
--- Log opened Tue Nov 16 00:00:08 2010
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archels"As for the future, your task is not to forsee it, but to enable it."03:33
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dbolserhow would you go about disenableing it?03:51
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UtopiahGREEN FLOAT - a Floating City in the Sky : DigInfo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXbYRxl16SA05:10
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dbolserThe Shadow Scholar05:20
dbolserThe man who writes your students' papers tells his story05:20
cluckjthat's why participation in class and taking notes is like 40% of my students' grade05:39
archelsYou evaluate their notes?05:40
cluckjwell, they're structured note-taking sheets with questions and stuff on them05:41
Utopiah(sick number of comments)05:42
cluckjyeah, I just finished reading through the main body, I'm not sure if I can handle reading through the comments05:42
archelscluckj: Out of curiosity, what field? Bio?05:44
cluckjscience and technology studies05:44
klafkathis is prety great05:44
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cluckjarchels, it's a social sciences discipline05:45
klafkaheh this is funny, it'd be much harder to do this in hard science graduate degrees05:45
klafkaalthough apparently it's very very commonly done in china05:45
cluckjit's probably much harder where any original research is concerned05:46
cluckjand grading sucks just as much as taking tests or writing papers (unless you like writing papers)05:47
klafkaapparently china has publication requirements for masters programs, and there is a booming industry of people creating fake journals and writing fake articles which you can then pay to have your name put on them05:47
cluckjand if you like writing papers, I will usually like reading them05:47
cluckjoh nice05:47
klafkayeah grading sucks a lot =\05:48
cluckjI do agree with the author of that article about not throwing students to the curb for intellectual dishonesty05:49
cluckjit's the thing that infuriates me the most about teaching05:49
cluckjI really enjoy teaching, and helping people learn, so it's just a very personal insult to me when students cheat05:50
klafkai haven't gotten to that05:50
cluckjI was TAing in the biology department at my university for a bit and one student turned in their lab notes in two different handwriting styles05:51
cluckjwhen I got to the end of their notebook, I found someone else's name on the notes too05:51
klafkahah wow05:51
archelscluckj: Well, there's cheating by means of scribbling notes in 5pt font on a small piece of paper and smuggling it into the exam (which I have done numerous times, and don't consider unethical)05:51
klafkahow is that not unethical?05:52
archelsbut having someone else write your paper for you with your name on it, that's a different matter entirely05:52
cluckjI was furious, and the instructor wouldn't let me fail them, I was told to just "not give them credit" for the assignments that weren't theirs05:52
cluckjarchels that's different05:52
cluckjI don't really have any assignments that require rote memorization of stuff05:52
cluckjmost of them center around 1) paying attention in class (which isn't too much to ask) 2) taking notes on what you are thinking about when reading the material and 3) showing me that you can synthesize the course materials together in some kind of coherent form05:53
archelsOn my neurobiology course, we're allowed to bring in one (and only one) sheet of A4, handwritten.05:54
archelsOh, and *no magnifying glass* (yes, he explicitly mentioned that). :)05:54
klafkacluckj, yeah it's not really so much the instructors fault either05:54
cluckjyeah, most of my undergrad courses allowed crib sheets like that05:54
klafkawell if you're a professor you probably know that though05:54
cluckjmy calculus 2 crib sheet was a beauty05:54
klafkathe tremendous amount of pressure most schools put on faculty to retain students05:54
klafkait's fucking ridiculous05:54
cluckjand the process of making a crib sheet is a learning process too!05:55
archelscluckj: quite right.05:55
cluckjyeah absolutely, the fact that students are paying a ridiculous amount of money makes the institution want to retain them05:55
cluckjhaha, I'm not a professor yet05:55
cluckjI'm an advanced PhD student05:55
klafkaoh ok05:56
archelsI can't wait to do some TA-ing or actual teaching.05:57
cluckjarchels it's really fun sometimes05:57
archelsDon't think I would care enough to see a student cheating like this as a personal insult, though.05:57
archelsIt's just a game--you try to catch them, they try not to get caught.05:57
klafkait undermines the entire point of teaching archels05:58
cluckjI am *not* a policeman05:58
archelsWell, you'll have to deal with it one way or another.05:58
archelsThere are also online services that do automated fraud checking.05:58
archelsUsed by plenty of teachers all over the world, afaik.05:59
Utopiahcan you actually teach or rather just help people alrady willing to learn in the first place? if the 2nd option then you can't feel bad about cheaters IMHO05:59
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cluckjby actually engaging with students I can figure out if they're really learning or not05:59
