
--- Log opened Wed Nov 17 00:00:08 2010
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kanzuregenehacker: i thought the point was self-replication06:17
kanzurelive action RPing minecraft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl36SsszqpY06:18
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memorexDid anyone ever see on tedtv the presentation that was given by the scientist showing that robots can evolve?07:47
memorexwhere they put a simulation of very basic functions they gave robots and put them in one giant enclosed environment and would either give positive reinforcement or no reinforcement at all for certain behaviors?07:48
memorex....nice response. I was attempting to spark a discussion :(07:55
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kanzurememorex: hod lipson08:00
memorexah, thats the guys name eh?08:00
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memorexI just thought it was neat how the basic rules of evolution in biology occurred in robots when they were, put in the wild kinda08:01
memorexit really shows that life is a reaction of the environment etc.08:01
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archelsgreat discussion08:08
archelswe should do this more often.08:08
archelskanzure: Is the singularity list archive up somewhere? The official page only goes up to 2008 or so.08:08
kanzuresl4 or singularity?08:13
archelscf. http://www.mail-archive.com/singularity@v2.listbox.com/08:14
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kanzureyeah that should be up to 201008:18
archelsIs it up to 2010 for you?08:19
kanzurebtw it's useless anyway08:20
kanzurethe entire mailing list08:20
archelsheh, you think?08:20
kanzureyes i'm subscribed08:20
archelsThe only discussion I saw since subscribing is Ben's psi nonsense.08:20
archelsI'm new to this whole mailing list thing though.08:21
kanzureif you want to be subscribed to mailing lists i would recommend:08:25
archelsI'm not affiliated with diybio in any way, so I'll skip that.08:31
archelsthanks for the ref to tt though, trying that out.08:31
kanzurehah they are calling it BacillaFilla?09:22
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kanzuremeetlog.txt has been under full revision control since the beginning so i hope you guys like09:47
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kanzurebluh i need to figure out how to stalk the igem people properly / in bulk09:59
-!- glytch [~elise@pool-71-164-148-252.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:22
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industromaticStalking again, eh kanzure?12:57
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kanzureindustromatic: no, i'm talking about http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog13:24
archelsgod, the self-discipline this must require13:29
archelskanzure, does my presence in your list mean that your fame will rub off on me?13:29
glytchkanzure do you maintain that by hand?13:41
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memorexSo, I am going to Ecuador on a research trip this summer. Any suggestions on what specimen I should choose?13:49
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kanzurearchels: "rub off on you" eh?14:07
kanzureglytch: yes :( but i do have some related scripts for processing it14:07
glytchthat's crazy. 14:09
glytchwhat are you gonna do with all that?14:09
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kanzureglytch: i generate graphs and track what i've forgotten to talk to you about14:22
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kanzurememorex: if you go to ecuador, visit Alex Gakuru <gakuru@gmail.com> and Fernando Ortiz Serrano <tierraprieta@gmail.com>, 14:32
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joshcryerKinect would be perfect for a cook robot.16:23
joshcryerThe main problem with cooking is basically keeping things clean.16:23
joshcryerA cooking robot would primarily just mix ingredients and do timed steps.16:24
joshcryerI think that will be my second goal after making a proper procedural CAD toolset.16:25
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joshcryerBeen watching the Willow Garage videos, it really does show that previrtualizing the environment and making virtual assumptions equates much more 'aware' robots.16:33
