
--- Log opened Wed Dec 01 00:00:08 2010
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kanzurearchels: woo, he's closing the telexlr8 thing08:01
kanzurewow he spent money on it?08:01
archelsno way08:01
archelsDue to criticism?08:02
kanzureno because he's broke08:03
QuantumGSenate Hearing on Transition and Implementation: The NASA Authorization Act of 2010 webcast is currently going on http://bit.ly/g8dkZb08:03
archelsoh, heh, so there's a chance of the whole thing coming back at some point.08:03
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kanzurefloating architecture http://www.waterstudio.nl/en08:15
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@219-71-65-180.cable.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has joined #hplusroadmap08:15
archelsI think those are some students/recent graduates.08:19
kanzureopen-science meeting later today (1730 GMT) http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-meetings08:22
kanzureedit this heavily and you could be coauthored into Nature Genetics: http://www.wikigenes.org/GWAS.html?wpc=1208:28
archelsas one of over 9000 co-authors.08:33
archelsNice wiki though, with the authorship extensions.08:34
kanzurethis webpage is awesome in so many ways08:37
kanzure(also effective)08:37
archelsE-mail: snelson@ucla.edu/A>08:47
kanzurebioethics presentation on synthetic life http://diybiology.blogspot.com/2010/11/synthetic-life-new-industrial.html08:48
kanzurei think gregory haebnick was on bioethics.gov at one point08:49
kanzureflying car http://www.mavericklsa.com/09:04
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archelswoo, Photons to Phenomenology arrived already.10:48
archelsalso, it's huge!10:48
kanzuregot my first complainer about meetlog.txt12:02
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archelsRemoval request?12:06
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kanzuredbolser: do you know michal galdzicki?12:54
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-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/13:34
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Mon Jan 11 11:14:52 2010]13:34
[Users #hplusroadmap]13:34
[ archels] [ epitron ] [ JaredW ] [ niftyzero1] [ saurik ] 13:34
[ asdf30 ] [ eridu ] [ joshcryer] [ Noahj ] [ shepazu ] 13:34
[ augur ] [ fenn ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nsh ] [ sseehh ] 13:34
[ bkero ] [ ferrouswheel ] [ kanzure ] [ nsh- ] [ superkuh ] 13:34
[ CIA-62 ] [ fitzsim ] [ killall-9] [ opensanta ] [ ToyKeeper ] 13:34
[ clemux ] [ GarethTheGreat] [ mage2 ] [ Overand ] [ Utopiah ] 13:34
[ ctime ] [ gnusha ] [ mayko ] [ pasky ] [ |Helleshin|] 13:34
[ dbolser] [ gourneau ] [ mjr ] [ phreedom ] 13:34
[ drazak ] [ Ian_Daniher ] [ nchaimov ] [ phryk ] 13:34
[ elmom ] [ Jappe2 ] [ niftyzero] [ QuantumG ] 13:34
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!niven.freenode.net [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp13:34
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Fri Jan 29 23:48:24 201013:34
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kanzuregnusha: welcome back13:43
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kanzure"biohacking" added to the dictionary http://www.oed.com/public/latest/latest-update14:31
QuantumGGregory Kaebnick sounds like a tosser to me14:31
kanzureceltic punk band?14:32
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-!- mheld [~mheld@c-75-69-89-109.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:14
kanzuredear internet please stop sending me email15:14
fitzsimkanzure: how did the history rewriting experiment go?15:16
kanzurei need to give it one more shot15:18
kanzurebut 15:18
kanzurelet me make it public15:18
fitzsimFWIW, I thought the last attempt was pretty darn good15:19
fitzsimit includes all history in one fast git repo15:19
fitzsimthe fact that there are discontinuities that disrupt git blame all the way back to the initial revisions is not a huge deal, IMO15:20
fitzsimsince those discontinuities actually happened in the original SVN repo15:20
kanzureno no now it's personal15:20
fitzsimcan you put the next attempt at nanoengineer-fixed2 ?15:21
fitzsimso that we can differentiate?15:22
kanzureuh, crap15:23
kanzurei just deleted nanoengineer-fixed.git and am replacing it at the moment15:23
kanzurei mean, deleted the public-facing nanoengineer-fixed (i do have a copy of it)15:23
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kanzurefitzsim: ok nanoengineer-fixed.git has my fake merge commit in it now (or you can wait until it's done pushing tags)15:33
kanzurerun git log then /Bryan Bishop15:34
kanzurei forget the commit id15:35
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kanzurefenn: what's with the gmail address15:51
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-!- Daeken [~Daeken@pool-108-14-216-23.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:06
