
--- Log opened Thu Nov 18 00:00:08 2010
jrayhawkkanzure: debian isn't actually a non-profit, SPI is00:00
kanzuredoes debian just get equipment/hardware donations at most?00:01
jrayhawkNo, there's a fair amount of sponsorship for conferences, for instance00:01
kanzurei see "send us hardware!" plastered everywhere but iirc that's because some hardware is really wacky shit and hard to come by00:01
jrayhawkThe SPI page probably has more useful information.00:01
kanzurehm http://www.spi-inc.org/donations/00:02
kanzurehaha "Please do not make donations payable to SPI member projects, such as "Debian"."00:02
joshcryerI decided becoming a non-profit is a very very painful process that I'd rather hire someone else to do for me: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p557.pdf00:03
joshcryer(I've done my own taxes for years but this is just bullshit crazy shit.)00:03
jrayhawkoh wow, SPI umbrellas a lot more than I thought it did.00:03
kanzurehehe openoffice.org00:06
joshcryerAre these projects that they funnel direct donations to or are they just grant supported projects?00:08
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kanzurei bet they are direct donations00:10
kanzurewhy does SPI have "members" that "vote" ?00:10
joshcryerBecome an umbrella corp for SPI, ???, H+?00:12
kanzurewhat are you talking about00:12
joshcryerErm, a group umbrella'd by SPI.00:12
kanzurei'm sorry but you've made very little sense tonight and i'm going with my original assessment that you're probably high/drunk00:13
* kanzure sleeps00:13
joshcryerI have a cold.00:18
joshcryerAnd I think the whole anime/vocaloid thing intermixed with random name suggestions confused me.00:18
fenn"SPI is a non-profit organization which was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software."00:37
fenninteresting that they actually said hardware00:37
kanzurethey mean drivers00:38
kanzurealso i just committed some bad python for parsing meetlog.txt00:39
fennhttp://evolvedmachines.com/ was trying to remember this a long while ago, anatomically-truthy neural net based object recognition00:44
fennis globalforesight.org john smart's personal bookmarks?00:44
kanzureno i suspect he has another website for that00:45
archelsIsn't Numenta trying to do something similar?00:45
kanzureoh boy here we go :P00:45
kanzureok now i'm really asleep. night00:45
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kanzurecolors *ee* http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/commit/?id=d5a426e7e954b83079c0d9e83ea2a00a963144fc00:45
archelsjulian blake kongslie: [omgwallhack, piny, git, pinyconfig, typos, typoer, loser, dumb-butt]00:46
archelsdumb-butt? heh, heh.00:46
fennhmm i wonder when he's going to make an RSS feed of that00:48
fennthen i can skip reading the backlog with confidence00:48
fennnot quite00:49
kanzurei don't think this is as useful as it should be anyway00:49
kanzuretags aren't the same thing as keeping explicit track of things i have told you ("update-humanityplus-vol5")00:50
fenndon't tread too far into the RDF muck00:50
kanzureno i mean the original point was to keep track of 100 topics for at least 1000 people00:50
kanzurei don't think tags == topics00:50
fennmost of the tags are topics00:51
kanzure"oh, did i tell you about x? well, <excitement> <linkdump>"00:51
kanzureasking that "did i tell you about x?" is the question that should be answered by this00:51
kanzurebut just listing tags isn't really enough00:51
fennwell, tag networks would be a start00:52
joshcryerjoshcryer: ["#hplusroadmap", cad, parametric cad, objects, coffee mugs, coffee cups, cups, mugs, donuts, bicycles]00:52
joshcryeryou do get the topological joke about coffee cups and donuts right? :P00:53
fennfor example coffee and donuts are related tags00:53
kanzurei committed some code for finding related tags00:53
kanzurecheck the tree i guess00:53
fennyou'd need a larger dataset though i gues00:53
kanzurethis is a huge dataset00:54
fennto have any statistical basis for determining what's related00:54
kanzurecheck tag_recommendations in tag_extractor.py i guess00:55
kanzuregod this code sucks00:55
joshcryertrent waddington / QuantumG: ["#hplusroadmap", australia, transhumanists, transhumanism, "person:trent waddington"]00:56
kanzureabout three months ago it took 8min to yaml.load() this00:56
joshcryerhahaha fucking awesome00:56
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kanzurejoshcryer: look at 00:56
joshcryeryou should add a dimwitted tag to mine kanzure00:56
joshcryeror slow00:56
joshcryerI like dimwitted though00:56
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kanzureyou can see previous interactions with trent there00:57
kanzureanyway, 8min for a 1.5MB file00:57
kanzurei'm guessing maybe 12min for this 2MB file00:57
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kanzurei wrote a dumper to throw it into a django project (and whatever db it uses)00:58
kanzuresome things are faster this way, like querying for individuals00:58
kanzurebut querying for related tag sets etc. is still a hefty computation00:58
fennwhere does perry metzger hang out now?00:59
joshcryermy email is joshcryer@gmail.com (very out there so I don't care about it being in someones dataset)00:59
kanzurefenn: nowhere in particular00:59
kanzurei was talking with perry the other day about mark sims, etc.00:59
fennyes i see that :P01:00
fennwhat's the huge blob of emails tagged [facebook]01:02
kanzureimported all of my facebook friends that had public email addresses01:02
kanzurevia yahoo.. steps: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=189499601:02
fennhaha 10 sec on phone with gf01:05
