
--- Log opened Sat Jan 01 00:00:04 2011
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Utopiah"ranking/scoring algorithms for social .. site.. stuff" , nop but a safe one could be the presence of more knowledgeable peers already present on it03:55
kanzurethe correct way to bicycle http://i28.tinypic.com/29l1ekh.jpg05:10
kanzure<3 it's 7am and for some reason all these russian transhumanists are emailing me about "nanoengineer vorkcamp" starting 2 hours ago and why wasn't i there05:13
kanzuremore fun in russian: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/Инженерия органов и тканей - состояние и перспективы.ppt05:21
kanzure"Yes, but the reason the US machines were able to take off is because the European mills were all destroyed or put out of business by the people who worked, owned, or invested in the manually run non-industrialized mills."05:30
kanzure"If the Europeans hadn't so soundly rejected the new processes then industry in the US would have floundered by being unable to produce goods at competitive prices."05:31
kanzure"Today we remember these angry Europeans -- who are infamous for storming the new mills and breaking the machines -- for the name of one of the most outspoken among them: George Ludd. Yes, they were the Luddites."05:31
kanzure"Yes, the plans were stolen away to the US, but they were not being used in Europe because the technology was socially unacceptable!"05:31
kanzure"I'm pretty sure that machines were used in Europe, the Luddites were not successful. Although they had the right intentions: machinery lowered the pay and job security of the workers for the benefit of the mill owners."05:31
uniqanomalyHAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!05:33
kanzurechina's restricted foreign investment industries http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-11/17/content_735892.htm05:40
kanzureanother one: http://www.xing.com/net/chinesebusinessclub/foreign-investment-policy-509115/catalogue-of-prohibited-foreign-investment-industries-29826692/05:41
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-67-163-156-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:53
uniqanomalychinese are sealing off as much as they can05:54
uniqanomalyi don't get it05:54
uniqanomalywell, protection of their own industries05:55
uniqanomalyi guess they will regulate how many dreams per night person can have, when they will have technology for that ...05:56
Utopiahis that original?06:04
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Utopiahwhen one gains financial and political weight to legiferate in order to give an advantage to its own industry sector, I would tend to think that every raising country did as such06:21
-!- augur_ [~augur@c-71-196-120-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:50
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:50
Lukas_Good morning06:51
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kanzureLukas_: if you care about backlogs http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-01-01.log06:54
Lukas_Thank you06:54
Lukas_I have independently come to the conclusion that Lepht is insane06:55
kanzurewhy is that06:55
Lukas_I saw a few videos of her procedures.  I am sure that there is a safer way to do it06:56
Lukas_I understand how it is to be 'financially challenged', and to improv06:56
Lukas_but this seems a bit over the top06:56
kanzureyes i imagine that's why it got on wired.com.. shock value :)06:58
Lukas_but I admire her gusto06:58
Lukas_very few people would be willing to literally 'give their right arm' in order to expand their senses06:59
kanzurehave you asked?06:59
kanzureCitizen Science Genomics as a Model for Crowdsourced Preventive Medicine Research http://www.jopm.org/evidence/research/2010/12/23/citizen-science-genomics-as-a-model-for-crowdsourced-preventive-medicine-research/http://www.jopm.org/evidence/research/2010/12/23/citizen-science-genomics-as-a-model-for-crowdsourced-preventive-medicine-research/07:01
kanzurejust one link :)07:01
kanzureauthors: Melanie Swan, Kristina Hathaway, Chris Hogg, Raymond McCauley & Aaron Vollrath07:01
-!- augur_ is now known as augur07:01
kanzurehm.. i recognize the names but kristina, chris and aaron don't talk with me much07:02