joshcryerHaving to "constantly" check things in your environment makes for some utterly slow robots that have to do a whole lot of on the fly calculations.16:34
joshcryerAnd I reckon our brain isn't doing things like that. You sit in a room you have a good idea where everything is without having to continually process it.16:34
QuantumGKinect is pretty short sighted though16:36
QuantumGobjects need to be around 70cm away from it.16:37
joshcryerYeah not sure if you saw my IR video I linked here (you pinged out afterward).16:37
joshcryerIt's like a meter- ahh, 70 cm? I was close.16:37
joshcryerMy idea for a cooking robot would be hanging from a ceiling on tracks.16:38
joshcryerIt doesn't need legs and it doesn't need to get in the way of people on the floor.16:38
joshcryerIn fact it should be scared of people and just avoid them.16:38
joshcryerSo say you got something that needs relatively quick strring for 5 minutes until completiion, you gotta go to the restroom or catch the phone, the robot will descend and pitch in while you're away.16:44
joshcryerOr, if you're bored because a commercial is on TV, you just walk in the kitchen and it'd tell you where it was in the steps and get out of your way.16:44
QuantumGsounds about as commercially viable as the activities Willow Garage has their $400k PR2s doing.16:45
joshcryerSell it to McDonalds.16:46
joshcryer(better yet start your own chain with the things and have only 1-2 employees that can feed hundreds and they mostly sit on their ass taking money)16:46
QuantumGit's have to be able to replace 20 people to pay off in a year.. and there typically isn't even 20 people in a single store.16:47
QuantumGeven if it's a 5 year payoff, you'd need to be able to effectively replace 4 people.16:47
joshcryerRobots don't have to be expensive.16:47
joshcryerOnce we have H+ they'll be a novelty worth the dirt they're made of. :P16:48
QuantumGtheir $400k PR2 is the cheapest robot that has even been built (with similar capabilities)16:48
QuantumGmaybe the price could go down eventually..16:48
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paskyyou need to have glass walls and a lot of robot theming, imho that'd be the way to go with a fastfood chain :)16:48
joshcryerIMHO the PR2 isn't specialized, it's general purpose.16:48
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QuantumGthe "automated McDonalds" concept has been around for a long time.. but people who think about it sensibly typically come to the conclusion that specialized hardware is the way to go.16:49
joshcryerThe specialized welding robots that do one task quick and well, they cost a lot of money, but in principle they should be cheap, it's just that there's very little demand for them.16:49
QuantumGif you did it with general purpose robots, that'd be different.16:50
QuantumGyes, I agree with you joshcryer.. in a way, general robots have the same problem as launch vehicles16:50
QuantumGwhere's the market?16:50
QuantumGoh, the market only exists if the units are cheap?16:51
paskyit's the question of commodization and critical mass, and there aren't really any shortcuts for that16:51
QuantumGok, how do we make these things cheaper?  sell more of them?  ok, who to?16:51
paskywell you need to just be patient )16:51
paskyyou cannot create a commodity from a nice product in a year; wait 30 years and it'sanother matter16:51
paskylook at the PC16:52
QuantumGWillow Garage's concept really is: we better start working on making these expensive robots do some impressive stuff, so people start thinking about applications that will drive sales.. cause that'll cause a mass market that will reduce costs.16:52
QuantumGbut yeah, I think the takeoff point is about $10k.16:54
joshcryerI think the takeoff point is when the thing doesn't take 10 minutes to perform a trivial task like getting a beer.16:55
joshcryerI've seen dogs do it in like 15 seconds.16:55
QuantumGsure.. but that's not a price problem16:55
joshcryerIf I can get a $60 mutt that can do what a $10k thing can't do then I think I'll opt for the mutt. :P16:57
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QuantumGyep, but when you can teach a robot how to put together furniture by demonstrating and using natural language and then say "ok, put together the rest of them", and it does so flawlessly and faster than a human, that'll be worth $10k 17:01
joshcryerYes, absolutely.17:02