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-!- JaredW [~JaredW@122-59-91-107.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]16:30
fitzsimkanzure: c44f805cb57a2a65a6f99335397a46b1dd69d3ef looks to represent cad-Nanorex, but the cvs2svn messages says it creates branch 'MERI'16:36
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fitzsimkanzure: looks like git logging still stops at the merge:16:41
fitzsim$ git log sim/src/cube.mmp16:41
fitzsimcommit 43d8c03f12c9adaa1e7df6844d85c20acba7aaba16:41
fitzsimMerge: 72b3a14 aebedd7 802d33a16:41
fitzsimAuthor: Bryan Bishop <kanzure@gmail.com>16:41
fitzsimwhereas cube.mmp was introduced 2004-06-3016:41
fitzsimit could be that git doesn't recognize the file moving from src/cube.mmp to sim/src/cube.mmp16:44
fitzsimbut that's the general problem of recognizing these file-subset branchpoints and mergepoints16:44
QuantumGautomatic background removal with Kinect.. gee, that's 15 minutes work,, I guess you could spend some time doing a nice smoothing algorithm to get rid of jaggies.16:44
fitzsimQuantumG: I want him to make the program remember the different faces of an object as it's rotated16:45
QuantumGyeah.. I think ROS has modules to do that16:45
fitzsimQuantumG: so that it can display in the 3D view not just what's currently showing, but everything it's seen of the object16:45
QuantumGyou need to recognize features and stitch the 3d scene together16:46
joshcryerApparently it costs MS about $50 to make a Kinect.16:46
joshcryerIt has no real processing hardware, you do it all yourself.16:46
QuantumGyeah, it's a calibrated depth camera and regular webcam16:48
QuantumGwith a tilt motor16:48
kanzureyes i know it stops at the merge (that's what i'm fixing)16:49
QuantumGthe depth camera is cheap because they use image techniques to infer depth from the texture projector16:49
QuantumGpeople have done this in visible light for years.. they just did it in hardware and IR.16:50
kanzurewoo i'm down to 60,319 unread emails16:50
QuantumGthat's disgraceful16:51
kanzurei think it's p. good considering.16:51
QuantumGhey, I'll trade you my credit card debt for your inbox16:51
joshcryerIs half of that spam?16:51
kanzurejoshcryer: no, none of it is spam16:51
joshcryerkanzure, you won't be able to catch up until nerd rapture.16:52
kanzurethere's a rumor going around that my inbox email curves predict the singularity16:52
joshcryerkanzure, do you at least prioritize some people so that, erm, you can be contacted?16:56
joshcryereg, say I emailed you about my uber code project.16:57
QuantumGis that like, mailing lists or something kanzure?16:57
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joshcryerAhh, didn't think about that.16:58
QuantumGfitzsim: I've yet to see a computer vision system that's actually reusable.. maybe there's one in ROS.17:01
QuantumGI'd like to see a computer vision scene that could actually detect unknown objects.. sensibly separating them from other objects/background.. and automatically build a model of movement of objects in the world.17:03
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kanzurejoshcryer: yes i prioritze recent stuff and people who are actually talking directly to me17:51
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QuantumGdo you sort mailing lists out of the inbox?17:52
QuantumG.. are you on any mailing lists that are actually good?  cause that open manufacturing one was horrid17:53
kanzuretoo much paul fernhout?18:02
kanzureyes i filter mailing lists out of my inbox18:03
kanzureohh wait i know what's going on18:12
kanzurei was using imap for a while and didn't synchronize which emails i read/replied to18:12
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joshcryerFreaking mailing lists.18:34
joshcryerI used to be on a few of them but I couldn't keep up and my time isn't *that* constrained.18:35
kanzureanother one..18:46
eridukanzure: I dropped off the diybio mailing list because it was getting too bio-y and not enough h+-y, which is a shame because it seems like diybio ate diyh+19:04
kanzure"diybio ate diyh+" is that good or bad?19:09
eriduI'm referring to the google group mailing lists19:13
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kanzureand diybio ate diyh+ in the sense that they hated the concept and wanted it to go away?19:13
eriduno, in the sense that diybio consumed diyh+ such that while diybio gets lots of traffic and seems to have lots of things that is relevant to diyh+, diyh+ gets little traffic19:14
eriduthat's bad for me, because I have little interest in how to refrigerate things or build centrifuges, or do other bio stuff, but if I unsubscribe I miss the diyh+ stuff19:14
kanzurei actually stopped using the diyh+ mailing list because the moderator is a bit flaky (though otherwise a good person)19:16
