
--- Log opened Sun Dec 05 00:00:08 2010
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jrayhawka race to see who can implant the most neodymium magnets?00:23
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.02:26
JayDuggerkanzure: who won the race?02:32
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Utopiahif they are Vimperator users around, you should try the Pentadactyl alternative, it's really fast (just tried it)05:19
JayDuggerI found vimperator way over-powered for what I wanted: unique keystrokes for links on a web page. 05:28
JayDuggerI switched to LoL, which works well and quickly.05:28
JayDuggerHave you tried it, and if so, how does it compare with Pterodactyl?05:29
UtopiahURL to LoL please05:31
Utopiahso it's Vimperator/Pentadactly/Vimium restricted to opening links with the keyboard?05:33
JayDuggerPentadactyl provides far more, but I only used vimperator for keyboard navigation.05:33
JayDuggerDo you actually write macros for web pages with Pentadactyl?05:33
Utopiahbut Im considering making a presentation on that at a local group, if you want Ill ask for your feedback on it05:33
JayDuggerI'd like to see the presentation once you finish, but I don't think I've any useful suggestions for it.05:34
JayDuggerMy needs were more modest. :)05:34
Utopiah(Ill add LoL/HaH to the presenation though, for those who wants to focus on that aspect)05:36
paskywhat always turned me down from vimperator was the inability to do multi-level back, very awkward global history / bookmarks access and awkward printing support; of course, it was also very slow, but aside of that, is any of this improved in pentadactyl?05:41
Utopiah multi-level back?05:42
paskyin normal firefox you have the drop-down menu next to back/forward buttons, that allows you to skip to arbitrary point in the past of the current tab; i use that very often and didn't find equivalent functionality in vimperator05:46
Utopiahwell there is a back function so if you map it to a key of your choice then apply a modifier like 3_mappedkey you would go back 3 times in the history of the page, so Im not the right person to ask that to because it's not a common behavior for me but I dont see that as a problem05:51
JayDuggerHow many keystrokes does it take to reload the third page from the current tab's history?05:51
paskyUtopiah: how does that behave if the previous page was a redirect? won't that trigger loading of all the pages along the path?05:52
UtopiahJayDugger: 205:52
JayDuggerWithout pentadactyl, it takes me five, no six, keystrokes to do that.05:52
JayDuggerOnly 2 makes a pretty good savings, assume about one-third second.05:53
Utopiahand not just time but also focus, the easier it gets the more you focus on the task itself, not meta-actions05:53
JayDuggerAlso true. I can't tell whether I save any mental focus by using pentadactyl instead of the regular menu navigation keystrokes.05:54
Utopiahwell at the beginning it will be awful ;)05:55
JayDuggerDoubly so for an emacs user. 05:56
JayDuggerI did try KeySnail (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13118/), but again--overkill for me.05:57
JayDuggerI just want hit-a-hint.05:57
JayDuggerDoes pentadactyl allow you to call external editors for test areas, as does "It's All Text?"05:58
Utopiahjust like Vimperator you can vim or gvim or... other lesser editors05:59
JayDuggerI find that a very helpful tool.06:00
JayDuggerEven with "other lesser editors."06:00
Utopiahyes especially when you edit large pages of wikis06:00
JayDuggerWill pentadactyl let you switch to tabs based on searching through their title, URL, or page content?06:05
JayDugger:switch-to-tab-regex 'foo.org$'06:06
JayDuggerand the tab whose URL ends with foo.org pops to the foreground?06:06
Utopiahyes, but for more details oftc/#pentadactyl06:13
JayDuggerGot it, thanks.06:13
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kanzurewhat? http://ompldr.org/vNmFjMg/open-source-hardware.png12:10
uniqanomaly_'looks something like this'12:17
uniqanomaly_not big fan of open source hardware i guess12:17
uniqanomaly_made this one12:17
archelsfascinating contraption12:23
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kanzureopencog talk :P12:39