Lukas_thanks for the link07:02
kanzure"We would like to acknowledge Takashi Kido and William Reinhardt for sharing their genotypic and phenotypic data, and many individuals who shared their genetic data for research purposes including David Orban, Geoffrey Shmigelsky, Eri Gentry, Todd Huffman, Fadi Bishara, Richard Leis, Jr., Mark Even Jensen, Misha Angrist,"07:03
kanzurei'm surprised to see david orban and richard leis listed there07:03
uniqanomaly"crowdsourced preventive medicine" sounds funny in time when most herbs are getting illegal in US & EU07:04
Lukas_I like this type of citizen science07:05
Lukas_less blood and cutting going on07:05
kanzurethis is not "diy human enhancement"07:08
Lukas_I know07:09
Lukas_still citizen science (partially)07:09
Lukas_and it could yield lots of useful data07:10
uniqanomalythis is totally retarded07:42
uniqanomaly"BEIJING -- China is going after Internet phone services such as Skype in a move to protect the country's state-owned telephone companies, causing alarm among consumers who rely on cheap Internet calls. "07:42
Lukas_should we really be surprised?07:45
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-67-163-156-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:52
Lukas_Good morning delinqentme07:54
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Lukas_Good morning phreedom08:07
phreedomhi :)08:08
delinquentmehey kanzure08:11
delinquentmeyou around homeslice?08:11
delinquentmemakerbot anyone :D?08:12
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archelsWorth buying? The suggestion is apparently that we can influence the length of our telomeres via diet/exercise/etc.11:03
kanzurei can send you a whole slew of emails arguing about whether or not that book is worth your time11:04
kanzureif i had your email address11:04
archelsHow about the conclusion? ;)11:05
kanzurei haven't read all 50 of these11:07
kanzureaubrey/fahy going back and forth like 20 times11:07
archelsah, yes I would like to read that.11:07
archelspming email address11:07
kanzureanyway, i'm having a brainfart at the moment..11:07
kanzurethere are three "big names" in research in boston that i keep running into11:08
kanzuregeorge church, george whitesides, and what's the other?11:08
kanzurei'm not thinking of ed boyden :)11:09
kanzurechurch's contemporary.. i guess is venter?11:09
kanzurebut venter is not in boston11:09
kanzurearchels: sent11:12
archelsreceived, thank you11:13
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kanzurewow why does hplusmagazine.com host all of its images on imageshack?11:19
delinquentme^ ghetto11:19
delinquentmekanzure :D makerbot much?11:19
kanzurei don't have one if that's what you're asking11:19
delinquentmecan you talk intelligently about how it places the moving platform?11:21
delinquentmeim assuming it would be the same manner in which a printer works..11:21
kanzureno, i forget whether it's using servos or steppers11:22
delinquentmeis it as simple as the step motor gets a variable and it locates itself to that variable?11:22
-!- Daeken [~daeken@straylight.daeken.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:25
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:30
Lukas_Does anyone here know python?11:30
kanzuresince you said the other day you don't do any programming i suggest http://trypython.org/11:31
kanzurealthough http://tryruby.org/ holds your hand more :x11:31
kanzurethere's also #python with lots of helpful people11:32
-!- AlonzoTG [~atg@dsl092-168-049.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:33
Lukas_I am in the process of learning now11:33
Lukas_it is ...11:34
kanzureno, it is simple. just make sure you have an interpreter open so you can test things out quickly.11:34
kanzurea little overview of the russian transhumanist movement (rtm/rtd):11:35
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Lukas_If Russia succeeds with this ban they'll only retard their growth11:40
Lukas_The interpreter is a great help11:44
kanzuredanila speaks/writes english11:44
kanzurei don't think he uses an interpreter11:44
Lukas_sorry, I meant for programming11:47
Lukas_I wasn't paying attention to my previous post11:47
-!- Tarvis [ad34da08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:47
kanzurehi Tarvis11:48