kanzurei.e. if you build that place up as a waterhole and the moderator is nowhere to be found then it's doomed anyway19:16
kanzureon the other hand, wta-talk certainly isn't the place or that19:16
kanzure*for that19:16
eriduwta-talk has too much LIBERAL DEMOCRACY TECHNO-PROGRESSIVISM blowhardery19:17
eriduwhat's the guy's name, Mike Treder? I was on wta-talk for about a week before I just got sick of him19:18
kanzureyes i agree19:18
kanzurethe organization was kind of.. uh.. run by a guy trying to promote his "democratic transhumanism" idea of politics19:19
kanzurefor a few years.19:19
kanzureanyway the organization isn't all spectacular for anyone wanting to actually do transhumanist stuff19:19
eriduis it not run by that guy anymore?19:20
kanzureno but it's not really "run"19:20
eridu...what is it?19:21
kanzureit's ben goertzel and a board of directors sending lots of emails back and forth19:23
kanzureactually most of the board of directors don't even know about wta-talk19:23
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eriduso it's been reduced to an echo chamber?19:25
kanzurewell no 19:29
kanzurethey send lots of emails to each other about hplusmagazine and how important PR is19:29
QuantumGPR is important.. without PR you don't have PR19:29
QuantumGbtw, PR19:29
kanzuremy PR is bigger than your PR19:30
QuantumGI expect that's true19:30
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joshcryerFuck PR.19:52
kanzurealso http://fuckdeath.org/19:54
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joshcryerI was supposed to put something there but I was too distracted to do it, haha.19:56
kanzureless | talk19:58
kanzureyou need to read the manpages again methinks19:58
QuantumGat least hexdump -C `which talk` | less19:58
QuantumGhave I mentioned that all twins are evil?20:01
QuantumGjust thought I'd say that20:01
QuantumGidentical twins are more evil than non-identical twins.. and opposite sex non-identical twins are just annoying.20:01
kanzuremy mom is a twin20:02
kanzureidentical too20:02
kanzureopposite sex non-identical twins are a scam20:02
QuantumGyep, and look how you turned out20:02
kanzurei was digging through my inbox today and saw some emails from you->me from 200720:04
QuantumGI dated a same sex non-identical twin in high school and my friend dated her less attractive sister (the debate continues as to which one was actually more attractive).. after comparing notes we confirmed, they're both evil bitches.  20:04
QuantumGyeah, 6/25/0720:05
kanzurefitzsim: bruce smith is on nanoengineer-dev now and is willing to answer questions20:06
kanzurehe explained to me in a private email that there was in fact a cvs2svn conversion at one point, and multiple cvs repositories that "might have" been merged into just the svn repo20:06
kanzurebut he's foggy on the details20:07
kanzuresince mark is there too, and soon probably others from nanorex, if we had a list of questions/issues or something, that would be nice20:07
kanzure"what's with all the branches" is a big one to me, only they will know if there's some order to the madness20:08
QuantumGexample of something that can be designed in nanoengineer and actually built.. I expect the answer will be the structural dna stuff, but ya never know, they might surprise ya.20:08
joshcryerI googled "man talk" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4iNPeJxQuc20:09
kanzurecad/sim/Distribution differences20:09
kanzurejoshcryer: you do know what man is, right?20:09
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:10
QuantumGI know that less is more, more or less20:10
kanzurewhether or not we should rename the tags to something more sane (like "v1.0.1" and "v1.0.2") or if there's way too many references to the old stuff20:10
joshcryerkanzure, heh20:10
joshcryerkanzure, I was hoping google would give me a man page for talk.20:10
joshcryerSince I've never heard of a talk command before.20:10
joshcryerAnd it probably doesn't do what it sounds like it should do.20:10
kanzuretalk is an intrusive way to open up a chat session with other users on the same unix system20:11
joshcryerSee, I knew it.20:11
QuantumGback in ye olde days, one could log into a unix box and do "who" or just "w" and see who was on, then talk them.. and often get a discussion.20:11
joshcryerFucking computer should talk when I tell it to talk.20:11
joshcryerThat is, it should speak vocally.20:12
joshcryerQuantumG, yeah, who is what I am familiar with.20:12
QuantumGone could also do finger <username> and get information about that person..20:12
joshcryerIRC has CTCP FINGER.20:12
joshcryerIt was all the rage in the 90s.20:12
QuantumGfinger johnc@idsoftware.com20:15
QuantumGfinger: connect: Connection refused20:15
QuantumGand it was a sad day when that stopped working20:15