archelscluckj: Which sounds like a very good method.05:59
klafkaUtopiah, what?06:00
klafkahow are you defining teaching?06:00
cluckjit usually works itself out06:00
cluckjthe stuff I teach is pretty easy to learn if you pay attention06:00
UtopiahI meant you can't coerce people to learn, you can eventually get them to memorize simple things under pressure but to me actual learning comes from a desire of the person06:00
cluckjit's my damn job to make sure people can understand it06:01
cluckjUtopiah yes, and that's why I still hand out failing grades06:01
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kanzurelooks like another 100kgarages/cloudfab/mfg.com http://makerfactory.com/06:40
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kanzurelivestream/aubrey de grey http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/never_say_die06:46
archelskanzure: Where at in the schedule? Panel I?06:49
archelsspecifically Ana Maria Cuervo?06:49
kanzurelooks like panel 1 yes06:50
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superkuhNow he's on.07:04
archelsNot enough money for four mikes eh.07:21
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twilightstarwhat is the main topic in this channel07:43
archelsThere seems to be a high percentage of biologists here.07:45
dbolserarchels: I think you'll get some info on your hunt for a school from ppl in htere07:46
klafkalots of crossover though :P07:47
-!- JaredWigmore [~JaredW@219-89-69-220.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap07:47
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dbolserhey klafka 07:49
archelsI'm not hunting for a school per se, but it's good to know I'm among academics. :)07:49
kanzurehi twilightstar 07:49
twilightstarhi kanzure07:50
kanzuretwilightstar: we talk about transhuman tech, human enhancement, manufacturing, diybio, open source hardware07:50
twilightstarany one in the online masters at jhu?07:50
twilightstarfor biotech07:50
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archelskanzure: Any progress on the channel registration?08:00
archelsheh, the laymen from the public asking questions all sound so nervous.08:01
kanzurearchels: no progress :(08:04
archelsWill nagging the opers help?08:05
archelsand/or spamming their mailboxes.08:05
kanzurei'm really at a loss for how to proceed08:05
archelsWhat's the status so far? The request is basically in limbo, right? No yes, no no.08:06
kanzurei talked with them recently (within the past month) and they said "oh to expediate the process also send an email to xyz", so i did, but it's probably a blackhole08:06
archelsmhrm, followup "dear sir/madam, sent mail, no reply, plz to be acknowledging" etc?08:07
kanzureplz to be acknowledged08:07
kanzurethat's an indian phrase isn't it?08:07
archelsI've no idea08:07
kanzure"please be the following" or something08:07
archelsno hits for that +"native american"08:08
kanzureferrouswheel: what is vzillion08:09
kanzureand why is ben goertzel "director of engineering"08:11
ferrouswheelkanzure: heh, if i knew I'd tell you.08:11
archelsoh god is that a flash intro page.08:11
ferrouswheelurgh yes. their spiel kind of gets lost in the delivery mechanism08:13
archelsoh, no, wait. That's their entire site.08:13
archels<!-- text used in the movie --> <!-- about, all, around, as,08:18
archelsbut, is, for08:18
archelsnice keywords.08:18
kanzurebioethics.gov meeting is go08:24
kanzuredetails: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/401c6d5726437c1408:24
kanzureoops, i should have explicitly said:08:25
kanzurestream: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/101116/08:25
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kanzuregenomera contest thingy http://blog.genomera.com/so-you-think-you-can-science08:42
klafkaahahaha 08:42
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superkuhDid anyone else just hear that?09:37
superkuh"3D printing will mean money won't matter because we won't have to work for anything."09:38
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kanzurehaha ray kurzweil talking about 3d printing too10:04
kanzure"I agree with you that open source software is a vital part of our world, allowing everyone to contribute. Ultimately, software will provide everything we need when we can turn software entities into physical products with desktop nanofactorie"10:04
kanzure"s (there is already a vibrant 3D printer industry and the scale of key features is shrinking by a factor of a hundred in 3D volume each decade). It will also provide the keys to health and greatly extended longevity as we reprogram the outdated software of life."10:04
kanzure"I believe we will achieve the original goals of communism ("from each according to their ability, to each according to their need"), which forced collectivism failed so miserably to achieve. We will do this through a combination of the open source movement and the law of accelerating returns (which states that the price-performance and capacity of all information technologies grows exponentially over time)."10:04