kanzuretoday's backlog: http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-01-01.log11:49
TarvisThank you11:49
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kanzurehi AlonzoTG12:09
AlonzoTGafter reading a ton of e-mail today, now I'm watching Evtv.me12:09
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Lukas_Internet phail12:27
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Lukas_Does anyone happen to live in Chicago?12:44
AlonzoTGlemme get this straight,13:04
AlonzoTGIn the middle of a discussion about how many M-brains we should build, I am accused of having a "conspiracy theory" about other transhumanists conspiring to prevent me from having a place to enjoy my cyberneticaly enhanced body?13:05
kanzureno you're accused of bullshitting13:06
kanzurei've been reading your emails for quite a while now.13:06
kanzurei'd love to complain about this.. but later. bbl13:06
AlonzoTGFew people bother to point to factual errors I make.13:07
kanzurefactual error #1: computronium does not exist13:07
AlonzoTGIt exists in a weak form. You may or may not choose to call it computronium proper.13:07
-!- Sneakthief [~Sneakthie@unaffiliated/sneakthief] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:07
kanzurehi Sneakthief13:07
SneakthiefGood morning.13:08
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Lukas_Thanks for the link13:13
Lukas_I find it strange tha a guide was written on colonizing Mars though no human has ever set foot on the planet13:19
archelskanzure: Interesting read, although I didn't see any emails by De Grey. Looks like a purchase might be worthwhile. I saw a mention of ALCAR and NAC supplements, which I've heard about before but never really got into very deeply. Maybe the book will save me scouring the web for info on those. :)13:23
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kanzureoh de grey did other emails13:34
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Lukas_Was there another link that I missed?13:38
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joshcryerAlonzoTG, link to the drama about people calling you on a supposed conspiracy??13:54
Lukas_I too would like to see this13:55
* joshcryer assumes some mailing list13:56
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AlonzoTG(14:23:21) kanzure: but leave your computronium conspiracy theories out of it14:06
eriduI noticed Wired seemed to misgender Anonym14:17
joshcryerReread yesterdays log.14:18
joshcryerCould be that kanzure was jumping the gun.14:18
joshcryerQuantumG's first 2011 blog post: "Let's do Mars without Super Heavy. Oh shit, Super Heavy is better." >:P14:22
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Lukas_I've inherited a few years worth of old electronics14:42
Lukas_and I've got no clue what to do with them14:43
AlonzoTGI'm using a 50 year old amplifier as the L and R of my home theater system! =P14:43
Lukas_wires, a computer monitor, and old PS2 controllers14:45
Lukas_I was thinking of extracting the magnets, but I am not sure what I'd do with it14:46
joshcryerWhenever I see a speaker out by the garbage I take out my multitool and extract the battery, haha.14:48
joshcryerwhy did I write battery?14:48
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Lukas_Is anyone here in college?15:21
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Lukas_Hullo travis16:37
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Lukas_does anyone have any decent literature on self experimentation?17:04
joshcryerQuestioning your sexuality? j/k17:07
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Lukas_no, I am 100% male17:10
QuantumGjoshcryer: define 'better'17:10
QuantumGthe grass is always greener17:10
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QuantumGit was in reply to "Super Heavy is better"17:13
joshcryerI tease QuantumG.17:14
joshcryerI want to see numbers on refurbished first stages.17:15
joshcryerSadly we won't see those numbers (assuming they can do it) for years yet.17:15
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:16
QuantumGusing Falcon 9 it's 17 stages you have to dock together.17:19
QuantumG$952M per 30t throw (plus the flights to actually get the payload up there)17:20
