached up to make the avatar grab an overhead item, you only felt the stretch and had to watch the screen to see whether your motion successfully controlled the avatar.00:09
JayDuggerIf you jumped to make the avatar clear a hurdle, you had to watch the screen to see if the action worked.00:10
JayDuggerYou felt your feet strike the floor before the avatar returned to the ground plane.00:10
JayDuggerI found this distracting, but my girlfriend had no such problems.00:10
JayDuggerI.e., she had higher scores two out of three times. 00:11
JayDuggerThe product would improve greatly with wireless rings and anklets that vibrated when the avatar's extremities struck in-game objects.00:12
JayDuggerThere exists only one game, "Kinectimals," that uses a non-anthropomorphic avatar.00:17
JayDuggerI can't think of many uses for it beyond exercise, ergonomic studies, and video gaming. Teleoperation doesn't seem so useful.00:19
JayDuggerIf you recorded a human's motion path, perhaps you could use it to train other people to follow that motion path. Automated choreography, so to speak.00:20
JayDuggerThat could find use in performance arts, sports, physical therapy, and time-motion analysis.00:20
JayDuggerI've often sworn at mechanical engineers who mistake CAD diagrams for the real-world. This gets revealed by physical layout of objects that efficiently use available volume while completely ignoring the presence of a human body in the same space. 00:21
JayDuggerE.g., screws that will just come out of socket without striking a nearby fixture only if you have a hand and a tool of infinitesimal depth. 00:23
JayDuggerPerhaps a way to test avatar position in a virtual space would identify these problems. The rings or anklets would vibrate when your extremities intersect objects.00:24
JayDuggerUnfortunately, I've no video of the demo unit I played with. I left my phone in the car. :(00:25
JayDuggerFinished with babbling. If anyone has ideas on reverse engineering, see Adafruit for US$2000.00:25
JayDuggerIf you've uses, please speak up. 00:26
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JayDuggerfenn: "i thought the americans still actually made stuff for their military" Oh yes, and exports to almost everyone else.04:07
QuantumGdepends on what stuff04:11
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JayDuggerTrident ballistic missles04:31
JayDuggerPatriot ABMs04:31
JayDuggerAEGIS radar sets04:31
JayDuggerShall I continue?04:31
JayDuggerAmerican small arms have less of an export market, I admit.04:32
JayDuggerI do exaggerate with the "almost everyone else" remark.04:33
JayDuggerAnd all pretty far off-topic.04:36
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kanzurehi t_siamendes 09:30
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kanzuret_siamendes: what's up? what brings you here?09:42
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t_siamendeskanzure, saw a link to your website from a post on the wta-talk@transhumanist mail group so was checking it out and came across this server via there09:46
t_siamendesi replied to your post about the imbedded microchip but think its awaiting moderation09:46
kanzuredamn moderators!09:47
kanzureoops. turns out i'm the wta-talk admin09:47
kanzureuh let me go fix that09:48
kanzureMichael P <mjpanne@hotmail.com> ?09:48
kanzureok done09:49
t_siamendescheers 09:49
kanzuret_siamendes: anyway, welcome :)09:51
kanzurecan anyone identify these people by name? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/tenth-seminar-transhumanism.jpg10:02
kanzurei see anna salamon (4th from the bottom-right) but that's it :(10:03
t_siamendesthe mineral water would suggest the photo was likely taken in israel10:04
t_siamendesthou i suppose you can buy imported water in the US10:04
kanzuresomeone in there is joshua fox, sergio stein, ilia stambler10:05
kanzuret_siamendes: yes it was israel10:05
kanzurethese people might be in the photo: Shanee Nishry, Adi Berman, Frida Fuchs, Danny Belkin, Tal Galili, Shanee Nishry10:05
kanzureoops, i repeated shanee twice10:06
kanzureoh i guess it's obvious because of the hebrew markings on the water bottles :)10:09
t_siamendesand the chips10:12
t_siamendes+ can work out who people are from here10:15
t_siamendesthou you'll have to join i think before it will show people that have tagged themselves in the photos10:16
t_siamendesif indeed they have10:16
kanzureonly one person is tagged in that photo10:17
t_siamendescross reference the image against the members list/friends liked to those members10:19
t_siamendessoftware should really do this automatically, and then embed it in the requesting persons memory so it seems like its recalled information, sort of like loooking at the photo and immediately knowing a bio on each person in your mind without having to research it10:20