kanzure"But proprietary software has an important role to play as well. Why do you think it persists? If open source forms of information met all of our needs why would people still purchase proprietary forms of information. There is open source music but people still download music from iTunes, and so on. Ultimately, the economy will be dominated by forms of information that have value and these two sources of information — open source and proprietary â10:05
kanzureray has always been more interested in proprietary tech i think10:05
kanzureoh neat there's a follow-up from the original submitter10:05
archelsRay needs an editor.10:08
kanzureyou think he wrote TSiN?10:10
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kanzure"Advanced Design Optimization Lab" hmm sounds a little too much like ADL to me http://adoptlab.csufresno.edu/10:15
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kanzure"that will really drive diybio underground because they will be up in arms (and rightly so) that we are requiring them to register anything they think they are doing" haha12:11
kanzure"anything they think they are doing" hee12:12
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jmilkanzure: link?12:20
kanzurejmil: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/401c6d5726437c1412:21
kanzurejmil: stream: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/101116/12:21
kanzure(they just went on break, and i'm not going to watch the rest of it)12:21
kanzuretwilightstar: what brings you here?12:31
twilightstarwell I was trying to learn more about biotech12:33
twilightstarI'm thinking of getting a masters12:33
twilightstarso it is always nice to know about the university from people going there12:34
kanzureuh, why do you think this channel is related to that masters degree?12:35
twilightstarnot so much masters12:36
twilightstarI went to bioinformatics and asked about a channel that is related to biotech12:37
twilightstarand they sent me here12:37
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kanzurecrap it's on twitter now http://twitter.com/lepht_anonym14:18
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jmilthanks kanzure !14:29
kanzuretranscripts related to transhumanism http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/people-blog/14:34
kanzure"Future Current" as michael refers to it14:34
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futuresoonscrapheap transhumanism, huh15:02
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kanzurehi Xeones-afk 18:53
kanzureoh, futuresoon18:53
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kanzurewtf is up with that graphic http://hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/problem-solved-new-h-magazine-project19:47
kanzurewtf http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2659/problemsolvednew.jpg19:47
kanzurewtf x2 http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9625/donatehorangelogo.jpg19:48
kanzurei .. i give up19:48
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fenndonate thx-1138!19:55
fennthe problem is more with the article content than the graphic19:56
fennanswer: donate to starving/parasite infested africans, duh19:57
fennbut that's not really what "transhumanism" is about now is it19:57
kanzurethis is making me cry19:58
kanzureoh fwiw i have a git-based hardware hosting site written now19:58
fennlinky plz 113819:59
kanzuredave suggests i just make a javascript front-end website to github and call their restful api but i'm i'm experiencing NIH about "just use github for the git hosting"19:59
kanzureno link yet19:59
kanzurei need to figure out a ui, html goodness and such..19:59
fennis github even open source?19:59
kanzureparts of it are (like backend daemons in some places)19:59
fennso, er, that's not really a solution then20:00
kanzuresure it is20:00
kanzureone sec20:00
kanzureblah i can't find the name of the package20:01
kanzurebut there's a compiler that takes json/yaml and turns it into a full javascript application20:02
kanzurehe's right about the whole "this is just a different viewer for the same content in a git repo" thing20:02
kanzureand, it shouldn't really matter *where* the git repo is ultimately hosted.. but i'm inclined to say no on this one and just host them locally20:02
fennyeah but you can't do any processing on that info that can't be done in javascript20:02
fenni.e. rendering openscad files20:03
kanzure"everything can be done in javascript!"20:03
kanzurecloudscad.js :P20:03
kanzurejavascript > variables20:03
fennyeah, and the lisp revolution is only 20 years away20:03
kanzurei found this hilarious http://dev.pocoo.org/~blackbird/github-vs-bitbucket/bitbucket.html20:03
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fenni wish someone would hurry up and write a dvcs translation meta program so we could stop having this 'my dvcs is better than yours' flame war20:05
kanzurehuh? there are a efw20:05
kanzure*are a few20:05
kanzurealthough there's some weird stuff in git that doesn't get converted into hg properly, last i looked20:05
QuantumGyeah, but your favourite dvcs meta program sucks20:05
kanzurepersonally i'm fine with git/hg/bzr20:05
kanzurefenn: what did you think of the ne-1 transcript email?20:07
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fenni haven't read it yet20:11
kanzurewhat have you been up to20:13