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kanzureexperimental design fail? http://rrresearch.blogspot.com/2010/12/arsenic-associated-bacteria-nasas.html14:25
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QuantumGthat first one.. that's the reason why they embargo the papers until the press conf14:35
QuantumGat the press conf, they also restrict anyone from asking "technical" questions and encourage them to ask questions that have "non-technical" answers.14:37
QuantumGkanzure: have you seen the "body modification" movement?  (aka, freaks)15:14
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kanzurehi MrClif 16:56
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kanzuregino yu cracks me up17:21
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MrClifHey Kanzure!17:22
MrClifYep thought I would check in (lurk) a bit while I watched the stream.17:23
kanzurei'm up next17:32
MrClifI know, I17:32
MrClifve been waiting all day. ;-)17:32
QuantumGwhat's the url?17:33
QuantumGhttp://humanityplus.org/conferences/stream/ ?17:34
MrClifdidn't want it to take up my whole day but it was pretty captivateing17:34
MrClifBreak a leg! ;-)17:38
QuantumGwoo.. kanzure!17:39
joshcryerstickcam you have been banned17:42
joshcryeris it playing yet?17:42
joshcryerI don't see nuthin :(17:42
QuantumGman you suck17:45
joshcryerwhy is flash streaming broke 17:45
joshcryerI reinstalled it and my browsers and it's still broke17:45
QuantumGhates you.. better hope you have a good stream for the COTS Demo 1 launch17:46
joshcryerI think it's winpcap17:46
* joshcryer shakes a fist17:48
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joshcryerIs kanzure putting his fist down? Telling everyone that talking and PR and BS is a waste of time?17:49
QuantumGgive it time17:51
JayDuggerWhat's with the pink unicorn logo?17:53
MrClifQuestion time!17:53
kanzureanywho that was fun17:56
QuantumGwell done17:57
MrClifYeah, do you have a list of URLs for all those projects you flashed over at light speed in your slide show?17:57
kanzurefenn might17:57
JayDuggerGood work, kanzure. Public speaking only looks/easy.17:57
QuantumGyour last slide kanzure17:58
kanzureQuantumG: i'm at a futurist conference, i thought an atari unicorn from the future would be appropriate17:58
QuantumGI wasn't aware of that site.. I just subscribed to the mailing list of my local hackerspace.. and so far as I can tell they don't have an actual "space" just yet :)17:58
QuantumG"We are well and truly live, for over a year now! We are now residing at our SECOND space. A space to truly call our own... for a while until we find something better. Woohoo!" <- confusing17:59
kanzurethis: http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/retro-futurism/Picture-2.jpg17:59
QuantumGkinda looks like they got a space over a year ago but just haven't updated their "how to join" page.. which seems stupid18:01
JayDuggerQuantumG--their out-of-date page makes an opportunity to help them.18:10
QuantumGI'm entering lurk mode18:21
QuantumGon their irc channel/mailing list18:21
MrCliffor those who are still watching, wikileaks.org has been taken.18:26
QuantumGmeh, it's an off topic question18:26
QuantumGsomeone cut him off and move on18:26
MrClifperhaps but censorship is a tool for controlling would be free societies.18:28
QuantumGheh, I guess someone heard me18:28
MrClifyep they were censored18:28
MrClifjust what you wanted eh?18:28
QuantumGpretty funny considering that panel started with the question "what's this got to do with transhumanism?"18:29
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QuantumGgoing off-topic is contagious18:29
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joshcryerWhat was the OT question?18:36
QuantumGabout wikileaks taking down sites.. 18:37
QuantumGthe speaker happened to mention that he worked for Network Solutions 10 years ago18:37
QuantumGerr, wikileaks dns being taken down I mean18:37
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joshcryerQuantumG, sounds perfectly on topic. ;P22:23
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kanzurei cant seem to get iwconfig to connect me to any of these APs23:18
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