t_siamendesthe second you think about it, the process is already tasked and completed without having to go through a tedious process of cross reference10:21
kanzuret_siamendes: i know too many people10:31
kanzureso my attempt at solving this is http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog.txt10:31
kanzureit's not quite the same thing as an instant farley file on the people i interact with10:31
kanzurebut it's an approach worth considering, if you have this problem too10:31
Utopiahstuff I organized on that http://fabien.benetou.fr/Person/Person so far using a personal list of profiles on an internal wiki and logs or IRC/IM/SMS/Email to search in10:33
t_siamendesi tend to use my htc desire as a forerunner to a true 4g communicator for keeping track10:34
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kanzurethere's a course on "ethics"-in-diybio at emory.. course description says something about "biopiracy"11:21
Utopiahex1: write HARRRRR with ATGC11:22
kanzureDNA polymerase: the new biopiracy threat?11:22
kanzurehm i wonder if i could make DNA pol 3 require a "license key" molecule (this is meant to be a joke)11:23
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kanzurewhat is the "Human Development Index"?13:00
t_siamendesuntil you mentioned it there, i thought it was another name for the kardashev scale13:15
t_siamendesbut it seems it more of a index used to rank countries in terms of their level of health,education,etc in the present13:16
t_siamendesi think it is simply a model used to determine whether a country is first world, developing or third world, but with more PC brackets such as 'low developed' as opposed to the emotive 'third world'...13:18
t_siamendeshopefully it'll be redundant asap and everywhere will be highly developed13:19
kanzurehrm where did my list of human enhancement metrics go13:19
kanzurea "human enhancement index" would be more interesting13:20
kanzurei.e. hearing ranges, eyesight, other sensory datapoints; but also physical exertion or other interesting indicators13:20
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fennit turns out eating half a stick of butter actually improves my reaction time on simple math problems by 40%13:24
fenner, 30%13:24
kanzureby "eat" you don't mean.. uh.13:28
fennon a potato, or a grilled cheese sandwich13:29
fennoh, small stick of butter, 4 tbsp13:29
fenni dont know how important the quantity is13:30
kanzuresometimes i've wondered if it's just an inhalant thing13:30
t_siamendesI was hoping you meant one of those tiny individual serving sized wraps of butter that arent much bigger than a domino13:30
kanzurebecause there is this lingering smell i notice13:30
t_siamendesrather than a huge block 13:30
t_siamendesthe size of a bar of gold 13:31
fennwell, i did eat butter in the course of normal meals, and it didnt affect my score hugely13:31
kanzurewhat are you well-ing to?13:31
fennthe mere presence of butter having some effect13:31
kanzurefenn: matt's over here pestering me about graphsynth shape grammars and lolcad. O_o13:32
fenn"just an inhalant thing"13:32
fennyes i think that's a good combo13:32
kanzurefenn: i think in meals butter is different than if you just had a lingering smell of butter stuck in your nostrils13:32
fennwell do an experiment and find out13:32
kanzureof course.13:32
kanzurebut you say you have evidence that disagrees with that?13:33
fenni dont see why the hell you would come up with such an idea, but you're free to believe whatever you like13:33
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jrayhawkYeah, anything that widens nasal air passages has a huge effect on aptitude.13:33
kanzureoh come on now, i said "sometimes i wonder" 13:33
fenni don't feel any different after eating lots of butter, but the numbers are different13:33
jrayhawkI seem to recall a study at one point which demonstrated that blocking one side or the other had detrimental effects to a corresponding side of the brain, which just seems all sorts of weird.13:34
kanzurejrayhawk: so if you punch someone's nose out, they might go retarded until they reset their nose? :)13:34
jrayhawkI believe the term you're looking for is "punch drunk"13:35
kanzurefenn: as for matt/shape grammars/lolcad, i don't know what's going on really13:38
kanzureis there something that shape grammars can do that i'm not seeing here?13:39
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thesnarkhello world13:43
kanzurehello world13:44
kanzureyou and ybit should hook up13:45
kanzureyou both have "the kink"13:45
thesnarkThe kink?13:46
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kanzurefenn: i guess you could use matt's shape grammar rules for generating valid-only 3D geometries for specific cnc machines?14:10
kanzurefenn: do you have some references for matt on CAM routing algorithms14:37