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kanzurethe moment you try to observe fenn he disappears20:25
QuantumGquantum fenn20:27
fennit's 2010 and we don't have a fast spheres and cylinders rendering library yet?20:34
* fenn shrugs20:36
QuantumGno.. libglu 20:36
QuantumGdoes parametric cylinders and spheres 20:36
fennkanzure: so you have access to the cvs repo?20:37
futuresoonSome might argue that in its preference for "organic" food and concern over cellphone radiation and GMOs, the left has some of its own "anti-science" positions to answer for. http://www.hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/top-five-cautions-futurists20:37
fennmight as well just put it up on github, it's gpl after all20:37
futuresooni don't get it---does this guy dislike organic food and like gmos?20:37
QuantumGgmos rock20:38
futuresoonwhat's the difference between a gmo and an o?20:38
futuresoonexcept for not, right?20:39
futuresooni'm saying all organisms incur genetic modification20:39
QuantumGoh, many things are labelled "organic" to mean that they're "ethical"20:39
fenngo read up on recombinant dna, sonny20:39
QuantumGand so on20:39
fennQuantumG: no, that's not correct20:40
futuresoonorganic most certainly is better than non-organic by a wide margin and on average20:40
fennthere's significant overlap between fair trade and organic purchasing market demographic, but most people know the difference20:41
QuantumGpeople label stuff "organic" even where there is no genetically modified alternate.. so clearly labelling shit "organic" is not just a backlash to GMO foods20:41
fennand "organic" doesn't mean "not gmo"20:41
kanzurefenn: i'm getting access to the cvs repo sometime this week20:41
kanzurebut yeah, it'll be on github, etc.20:41
fennthere's a whole raft of other stuff, but mostly it means no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides20:41
fennoddly enough recombinant BT toxin is ok20:42
QuantumGanyway.. I recently said..  I'm calling for non-GMO foods to be labelled: as inferior.20:42
fennthat's stupid20:42
fennyou're just trolling20:42
kanzureracial purity of my food?20:42
futuresoonsickle cell anemia is the tribute racial purity pays to biodiversity20:43
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fennquote i heard at work today, "pregnant republican feminists deserve to be blown up"20:44
fennsay it with an australian accent and you're gold20:44
QuantumGwas that generated by a computer?20:44
fennsort of20:45
fenn"it came from the internet"20:46
kanzuremax more wants to make a "social network for transhumanists"20:48
futuresoonmoar soshul netwerks20:49
fenndidnt he do that in like 1980?20:49
fennlol '"DNA tests are an anti-feminist appliance of science" that have "removed from women a powerful instrument of choice" to name the father she prefers.'20:49
fennsomeone's been taking too much fuckitol20:50
kanzurei pointed max at http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/people/20:51
kanzurebut it turns out michael didn't make that.. his "staff" did20:52
fennwhat a bitch "That eminently sensible Jewish custom, whereby Jewishness is passed through the mother, was based on the fact that we only really knew who our mothers are"20:55
QuantumGI don't think a woman should have a right to child support in countries where abortion is legal, and she makes the decision to keep an unplanned pregnancy. I'd be happy to make an exception for people with religious convictions that prohibit them from having abortions.. although perhaps it should be her responsibility to ensure the man knows her convictions before copulating.20:56
kanzurewhat are you reading?20:56
kanzureand more importantly why20:56
fennsome random thing linked from hplusmagazine20:56
fennthough this is cool "how to build an electric telegraph in the wilderness, using nothing modern except information."20:57
futuresoonspark gap transmitter?20:57
QuantumGnope.. he builds a battery and that's it20:57
QuantumGit doesn't even make wire20:58
kanzurequick rollcall.. what transhumanists do we know in australia? mitchell porter, tony smith, trent, patrick mclaren, julian savulescu, ..21:00
kanzuream i missing anyone obvious/unobvious?21:00
QuantumGno idea.. what are those fellow aussies like?21:00
fennheh if you watch the videos he's wearing a tuxedo of some sort while smelting copper21:00
kanzurefenn: gotta have pride in your work21:01
kanzureQuantumG: i'm not sure how to answer thta21:01
QuantumGok, do they do anything?21:02
kanzuredo you?21:02
QuantumGcan't think of anything :P21:02
kanzurepatrick does diybio-melbourne/cchs21:02
kanzurejulian does random human enhancement podcasts21:02
joshcryerI know I am responding to something old.21:02
joshcryerBut many things are labeled organic because the people labeling are liars.21:02
kanzuretony.. writes scifi?21:02
kanzuremitchell.. i don't really know what he's up to21:03
joshcryerQuantumG :)21:03
kanzureand trent.. well21:03
joshcryerHow do you humans handle your colds?21:03
kanzureQuantumG: you should meet trent sometime21:03
joshcryerBecause this is the first I've had in 3 years and it is quite unbearable.21:03
QuantumGkanzure: I listen to "Trent from Australia" on The Space Show..21:04
joshcryerQuantumG, haha, I'm so confused by what kanzure is saying.21:04