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joshcryerThis is still within the range of any of NASA's Mars estimates.17:21
joshcryerIt's also a sucide mission.17:21
QuantumGthat's what Mars Direct is17:21
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joshcryerYeah true.17:22
QuantumGI didn't invent the 30t to Mars Transfer requirement, I'm just saying how to do it with (mostly) existing boosters.17:22
QuantumGpersonally, I think you could make do with 10t to Mars Transfer17:22
QuantumGso long as you're happy getting to the surface of Mars, looking around for a while, then dying there, it's fine.17:23
QuantumGit'll only cost you $400M in launch costs.17:24
joshcryerThat's an awful lot of money to spend to kill yourself though.17:24
joshcryerA hundred or so million more and you can send supplies to retire there.17:24
joshcryerYou'd be in a can the rest of your life though.17:24
QuantumGno, ya can't.17:24
QuantumGmaybe if you had some means to grow food you could I suppose17:25
QuantumGotherwise you need about 2500kg per year per person.17:26
joshcryerHmm, you're right.17:27
Lukas_aeroponics systems?17:27
joshcryerI calculated 20 tonnes of MREs for 30 years and decided that you'd be better off with greenhouses.17:28
QuantumGa machine that can pull oxygen (and argon or nitrogen) from the Mars atmosphere?  sure, I can believe that.  A regenerative way to scrub CO2?  sure, I can believe that.  A light weight way to grow food forever.. easy except for the "light weight" part.17:29
joshcryerYou're assuming 75 tonnes for 30 years though, I think that's a wee bit high. Is that also oxygen consumables etc?17:29
QuantumGthat said, genetically engineered crops that will happily grow on the surface of Mars.. I think it could be done.17:30
Lukas_I'd be much easier to streamline our own biochemistry IMO17:31
QuantumGpfft.. then no-one will care17:31
QuantumGmight as well send monkeys to live on Mars17:31
joshcryerYou could theoretically live off of vitamins and some sort of protein algae growing thingy.17:31
joshcryerIt'd be nasty but you'd live.17:31
QuantumGwe're humans, we're chauvinistic, get used to it.17:32
joshcryerIn a tin can.17:32
QuantumG6424kg / year / person with no ISRU17:32
joshcryerAnd in one reply you showed why ISRU is necessary.17:32
QuantumGyou could do better with some ISS technology.. and even better with some closed loop lifesupport.17:33
joshcryerDoesn't need to be totally closed Mars has resources.17:33
QuantumGbut the Mars atmosphere is there, so use it17:33
joshcryerNo need to recycle water if it's too energy intensive.17:33
QuantumGyeah, jumpboy did some analysis17:34
joshcryerthis made me lol, just read it: http://singularityhub.com/2010/12/15/a-robot-stole-my-job-automation-in-the-recession/17:34
joshcryerYeah I'm looking forward to his complete analysis, he has a lot (almost a decades worth) of forum posts to go by.17:34
joshcryerI have bad ideas, obviously.17:34
Lukas_I hate to kill the Mars excitement, but I think a space habitat is more efficient17:35
QuantumGthat's irrelevant.. some people want to go to Mars and they hold stupid opinions that must be crushed.17:35
joshcryerEh, we'll rid ourselves of Mars eventually, but until then, and as long as we're human, it doesn't hurt to fantasize. :P17:36
QuantumGif you want to talk them out of their malignant moronosity you have to flatter their surface-lust.17:36
joshcryerWe're in a channel that invariably leads to "everyone will live in a virtual universe, end."17:37
joshcryerWhich reminds me, Iain Banks finally addressed his main flaw about "death."17:37
Lukas_O.o - I prefer this reality17:37
joshcryerTypically Culture people allowed themselves to die at 300.17:37
joshcryerAnd he kept hammering this point home.17:37
joshcryerI mean, book after book. Finally he invents heaven and hells. No one ever really dies, they just colasce into the hivemind when they die in The Real.17:38
joshcryerFun stuff, enjoying Surface Details a lot.17:38
Lukas_Is that actually plausible?17:38
joshcryer(of course some people can, happily and willingly, submit to total death, ie non-existance, but even then their memories become part of the hive)17:38
Lukas_This sounds very much Avatar-like17:39