fennre cam algorithms, there's http://freesteel.co.uk/ and i've read http://books.google.com/books?id=yh8eeMvVwTYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=martin+held+pocketing&source=bl&ots=of4Ub1CbGH&sig=xcEDdrlTDZ1fuVoZdo-aXz_qja8&hl=en&ei=Y83VTIbeEI-isAPnrZiNCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBgQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false14:49
fennas far as algorihtms go, it's not so complex, it's just hard to figure out how to specify the rules such that the computer does what you want14:50
fennlike, whether you're on the inside or the outside of a particular polygon14:51
fennanders wallin had a series of blog posts about offsetting a cutter wrt a triangle14:52
fennthen there's the question of whether your feature must be machined with a particular machining operation, and what sort of surface texture you want, etc14:54
fennengineers rarely specify the actual geometrical tolerances required for a feature, under the assumption that you're going to cut that round hole with a round cutter for example14:55
fenn"completely harmless!"15:00
fenni wonder if they've found the g-spot yet15:05
fenn"hey im looking for technology that you inject nano in your head and your chest and you are able to have a digital screen display out of your eye balls and imagine how to feel and have your imagination intensify and become your sypmtomatic structure and create movies with the frequency that pile out of the electro socket of your home. now i know you can tell me where to purchase this divice. please e-mail me'15:07
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t_siamendesare water plants really that insecure?16:01
kanzureSCADA is typical windows ware16:03
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kanzureand it's for an industry that nobody knows about because nobody cares about infrastructure/industrialization16:03
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t_siamendesit seems enhancements to existing security infrastructure has been proposed16:07
t_siamendesthou from the anonymous comment on the slashdot posting it would seem someone claiming to be an industry insider is saying they've ignored such proposals16:08
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kanzureodd scada-related comment http://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1857048&cid=3415105619:20
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QuantumGis nanotechnology just modern alchemy?19:32
QuantumGspeculating on what could be possible if a critical component of technology was available? precise positional control of atoms as philosophical mercury.19:33
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QuantumGin fact, some definitions of the philosophical mercury were exactly that but they meant 'atom' in the greek sense, which today we would think of as subatomic particles.19:35
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fennmore on ultrasound brain stimulation (sorry, i know, wired sucks) http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/09/remote-control-minds/20:01
kanzurefenn: matt goodman turns out to be the same person20:15
kanzureshould i stalk him down and say hi?20:15
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QuantumGso is ultrasound brain stimulation good for anything?20:18
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QuantumGlooks pretty cool.. is there a diy version?20:33
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kanzureQuantumG: yes20:42
JayDugger1Good evening, everyone.20:42
JayDugger1More Kinect-babbling...ready your /ignore macros.20:43
JayDugger1Apparently Kinect projects an array of various-sized dots with IR light.20:43
JayDugger1I don't know whether you could use that dot array for other purposes, say making a 3d model of a room or detecting the curve of a page in an opened book.20:44
JayDugger1And my public "test" http://flic.kr/p/8Rb7zG20:46
JayDugger1All done with babbling.20:46
kanzureso i was browsing around and found http://workflowy.com/21:16
kanzureone of their testimonials that they include on their front page is from "Head of Web Spam, Google"21:17
kanzurethe other one is from Michael Katsevman, HilightCam21:17
kanzureif you guys recall, mike used to hang out in here21:17
kanzureMichael Katsevman <mikek@brandeis.edu>21:18
QuantumGso diy ultrasonic brain stimulation.. url?  anyone done anything interesting with it?21:19
kanzurenot diy-diy, but there have been some really cheap knockoffs done by some grad students21:21
kanzurethat ended up getting published a few times21:21
kanzurethe studies involved a lot of pig skin, iirc21:21
QuantumGso has anyone actually, ya know, put it on their head?21:24
QuantumGstimulated some area of the brain and reported the effect?21:24