QuantumGjoshcryer: I had something like food poisoning on the weekend .. probably from a hamburger.  I'll take a cold instead.21:04
kanzurejoshcryer: just listing people in australia. transhumanists.21:05
joshcryerkanzure, yeah, OK. I guess telling QuantumG to meet Trent was a joke.21:06
kanzureno i'm serious21:06
joshcryerTrent who?21:07
joshcryerHaha, you're fucking with me.21:07
joshcryerFuck you, I'm really out of it.21:07
* QuantumG = Trent Waddington21:07
QuantumGbut you know this.21:07
kanzuresomething is wrong with the internets21:07
joshcryerYeah he's messing with me. :(21:07
joshcryerOr rather, I'm just being really stupid right now due to fever killing brain cells or whatever.21:07
QuantumG[that noise you hear is kanzure trying to figure out how his people tracking software failed to attack my nick to my name]21:10
joshcryerI'm so old school, I actually fill out the name field on my IRC client.21:12
kanzureQuantumG: the sound is me "fixing things"21:12
QuantumGjoshcryer: did ya see the tables in http://unreasonablerocket.blogspot.com/21:13
QuantumGpretty cool.21:13
joshcryerI lost all my logs for weeks there, dunno how long I was disconnected. :(21:13
joshcryerOh that was posted today somewhere. Cool. Looking.21:13
kanzurefenn: please bug me about the hardware hosting site21:15
kanzurei might actually work on the ui/layout stuff21:15
joshcryerI saw this posted in another channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPB19tIQSUo21:16
kanzureyou know how i'm always complaining about CSS?21:16
joshcryerAnd I thought... wow, that's how our drone killing machines will look.21:16
kanzurei think SASS may have fixed my CSS issues.. http://www.feedmagnet.com/blog/grid-design-with-sass/21:16
joshcryerWhen we decide to destroy the worlds militaries.21:16
kanzureholy shit variables in CSS \o/21:16
kanzure.. sort of21:16
joshcryerQuantumG, MR = mass ratio?21:17
QuantumGobviously some gross / propellant style21:18
QuantumGI prefer propellant / gross myself21:18
QuantumGor dry / gross even21:18
QuantumGactually, it's probably gross / dry21:18
QuantumGyeah, that'd be it21:19
fennholy shit that is some amazing piloting21:21
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joshcryerNow just put some robot guided commands in it and we can solve the issues in, eg, Somolia, or Darfur or where ever.21:22
joshcryerQuantumG, where's this Breeds guy located? Can he fly this thing legally? I seem to recall the Nanosat guy saying that he'd need FAA clearance and lots of hoop jumping.21:23
QuantumGhe goes out to FAR to fly21:23
QuantumGFriends of Amateur Rocketry21:23
fennis that in black rock?21:25
fennhm, mojave21:25
joshcryerI think he's going to run in to problems once he starts suggesting orbital achievement though.21:26
QuantumGhe's aiming to compete in the nanosat challenge21:27
QuantumGhaving NASA in your court really helps to get the FAA on side21:27
joshcryerFair enough.21:28
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futuresooni wish there was some sort of problem selection metric that would allow us to identify the important problems to solve21:41
kanzurehttp://humanityplus.org.au/ why does this say "rise of the citizen scientist"21:41
genehackeranyone here following the Microsoft Kinect hacks?21:46
QuantumGI saw a few21:47
fennjamie oshea gets up to some funny stuff http://www.substitutematerials.com/timetravel/timetravel.html21:47
QuantumGhow much does one pay to get a working Kinect system to hack?21:47
QuantumGreally?  plus the xbox 360 right?21:48
genehackerno xbox needed21:48
QuantumGahh.. nice.  So it's a $150 3d point cloud generator.21:48
genehacker$150 is 3 orders of magnitude cheaper than other similar systems on the market21:49
genehackerit's not just a point cloud generator it's a point cloud generator that does 30 Hz21:49
joshcryerI didn't hear about this.21:49
QuantumGit has a motorized pivot too?21:50
genehackerhell who even needs complicated robot vision processing when you have something like this21:51
QuantumGsheesh, that's awesome21:51
QuantumGis there a module for ROS yet?21:51
QuantumGyes, yes there is21:51
joshcryerLOL, I love stuff like this.21:51
joshcryerMan I want this.21:52
joshcryerTook him a few hours: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2010/11/10/we-have-a-winner-open-kinect-drivers-released-winner-will-use-3k-for-more-hacking-plus-an-additional-2k-goes-to-the-eff/21:53
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genehackerso now what someone really needs to do with kinect is make a "get me a beer robot"21:55
QuantumGsince yesterday I've been watching http://quantumg.net/wg/21:56
QuantumGI'm up to video 89 of 116.. they're doing some great work.21:57
QuantumGKinect + a pan-tilt camera will give you some good point clouds.21:58
genehackeryou hardly even need the tilt part22:01
genehackerthe only problem with kinect is the field depth22:01
genehackerit can't see things that are too close22:01
QuantumGhow "too close"?  I imagine the tilt will help22:01
joshcryer1 meter too close.22:02
joshcryerThere are videos of it in IR, which show the empty space of the projections.22:02
futuresoonis there a standard in robot arm types?22:04