joshcryerLukas_, there have been computablity limits suggested, but it's utterly and entirely possible. The Culture is only marginially fictional with the physics we know of now. At the bare minimum we'll have "minds."17:39
joshcryerThey won't exist in subspace, and don't need to.17:40
QuantumGI finally subscribed to The Lurio Report .. that guy does great marketing17:40
joshcryerIMO there are two routes to take, hiveminds where all seientience moves to large computing substrates orbting around strong energy sources, and iminds, people who chose to have their own transhuman bodies in The Real who have, themselves, computablity allowing them to have their own realities in their head.17:41
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Lukas_What profession are you guys going for?17:51
AlonzoTGByte me, josh, NO VR FOR ME!!!18:03
joshcryerLukas_, I never went to college, and my profession is construction. I want to do nothing for a living.18:04
* joshcryer uploads AlonzoTG and AlonzoTG doesn't even know it18:04
Lukas_that is awesome18:04
joshcryerNothing = sitting on some land with solar power and waste recycling systems and aeroponics food growing systems etc.18:05
joshcryerThere's really only one example of someone being truly self-sufficient in modern times.18:05
joshcryer(Dick Proenneke)18:06
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Lukas_Admirable goal18:08
AlonzoTGI support anything that doesn't involve uploading me. =P18:09
joshcryerThere is *no* example, that I am aware of, of someone doing this with modern luxuries, such as a hot shower, and electronics. :)18:09
joshcryerAlonzoTG, how about a body upgrade?18:09
AlonzoTGSure, that is the near-term end goal of my project.18:10
Lukas_I myself have decided that many scientists and engineers are too politically correct to work towards H+ technology outright - thus I am going for a 4 year degree in Biomedical Engineering18:10
Lukas_at least I can decide how I want to alter myself, and do it (semi-self sufficiently)18:10
AlonzoTGI don't have a big enough stick to accomplish anything in biomed; therefore I'm going the AI route.18:10
AlonzoTGthen use a neural interface to merge with the AI, then it's off to the races. ;)18:10
Lukas_big enough stick?18:11
AlonzoTG-- enough leverage.18:11
joshcryerLukas_, very nice, I like it.18:11
joshcryerLukas_, how old are you if I may ask?18:11
AlonzoTGI'm working on a book called "bicybernetics or how to become a comic book superhero"18:11
AlonzoTGI was 18 once.18:11
joshcryerAlonzoTG, merging with AI is the same as uploading, silly. :P18:12
joshcryerLukas_ :)18:12
AlonzoTGFUCK YOU, JOSH.18:12
joshcryerLukas_, from Latin America?18:12
Lukas_Do you consider Guyana a part of Latin America?  If so, only half18:12
Lukas_my father hails from Lebanon18:12
joshcryerLukas_, ahh, very cool!18:12
AlonzoTGSeriously, josh, fuck you.18:13
joshcryerAlonzoTG, :( I am only kidding dude.18:13
Lukas_he is trolling18:13
joshcryerAlonzoTG, are you familiar with memristors?18:13
AlonzoTGYes, I spent a fair amount of time trying to master the mathematics of meristors, I only managed to give myself a headache. \18:14
joshcryerLukas_, your writing style led me to believe Latin America / South America (interchangable for me). :)18:14
joshcryerLukas_, I always guess wrong though.18:14
joshcryerAlonzoTG, eh, I only think of them as state machines.18:14
Lukas_Really?  Why do you think that?18:14
joshcryerLukas_, I am not sure. Your English is very good.18:15
Lukas_thank you18:15
AlonzoTGAlright, josh, find me one author besides myself who :18:15
AlonzoTGA. Talks about merging with an AI by means of a neural interface.18:15
AlonzoTGB. refers to anything except copying as uploading.18:16
joshcryerIs this you?18:17
Lukas_and the trolling continues ....18:18
joshcryerSorry. :P18:18
AlonzoTGLemme read this thread and get back to you.18:18
AlonzoTGI don't think I'm seeing the article, but I'm seeing the comments.18:19
AlonzoTGmy computer is marginally broken right now, (as it usually is)18:19
Lukas_Full A.I integration makes little sense to me18:19
Lukas_human augmentation with certain programs would be nice though18:20
Lukas_I dislike the idea of having another mind in my head18:20
joshcryerAlonzoTG, there's no article, it's a comment thread.18:20
AlonzoTGI'm kinda freakish in that respect.18:21
AlonzoTGextremely. =(18:21
AlonzoTGhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/massconjoinment/   << founded this group about ten years ago.18:22
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joshcryerLukas_ haha18:23
joshcryerAhh, I love diversity of thought especially when you get weird non-conventional fringe stuff. :)18:23
joshcryerBut I also like the hivemind concept.18:24
Lukas_I suppose just as long all parties are consenting adults ....18:24
joshcryerAnd figure eventually that's what's happening.18:24
joshcryerAlonzoTG, whatever substrates your minds exist on is going to require an upload in a metaphorical sense, though, even if it's a gradual thing.18:25
joshcryerAlonzoTG, you will no longer be an individual with individual identity.18:25
AlonzoTGI'm of two minds on that subject.18:25
joshcryerAhhhhhh, borg_collective, nice name, and a transhuman subject, haha, fun.18:26
AlonzoTGThe uploaders have defined their terms carefully and with excruciating specificity. I will therefore not use it.18:26
joshcryerI will admit that I do not know what term you are thinking I am using upload as.18:27
joshcryerFor me it is very generic.18:27
AlonzoTGNo it's not.18:27
Lukas_Are you guys familiar with the Geth of Mass Effect?18:27
joshcryerIf there are "uploaders" out there who have a more specific term then I am unaware of it, and not using it.18:27
joshcryerLukas_, nope, haven't played it, that reminds me to pirate it.18:27
AlonzoTGAnders Sandberg wrote the definitive work on the subject, the brain emulation roadamp.18:27
Lukas_At any rate, they are a race of cybernetics that can transfer memories and other data between 'platforms'18:28
Lukas_though they can maintain individuality18:28
Lukas_if they so desire18:28
joshcryerAlonzoTG, don't you think your brain is going to be emulated when it is copied to the AI substrate?18:29
Lukas_and if a platform dies, the memories aren't destroyed18:29
joshcryerAlonzoTG or are you refuising to allow any of your identity to go beyond brain mush?18:29
Lukas_that is an idea hive mind18:29
joshcryerLukas_, agree.18:29
joshcryerA hivemind is basically a big ass computational substrate, basically a second universe with lots of redundancy.18:29
joshcryerUniverses within universes, even.18:30
Lukas_actually, if I had the money to go to school for a bit longer, I'd look into that18:30
joshcryerLukas_, no scholarship?18:30
Lukas_limited, with the contemporary economy18:31
joshcryerSorry to hear that.18:31
Lukas_at first I barely had enough money for some decent food18:31
Lukas_but such is life18:31
joshcryerFortunately the internet is available to you.18:31
Lukas_hopefully the rewards will pay off18:31
Lukas_Google is lord18:32
Lukas_Google is our benefactor18:32
Lukas_Google is ALL18:32
joshcryerGoogle is clearly the beginning of the hivemind!18:33
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Lukas_I wonder how much 'neural space' Google takes up in the Internet's 'brain'18:34
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Lukas_fission mailed18:35
joshcryerYou mailed me the secrets to nuclear fission?18:36
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Lukas_internet joke, sorry18:36
kanzurei'm re-reading http://hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/greatest-good-greatest-number-interview-thomas-mccabe-humanity-plus-program-director18:36
joshcryerI know, you exchanged the first letter of each word... w/e18:36
kanzure"At the same time, there's no one who can say "this technology looks like it will lead to individual terrorists having the power to destroy continents, so let's not have anyone fund it". My ultimate end goal is to achieve that, and then once that is done, everything else will follow in fairly short order."18:36
joshcryerUnfortunate placement of "that."18:37
joshcryerLukas_, the quote sounds like McCabe wants to have the power to destroy continents.18:38
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joshcryerHe actually means what he said?18:39
Lukas_I get that, hence the confusion I am experiencing18:39
joshcryerI'm sorry, I'm the one being confusing.18:39
Lukas_That must be a major quote fail18:39
joshcryerHe actually means to spread the idea that H+ can lead to terrorists having the pwer to destory continents!18:39