eridutalk is still enabled on some GNU/Linux machines, even newer ones20:33
kanzureeridu: what do you think of hplusmagazine?20:33
eriduthis makes for interesting happenings when lecturers log into their account on said machines during lectures20:33
eridukanzure: I was pretty sure it had died for a while, since the RSS feeds just went dark20:34
eridukanzure: but now it seems to be yet another transhumanism blog of the "giddy about the future" variety20:34
eriduit's sort of ironic to see a transhumanism magazine20:34
eriduI know a lot of journalists, and they're all very painfully aware that magazines are the past20:35
kanzureit did die for a while when ownership was transferred from betterhumans llc to humanity+20:35
kanzurewell it's not really a magazine any more (you can't pick it up in stores any more)20:35
kanzureso it's really a blog20:35
kanzurebut you don't like the content?20:36
kanzurei know your likely opinion but for the sake of actually gathering quantitative data on the issue..20:36
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eriduI have no strong feelings about it20:37
eriduit doesn't have the ghetto aesthetic that other blogs like Next Big Future have20:37
eriduit's basically just a slightly more bubblegum SingularityHub20:37
eridufrom what I can remember right now20:38
joshcryerIs anyone going to be videoing the Cal-Tech conference?20:38
kanzurejoshcryer: yes techzulu will be livestreaming20:39
kanzureeridu: haha they actually use next big future as an example "well clearly that blog works so we should get paid to run our magazine"20:39
kanzurethe exact logic confuses me20:39
eridureal magazines don't get paid to run their magazines20:40
joshcryerI'll have to tune in thanks kanzure.20:40
kanzureanyway, i should apologize for humanity+ or something20:41
joshcryerYes please.20:41
kanzureit's embarrasing that i haven't got my act together yet on that front20:41
joshcryerI want to see this crazy guys Seasteading panel.20:41
QuantumGSeasteading yah!  20:42
eriduwhat are you planning on doing with it?20:42
joshcryerkanzure you should shave for your next picture.20:42
joshcryerI can't grow a beard either. Better to shave that crap off than let anyone come near you with a camera.20:42
kanzureeridu: just getting down to business (i.e. diy/transhumanism stuff without the pr)20:43
kanzurehumanity+ is probably not the vehicle for that20:43
kanzureand i apologize for bothering you all with their problems20:43
eriduI haven't been bothered20:43
joshcryerYou reminded me that there was a conference coming up, so I don't care. :P20:43
QuantumGtrans means cross right?  don't we already have enough cross humans?20:44
joshcryerI see it more as 'beyond.'20:44
QuantumGtechzulu? what's that? how do I see this seasteading talk?20:45
joshcryerOr 'across'20:45
QuantumGjust say superhumanism.. everyone knows what that is20:45
joshcryerI agree.20:45
joshcryerLet's call ourselves superhumans.20:45
QuantumGor perhaps put a german slant on it.. what could possibly go wrong?20:46
joshcryerQuantumG, looks like techzulu has ustream/justin.tv/stickcam as their video stream provider. I'll just use their ustream feed on the day the conf. happens.20:47
QuantumGwhat day would that be?20:47
joshcryer4-5th :)20:47
joshcryerso, it really is a busy week starting, tomorrow20:47
QuantumGawesome, something else to watch.20:48
joshcryeryeah :)20:48
QuantumG the British Navy has put the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible up for sale on an eBay-like website.20:48
QuantumG over the years her engines, pumps and gear boxes were cannibalized for use in other ships.20:49
QuantumG$1.5 million20:50
kanzureyeah i have to admit the whole "everyone is transhumanist!" thing is a little useless20:56
kanzureit really doesn't help me figure out who's serious about this20:56
joshcryerQuantumG, http://www.boattrader.com/listing/1981-CUSTOM-Tanker-9638186520:58
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joshcryerI suggest we call ourselves Nerds Announcing Zealous Intelligence. 20:59
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QuantumGkinda makes you wonder how many ships there are beached that you could go "liberate"21:02
joshcryerMovie called Manufactured Landscapes shows people intentionally beaching boats about to be retired, and poor third worlders go and cut the metal up.21:03
joshcryerThere's in fact a beach where they take tankers to die.21:03
QuantumGyeah, saw that21:03
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kanzurefitzsim: hooray22:15
kanzureif you look at the parents you'll see what i did.22:16
kanzureyou can now successfully run git log --follow sim/doc/TableforBsdata.xls for instance22:20
kanzurei think this means everything is fixed, so i'm replacing the public-facing nanoengineer.git22:22
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