futuresooncause it would be nice to build workflows for open source hardware around just a couple kinds of arms22:05
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genehackerwhat do you mean by standard?22:06
genehackerlike standard configuration?22:06
genehackerlike serial manipulator, SCARA, etc?22:07
futuresooni mean if i have x-thing that human hands do y-thing to, how do i design the ergonomics of the handhold for the "average robot"22:07
genehackervery carefully22:10
genehackerbut probably something like an amputee claw22:10
genehackeras those were found to be best after years of study22:10
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futuresoonthen i hope everything's built around an amputee claw rather than trying to build a luke or anakin arm22:12
genehackerdo you mean the end effector or the parts the end effector is manipulating?22:14
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futuresooni'm saying i bet there's a lot of intelligence you can put into the items manipulated rather than the arms themselves22:14
genehackerso you can design for automatic assembly?22:15
futuresooni'd go so far as to say you should have several types of arm, but one kind of floor, walls, layout22:15
futuresoonthe important thing is what are you building, not how good can you pick and place22:16
genehackerso a work cell?22:16
futuresoonsure. why should the robotics be in the arm. why not put it in the factory floor22:16
genehackerI'm not quite sure what you mean...22:17
futuresooni just mean that you could probably save a lot of resources in arm design if you have carefully laid out the parts the effector manipulates22:18
futuresoonjust make a box that's a life support system, or that automatically makes a succession of products with economic value (same thing, really)22:19
futuresoonstandardize that box with a kinect inside it22:19
genehackerso design the parts to be made to be easily assembled by robots22:19
futuresoonit's not a "robot" it's a "workflow"22:19
futuresoonif it so happens that something needs to freely wheel around all robot like on occasion, then that can happen too22:20
futuresoonall the better if it doesn't22:20
genehackerso at the current time, there are no robot work cells that can assemble multiple products without being reprogrammed to do so22:21
futuresoonare you asking me or telling me22:22
genehackeralso it sounds like you are essentially refering to design for automatic assembly22:23
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futuresoonputting aside assembly, figuring out what the output should be, as well as what intermediate outputs to standardize, would go a long way22:25
futuresoonoutputs of food, electricity, heat, treated water, etc. sound good22:25
genehackermore robots22:26
genehackerand more robots22:26
genehackerand microwave/light energy22:27
futuresoonputting out more robots, hmm22:27
joshcryerBTW, I found this torrent recently: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4859975/147_Books_on_Robotics22:27
joshcryerMy brother was demanding I find conspiracy stuff for him and the hoster of that .torrent has a lot of that sort of crazy stuff.22:27
futuresoonsee the robot sounds like an intermediate goal that should be more closely tied with identifiable end goals22:28
genehackerwhy not put out more robots?22:29
genehackerwith robots of course22:29
genehackerrobotic self-replication enables production to go exponential22:29
futuresoonwell the complexity of building robots that can build robots is a lot greater than the complexity of building robots that can build anything you'd want for its own sake22:29
joshcryergenehacker, we'll get there eventually. ;D22:30
futuresoonfirst step is to get a kinect-enabled robot that can manage all the menial labor that frees up time to build a better robot22:31
futuresoonsilly things like food, energy, wastewater treatment processes22:31
futuresoonshelter construction22:31
futuresoona little nasa style life support system22:33
genehackerI'm not so sure about that22:33
genehackerdefine complexity22:33
futuresoonabout the complexity being greater?22:33
futuresoonwell, define robot22:33
futuresoonif you mean that the principal capital infrastructure should be replicable using itself, then yeah that's a goal22:34
futuresoonbut is an xbox kinect principal capital infrastructure?22:34
futuresoonor something you buy once + spare at the store and move on22:34
joshcryerMaybe as a toy.22:35
joshcryerFor research.22:35
futuresoonkinect is not a toy, it's a reality in robotics now22:36
genehackerbrooks definition22:36
futuresoonit's just something you can't reproduce yourself, you rely on microsoft22:36
genehackeralso define complexity22:36
futuresooncomplexity conditions the capacity for consciousness (not a definition i know)22:36
joshcryerRight, that's why I call it a toy.22:36
genehackerI don't like to say can't22:36
joshcryerSorry, I'm hard line about this sort of thing.22:36
futuresoondoesn't mean it's a toy, just means it's an exotic part the system shouldn't be "dependent" on to work22:37
joshcryerIt obviously has far more applications beyond a toy.22:37
joshcryerBut one shouldn't tie their research to "Kinect."22:37
futuresoonno, it should be simple hardware and complex software and a kinect (for now cause it's cheap and available)22:37
