
--- Log opened Sat Nov 27 00:00:08 2010
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archelsFinally put my collection of neuroscience pictures in a somewhat decent format...05:42
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@42.sub-174-253-165.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:45
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:45
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kanzurestream from the russian transhumanist movement http://www.ustream.tv/channel/rtmseminar507:13
kanzureaustin hackerspace got itself a mural http://blog.atxhackerspace.org/2010/11/our-mural-by-tesseract-travellers/07:19
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kanzurerussian transhumanist movement registration form https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dERULXpZYlp1QTBnMEp6UkZ0N29MVXc6MQ08:05
kanzurescrew it i'll just use their RTM acronym (it's not precisely obvious to outsiders though)08:05
archelsA Russian Transhumanists conference in Russian? Who'da thunk it.08:12
archelskanzure I'm offended that you did not browse my gallery08:12
kanzurearchels: no, i like it :)08:16
kanzurearchels: did you ever see brainbow and those images? http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/brainbow/08:16
kanzureexplanation: http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/brainbow_strategies.png08:17
archelsYeah, I skimmed the paper while inserting the reference... pretty spectacular imagery!08:19
kanzurei really should upload my paperdump .. the one on bio.cc is a few years old08:21
kanzureon the designfiles.org/papers/ dump there were some cool images of lentiviral vectors infecting GFP genes into neurons08:21
kanzureso that certain types of ion channels would always have gfp attached08:22
archelsInteresting, after your browsing session it got picked up by TwitterBot, GoogleBot and some Yahoo bot.08:22
kanzureactually i don't know if 'always' is the right word there.. because some sources say there should be millions of ion channels on a neuron's membrane, but there were clearly only a few thousand ion channels in the images08:22
kanzurearchels: because i tweeted it08:23
archelsoh you did! Cool. :P08:23
archelskanzure: Do you know if anyone's capturing tomorrow's talk by Suzanne Gildert in Teleplace?08:31
kanzureaubrey de gray interview (but it's from spacecollective.org so it's probably more.. artsy/aesthetics) http://spacecollective.org/Wildcat/6465/Longevity-Its-for-Lovers-A-brief-interview-with-Aubrey-De-Grey08:32
kanzurearchels: no clue.. ask Giulio Prisco <giulio@gmail.com>08:33
kanzurearchels: frankly i'd just ignore the whole telexlr8/teleplace thing08:33
archelskanzure: Is it possible to bypass that altogether and still view the talk?08:37
Utopiaharchels: Giulio usually publish recordings on his blog few days after08:37
archelsUtopiah: I noticed that for some previous talks, but didn't know whether it was somewhat at random.08:42
Utopiahnote that the titles are often way more tempting than the content :/08:43
archelsWell, I guess that's one of the downsides of Teleplace--one may be tempted to turn a talk into some kind of forum/discussion. But the platform is just horribly inadequate for that, and the lack of users makes it worse.08:44
kanzurealso the lack of platform support08:51
Utopiah1st transhumanist conf in France in Paris the 17th, maybe it will be broadcasted and maybe in french08:53
Utopiah(17th of January)08:53
kanzureUtopiah: link plz08:53
Utopiah(thought it was just an email)08:54
kanzurei was reading this because i was looking up "chris binny" http://noodlemaz.wordpress.com/2010/11/26/the-future-of-science/08:57
kanzurebut it turns out anders is listed there too08:57
kanzurene1 hidden subsite :/ http://nanoengineer-1.com/dev1/09:01
fitzsimhi kazure, I tried to use the NE-1 git repo last night09:16
fitzsimkanzure: how did you convert from SVN to git?09:17
kanzurefitzsim: was something wrong with the git repo? "tried to use"09:27
fitzsimit was really slow09:27
fitzsimI was surprised to still see the trunk/tags/branches svn layout too09:28
kanzurecloning the repo? yes- it's about 300 MB09:28
kanzurehowever, it shouldn't be slow after this since you have everything now09:28
fitzsimno, using the repo09:28
fitzsimgit status was really slow09:28
kanzureyeah there's a few hundred thousand files for it to check09:28
kanzurei think putting the tags into separate branches would be nice09:28
kanzurebut i'm not quite sure why they are all there anyway09:29
fitzsimthat's what I would haven expected git-svn to do09:29
fitzsimshouldn't the resulting git repo replace branches/ with real git branches?09:29
fitzsimlikewise with tags?09:29
kanzurewell, yes.09:30