joshcryerBut by then you'd have people complaining about robot rights.17:02
QuantumGI really don't think we will if it's done the ROS way17:03
joshcryerI haven't seen all of their videos, but their flying ones were damn impressive.17:04
joshcryerIf only PR2 could behave that ... well.17:05
QuantumGsigh, I've watched all the Willow Garage videos.. :(17:07
joshcryerThird robot job.17:32
joshcryerMaking a sewing robot.17:32
joshcryer(convo in another channel made me think of it)17:32
joshcryerThere are in fact already automated sewing machines.17:33
joshcryerBut I don't know how capable they are.17:33
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industromaticI've thought a sewing robot would have impact.18:12
joshcryerImpact how so?18:12
joshcryerNo more third world labor making clothes? Maybe.18:13
joshcryerIf they didn't cost $500k each or something ridiculous.18:13
joshcryerThe automated sewing machines tend to be for things like matresses or shoes or other things that are mass produced.18:14
joshcryerThey don't appear to have any significant intelligence.18:15
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:27
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:27
JayDuggerHas neurofeedback come up for discussion in the past?18:30
JayDuggerIf so, I'll check the logs.18:30
JayDuggerI thought it best to ask first, rather than chase wild geese.18:30
JayDuggerAnd, just for fun, http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/47055/high-frontier.18:32
JayDuggerPhil Eklund's game of bootstrapping space-based manufacturing, with rules available here.18:33
JayDuggerMore sophisticated than you might expect, but less so than the MIT Space Logistics Project (http://spacelogistics.mit.edu).18:36
JayDuggerOTOH, you can play Eklund's game without MATLAB.18:36
industromatic"don't appear to have any significant intelligence."  Right.  they'd need to be able to do clothes to have impact on sewing slavery.18:36
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* joshcryer buys a personal robot 219:03
* joshcryer tells it to get him a glass of tea19:04
* joshcryer WAITS 30 MINUTES19:04
joshcryernot really knocking Willow Garage, they're awesome19:08
joshcryerI just hope their business approach isn't going to sink them19:08
QuantumGoh please.. more likely you'd spend that 30 minutes watching the rosvis output and cheering it on, then when you get the tea you'd be like "heh, I didn't really feel like tea."19:08
joshcryerhaha, well, yeah, if I had the money for one, yeah, probably, I'd fall into a self-delusion of justification for my pitiful investment >:P19:09
QuantumGit's a shame links to individual comments don't work in Intense Debate19:11
QuantumGhttp://www.thespacereview.com/article/1726/1#IDComment110091149  is awesome19:11
QuantumGcomment from John Powell19:11
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QuantumGhttp://pastebin.com/UnDx7QFU copy19:14
QuantumGpeople might care what they do if they start flying humans19:15
joshcryerhas jp patented the sand brick?19:24
joshcryerit's a nifty idea19:24
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YbitUsing webchat.freemode.net + iPhone isn't the way to go for your irc fix 19:54
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joshcryerwhats it do?19:57
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kanzurejoshcryer: "proper procedural CAD toolset" means what to you? just wondering21:31
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kanzureQuantumG: re: "automated mcdonalds" there was a specific word for this back in the 60s(?) or earlier .. automatorium or something. it's in the logs.. somewhere.21:33
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QuantumGThe automat was brought to New York City in 1912 and gradually became part of popular culture in northern industrial cities. Horn & Hardart was the most prominent automat chain.21:36
kanzurespacelogistics.mit.edu talks about "interplanetary supply chain management" that's quite an impressive supply chain.. throughput 0/g a year^W^W^W ever21:36
kanzurei suppose asteroids are a form of delivery mechanism21:36
kanzureQuantumG: yep, automats.21:37
kanzureoh that's right.. i got disillusioned with that because they were just glorified vending machines21:39
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kanzurenot a cook-the-food-and-then-vend-machine-it21:39