futuresoonso that should be the new standard for robotics because it improves availability22:38
futuresoonbut you can reduce software complexity by standardizing more and more hardware22:38
futuresoonyou just need to version control what hardware problems are really "solved"22:38
futuresoonnot to mention what problems you'd like to solve on a wide basis to improve adoption and most of all, just for the sake of actual, you know, progress22:39
futuresoonso i look at kinect plus a robot operating system and ask how i could integrate it into vermicomposting, aquaponics, living machines for wastewater treatment, CNC production of pre-fab houses22:40
joshcryerIs Kinect really the best solution for robotic spatial awareness?22:41
joshcryerI mean, for fabrication.22:41
futuresoonkinect is just a catch-all for anything chaotic that happens in your well-planned system i guess22:42
joshcryerSince a robot can assume, magically, that what isn't there isn't there in a fab space. It has full virtual understanding of what the fab space looks like. Even if it has no eyes, so to speak.22:42
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futuresooni bet a kinect could print ikea like assembly instructions on translucent goggles where human assembly is needed22:43
futuresoonor at least on a monitor22:44
joshcryerPossibly, if you don't need high resolution.22:44
futuresoonyou need less resolution if parts are standardized22:44
futuresoonwhich brings me back to putting the intelligence into the parts, not the robotics22:44
futuresoonpaint similar but different parts red, green and blue if you have to22:45
joshcryerSince I don't have millions of dollars to invest in this sort of thing, my point of view is to keep as much of the thing virtual as possible.22:47
futuresoonif by millions you mean two22:48
genehackerput intelligence into the parts?22:48
genehackeryou might like this then: www.roboticsproceedings.org/rss05/p16.pdf22:48
joshcryeram I missing a typo in that22:51
joshcryer'cause it's not downloading22:51
genehackerit's downloading here22:53
genehackerprobably a typo22:53
futuresoonworks here22:53
futuresoonyeah the cyclic fabrication process is good22:53
genehackerso you read that before?22:53
futuresoonno but it's being done in real life here http://openfarmtech.org/weblog22:54
futuresoonreprap is just one of the technologies that, taken together, reproduce themselves22:54
futuresoonso it's reprap plus some other CNC XYZ tables22:54
genehackerplus some oil wells, plus catalytic crackers, plus iron mines, etc, etc22:55
futuresoonwhat are the oil wells and catalytic crackers for?22:56
futuresoonjust plastic or something?22:56
futuresoonanyway, i guess it's all about starting with the low hanging fruit, always22:57
futuresoonanyway, i'm going to go pass out the better for waking up tomorrow22:57
genehackerI don't believe openfarmtech and and that paper have anything to do with each other...22:58
futuresoonA cyclic fabrication system (CFS) is a network of materials, tools, and manufacturing processes that can produce all or most of its constituent components. It is cyclic in the way the game “rock-paper-scissors” is cyclic: tools, materials, and fabrication processes are chosen such that one process creates tools used in the next process, which is used in the next, and so on until a final process produces tools needed to perform the 23:00
futuresoonin the case of openfarmtech, the torch table cuts the legs for the torch table23:01
genehackerby itself?23:01
genehackerhow are the motors made?23:01
futuresoon"or most of its constituent components" and "low hanging fruit"23:01
futuresoonalso eventually hydraulic motors will be made with metal casting i would guess23:02
futuresoonhot rolling and cold rolling are planned for the future23:02
futuresoonnot sure their relevance, it's probably casting anyway23:02
futuresoonanyway, there's a torch table / wood router / plasma table (3 in 1)23:02
futuresoonthere's a printed circuit board table23:03
genehackerand how are the printed circuit boards made?23:03
futuresoona reprap, a drill-mill-lathe 3-in-123:03
futuresoonprinted circuit board table is another CNC XYZ machine running on an arduino23:03
futuresoonthe precision on that may be tough, not sure23:03
genehackerhow are the raw materials made?23:03
futuresoonbut then again it's possible to make crappy boards23:03
futuresoonwell, i usually leave commodities out of it23:04
genehackerhow are the chips made?23:04
futuresoonthe raw commodities23:04
genehackerthat's no fun23:04
futuresoonnow obviously the chips are an exotic material, but you COULD get to a 1990s level of fab23:04
genehackeror go all the way back to relay computers23:04
futuresoonif you want a 1990s level of chip fab, it can be done in a small town23:04
genehackerso what exactly makes a 1990s level chip fab?23:05
futuresoonanyway, i say why not compartmentalize the high hanging fruit and work on the rest23:05
futuresoonthe factories weren't gargantuan then23:05
futuresoonthey were actually pretty small23:05
genehackerwhat made them small?23:05
fennsounds like kinect needs some reading glasses23:06
futuresoonwhat made them small, not sure.23:06
futuresoonall that thin-filminess and nanowhatchama i guess23:06