JayDugger1And lived to tell the tale?21:24
QuantumGyeah.. are they all pussies or what?21:24
QuantumGI hear there's areas of the brain which, when stimulated, cause you to involuntarily spit out swear words.. like a turrets suffer.. that'd be a pretty awesome demonstration.21:26
fennhighlightcam sounds neato if it actually works as described21:26
kanzuremike was working on a way to do automatic video summarization, iirc21:27
kanzurewhat was his nick?21:27
kanzure""Maintain a total materials and parts cost under $200..." is somewhat vague to me. I (and many others) can buy lots of parts for fairly cheap and have no shipping cost. Some parts still need to be shipped. Are we to include shipping in total parts cost? If yes, how is something like free shipping with a service like Amazon prime affected?"21:30
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kanzurematerials shipping cost. hrm.21:31
fennshipping should not be factored into the cost.. it would effectively disqualify anybody in sweden from competing for example21:36
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kanzurethat comment was from a mechanical engineer in sf21:47
kanzurefenn: i should start syndicating a blog with eric hunting's emails21:51
kanzurei think he'd have a pretty large readership21:51
-!- augur [~augur@208-59-167-26.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:58
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fenni was daydreaming about collecting them into a book or something22:22
JayDugger1How much work would that take to do? Do you know any competent and unemployed graphic artists for layout?22:33
kanzurewhat? just copy/paste them into a .txt22:33
JayDugger1I don't think that would make a salable artifact.22:33
JayDugger1People who'll pay for dead-tree books tend to want a "polished, professional" look. 22:34
JayDugger1They'll pay for snob appeal.22:34
JayDugger1I agree with fenn that shipping should not get counted against the materials and parts cost ceiling. Doing so would encourage people to cleverly game their supply chain vice improving their design.22:43
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QuantumGkanzure: rather than defining a maximum parts costs, why not just have a deadline and say the winning is whoever provides a design with the lowest total cost?23:23
QuantumGcost *is* the thing you're trying to minimize right?23:24
JayDugger1Shipping costs vary with destination, for one thing. Do you want to fuse the design's cost with its cost to deliver?  23:25
JayDugger1That might make sense, but it doesn't to me. Perhaps I missed something.23:26
fenni thought that repraps were supposed to be made in place from local materials23:34
JayDugger1Where do you get your parts?23:35
fennyou make them23:35
fennas long as we're fantasizing, why not23:36
JayDugger1At what point do--oh, got it.23:36
fenncurrently, just the squirted plastic bits go for ~300 on ebay23:37
JayDugger1Yeah, and I doubt many people cast their own metal, much less mine ore.23:37
fennoh, there's plastic laying around everywhere23:37
fennyou can make an extruder out of just about anything23:38
JayDugger1Which doesn't grow on trees, but I take your point on reuse.23:38
fennassuming you have a drill bit of course, that's the tricky part23:38
fennthere was some interesting discussion on glass extruders, like a pasteur pipette23:38
fennthere's also the entirety of the rest of process space to explore23:39
fennceramic extrusion is definitely something to look into23:40
fennrobocasting and various inkjet like ideas for green ceramic powder binding23:42
fennfollowed by a firing step23:42
fennsupersaturated sugar solution is another totally unexplored area23:42
JayDugger1Wasn't a candy printer built by Evil Mad Scientist Laboratory?23:44
JayDugger1I remember seeing a concrete printer, in at least two places.23:44
JayDugger1And Next Big Future had links to an Australian researcher who had a bacterial solution that would fuse sand into concretel23:45
JayDugger1I'd like to have a printer for that. 23:46
JayDugger1Dig a path, lay sand, run the printer over it--sidewalks.23:46
JayDugger1Better yet, pave the yard and never mow a lawn again.23:46
fennhuh, interesting event at hacker dojo http://www.aiaa-sf.org/23:50
fennthe "candy printer" was awful, it had like 1/4" resolution and worked by burning the shit out of everything23:51
JayDugger1I wondered about that.23:51
fennyou can do the sand->concrete thing without bacteria, google 'water glass'23:52
JayDugger1It seemed prone to caramelizing the sugar.23:52
JayDugger1Huh. I wonder if that makes good concrete?23:57
JayDugger1Have you seen magic glass printed?23:57
fennwell, sandstone sort of stuff23:57
JayDugger1Did you have a chance to handle it?23:58
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