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QuantumGyeah, backloaded from a kitchen21:39
QuantumGkinda like a mechanical turk21:40
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futuresoonisn't a checkout human kind of like a glorified vending machine21:54
QuantumGdunno, my market has "do it yourself" checkout.21:56
joshcryerkanzure, a procedural CAD toolset is CAD with a focus on generalizing object types, and iterating over possible permetuations of those object types. Internally all coffee cups and donuts would be the same, at some extreme end of a permutation, but they're clearly distinct from a practical viewpoint.22:00
joshcryerGod I remember seeing a video on automats when I was like 10.22:01
joshcryerI thought "WHY ISN'T EVERYTHING LIKE THAT!!!"22:01
joshcryerObviously I had the same initial idea, that it was automated by robots. :(22:02
kanzurejoshcryer: that sounds like the term "parametric" in CAD22:02
kanzurei'm not really sure what the difference is22:02
joshcryerkanzure, you want a bicycle, right? So you grab some sliders on a bicycle object, and pow, you can design ANY BICYCLE THAT HAS EVER EXISTED OR NEVER EXISTED.22:03
joshcryerkanzure, from my POV there are maybe a thousand, or possibly a few tens of thousand objects in the world, everything we see is a mere varient.22:13
joshcryer85-90% of doors are probably dang rectangles with a hole in 'em for a doorknob. So from my POV a simple rectangle in Blender with a doorknob can represent 80-90% of all doors ever made. But that's a ridiculously simple (and probably made up) example.22:15
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joshcryerNot that wikipedia is considered a wise in all things here, but I think it exhibits just how simple even our modern lives are.22:17
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joshcryerw/e though, you'll understand when I make it. :)22:20
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* fenn looks around at all the unfamiliar names22:21
fennjust got back from dorkbot, playing around with openkinect 3d demo22:22
joshcryerWhat did it do?22:22
fennit was literally 2 minute walk from my house22:22
fennit converts the camera view into a 3d scene which you can rotate around22:22
kanzurehacker dojo or piss town?22:23
fennpiss town :P22:23
-!- Daeken [~Daeken@cpe-66-108-56-142.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:23
fenndaeken you got a kinect yet?22:23
Daekennah, not gonna get one any time soon most likely.22:23
fenni hope they make a smaller version eventually22:25
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QuantumGhmm.. there's accelerometers in it too?22:25
phrykmhh when i got a smartphone a few weeks back i subscribed to the h+ rss feed22:26
phrykwhy the hell are 2/3 of all posts top5/10 lists?!22:26
kanzurephryk: the h+ rss feed? why? it's mostly crap22:26
kanzurebecause that's what this month's theme is.. "top 5 of x"22:26
phrykkanzure: yes!22:26
joshcryerI wonder if you can use a mirror to shorten the Kinect's depth?22:26
kanzurephryk: really i don't know why you subscribe to that feed22:27
kanzurethe blog is a disaster22:27
phryki don't know that either now...22:27
fennjosh that's what i asked, about using lenses to change the range. apparently nobody had tried it22:27
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phrykkanzure: do you know any good rss feeds about transhumanism/biotech/bodyhacking?22:28
kanzureactually, no.22:29
joshcryerjust set up a bot to grab links from here22:30
joshcryerthey're usually on topic :P22:30
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phrykand does that bot put out a feed?22:31
fennkurzweilai is not bad22:32
kanzurekurzweilai is tom mccabe22:32
kanzurehplusmagazine is tom mccabe22:32
kanzureit's all awful22:32
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joshcryerphryk, hmm, can't find anything that does what I was suggesting, actually.22:34
kanzurefenn: did you see this yesterday? it makes me weep http://hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/problem-solved-new-h-magazine-project22:34
kanzurealso this http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2659/problemsolvednew.jpg22:34
kanzureand this http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9625/donatehorangelogo.jpg22:35
fennyes yes22:35