kanzureyeah there's a lot of maintenance work i need to do here09:31
kanzurei'm not sure if i should commit changes to the repo to port over all of the tags/branches09:32
kanzurei'd rather have the history rewritten or something, but that would screw over everyone who has cloned it09:32
fitzsimdid you convert from a backup of the SVN repo?09:32
fitzsimI think you may need to re-run git-svn with different options or something09:33
kanzuremaybe --stdlayout09:34
fitzsimthis one tutorial covers converting tags: http://pauldowman.com/2008/07/26/how-to-convert-from-subversion-to-git/09:35
fitzsimI think what we want is to not use --stdlayout09:38
fitzsimsince this is a one-time conversion we want to change to the git style of doing things09:38
fitzsimhopefully that will speed up repository operation09:39
kanzurehow about svn.noMetadata (to remove the git-svn-id stuff in the commit messages)09:39
kanzuresince mark isn't going to let anyone see the svn repo i doubt the git-svn-id data matters09:40
fitzsimyeah, that sounds right for a one-time conversion09:41
fitzsimdid you point git-svn to the original SVN location, or are you working with a SVN backup tarball?09:41
kanzureoriginal svn location.. last time i cloned it it took about 14 hours (from a reasonable internet connection)09:43
kanzurei did git-svn directly09:43
kanzureanyway, i'll fix the author usernames while i'm at it09:44
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kanzureif you can provide any fullnames/email addresses that would be really hot09:45
fitzsimok, bummer you don't have a backup of the repo so you can experiment quickly on your local machine09:45
kanzurei know a few of these guys but not all09:45
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kanzurei have no idea if i should use helfrich9000@gmail.com for brian :x09:46
fitzsimMark could probably fill in that entire list for you09:46
kanzureniftyzero1: how do you know jey kottalam or tom moore?09:48
kanzurei see that tom moore had an account09:49
kanzurefitzsim: what do you think, should i keep wware and willware_nanorex as the same email addressing (wware@alum.mit.edu) or set willware_nanorex as wware@nanorex.com ?09:52
kanzure*email address09:52
kanzurei figure that mark@nanorex.com is probably the only remaining, working nanorex email address09:52
fitzsimyeah, I'd say use the most current email address for everyone09:53
kanzurefitzsim: ok email sent to the mailing list10:09
kanzurekevin kelly presenting "what technology wants" at google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCWR0A3iziE10:12
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niftyzero1kanzure - I know jey because we worked together on the singularity summit web site10:44
niftyzero1I don't recall exactly how I met tom, but we worked a bit on some nano simulation10:44
niftyzero1I wrote this small gromacs to blender script: https://github.com/devrandom/nanotools10:44
kanzureah cool10:44
kanzuretom has been emailing me recently10:44
kanzurein particular about nanoengineer-110:45
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kanzurehi fenn_ 10:48
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kanzurecool baez knows bruce smith (from nanorex) http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/diary/september_2006.html11:11
kanzurefenn_: you should go meet markus krummenacker http://www.n-a-n-o.com/kr/resume-kr.html 11:17
kanzurehe was doing a startup in molecular nanotechnology in 2003ish11:18
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kanzurethis is a strange path of links to end up following:11:33
kanzure-> http://lfw.org/ -> http://zesty.ca/ -> http://zesty.ca/scrape/ which looks like a nice python library for scraping webpages11:34
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kanzurealso plus weird xanadu.. stuff.11:35
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kanzurehm another random development site http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/xyz12:05
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kanzurekinematic cellular automata for self-replicating systems at nasa (2004) http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/final_report/883Toth-Fejel.pdf12:32
memorexanyone interested in compiling a swg server with me?12:35
maykooooo CA are tay secksay not familiar with kinematic CA though12:37
kanzurei'm surprised i haven't seen this study before..12:37
kanzurei guess my knowledge of freitas' work on this is up to http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/12:38
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kanzureand http://www.molecularassembler.com/KSRM.htm12:38
maykoheh bunnies everywhere!12:45
maykoi just ran across a cool article on archeal biofilms12:46