joshcryerNo Lukas_ he means what he siad, I thought it was a quote fail.18:40
joshcryerTo some, this might sound like a negative thing, because it would involve restricting some lines of research which are likely to be dangerous. However, the historical record is that, under our current regime of research and innovation, the very first time we developed a technology with the power to kill billions (nuclear weapons), we almost wiped out our civilization. We must, therefore,18:40
joshcryerhandle the development of these technologies differently.18:40
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joshcryerH+, to me, means open and honest existance.18:42
joshcryerBecause if you are lying and conspiring the other side will invariably know.18:42
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Lukas_Not even sure where to begin with that line of thought18:42
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kanzurejoshcryer: no my problem is that tom is two-facing everyone there18:44
kanzurehe's calling for top-down control of technological development18:44
joshcryerkanzure, that's the obvious result of saying "evil people can use this technology too!"18:45
Lukas_that usually doesn't work out too well for society18:45
Lukas_what would a world look like if H+ technology is illegal?18:45
Lukas_see: 1930s USA (if I am correct)18:46
joshcryerIt'd look like H-.18:47
Lukas_I don't like the idea of souped up criminals having exclusive 'rights' on H+ tech18:48
joshcryerkanzure, top-down control of technological development is why SingInst still doesn't have any code.18:49
joshcryer(and why they appear to have even given up making a strong ai)18:49
joshcryerLukas_, we're always going to have deviants, just imagine if a 4chan dude got a hold of some uber tech.18:50
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joshcryernon-poliferation of H+ tech is just retarded.18:50
Lukas_O_o ... imagine if the entire swarm got a hold of uber tech?  Scientology wouldn't stand a chance.18:50
kanzure"wah some plague could wipe us out"18:51
kanzure*yes* and it has happened before18:51
kanzurewhining about it won't stop a plague in its tracks18:51
kanzureasteroids too :)18:52
joshcryerAhh, McCabe is Kurzweil affiliated.18:52
joshcryerKurzweil has this same basic position doesn't he?18:52
Lukas_better to be prepared than to hide from every shadow that shows itself18:52
joshcryerDon't let dirty terrorists have technology.18:52
Lukas_I was never much of a Kurzweil fan18:54
joshcryerFrankly I don't even see why you should even amuse the terrorist question.18:56
Lukas_It seems pretty common sense to me18:57
joshcryerTerrorists are not exactly enlightened individuals.19:00
joshcryerMost of the people developing the tech are dirty commie athiests.19:00
Lukas_I think all of Al Queda has one engineer19:01
Lukas_and he's been in some rat hole in Pakistan for the past few years19:01
Lukas_so his intellectual abilities aren't being put to any use19:01
joshcryerI'd be more worried about egomaniac insane people like Crake.19:02
Lukas_One man, no man19:05
Lukas_whatever he wants to accomplish, it can't be done alone (and this is if he intends to cause harm)19:06
Lukas_I'm checking out for the night, take care guys19:13
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AlonzoTGThat kurzweil form thread had a promising title but I don't think any of the posters saw the big picture.19:17
kanzurehrm how have i never heard of this guy http://www.halcyon.com/nanojbl/JBL/19:50
kanzurewhat? christine peterson keynoted at the o'reilly open source convention?19:51
kanzureLentivirus production for high-titer, cell-specific, in vivo neural labeling http://syntheticneurobiology.org/protocols/protocoldetail/31/1219:53
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kanzureman becomes his own wife http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/we-can-be-anything-we-want-to-be-genesis-p-orridge/20:22
joshcryerAlonzoTG, ugh?20:35
AlonzoTGWhy do people even attempt this with such horribly pathetic technology we have now?20:36
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kanzurehi jmil21:57
jmilyo yo ma21:58
jmilgoing afk, watching 2421:58
jmilhappy new year!!!!!21:58
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