joshcryerThe donate/thanks one is fucking racist and they are idiots for assuming people could make the connection. :P22:36
joshcryer(yes I saw this before too but I didn't get a chance to comment)22:36
phrykfirst picture is awesome22:36
phrykat least as long as you don't realize they are serious22:37
jrayhawkbryan why haven't you started the Transhumanist Institute for Anthropic Improvement yet22:37
kanzurewhat's worse is that they are using the fact that they don't have money as an excuse to "do a good job once we get money"22:37
kanzurein reality, that's not something worth giving money to..22:37
kanzurejrayhawk: because nobody is pestering me nearly enough22:37
jrayhawk*poke* *poke*22:37
phryksounds interesting22:38
phrykwhat's it supposed to do/be?22:38
kanzurejrayhawk: also, i know i'm not one to yap about PR, but i probably wouldn't use the wrod 'transhuman' in it, or even 'human enhancement'22:38
kanzure"debian" doesn't say "linux" or "free software"22:38
kanzurei think a generic name would be nice to have for ... various crazy projects, if there has to be an institute22:39
fennmumble grumble hatsune miku sharon apple kurwzeil was right http://www.switched.com/2010/11/13/3-d-hologram-hatsune-miku-sells-out-stadiums-japan/22:40
kanzurephryk: i've been a pussy for the past few years about humanity+ and not just bypassing them22:40
kanzurefenn: http://www.youtube.com/search?q=hatsune+miku also 22:40
kanzurealso try out zatsune miku22:40
joshcryerMicrocosm Foundation22:40
fenni'm surprised they allowed video of the concert22:40
kanzurehatsune miku isn't .. uh.22:41
kanzureyou should just watch the youtube videos since they will be more informative than whatever the news is saying22:41
jrayhawkeffort spent in trying to convince the world at large that transhumanism isn't a dirty word is not necessarily wasted22:41
kanzurejrayhawk: i don't care about the word itself, i want the results22:41
kanzureor the procedural events leading up to results22:42
* joshcryer claps22:42
jrayhawkdamnation, now i'll never find an acronym with which to mock SIAI22:42
kanzurei don't want to be an alter-eliezer22:42
jrayhawkwell obviously you'd be an alter-vassar22:43
kanzurehe's a moron22:43
kanzurehave you ever met him22:43
kanzure(i'm talking about vassar)22:43
kanzurebasically "transhumanism" is infected with a lot of people who have found a niche for some reason within this term22:43
joshcryerI am glad we are all equally anti Eli.22:43
kanzureunattached to productive progress on it22:44
fennzatsune is just bizarro hatsune?22:44
kanzurenow, there are lots of "good people" of course involved but uh.. the ability to make DVDs or whatever isn't going to be helpful with SENS research really22:44
kanzurefenn: i'm trying to get the point across that hatsune miku isn't really a "managed trademark identity"22:45
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kanzurejrayhawk: i should call it "singularity institute"22:45
fennit's not?22:46
fennmaybe i'm missing the point22:46
fennis this all fan art?22:46
kanzurefenn: no.. it's people who download the cracked voice synthesizer (vocaloid generator) and make up their own songs, draw some animation, and upload to youtube/whatever22:46
jrayhawkthe singularity institute for anthropic improvement would be fantastic, but unfortunately i think trademark law comes into play...22:46
kanzurejrayhawk: i've always been kind of irked about there being a singularity institute that only focuses on ai or whatever22:47
fennso by no you mean yes..22:47
kanzureanyway, why do i need a new organization?22:47
kanzurefenn: i was saying "no" to "it's not?"22:47
jrayhawkyou should barge into SIAI and demand they make a bio and hardware arm for you to attach projects to22:48
kanzurejrayhawk: can't i just route funding through Humanity+ and let them feel good about them "doing their part"?22:48
kanzurejrayhawk: that's what i did with humanity+.. sort of22:48
kanzureSIAI would do way too many risk analyses of just being associated with my name, let alone letting me carry out my projects22:48
fennwow zatsune isn't even in wikipedia22:49
joshcryerWhat have you done to turn off SIAI Bryan?22:49
jrayhawkSIAI is rather careful about what they say and do and Bryan is not.22:50
kanzurei think my model of decentralized control/development is outside of what they hope the world is22:50
joshcryerAhh yes.22:51
joshcryerThey want to be Borg you want to be Culture.22:51