fennnow i'm wondering if this is automatically entered or not01:05
kanzurealeah is uh not a gf01:05
kanzureshe's a weird person because of how often she appears in my logs01:05
joshcryeris she single01:06
kanzureshe's gay01:06
joshcryer(see, slow/dimwitted)01:06
* Utopiah wonders if there is an H+ dating site dedicated to exchange DNA sequence, EEG readings, etc01:07
fennastrology for nerds~01:07
kanzureREAD YOUR DNA $100/bp01:07
kanzurefuck the law of accelerating returns01:08
kanzurei wish i could easily explain a person01:09
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fennhuh michael shiloh is with qi hardware?02:50
fenner, sorry bad info nm02:53
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paskykanzure: we're still so clueless about how much is epigenetic anyway.. (but it seems _a lot_ of stuff)03:09
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archelsMhm, interactive picture not loading for anyone else? http://mouse.brain-map.org/viewImage.do?imageId=13093204:44
killall-9"Your Adobe Flash Player must be version 10.1.85 or greater to run the Single Image (high resolution) Viewer."04:53
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archelsah, I never got that error. All the other Flash is working, but looks like this box has 10.0.05:04
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kanzuretwo papers to eventually fetch:08:48
kanzure"A Mars hopping vehicle propelled by a radioisotope thermal rocket: thermofluid design and materials selection"08:48
kanzure"Sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide by increasing ocean alkalinity"08:49
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archelsre #2, WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong?09:03
klafkaif something scales quadratically in time, does that mean if right now it takes 3hrs to do something, if i double the size of the task it takes 9hrs ?09:04
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kanzurearchels: how could it be any worse than my plan to drain the gulf of mexico09:20
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phrykNow, I imagine kanzure pulling a giant plug in the middle of the ocean :D09:29
kanzuretechnically nobody would notice until it was too late09:31
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kanzurehmm alibre.com's latest newsletter mentions ponoko10:23
archelsSweet, I need a frontpanel lasered soon. $2/min is as cheap as I can hope to find.10:26
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mheldhey, you guys wouldn't happen to know any investors who are h+ focused?12:28
kanzurea hanful..12:34
mheldkanzure: I'd love to contact them12:42
mheldkanzure: would you mind if I stole their information from you?12:42
kanzurewhat would you be contacting them about?12:44
mheldkanzure: ideally investment, but I'd love to pick their brains a bit regarding h+ investors12:45
mheldI'm only familiar with the boston-based software-company investors12:45
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drazakkanzure: I'm friends with a guy that did 3rd gen solar cell research13:32
drazakkanzure: nanoparticles13:32
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kanzuregah i spent two hours struggling with vmware trying to get bridging to work properly13:56
drazakgood fucking luck13:57
drazakthat shits been broken for 3 versions13:57
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kanzurefenn: that dna astrology idea sounds like a winner14:30
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QuantumGhttp://twtpoll.com/oqujgr did you vote?15:39
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kanzurehm i don't recall watching this "Biohacking - an overview" from HOPE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMhLHCswYdI16:13
QuantumGI have the feeling that people will be giving talks like that next year too16:18
QuantumG(and the year after)16:18
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kanzurei <3 IDA16:47
QuantumGits pretty cool16:47
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YbitSo what's new?17:24
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kanzurehi delinquentme 18:50
delinquentmekanzure, heya18:50
delinquentmeso is this like h+ magazine?18:51
nshmore like h+ailEris!19:01
kanzuredelinquentme: no we hate hplusmagazine.com19:03
kanzureit's a disaster19:04
kanzureQuantumG: maybe you can help me out..19:05
kanzureQuantumG: i need to rewrite or hijack an installer and add a post-install action19:05
kanzureQuantumG: is there a simple "encapsulate this program and track all changes it tries to make to the registry" program?19:05
QuantumGkanzure: I don't remember exactly.. but there's some open installers around.19:06
* kanzure is not a windows luser :(19:06
kanzureyeah, NSIS, etc.19:06
kanzurebut i'm not really sure what the current installer is doing under the hood19:06
kanzurethe interweb tells me it has been replaced by Process Monitor?19:06
QuantumGdifferent program I thought19:07
QuantumGI can put up my copy19:07
kanzurehttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx 19:08
kanzureoh process explorer != process monitor19:13
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QuantumGhmm.. the purpose of the TSA is now clear to me.21:37
QuantumGI feel stupid for not seeing this earlier.21:38
QuantumGthe government wants to search you.. but that whole getting a warrant thing is annoying.. so what do they do?21:38
QuantumGwell, they just wait for you to fly.21:39
RedeemerMakes sense to me.21:56
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--- Log closed Fri Nov 19 00:00:07 2010

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