maykoshouldnt surprise me but anything archeal is automatically cool12:46
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kanzure"Toward that end, the two have been working on the design of nanomachines made of silsesquioxanes, or hybrid inorganic-organic composites in cubic form, from which molecules of silicon hang on each corner"12:55
kanzure"The cubic cage with silicon atoms at the corners is connected by atoms of oxygen, forming a unit of one form of silica, Toth-Fejel explained."12:55
kanzurethat was from: http://web.archive.org/web/20060328094811/www.nanoengineer-1.com/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=72&Itemid=212:57
kanzurehaha this needs to be improved13:02
kanzure"This worm drive assembly designed by K. Eric Drexler, Josh Hall, Ninad Sathaye and Mark Sims includes 11 components totalling 25,374 atoms."13:03
kanzure"The animations below have been created from simulation results using NanoEngineer-1 Alpha 7, taking just over 370 hours to complete on a Dell laptop running WindowsXP. It is the largest model ever simulated with NanoEngineer-1."13:03
kanzureimage: http://web.archive.org/web/20061116061501/http://www.nanoengineer-1.com/mambo/images/stories/gallery/wormdrive/worm_drive_animation5.gif13:03
kanzureimage: http://web.archive.org/web/20061116061501/http://www.nanoengineer-1.com/mambo/images/stories/gallery/wormdrive/worm_drive_animation6.gif13:03
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archelskanzure: What happens if you try to run those gears at room temperature?13:54
kanzurei don't think anyone has done that yet to find out :x14:10
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timothyschmidtkanzure: you around?14:36
timothyschmidtI was just discussing with a friend how laws are source code, and should be kept in an SCM, but that 99.8% of folk don't even know what source code is, so that will never happen.14:37
timothyschmidtThe idea struck me that an independent project could simply start doing it - endeavor to maintain the nation's laws in an SCM, with all the utility that would come from that.14:38
timothyschmidtAfter several years, it might be adopted.14:38
timothyschmidtI bet there's significant NFP funding available somewhere for such a project.14:38
timothyschmidtit's at the juicy intersection between tech and government14:38
kanzurehi timothyschmidt 14:39
kanzuretimothyschmidt: wouldn't that require insiders?14:39
kanzureunless you mean just scraping thomasnet and legislation publications14:40
timothyschmidtthe US legislature (and certainly others) already use an SCM-like markup syntax 14:40
timothyschmidtYeah, I mean scraping all public sources.14:40
timothyschmidteven just the scraped incomplete database would provide a lot of benefit14:41
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kanzure"molecular sorting pump" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfuvLT4bbbA15:10
kanzurelooks more like it was designed in solidworks or something15:10
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kanzureMitigating cognitive bottlenecks via an augmented cognition adaptive system http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=124393519:54
kanzurehm how do i not have paper access any more19:55
fitzsimkanzure: I was thinking about the git repo20:06
fitzsimanother thing that may slow it down is all the binary data20:06
fitzsimduring the conversion you may want to experiment with sub-modules for the binary data20:06
fitzsimwhere all the subdirectories that contain exclusively binary data would be stored in a separate module, but checked out into the same working directory20:07
fitzsimit would have to produce big speed improvements to be worth the hassle, i.e., dependent on the result of the experiment20:09
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kanzurefitzsim: it's up to r7521.. so about half-way done now20:26
fitzsimkanzure: nice20:28
fitzsimkanzure: let me know if you want me to test checkout and "git status" speeds20:29
fitzsimkanzure: hopefully the binaries won't affect speed too much20:29
fitzsimI know binaries do slow down SVN pretty bad, but git may deal with them better20:30
timothyschmidtgit deals with binaries well, so long as they're < half your machines ram size.20:33
timothyschmidtrather, I should say that git deals with all files equally well - so long as none of them are > half your ram size.20:34
timothyschmidtwhen it encounters a single file that large, whatever sort of mmap trickery it uses doesn't work so well.20:35
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jrayhawkkanzure: progress seems to be being made on the autoindex situation you didn't like http://ikiwiki.info/todo/transient_pages/21:27
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