kanzureare you high?22:51
fennare you high enough?22:52
joshcryerThe Culture would pwn The Borg.22:52
fennthe borg got a poor portrayal imho22:52
joshcryerThe Borg were weakened by Voyager, but it's canon now that basically Borg is The Matrix.22:53
joshcryer(for some subset of Borg anyway)22:53
phryksiai wants controlled white shiny rooms, 'real lab' is my guess22:53
joshcryerSIAI wants control, yeah.22:53
fennsiai wants that pesky reality to go away22:53
joshcryerI gave up when they wouldn't let me help them and were being snobs on their IRC channel.22:54
phrykcentralization sucks.22:54
joshcryer(not that I could've helped but they didn't have to be snobs)22:54
kanzurefenn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JGaQ3g8WU4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhjB1Pubr9s22:54
joshcryerThere's a new Culture novel!22:56
joshcryer"Surface Detail" <322:56
joshcryerDidn't even know about it. :)22:56
kanzurewow i seem to have incited siai hate22:57
fennhe's jamming my queue, taking evasive action!22:57
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm not sure that using Humanity+ to receive donations is a good idea on my part22:57
kanzureperhaps it looks too sketchy?22:58
kanzureor is there some other more strategic reason i should have my own non-profit rather than the two million others?22:58
jrayhawkwell, so long as you can align your goals of doing something with their goals of prestige22:58
kanzurewhy does that matter? "Hi there, I have someone giving me $100,000, can you guys take the check and give me access to that account? kthx"22:59
jrayhawkwell, everything's going to have to go through the board, so it's just a matter of whether or not you can trust their motivations to be desirable to your goals23:00
kanzure"everything's going to have to go through the board" really? i thought that was just because h+ was incompetent23:01
kanzureis that some sort of 501c3 thing23:01
jrayhawkThey open themselves up to liability if things aren't kept track of; they can't just hand money out to whomever they like willy-nilly and hope nothing bad happens.23:02
kanzurefenn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC7_A7MUf34 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYzwznQbPGg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-y-jhTnb2A 23:05
kanzurefenn: so yeah, while the original software developers are probably trying to hold on to their trademarks or whatever.. that's not what's happening23:05
kanzurejrayhawk: that's a good point, i've encountered sentiments like that already23:08
kanzurejrayhawk: what really annoys me is where tom talks about personal manufacturing, diybio, as if he thinks they are good things, but then fearmongers the board on the teleconference calls about how "FDA regulations would totally prevent us from conducting basic diybio projects"23:09
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kanzureanyway, i've bought your argument :P23:09
jrayhawkThat's probably true; the FDA is really unpleasant to work with or around.23:09
kanzurefederal death administration23:10
jrayhawkthat said, h+ is the best place to centralize enough effort to do so at the moment23:10
kanzurewhat? 23:10
jrayhawkuntil someone makes a braver organization23:10
kanzureokay. i don't think i'll go with TAIA though23:13
jrayhawkTA III: die TA die23:13
kanzureHuman Enhancement Project then i get hoards evangelion fans?23:14
kanzure*hoards of23:14
futuresoonanyone following lepht anonym?23:14
kanzurefuturesoon: you should ignore lepht23:14
futuresoonignore in a technical sense or ignore in reality23:15
kanzureis the difference?23:15
fennlepht is more of a liability than anything23:15
kanzurelepht is a bumbling moron who has a sick masochist need to cut herself and subsequently store subcutaneous shit23:15
futuresooni really don't know who or what left is other than that he/she/it is stagefrightened but spins a good yarn about a sixth sense23:15
futuresoonlepht rather23:16
kanzurefuturesoon: lepht will be giving a talk at CCC in the near future iirc..23:16
futuresoonyeah but all its tweetybirds say that it's scared about that23:17
fennoh, right, "a sixth sense"23:17
* fenn is currently being infriltrated by synthetic jpop23:17
kanzuresorry bout that23:17
futuresoonjpop is that japanese or something?23:18