futuresoonand moore's lawitude23:07
genehackerdid they do the silicon refining and wafer cutting in house?23:07
futuresooni believe so23:07
genehackerfrom sand?23:07
futuresoonmy understanding is that it looks like making bread or something. not really sure though23:08
futuresooncouldn't tell you what bread making is like either23:08
genehackerdid they synthesize the mask chemicals in house?23:08
futuresoonyou mean in a 1990s chip factory?23:08
futuresoondon't know a lot about them. all i've heard it that that was a turning point between reasonable to insource and not reasonable to insource23:09
futuresoondon't plan on learning a lot about it either. plan on just using exotic parts from broken computers lol23:10
genehackerthough do you REALLY need microchips?23:10
genehackerexotic parts for what?23:10
futuresoonfor arduinos you need ICs23:10
genehackerfor an arduino, you need a very specific IC23:10
genehackerall ICs are not interchangeable23:10
futuresoonhence i just chalk the atmega up to another in the short list of truly exotic parts that are unobtainium to the system but not unobtainium in "the real world"23:11
futuresooni think it's helpful to think how FEW parts are really as non-insource-able and then stop thinking about them23:12
genehackerwhat about electrodes for welders and plasma torches and what not?23:13
futuresoonwell the power electronics are for future development23:13
genehackeralso where do you obtain the copper?23:14
futuresoonit's simple for a caveman to obtain copper apparently23:14
genehackerI don't really see how you can obtain closure with something as complex as that23:15
futuresoonall it takes is six weeks of hard work plus information23:15
futuresoonwell you can obtain closure on a lot of complex systems if you know you can bootstrap to the appropriate information management system23:15
genehackerdo you have copper ore in your backyard?23:15
futuresoonno but you can bootstrap to transportation can't you23:15
genehackeror are willing to use a large soil processing unit to leach every bit of it from the soil?23:16
genehackerbootstrap to transportation?23:16
genehackernot sure what you mean by that23:17
futuresoonwell i'm not thinking in those terms anyway23:17
futuresoonjust start from the piles of junk sitting in landfills23:17
futuresoonyou have a lot more options from there23:17
genehackerso how do you get the electrodes for welders?23:18
genehackeralso I'm into full closure23:19
futuresoonwell let's say it was some simple emergency welders then23:19
genehackeralso how do you make the gases?23:19
futuresoonanaerobic digester23:19
genehackerare you going to make a gas liquefaction plant?23:19
futuresooneventually solid oxide fuel cells23:19
genehackerno for welding23:20
futuresoonnot sure23:21
futuresooni don't think they're needed in emergency welding though23:21
futuresoonso you get degraded materials, but it works23:21
futuresoon(i think, don't know)23:21
genehackerso what processes would you carry out in your junk yard?23:22
futuresooni'd like a vermicomposting operation, wastewater treatment function, and vermicompost aquaponics modular greenhouse23:22
genehackerhydrofluoric acid leach, carbothermal process?23:22
futuresoonmy "global village construction set" wouldn't center on the tractor to manage arable land but rather would produce soil from worms23:23
genehackergreenhouses require plastic sheeting, plastic sheeting cannot be insourced23:23
futuresoonone pump manages an arbitrarily large number of aquaponic units with improved nutrient profile from the vermicompost, and that pump could be no-electricity23:23
genehackerwhat do you make the pumps from?23:24
genehackerhow do you make the pump motors23:24
futuresoonthe pump is made like this23:24
futuresoonyou hollow out a tree23:24
futuresoonthat's been cut in twain23:24
futuresoonto make a salvonious rotor23:25
futuresoonthe salvonious rotor turns within an eccentric23:25
futuresoonthe eccentric pumps a straight rod23:25
futuresoonthat manages a membrane pump23:25
futuresoonof a sheep's stomach23:25
genehackerwhat do you make the membrane from?23:25
genehackerhow long does that last?23:25
futuresooni dunno, i made up the last part :-)23:26
futuresoonsomething durable and airtight is probably the fail point23:26
futuresoonfor the membrane23:26
futuresooneverything else is just fire hardened wood and such23:27
futuresoona bellcrank23:27
genehackerso what do you make the membrane from?23:27
futuresoona deerskin, i dunno23:27
genehackerhow long would that last?23:27
genehackernot really getting the point of all that23:28
futuresoonwell the pump is in the fish pond23:28
futuresoonthe water goes up to an aquaduct of potted plants23:28
futuresoonpotted in vermicompost23:28
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futuresoonanyway, i have to walk the dog and go to sleep23:29
futuresooni like that you're keeping me on my toes though, it's good23:29
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phrykfuturesoon: you building rube goldberg machines in your garden?23:36
genehackersounds like some sort of global village thing23:44
genehackernot entirely sure what it should accomplish though23:44
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