kanzurea lot of the hatsune stuff is really depressing. probably a result of teenies having way too much time on their hands to play with voice synthesizers and video editors23:18
futuresoonhatsune looks phonetically japanese23:18
kanzureyes jpop is japanese pop23:18
kanzurehatsune miku is a weird internet phenomenon involving "vocaloids" and voice synthesizers for pitch-perfect songs23:19
fenni like the "synthetic life" playing in the background http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC7_A7MUf3423:20
futuresooni like imogen heap, hide and seek\23:23
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fenni hate that song23:23
fennit's just crap compared to most everything else she's done, she admits it and wonders why people like it23:23
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fennanyway a vocoder is not the same thing23:24
futuresooni like it for only ONE REASON!!!!23:24
fennvocaloid is basically a midi instrument with some extra control over what syllable is said23:24
futuresoonbecause SNL did a great sketch based on it23:24
fennoh, uh, they still do television?23:25
kanzureSaturday Night Livestreaming23:25
kanzurejrayhawk: is debian a 501c3, and if so, how does their organizational structure (what little i know about it or see about it- esp. with package maintainers and elected positions) have to do with the board members?23:26
futuresoonif i had to guess very little23:27
futuresoonthe obama campaign had little to do with the group moderators on my.barackobama.com23:28
joshcryerI'm having such a difficult time following what this conversation is.23:28
futuresoonyeah but at least you're paying attention now. YOU'RE WELCDOME23:28
futuresoonis that a cyclops smile? or a subtracted capital d... the world may never know23:28
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joshcryerI thought you were wecolming me. :(23:29
futuresoonit's a wink23:31
kanzuresaki/mahjong takes itself way too serious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P6U3LRMFAY23:34
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joshcryerSo, while we're on the topic of whatever random shit we're thinking of, I'm thinking Machinima is the future of moving media.23:38
joshcryerRight now it's garbage, all of it, but eventually we'll be able to replace highly paid actors, and indeed, the whole movie / TV show industry with basement dwelling anti-social freaks who would make absolutely amazing shows.23:39
fennthanks for the observation, ramona kurzweil23:40
kanzurewe all know ray went to the future and had a schizophrenic attack23:41
fenni moved into a ventilation duct, does it still count as a basement?23:41
kanzureramona is his split personality that was created to deal with the issues23:41
joshcryerDon't take that as an insult.23:41
fenni was hoping to be part of your future televised revolution23:41
joshcryerI think that the most anti-social freaks (like myself) are going to have a lot more to contribute, since they have a lot of free time and nothing to express it on.23:42
joshcryerAlso, you were just bragging about leaving your house earlier so you don't count. :)23:42
fenni recognized 60% of the antisocial freaks in the room23:42
joshcryerkanzure, heh, that's no joke, there was a documentary where he basically admitted as much. She was his female ego.23:43
* joshcryer listens to Trend on TSS.23:46
joshcryerTrent rather23:46
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kanzurei hate the name game23:48
kanzurejrayhawk: special technology institute?23:48
joshcryerWould be appropriate for where we are at technology-wise.23:50
joshcryer("special" joke that only people with a childish mindset would get)23:51
kanzurehaha just hijack the wta nam since they aren't using it anymore :x23:51
kanzureoh man.. http://www.globalforesight.org/page/Technology+and+Innovation23:53
joshcryerSo what is jrayhawk wanting to do? Start a non-profit?23:56
kanzurejoshcryer: i'm not sure you've been following the conversation23:56
kanzurejrayhawk is suggesting that i do that.23:56
joshcryerkanzure, OK, it's obviously a continuation of a conversation not in my current log.23:57
joshcryerHe poked you and you started talking, heh.23:57
joshcryerOh I guess the "nobody is pestering me nearly enough" is the key to the whole thing.23:58
--- Log closed Thu Nov 18 00:00:07 2010

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